Shotgun Slade Killer's Brand S1E35

  • 3 months ago
00:39That's enough friend. Hey, what's the big idea? Can you read sure?
00:44The prints large and the words are small then you ain't got no excuses at all
00:49Excuses for what trespassing hurry it up
01:03Were you I wouldn't do this mister, I don't think you should have ignored our signs next time you won't
02:13Two men Jefferson Cody and his ramrod Sam Chilworth had started the Cody ranch with nothing but ambition and a scrub herd
02:20They made it one of the richest in the territory
02:23Then Cody died of natural causes, but somebody helped Chilworth on his way
02:30That's where I came in
02:32Name is Slade. I'm a detective for hire
02:52Don't you know your grandma said you're not supposed to hit people
02:58You're not supposed to scream at people until you're properly into juice
03:03Now just who are you?
03:05My name's Slade. Goodbye. Mr. Slade
03:09Well, I would have thought that the Cody ranch was supposed to be so hospitable
03:13Mr. Slade you have exactly five minutes to get off my property and after that
03:18Well after that my men are gonna be looking for you the Cody sure has changed hasn't it a
03:23Lot different than it was when Sam Chilworth was running it
03:28You knew Sam well enough to know his death was no accident
03:33Just what are you doing here? I'm a detective miss
03:37Sam Chilworth sent for me must have been just before he died
03:42He told me you've been having trouble up here ever since your dad died, mr. Slade when you lose four or five horses, that's bad luck
03:49But when you lose 30 and your foreman's killed, well, that's something else
03:54Tell me what makes the view so interesting from here
03:57Jock my new foreman man who took Sam's place is riding the fence line up there. I just wanted to make sure he was. All right
04:03Is he?
04:06See Sam was killed up there. And how was Sam killed up there trampled by a horse?
04:13an accident they said
04:15Sam knew more about horses than I did
04:17Sam knew more about horses than any man this side of Texas was this before or after the 30 horses were stolen
04:24After just a couple of days
04:26Mm-hmm, and it couldn't have been a coincidence
04:29Well, Sam must have found out who stole those horses
04:33most likely Steve Willis
04:36How do you know about I stopped off in town before I came out here? I
04:40Found out that Steve Willis owns land on both sides of the Cody. He's more room to run his cattle
04:45As he stands to gain the most at the Cody goes broke, well, we all know it's Willis just that we don't have any proof
04:52That's my job
04:53finding the proof
04:59Mr. Slade if you could prove that he was responsible for Sam's death. Well, I'd be very grateful. Oh
05:08Now that a promise
05:15You know it
05:17It might take a little time
05:19Tell me who does your hiring?
05:22Jock Foreman, I'll tell him that you're here. It's all right. Don't you tell him a thing?
05:27That way you see only you and I will know what I'm really doing up here
05:30What if you find something?
05:32I'll just wait till you're all alone
05:37See you at the house miss Cody
06:04Use an extra hand
06:06Which way did you get in here to the south end a south end?
06:11Vance and Billy are supposed to be lookouts there
06:16Maybe that's what you call them. Well, I got it. You got past him. Well, by golly, I sure would like to see that
06:25Yes, sir. II what'd you say your name was?
06:29Is that all of it? Just sleep gets me there and back
06:36Now miss Lily Cody is the owner she gives the orders and I just carry him out
06:40We all eat together, but you sleep in the bunkhouse
06:45You may not like it around here. We keep a good many men watching the fences. That's your idea of men. I
06:59Just took this fellow on you ain't hiring him why not
07:03Since you boys can't handle the job. I give you I figure we need someone who can I'm glad he's staying myself
07:18Just hired a barn miss Lily name is Slade ask me he's one of Willis's men
07:24You got something that says you're not
07:29That's good enough for him
07:33Show him the bunkhouse this way Slade
07:44Sure, we'd like to know what it was he showed you
07:48Thing is not too many men have stayed around as long as we have too much trouble
07:55What kind of trouble
07:58Horses being stole fences down Foreman killed killed
08:04But that was an accident who said it wasn't Sam Chilworth been around horses all his life knew how to handle him
08:11Sure, he did
08:12regular breed
08:13But him and Cody were working to develop a new bloodline
08:18So they bought themselves a thoroughbred stallion thinking they'd get some speed into the new Colts
08:24All they got was killer horses. That's right. Two of them one name a prince and his full brother Geronimo. Tell me
08:32Who got to Sam's body first
08:35Billy and me
08:36Found him near the fence line. I was working in the barn when that Prince horse came tearing into Corral
08:41I knew Chilworth had taken him out
08:43When I got to him, I saw it blood all over his front hooves picked up jock here on the way out to locate Sam
08:49Doc said he'd never seen anybody so smashed up
08:53He had hoof marks all over Sam should have got rid of him the first time he tried to trample anyone
08:59That horse killed somebody before Sam Chilworth. Well, almost
09:03Fella named a Harry Potter scared him so bad. He quit and moved into town
09:07That's right, well, listen this boys are coming over the hill
09:26Call off your men Lily. I'm here to talk business you call stealing business
09:31Any other time I'll settle with you jock not today. Well, do we talk or not?
09:36All right, come on inside
09:42But why not because the Cody is not for sale
09:47All right, I'll raise my price it won't do you any good you're the most stubborn confounded female
09:53You're worse than your father ever was holding on here like this. What will happen when you lose the rest of the horses?
09:59Mr. Willis, I have ten men who say I'm through losing my stock anyone who thinks different will have to get through them
10:05Well, it's happened before you ought to know
10:08That's another thing. I heard you and the boys have been talking against me with good cause. Mr
10:14Willis remember that with good cause you're wrong Lily
10:16If you ask me it's some of your own boys that were behind Chilworth's death and the horse stealings get out
10:22Get out before I have you thrown out
10:25That'll take some doing
10:27But I'll leave for your sake
10:36You remember my offer the next time there's trouble selling out to me might appeal to you more by then
10:51Late that night jock and the others were away riding the fences. I figured it would be a good time to have another talk with
10:57Lily Cody
11:12I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you've taken too much for granted
11:16But Lily, I it's all my fault. I never should have let you to believe you marry me. Let me run this place for you
11:23I can't marry you
11:25You were anyone else until this whole mess is cleared up
11:44That's cold
11:46Well, thank goodness. I thought we'd lost you careful. Yeah, I was kind of worried myself
11:52But goodness had nothing to do with it. This is my thick skull
11:57There's your boyfriend Vance
12:03Well now what would he be doing here you ought to know I do have to draw you a picture of everything I saw
12:10Well, you pulled out of it. Yeah, how'd I get in here? Anyway?
12:15Well, he heard you moaning. She yelled for help. I was taking a look around near the corral
12:21Got in time to carry in. Did you see the man who hit you?
12:24What a sure wish I had. Thanks. You don't have to see you Willis man to know they're around you can smell him jock
12:31Well, it's the truth
12:32And if you ask me, he's not gonna call him off until you marry or get a male partner to run this place
12:38I got out of that enough
12:40Yes, now that I've had my say I'll get back to work
12:47Wait a minute later not until I've had an explanation
12:52All right
12:55Vance is the son of one of my father's friends. He came to live with us years ago
13:01My father thought that eventually we would marry so he arranged things in his will so that the ranch was held in trust until I did
13:09marry and
13:10When I did my husband automatically owns half of everything. That's the only reason Vance wants to marry him. I
13:17Don't know. I
13:19Wish I could be sure
13:22Well, I suppose you never do get married. Could you sell the ranch? Yes a part of it
13:31Maybe I should
13:33Just one more question
13:35Once payday around here payday end of the month. Why well, I overheard some of the boys down at the bunkhouse
13:42Seems that a lot of them been losing quite a bit of poker
13:46just curious
13:49Just curious enough to peek in my windows, huh?
13:52Well, unfortunately, miss Cody peeking in windows sometimes as part of my job
13:57And I'll bet you enjoy it, too
14:01Matter of fact I do
14:25We lost some more horses last night no sign of many place
14:29How many this time 10, oh, couldn't you track them down sure we found only up a dry creek bed
14:35Never tried tracking anything night in the river dust a foot thick
14:38We even figured the shortest drive to the Willis place thought we could head him off with nothing. All right, we'll go to Willis
14:44Oh, you're talking miss Lily, but we'll do it legal
14:47Slade you ride into town and get the marshal told him to meet us out here first thing in the morning
14:51Tell him to bring along a warrant for Willis's arrest. That's great
14:55And just where is this marshal if you can find the town you can find him
14:59They hire him by the pound in this part of the country
15:24Pardon me marshal. I didn't mean to interrupt your breakfast, but oh shucks. This isn't breakfast. That was two hours ago
15:30You see there's nobody in the jail now, but the cook keeps making the same amount
15:33Anyway, can't let it go to waste. Oh sit out. Thanks
15:38I'll tell you what's on the mind marshal
15:40Trying to get a little information on the trouble up at the Cody ranch for which side Lily Cody's or Steve Willis's
15:47And you can say that I'm on the Cody payroll
15:50Feel sorry for that girl. She's had more trouble than I've ever had
15:54She's had more trouble than a bobtail horse and fly time
15:57Yeah, and everything seems to point to this Steve Willis except the evidence
16:03No evidence
16:05Nothing a marshal. Are there any barns or corrals within a four-hour ride from the Cody ranch?
16:10Well, I guess the closest be the Willis place that wouldn't take any four hours
16:16What places would could be two or three?
16:19There's the fuller ranch
16:22The old Frederick's place and if he was to hustle, maybe the Simpson outfit
16:26Uh-huh, but outside of those there are no places where you could put up say 20 or 30 head of horses around here
16:32Wild horse corrals more than a two days ride. That's about it
16:36Well much obliged marshal. Then the elk comes up. I'll be over at the railroad office
16:40You'll be talking to yourself then doesn't open for two hours. Well the land office then no
16:45But tell me
16:47Don't ever the name of Henry Potter. Now, where would I find him?
16:50Well, he used to ride for Cody until he got trampled by a horse. Oh, you'll find him at the livery stable
16:55He ought to be up by now. Thanks marshal. See you at the lunch. You'd better hurry. I figure on starting lunch right now
17:09Could be I made my mistake in hiring slave
17:11You sure he left his saddlebags here? Well, they weren't on his horse when he rode out
17:21There it is
17:30Here what's this I see
17:35Mr. Shotgun slate
17:37Private investigator, Denver, Colorado
17:43His mail here in Webster and she sent for him. Is there a letter in it? No
17:49Just a picture of Lily
17:51What's gonna happen when he finds out about us and the horses?
17:55If he finds out how old Sam Chilworth got his
18:08I figured it was you too. I put up your hands
18:22Let's get into the barn quick
18:41That's all you remember about your accident, huh? Yep came to four days later
18:49Tell me all during the time that you worked for the Cody's you never had a run-in with any of the other hands
18:54Except with jock before Chilworth's death
18:57He got mad at me one day for nothing at all. I went just before I got hurt
19:02Tell me how did that happen? By the way?
19:03Well, I came into the barn one day guess I must have surprised him. He's putting away some tools and I said hi you jock
19:10He jumped about a foot
19:12Slammed the lid down on the tool chest
19:14Looked real guilty. I think he was hiding something. Yeah
19:19Brandon iron what it looked like
19:23Jerry see the Cody Brandon iron up close close as I'd cared to why well
19:26Then you know, it's two C's back-to-back and overlapping like so yes, I remember stands for Carl Cody
19:33The one jock head was one C
19:36only bigger
19:37How much bigger?
19:40About like that at the size of a horseshoe, would you say? Yeah
19:46Yeah, you could say that thank you very much mr. Potter
20:08Really in jock, they just shot back another after me
20:13Lily are you just hold it right there. Mr. Willis. What's all this about? That's what we want to know
20:17Well, I saw Lily riding like the devil was after I thought I'd find out why how easy does it Marshall?
20:21It's Billy and jock. We're after did you get your proofs laid? Oh, we need good
20:26And the money I owe you has been well earned
20:28The money you up
20:30You mean you that's right. He hired me
20:32I sent him your picture in a letter telling him the situation asked him to come by here and clear my name
20:37I look Marshall if Billy and jock are as smart as I think they are
20:39They'll probably try to make a run for it our best bets the old Frederick place. Why they'll tell you later. Come on. Let's go
21:05Keep it up Charlie another hour and nobody will be able to tell these horses have been in here
21:10You think they'll come up on that old corral not until after we finished up in here. They won't after that. It'll be too late
21:16We'll be on our way to Texas with the Cody horses
21:22All right, Billy give him a hand
21:32You wait in front
21:33Try to get up as close as you can without being seen in case one of them tries to run for it
21:38I'll try to get in through the roof
21:40Here hold my horse
21:42Hey, what is it somebody coming slayed? No, Lily the marshal Willis
22:20Right boys, let's get out of here the back way
22:41Get up jock you're not hurt you Billy over there
23:21Think if you look around you'll find all your horses
23:24Can I ask it now, you know, I knew they were here. Yeah. Well, I checked the bank
23:29They told me that jock had received and cast a check for two thousand dollars one week before Lily lost her first horse
23:34And that told you where the horses were. Well, not quite
23:37You seen a poker game the other night jock didn't have enough money to cover his losses
23:41That made me think that he must have spent the money. That's right. That's right. But where well, I
23:48Saw you going into the railroad Depot. They just told me that no horses have been shipped out recently
23:52Well, that meant that they must be around here somewhere. That's right marshal, but where?
23:57The land office now you're getting warmer. They told me that jock had leased a piece of ground the same day that the check was cashed
24:05The Frederick's place marshal. I don't know how you do. Oh, well, it takes years
24:11See Potter gave me a pretty good description of this pretty much fit the doctor's report on both Sam and Henry's wounds
24:19Everybody thought it was caused by a killer horse
24:23Well, I just about winds up my job here
24:26Gotta be heading up north Oh Slade. You don't have to leave so soon. Do you?
24:30Don't I?
24:32What do you say about that Vance?
