The Underwear of a Girl I Secretly Admire Fell from the Sky.

  • 4 months ago
The Underwear of a Girl I Secretly Admire Fell from the Sky.
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00I'm Saya Saito, 19 years old.
00:03I've been in college for a year, just living a plain old ordinary life.
00:08Sports are big here, but being a scrawny dude, I'm not in any clubs.
00:12I'm stuck with this dull and boring campus life.
00:17Make way everyone!
00:18Make way for Lady Emily Watanabe!
00:21Aw man, she's pretty as usual.
00:25She's the idol of our school, Emily Watanabe.
00:28Just like a sheltered girl who grew up in the countryside up north.
00:32And phew, I fell head over heels for her innocent cuteness.
00:37But I ain't got the courage to get close to her.
00:39Or rather, I just can't do it.
00:42Lady Emily Watanabe, we'll escort you to the club room as always.
00:46Let's roll y'all!
00:48Oh, um, thanks.
00:49She's the manager of our prestigious wrestling club.
00:57Turns out her dad, all worried about her moving to the big city, asked her to join
01:01the club so she'd have some protection in case something went down.
01:06One day, while I could only watch Emily from a distance, as I was making my way home, something
01:12crazy happened.
01:14Man, even that wrestling club is overprotective.
01:18Doing all that stuff, huh?
01:20What the?
01:21Everything suddenly went pitch black.
01:23No way!
01:24Is my life already game over?
01:26Mom, thanks for everything.
01:29Wait, huh?
01:31What's this?
01:33No, wait!
01:36Is that voice...
01:39Is it yours?
01:40Um, no.
01:41Well, it's um, yeah, it's mine.
01:42Alright, then I'll give it back.
01:43There you go.
01:44I see.
01:45So Emily is a guy?
01:46Wait a minute.
01:47That can't be true!
01:55It's obviously her boyfriends!
01:57They're probably even living together!
02:00Talk about a heartbreaking plot twist.
02:04Y-yeah, what's up?
02:07Did you... see it?
02:11I saw nothing since it was in my face, but oh, of course, I won't tell anyone.
02:17As your number one fan, I'm wishing you all the happiness, you know?
02:21Man, why am I talking like this?
02:24Um, in that case, would you... come to my place?
02:31You're Seiya Saito, from the same department, right?
02:35Please, I also want to thank you somehow.
02:38N-no way, no way!
02:41No freaking way I can do that!
02:43A few minutes later...
02:45Do you prefer barley tea or black tea?
02:49Then barley tea!
02:50Alrighty then!
02:52What's going on here?
02:55As I realized, I was casually drinking barley tea in Emily's room.
02:59It was like a dream, but I gradually started to regain my composure.
03:04Wait a minute, this situation is kinda messed up.
03:07Emily's boyfriend's underwear flew to my head as a thank you, and now I'm in her room?
03:13Isn't this dangerous?
03:14Uh, I think I'll head back.
03:18Hey, wait a sec, we still need to talk!
03:21Nah, it's not cool to mess with your boyfriend, gotta go!
03:25I-I don't have a boyfriend!
03:29I don't have one, that's why I need your help, Seiya!
03:34What does she mean?
03:35The men's underwear from earlier was just a camouflage.
03:38We've been having a problem with underwear thieves in this apartment building, so...
03:43Apparently, there have been multiple incidents of underwear theft in the building where Emily
03:48So, as a preventative measure, she bought boxers.
03:52It seems that it flew and landed on my head by chance.
03:56But couldn't you talk to your dad or maybe even the wrestling club members about this?
04:01I don't want to trouble my parents any further, and I don't want to interview with everyone's
04:09I want to ask you to play the role of my boyfriend!
04:12Why the heck would it go that way?
04:14If I can prove that we're really living together, I think the thief won't come anymore, you
04:20Well, yeah, I guess that makes sense, but I...
04:23I understand.
04:24You're busy, right?
04:26Nah, I'm super free.
04:28Probably the most free person in the whole world.
04:31Then please?
04:32And so, I started visiting Emily's room frequently.
04:36The room of that school Madonna, Emily's.
04:39Of course, it was as her fake boyfriend, to keep the underwear thief away.
04:45But neither of us knew what to do, so we decided to start by going out onto the balcony together.
04:52I've never had a boyfriend before, so what do regular couples do in situations like this?
05:03Do you know?
05:05W-well, isn't it like, um, try calling each other something more couple-like or something?
05:12I see!
05:14Hey, babe!
05:16Uh, he-hey, babe!
05:20Aw, man, she's too cute!
05:23So, what should we do next?
05:25Sorry, I have no clue!
05:27I've never had a girlfriend before either!
05:30From then on, I continued playing the role of Emily's boyfriend, but that was only outside of school.
05:37Inside the school, the wrestling club was always there to protect her, so I didn't have any chance to shine.
05:43The culprit is definitely someone from outside the university.
05:47Seeing this scene, there's no way they would lay a finger on her.
05:51But what would I be able to do if I ever encountered a thief in her room?
05:56I'm pretty weak.
05:58Then one day, while we were studying as usual in Emily's room, she let out a scream when she went to take in the laundry.
06:05And the reason was obvious.
06:07Despite us being in the room, Emily's underwear had disappeared.
06:11No way! When did this happen?
06:14Senya, I'm scared!
06:17It's no good if things continue like this!
06:21I gotta protect her no matter what!
06:23Emily, can you do me a favor?
06:27Hmm? You wanna join our wrestling club?
06:30Y-yes! Make me stronger!
06:33If it's a wish from Lady Emily's friend, I'll consider it.
06:37However, we're tough.
06:39I'm ready for it!
06:40Yep, I made up my mind and decided to join the wrestling team that's regular at the national tournament.
06:47I made the hardcore decision to get trained to the max all for the sake of protecting Emily.
06:53And of course, I didn't expose about the panty thief to the team members because that's what she wants.
07:00But man, I gotta tell you, the training was a billion times tougher than I imagined.
07:05I'm super tired every day, but I keep pushing through.
07:09Because, you know...
07:10Senya! Here's your towel! Good job with practice!
07:14Thanks, Emily!
07:16With her cheering, I feel unstoppable.
07:19I can feel every cell in my body growing!
07:22But don't push yourself too hard, okay?
07:25If it's too tough, take a break.
07:27What are you talking about? I can do anything for you!
07:32Captain! One more set, please!
07:35Now that's what I'm talking about, Senya!
07:37Huh? I feel like my mindset and personality changed as well.
07:42As the practice grew more intense, I found myself too exhausted to make it to Emily's room.
07:48Of course, I made it clear to tell her to tell me if anything happens.
07:52Eventually, the wrestling club members started to recognize and accept me.
07:56But I continued my secret training in the shadows.
07:59If the thief comes from this direction, or from behind like this,
08:04the thief sneaks in without a sound and disappears right away.
08:07This guy might be a real pro.
08:09Senya, what are you doing?
08:11Uh, Captain! This is, uh, research for a new wrestling method!
08:16However, such imaginary training proved futile.
08:20What the heck? The underwear thief came again!
08:23Yeah, yesterday while I was in my room it disappeared.
08:27But Senya, maybe...
08:30What a sneaky bastard! Can't believe it!
08:33Hold up. What do you mean by underwear thief?
08:38Once again, the underwear thief appeared in Emily's room.
08:42And because of my furious outburst, the whole wrestling club found out.
08:46But at this point, there was no choice but to get everyone's cooperation.
08:50With that in mind, I discussed the situation with Emily.
08:54I got it, Lady Emily! How about we make it like the guy who catches the thief gets to date you?
08:59Huh? What kind of an idea is that?
09:02Fine, I understand. But guys, don't push yourselves too hard, okay?
09:08What? She accepts it? What is going on?
09:12Unexpectedly, things started to escalate smoothly, and a few days had passed since then.
09:18The top-notch members of the wrestling club, including the captain, gathered at Emily's place.
09:23Each had their own strategic plan in mind, and the battle to protect Emily was about to kick off.
09:29Well, since it's come to this, I'm gonna nab him! I'm the one who's gonna protect Emily!
09:35Hey, Saya. I want you to stay with me in the room.
09:39Huh? But then...
09:42I... I feel uneasy being alone, and I don't want anything sketchy happening to you.
09:49So basically that means...
09:51Here, it's your barley tea.
09:54Thanks. In this case, if a real thief shows up, all the guys down below would surely catch him. Emily should know that too.
10:03But seriously, Saya, you're amazing!
10:06So that means she called me here because...
10:09Emily definitely doesn't want to be in a relationship with me!
10:13Sheesh. I mean, you even joined in on the grueling practice. What happened to you?
10:19Nah, it's nothing.
10:21Well, duh. Why would a person like Emily would want to be in a relationship with a plain loser like me?
10:31No way.
10:32At that moment, when I was completely down in the dumps, it happened.
10:36I could hear a noise from the balcony, and I sensed a presence snooping around the laundry.
10:41What the... What about the others?
10:44Don't tell me that he took out all of them! How can I beat that kind of person?
10:50That's right! I've been giving my all to protect this girl!
10:55Also to avenge my fellow teammates who went through tough times together!
11:00Emily, I'll definitely catch him!
11:04Everyone must have given it their all.
11:06But the strongest desire to protect you burns within me!
11:12I'll swiftly open the curtains and doors, and if he comes from above, like this, or from below, I'll do this.
11:18Alright, no matter who he is, I'm gonna catch him for sure!
11:23Hey, you! Don't you...
11:27Huh? Why the heck is a pigeon holding her underwear in its beak?
11:31Is underwear the pigeon's main diet? Nah, that can't be...
11:35Wait, does that mean this bird has been the culprit all along?
11:41Hey, wait up! Didn't expect it to fly...
11:45Hey, Saya?
11:47Whether it's a pigeon or whatever, I'm gonna catch it!
11:51Saya, be careful!
11:53I... caught it!
11:55Coo-coo! Coo-coo!
11:58Sorry, Emily. Thanks.
12:01It's fine. But it turned out to be a pigeon, after all.
12:05Huh? After all?
12:08Actually, when it was stolen before, I saw the pigeon flying away.
12:11So I had a hunch, but I couldn't bring myself to say it.
12:15Hold on a sec! So you called me to this room because...
12:21I want to be in a relationship with you.
12:25But why... why someone like me, who's nothing special?
12:30It's true that I've been overly protected all my life,
12:33but you're the first person who's gone to great lengths for me.
12:37And seeing you work so hard gives me the courage to push myself too.
12:42Maybe falling for someone like that is what love is all about.
12:46The truth is, this is the first time I've been able to grow so much.
12:50My confidence, my courage, and all my precious friends,
12:54it's all thanks to you. It's all for you.
12:57Emily, from now on, I'll become even stronger, both in mind and body.
13:02So, please go out with me!
13:05Of course, babe!
13:07Let's keep supporting each other from now on, Saya!
13:10Yeah! With you by my side, I can do anything!
13:14Coo! Coo!
13:16Oh, I almost forgot! Hey, you!
13:19What the heck are you trying to do, stealing a pair of panties?!
13:22Give it back!
13:23Coo! Coo!
13:25That smug expression, definitely a repeat offender.
13:29Jeez, this city's got some weird pigeons.
13:32Um... um... Saya?
13:36I appreciate you getting it, but it's embarrassing, so can you give it to me?
13:44Oh, sorry! Here you go! This is pretty cute, actually!
13:49I don't need a compliment right now!
13:52And so, I repelled the flying underwear thief and managed to convey my feelings successfully.
13:58Looking back, the underwear that fell on my head that day might have been a chance given to me by God.
14:04Afterward, the wrestling club members who witnessed the whole thing from below celebrated our relationship.
14:11That split-second power and courage were impressive, Saya.
14:15I'm counting on you to protect Lady Emily.
14:20And that means you gotta level up even more!
14:23From now on, I'm gonna be pushing you harder than ever!
14:26Huh? Alright! You can count on me, Captain!
14:30After that, I kept training hard in the wrestling club.
14:34Before I knew it, my confidence grew, and I could confidently walk beside Emily on campus, head held high.
14:40Even her dad gave me the green light as her personal bodyguard-slash-boyfriend.
14:45And now, he sometimes calls us the perfect couple.
14:48But once I get home...
14:50Next up is Bizarre Sights in the City!
14:53We've spotted a pigeon flying through the sky with underwear in its beak in Koiwa City!
14:59Yo! This bird again! It never learns.
15:03Hey Saya, are you even listening?
15:06Uh, yeah. Um...
15:09Emily, you sure this place is cozy and relaxing?
15:13Yeah, babe. It gives me that protected vibe, you know?
15:17And, like, if we ever get married, I want a swanky apartment like this.
15:22Somewhere high where pigeons can't reach.
15:25I'll go all out in my efforts to protect Emily, no matter who or what I'm up against.
15:30I've made a promise to myself to protect her.
15:33Whether it's a person or an animal, I'm gonna confront.
