• l’année dernière
00:00Une fois, il y a longtemps, il y avait une petite fille qui s'appelait Emily.
00:25Et elle avait un magasin.
00:36C'était plutôt un magasin inhabituel, parce qu'il ne vendait rien.
00:40Vous voyez, tout dans ce magasin était quelque chose que quelqu'un avait perdu.
00:45Et qu'Emily avait trouvé.
00:47Et l'avait emporté chez Bagpuss.
00:50Emily's Cat Bagpuss.
00:53Le plus important.
00:56Le plus beau.
00:59Le plus magique.
01:02Le plus vieux chien de couture dans le monde entier.
01:12Un jour, Emily a trouvé quelque chose.
01:17Elle l'a emporté au magasin et l'a mis devant Bagpuss,
01:21qui était l'un de ces hommes qui dormaient, comme d'habitude, dans la fenêtre.
01:24Mais Emily a dit quelques mots magiques.
01:27Bagpuss, mon cher Bagpuss, vieux chien de couture,
01:31réveille-toi et regarde ce que je t'apporte.
01:34Réveille-toi, sois brillant, sois joli et léger.
01:37Bagpuss, écoute-moi chanter.
01:50Bagpuss était éveillé, et quand Bagpuss se réveille, tous ses amis se réveillent aussi.
01:55Les mousses sur l'organe de la mousse se sont réveillées et se sont étendues.
02:02Madeleine, la chouette.
02:06Gabriel, le toad.
02:11Et dernièrement, le professeur Yaffle, qui était un très distingué ancien woodpecker.
02:16Il a descendu de son bout de livre et a regardé ce que l'Emily avait apporté.
02:36Une boîte. Oui, une boîte.
02:39Une boîte de quoi, je me demande?
02:42Oh, c'est étrange. Une boîte avec une porte devant.
02:46Ce n'est pas une boîte, c'est une maison.
02:49Une maison? Non, c'est une boîte. Qui vivrait dans une boîte comme celle-là?
02:56Une maison de mousses? Ridicule.
03:12C'est ce qu'on a.
03:16Oh, oui. Très intéressant.
03:19Hmm, ça a l'air d'être une sorte de maison.
03:22Des fenêtres et des portes, regarde.
03:24Et une sorte de crâne au dessus.
03:26Il y a aussi un rouleau à côté.
03:28Très particulier.
03:30Je me demande quel genre de mousse vivrait dans ce genre de maison.
03:34Je sais! Je sais qui vivrait là-dedans!
03:36Tu le sais, Charlie Mouse? Dis-moi.
03:38Un miller.
03:40Un miller! Oui, bien sûr!
03:42C'est un milleur.
03:44Et c'est le milleur à côté.
03:46C'est un milleur d'eau.
03:48Bien sûr. Nous savons une chanson sur le miller, non, Gabriel?
03:51C'est vrai. Et les mousses ont aussi un rôle de musique pour ça.
03:59Le merveilleux organe de mousses mécanique!
04:11Plowman, plowman, plow me a field
04:14Turn me an acre of land
04:17Plowman, plowman, harrow the ground
04:20Drill in the seed and roll it down
04:23For the year will turn and the spring come round
04:27And the seed will grow
04:30Shine the sun and rain the rain
04:34For the shivery snow
04:37Frost and hail and wind again
04:40As the year will go
04:46Farmer, farmer, the field is ripe
04:49Tall and straight they stand
04:52Farmer, farmer, it's time to reap
04:56Time to combine the corn to keep
04:59The straw will grow and the chalk will leap
05:02And the grain will fall
05:06Shine the sun and rain the rain
05:09For the shivery snow
05:12Fog and sleet and hail again
05:16As the year will go
05:19Miller, miller, take up the grain
05:23Pour it out like sand
05:26Miller, miller, open the reel
05:29To turn the wheel and work the mill
05:33To grind the grain to flour
05:36And fill the sacks below
05:40Shine the sun and rain the rain
05:43For the shivery snow
05:47Hail and wind and sleet again
05:50As the year will go
05:55Baker, baker, the flour is here
05:59Soft and fine and bland
06:02Baker, baker, get out of bed
06:05Put that silly old hat on your head
06:08Bake me a loaf of golden bread
06:11And then I'll go
06:15Blow the wind and rain the rain
06:18For the shivery snow
06:22Soon the sun will shine again
06:25As the year will go
06:33Thank you very much. Thank you.
06:38Well, certainly we don't really know what it is
06:42except that it is some sort of mill or house.
06:45We don't know who lives there.
06:47I suppose somebody must live there.
06:49We'll ring the bell.
07:11You are all playing games again.
07:14Now please do be serious.
07:16We have to find out what that thing is for.
07:19It is a mouse mill.
07:22Oh, is it a toy?
07:24No, not a toy.
07:26A real mouse mill.
07:28A real mouse mill.
07:30A real mouse mill.
07:32What does it make?
07:34Chocolate biscuits.
07:36Chocolate biscuits.
07:39Oh, ridiculous.
07:41Little Sticks and Flapdoodle,
07:42there is no such thing as a mill
07:44that makes chocolate biscuits.
07:46What does it make the chocolate biscuits out of?
07:49Breadcrumbs and butter beans.
07:52Oh, no, no, no, no.
07:54No, no, no, no. Ridiculous, ridiculous.
07:56You can't.
07:57You can't make chocolate biscuits
07:59with breadcrumbs and butter beans.
08:01Are you ready, mice?
08:03All mice ready for duty, sir.
08:19Butter beans and breadcrumbs
08:22ready for inspection, sir.
08:25Oh, oh.
08:27Very good, very good.
08:29Thank you, Charlie Mouse.
08:31Yes, well.
08:32Yes, yes, yes.
08:33Very well.
08:34Carry on, then.
08:35Thank you.
08:36Come on.
08:37Bring them over here.
08:39Which do you want first?
08:41Breadcrumbs first, please.
08:44Heave! Heave! Heave!
08:48Heave! Heave! Heave!
08:53That's the breadcrumbs.
08:55Now the butter beans.
09:02Heave! Heave! Heave! Heave!
09:12The marvelous mechanical mouse mill.
09:22Heave! Heave! Heave! Heave!
09:30Hey, look.
09:31A chocolate biscuit.
09:45More breadcrumbs.
09:47More butter beans.
09:49Here we go.
09:53Heave! Heave! Heave! Heave!
10:04Hmm! Chocolate biscuits.
10:06Hmm! Real chocolate biscuits.
10:09I think I might just taste one.
10:13Oh, he's taken it away.
10:15They are chocolate biscuits, all right, Yapple.
10:18The mice put breadcrumbs and butter beans in the top
10:21et de la chocolate fruits.
10:23Ho ho ho impossible, impossible.
10:26je ne crois pas.
10:27Ce n'est pas vrai.
10:28Je vais à l'arrière pour voir
10:29ce qui se passe.
10:31Ouh ouh ouh ouh ouh
10:35Ouh ouh ouh ouh
10:41Oui, oui, oui, oui, oui, oui.
10:46D'accord, arrêtez le mâle.
10:50Let us see what goes on here.
10:53Now then, there is the place where the breadcrumbs go in.
10:57And that leads down to, yes, the breadcrumb bag.
11:01And that's the place where the butter beans went in.
11:04And that leads down to, yes, the butter bean bag.
11:09And then I suppose you mice wheel the bags round to the front and hoist them up again.
11:13That's right, that's what we do.
11:15So what makes the chocolate biscuits?
11:17Put a chocolate biscuit on here, it slides down the chute.
11:24And Willie Mouse brings it back again.
11:29So you use the same chocolate biscuits over and over again.
11:34That's right, over and over again.
11:37So it's all a trick.
11:39You don't make chocolate biscuits out of butter beans and breadcrumbs.
11:43Oh no! Oh no!
11:49It's a trick, it's a deception, it's an illusion, a rotten trick.
11:53Bagpuss, do you realise those mice have been playing a trick on us?
11:57Do you realise? Bagpuss! Bagpuss!
11:59Oh, yes, well, I thought it was a trick.
12:03I did sort of suspect it.
12:05I mean, you can't really make chocolate biscuits out of butter beans and...
12:11Look out everybody, Bagpuss is going to sleep again.
12:14Push the mill into the window, quick now, he'll be asleep in a minute.
12:18Hurry! Laffle, back on your bookend, quick!
12:28Bagpuss gave a big yawn and settled down to sleep.
12:33And of course when Bagpuss goes to sleep, all his friends go to sleep too.
12:39The mice were ornaments on the mouse organ.
12:42Gabriel and Madeleine were just dolls.
12:44And Professor Laffle was a carved wooden bookend in the shape of a woodpecker.
12:49Even Bagpuss himself, once he was asleep, was just an old, saggy, cloth cat.
12:54Baggy and a bit loose at the seams.
12:57But Emily loved him.
13:08To be continued...
