Pip Ahoy! Pip Ahoy! S02 E015 Lift Off

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Good morning, princess! And how do you fare this fine day?
00:05Not good.
00:08Will you teach me how to whistle?
00:10Whistle? Oh, that's easy. Place your lips together like this.
00:18Then blow gently, like so.
00:21Oh! Come on, try again, princess. That's right. And blow!
00:43Oh well, whistling's nothing. Look at me!
00:51Wow! I want to waggle my ears!
00:55Impressive, eh?
00:57General, what a display!
00:59Ah, ah, maid, I can fully explain.
01:03Well, if you think ear-waggling's good, what about this then?
01:09Oh, that's very clever!
01:10Oh, don't!
01:13Good, eh?
01:15Didn't know I could do that, did you?
01:17Look at me!
01:18Oh, General, you are a wonder!
01:21Well, that looks like fun, princess.
01:23Yes! I'm going to try too!
01:29Are my ears waggling?
01:31Not really.
01:33Oh. I know.
01:45What's the matter, princess?
01:47I can't waggle my ears, or pop my mouth.
01:51And I still can't whistle!
02:01Hmm. Whistling, you say?
02:04It's been some time. I might be a bit rusty.
02:07Show me, please.
02:09All right. Let's, um, let's try it together.
02:14Hold your head up.
02:17Lips together.
02:19And blow.
02:29I'll never get it!
02:31There, there.
02:33I know! Have you tried this?
02:37It's much better than whistling!
02:39Come on! You try!
02:43I'm patting!
02:45OK! Now hop!
02:48Yes! Yes!
02:50Isn't that wonderful?
02:52Oh, no!
02:54Oh, dear.
02:56I can't do anything!
02:59I can't do anything!
03:21Here we go.
03:23Three! I'm winning!
03:29Something the matter, sweetheart?
03:31I can't hop backwards and pat my head at the same time.
03:35I can't waggle my ears.
03:37I can't make my finger go pop in my mouth.
03:40And most of all, I can't whistle!
03:47Oh, dear.
04:05It's not fair!
04:07Perhaps I can help, Puppet.
04:09But you can't.
04:11Well, you see, the thing is, I can't whistle either.
04:17You can't?
04:19No. Hopeless.
04:21So bad, my father gave me this when I was a young prince.
04:25What is it?
04:27A whistle.
04:28Maybe it'll keep you going until you learn to whistle properly.
04:44Good night, Puppet.
05:13Well, I think it's a lovely present.
05:15But it's not proper whistling, is it?
05:18There's no pleasing some people.
05:20There must be something special I can do.
05:24How about using the soap?
05:26I am using the soap.
05:37What's next?
05:51Where are you off to?
05:57I might not be able to whistle yet, but I can do this.
06:08It's my special thing.
06:14Ah, yes.
06:16Well done, dear.
06:18Yes, lovely.
06:20Very lovely.
06:26Watch this.
06:31Oh, clever.
06:56Sous-titrage MFP.
07:26Sous-titrage MFP.
07:56Sous-titrage MFP.
08:26Sous-titrage MFP.
08:56Sous-titrage MFP.
09:26Sous-titrage MFP.
09:57Hey, wait for me.
10:01Take a look at the controls, Skipper said.
10:04I've got the controls.
10:06Oh, no instructions.
10:12Found them, Skipper.
10:13Thank you.
10:14I'd never spot a single bird without them.
10:17Oh, glad to help, Mrs. Twitcher.
10:19Going down.
10:21Going up.
10:23Sorry, Shellfish, I forgot.
10:25The lift isn't working properly.
10:28I sent Pasty to look at the controls to see what's up.
10:35Looks like he's sorted it.
10:37Good crab, Pasty.
10:43I'm guessing the red button should do it.
10:49Bless my binoculars.
10:51We've stopped, Skipper.
10:53Oh, chicken sandbanks, you're right.
10:56And we're only halfway down.
11:00Final stop, Barber Point.
11:03Ahoy there, pup.
11:05Where's Captain Skipper?
11:06And Pasty?
11:07They're back at the lighthouse.
11:18They're back at the lighthouse.
11:20I came ahead to tell you they'd be late.
11:22Mrs. Twitcher forgot her binoculars.
11:24I'm on my way back to pick them up now.
11:26Oh, no.
11:27It'll take an age for you to get there and back.
11:30Why don't you sail across to them?
11:32It would be quicker.
11:33Excellent idea, Alba.
11:35But I can't sail this yacht on my own.
11:37I'll come with you.
11:38Uncle Skipper's taught me how to sail.
11:40And I can go back in the bubble train with Mr. Morris.
11:43That's sorted, then.
11:45Grease you to the lighthouse, Mr. Morris.
11:47You're on, Professor Ely.
11:49Though I don't fancy your chances against my bubble train.
11:53I wouldn't be too sure, Mr. Morris.
11:56Hang on a moment, Alba.
11:58I'll just turn around.
12:02All we need is someone to start the race.
12:05And someone to signal the winner at the finishing line.
12:10Have I missed anything?
12:13I hope Pasty fixes this lift soon.
12:16Professor Ely will be wondering where I am.
12:19Just as long as Pasty has the instructions.
12:22He'll have us over here in no time.
12:26Oh, jumping jellyfish!
12:28I've caught them here.
12:30Then, what's Pasty using?
12:35Ah, that sounds helpful.
12:38What was that?
12:42Mrs. Twitcher!
12:47Pull up the anchor.
12:48Aye, aye, Captain Evie.
12:51Hold tight for the bubble train express, Alba.
12:54Holding tight, Mr. Morris.
12:59Near off.
13:00Bubble steam ahead, Alba.
13:02To the lighthouse, Papa.
13:04The lighthouse?
13:05That's the finishing line.
13:07And as race official, you have to say who wins.
13:11Do I?
13:13I do!
13:15Seagull in charge!
13:28I'm going to try shouting the instructions down to Pasty.
13:34I hope he can hear you, Skipper.
13:39Leave her!
13:41Blue button and yellow...
13:50We're at Harbour Bridge now.
13:52And Mr. Morris' bubble train and Professor Evie's yacht are neck and neck.
13:57A sudden gust of wind has blown Professor Evie and Pip off course.
14:02Steady as she goes, Pip.
14:04Professor Evie's sails are flapping and the boat is hardly moving.
14:08Looks like they'll lose the race.
14:13Good teamwork, Pip.
14:15Wait a moment.
14:16They're moving again.
14:18I'm picking up speed.
14:20But is it too late to catch the bubble train?
14:27Thanks, Skipper.
14:28There has to be something we can do from inside the lift.
14:32A clammering clam.
14:34Mme Glitter, of course.
14:37The emergency stop button.
14:39If this isn't an emergency, I don't know what is.
14:46That's done it, Mrs. Glitter.
14:50We're still only halfway done.
14:53The bubble train is way out in front.
14:55They'll never catch up now.
14:58Watch out, Mr. Morris!
15:02Thanks, Alba.
15:03That was close.
15:05But has it cost us the race?
15:08Sorry about earlier, Captain Skipper.
15:10I didn't think there was anyone in there.
15:13And I didn't have the instructions.
15:16Don't you be worrying, pasty.
15:18We do.
15:19I'll shout them out and you press the buttons.
15:21We'll soon have this lift fixed.
15:23Aye, aye, Captain.
15:26Faster, Mr. Morris! Faster!
15:28Vite, Professeur Eevee!
15:30On dirait qu'ils nous dépassent vite!
15:33Oh, on est toujours dans l'abri.
15:38Vous l'avez fait, pasty.
15:40Nous l'avons tous fait, Skipper.
15:42Oh, nous avons certainement eu nos ups and downs.
15:45Oh, c'est vrai.
15:47Maintenant, où est le bubble train?
15:50J'ai besoin d'aller à l'avion de Professeur Eevee,
15:52le plus vite que je peux.
15:54Et j'ai des espèces de oiseaux sérieux.
15:56Et j'ai des espèces de oiseaux sérieux.
15:58Et j'ai besoin d'attraper Pip et Alba.
16:01Voici Hopper.
16:04Et le bubble train.
16:06Et l'avion de Professeur Eevee.
16:08Pip et Alba aussi.
16:10On dirait qu'ils sont tous venus nous rencontrer.
16:16C'est un drone.
16:19Merci, Mr. Morris.
16:21C'est un bubble train express.
16:25Je n'aurais pas pu le faire sans les yeux d'Alba, Professeur Eevee.
16:29Votre yacht n'est pas si mauvaise.
16:32Oh, j'ai eu une bonne équipe, Mr. Morris.
16:35C'est le moment pour vous de prendre le contrôle maintenant, Uncle Skipper.
16:38J'ai beaucoup plus d'événements importants à faire avec Alba et Pasty.
16:42L'événement de l'avion!
16:46Vite, Mr. Morris.
16:48Je pense que l'Observatoire a pris Alba.
16:51Je vous remercie, Professeur Eevee.
16:53Vous avez réussi, Mr. Morris.
16:55Hopper, on va devoir vous fliquer de nouveau.
17:09Une vie d'avion pour moi
17:11Une vie d'avion pour moi
17:13Il n'y a aucun endroit meilleur
17:15Que la mer
17:17Que la mer
17:20Surtout quand vous avez passé toute votre journée en avion
17:24À la prochaine fois, avions
17:28Au revoir
17:47Au revoir
18:17Au revoir
18:47Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'Amara.org
19:17Nous sommes à un carnival où il y a plein de jeux
19:20Oui, et quand vous gagnez un jeu, vous recevez un prix
19:25Regardez, je vais essayer de gagner un prix à ce jeu de bananes
19:31Parfait, non!
19:33Félicitations, Blaze! Tu as gagné un prix!
19:36Oui, une banane de jouets
19:41Je vais essayer ce jeu
19:43Pour gagner, tu dois tomber sur tous les 10 bouteilles
19:46Mais tu n'auras que 2 coups
19:48C'est parti!
19:51Oui! J'ai tombé sur 4 bouteilles sur mon premier essai
19:55Comptez combien de bouteilles sont restées
19:571, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
20:02Vas-y, AJ! Tu as encore un coup
20:08Parfait! Tu as gagné!
20:10Wow! Quel coup! Tu as gagné un prix aussi!
20:15Hé, Blaze! Maintenant, on a tous les mêmes prix
20:20Regardez! On dirait que certains de nos amis jouent à ce jeu de roquettes
20:24Allez, je peux le faire cette fois!
20:26Vas-y, Stripes!
20:31Oh, je l'ai encore perdu!
20:33Hey, les gars, vous avez des problèmes?
20:35Stripes a essayé, mais Stripes n'a pas gagné le jeu d'aliens
20:40On devait lancer l'alien tout le long de cette roquette, mais c'est si haut!
20:52Pas de prix!
20:53Je suis désolée, les gars
20:58Oh, salut tout le monde!
21:00Regarde, Crusher, c'est tout le monde!
21:02Ouais, salut ou quoi que ce soit
21:04Hey, Pickle, veux-tu essayer le jeu d'aliens?
21:07Bien sûr! Peut-être que je peux gagner ce jeu!
21:10Toi, gagner le jeu d'aliens?
21:12Je ne pense pas, Pickle!
21:14Ça a l'air trop dur pour un petit truc comme toi!
21:18Je pense que tu peux le faire, Pickle!
21:19Tu le fais?
21:21Bon, d'accord, je pense que je peux au moins essayer!
21:26Vas-y, Pickle!
21:27Pickle, ouais!
21:29Ok, c'est parti!
21:31Wow, je ne me suis pas rendue compte que ce couteau serait si lourd!
21:40Pickle a gagné!
21:42Pickle a gagné!
21:43Oh, vraiment?
21:44Regarde ça! J'ai réussi!
21:47J'ai gagné! J'ai gagné!
21:50Félicitations, Pickle!
21:52Est-ce que tu es prête à récupérer ton prix?
21:54Mon prix?
21:57Tu m'as dit que je le serais!
21:59Tu as deux choix!
22:01Tu peux avoir ce gros vaisseau
22:05ou tu peux avoir un tas de petits vaisseaux!
22:08Oh, mon dieu!
22:10Le gros vaisseau est plutôt cool, mais...
22:13Je veux les petits vaisseaux,
22:15pour pouvoir les partager avec mes amis!
22:17Oh, les gars!
22:20Le prix est pour tout le monde!
22:23T'es si agréable à partager!
22:25Merci, Pickle!
22:26Merci, Pickle!
22:27Merci, Pickle!
22:28Merci, Pickle!
22:29Merci, Pickle!
22:30Merci, Pickle!
22:31Merci, Pickle!
22:32Merci, Pickle!
22:33Merci, Pickle!
22:34Merci, Pickle!
22:35Merci, Pickle!
22:36Merci, Pickle!
22:37Merci, Pickle!
22:38Merci, Pickle!
22:39Merci, Pickle!
22:40Merci, Pickle!
22:41Merci, Pickle!
22:42Merci, Pickle!
22:43Merci, Pickle!
22:44Merci, Pickle!
22:45Merci, Pickle!
22:46Merci, Pickle!
22:47Merci, Pickle!
22:48Merci, Pickle!
22:49Merci, Pickle!
22:50Merci, Pickle!
22:51Merci, Pickle!
22:52Merci, Pickle!
22:53Merci, Pickle!
22:54Merci, Pickle!