Batfink E014

  • il y a 4 mois
00:39Glou !
00:41Il doit être gloui-loui !
00:45That zinc !
00:46All America is counting on you to find gloui-loui and recover Benjamin Franklin's kite !
00:51What do you say ?
00:53Only one thing, chief !
00:55Karate, the battle act !
01:02Je dois trouver le cache de gloui-loui !
01:05Mon radar sonore supersonique m'aidera !
01:15Le radar sonore zinc !
01:17Si il pense qu'il peut attraper gloui-loui, il est fou !
01:30That zinc, your sonar radar is all gloui !
01:33It's not only gloui, it's gone gloui !
01:36But the glou is a clue !
01:38It's still wet, so gloui can't be far !
01:47Karate, you go the back way and I'll take the front !
02:02I'm glued !
02:03That zinc, I give up !
02:05The kite's in there !
02:14That was a sticky trick !
02:16I still have Benjamin Franklin's kite !
02:20But you can have another famous trophy !
02:23Sitting Bull's Arrow !
02:25This special solvent can loosen the glue.
02:28I'll turn you free, that zinc, if you promise to get off the case !
02:32Never ! That zinc always sticks to his job !
02:36You'll also stick to the floor, so I can get a better shot !
02:41This is Sitting Bull's Arrow, so I'll shoot you sitting down !
02:45Geronimo !
02:47As the deadly arrow wings toward its tormented target,
02:50the true blue but glued bat zinc tries desperately to free himself !
02:54Will Sitting Bull's Arrow finish off our sitting duck hero ?
03:03And now for you, gloui-loui !
03:06And now for you, gloui-loui !
03:22Why are you stopping ?
03:23Gloui-loui's gluing the road !
03:26That zinc, for returning Benjamin Franklin's kite to the university,
03:30I'm making you a full professor !
03:32Thank you, but karate did half the work !
03:35In that case, I'll be a half-professor !
