• last year
Crazy Animal Toss


00:00It's time for the show where your imagination fills in the blanks.
00:05It's Mad Libs.
00:07And now, here's your host, David Sedoni.
00:18All right, all right. Hey, how's it going, everybody?
00:21Welcome to Mad Libs, the world's greatest word game.
00:24Now, Mad Libs, that's a story where some words are missing.
00:27And then, it's up to you to fill in all the blanks using your imagination.
00:31And on our show, what we're going to do is we're going to take two teams,
00:34put them in a series of physical and mental challenges
00:37designed to take that Mad Lib off the page and bring it to life.
00:41That's enough talk, though. Let's get to the game.
00:43Bring on the players. Let's go, team.
00:46Come on.
00:51All right, here they are.
00:53You guys are looking good today.
00:55I like your outfits. How come I didn't get one of those?
00:58All right, let's find out who we got playing over here.
01:00We got the red team. Red team, how's it going?
01:02Very nice.
01:04All right. Josh, tell us about yourself. Any brothers and sisters?
01:07Yeah, I have two. They're twins.
01:09They're twins?
01:10Sarah and Jonathan. They're 11.
01:11They're 11. Now, do they have, like, ESP?
01:13Do you ever get that? Do they, like, know what they're thinking all the time?
01:15I don't know. That'd be kind of scary, though.
01:17You can't tell?
01:18I don't have it.
01:19Good to have you here today. Jessica, how are you?
01:21I'm fine. How are you?
01:22Good. Tell us about yourself. Who is your favorite movie star?
01:25Harrison Ford all the way.
01:27Really? Who do you like better?
01:28Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones or Harrison Ford as Han Solo?
01:32Indiana Jones.
01:33Indiana Jones.
01:34I'd go with Han, but that's okay.
01:36Good to have you here. That's the red team.
01:38Let's find out about the blue team, their opponents.
01:41Blue team, how are you doing?
01:42Very good.
01:43First, we have June. June, how are you?
01:44Very, very good.
01:45Good. Do you collect anything?
01:47Yes, I collect Japanese animation.
01:49Really? What's your favorite one?
01:51Sailor Moon.
01:52Cool. Good to have you here.
01:54Her teammate today is Brandon. Brandon, how are you, bud?
01:57Of course. I'm doing great.
01:59The whole world wants to know about you.
02:01Are you a smart guy? Are you a jock? Are you a geek?
02:04Are you all three? Which one?
02:06All except for the geek.
02:07All except for the geek?
02:08So you're a jock? You play sports?
02:09Of course. I play basketball.
02:12Yeah. I'm the captain of the team.
02:13Captain of your team?
02:15Cool. We've got them all here today.
02:16There's the teams. Give a round of applause.
02:19All right. It's time to put some dynamite in the dictionary and blow it up
02:23and have the words scatter all over the place.
02:25These two teams are going to be competing to earn the most points
02:27to go on to the maximum Mad Lib.
02:29That's where they get a chance to play for today's grand prize.
02:32It's a trip to the world-famous Monterey Bay Aquarium.
02:39World famous.
02:40Now, in our first round, what we do is we let one of our viewers
02:43fill in all the blanks in our Mad Lib.
02:45Let's check this one out.
02:46Hi. I'm James.
02:48I'm 13 years old, and I love to surf.
02:52Here's a Mad Lib that I created.
02:54It's called Scratchin' Fleas.
02:57In the summer, man's best friend, his iguana,
03:00starts scratching those pesky hummingbirds.
03:03So get him a hot collar and dip him in backwash to keep him happy.
03:08I can't wait to see the game.
03:10All right.
03:11Well, now what we're going to do is we're going to take those words
03:13that James filled in the blanks with and turn them into a game.
03:16Let's go, players.
03:17Right over here.
03:19Well, let's see.
03:20We got man's best friend.
03:21We got everything here.
03:22We have the iguanas.
03:23We have the hog collars.
03:24And in the back of the hummingbirds,
03:26we're not going to dip them in the backwash.
03:28You guys get lucky with that.
03:29Get in position, everyone.
03:30I'll explain how this game works.
03:32The iguanas make a sound.
03:33They make a sound.
03:34They make a sound.
03:35They make a sound.
03:36They make a sound.
03:37They make a sound.
03:38They make a sound.
03:39The iguanas' man's best friend had to run over here
03:42and grab a hummingbird from the tree.
03:44They grab the hummingbird.
03:45They run over here to the line.
03:46When they get to the line, then they got to take it
03:48and chuck it at the other team.
03:51Now, the team that has the fewest hummingbirds on their iguana in 45 seconds,
03:56they win.
03:57They get 20 points.
03:58Piece of cake.
03:59Players in position, let's get ready to go.
04:01Let's put 45 seconds up on the clock,
04:05on your mark,
04:06get set,
04:10There's a good toss for the red team.
04:14Looks like the blue team got one stuck.
04:16Could be a tie game right now.
04:18Ooh, nice dodge.
04:22Big hit.
04:25Hey, those hummingbirds are flying.
04:28Ooh, Brandon with the spin move, but I think the hummingbird is still stuck.
04:34Got to be careful when you're grabbing from the tree.
04:37You can get hit.
04:38You can get hit.
04:42It's like a crazy game of dodgeball.
04:45It's like dodgeball in Alice in Wonderland.
04:52There's a miss.
04:53That's it, that's it, that's it.
04:55No, that one doesn't count.
04:56Come over here, Brandon.
04:57Come over here, Brandon.
04:58We got one right after the buzzer,
05:00so I'm going to pull that one off.
05:01That one was right after the buzzer.
05:03Players, come in.
05:04Let me take a look.
05:05June, come over here.
05:06Let's see how we did.
05:07On the blue team, June has one, two.
05:10Turn around.
05:11Let's check the back.
05:12Oh, there's one right down at the bottom.
05:14That's three.
05:15And then we had Brandon's.
05:16Four, five, six, seven.
05:20Down there.
05:21Turn around.
05:22Any more?
05:23No, that's seven for the blue team.
05:24Let's see how the red team did.
05:25Red team, we have one, two.
05:26Turn around.
05:28And keep going.
05:29That's it.
05:30You're clean, Jessica.
05:31Three, four, five, six, seven, eight on the red.
05:35And that means the blue team is the winner.
05:40All right.
05:41Well, Iguanas, that was some fun, fast-paced action.
05:45Now it's time to go over and get madder than you.
05:47Let's take a look at the scores.
05:48First, though, we got 20 points for the blue team.
05:53Nothing for the red team yet.
05:54But like I said, we're going to madder than you,
05:56so you got a chance to catch up.
05:57Let's go.
05:58Come on.
06:00All right.
06:04Hog wild on that one.
06:05Now it's time to find out which team is madder than the other one.
06:08The key to being an expert Mad Libber, you have a huge vocabulary.
06:11That means you have more words to jam into all the blanks
06:14that we're going to have all day long.
06:16Here's how this game works.
06:17I read you a category.
06:18Then these guys have to rack their brains to come up with
06:20as many words as they can that fit into that category.
06:23Now, to make it a little bit more interesting,
06:25you have to pass the math test.
06:27Now, to make it a little bit more interesting,
06:28you have to pass the Mad Lib's hot potato back and forth.
06:32Just like that.
06:33If you get a brain cramp, you can't think of anything, you're stumped.
06:36Well, then that category's over, and the other team gets five points.
06:40Remember, you cannot repeat another player's answer
06:43or a different form of the same word.
06:45Our players are going to have two minutes to go through
06:47as many categories as possible.
06:49So let's put those two minutes up on the clock.
06:51Players get in position.
06:53We'll have the girls go first.
06:55Here you go.
06:56Here comes your first category.
06:59Things with teeth.
07:03Oh, now.
07:05That one didn't make the buzzer.
07:07That's five points for the blue team right away.
07:09She got a little stumbled on her Ms there.
07:11Moving on, this one is kinds of snakes.
07:16Garden snake.
07:17King cobra.
07:19Water snake.
07:26Boston cream pie.
07:28Boston cream pie?
07:29I don't think so.
07:30Boston cream pie.
07:32What kind of snake is that?
07:33That's five points for the blue team.
07:35Moving on.
07:36Go, June.
07:37This one is words that start with the letter D.
07:54Too much time.
07:55Five points for the red team.
07:56Nice job.
07:57Getting on the board.
07:58This one is words you buy or what you buy at a supermarket.
08:03What you buy at a supermarket.
08:10Orange juice.
08:19Whipped cream.
08:23Too much time.
08:24Nice try, Brandon.
08:25That's five points for the red team.
08:26Here comes the next category.
08:28Famous monsters.
08:30Famous monsters.
08:36King Kong.
08:38The werewolf.
08:42That's good.
08:43As long as you didn't say me.
08:44Boston cream pie.
08:45No, that's not a monster either.
08:46Five points for the blue team.
08:48Next round is things a cowboy wears.
08:54Cowboy boots.
09:01Oh, they're not going to give that to you, Brandon.
09:03But we ran out of time.
09:04All right, now should we award those points?
09:06That is five points for the red team.
09:07He got buzzed right before the buzzer.
09:09They didn't give him plaid.
09:10So that's five more points for the red team.
09:12So now the scores are red team gets 15 points.
09:16Blue team, 35 points.
09:18They're still in the lead.
09:21All right, next up, it's time to take these players
09:23and get mega huge on our mega stunt.
09:26We're going to watch these guys run around
09:28in some really goopy stuff.
09:30So stay tuned.
09:32All right.
09:49Welcome back to Mad Libs.
09:51Tell you what, let's check out the scores.
09:53Red team, 15 points.
09:55Blue team in the lead with 35 points.
10:00Got a good game, but you know what, red team?
10:02Guess what?
10:03It's time for the mega stunt.
10:04You know how much the mega stunt's worth?
10:0520 points.
10:0620 points, which means if you win, guess what?
10:08Tie game!
10:09A little math for you today.
10:10A little math, okay?
10:11This mega stunt is going to come to you with rain, sleet, snow.
10:15Nothing's going to stop this stunt, not even scrambled eggs.
10:18What our players are going to be doing is they're going to be
10:20attached to these stretchy cords right here
10:23that are attached to this gigantic bag of Mad Libs fan mail.
10:27Thank you very much, by the way.
10:28I'm very touched.
10:29Then they have to run through the scrambled eggs
10:31and head to the mailbox.
10:33Once they get to the mailbox, that's where they grab
10:35the moldy bread.
10:37Now inside the moldy bread, well, that's where you're going
10:39to find the words.
10:41You take the words, you deliver the good back over here
10:44to the Mad Lib wall.
10:46The team that gets all their words in the Mad Lib wall first,
10:49well, they're our winner, and they win the 20 points.
10:53Teams, you ready to go?
10:56Let's get set.
10:58On your mark, get set, go.
11:02Into the scrambled eggs.
11:03Got to be careful of the scrambled eggs.
11:05They're a little slippery this morning.
11:08I'm going to have to talk to whoever made those eggs.
11:10They're a little runny.
11:11Those eggs are definitely a little runny.
11:13Open it up, open it up.
11:14All right.
11:17There's the tag.
11:18Tag and go.
11:20I made it.
11:26Remember, they're attacking you.
11:28Tag her.
11:31Go, go, go, go.
11:33If I made a mess like this at breakfast, my mom would kill me.
11:36Yes, go.
11:38She can't get to the rope.
11:40It's too high.
11:41There she goes.
11:44Blue team guessed.
11:45Now it's two to two.
11:46We got a tie now.
11:49Jessie's coming back.
11:50Is she going to have one?
11:52Yes, that's the correct color.
11:55Here comes Brandon.
11:56No, that's another repeat.
11:57They're going to get a tag.
12:01This could be it.
12:02It's three to two.
12:03Red team needs one word.
12:05They need a last word.
12:09All right.
12:10Go, go, go.
12:11Here comes Josh.
12:12Let's see what color he got.
12:13It's a repeat.
12:15So that means blue team catches up now.
12:19It's three to three.
12:20Blue team needs a bottom word.
12:22It's a black noun.
12:26And there it is.
12:27It looks like they got it.
12:28That's it.
12:29That's it.
12:32Oh, man.
12:34Scrambled eggs mess.
12:36That was great.
12:37You guys got flung back and you ended up getting your words.
12:40Let's see what you got.
12:41You got piranhas, punched, putrid, and then pampers.
12:47Wow, lots of P words.
12:48Tell you what.
12:49Let's take these words and put them in the Mad Lib.
12:51Come on, gang.
12:52Let's go.
12:53Over here, through the eggs.
12:57Careful not to slip and slide on the eggs.
12:59All right.
13:00Let's take those words, stick them in the Mad Lib,
13:02see what we get.
13:05Peter Piper.
13:06No wonder we had all the P words.
13:09Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled piranhas.
13:11A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper punched.
13:15If Peter Piper picked a peck of putrid peppers,
13:18where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Pampers picked?
13:23All right.
13:24Who wrote that one?
13:25You're killing me with that.
13:27Well, you got all the right P words that stuck in our Mad Lib.
13:30And guess what?
13:31You guys got 20 more points.
13:32Nice job, Blue Team.
13:34Time to mix it up a little bit.
13:36Come on, Red Team.
13:37Let's go, Blue Team.
13:38We're heading over to Mixed Up Mad Lib.
13:40Let's go.
13:43Come on, guys.
13:47All right, Blue Team over here, Red Team over here.
13:49Just to make things a little bit more fun,
13:51we're going to do this with bungee cords today.
13:53I'm just kidding.
13:54Woo, that was crazy.
13:55These guys are flying all over the place.
13:57Let's take a look at the scores, see what happened after that crazy game.
14:01Well, Red Team still got 15 points.
14:03Blue Team takes a big lead with 55 points.
14:06Nice job, Blue Team.
14:09Red Team, don't you worry.
14:12You know what happens in Mixed Up Mad Lib.
14:13We're going to do a one-minute, 30-second head-to-head competition.
14:16I'm going to read you a sentence.
14:18It already has a crazy word inserted in it.
14:20When you know the correct word, you buzz in, you give me the answer.
14:24Now, why shouldn't you worry?
14:25Because each one is going to be worth 10 points.
14:28And this round is moving so you guys can catch up real fast.
14:32All right, you guys ready to go?
14:34Let's get in position.
14:35We're going to put one minute, 30 seconds on the clock.
14:37Put it here, guys.
14:38Grab the questions.
14:39Okay, here comes your first Mixed Up Mad Lib.
14:44The third rock from the sun is planet Urkel.
14:50United we stand, divided we bark.
14:54Yes, catching up.
14:55If you get lost in space, ask for directions from its star, Matt Limewedge.
15:03Belgium's capital city shares its name with a vegetable.
15:05It's bikini.
15:10In England, they call them chips.
15:11But when we eat them with hamburgers, we call them French Franklin.
15:15French fries.
15:17If you've just captured your opponent's king,
15:18you've just won a game of cheating.
15:22Yep, staying right in it.
15:23It is customary to show your teacher appreciation
15:24by giving her a shiny red artichoke.
15:29It's no bull.
15:30He's the rebound master who changes his hair color every week.
15:32Dennis Rhinestone.
15:36In our nation's capital, D.C. stands for dogs and cats.
15:41Domestic repor-
15:43No, incorrect.
15:45District of Columbia.
15:47Keeping the lead.
15:48The four teenage guys who don't stop
15:49are members of the R&B singing group called No Boring Me.
15:53Uh, naughty by nature.
15:58No authority.
16:00Scout, Atticus Finch, and Boo Radley are characters in the book.
16:04Just skin a cat.
16:10To hide a cat.
16:11To kill a mockingbird.
16:13Fish live in the ocean and bees live in-
16:16That's it!
16:17Round of applause for team 65!
16:18Blue team keeps the lead.
16:19They win with 85 points.
16:20Nice job, blue team.
16:25Red team, man.
16:27Amazing comeback.
16:29Jessica, I saw you wracking your brain, killing yourself.
16:32Oh, mockingbird in District of Columbia.
16:34You were so close.
16:35You guys, great, great game today.
16:37And, of course, everyone gets some cool stuff just for coming.
16:39We're going to give you guys a family trivia game that's fun for everybody.
16:42It's Disney Interactive's The D Show on CD-ROM.
16:45And, of course, you get the world's greatest word game, the Mad Lib Book.
16:48Great team.
16:49Give it up for the red team.
16:51Nice job.
16:52Great game.
16:53Blue team.
16:54Yeah, let's give it up for them.
16:55They were great.
16:56They were great.
16:57You guys, just by the air of your chinny-chin-chin, you pulled it out.
17:00Do you know what that means?
17:01It's time to go to the maximum ad lib.
17:03Let's go.
17:04Come on.
17:06Nice job.
17:09All right.
17:11You pulled it off.
17:12You ran through all the scrambled eggs.
17:13You kept the lead and mixed up Mad Lib.
17:15Now, have you decided who's going to be given the clue, giver?
17:18Brandon's going to be given the clues.
17:19All right.
17:20That means you get this envelope right here.
17:23This envelope has the five words that you're going to use to build the last Mad Lib of the day.
17:26Brandon, you know it's important.
17:28You can put these words in any clue area you want.
17:31You go for it.
17:32June, you hang out with me, and you come back.
17:35Because we're going to watch them go to the max.
17:45Hey, welcome back to Mad Libs.
17:46It's time to build our maximum Mad Lib today.
17:49During the break, Brandon, using his brain, had to set up the clues in all the different areas to help June get the words.
17:55Here's how the max works.
17:57We've got five blanks in our last Mad Lib.
17:59Brandon gives the clues down to June to try and fill in all those blanks.
18:03The clues come from these different category areas.
18:06The first one, stuff it.
18:08That's where you've got to take four marshmallows, shove it in your mouth, and yell the word down.
18:12Then we go to lick it.
18:14Lick the frosting.
18:15Spell the word.
18:16Hang there.
18:18This one is draw it.
18:19Hands in the goop.
18:21Paint it with your hands.
18:23Kind of a tough one.
18:24Then we come to act it.
18:25Using only your acting skills, you have to try and relay the message of the word down to your teammate.
18:30No talking, Brandon, over here.
18:32And finally, mold it.
18:33You grab this pile of stuff, mold it into something, using your best artist skills to make something that looks like the word.
18:39Now, as June correctly guesses each word, we're going to stick it into the Mad Lib video wall over here.
18:44Come on, June, let's get ready to go.
18:46Now, your goal is to get as many words as possible.
18:49Well, because the grand prize is hidden beneath just one of those words.
18:53Are you guys ready to go?
18:55Let's put one minute, 30 seconds up on the clock.
18:57Good luck to your blue team.
18:59On your mark, get set, go!
19:02Okay, Brandon!
19:03He's starting at lick it.
19:05Lick it.
19:06The category there is a bird.
19:07A bird.
19:08Um, lark.
19:09Um, bleh, bleh.
19:12It's a bird.
19:13Low, low.
19:16Skip it, skip it.
19:17Pass, pass.
19:18He's going to pass it with a mouthful of frosting.
19:21He's going to stuff it.
19:22Might as well get some marshmallows in while he's got the prize.
19:24A plate.
19:25A plate.
19:27A plate.
19:28A plate.
19:29A plate.
19:30A plate.
19:31It's a plate.
19:35There it is.
19:36Spit them out.
19:37Good job.
19:38Going to droid.
19:40Category droid is a Christmas thing.
19:41Christmas thing.
19:43Uh, stand.
19:44Holly, wreath.
19:45Uh, um, okay.
19:46I don't know.
19:47Come on, Brandon.
19:48Um, reindeer.
19:49Good job!
19:50Next up, all right, he's an actant.
19:52Category is a hero.
19:53A hero.
19:55Good job.
19:56Good job.
19:57All right, he's going to mold it.
19:58The category there, it's round.
20:00Circle ball.
20:01Whatever it is, it's dead.
20:02It's round.
20:04Uh, tie.
20:44Oh, didn't get that one!
20:45Nice job, Scott.
20:46You did get a few.
20:47Come on over here.
20:48Brandon, come on down.
20:49Right there with your red and blue hands.
20:50Careful buddy.
20:51All right, let's take a look at the words that you get, and then we'll take a look at
20:52some of the categories you didn't get.
20:53That was great. Nice finger painting.
20:55It took a little while, but it ended up getting there.
20:57Brandon, you and your big mouth took care of that one.
20:59That was no problem.
21:00Now, a bird, June, you think you have a guess?
21:02It was on Lick It. What do you think a bird was?
21:05Lovebird. No, you see, the first one was a C, not an L.
21:09And I don't know what he was spelling,
21:11because we were looking for a crow.
21:12Brandon, you forgot the R.
21:13Crow was the word.
21:16Then we got Superman. That was great.
21:17And it's round.
21:18Just at the last second, you almost got it.
21:20One more flat food. Breakfast food.
21:24Do them in stacks.
21:27Pancakes. All right.
21:28Tell you what, let's take a look at the words.
21:29We're going to put them in the Mad Lib.
21:30See what happens.
21:31You've still got three out of five.
21:32Let's see the Mad Lib.
21:35If I ruled the world with your words stuck in,
21:39it would be okay to play reindeer games all day.
21:42There would be no more going to Kmart.
21:44Everyone would have to eat crow and wear Superman clothes.
21:48And as soon as you're 13, you can drive a pancake.
21:51Wow. All right.
21:54You got three out of five.
21:55Let's take a look at your words.
21:57We'll start with reindeer.
21:59Is it there?
22:01All right, let's go to the next one.
22:03Kmart, is it there?
22:06Okay, now you got one word left.
22:08Let's see if you got the grand prize
22:10or if it's stuck under one of the other two words.
22:13Is it under Superman?
22:17Oh, it's not there.
22:18All right, let's see.
22:19Which word was it under?
22:20Crow or pancake?
22:21Where was it?
22:23And you guys were so close.
22:24That's okay, though.
22:25Just for getting to the maximum Mad Lib,
22:27you guys are going to get a boom box.
22:29Each of you gets a cool boom box.
22:31It's got a CD player and AMS appearance
22:33with passable speakers.
22:36Great job today, Blue Team.
22:37Thanks a lot for coming.
22:38We'll see you next time.
22:39So long.
22:41We'll see you next time.