Pip Ahoy! Pip Ahoy! S02 E017 Lucky Compass

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00This is Mummy Pig, and this is Daddy Pig, Peppa Pig, the campervan.
00:11Peppa and George are very excited today. They are going on a holiday.
00:16Oh, where's Daddy?
00:18He's bringing a secret surprise.
00:22What's that?
00:24It's a campervan.
00:26We've borrowed it for our holiday.
00:29This campervan has everything.
00:32This button works the sink.
00:36And this button works the TV.
00:40What does this button do?
00:42I'm not sure. Maybe don't press it until we know.
00:46Is everybody ready to go on holiday?
00:48Yes, Mummy Pig!
00:50Then let's go!
00:53We're going on holiday in a campervan.
00:58Hmm, this map is a bit tricky.
01:02Daddy, we don't want to get lost.
01:05Don't worry, Peppa. I'm an expert at map reading.
01:09Oh, that's strange.
01:11Are we lost?
01:13Er, yes.
01:16It's Granddad Dog with Danny Dog.
01:19Hello, Peppa. Hello, Danny. We're lost.
01:24Lost? Is your sat-nav broken?
01:28You're driving a campervan T-3200.
01:32Sat-nav comes as standard.
01:34Welcome to the car of the future.
01:37Ah, so that's what that button does.
01:41Where are we going today?
01:43The campervan is talking.
01:46Clever, isn't it?
01:47The computer voice helps you find your way.
01:50But how does it know where we want to go?
01:53You tell it.
01:54Er, hello, Mrs. Campervan.
01:59We're going on holiday. Can you tell us the way?
02:02Proceed on the current road in a straight line.
02:06Thanks for your help, Granddad Dog.
02:08You're welcome. Have a lovely holiday.
02:11We're going on holiday in a campervan.
02:16Danger! Danger! Oil is low.
02:20What's oil?
02:22Oil helps engines to run smoothly.
02:25Will the oil run out?
02:28No. These warnings always give you plenty of time.
02:32Oil is gone.
02:34Oh, dear.
02:36Luckily, I've got a spare can of oil.
02:40Well done, Daddy Pig.
02:42We simply pour the oil into the engine and...
02:46What's wrong?
02:47There's nothing in here. The engine's gone.
02:52It's Mummy Sheep with Suzy Sheep.
02:55Hello, Suzy.
02:56Hello, Peppa.
02:58We've lost our engine.
03:00Lost your engine?
03:02Yes. It's completely disappeared.
03:05I'd like to help, but I don't know a thing about engines.
03:09I'm probably just being silly, but this looks a bit like an engine.
03:14Ah, yes. Well spotted, Mummy Sheep.
03:17The campervan has its engine at the back.
03:22There. That should be enough oil.
03:25Thank you, Mummy Sheep.
03:27You're welcome. Have a lovely holiday.
03:32Are we nearly there yet?
03:34Just up the next hill.
03:37You have reached your destination.
03:41Time for bed.
03:44Where will we sleep?
03:46Mummy Pig and I will sleep on this bed.
03:50And you two will sleep upstairs.
03:53But there isn't an upstairs.
03:55Oh, watch this.
03:59The campervan's roof is lifting up.
04:02The campervan is just like our little house.
04:06While we're on holiday, it is our little house.
04:10Good night, my little piggies.
04:13Good night.
04:37Oh, no!
04:44Well done!
04:50Thomas will be here at 7.35 today,
04:53where all of the engines are covered in spots this morning.
04:56Spotty engines, whatever next.
04:58Happy birthday now to Annabelle,
05:00who is a teeny tiny three today.
05:02There you go.
05:03A happy third birthday, my darling.
05:05It's time for Pip Ahoy!
05:33Dive down in the submarine
05:36See what's beneath the sea
05:39Or ride the jolly bubble train for free
05:45Up in the lighthouse, Pip can see
05:47That it's another day of sunshine
05:50And so much seaside fun
05:57A sailor's life for me
05:59A sailor's life for me
06:01Today I am expecting a special delivery
06:05Oh, ahoy there, landlubbers!
06:08I'm looking to see if Mrs. Twitcher's on her way.
06:11She's got a special delivery for me.
06:14See anything yet, Pip?
06:16Nothing yet, Uncle Skipper.
06:19Maybe that's a good thing.
06:21I don't think you've got room for anything new in here, Captain Skipper.
06:24It could do with a bit of a clear-out.
06:27How about you two giving me a hand?
06:29OK, Uncle Skipper.
06:30What do you think of this, Arbor?
06:32Eww. It should go to the recycling place.
06:35Then it won't be wasted.
06:37I reckon you'll have the lighthouse
06:39Looking ship-shake quicker than a crab can scuttle.
06:44Clean and tidy.
06:46Now for a spot of lunch.
06:53Ah, that looks good.
06:55A stimulant?
06:56I'll join you for a spot of seaweed.
06:59Sounds like you're hungry.
07:01Oh, that's not me. It's coming from over there.
07:04Hey, wait for me!
07:08Oh, what a racket!
07:11Hello, Mr. Horace. What's that horrible noise?
07:14Oh, the bubble train's on the bling copper.
07:17I know who can fix it.
07:19Captain Skipper.
07:21Would you go and ask him, please, and tell him to hurry?
07:25On my way, Mr. Morris.
07:28Hasty! What about lunch?
07:30Oi, come back!
07:34This box is the things you want to keep.
07:37That box is stuff to be recycled.
07:39I reckon we're about done.
07:41A quick sweep up and we can put the things we want to keep back inside.
07:46I found this under the table.
07:48Oh, that's my lucky compass.
07:51I sailed round the world with this compass.
07:54Never got lost once.
07:56So you make sure it's kept safe.
07:58Aye, aye, Captain Skipper.
08:00Right. Let's fix us all a sandwich before we does the sweeping out.
08:04This definitely goes in the to-keep box.
08:07Right at the top.
08:09Captain Skipper, come quick!
08:11What's all the fuss about, pasty?
08:13It's the bubble train.
08:15This has gone wonky and Mr. Morris would like you to fix it, please.
08:19I'll do me best.
08:21Oh, hang on a minute. What if my special delivery turns up while I'm gone?
08:25But you can give us a delivery, Uncle Skipper.
08:27Make sure you have a bite to eat first.
08:29At last!
08:35Oh, it looks OK to me, Morris.
08:39Try turning it on again.
08:44Sounds a bit boned up. Let's give it a once-over.
08:50I don't suppose you need any help, do you?
08:53You and pasty can take the box of junk down to the recycling centre
08:56while Alba and I sweep out the kitchen.
08:59And make sure you take the right box.
09:01OK, Pip.
09:03Which box is which, Baba?
09:06Oh, this one's the stuff Skipper doesn't want.
09:08Look at that rusty old compass.
09:10He won't want to keep that.
09:15Why won't it go?
09:17When did you last clean out the engine?
09:19Oh, um...
09:24I think we've found the problem.
09:28All done.
09:29Let's go and get Captain Skipper's to-keep things and put them back inside.
09:34Where's the box of Uncle Skipper's things to keep?
09:38Alba and pasty must have taken...
09:40The wrong box!
09:42We'd better go after them.
09:43We'll have to be quick or we'll miss Uncle Skipper's special delivery.
09:48Steady, pasty. Nearly there.
09:53Oh! What's in the box?
09:55Just some old stuff we're recycling, Alan.
09:58Oh! What does that do?
10:00It's a compass, Alan.
10:02What does a compass do?
10:03It is an instrument to help you find where you are going.
10:07You can have it if you like.
10:09Um, I don't think that's a very good idea.
10:12For keepsies?
10:14Yes, Alan, for keepsies.
10:18Where's the box of Captain Skipper's things?
10:20We put it over by the recycling.
10:23Come on. We've got to take it back.
10:25Back? But we only just put it there.
10:27It was the wrong box.
10:32Here. It's still here.
10:33Well, of course it's here. That's where you told us to put it.
10:36And what do you mean, wrong box?
10:38This box is full of the things Captain Skipper really wants to keep.
10:42Oops. Sorry.
10:44That's OK. At least we've got all of Uncle Skipper's precious things back.
10:48Um, not quite all of them, Pip.
10:54You gave Alan Uncle Skipper's lucky compass?
10:58Oh, no. I mean, yes, we did.
11:01I mean, we recycled it to Alan.
11:04If we ask him nicely, maybe Alan will give it back.
11:10I'm south by southwest, the bouncy castle.
11:13Oh, hello, Pip. Look what I've got. It's a compass.
11:16It's great, Alan. It's a thingy.
11:19It is great, isn't it? It's the best thing I've ever had.
11:22Hopper gave it to me, didn't you, Hopper?
11:24I think I said you could use it for a bit.
11:26Quite a bit, but not a forever bit.
11:29You said geepsies.
11:31Oh, look. I know where the seesaw is with this.
11:34Perhaps you already know where the seesaw is.
11:37It might move.
11:38Oh, feathers. Please, can we have it back?
11:41But you give it me. That means I can keep it, don't it, Pip?
11:45Yes, I suppose it does.
11:47How about we try to swap it for something else?
11:51Maybe something better than a compass.
11:54Oh, what's better than a compass?
11:56How about a cake?
12:00Two cakes?
12:01Not hungry.
12:02A yo-yo?
12:03Got one.
12:04I've got to get the compass back before Uncle Skipper finds out.
12:06Let me your scopioi. I'll see if he's still at the bubble train.
12:10I'll swap anything you like for your compass.
12:13Even that?
12:15My scopioi?
12:18Yes, I suppose so.
12:20Pip, it's your favorite thing.
12:25The scopioi!
12:27Come on. Let's get everything back.
12:31Ahoy there, shipmates. That's the bubble train fixed.
12:35Any sign of the special delivery?
12:37Not yet, Uncle Skipper.
12:40What's the matter with young Pip?
12:43Coo-ee! I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles!
12:49Pip gave up his scopioi to get my compass back?
12:53Yes, Captain Skipper. And it's his favorite thing.
12:57Coo-ee! Special delivery for Captain Skipper!
13:01Thank you, Mrs. Twitcher.
13:04Cheerio! Bye!
13:07Look what's here, Pip!
13:09What's inside, Uncle Skipper?
13:11I tell you what. Why don't you open it, Pip?
13:18What's this?
13:19Is it something for your boat, Captain Skipper?
13:21It's my new digital compass.
13:24I was thinking my old compass had had its day,
13:27but this looks a bit newfangled and complicated to me.
13:31It's the latest thing, Uncle Skipper.
13:33You can find anywhere in the world with one of these.
13:36Oh, I've been all over the world.
13:39And there's nowhere like Salty Cove.
13:41You have it, Pip. I think I'll stick with me old compass.
13:45This does look tricky to use.
13:47Here are the instructions. It can't be that hard.
13:50Well, go on. At least try it out.
13:57Wow! It tells you exactly where you are.
14:00It can tell you what stars are in the sky, too.
14:03Oh! What's that?
14:05What do you think of Pip's new digital compass, Alan?
14:08Try this button.
14:11Oh! Lovely!
14:13Can I have a go?
14:15Maybe. You could do a swap.
14:18Swap? Brilliant! Yes, please!
14:20I've got my scopy eye back!
14:22Thank you, Uncle Skipper.
14:24What about your new digital compass?
14:27Why do I need a silly old digital compass when I've got this?
14:32It knows how it works, and it's a lot quieter.
14:37A sailor's life for me A sailor's life for me
14:41Now Alan's got a compass But we're the ones at sea
14:46Keep a weather eye out, young Pip and Albert.
14:49Will do, Captain Skipper.
14:51Aye, Uncle Skipper.
14:53Bye-bye, landlubbers.
14:55Find us again soon.
14:57Try using a compass.
15:31Hi, milkshakers! It's springtime.
15:33The weather is warming up and lots of creatures are having their babies.
15:36I'm off to a pond to find some new arrivals. Come on!
15:40This is an amazing pond!
15:42It doesn't look like there's a lot going on in this pond,
15:44but just beneath the surface there are thousands of tadpoles,
15:47which one day will become frogs.
15:49Let's take a closer look, shall we?
15:53Always have a responsible adult with you when you're near water.
15:57Oh, wow! I've got some!
16:01Turn it upside down and then out.
16:04Tadpoles live in slow-moving streams and ponds just like this one.
16:08Now these tadpoles are only a few weeks old,
16:10but a few weeks ago they were a tiny black dot surrounded by lots of jelly,
16:14which is called frog spawn.
16:16When tadpoles hatch, they leave the jelly behind and swim into the water.
16:19Did you know they can even breathe underwater too? Amazing!
16:23Tadpoles start off as vegetarians and they like to eat algae, which is green slime.
16:28When they get bigger, they like to eat meat,
16:30especially these water fleas that you can see in here.
16:33Did you know that it takes 16 weeks for frog spawn to grow into a frog?
16:39Frogs can live on land or in water.
16:41I'd better put these tadpoles back in their ponds so they can keep on growing.
16:45Oh, look, there's a frog there!
16:47Hello, Mr. Frog.
16:50Bye, milkshakers!
16:59Can you imagine eating green slime?
17:01You can catch more tadpoles in Ben and Holly at 8 o'clock today.
17:04And don't forget Nanny Plum's going to be right here really soon.
17:07So if I were you, I'd get your email into milkshake at milkshake.tv.
17:10But now, here's a little princess.
17:17Megablocks. Every block tells a story.
17:20Milkshake. Brought to you by Megablocks.
17:29She's a little princess
17:41Little princess, little princess
17:59I can't remember
18:10What a beautiful day.
18:12I wonder what the princess is up to.
18:15Princess, are you in here?
18:18I'm hiding.
18:20Oh, who from?
18:29You found me!
18:32Your turn to hide.
18:57Ready or not.
19:02What have you found?
19:03My kite.
19:06I forgot all about it.
19:14Princess, where are you going?
19:15What about Scruff?
19:18Ah, spin, spin, spin.
19:20Left foot, teapot.
19:29Can I try?
19:30May we?
19:35Left hand, crown.
19:38Other hand, princess.
19:42My turn.