Spider-Woman Spider-Woman E007 The Kongo Spider

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00La vieille espèce qui a été détruite par un espèce de poisson, Jessica Drew.
00:07Et c'est Jessica Drew, qui était un enfant qui, en visite à son laboratoire, a été brûlée par un espèce de poisson.
00:14Forcée à goûter un sirop de poisson sans test, le Dr Drew a non seulement sauvé la vie de sa fille,
00:19mais a également donné à sa fille une incroyable puissance comme une espèce de poisson.
00:23Dedicated to fighting evil while weaving her web of justice, it's Spider-Woman.
00:53La vieille espèce qui a été détruite par un espèce de poisson, Jessica Drew.
01:23La vieille espèce qui a été détruite par un espèce de poisson, Jessica Drew.
01:54Hey, you overgrown insect! Put them down!
02:03I better stop that giant spider before he gives my family a bad name.
02:09Uh-oh, gotta act fast.
02:14My venom blast will do the trick.
02:24I'd better get back to Justice Magazine before I miss my lunch date with Jeff and Billy.
02:32Cut! Print!
02:34That was perfect. This is going to be the greatest adventure film ever made.
02:39Right, C.J.
02:41I'm glad you like it.
02:43I'm glad you like it.
02:45I'm glad you like it.
02:47I'm glad you like it.
02:49I'm glad you like it.
02:51I'm glad you like it.
02:52Right, C.P. And with Spider-Woman as the star, it'll be a box office blockbuster.
02:58Yes, and her co-star will be just as great.
03:01Too bad neither of them will be around for the premiere.
03:09When I said I'd take you out to lunch, Jessica, this wasn't quite what I had in mind.
03:13Oh, that's okay, Jeff.
03:15This way we can get back to work quicker and get out this month's issue of Justice Magazine on time.
03:20Hey, get a load of this!
03:22Spider-Woman saves African village from giant congo spider.
03:26This is big news. We've got to cover this story.
03:29What's to cover? Sounds like the story's already wrapped up to me.
03:32Oh, something tells me that story isn't over.
03:35It looks like that giant jungle spider hasn't learned its lesson yet.
03:38I think Billy's developing a good nose for news.
03:41And as soon as we get to Africa, we'll find out.
03:51Hey, looks like Spider-Woman is becoming a real superhero.
03:55I mean, superheroine.
03:57Well, old Spidey, better check out that African village, just in case.
04:03After all, I wouldn't want a woman spider getting all the headlines.
04:20Oh, no! It's the congo spider!
04:23Let's get out of here.
04:51Jumping spiders?
04:53I mean, we'd better jump if we don't want that spider to get us.
05:01Oh, no! We're stuck in the spider's giant web!
05:06It's incredible!
05:08What drama! What jeopardy!
05:10What a movie!
05:12It's incredible!
05:14What drama! What jeopardy!
05:17What drama! What jeopardy!
05:19What a movie!
05:21Zoom in for a close-up, Crank.
05:23If my hunch is right, our co-star should be arriving any second.
05:27All right, CB.
05:29Snapping spider bites.
05:31I can't spider change in front of Billy and Jeff.
05:34But if I don't do something fast,
05:36there may not be any Spider-Woman left to change into.
05:48It's Spider-Man!
05:50Hi, Dan. Just stick around while Spidey does his thing.
05:54Wow! Thanks, Spider-Man.
05:57I don't know what we would have done without you.
06:00I hate to change the subject, but you three better split.
06:03The danger isn't over.
06:05Thanks for the advice. We'll be careful.
06:09Cut! That was wonderful, Spider-Man.
06:12A brilliant performance.
06:14I'm glad you liked it.
06:16You better let me go before I get madder than a trapped tarantula.
06:21Very funny, Spider-Man.
06:23This isn't a comedy, and you are going nowhere.
06:26Go for it.
06:27Yes, CB.
06:28Prepare the next set.
06:30When those three reporters arrive at the village,
06:32I'll get a million dollars worth of publicity.
06:38Phew! We made it.
06:41Gosh! It looks like someone's shooting a movie.
06:44I wonder what this stuff is doing here.
06:46I can answer that.
06:47Who are you?
06:48Why, he's the greatest director in the world.
06:51Thank you, Gopher.
06:52And thank you, Miss True,
06:54for coming all the way to Africa
06:56to cover the filming of the greatest movie epic of my career,
07:00The Congo Spider,
07:02featuring the two greatest superstars of all time.
07:06And just who would they be?
07:08Why, Spider-Man and Spider-Woman, of course.
07:12I think Spider-Woman may have something to say about that.
07:15Golly! That's great!
07:17We have filming to do.
07:19Come, Gopher.
07:21There's something strange about that guy.
07:23Yes, very strange.
07:29Quiet on the set!
07:31Quiet on the set!
07:33Quiet on the set!
07:35Quiet on the set!
07:37Roll it!
07:38Camera rolling, CV.
07:40We've got to get out of this mad director's movie.
07:47Looks like I may not be around to pick up my Oscar.
07:51Gee! What's taking Spider-Man and Spider-Woman so long to get here?
07:55They're probably having a fight over who gets to weave the biggest web.
07:58Trembling tarantulas!
08:00I'm getting another spider sense.
08:02By the looks of things, Spider-Man's about to become a water spider the hard way.
08:08Listen, guys. Stay here until the director comes.
08:11I've got something important to take care of.
08:14I guess that director was right after all.
08:20Spider-Woman's about to make a starring appearance.
08:33I may be able to save Spider-Man with a spidery tightrope act.
08:40It's fantastic! This is the climax I've been waiting for.
09:03Marvellous! Marvellous! Keep the camera rolling!
09:06Wow! There must be an easier way to become a star.
09:09Hang on. I'll save us.
09:18Hey, not bad, little lady. That's almost as good as I'd have done.
09:21Come on. I think it's time we dealt with that mad movie maker.
09:33Bravo! Bravo!
09:35C'est un superbe travail d'acteur.
09:37Qu'est-ce qui te fait penser qu'on est acteur?
09:39Quand on sort d'ici, tu verras vraiment une performance.
09:41Prends-les au prochain défilé.
09:43On est prêts pour la scène finale.
09:51Je ne pense pas que le personnage de C.B. va se montrer.
09:54Regarde! C'est Spider-Man et Spider-Woman maintenant!
10:03Quiet on the set!
10:05Wow! This Hollywood stuff sure is great.
10:13Hey, haven't I seen you at the disco before?
10:21This is the scene I've been waiting for.
10:23It'll draw millions at the box office.
10:25Golly! That wacko director is in food for thought.
10:29Thanks for reminding me.
10:31Wonderful! Now say goodbye to each other.
10:34I want some real emotion before the spider eats you.
10:38I think I'm losing my love for spiders and fast.
10:41We may have a chance if my spider telepathy can work on that oversized bed bug.
10:49I'm sorry, but I have to go.
10:58It's working! He's following my telepathic commands!
11:04No! No!
11:06Cops! You've ruined my scene!
11:11Hey, help! Help! Let's get out of here!
11:17Well, I stopped him, Spidey.
11:20Not too bad for a female, hmm?
11:22Not bad at all, Spider-Woman.
11:24With a little help from me, you could be a top-notch web-crawling wall-climber.
11:27When you're ready for some pointers, just give me a call.
11:30Till then. See ya.
11:38That was terrific, Spider-Woman. You really showed that dizzy director.
11:42Thanks. But I'll take spidering over stardom any day.
11:46Speaking of stardom, I wonder where Jessica got lost.
11:49We'd better find her before she gets into trouble.
11:52Ready, CB? We're all loaded up.
11:54Those spidery superheroes have ruined my ending!
11:57But fortunately, I had my special effects people prepare for just such an emergency.
12:03I'll film my new ending scene in Paris!
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14:51Sous-titres réalisés par la communauté d'Amara.org
15:21Maintenant, pour l'ending du film, et Spider-Woman.
15:31Des lignes d'or. Je suis en train d'être espérée.
15:34Oh non, Spider-Woman est en trouble!
15:37Il faut qu'on s'approche et l'aider.
15:40Incroyable! Cette scène est meilleure que ce que j'ai rêvé!
15:44Je vais les détruire tous!
15:50On dirait que Spider-Woman essaie de voler mon éclairage!
15:53Qu'est-ce que j'ai pensé de ce directeur?
15:55Cette fois, je vais finir avec lui!
15:57Cette fois, je vais jouer pour de vrai!
16:03Oh non!
16:04Oh non!
16:05Oh non!
16:06Oh non!
16:07Oh non!
16:11Salut, petiteODYE.
16:12N'aillez pas craindre!
16:13Spider-Man est là!
16:15Aller apporter ce carton est la question!
16:17et c'est une armoire prête à votre défilé !
16:19Merci. Je pourrais retrouver le capteur.
16:20Vous arrêtez ce monstre mécanisé!
16:22Pas de problèmes.
16:23Laissez-moi la faire!
16:31Non. Ils s'en vont!
16:33Feu de la bonne humeur!
16:38C'est juste ma chance, ça ne vient pas avec un livre de directions.
16:43Alors, c'est parti.
16:47Regarde, c'est après nous.
16:57Doucement, chérie. Personne n'aime la bêtise.
17:02C'était magnifique, Spider-Man.
17:05Une fin de surprise pour ce film de réalisateur de Crackpot.
17:08En parlant d'une fin heureuse,
17:10que pensez-vous de manger avec moi à un petit café français ?
17:13Désolée, peut-être la prochaine fois.
17:15Je dois y aller.
17:17Très bien, tu penses que Spider demande de l'aide tous les jours.
17:27Tu as manqué une autre fin excitante, Jessica.
17:29Oui, c'est notre clé, Jessica.
17:31Tu peux sortir maintenant.
17:32Tu es sûre qu'on est en sécurité ?
17:34Oui, Spider-Woman et Spider-Man s'occupent de tout.
17:37Ah, c'est trop mal, j'ai une tante inquiétante.
17:40Pourquoi ne peux-tu pas être plus comme Spider-Woman ?
17:42Regarde, il y a un espèce d'espèce sur ton côté.
17:44Lâche-la !
17:46Je rigole, Billy.
17:48Pourquoi ne peux-tu pas être plus comme Spider-Man ?
18:04Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
