Rote Rosen Folge 1157

  • 4 months ago
00:00You have secrets from me.
00:04You have hidden from me that I'm dating a star chef.
00:12Nothing has changed between us.
00:14Oh, no?
00:15Of course not.
00:16Or do you think I love you less than before?
00:18Before you didn't know you were going to be a father.
00:20It's all said and done.
00:22Let it be, Katja.
00:24You only make it worse.
00:25You destroy everything.
00:26Please get out of my life.
00:30I'm worn and painted by the sun.
00:32And it's in my eyes.
00:34And it's in my eyes.
00:38Caught by the rapture of the dawn.
00:40And a restless sky.
00:42And a restless sky.
00:47This is my life.
00:51This is the way to find my own.
00:55This is my life.
00:56This is my life.
00:59This is the world where I belong.
01:04I'm rolling on.
01:06I'm rolling on.
01:27It's getting better.
01:30If I leave now.
01:42Don't worry.
01:44I know what's going on.
01:46I'll take care of it.
01:48Thank you.
01:59Ms. Lichtenhagen.
02:01Unfortunately, something went wrong.
02:03What went wrong?
02:05The whole town hall is in the dark.
02:07I'm sorry.
02:09There was a breakdown in the transmission.
02:11The security service is making a huge effort here.
02:16Can you continue the test tonight?
02:18Unfortunately not.
02:20You know, I...
02:22I have to go down the whole system first.
02:24Then delete the incomprehensible data package.
02:27And for that I need the consent of your administrator.
02:31And only when everything has worked out,
02:33can I start a new run.
02:36I understand.
02:38I just really hope that the opposition doesn't get wind of it.
02:41For this Dr. Seefeld, that would be a piece of cake.
02:45Yes, but I'm doing my best to start a new run tomorrow.
02:53Yes, then I would suggest that we meet again tomorrow
02:56and discuss everything else.
02:59See you tomorrow, Ms. Lichtenhagen.
03:06It didn't go so well, did it?
03:09It's a disaster.
03:23The next time I move, I'll start a company like yours.
03:27I hope you won't have to look for a new apartment so soon.
03:32It depends on how you behave.
03:36Did you look for help?
03:38Yes, but as many as we can get.
03:40Well, then, I'm off.
03:50As many as we can get.
03:53Good morning.
03:55Good morning.
03:56Is everything okay?
03:59Still angry with Philipp's wife?
04:03This time it's something else.
04:08I'll take you out.
04:11Come, come, come.
04:15What can I do for you?
04:17Ms. Rose, I'd like a large bouquet of flowers.
04:20The variety doesn't matter.
04:21The main thing is that it has to be large and colorful.
04:23Large and colorful.
04:24That can be done.
04:30I don't really care, but...
04:33I've never seen you two like this before.
04:36What happened?
04:38I lost my temper a bit last night.
04:41I understand.
04:43It's not an easy time for you, either.
04:46It's best if I fly back to the U.S. as soon as possible.
04:51I'm sorry to see...
04:54that apparently not even a friendship between you and Katja is possible.
05:00Sometimes it's like that.
05:09Very nice. How much is it?
05:1120. Well, 20 euros.
05:13Here you go.
05:14Thank you.
05:16Well, then.
05:27If only it would come like this.
05:38I didn't close my eyes all night because everything was so busy.
05:42I believe that.
05:44How can you only want to be there financially for your child?
05:48And otherwise act as if you weren't the father.
05:52Here you go.
05:53Thank you.
05:54Well, when I think of Timo's creator, he was gone faster than I could say hello.
06:00Maybe Torben just wants to create clear relationships for you.
06:03But that's why you can't just ignore the child.
06:05Well, if I could say something about that, too...
06:07You've hidden an unlikely child from me.
06:09No, and I would have certainly suggested that to you.
06:12I find it totally unacceptable when men put themselves in front of their responsibilities.
06:15With your opinion, you're probably not far ahead.
06:18Well, I think there are enough men who see it the same way.
06:20I'm pretty sure that Torben will regret it if he doesn't take care of his child properly.
06:24That's what the family man says.
06:27Now, I'm serious.
06:28For me, you have both parents to take care of your child, no matter in which constellation.
06:32So, and now I have to go to Mr. Langer.
06:35One, two, three.
06:37We'll see each other this afternoon?
06:39I still have to do a patient transfer, but I'll call you, okay?
06:43Carla, bye.
06:55I don't understand you.
06:57First you're upset that Torben will ever have a child.
07:00And now you're upset that he doesn't want to take care of it properly.
07:04What do you really want?
07:21We can look at this field a hundred times.
07:23We still can't figure out who owns the camera.
07:25You're repeating yourself.
07:26You should focus.
07:27We should confess everything to Ms. Lichtenhagen.
07:29Are you crazy?
07:30If Anne finds out that a stranger is running around with the recordings of her misogynistic speeches,
07:34then good night!
07:36Maybe you don't care about this stranger at all.
07:39Yes, I do.
07:40What if he demands money?
07:42Not from us, anyway.
07:44Yes, but maybe from Anne or her political opponent.
07:47Mick, imagine.
07:48The video gets into the hands of the opposition.
07:51Turn it up.
07:54No, no, no, turn it up properly.
07:57What is this nonsense?
08:07They're really looking for a property.
08:09To build.
08:10For apartments.
08:11Or a hotel.
08:14Wait a minute.
08:17Isn't that the property with the tulip farm of Ms. van Loon?
08:24I was there the other day because Ella was working there.
08:28Do you think what I'm thinking?
08:31Let's go to the nursery.
08:34Yes, what do you think of it?
08:38And what exactly is that supposed to be?
08:40Some kind of Sudoku or crossword puzzle?
08:43That's what the homepage for my breeding network will look like.
08:48I didn't even know that the goyles are already going online.
08:51Yes, of course, only with the corresponding software.
08:53But then you can see with a few clicks where in the world
08:56a hamster or a stooge was offered for sale.
08:59Mr. Albers, and you're really not telling me anything about the horse?
09:03The trick is that you can observe the sales paths
09:05and developments of young horses.
09:07What prices they win and a thousand other information.
09:11That doesn't sound bad at all.
09:13Not bad?
09:14That's genius.
09:16That's the business idea.
09:18With a few clicks you have an overview of all breeders.
09:21Not just in Germany.
09:23First in Germany.
09:24Later also abroad, yes.
09:26So be careful.
09:27And when is the whole thing going online?
09:29Yes, that's the problem.
09:31Developing such a software is not cheap.
09:34But Mr. Langer would be too predestined for it.
09:37Can't he continue to help?
09:38I've already asked him, but he doesn't care either.
09:42Mr. Berger, hello.
09:43It's nice that you had time so quickly.
09:45What's the matter?
09:46You sounded on the phone as if the world were going to end.
09:48Yes, well, it's about the following.
09:50Ms. Lichtenhagen, or the city, is interested in my energy saving software.
09:54Thank you.
09:55I started a trial run yesterday.
09:57But there was a breakdown and the result was a blackout in the town hall.
10:03Ms. Lichtenhagen is now afraid that the whole thing will fall back on her
10:06because she has committed herself to the procurement of the program.
10:08In the election campaign, of course, a found food for the coalition.
10:11I understand.
10:12And yes, what can I do for you now?
10:14It would be nice if you would accompany me when I go to Ms. Lichtenhagen in the town hall.
10:18And if you would sensitize the technicians a little.
10:20I would take care of the EDV people.
10:22You're probably rotating right now, aren't you?
10:26Yes, I don't think that would be a problem.
10:28Oh, thank you. I'm glad that you're helping me.
10:32If I could keep the bouquet for Britta for that, then we're in business.
10:36Unfortunately, that's not possible.
10:56So, Mr. Stein, how are you today?
10:58Well, how am I?
10:59I walked around the house once, did a dozen pull-ups.
11:02Oh, then you're out of the worst.
11:04Tell me, shouldn't I go to an examination?
11:06Yes, someone will pick you up in a moment.
11:08You can sit in the wheelchair.
11:10Ms. Dr. Thies, one more question.
11:12My wife argued with you on the phone.
11:15Was that Ms. Meissner?
11:16I can...
11:17Ms. Dr. Thies?
11:22Where can I put you?
11:26Thank you.
11:27Thank you, Ms. Dr. Thies, by the way.
11:29You're welcome.
11:36Good morning, Mr. Stein.
11:38Good morning.
11:39Unfortunately, you're not in a good mood right now.
11:41I'll be picked up for an examination in a moment.
11:43I'll wait for you.
11:44Tell me, did you...
11:46Good day, Mr. Stein.
11:47Good day.
11:48Did you argue with Ms. Meissner on the phone?
11:50Oh, don't start with that again.
11:53See you soon.
11:54See you soon.
12:20Don't be so critical.
12:22Let me try.
12:23Yes, no.
12:25Don't you want to prove your courage somewhere else?
12:29I'm sorry I just left like that last night.
12:33I missed you very much last night.
12:37I missed you too.
12:43Don't you think we can find a solution together?
12:46I mean, it can't be that we argue before the child is even there.
12:49Yes, but we have completely different views.
12:52But I will support Anne.
12:55Torben, it's not about the money, and you know that.
12:58I raised a child on my own.
13:00And I know how hard it is when you don't have a partner.
13:04Anne is fine on her own.
13:06But what about us?
13:08What if I spend part of my free time with you instead of the child?
13:12I think that's perfectly normal for a father.
13:14But we wanted to plan our lives together.
13:17Yes, but your life has changed.
13:19But not my attitude.
13:21I don't want a child anymore, but to plan my life with you.
13:24But are you going to ignore the child because of that?
13:27Anne can raise the child on her own.
13:30I'm convinced of that.
13:32What kind of argument is that?
13:34Should the child suffer because it doesn't fit into your life plan?
13:43You will always regret that you didn't take care of this child.
13:51I believe you.
14:03Red roses?
14:06Well, a little redemption.
14:09I talked to your network administrator.
14:12He calmed down again.
14:14Maybe you should have brought the house technician roses.
14:18The one about Mr. Berger.
14:20So not with flowers, but with his expertise.
14:23Hopefully he'll succeed.
14:25Here, you're pretty sensitive with new software.
14:27Data security is a big deal here.
14:30Yes, wait a minute. I mean, our test run failed yesterday.
14:32It's not because I tried to install spy programs in secret.
14:35I don't believe that.
14:37But our employees are suspicious.
14:43It wasn't a system error.
14:47It was...
14:50human failure.
14:52A vulnerability...
14:54of a personal nature, so to speak.
14:59Then make sure it doesn't happen again.
15:01Because of your software, I leaned pretty far out of the window.
15:07When do we start the next test run?
15:09When the arches have smoothened again.
15:12When Mr. Berger has successfully spoken to the house technicians,
15:15I'll talk to the administrator again.
15:17And then we'll see what happens.
15:28Oh, my God.
15:30The things are all coming up.
15:32I'll go ahead.
15:34Dear God, so many people.
15:39Now I just forgot salt and bread for my soup.
15:43No problem, we'll be here for a while.
15:47I thought you could use some support.
15:50We are grateful for any help.
15:52The boxes of the moving company, there are Achim's things in there.
15:55They carry them themselves.
15:56But the other boxes, yes, there are my things in there.
15:58We have to carry them.
15:59Aha, so everything up there.
16:00Everything up, yes.
16:02What happened to Christoph earlier?
16:04He looked really bad.
16:07His test run went completely wrong.
16:09What kind of test run?
16:10Oh, he just wanted to transfer his energy-saving energy to the network of the town hall.
16:14But something went wrong with my appearance.
16:17Well, then I understand that he was in a bad mood.
16:19Has Philipp called you in the meantime?
16:22He probably didn't get my letter at all.
16:24Henriette is completely ignoring him.
16:25Oh, dear.
16:27There are more and more of them.
16:30I was just thinking whether all of this would fit into our apartment.
16:36Achim, couldn't you sort it out a little?
16:38I mean, one or the other.
16:39You could have separated yourself from that.
16:41I will.
16:43I can still sort it out.
16:45That's exciting.
16:47Come on.
17:08Mr. Hannemann, what can I do for you?
17:10Coffee, tea, water?
17:12A horse.
17:14Excuse me?
17:15I would like a horse.
17:17I know that you are a horse connoisseur.
17:19And that's why I need your help.
17:21Would you like to take a ride?
17:23God forbid.
17:25My wife is a regular horse trainer.
17:27And since it's her birthday soon, I would like to give her a little treat.
17:31With your horse?
17:33Why not?
17:34It's something different than this boring diamond ring all the time.
17:37Boring diamond ring?
17:39You seem to have a pretty bad conscience with such precious gifts.
17:43No, no, no.
17:45Quite the opposite.
17:47Nothing is expensive enough for my holodeck wife.
17:50So, where can I get an excellent horse?
17:54Of course, it has to be healthy, brave, elegant.
17:58If possible, with four legs.
18:00Yes, I would have to call around first.
18:02Because such a breeding horse network is not yet available on the Internet.
18:07Breeding horse network?
18:10That sounds kind of interesting.
18:13I'm sure you can make a lot of money with that.
18:15I think the idea is already long overdue.
18:17Besides, you can only operate it if you have the necessary expertise, right?
18:22It's incredible what you can get almost everything online.
18:25Yes, but just almost, right?
18:28The only thing that used to be online with us was the laundry of my grandma.
18:34I think it's kind of good.
18:36I just heard.
18:38So, if you have any experience, just let me know.
18:42I don't want to hurt you.
18:44Well, then.
18:48Laundry of my grandma online.
18:52I'll go back to the store and get the rest of the small stuff, okay?
18:55Okay, see you later.
18:59Oh, Rose, please.
19:01Thank you.
19:04It doesn't stop. Where is all this going?
19:07Ah, don't worry. It's so nice here.
19:10The place is in the smallest hut.
19:13Mr. Lange?
19:14Mr. Lange, you don't have to worry.
19:16I was able to calm the housekeepers at the town hall.
19:18Can I have a cup of tea?
19:19Yes, of course.
19:22Yes, exactly. You can start your second person without any problems.
19:26Oh, I have everything good with you.
19:28That's nice. Thank you.
19:29I'll definitely come back to that.
19:31All right. Good. Thank you, too. Bye.
19:35Yes, it looks like you could make a helping hand here.
19:38Two buckets, two. Take care of that.
19:40Oops, I got stuck.
19:42So, and you don't like children?
19:44How do you get that? I have two grown-up sons.
19:47Well, yes.
19:48I mean more the little pants-shitters that you see growing up.
19:52Who complained to you? Anne or Carla?
19:56But I mean, getting a child, excuse me, that's such an incredible thing.
20:00Excuse me, but I don't let myself be oppressed by anyone.
20:03Oh, no one talks about that.
20:05That's enough for the protocol. I don't want a child anymore.
20:08Um, Torben?
20:11Excuse me, could you just...
20:13Oh, thank you.
20:15I'll go ahead.
20:18I hope Mrs. Freundlund saw the men who filmed the property.
20:21Yes, bird freaks with a camera.
20:23That was just camouflage. They were looking for property.
20:26And what do people look like who are looking for property?
20:28They grow a stick out of their hand,
20:30and then they drag bags of soil samples around with them, yes?
21:05I mean, what's going on in general?
21:07Well, not everything can always go well.
21:10When is the clip actually finished?
21:12The clip?
21:16You wanted to edit the things, didn't you?
21:18The interview with Mr. Berger, the recordings of me.
21:21Oh, yes, of course. You mean the clip.
21:24Yes, no, it's almost finished. I still have to work on the fine-tuning.
21:28Nice. I'm curious.
21:30Not everyone has such a welcome spot.
21:32It will certainly arouse a lot of enthusiasm.
21:34Well, I have to go on then. So, bye.
21:36Bye, Anne. Bye.
21:39If the material appears in public,
21:41Anne will not be able to save herself from attention.
21:45Love your way of setting up.
21:51Hello. Go on.
22:05Oh, what did I think?
22:07Achim, are you there?
22:09Yes, here.
22:11Where is here?
22:13Here behind the door. I can't get in.
22:15Oh, wait.
22:19Unlucky girl.
22:25Stand there.
22:27Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
22:29Careful, careful.
22:35There I am, you see?
22:37In the middle of the hellish chaos.
22:39Well, I wouldn't call it chaos yet.
22:44These are just a few boxes.
22:47A few boxes.
22:49You really seem to have packed every snippet of the last 40 years.
22:52That was the moving company, not me.
22:54Why didn't you sort it out a bit?
22:56Of course, I sorted it out well.
22:58And your things.
23:00Could it be that you weren't there?
23:02I suggest we have a nice cup of tequila now.
23:06Because you get along much better on your own, don't you?
23:16I'm sure there's still some space in the basement, isn't there?
23:19I'm sorry, but there are already over 17 moving boxes from Mr. Berger.
23:32Hello, boys.
23:34What can I do for you?
23:38Nothing, but maybe we can do something for you.
23:41Do you happen to miss something?
23:43No, except for a full bank account and two teenage lovers like you, nothing.
23:49Is that your camera by any chance?
23:51No, I don't own a camera.
23:53Wait a minute, but it looks just like yours.
23:56With which you shot the spot for Anne.
23:59With which you shot the spot for Anne.
24:01Did you find them?
24:04Rather accidentally exchanged.
24:06Yes, and now we're looking for the one who owns the camera to get our camera back.
24:10On which are the uncut election recordings of Anne.
24:13Oh boy, that's what you call a stupid run.
24:18I'm afraid I can't help you with that.
24:23Maybe you can.
24:25You could see her property on the recordings.
24:27Excuse me, but I don't believe you.
24:36Underground garage on my property?
24:39Maybe someone wants to buy her property and that's why he made the recordings.
24:42I wish I knew.
24:44I can't remember anyone asking about it.
24:47Oh, what a shame.
24:50If Anne's film material gets into the wrong hands...
24:53It would be a disaster.
24:58Can't you go to the property and see if you can find anything?
25:02What's the point?
25:03Something that will help you.
25:05We have to take every chance.
25:07Keep an eye on him.
25:12See you later.
25:13Good luck.
25:15Oh God.
25:17Assistant, please come to the lab.
25:20Assistant, please come to the lab.
25:28Dr. Thies, it's good to see you here.
25:31How can I help you?
25:33It's about the phone call you heard yesterday.
25:37I won't lie to you.
25:39I know that.
25:41I just want to protect my husband.
25:44I just want to protect my husband.
25:47He's been through so much.
25:49If you think it's better to tell him certain things...
25:52You're right.
25:53Philipp also told me certain things and afterwards it was even worse.
25:58The transfer to Berlin has been stopped and he can rest in Lüneburg.
26:03And he can talk to Mrs. Meissner.
26:05I think that's a good decision.
26:08Without the addiction therapy, I would never have been able to face this problem.
26:11It's a long way, but you'll notice that it's getting better day by day.
26:15Will you excuse me now?
26:17Of course, I've kept you too long.
26:33Excuse me for being late.
26:35Oh, no problem.
26:36But I was in a hurry when Mr. Meissner and Mrs. Rose moved in.
26:39I would have liked to help, too, but unfortunately I didn't have time.
26:43The technicians from the town hall called me.
26:45We also called them for the second run.
26:48Thank you very much for your service.
26:50I have an appointment now.
26:51I have to go, unfortunately.
26:54Mr. Berger, have a nice evening.
26:55You too.
26:56I can't wait to start the second run.
26:58If it works, I won't have ten horses left here.
27:03What else can I bring the gentleman?
27:05I would like a coffee.
27:06Yes, I would like that, too.
27:08Mr. Albers.
27:10How was it with your breeding horse network?
27:12I already told you that the development of such a software is extremely intensive.
27:16Not only temporary, but also monetary.
27:18I'm just a layman, but I imagine that the system should work just as well as for your talent scout software.
27:25Only that it's not two-legged, but four-legged.
27:28Mr. Albers, you are a layman, but also extremely stubborn.
27:30I have to say that.
27:31Yes, if it's a good idea, I won't let it go.
27:34All right.
27:35We can talk about it again now.
27:38See you later.
27:44How are you?
27:45I'm sorry I started you like that earlier.
27:48No problem.
27:49I carried the cupboard upstairs by myself.
27:52What's that?
27:53Do you belong to the Heideckers?
27:55Yes, they just got a new stable.
27:57Oh, that's cute.
27:58You should show the boys how proud they are that they now have real football shoes.
28:02Which brings us back to the children's topic, right?
28:04I'm sorry.
28:05But sometimes I can be quite penetrating.
28:07Yes, me too.
28:08And that's why I say it again clearly and clearly.
28:11I take responsibility and will do everything to make sure the child doesn't miss anything.
28:16But I leave the rest to Anne.
28:19But it's about your role as a father and not as a nanny.
28:24It's important to buy your son football shoes.
28:27But to see how he wears them, the shine in his eyes when he shoots goals with them.
28:32That's even more important.
28:36What exactly happened?
28:38There was a total blackout in the whole town hall.
28:41Everyone is worried.
28:42Mrs. Lichtenhagen wasn't amused.
28:46And what is Christoph doing now?
28:48He's waiting for a chance for a second test run.
28:50Otherwise he can forget the business with the city.
28:52And then he's really stuck.
28:55It's all my fault.
28:58You didn't do it on purpose.
29:01You didn't do it on purpose.
29:06Christoph put so much hope into this energy-saving software.
29:09And I messed everything up for him.
29:12You shouldn't have shown up there unannounced.
29:15He made a clear announcement to you, mum.
29:19It took a lot from me to hope that we could become friends again.
29:24Or stay friends.
29:27Would you have been able to do that?
29:30Pretend like nothing happened?
29:32Think about it. You were already sitting together in the plane to San Francisco.
29:39Mum, it's clear to you that Christoph is gone as soon as his software is running here.
29:47You mean I should go to him again and ask for forgiveness?
30:10Maybe we should have made prints of the footprint.
30:13Yes, exactly. Like in the movies.
30:15And you packed the cigarette in there to analyze the DNA now.
30:20Just say you found something.
30:22The cigarette residue was about where the prints should have been.
30:26But it could have come from any pedestrian.
30:31Not from everyone.
30:33Do you remember the tape? The strange morning fog?
30:36At least we thought so.
30:39Hey, Sherlock.
30:42You mean it's the cigarette smoke from the guy behind the camera?
30:45That could be it.
30:47I've been thinking about what the cigarette reminds me of.
30:50Of someone smoking a cigarette?
30:55Of course.
30:57There were two strange people in the shop the other day.
31:00They looked around and only bought a single flower.
31:03I found that strange anyway.
31:05And one of them was smoking a cigarette?
31:07That's it.
31:10And he was looking for a good hotel in Lüneburg.
31:15What did the two guys look like?
31:17I don't know, average guys.
31:20Just men.
31:21Pretty well dressed.
31:25Oh, I'm sorry, that's your suitcase.
31:31Man, am I stupid.
31:34They were at the side table yesterday.
31:37I almost stumbled over the camera suitcase.
31:40Do you remember or were you already gone?
31:42Man, we idiots. We could have found out ourselves.
31:46Thank you.
31:47Mr. Holmes.
31:48Let's go.
31:49I'm on my way, Dr. Wurz.
31:51I'll keep my fingers crossed, guys. Good luck.
31:53Thank you.
31:59I have to say, Mr. Albers, I'm impressed.
32:01What could have happened to me?
32:03You have a real expertise in horses.
32:05I think so too.
32:06Who would have thought that of our Mr. Albers?
32:09After all, I've been on the horse for a few years.
32:13And horses have always been my passion.
32:15Even when I was young.
32:16On the horse at Flickenschnitt Senior.
32:18And later, in Rhode Island, I fulfilled my lifelong dream and built a stable.
32:25You earned quite well there, didn't you?
32:27Yes, it was quite decent.
32:30And there's nothing left of it?
32:32Well, I totally miscalculated in another matter.
32:35As won, so destroyed.
32:37But my motto has always been,
32:39failure is allowed, but you have to get up again and look ahead.
32:44So, Mr. Albers.
32:47It is possible to reprogram my talent scout software.
32:50But, no matter how I turn it or turn it, it will cost at least 80,000 euros.
32:56But already expensive.
33:00No, darling, of course I haven't forgotten your birthday.
33:03But I have a surprise that you will certainly like.
33:07Tell me, if I spend a part of the sum, will we be in business?
33:15You just don't give up.
33:17I like that about you.
33:19You have a vision and you fight.
33:21If I only calculate the staff costs, then...
33:25Transfer 50,000 to me and we are in business.
33:42Of course, Arim is absolutely right.
33:44He sorted and packed all my things on his own.
33:46Because you asked him to.
33:48But what his moving company has transported here,
33:51that exceeds every reasonable measure.
33:54Yes, but it is reasonable.
33:56I beg you, the amount of things our hearts are attached to,
33:59is different for everyone.
34:01I'm really curious what will come up when we unpack the boxes.
34:05There will probably be a lot of magazines.
34:10Yes, please.
34:12Oh, there is the hero.
34:15So the way out of the labyrinth was certainly not easy.
34:19I was the child of the pathfinder.
34:23Well, do you regret it now that we moved in together?
34:27No, I don't regret it.
34:29I only regret that I didn't force you to sort out a bit beforehand.
34:34Thank you.
34:35I promise you that I will bring order into the chaos.
34:39Oh, do I hear the word chaos?
34:42And certainly there is a suitable place for my magazines.
34:47Pharmacy magazines?
34:49Yes, specialist literature on the latest medical state.
34:52Yes, for example the first kidney transplantation in Germany,
34:56Anu 1966.
35:00So, water state report.
35:03With Katja's consent, we put a large part of the boxes in Katja's living room.
35:08That's a great idea. Thank you, Merle, thank you.
35:10Yes, thank you very much.
35:12You're welcome.
35:13You can start sorting now.
35:16Oh, I'm afraid that the real work and the real move stress
35:22will only start for a certain gentleman now.
35:36Yes, I...
35:37Go ahead.
35:38No, wait.
35:39I was just about to leave anyway.
35:40Is there any news on the test run?
36:02Eventually there will be a second test run.
36:05Sandy, you have your test run coming soon?
36:08I'm preparing a second one.
36:10And then you will have another second chance.
36:13Yes, and after that, nothing like going back to the States.
36:17Let me know when you are ready.
36:20Maybe we can talk beforehand?
36:22It's all done Katja.
36:27It's over.
36:30Christoph, please.
36:34Let him come.
36:37We're going to have a drink.
36:43Thank you very much for bringing my husband's things over.
36:47Yes, he's written a lot of sick stuff.
36:50He's really in the mood, Mrs. Stelter. Thank you very much.
37:27I thank you for the beautiful time that I will never forget.
37:31And I wish you all the best and a lot of luck for the future.
37:36You deserve it.
37:40That nasty snake.
37:49Dear Katja,
37:52I received your message.
37:53After careful consideration, I have decided to give Henriette another chance.
37:59And to go to Berlin with her.
38:01I thank you for everything and wish you all the best in this world.
38:24Oh my God, Anne.
38:26You're sick.
38:27No, I'm dizzy.
38:29That's normal in the first third of pregnancy. I know that.
38:32Just adjust the hormones. Sit down for now.
38:36Excuse me, could you bring a glass of water to Mrs. Lichtenhagen?
38:39Yes, of course. Thank you.
38:42That's really nice of you, but I don't want to keep you. You must have something to do.
38:48May I?
38:50Yes, of course.
38:51Yes, of course.
38:59I can understand that the situation is difficult for you right now and...
39:03I wanted to tell you that if you need help, I can take care of you and your child.
39:11You're offering that to me?
39:13Of course.
39:17I just don't understand why Tauben is so stubborn right now.
39:21That's really nice of you, but please don't feel obligated to do that.
39:26I won't.
39:29The endless discussions about this child topic caused Tauben and me to break up.
39:35But why is he so strict with a child? I mean, he raised two sons.
39:38But it really wasn't easy for him.
39:41His first wife constantly argued with him about the care times of his children.
39:47And his boys never accepted me.
39:52He didn't tell me anything about that.
39:55Then of course I can understand why he's so uncompromising.
39:59He just doesn't want to experience something like that again.
40:03And he's afraid that my pregnancy will jeopardize your relationship.
40:07But if he doesn't accept the child, it will jeopardize our relationship even more.
40:25Better like this?
40:26Much better like this.
40:29Oh, my goodness.
40:30I almost forgot to deliver a medicine.
40:33And what about the boxes at Katja's?
40:35Don't worry, I'll sort them out.
40:37We can do that together. That will be faster.
40:40But we don't have to overdo it, right?
40:42We don't have to push anything on the long bench.
40:45You can't leave Katja stuck in this mess for too long.
40:48May I?
40:51I was just thinking about bread and salt.
40:54Welcome to the Rosenhaus.
40:56Thank you, that's really very kind of you.
40:59I thought we'd organize a little meal in the Rosenhaus in honor of your arrival.
41:04A good idea, huh? A good idea.
41:06And I already know who's cooking.
41:10Who else?
41:11I have to agree with Meisner, by the way.
41:15All right.
41:16But only on the condition that you unpack your boxes first.
41:20You have a choice.
41:21Either order and mud or chaos and hunger.
41:25How could I dare to refuse this invitation?
41:29Bye. I have to go.
41:35Bravo, Mrs. Rosen.
41:38The role distribution seems to be clear.
41:45It's clear for Torben.
41:47He pays for the entertainment, but not more.
41:50But that also puts our relationship at risk.
41:57How was it with your son's father?
41:59Did he support you?
42:02He confirmed all the prejudices that can be had by an irresponsible man.
42:06He let you down?
42:08Yes, exactly when he heard that I was pregnant.
42:10And my father rejected me because he heard that I was pregnant.
42:13Because he heard that I was expecting an unmarried child.
42:17You really didn't have it easy.
42:19That's why I know how you have to feel.
42:22Even if your financial circumstances are a little better than mine back then.
42:30Hello, you two.
42:32It's good that you're here too, Anne.
42:35I wanted to tell you two something.
42:37Don't make it so exciting. What is it about?
42:41Yes, well...
42:44I've thought about it for a long time and I've finally come to a decision.
42:49And I think that the consequences will affect you, Anne, as well as yourself.
42:54And why did you decide?
42:57When you told me that you were pregnant with me, Anne, that...
43:00Of course it was a shock for you.
43:02Especially because you didn't want children anymore.
43:04You never doubted that.
43:06But now a child is coming and you can't just give up on that.
43:08That's why I've decided...
43:10We can understand that you're overwhelmed. We are too.
43:13Yes, and your decision has consequences. You have to be aware of that.
43:16I think we should sit down and discuss everything in peace.
43:20Stop it now!
43:23Can I say something, too?
43:27I've decided to take responsibility and stand up for our child.
43:32And I will also try to break the balance between our shared life, Carla...
43:36and my father's role.
43:39Thank you, Tom.
43:47Your luck.
44:07Good day, Mrs. Meissner.
44:09Good day.
44:11May I come in for a moment?
44:14Yes, of course. Please.
44:22Please have a seat.
44:23Thank you.
44:28I wasn't always fair to you.
44:31I shouldn't have prevented you from talking to Philipp.
44:34I've told him that you're still in Lüneburg.
44:40You told him that?
44:43Yes, we talked for a long time after he read your letter.
44:49Then he kept it?
44:52I found it on the nightstand.
44:54To be honest, I wanted to tear it up first, but then...
44:59What did he say?
45:06I'm supposed to give you this.
45:12Philipp and I will go back to Berlin.
45:16He has finally decided for me.
45:22Take care.
45:53Dear Katja, I received your message.
45:56After careful consideration, I decided to give Henriette a chance
46:01and go with her to Berlin.
46:06I thank you for everything and wish you all the luck in the world.
46:45Professor Max, this is Henriette Stein.
46:49Everything is organised.
46:52My husband will be transported to Berlin by ambulance tomorrow.
46:56Thank you very much.
47:02Tanja and Jule are going to faint
47:04when they find out
47:06that they're going to have a sibling.
47:08Oh, Anne!
47:12Thomas already knows.
47:14You have to take care of him immediately in Brussels.
47:18A child changes a lot.
47:20Mr. Stein needs a few more days
47:22until he's back on his feet.
47:24Give him some time.
47:26Where is he?