White Sox Strive to Avoid Sweep Against Mariners on Thursday

  • 3 months ago
00:00The other Chicago team remains the worst in Major League Baseball. Just 17 wins for the
00:06White Sox. The next fewest win total is Miami with 23. So that's a six-game difference between
00:13the second worst and worst records in all of MLB. Looking to avoid a four-game sweep
00:18against the Mariners. Seattle a home favorite as Mark Zinno highlighted. Six and a half
00:24that pregame total tonight in the Northwest. And probably should be that way too. True
00:29pitchers ballpark. Two lineups that aren't really measuring up against these two pitchers.
00:33But having said that I'm actually going to take the plus money prize at plus 150 here on FanDuel
00:37with the bad baseball team the Chicago White Sox. Take a look at Garrett Croce on the mound.
00:42Last 30 days been 113 batters faced. 067 ISO waited on base percentage 205 pitching in a
00:48premier pitchers ballpark. And also keep in mind that Seattle lineup which can be clutch at times
00:52only two batters anticipated. JP Crawford and Ryan Bliss over the past month that had a positive
00:58ISO power number against left-handed pitching over the past 30 days. Flip it over to the
01:02Chicago White Sox. Castillo who is a named pitcher he does struggle with right-handed
01:07batters. There's a couple guys in that lineup tonight that should be able to take advantage
01:10of that. I think it's going to be lower scoring but I'll take that plus 150 price
01:14from the White Sox today over the Mariners.
