Morelli (Fondazione Istituto Danone): "Dieta mediterranea mix virtuoso di proteine"

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Quando parliamo di nutrizione parliamo di grassi, carboidrati e altro, ma i mattoni fondanti della nostra vita, del nostro corpo, sono le proteine. Proteine che possono avere origine animale o vegetale. La dieta mediterranea si basa da secoli sull’alternanza, su un mix virtuoso di proteine di origini diverse. Anche se come italiani siamo orgogliosi della dieta mediterranea, in realtà i dati ci smentiscono perché coloro che la seguono sono largamente sotto il 20%”. Lo ha detto Lorenzo Morelli, direttore scientifico della Fondazione Istituto Danone durante la presentazione del volume “Proteine nella dieta mediterranea”, tenutasi a Roma presso l’Aula dei Gruppi Parlamentari della Camera dei Deputati, iniziativa promossa dalla Fondazione Istituto Danone.


00:00What is the volume of proteins in the Mediterranean diet?
00:04The volume of proteins in the Mediterranean diet. How does it come about?
00:08What are the reasons that push a group of experts to write a volume of this kind?
00:13Proteins are the basis of nutrition.
00:16When we talk about nutrition, we talk about fats, carbohydrates, many things.
00:20But in reality, the founding blocks of our life, of our body, are proteins.
00:26Proteins that, however, can have different origins.
00:29They can come from animals, they can come from milk, they can come from vegetables.
00:33From many different origins.
00:35And the Mediterranean diet has made, over the centuries, a choice.
00:40A choice of alternation, of virtuous mix, between proteins that come from different origins.
00:47Even if we all talk about the Mediterranean diet, as Italians we are proud of the Mediterranean diet.
00:54In reality, the data do not support us.
00:56Because the Italians who follow the Mediterranean diet, in reality, are not many.
01:01They are largely below 20%.
01:04So, at this point, it was important to make the point of the situation
01:08and go and collect in a volume the evidence that can, and that can,
01:13advise the entire public a precise, eye-catching choice, based on science,
01:19among the various protein sources.
01:21The Danone Institute Foundation has had a precise goal for almost 30 years.
01:27To provide information based on science.
01:31We live in a world that is denied by information.
01:35You just open the computer, type in a few questions, and we are really overwhelmed by information.
01:40But how much of this information is based on real data?
01:45How many could be subject to fact-checking, to a control?
01:49Very few of these.
01:51So, historically, the role of the Danone Institute Foundation has been
01:55to take a topic, have it studied by experts,
01:59produce a volume that was in the hands of doctors,
02:04addicts, and workers.
02:06For a few years, another sector of commitment has been added to the Danone Institute Foundation.
02:11To produce volumes that can go to the general public,
02:15that can go to bookstores and be purchased.
02:17And today, we are adding one last piece of collaboration.
02:21That with the institutions, precisely to dialogue together
02:25and work together for correct nutritional information.
