Bananas in Pyjamas Bananas in Pyjamas E030 Wishing Pool

  • il y a 3 mois
00:00Bananas in pyjamas are coming down the stairs, bananas in pyjamas are coming down in pairs, bananas in pyjamas are kissing teddy bears, cause on Tuesday's day, I'll try to catch them on my way.
00:23It was cloudy down at the beach and the bananas in pyjamas had nothing to do.
00:28There's no work to do B1 and no one to play with B2. I wish the sun would come out, then someone might come down the beach.
00:42Look B2, the sun's come out.
00:45My wish has come true B1.
00:47It certainly has B2, it happened just after you threw that pebble into the pool.
00:52You don't suppose it's a magic wishing pool B1?
00:55I don't know B2, I'll give it a try.
01:01I wish, I wish for a rainbow in the sky.
01:08It worked B1, your wish has come true too.
01:14When the teddies came down to the beach, they wondered what the bananas were doing.
01:18I wish we had something to play with on this bright sunny day.
01:21Good idea B1, throw the pebble into the pool.
01:25Oh dear, it doesn't seem to be working B2.
01:29So the teddies decided to make the bananas' wish come true.
01:33Quick Amy, throw them your beach ball.
01:36Here it goes.
01:40Look B2, it's a beach ball B1, your wish has come true.
01:44It certainly did B2.
01:46I'm very hungry B1.
01:47I'm very, very hungry B2.
01:49Then I wish, I wish we had a banana in the sky.
01:52I'm very, very hungry B2.
01:53Then I wish, I wish we had something nice to eat on this bright sunny day.
01:57Good wish B2.
01:59Oh dear B1.
02:01It doesn't seem to be working B2.
02:02Maybe our something nice to eat wish is somewhere else by mistake.
02:05Let's go and look.
02:09Morgan, the picnic basket.
02:18Hurry up.
02:21Nothing over there B1.
02:22Perhaps this wishing pool doesn't work after all.
02:24Look B2.
02:27Munchy honey cakes.
02:28This wishing pool works really well B1.
02:31I wish the teddies were here so we could show them.
02:37One, two, three.
02:42We wished you were here.
02:43We wished with our magic wishing pool.
02:46Magic wishing pool.
02:48You just throw in a pebble, make a wish.
02:52I wish a great big purple elephant would come to the beach and give us all a ride.
02:57We can't give him a great big purple elephant.
02:59But then we'd be so disappointed if we don't.
03:01Yoo-hoo, purple elephant, where are you?
03:04It was a big wish B1.
03:05I'll put some more pebbles in.
03:09Pebble B2.
03:10Sorry B1.
03:11Well, sorry too Bananas.
03:13But that magic wishing pool doesn't really work.
03:16But it made the sun come out.
03:18And a rainbow.
03:19And it gave us a beach ball to play with.
03:21And a basket of munchy honey cakes.
03:23But that's our basket and I put it there.
03:26And that's my beach ball.
03:29We tricked you.
03:31Oh dear.
03:33Don't worry.
03:34You can play with my beach ball anyway.
03:36Then we'll have some munchy honey cakes.
03:38Thank you teddies.
03:39I'm glad we wished for you to come along.
03:43They played all afternoon.
03:45Then they had a delicious picnic.
03:47And waited for the first star to come out over the sea.
03:50Star light.
03:51Star bright.
03:52First star I see tonight.
03:54I wish I may.
03:55I wish I might.
03:56Have that wish I wish tonight.
03:59I wish the moon would come out as well.
04:05Look Lulu, your wish is coming true.
04:08So it was.
04:10Isn't it beautiful?
