• 2 months ago
00:00:00I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:02I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:04I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:06I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:08I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:10I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:12I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:14I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:16I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:18I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:20I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:22I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:50I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:52I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:54I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:56I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:00:58I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:00I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:02I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:04I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:06I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:08I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:10I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:12I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:14I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:16I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:18I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:20I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:22I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:24I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:26I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:28I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:01:30I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:02:00I'm going to have a cup of coffee and then I'm going to go to bed.
00:02:16When she woke up I think she was just a bit surprised by the size, hey?
00:02:18Yeah, about that mate.
00:02:24Hi Sean.
00:02:26So you see the game last night?
00:02:28Actually, I've just started doing some of those Zumba classes.
00:02:34You know, man, of course that's for the bloody game.
00:02:39Morning, Squid. Did you have a good weekend?
00:02:46Oh, wow. Is she the one you met last weekend?
00:02:48Uh-uh. New one.
00:02:52Oh, come on.
00:02:56How did you even...
00:02:57Oh, I wish I could unsee that.
00:03:00She sent that this morning. That was just for me.
00:03:03So what did you tell this one, anyway?
00:03:04What, were you a Massimo Corsaro fashion photographer?
00:03:09Let me introduce you to Zoltan Tweed, Hollywood film producer.
00:03:14You're kidding.
00:03:16Why do you even do that?
00:03:17Why don't you just tell people that you're an accountant?
00:03:19And be single like you? No.
00:03:21Come on, sometimes it works.
00:03:23Alex, when was the last time you got laid?
00:03:26I'm not going to end up like you.
00:03:28All right, listen up.
00:03:30I now need the consolidated end-of-year accounts by close of play today.
00:03:36I'm sorry, Sean?
00:03:39Yes, yes.
00:03:41So if you could take your head from your ass and do your work, I would be very appreciative.
00:03:46Thank you.
00:03:57Well, that was a laughing minute.
00:03:59Let's go grab a drink.
00:04:02Do you want to go to the pub on the corner?
00:04:05I'm meant to meet my girlfriend at a gallery opening tonight.
00:04:08Why don't we grab a drink there?
00:04:09Oh, no, no, no.
00:04:10I mean, I don't know, mate.
00:04:11I mean, I don't really like modern art too much.
00:04:13Nobody does.
00:04:15But it's not about art.
00:04:16It's a gallery opening.
00:04:17Come on.
00:04:18I don't know.
00:04:19Come on.
00:04:20She's going to bring a friend.
00:04:21You're supposed to be really cute.
00:04:22You're supposed to be a little girl.
00:04:23Come on.
00:04:24She's going to bring a friend.
00:04:25You're supposed to be really cute.
00:04:28Just a cheeky one, then.
00:04:30Thing is, we can't go dressed looking like that.
00:04:32What do you mean?
00:04:33Why not?
00:04:36We look like accountants, mate.
00:04:38Come on.
00:04:39But we are accountants.
00:04:42There's nothing wrong with that.
00:04:44Is there?
00:05:14What are you doing?
00:05:15I don't know.
00:05:16Undo that.
00:05:18Oh, you're not going to wear those in there, are you?
00:05:20No, no, no.
00:05:27Come on.
00:05:30Untitled one.
00:05:31Untitled two.
00:05:33I hate contemporary art.
00:05:35Can't we just go to a pub?
00:05:37It's our turn.
00:05:39Hi, Faith.
00:05:43Alex, please meet my girlfriend, Cheyney.
00:05:47Uh-huh, and this is?
00:05:50But you can call me Barbie.
00:05:56Oh, babe, have you been shopping?
00:05:59Oh, yeah, it's a surprise, babe.
00:06:08So, Alex, who is Alex?
00:06:12Well, um, Alex is, um, an accountant.
00:06:18Yes, he's the money man in my production company.
00:06:22You know, the financier.
00:06:25The man with the millions.
00:06:26Oh, awesome.
00:06:28We're both actresses.
00:06:30So, um, what kind of project are you working on at the moment?
00:06:33Well, at the moment, we're just in the middle of our tax return.
00:06:38For a big Hollywood production with a very big star.
00:06:42A massive, huge giant.
00:06:46Jennifer Lopez.
00:06:48He means Jennifer Lawrence.
00:06:49Jennifer Lawrence.
00:06:51That's just so good.
00:06:52Hey, Alex, why don't we go grab ourselves a drink, shall we?
00:06:55Yeah, let's.
00:06:56Um, girls, we'll be right back in one second.
00:06:59So nice.
00:07:00Oh, my God, it's so nice.
00:07:01So romantic.
00:07:03Stop telling everyone you're an accountant, yeah?
00:07:05Pretend to be someone else.
00:07:06Someone cool.
00:07:07What do you think he's got for you?
00:07:08Oh, definitely jewelry.
00:07:10Definitely jewelry.
00:07:11Do you think a ring?
00:07:13Two glasses of white wine, please.
00:07:16Actually, I'd rather have a cranberry juice.
00:07:17Come on, it's party time, dude.
00:07:18Live a little.
00:07:21Two glasses of white wine, please.
00:07:22Can I have a red wine?
00:07:25Two white wines?
00:07:26Yes, please.
00:07:27Here you go.
00:07:28Thank you.
00:07:30Where's your accent from, love?
00:07:31I'm from Slovenia.
00:07:32This is nasty.
00:07:33Can I ask you something?
00:07:35Are you an actress?
00:07:37An actress?
00:07:39Why do you ask?
00:07:41Because you look like an actress.
00:07:44Oh, I'm sorry.
00:07:45Let me introduce myself.
00:07:48Zoltan Tweed.
00:07:50Oh, wow.
00:07:52Thank you.
00:07:54Thank you very much, Mr. Tweed.
00:07:57Are you also in the movies?
00:07:59Yeah, I'm Jennifer Lawrence.
00:08:03Yeah, actually, we have champagne for VIP guests.
00:08:05Can I maybe have a glass of champagne?
00:08:07Actually, we have champagne for VIP guests.
00:08:08Can I maybe offer you a glass, Mr. Tweed?
00:08:10Sure, that would be delightful.
00:08:12Thank you.
00:08:14You're embarrassing me, yeah?
00:08:15Stop acting like a dork.
00:08:22Dude, come on!
00:08:28It's alright, love.
00:08:39Do you like it?
00:08:41It's an installation I did in Thailand.
00:08:44You did that?
00:08:45I mean, you're the artist?
00:08:49I mean, it's actually...
00:08:52It's actually quite...
00:08:54It's actually quite cool.
00:08:56What's the story?
00:08:57I mean, what's it about?
00:08:59Well, actually, it's part of a series of installations
00:09:02called the Stingray Project.
00:09:03And it merges images with water
00:09:05to explore the concept of perception.
00:09:09What do you mean, the concept of perception?
00:09:11Ah, well, when you look at an artwork,
00:09:13you're not very objective, you know?
00:09:15It depends on the context, the presentation,
00:09:19and your own background, actually.
00:09:21It's like in life, you know?
00:09:22Everybody sees things through their own prism.
00:09:25And here, the water represents...
00:09:28Are you listening?
00:09:32Yeah, yeah, totally, of course.
00:09:34Wow, cool, Thailand.
00:09:36So, is it nice there?
00:09:38Yeah, I love the beaches.
00:09:40The beaches?
00:09:42Right, right.
00:09:46Where's the accent from?
00:09:49I'm French.
00:09:50Okay, cool.
00:09:51What brings you to London?
00:09:53The Eurostar.
00:09:54No, no, I mean, why did you decide...
00:09:57I'm kidding.
00:09:59I love the art scene here, you know?
00:10:02I mean, look around.
00:10:03The artist community is really amazing.
00:10:08What do you do yourself?
00:10:11What do I do?
00:10:14As in, for a job?
00:10:18For a living?
00:10:20I, um...
00:10:29I'm an artist.
00:10:30Oh, wow, cool.
00:10:31So what do you do?
00:10:32What do I...
00:10:33I mean, I just told you, I'm an artist.
00:10:35I mean, like what kind?
00:10:36Are you a painter, or conceptual, or video art?
00:10:41You know, a little bit of this, a little bit of that.
00:10:44But, I mean, for me, art isn't about the medium.
00:10:49It's not about whether you use a pen, or a paintbrush, or a gun.
00:10:54A gun?
00:10:57But it's more about the soul.
00:10:59You know, the mind.
00:11:01Not just the final product.
00:11:03Actually, that's what Saul LeWitt said about conceptual art.
00:11:07Um, Saul LeWitt.
00:11:09Saul LeWitt.
00:11:10Oh, Saul LeWitt.
00:11:11Yeah, of course, I know him.
00:11:13Penelope, there's an investor who wants the prices in yen.
00:11:16Could you do the demission, please?
00:11:17Of course, Mr Cash.
00:11:19Oh, and put it in dollars, too, would you?
00:11:23I'm sorry, I have to go.
00:11:25I actually work as an assistant here at the gallery,
00:11:28and Mr Cash is my boss, so...
00:11:30Have you heard about the Cash Award?
00:11:32No, I don't think I have.
00:11:33No, it's really good.
00:11:34It's an award for up-and-coming artists.
00:11:36You should join.
00:11:37I'll get you a file.
00:11:38Oh, no, don't worry, I'll...
00:11:39I should be...
00:11:40Honestly, I...
00:11:46It has all the information on it.
00:11:48The deadline is in a couple of weeks,
00:11:50but I'm sure you have some works of art ready, no?
00:11:54Some work ready?
00:11:58I'm really sorry, I have to go, so...
00:12:00It was nice meeting you.
00:12:02Oh, I'm Penelope.
00:12:08So you're going to sign up to the competition, Alex?
00:12:13See you.
00:12:18Oh, great.
00:12:31Don't! This is my living room!
00:12:33What did you do?
00:12:34No, no, no, no.
00:12:35Stay, stay.
00:12:36What do you think you're doing?
00:12:37No, no, no, no.
00:12:38She knows my sister, and my sister knows...
00:12:40What are you?
00:12:41No, no, no.
00:12:42I'm not just a waitress.
00:12:44No, no, no.
00:12:52As long as you get that to me, yeah?
00:12:54Alright, thanks.
00:13:02Come on, dude.
00:13:03You've been boring all week.
00:13:04Yeah, I know.
00:13:05I am boring.
00:13:06Look, I'm sorry I called you a dickhead, yeah?
00:13:09You didn't call me a dickhead, didn't I?
00:13:15Momma's boy.
00:13:16I don't know.
00:13:20Momma's boy.
00:13:21Little whiny bitch.
00:13:26Anyway, look, I'm sorry.
00:13:28It's fine.
00:13:29We cool?
00:13:30All sins forgiven.
00:13:36What you got planned for the weekend?
00:13:41What about that girl you met at the gallery?
00:13:43She looked cute!
00:13:45Please tell me you're gonna see her again.
00:13:48Why not?
00:13:49Because I told her I'm an artist, and I'm not an artist.
00:13:52So what do you want me to do?
00:13:53Go back there and say,
00:13:54Hi, remember me?
00:13:55The guy you met the other night?
00:13:56Remember all that stuff I said about myself?
00:13:58Wasn't exactly true.
00:13:59Fancy a drink?
00:14:27You probably don't remember me.
00:14:28My name's Alex.
00:14:44You probably don't remember me.
00:14:45My name's Alex.
00:14:52Sorry to bother you.
00:14:53You probably don't remember me.
00:14:54My name's...
00:14:57You're the artist from the other night.
00:14:58Funny you should say that.
00:14:59Look what I just bought.
00:15:00It's a 1969 Mamiya 6x6.
00:15:02Can you believe it?
00:15:04Look, I came to...
00:15:05I really want to try it now.
00:15:06You come with me?
00:15:07We can talk.
00:15:29Okay, come over here.
00:15:30You'll be my model.
00:15:31Yeah, well, okay.
00:15:36Okay, turn your head to the right.
00:15:39I really need...
00:15:40To the right.
00:15:41Okay, great.
00:15:43So, now take a pose a bit like, you know,
00:15:45Thomas Ruff's portrait pictures.
00:15:49Martin Parr!
00:15:51Thomas Ruff!
00:15:52Yeah, well, you know,
00:15:53I don't really like Thomas Ruff's style too much.
00:15:57Which photographer do you like?
00:15:58My favorite photographer?
00:16:01Well, you know,
00:16:02there's so many good ones.
00:16:04Yeah, but your favorite favorite?
00:16:06Well, you know,
00:16:07there's that Swedish guy.
00:16:09You know, Borg.
00:16:15Borg, Borg, Borg?
00:16:16Yes, him.
00:16:17No, I never heard about him.
00:16:18Oh, well, you know,
00:16:19he's very underground.
00:16:21But, you know,
00:16:22I don't think you should try and copy other photographers.
00:16:23I think you should try and find your own style, you know?
00:16:27You're right, actually.
00:16:30Okay, I'll take one from there.
00:16:32Thank you.
00:16:45Oh, hey, hey, hey, let me.
00:16:52Let me check if I can get up.
00:16:57Oh my God, are you okay?
00:17:02Are you okay?
00:17:04Come, come.
00:17:05Oh my God.
00:17:06Are you okay, Alex?
00:17:08Oh my God.
00:17:10Alex, come here.
00:17:12Come here.
00:17:13Oh my God.
00:17:17Come on.
00:17:18Oh my God, I'm so sorry.
00:17:21Oh my God, I'm so sorry.
00:17:23I should go home.
00:17:24I don't want to get a cold.
00:17:25Why don't you take your clothes off
00:17:27and dry them in the sun?
00:17:28No, I have some clothes.
00:17:30I have my gym clothes.
00:17:31I'll go get them, okay?
00:17:32I'm so sorry.
00:17:33Wait, wait, wait.
00:17:34What size are they?
00:17:41Don't even think about it.
00:17:47You're mad at me?
00:17:53You look funny with your hair like that.
00:17:55You look funny with your hair like that.
00:17:57You remind me of someone I used to love.
00:18:01Someone you used to love?
00:18:02How do you say in English, you know,
00:18:04with the spikes?
00:18:06Oh, a punk?
00:18:08Not a punk.
00:18:10Un hérisson.
00:18:14A hedgehog.
00:18:15Oh, a hedgehog.
00:18:18Great, I remind you of a hedgehog.
00:18:20Not just any hedgehog.
00:18:21Marcel the Hedgehog.
00:18:23What, you mean like a, um,
00:18:25like an alpha hedgehog?
00:18:27No, he was more like a beta hedgehog.
00:18:29He wasn't brave at all.
00:18:32But he was so cute.
00:18:33He was my little Marcel from the countryside.
00:18:35I loved him so much.
00:18:38And where's, uh,
00:18:39where's little Marcel now?
00:18:41Oh, it's a sad story, actually.
00:18:44He tried to cross the road once and...
00:18:46Oh, no.
00:18:47The tractor came and...
00:18:50That's terrible.
00:18:53Did you have a little burial ceremony for Marcel?
00:18:56Well, my grandfather came in with the shovel.
00:18:58Oh, you mean a shovel?
00:18:59No, no, the shovel to pick him up,
00:19:01and then the big black crow came and whoosh!
00:19:09He's in the sky now.
00:19:14Yeah, I mean,
00:19:15it sounded like he had a,
00:19:17you know, he had a good life,
00:19:19and he was really well loved,
00:19:22and he had a nice personality.
00:19:26You're not making this up, are you?
00:19:28His name was not Marcel.
00:19:30It was Jean-Paul.
00:19:32Jean-Paul, yeah.
00:19:38I can't believe it's Jean-Paul.
00:19:41Jean-Paul your leg!
00:19:44You are going to cry.
00:19:45I wasn't going to cry.
00:19:46It's windy.
00:19:48Oh, shit, I have to go.
00:19:49It's really busy,
00:19:50especially with the competition that we're organising.
00:19:52You're going to apply, right?
00:19:54The Cash Award.
00:19:55I told you about it.
00:19:56You didn't forget.
00:19:57I didn't forget.
00:19:58OK, because the deadline is in five days,
00:20:00so you have to fill the file.
00:20:01Yeah, I'd love to apply.
00:20:02Oh, awesome.
00:20:03OK, so just drop your clothes
00:20:05when you are finished looking like an hedgehog.
00:20:24This is so funny.
00:20:25Dude, you have to apply to this contest.
00:20:28Just do it.
00:20:29I can't.
00:20:30I don't have any special skills.
00:20:32You know, I can't draw, I can't paint.
00:20:34It doesn't matter.
00:20:35You don't need talent to do modern art.
00:20:37You just piss on a crucifix, shit on a hamster,
00:20:39and that's it.
00:20:40Job done.
00:20:41You make millions, and you're famous.
00:20:43You don't know anything about modern art, do you?
00:20:46Modern art isn't about knowing.
00:20:48It's about the bullshit,
00:20:49and when it comes to bullshit,
00:20:51I'm the master.
00:20:52Believe me.
00:20:53So why don't you do it, then?
00:20:54Exactly my point.
00:20:56I'll do it with you, tonight, at your place.
00:20:59No, you won't. You're not invited.
00:21:01Oh, come on.
00:21:02No way. Forget it.
00:21:11You know what?
00:21:13You've got a nice arse.
00:21:15Why don't you get your nice arse over here
00:21:17and give me a nice hand?
00:21:18Look, I'm going to help you out, big time.
00:21:20Trust me.
00:21:25Now, do you want
00:21:28the blue pill,
00:21:31the German blue pill?
00:21:35What is that?
00:21:36Is that my idea?
00:21:37Nah, it's Prince, but...
00:21:39What would it be?
00:21:41My cousin's a DJ.
00:21:42He says it unlocks the doors to his creativity.
00:21:44Come on, man. Take it.
00:21:46Come on, take that one.
00:21:47Yeah, yeah.
00:21:48Now, after three.
00:21:58No, I don't want it.
00:22:00No, I should give it.
00:22:02Come on. No.
00:22:08Now, that's some good stuff right there.
00:22:09Is it?
00:22:13We'll see.
00:22:15It's a work. Come on.
00:22:21So, how do you know it's kicked in?
00:22:23You'll know.
00:22:28I like that.
00:22:29I like that.
00:22:31What is it?
00:22:33I think it's kicked in.
00:22:34You think?
00:22:36We should...
00:22:38...check out...
00:22:40...what other artists do, innit?
00:22:41Oh, man, this looks great, man!
00:22:43We've got to find a gavel opening somewhere.
00:22:46We're going to go. We're going to go.
00:22:47We're going to go.
00:22:48It's like a giant cow, but inside out.
00:22:49Sort of like a...
00:22:51It's so fluffy and soft.
00:22:53Yeah, yeah.
00:22:54It's got some arse teeth.
00:22:55We're going to go.
00:22:56Uh, okay.
00:22:57We need to go.
00:22:58This is golf. This is golf.
00:22:59Yeah, yeah.
00:23:00Why don't we just go?
00:23:02No, no, no, no.
00:23:03Don't do that. Don't do that.
00:23:05This is the white mandala.
00:23:08Symbolic of his struggle in South Africa.
00:23:10Sir, you cannot bring that in here.
00:23:14Relax, buddy.
00:23:15I'm not your buddy.
00:23:18Talk to me.
00:23:19Don't touch the artwork.
00:23:20This is a very rare exhibit from the Saatchi Gallery.
00:23:34Bonjour, Miss Savard.
00:23:36How's it going?
00:23:38You spend your whole life in galleries?
00:23:40Oh, this?
00:23:41This is my church.
00:23:43This is my friend Rebecca.
00:23:44She's also an artist.
00:23:50There's something in the air.
00:23:52Something in the air tonight?
00:23:55Oh, it's sticky like paint.
00:23:57Oh, yeah. No, I was painting in my studio earlier.
00:24:01Oh, really?
00:24:02What style?
00:24:07Excuse me.
00:24:09Oh, Rebecca.
00:24:13If you like it, I have to introduce you to someone you're going to totally love.
00:24:17Achieving a rigorously democratic presentation
00:24:20without composition and hierarchy.
00:24:24I don't like it.
00:24:27This is Alex.
00:24:28Oh, Jean-Paul.
00:24:29Like the hedgehog.
00:24:33Jean-Paul de Chauvignac.
00:24:35My work is grounded in social philosophy and anthroposophy.
00:24:38Autonomy and clarity for the constructed object
00:24:41and the space created by it.
00:24:43Ultimately, achieving a rigorously democratic presentation
00:24:46without composition and hierarchy.
00:24:49This is Alex.
00:24:50Oh, Jean-Paul.
00:24:51Like the hedgehog.
00:24:52Ultimately, achieving a rigorously democratic presentation
00:24:55without composition and hierarchy.
00:24:58The white mandala reminds us of the impermanence of life.
00:25:02Of its fragility.
00:25:04It is destined to be destroyed.
00:25:06And it inspires us to live in peace and...
00:25:09Oh, you must be kidding me.
00:25:10Sorry, sorry.
00:25:11Can't you...
00:25:14Jean-Paul came second last year at the Kesha Awards.
00:25:16C'est pas faux.
00:25:18And that's how you two met, yeah?
00:25:21Au Beaux-Arts, at La Sorbonne in Paris.
00:25:23I was finishing my PhD and...
00:25:25Penélope was a...
00:25:27Comment on dit?
00:25:29A fresh woman.
00:25:31Tu te souviens du bijoutage?
00:25:33On avait vraiment à glisser.
00:25:36Mais bon, c'était vraiment grand.
00:25:51This is a portrait of my father.
00:25:56Well, Alex is also an artist.
00:25:58Oh, well, you know, I'm a double.
00:26:01And where did you study art?
00:26:04This work is called Untitled, number three.
00:26:08The Isle of Man?
00:26:12How much would you sell something like this for, for example?
00:26:16Interesting. Let me check it out.
00:26:18Oh, no, no, no, don't do that.
00:26:20They're not on the web.
00:26:22They're very, very exclusive.
00:26:24You know, only invite a select few students.
00:26:29Oh, sorry.
00:26:31Sorry, sorry.
00:26:37Now, this.
00:26:38This is a portrait of my father.
00:26:40This is a portrait of my father.
00:26:42This is a portrait of my father.
00:26:44Now, this.
00:26:45This is what I like to see.
00:26:48Finally, an artist who speaks with his guts.
00:26:57How much?
00:26:58Out of my way, man.
00:27:0649,000 pounds.
00:27:09I'll take it.
00:27:10Come here.
00:27:11And, uh, tell me...
00:27:14What do English people think of Jacques Derrida?
00:27:18In France, he's the key reference for most of the artistic practices.
00:27:23Jacques Cousteau?
00:27:27Jacques Derrida.
00:27:29You know, his theories on the semiotic analysis.
00:27:35What do you think of that?
00:27:37I'm sorry, this is not acceptable.
00:27:40Some people have no respect for the art.
00:27:42I'm going to escort this...
00:27:44This guy out of here and take him to the police.
00:27:47Hi, Alex. How you doing, man?
00:27:49I love performance art.
00:27:51Great flux.
00:27:53You know what I mean.
00:27:54You are a disgrace to this establishment.
00:27:56Very good, McLeod.
00:27:57You still know how to put on a show.
00:28:00A show, yes.
00:28:01Well done.
00:28:02It's all part of the show.
00:28:04That was all part of the show.
00:28:06Well done.
00:28:08And then you pushed him to the ground and started beating him to death with his own fingers.
00:28:13Man, I don't want to hear no more.
00:28:15Yeah, enough of that.
00:28:17Where were we with this list?
00:28:24A gigantic droplet, the shape of a cow, with fluffy texture between red and blue.
00:28:31I think that was one of yours.
00:28:34The sound of strawberries.
00:28:42A kebab.
00:28:43A what?
00:28:44That's what it says, a kebab.
00:28:47Yeah, um...
00:28:49Tell me something.
00:28:50This cousin of yours, is he successful as a musician?
00:28:55Mate, give him time. He's only 11.
00:28:58Wait, what about the painting?
00:29:00I think you look quite nice.
00:29:05No, Squid, it didn't look quite nice.
00:29:12Maybe you could take up art lessons at the local university.
00:29:16They do evening classes-
00:29:17Squid, listen, okay?
00:29:18The submission deadline for the competition is this Sunday, alright?
00:29:21Seriously, I mean, what the hell am I actually going to do?
00:29:23Dude, dude.
00:29:25Not so loud, yeah? I'm feeling a little deconstructed here.
00:29:28Alex, my office.
00:29:31Look, burn it, eat it, hide it, bury it, whatever, please.
00:29:34Just get rid of it.
00:29:37What's the matter with Squid? He looks like shit.
00:29:39Oh, um, food poisoning, I think.
00:29:41It's up to the bad curries.
00:29:42Oh, shame.
00:29:43Anyway, talking of curry,
00:29:45we're going to be outsourcing financial services to India.
00:29:49Yeah, those boys over there could do the same work as you guys,
00:29:52but for a fraction of the cost.
00:29:55And may they whinge about it all bloody year.
00:29:57What? I'm sorry, what?
00:29:59They don't whinge about it all year.
00:30:01No, no, you mean our jobs.
00:30:04Bangalore, I believe.
00:30:06Now, we can't afford to lay you off,
00:30:09so you are being offered a position on another contract.
00:30:12Right, but what about the team? What about Squid?
00:30:17Do you know why I'm so successful in this company?
00:30:21I mean, yeah, of course I do,
00:30:23because you're a good leader, you're determined, you're brave,
00:30:27you make decisions.
00:30:30There's no I in team.
00:30:34There's no I in team,
00:30:36so why the hell should I care?
00:30:39I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure I follow you.
00:30:42Stop worrying about other people, Alex.
00:30:44The team is gone. It has left the building.
00:30:47It's save-your-arse-o'-clock, man.
00:30:50What about Squid? He's...
00:30:52Squid will be fine, trust me.
00:30:54We're going to offer him something too,
00:30:56but right now you need to keep quiet about this, eh?
00:30:59Nothing's official yet.
00:31:08Project DNA.
00:31:11Process analyst.
00:31:13Process analyst, but I've never done anything...
00:31:15And it's just admin, taking minutes, keeping files up to date.
00:31:18Idiot could do it.
00:31:21So, are you in?
00:31:24Great, I'll take that as a yes.
00:31:26Kick-off meeting's tomorrow at nine with Stella Pullman.
00:31:28Don't be late.
00:31:30That's it when people are late.
00:31:36Right, OK, yeah, sorry.
00:31:38OK, thank you, Sean. Thank you.
00:31:48Sorry, I forgot to mention,
00:31:50I need you to interview a candidate for marketing.
00:31:52Oh, I'm not sure I can right now.
00:31:55I'm not asking, I'm telling you.
00:31:57Meeting room 12, she's waiting.
00:31:59Right, I'm really busy, Sean.
00:32:00Yeah, management seem to like her.
00:32:02HR want validation from another department.
00:32:06So, go and validate.
00:32:09Meeting room 12.
00:32:10And don't be late tomorrow.
00:32:16Hi, Rebecca.
00:32:19Uh, we met yesterday, didn't we?
00:32:24I thought you were an artist.
00:32:26I thought you were an artist.
00:32:27I thought you were an artist.
00:32:29Yeah, I thought you were an artist.
00:32:32Right, OK, so, yeah, marketing.
00:32:35Well, everyone's got to pay the bills.
00:32:37I have a one-year-old son.
00:32:38He doesn't eat art.
00:32:40Yeah, same here.
00:32:41I mean, no kid, but, you know, rent and stuff.
00:32:45Can you tell me your top 1,000 weaknesses?
00:32:511,000 weaknesses.
00:32:54Sorry, no, I mean, what's your motivation for wanting this job?
00:33:00Told you this earlier.
00:33:01I have a one-year-old son.
00:33:03He doesn't eat art.
00:33:05OK, you got the job.
00:33:07Oh, wow.
00:33:09Yeah, yeah, cool.
00:33:11So, what's your kid's name?
00:33:16And how old is he?
00:33:17He's one.
00:33:19Told you this earlier.
00:33:20Yeah, yeah, no, you're right.
00:33:22Sorry, I meant to ask, is it a boy or a girl?
00:33:25His name is George.
00:33:28Yeah, yeah, sorry.
00:33:30I'm just distracted by a thought.
00:33:36Maybe little George's mum could make a few extra quid
00:33:41by doing me a favour?
00:33:45Oh, my God, no, no, sorry, that sounded terrible.
00:33:48No, it's not what you think.
00:33:50Whatever you were thinking.
00:33:52No, look, it's about art.
00:33:56I need some advice.
00:34:02The submission deadline is this Sunday.
00:34:05What do you have?
00:34:07Well, it needs a little polishing, but the idea's solid.
00:34:10Let me have a look.
00:34:12Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:34:13Gigantic droplet, the shape of a cow,
00:34:16with a fluffy texture between red and blue.
00:34:19Yeah, all right, give it back.
00:34:21The sound of strawberries, pa-pa-pa-pa.
00:34:24Yeah, look, it's not supposed to be read out loud.
00:34:29Like anybody's going to steal your brilliant ideas?
00:34:32Like I said, it needs some polishing.
00:34:34It needs a lot more than that.
00:34:36What else have they asked for?
00:34:38Brief outline your past references from established artists,
00:34:41recommendations from curators and or university teachers.
00:34:44OK, please check your full artist CV.
00:34:46I'm wasting my time, right?
00:34:49Can I ask you a question? Yeah.
00:34:52Why are you doing this?
00:34:54Um, well, I mean, I thought it would be a good opportunity
00:34:57to build my portfolio as an...
00:34:59Alex, this isn't an interview.
00:35:01Why are you doing this?
00:35:03Is it for a girl?
00:35:06Oh, my God, it is for a girl, isn't it?
00:35:08Is it for Penelope, by any chance?
00:35:11You are such a bad liar.
00:35:13It is for Penelope.
00:35:15I promise you I won't say a thing, OK?
00:35:17Look, I have an idea for the CV and references.
00:35:20Think about Banksy,
00:35:23Daft Punk and Spider-Man.
00:35:25What do they all have in common?
00:35:27They're all superheroes.
00:35:29Apart from Banksy and Daft Punk.
00:35:31No, they all wear masks.
00:35:33If you apply to the contest anonymously,
00:35:35you don't need to show any sign of references
00:35:38or endorsement documents.
00:35:40Can I do that? I don't see why not.
00:35:42I mean, you're better off showing up with no CV
00:35:46than an accountant's CV.
00:35:49Look, I'm sorry, but these people like to think
00:35:52that artists are some kind of wise geniuses living on Saturn.
00:35:56So if you show up with an accountant's CV,
00:35:59you're finished.
00:36:01But then you have to make up for the lack of references
00:36:04with some kind of spectacular artwork.
00:36:06Like what?
00:36:08Well, not like a kebab.
00:36:10You need something spectacular.
00:36:13Your project needs to sweep people off their feet.
00:36:16But I don't know how to do modern art.
00:36:18Nobody uses modern art today.
00:36:20Modern art ended about 50 years ago.
00:36:23Buy these books, OK?
00:36:26And learn them by heart.
00:36:28It's all about contemporary art today.
00:36:30It's not as easy as people think.
00:36:34Look, I mean, with regards to the actual,
00:36:37you know, artworks themselves,
00:36:40I mean, do you have any ideas
00:36:43that maybe I could borrow
00:36:46or some finished artworks that perhaps I could buy?
00:36:48I can't do that.
00:36:50It's got to come from you. Otherwise I'd be cheating.
00:36:52How do you provoke inspiration?
00:36:54Just look around you.
00:36:56Turn off your TV and turn on your ideas.
00:36:59I don't have any ideas.
00:37:01Gods of inspiration talk to us all the time.
00:37:04We're just not listening hard enough.
00:37:13That is so cute.
00:37:30Oh, you're down here?
00:37:32OK, never mind.
00:37:34OK, I thought he was up there.
00:37:36OK, ladies and gentlemen,
00:37:38can we have one final round of applause?
00:37:40applause & cheering
00:37:59applause & cheering
00:38:23Oh, shit!
00:38:29Oh, shit!
00:38:39Hey, Squid, what's going on?
00:38:41Guess. Cost quite an opportunity, they said.
00:38:44My job's gone to Bangalore.
00:38:46That's terrible. Sean said the team would be all right.
00:38:48Sean said what when?
00:38:50Yesterday. We had a meeting and he told me about the shake-up
00:38:53and about our jobs going to India.
00:38:55Oh, great. So he's getting rid of you too?
00:38:57Yeah, well, actually, he kind of offered me another job.
00:39:00I'm doing some sort of admin for some project.
00:39:02Project? What project? What's it about?
00:39:04I'm not really supposed to talk about it, mate.
00:39:06Oh, don't be ridiculous. What is it?
00:39:08All right, so apparently we're supporting some sort of research
00:39:11to do with DNA, something called genetic determinism or something like that,
00:39:14but I don't know anything about it.
00:39:16Mother... What? Why?
00:39:18Genetic determinism is evil, mate.
00:39:20OK, why?
00:39:22It's a theory that some people are born a thief,
00:39:24born a murderer, born a drug addict.
00:39:26It's like it's all predetermined in their genes.
00:39:28It's like there's no such thing as free will.
00:39:30Oh, I'm sorry. Am I keeping you?
00:39:32I'm sorry, but I've got a meeting to go to about this. It's kind of important.
00:39:35But, look, I don't get it. What's so evil about it?
00:39:38Up until a few years ago, they wanted to file everyone from the age of three.
00:39:41You know, screening little kids,
00:39:43flagging the ones they suspect as potential criminals.
00:39:46Based on DNA?
00:39:48Nah, nah, nah. They don't know how to do it yet.
00:39:50So for now, they'll just base it on wild assumptions and guesses
00:39:52based on a kid's behaviour.
00:39:54A kid steals a toy from one kid at school.
00:39:56He gets tagged as a potential thief.
00:39:58You know, gets into a fight with another kid in a playground.
00:40:00Gets tagged as a potential violent offender.
00:40:02And these tags, they'll stay with them for the rest of their lives.
00:40:05All right, OK, I hear.
00:40:07But I don't see what that's got to do with this project.
00:40:09I mean, look, we're an insurance company.
00:40:11I mean, not some sort of evil corporation.
00:40:13Wake up, dude.
00:40:15OK, I've really got to go.
00:40:18But we'll catch up soon, yeah?
00:40:20I'm sorry, mate.
00:40:22See you later.
00:40:34Alex, this is Stella Pullman from head office.
00:40:39Project director for DNA.
00:40:42Pleased to meet you, Stella.
00:40:44Pleased to meet you, Alex.
00:40:51Welcome aboard.
00:40:53Are you familiar with the exciting initiative that is the DNA project?
00:40:57Um, I wouldn't mind a little bit more ground information,
00:41:01if that's, um, if that's at all possible.
00:41:04It is possible.
00:41:06Data is the big game changer for today's corporations.
00:41:10As an insurance company, knowledge about our clients,
00:41:13their medical profile,
00:41:17the risk they represent is key to our business.
00:41:20You know those free paternity DNA tests on the internet?
00:41:26We are in the process of acquiring the data.
00:41:28It's an amazing source of information.
00:41:30Right, and that's what the DNA project's all about?
00:41:34Not exactly.
00:41:37One thing we can't analyse with DNA testing today
00:41:40is the likeliness of people to turn criminal.
00:41:44We need to spot future thieves,
00:41:47future drug addicts,
00:41:56And that's based on genetic determinism, right?
00:42:02The only way to profile these people, even before they turn criminal,
00:42:07is to study their behaviour,
00:42:09which can be done from an age as low as three.
00:42:12Three years old?
00:42:16Now, I know there's a bit of controversy about filing kids,
00:42:21so we need to be careful about this.
00:42:24That's why this project is so confidential.
00:42:29Right, OK, and so once these potential criminals are identified,
00:42:34are they given any sort of form of additional social support or anything like that?
00:42:39As far as we're concerned, the idea is to avoid getting them as clients.
00:42:44Right, OK, but, I mean, surely if these kids are refused proper insurance
00:42:49and potentially rejected from some schools and so on,
00:42:53could it not become a self-fulfilling prophecy?
00:42:55I mean, might it just turn them into criminals?
00:42:58Alex, you're so cute.
00:43:01It's a business, not a charity.
00:43:04Don't worry, we're not going to be locking up any three-year-olds, eh?
00:43:11Not our job.
00:43:13Other people are in charge of this.
00:43:15Again, we're walking on eggshells here.
00:43:17Some Guardian reader would probably call us cynical, or worse.
00:43:24We're a $20 billion business in a very competitive market.
00:43:30Our shareholders want us to seize this opportunity to boost our profits tremendously.
00:43:38What do you think, Alex? Alex?
00:43:42What do you think?
00:43:48Um, I think it's a...
00:43:52It's a really good idea.
00:43:54It's brilliant, sir.
00:44:00Uh, Rebecca.
00:44:02Oh, hi, Alex. Look, this is my desk. I started this morning.
00:44:05Lovely. Um, listen, I need your help again.
00:44:09Um, do you know of any photo studios I could rent,
00:44:13preferably with a photographer attached?
00:44:15When, for?
00:44:17Uh, tonight, or tomorrow, basically before Sunday.
00:44:22Alex, that's really short notice.
00:44:24Yeah, yeah, I do know.
00:44:26Is there anything else you need?
00:44:28Do you need cameras, lights, models, um...
00:44:32Yes, so, any help on that front?
00:44:35Yeah, you need them all, yeah.
00:44:37Right, that's kind of, um...
00:45:07It's Alex. Hello?
00:45:10Anyone there?
00:45:13Are you there?
00:45:15It's Alex.
00:45:19Are you there?
00:45:21It's Alex.
00:45:33Hi, Alex.
00:45:45Hello, hi.
00:45:47Have you seen Rebecca?
00:45:49She told me to come here for a photo shoot.
00:45:51Do you know anything about that?
00:45:53Um, yes and no.
00:45:55There's nobody here?
00:45:57No, well, that's not entirely true.
00:45:59Oh, coucou, bébé.
00:46:03Tu trouves ça drôle?
00:46:07I'll get it.
00:46:11Hi, I'm Kate.
00:46:13Rebecca told us to come and bring the kids for a photo shoot.
00:46:15Are you the artist?
00:46:17Um, yeah, yeah, I suppose I am.
00:46:19Oh, okay.
00:46:21Yeah, yeah, come in.
00:46:57I've got a feeling we're going somewhere.
00:47:01The evening's alight and there's hope in the air.
00:47:06The summer and sense of adventure's begun.
00:47:11Take your time to find tools and just follow the sun.
00:47:18I got the answer, I got the answer, you got the answer,
00:47:21I got the answer, I got the answer, we got the answer.
00:47:26I got the answer, I got the answer, you got the answer,
00:47:29I got the answer, I got the answer, we got the answer.
00:47:37It's really good.
00:47:39And just in time for the submission on Sunday.
00:47:44So I'll see you when you apply at the gallery?
00:47:49Okay, bye.
00:47:58And I'll also throw broccoli onto the sticky tape.
00:48:02But maybe not.
00:48:04It's experimental so anything could happen.
00:48:08Maybe I'll throw carrots.
00:48:11Ah, maybe not.
00:48:14Maybe I'll throw cats.
00:48:18Oh yeah, live cats.
00:48:22How clever.
00:48:24Thank you for your submission.
00:48:27It's not linear.
00:48:29So people may not understand what's going on.
00:48:32But that's the point.
00:48:34People are so conditioned by the consumer society
00:48:37that they're stuck in a bubble.
00:48:39Sure, we'll...
00:48:41So, it's either broccoli or cats.
00:48:48Depends on the quantity of drugs I take.
00:49:00We'll review this file and let you know.
00:49:15Thank you.
00:49:17And you are?
00:49:20My name is Captain Fox.
00:49:23Sorry, what was that?
00:49:25Sorry, it's the boss.
00:49:27I said my name is Captain Fox.
00:49:29I beg your pardon, your name is?
00:49:31I think he said his name is Captain Fox.
00:49:34And what's your artist statement, Mr...
00:49:38Captain Fox?
00:49:40My artist statement is basically...
00:49:50Did you get that?
00:49:52No, not at all.
00:49:54It's in the file.
00:49:56Yes, it might be easier this way.
00:49:59Well, thank you, Mr Fox.
00:50:01We'll let you know very soon.
00:50:09Ah, Mr Duchovignac.
00:50:11How are you today? It's a real...
00:50:15My work is grounded in social philosophy and anthroposophy.
00:50:19I sought autonomy and clarity for the constructed object,
00:50:23ultimately achieving a rigorously democratic presentation
00:50:27without composition and hierarchy.
00:50:32We also need to validate each milestone
00:50:35before we release the roadmap.
00:50:43Sorry about that.
00:50:49Let's just call it a day.
00:50:51I'll call the head office and let them know about our progress.
00:50:56Thanks, I'm sorry.
00:51:04Hi, Captain Fox. I'm calling you on behalf of Cash Art Gallery.
00:51:07I have good news for you, Captain Fox.
00:51:09Our jury has selected your project for the next round.
00:51:12Oh, my God, that's fantastic!
00:51:16Are you OK? I mean, you sound a little bit formal.
00:51:19Can you talk? Is your boss around?
00:51:23Well, which one is it? Can you talk or is your boss around?
00:51:26Well, which one is it? Can you talk or is your boss around?
00:51:31All right, look, take it easy. I'll pop over, OK?
00:51:54So, please let me know if you need any more information.
00:51:57OK, bye.
00:52:00Hi. You sounded really sad on the phone.
00:52:03Is everything OK?
00:52:06You take a break, sweetie, if you need.
00:52:18I don't like to look like that.
00:52:20Don't worry.
00:52:22It's Jean-Paul.
00:52:24The hedgehog?
00:52:26OK, what about him?
00:52:28I found out that he only pretended to like me
00:52:30to increase his chances at the Cash Award.
00:52:33What do you mean? How?
00:52:35He was nice to my face and behind my back he was backstabbing me.
00:52:40He just wanted insider information.
00:52:43I feel so used and...
00:52:46I just hate liars.
00:52:48Yeah, well, what a dickhead.
00:52:51I hate French people.
00:52:53Well, I mean, obviously, apart from you,
00:52:56and, of course, your family...
00:52:58He's gone through to the next round.
00:53:00You know that he convinced me not to apply
00:53:03because he said that I was unready,
00:53:05but really he just didn't want any competitors.
00:53:07Hang on, I mean, OK, you work for the Gallery, right?
00:53:10So couldn't you just talk to Mr Cash and...
00:53:13And say what?
00:53:15Oh, can you please disqualify this guy because I'm too naive
00:53:18and I don't know how to deal with my own problems?
00:53:20Well, I wouldn't quite word it like that.
00:53:23No, I mean, seriously, OK, maybe he's not going to win.
00:53:25I mean, how many other people are selected for this next round?
00:53:29Five, including him and you.
00:53:31See? So there you go.
00:53:33Maybe someone could just come along and...
00:53:36I saw Jean-Paul's work, OK? It's better than everybody else's.
00:53:39The guy's bringing his PhD to the table, you know?
00:53:42He has three years of work and 100 pages of explanation.
00:53:48OK, don't take this badly, OK,
00:53:50because your project is really great, OK,
00:53:53and well done for being selected,
00:53:55but the exhibition with the jury and the media questions
00:53:58is going to be really tough.
00:54:00Which exhibition?
00:54:02On Friday, you have to present the exhibition as a group.
00:54:05There will be a jury and journalists
00:54:07and Jean-Paul is really good at that, so...
00:54:10OK, well, I didn't know that.
00:54:13Look, I'm not entirely sure I want to go and humiliate myself
00:54:17in front of literally everyone.
00:54:20It's up to you.
00:54:26I have to get that.
00:54:35The mountains were burned and the sky had turned red
00:54:41I called out your name in the dark
00:54:48I wound up your music box
00:54:51Memories played
00:54:55I just hate liars
00:54:57I know that you're gone
00:55:01But I've got your song
00:55:05Here in my heart strings
00:55:10You're queen of the stars
00:55:15Here in my heart
00:55:19Here in my heart strings
00:55:41I have no idea.
00:55:43I need your help.
00:55:45OK, here's the plan.
00:55:50How did you find out about the genetic profile?
00:55:55Oh, a friend...
00:55:58A friend, actually.
00:56:00Do you think we can move that two pixels down to the left?
00:56:07It's Hélène Gallagher.
00:56:09Yeah, OK, OK, don't worry.
00:56:11In the Philippines and did a lot of work in the USA.
00:56:15Come on, yeah.
00:56:23OK, please can I do it?
00:56:25Do it.
00:56:27OK, look, OK, you just...
00:56:29I think that you can do it a little bit more rugged, you know?
00:56:32Like that.
00:57:17And all I can see is you falling for me
00:57:24Forever tonight, eternity died
00:57:27In a speckle of light, a fragment of time
00:57:32Into the flames I found you again
00:57:35My soulmates conspire in the festival of fire
00:57:41Give me your hand, pretend if you can
00:57:44Don't say your name as if this was a game
00:57:49Wave after wave of beauty and fear
00:57:52We fall as we fall and the moment is near
00:57:58Forever tonight, eternity died
00:58:01In a speckle of light, a fragment of time
00:58:06Into the flames I found you again
00:58:09My soulmates conspire in the festival of fire
00:58:13Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
00:58:15What does the fox say?
00:58:17Well, the fox says your kids are in danger.
00:58:20According to the...
00:58:21Do you know Capitaine Renard?
00:58:23This artist from London has launched an artistic campaign...
00:58:26There is genetic determinism that threatens to govern modern society.
00:58:29In London, the artist Capitaine Fox draws attention to a secret project...
00:58:35To the bones we divide in every layer of time
00:58:39Particles collide in a festival of light
00:58:49A palpable force of fate lights the walls
00:58:52We fall as we fall and fate takes its course
00:58:59Forever tonight, eternity died
00:59:02In a speckle of light, a fragment of time
00:59:07Into the flames I found you again
00:59:10My soulmates conspire in the festival of fire
00:59:22Into the flames I...
00:59:24Do you have any idea the kind of call I had from the US?
00:59:27The VP was screaming on the phone!
00:59:30I can imagine.
00:59:31No, you can't!
00:59:33Sorry I'm a tad late.
00:59:35Did I miss anything?
00:59:37As you probably know, Alex, we have a bit of a crisis here.
00:59:41Has there?
00:59:42Do you have any clue who could have leaked the information to the press?
00:59:45Um, what information, sorry?
00:59:47The information to the press!
00:59:49We should call the police.
00:59:50Certainly not!
00:59:55At this stage, the story that's circulating refers only to insurance companies.
01:00:02We should avoid attracting any attention to our company.
01:00:08Maybe it was some disgruntled ex-employee.
01:00:11Maybe, maybe not!
01:00:13Find out!
01:00:29Oh, shit.
01:00:32Shit, shit, shit.
01:00:35Yeah, shit.
01:00:37This is really terrible.
01:00:39Um, but by the way, Sean, um, would you mind if I took a day off on Friday?
01:00:46Oh, man, I fucking hate artists.
01:00:49So, good for Friday? One little day off?
01:00:53Sean, I actually really need to...
01:00:55Are you deaf?
01:00:57Come on, Sean, please.
01:00:58I said no!
01:00:59Fine, um, sorry.
01:02:33Sorry, where is Captain Fox?
01:02:35Oh, he should be here any minute, actually.
01:02:38Oh, by the way, I love your look there.
01:02:40Oh, where'd you get that?
01:02:41Um, just something I threw on.
01:02:43That's amazing.
01:02:44Thank you very much.
01:02:45Good day.
01:02:46Thank you.
01:03:02Do you want a full reference number?
01:03:05Six, four, six.
01:03:06Yeah. raise concerns about email profiling for young children.
01:03:21Captain Fox has not arrived at the gallery yet,
01:03:23but I have with me another contestant.
01:03:32Mr. Jean-Paul de Javernac,
01:03:33can you tell us more about your artistic project?
01:03:36I thought autonomy and clarity for the constructed object
01:03:39and the space created by it.
01:03:41Ultimately achieving a rigorously democratic presentation
01:03:44without compositional hierarchy.
01:03:46Do you encourage the public to touch your creations?
01:03:48Well, a lot of people ask me if they can touch my artwork,
01:03:51but only I can touch my pose.
01:03:54Ha, ha, ha!
01:04:00So I studied at La Sorbonne, you know that,
01:04:03and I did my PhD there.
01:04:05That is so interesting.
01:04:07Thank you.
01:04:10Mr. Cash, what is the name of this contestant?
01:04:16That's the famous Captain Fox.
01:04:19But what is his real name?
01:04:22It's a mystery.
01:04:23We don't even know ourselves.
01:04:25How exciting.
01:04:38Alex, Sean here.
01:04:39I'm sure I don't have to remind you,
01:04:41but you are meant to be in a meeting starting in two minutes.
01:04:43Please do not be late.
01:04:50Great socks, Alex.
01:04:53Oh, thanks.
01:04:56I sought autonomy and clarity,
01:05:00autonomy and clarity,
01:05:02for the constructed object
01:05:04and the space created by it.
01:05:06Ultimately achieving a rigorously democratic presentation
01:05:10without compositional hierarchy.
01:05:14Alex, it's me.
01:05:15Everyone is asking about you.
01:05:17Where are you?
01:05:18Please come back to the gallery as soon as you can.
01:05:23It's him.
01:05:30Mr. Fox,
01:05:33how would you compare your work to
01:05:36Barbara Kruger
01:05:38or Andreas Gursky?
01:05:43How would I compare my work to
01:05:46Barbara Kruger and Andreas Gursky?
01:05:52Well, I can certainly relate to
01:05:54Barbara Kruger's provocative questioning of our society.
01:05:57So far as Gursky's concerned, though,
01:05:59he views the world dispassionately
01:06:01and from a distance to, quote,
01:06:03Calvin Tompkins.
01:06:04How's he doing?
01:06:05This is what I would say is the
01:06:07major difference between him and myself.
01:06:10He's brilliant.
01:06:11Was there anything else?
01:06:15No, that was just a question.
01:06:19Thank you.
01:06:23To Mr. Fox.
01:06:33Rebecca, have you seen Alex anywhere?
01:06:38The guy that interviewed you.
01:06:40Oh, of course, Alex.
01:06:41Yeah, yeah, I think he was in the cafeteria.
01:06:44Actually, I could be totally wrong.
01:06:46I mean, the corridors, yeah.
01:06:49No, no, I think he might be downstairs.
01:06:51I think he might be downstairs, actually.
01:06:53Whatever, I'll call him.
01:07:04Monsieur de Chauvignac, congratulations.
01:07:07The judges have narrowed it down.
01:07:08It's now just between the two of you.
01:07:12And who is the other selected finalist?
01:07:14Captain Fox.
01:07:16We'll announce the winner shortly.
01:07:38This is Alex.
01:07:39Alex, I'd like to see you in my office now, please.
01:07:42Uh, yeah, I'm just in the toilet at the minute.
01:07:45Sean got a bit of a case of the bad curries.
01:07:48You know the Indian restaurant downstairs?
01:07:50I'd love to see you in the loo, but boy, does it go right.
01:07:52Don't you give me that curry crap.
01:07:53I want to see you in my office now.
01:08:20Come on.
01:08:34Follow that taxi.
01:08:39It's a black one.
01:08:40The one on the right.
01:08:47Can you go faster?
01:08:48I can't see it.
01:08:49I can't see his face.
01:09:07For the sake of art, can you go faster, please?
01:09:20Penelope, have you seen the finalists?
01:09:21I can't seem to find them anywhere.
01:09:23Um, maybe they went for a walk?
01:09:26Too much pressure.
01:09:27This is ridiculous.
01:09:28I've got to announce the finalists.
01:09:46Sorry, should I come back later?
01:09:48Come in.
01:09:50Shut the door.
01:09:55Sit down.
01:10:01Alex, my boy.
01:10:04I'm sure by now you have become very well aware
01:10:07that the activities of this Captain Fox have completely jeopardised...
01:10:11I'll handle this.
01:10:12Sooner or later, we'll find out who this little fox is.
01:10:19If he or she turns out to be an employee,
01:10:22or a former employee,
01:10:24our top lawyers will swoop down from helicopters
01:10:27and make sure this person never sleeps again.
01:10:30Do you understand?
01:10:34Yeah, yeah, sure.
01:10:37Why are you telling me this?
01:10:40Why are you telling me this?
01:10:43We just wanted to let you know.
01:10:46You can leave now.
01:10:56Tiens, tiens.
01:10:58What a surprise.
01:11:00You look so different with this outfit and without your little mask.
01:11:03Look, I'm...
01:11:04I can easily imagine how disappointed the jury and the media will be
01:11:08when they discover that the rebel artist is actually just
01:11:12a docile little corporate soldier in an insurance company.
01:11:19You wouldn't want anyone to find out your true identity, would you?
01:11:25Well, I've got good news for you.
01:11:27Nobody will.
01:11:29Because Captain Fox is going to disappear by magic.
01:11:33Like an urban fox.
01:11:36And now, you can go back to your numbers and your little spreadsheets.
01:11:41I've got a prize to win.
01:12:01Alex, where are you?
01:12:03Look, I'm sorry.
01:12:06It's finished.
01:12:08There's something I haven't told you.
01:12:11I know.
01:12:13You know what?
01:12:14I know.
01:12:18Dude, stop telling everyone you're an accountant, yeah?
01:12:20Girls will never fall for that.
01:12:21Pretend to be someone else.
01:12:22Pretend to be someone cool.
01:12:23Look, I'm honest.
01:12:24I'm boring.
01:12:25And I'm your mate telling you that.
01:12:27Honest guys finish last.
01:12:29Two white wines, please.
01:12:32Why did you let me lie to you?
01:12:34Well, you didn't really lie to me.
01:12:36You know, Joseph Beuys says that everyone is an artist.
01:12:39Yeah, but I'm not a professional artist.
01:12:42So what?
01:12:44Artist is not a job.
01:12:46I don't make money from my art either.
01:12:49You know, maybe I'll never be a professional, but I'll always be an artist.
01:12:54I'm sorry anyway, but we lost the competition.
01:12:59No way.
01:13:33Thank you.
01:13:39There's some similarities between your actor's statement and the description of Donald Judge's work.
01:13:44Can you explain that?
01:13:46Come again?
01:13:47I said maybe some similarities between your actor's statement and the description of Donald Judge's work.
01:13:51Can you explain that?
01:13:54Similarities between your statement and...
01:13:55I'm actually leaving.
01:13:57Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for supporting the Cash Award.
01:14:02I have to say that we are honoured to have...
01:14:04It's him!
01:14:05It's him!
01:14:06It's him!
01:14:12This person is a fraud.
01:14:13This person is not a real box.
01:14:16He's not a real artist.
01:14:18And I shall prove it.
01:14:27Where's the box?
01:14:29Please, please, please, shush.
01:14:32Just one question at a time, please.
01:14:34What's your real name?
01:14:37You had a Bill West before?
01:14:38If anyone asks, I act alone.
01:14:41What's the thing about DNA?
01:14:43Why did you apply anonymously?
01:14:45Well, actually, I'm an assistant in the gallery, so I didn't want people to think that I had gotten favours from the jury.
01:14:55Guys, please, please.
01:14:59Just one question at a time, please.
01:15:01It's you.
01:15:03You are so...
01:15:04What are you going to do, Sean? Fire me? I'll quit.
01:15:08It's him! It's him!
01:15:10Look, everyone.
01:15:12The fox.
01:15:13He's the sox.
01:15:16Be quiet.
01:15:19He's the...
01:15:20He's the...
01:15:22I need to raise a complaint.
01:15:24I don't see any irregularity here.
01:15:29This is a pitiful on my earth.
01:15:35What did he say?
01:15:38Do you have me? Do you have me?
01:15:40I don't know. I don't care.
01:15:42Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the winner of the Cash Award, Penelope.
01:15:59What are your plans now?
01:16:01Well, actually, I think I will go on holiday with my new boyfriend.
01:16:07Dude, let me come.
01:16:11Sir, are you an actress?
01:16:17Let me introduce myself.
01:16:19Jacques de La Fesse, film director.
01:16:23Come with me. I'll make you famous.
01:16:58I remember how we talked into the dawn
01:17:01Watched the rising of the sun, no sleep at all
01:17:04And it was glorious on the summer's hottest day
01:17:07We sat scorching in the rays by the stage
01:17:10And it was glorious
01:17:15And it was glorious
01:17:26Hung over and dried out
01:17:29We laid low until the sun came down
01:17:33That night, we literally laughed till we cried
01:17:39We knew we'd be alright
01:17:43Remember how we talked into the dawn
01:17:46Watched the rising of the sun, no sleep at all
01:17:49And it was glorious on the summer's hottest day
01:17:52We sat scorching in the rays by the stage
01:17:55And it was glorious
01:17:57The world was far away
01:17:59We were broken in a daze
01:18:01We had a place
01:18:02And it was glorious on the summer's hottest day
01:18:05We lay blitzed out in the shade
01:18:07And it was glorious
01:18:38They were the best days of our lives
01:18:42It will always be our time
01:18:45We were young
01:18:47And the story had hardly begun
01:18:51We drank through the whole first night
01:18:55Remember how we talked into the dawn
01:18:58Watched the rising of the sun, no sleep at all
01:19:01And it was glorious on the summer's hottest day
01:19:05We sat scorching in the rays by the stage
01:19:08And it was glorious
01:19:10The world was far away
01:19:12We were broken in a daze
01:19:13We had a place
01:19:14And it was glorious on the summer's hottest day
01:19:18We lay blitzed out in the shade
01:19:20More than grey
01:19:21It was glorious