Pip Ahoy! Pip Ahoy! S02 E010 The Alan Comet

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00...Daddy Pig, Peppa Pig, the olden days.
00:07Suzy Sheep has come to play at Peppa's house.
00:10Hello Suzy. Hello Peppa.
00:13I've got something to show you. Look.
00:17What is it?
00:18It's a photograph. Who do you think it is?
00:22It's a baby sheep.
00:25It's me.
00:27You're not a baby.
00:30It's an old photo when I was a baby.
00:34Don't be silly Suzy.
00:36In the olden days you were a baby too Peppa.
00:40No I wasn't.
00:42Yes you were. Ask your mummy.
00:44Mummy Pig is working on the computer.
00:47Mummy. Hello Peppa.
00:49Suzy is talking nonsense.
00:51No I'm not.
00:53She said in the olden days I was a baby.
00:58Well you were Peppa.
01:00Look, here are some photos on the computer.
01:03Who do you think that is?
01:05It's baby Alexander.
01:07Baby Alexander is Peppa's cousin.
01:10No, that's you as a baby Peppa.
01:12Baby Peppa.
01:15Somebody sounds like they're having fun.
01:18Look Daddy, that's a picture of me as a baby.
01:22I remember it well.
01:24It was taken on our first day in this house.
01:27What do you mean?
01:29When you were little we moved into this house.
01:32We brought all our things on top of our car.
01:38Mummy Pig put some pictures up.
01:40Daddy Pig put up a shelf.
01:45And Grandpa Pig made us a lovely flower garden.
01:49Where's Grandpa's lovely flower garden now?
01:52Daddy Pig looked after it.
01:54We had the wrong kind of soil for flowers.
01:59And anyway you needed somewhere to play.
02:02You and Suzy loved to play in the garden.
02:05Was Suzy my friend in the olden days?
02:08Yes, you and Suzy have always been best friends.
02:19In the olden days did Suzy and me jump up and down in muddy puddles?
02:24No Peppa, you were babies.
02:27You couldn't even walk.
02:30What did we do?
02:32You cried.
02:35You burped.
02:38And you laughed.
02:40We were babies.
02:42Baby Suzy.
02:44Baby Peppa.
02:48Soon after that you were toddlers.
02:51And where was George?
02:54He was a baby in my tummy.
02:57Yes, you were in my tummy, George.
03:01You've got a big tummy, Daddy.
03:04Is there a baby in there?
03:06No, Peppa.
03:08This tummy is pure muscle.
03:12And so George was born.
03:16And Granny and Grandpa gave George a very special present.
03:20Can you guess what it was?
03:22Mr. Dinosaur.
03:24That's right.
03:28And you and Suzy were running and jumping around.
03:34Then one day you saw something amazing.
03:39Muddy puddles.
03:53I still do.
03:59Let's take a photo now.
04:08We always love jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
04:39Let's investigate now.
04:41Noddy's Toyland Detective, today on Milkshake.
04:45Get those magnifying glasses ready.
04:47We'll investigate with Noddy at ten to eight this morning.
04:50Now, we are live on Channel 5,
04:52so if you would like me to say hello to you,
04:54you need to email us right now.
04:56Milkshake at milkshake.tv.
04:57Tell me what you're getting up to this Tuesday.
05:00It's time to spot a comet down in Salty Cove.
05:03Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
05:33Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
06:03Hi there, me starfish.
06:05I'm getting me telescope ready for a spot of stargazing tonight.
06:09Professor E.V. reckons we might see a comet in the sky.
06:14What's a comet, Uncle Skipper?
06:16A comet is a gigantiferous ball of ice and dust from rocks,
06:22and it goes flying through space, Pip.
06:25Right, now, a quick polish on me telescope.
06:28Professor E.V. says it's probably billions of years old,
06:31and it'll have a long, bright tail, like this.
06:35Juggling jellyfish.
06:37Can we stay up and look for it too, Uncle Skipper?
06:40If you want to, Pip.
06:42Professor E.V. reckons it's a real hard one to spot.
06:46That's why I'm making sure me telescope's all clean and ship-shaped.
06:50There's a huge telescope at the observatory.
06:53Might we see it better through that, Mr. Skipper?
06:55You just might, Alba.
06:57Why don't you ask Professor E.V.?
06:59She'll let you take a peek.
07:01Good idea, Uncle Skipper.
07:04Maybe the comet will come early.
07:06Can you see Hopper anywhere?
07:08He's supposed to be bringing me a new lens cloth.
07:12There he is.
07:14Got it!
07:16I can't see!
07:19Hang on, Hopper!
07:21Drop anchor!
07:24One telescope cleaning cloth coming up.
07:29Thank you, Hopper.
07:32Anything to help a fellow stargazer.
07:34Right, as Skipper might say, I'm off for me nap.
07:38Want to be wide awake tonight.
07:40Are you staying up to look for the comet too, Hopper?
07:42That, and a midnight feast.
07:45Cheese and pickle sandwiches.
07:47And to make sure I'm wide awake,
07:49I'm going to have me a long nap this afternoon
07:51on a quiet beach.
07:53See you later!
07:57Me telescope!
07:58Glued all over the lens.
08:00Can't see an ocean liner, never mind a comet.
08:03Maybe Professor E.V. could clean it.
08:05We could take it when we go to the observatory.
08:07Grand idea, Pip.
08:09Do you think you can manage it?
08:16Sleepy sleep, Hopper.
08:19Hopper, is that you?
08:21Alan, shush.
08:23I am trying to sleep.
08:25Why? It's the middle of the day.
08:27You don't sleep in the middle of the day.
08:29You bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce.
08:31Come on, come on, bounce.
08:32What's that under your head?
08:34It's my pillow.
08:36I was nearly asleep.
08:40Why do you want to sleep in the daytime?
08:42I'm sleeping now because I'm going to stay up tonight
08:45and look for the comet.
08:48Can I stay up and look for it too?
08:50If you want to, Alan, yes.
08:55I've never stayed up late before.
08:57What if I get tired?
08:59Have a nap now and you'll be wide awake tonight.
09:02Okay, good idea.
09:05What's a nap?
09:10You're bound to spot the comet with a telescope this big,
09:13Professor E.V.
09:14Oh, I hope so, Alba.
09:16Even if it does pass overhead,
09:18it could be very tricky to spot.
09:20I'd love to see it.
09:22Me too.
09:23Would you like to help me look for it tonight?
09:25Yes, please.
09:27Can we really?
09:28Yes, Alba.
09:30I could deal with some extra pairs of eyes
09:32to help me look for Comet 762.
09:34Comet 762?
09:36That's a funny name for a comet.
09:39You're right, Alba.
09:40Comets are normally named after the person who first spots them.
09:44No one has actually spotted Comet 762 yet.
09:48Imagine having a comet named after you.
09:52Can you clean it, Professor?
09:54Yes, Pip, but I'll need a bit longer.
09:56You can come and get it for your Uncle Skipper
09:58just before we start comet spotting.
10:00It should be ready by then.
10:02Okay, Professor E.V.
10:03Let's go and practice looking for stuff
10:05so we're ready to spot the comet, Alba.
10:11Comet 762!
10:14J'espère qu'on l'a vu!
10:29Hopper, as-tu dormi?
10:31Pas plus.
10:33Moi non plus. J'ai entendu un bruit.
10:35Ça m'a réveillé.
10:36Un bruit?
10:38C'était moi.
10:39J'étais dans le bruit.
10:40On essaie de dormir.
10:42J'étais dans le bruit.
10:44Oh, parfait, Pasty!
10:45Je peux en prendre un?
10:47Encore plus sur la plage!
10:49Au revoir!
11:00Je peux en prendre un?
11:03Oh, Alan!
11:04Tu m'as réveillé encore!
11:06Oh, désolé!
11:11Qu'est-ce qui se passe si nous tous
11:12nous voyons le comète à la même heure?
11:15On va devoir l'appeler
11:16le Comet Pip, Alba, Professeur E.V. Skipper!
11:22Qu'est-ce que c'est?
11:29C'est le planète Squiblet!
11:42Qu'est-ce que tu fais, Alan?
11:44Je me lève!
11:45Ou j'essaie de le faire.
11:47Je me réveille!
11:48Tu as des conseils?
11:50Si je ne dors pas maintenant,
11:51je ne serai jamais réveillé
11:52pour voir le comète ce soir,
11:53mais c'est si brillant et soleil!
11:55Tu dois t'endormir
11:57avec les yeux fermés
11:58et ensuite,
11:59plier une flèche sur ton visage.
12:05Oh, c'est bien!
12:06Et prends ça.
12:08Et plier ça
12:10sous ton visage.
12:12Oh, c'est bien!
12:14Tu l'as fait!
12:15Tout à l'heure!
12:16Il sera bientôt sombre.
12:18Professeur Skipper, le télescope!
12:20Viens, Alba!
12:24comment vais-je dormir?
12:31C'est nouveau!
12:32Je pense que c'est le moment
12:33de voir le comète!
12:35Bonne chance à vous deux!
12:37Merci, professeur Skipper!
12:38Est-ce que Alan a dormi?
12:43C'est l'heure de partir!
12:49Tu veux voir le comète?
12:52Tu vas voir le comète!
13:07Hopper et Alan!
13:08Reportez le comète!
13:12Qu'est-ce qu'il y a avec Alan?
13:14Je l'ai emprisonné
13:15et maintenant je ne peux pas
13:16arrêter de l'emprisonner!
13:21Oh, il fait sombre!
13:22Je me sens bien!
13:23J'ai emprisonné!
13:24Les emprisons sont géniales,
13:25n'est-ce pas, Hopper?
13:26Je ne saurais pas.
13:27Est-ce que le comète est là encore?
13:29Pas encore, Alan.
13:31Vas-y, maintenant!
13:32Pas encore, Alan!
13:35Tu m'as dit de le garder éveillé!
13:37Désolée, je suis tellement excité!
13:40Oh, qu'est-ce que c'est?
13:42Oh, il bouge!
13:44C'est juste un petit météor, je crois.
13:47Le comète sera beaucoup plus grand
13:49avec plein de gaz coloré
13:51qui s'écouleront et...
13:52Trois comètes!
13:53Trois oiseaux, Alan!
13:57Un énorme oiseau de feu!
14:01Qui a trouvé le comète?
14:03Bien joué, Pip!
14:05Tu peux l'appeler maintenant!
14:07Vraiment, Professeur Evey?
14:09Oui, Pip.
14:10C'est la tradition.
14:12Il faut avoir un nom vraiment bon.
14:14Il est si brillant et brillant!
14:17Comme quoi?
14:20Appelons-le le comète Alan!
14:23Pip, c'est une très belle idée!
14:26Oh, merci, Pip!
14:28Le comète Alan!
14:30Wow! Tu as entendu ça?
14:33Je pense que Papa est un peu fatigué.
14:35Il a dû oublier de prendre son repas.
14:41La vie d'un sailleur pour moi!
14:43La vie d'un sailleur pour moi!
14:45On a vu un comète brillant
14:47éteindre la galaxie!
14:50Oh, à plus tard, Stargazers!
14:53Au revoir!
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18:03Quelle soirée magnifique!
18:05On dirait que Horace a mangé tout son dîner.
18:08Je me demande où est la princesse.
18:12Bonjour, princesse!
18:15Oh, bonjour!
18:16Qu'est-ce que c'est?
18:17C'est une carte de birthday pour le grand-père Walter!
18:21Oh! Est-ce que vous avez une fête?
18:24La grande-mère est venue
18:26et il va danser
18:28et faire des ballons
18:30et faire des cakes
18:35Oh, mon dieu!
18:36Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
18:37L'électricité doit être partie.
18:39Qu'est-ce que c'est, l'électricité?
18:41C'est un peu...
18:43Eh bien, c'est difficile à expliquer.
18:45Oh, mon dieu, il fait froid ici.
18:47Je sais!
18:49Où est-ce que c'est?
18:52Je vais trouver ce que c'est, cette chose électrique.
18:56Et où est-ce qu'elle est partie?
18:59Oh, mon dieu!
19:03Désolé, général.
19:13Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
19:14Ne soyez pas inquiets, princesse.
19:16On a eu un problème avec l'électricité.
19:19Qu'est-ce que c'est, l'électricité?
19:21C'est une question très compliquée.
19:24C'est fait par...
19:27Non, non, non, admiral.
19:29Pas des tournips.
19:30C'est fait par...
19:31Des courants.
19:32Ou est-ce que c'est des sultanes?
19:34Ou peut-être des raisins.
19:36Bonjour, général.
19:37Est-ce que vous cherchez aussi de l'électricité?
19:41Oh, oui!