Drak Pack Drak Pack E010 Dred’s Photo Finish

  • il y a 4 mois
00:00À l'inverse de l'image mauvaise de leurs ancêtres, sous le gouvernement de personne d'autre que Count Dracula, connu comme Big D,
00:07trois adolescents se sont formés dans le groupe du Dupreur, nommé le Dracula.
00:11Avec des pouvoirs spéciaux, ils peuvent transformer des monstres folles et fortes, et utiliser leurs compétences contre tous les pervers,
00:18en particulier le diabolique Docteur Dredd et son remède à la sauveté, Toad, Fly, Mollymaun et Vampyra,
00:25un groupe connu comme Ogre, l'organisation généralement de l'entreprise de Watton.
00:30C'est de l'honneur contre l'amour, de la bienveillance contre la naïveté.
00:35C'est la dédicace d'un trio merveilleux, Franky, Howler et Drac Junior, le Dredd Pack.
00:51And for a once-in-a-lifetime chance, now you can view the glorious golden artifacts from King Tut-Tut's tomb,
00:58on display at the Midtown Museum, beginning tomorrow.
01:01Gosh, I wonder how much all that artifact stuff is worth.
01:05I'll bet Doctor Dredd knows exactly how much they're worth.
01:0981,243,678,931,756 dollars and 29 cents.
01:19But they're worth a great deal more than that to me.
01:23Your criminal computerized mind is calculating a clever, Doctor Dredd.
01:28Of course it is. Now remove your bumpy person from my line of view, you dolt.
01:33Oh, that serpent headpiece would be perfect with my lizard leotard.
01:39Lizard? Ha, nice little word.
01:42We'll see. We'll see.
01:44Bah, stop that drivel about trivial things. I have a plan.
01:48A plan, Doctor Dredd?
01:50Yes, a despicable, dastardly, diabolical, dreadful Doctor Dredd plan.
01:55Eee! Eee!
01:57Are you going to steal them, Doctor Dredd?
02:00No, stupid. We are not going to steal them.
02:05The Drat Pack is going to steal them for us.
02:09Oh, Doctor Dredd, you are a dirty, no good, evil villain.
02:14I know.
02:17Now where the bitches is that Robin?
02:20Yeah, Big D asked us to bring him a sandwich.
02:23I think we must have missed a turn.
02:26That's not all you're going to miss, do-gooder Drat.
02:30Oh, oh, oh, Doctor Dredd on our TV?
02:33Well, well, Doctor Dredd, what's this?
02:36Doing a commercial for a bug spray?
02:38Yes, insects, and I'm going to bug you.
02:41Really? Well, Dredd, what's on your mosquito-sized mind?
02:46I can't tell you here. Don't you know how these things are done?
02:50We must meet, just you and I, at Dreadway and Mean Street.
03:00Hmm, another one of Dredd's brilliant secret meeting places.
03:05Not only that, he didn't even bother to show up.
03:09Glad you could drop in.
03:12But now Chit Chat is meeting you to inform you
03:15that by midnight tonight, the Egyptian artifacts will be mine.
03:19And nothing the Drat Pack can do will alter that fact.
03:23Oh, no, not that. Why, those artifacts are priceless.
03:28Priceless? They're worth a lot more than that, dear boy.
03:36Watch for me. Remember, midnight tonight.
03:44The witching hour of midnight, he strikes.
03:47And that's the whole story, fellas.
03:49So, Doctor Dredd is up to his old time-worn tricks, eh?
03:53Which means dirty tricks. What should we do, Drat?
03:57Well, I think it's time to consult Big D, our devoted and dedicated leader.
04:02You know how to clean up Dr. Dredd's dirty deeds.
04:07Drat Pack, calling Big D.
04:09What's this? Can't a retired vampire take a bubble bath?
04:19Where are your manners?
04:20Remember, you were brought up to be good guys,
04:22and I got through the best of Wirbel, Freitenstein and I for centuries.
04:26But Big D...
04:27Don't interrupt. I know all about Dr. Dredd and the artifacts.
04:31I know everything.
04:32So, what are you doing here?
04:34Get to the museum and stake it out.
04:36And speaking of stakes, where's my T-bone sandwich?
04:39Never mind. Go stop Dr. Dredd.
04:41Oh, I'm losing my bubbles. Kids today, who needs them?
04:44They're nothing but troubles.
04:46Whoa, wow! It's Balsford and Drat Pack.
04:49Yeah, time for the Drat Whack.
05:01To the museum!
05:08Quiet down! Who's making all that noise?
05:12Must be my carrot, lettuce and potato chip sandwich.
05:16Frankie, this is a stakeout, not a cookout!
05:19Shh! We'll hide here in this chariot.
05:22And wait. Dr. Dredd's liable to arrive any minute.
05:25Keep your eyes peeled and your ears perked.
05:29Hey, I hear something.
05:31Footsteps. Where are they coming from?
05:33I... I can't tell!
05:37There he is!
05:38It's Fly! Let's trap him!
05:42Come on!
05:54We're all done.
05:55The old mummy muslim and adhesive tape trick.
05:59A little late figuring that out, young man.
06:02Just as I planned.
06:03It's now five minutes to midnight.
06:05By midnight, all this will be mine, just like I said.
06:10Oh, yeah? You lose, Dredd.
06:12You can't possibly get all those artifacts out of here in five minutes.
06:16Really? Watch.
06:18Vampire, direct the levitator beam over here.
06:23Power on, Doctor.
06:27Uh-huh. The old magnetic beam trick.
06:30Well, I guess the joke's on me.
06:32Not only the joke, young boy.
06:35That's drac.
06:38What the flame is on you, too.
06:41It's going up!
06:42Ha ha ha!
06:46Nous n'avons pas sauté.
06:48Cette alarme va amener la police.
06:50Et ils pensent que nous l'avons fait?
06:52Oh, mon dieu! Nous sommes vraiment en 1000!
06:55Tester? Bonne idée!
06:59Atta boy, Drac!
07:01Oh, je veux dire, atta bat!
07:03Attends, je vais dérouler ce plan.
07:05Go, Drac! Go!
07:07Oh, oh, oh!
07:08Oh, oh, oh!
07:09Oh, oh, oh!
07:12Are you guys okay?
07:14Oh, I will be as soon as the museum stands still.
07:19Stop spinning, Drac!
07:21What are we gonna do?
07:22Yeah, we'll be blamed for this.
07:25Not if we can find Dr. Dredd
07:27and get those artifacts back.
07:29Let's go!
07:31Oh, gentlemen, there he is.
07:34Smile! Say cheese!
07:38What in the dickens did he do that for?
07:40He took our picture!
07:41I think we've been framed.
07:43Follow that balloon!
07:46All right, what's happened?
07:48King Tut-Tut's gold is gone!
07:50Who would be so dastardly?
07:55Oh, I don't believe it!
07:58Look, the Drac pack!
07:59Oh, no!
08:02Ah, so I turn on the TV to catch the news.
08:04And what news do I catch?
08:06The Drac pack, suspector of taking the Tut-Tut treasure.
08:09But Dr. Dredd tricked us!
08:11You're supposed to make us look good!
08:13If my suit wasn't at the cleaners,
08:15I'd handle this job myself.
08:17Now recover those artifacts and all that good stuff
08:19and clear our bad name.
08:21Ha, kids, all this bumbling.
08:23It's enough to give a vampire a fangame.
08:27That's smart!
08:32Which way should we go?
08:33All right, just keep driving
08:35while I feed the computer some Drac pack.
08:38Let's see now.
08:40King Tut-Tut's artifacts.
08:42Dr. Dredd.
08:44Last seen.
08:45Big Town Museum.
08:47Oh, Drac!
08:49Not now, Frankie.
08:50You see, I'm trying to find some sign of Dr. Dredd.
08:53The Dredd!
08:54Frankie's already found a sign of Dr. Dredd!
08:57Welcome, Drac pack!
08:59Well, well, how about that?
09:02An invitation to that building.
09:06Well, that cinches it.
09:08Let's go.
09:14Hey, she's gone!
09:16Yeah, there's nothing here.
09:19The place is empty.
09:21Oh, I would have said that.
09:23You're here.
09:30Know what I think?
09:31I think this was a trap.
09:33Don't you worry about a thing.
09:35I can get us out of here in nothing flat.
09:38Oh, yeah?
09:39I can do it even faster than that.
09:41I'll knock that wall down before you can take a breath.
09:44Wanna bet?
09:52Hey, you guys!
09:53Come here!
09:55While we were trapped in the warehouse,
09:57the computer figured out Dredd's location.
10:00Le résumé dit que c'est l'île de l'ogre.
10:03Oui, c'est le Dredd qui flotte.
10:06Alors, qu'attendons-nous?
10:08Mettez vos chaussures!
10:11Et changez de jet d'air!
10:13C'est l'heure de voler!
10:23Qu'est-ce que ça dit, Docteur Dredd?
10:25Qu'est-ce que ça dit?
10:26En fait, l'égypte est un peu rouge.
10:30C'est aussi votre machine de cerveau.
10:31Tu le sais bien, Frog Head.
10:33Ce papier égyptien ancien
10:34contient les plans
10:35pour l'arme la plus puissante et déstructrice du monde.
10:38J'ai l'intention de l'appeler le Dredd Flector,
10:40en mon honneur.
10:41Et ces marbles d'égypte d'or solides
10:43devront bientôt devenir une partie
10:45de Docteur Dredd's Dredd Flector.
10:47Diaboliquement délicieux!
10:50Et le Dredd Pack s'en foutra de nous.
10:53L'île de l'ogre sur Thandaham.
10:56J'espère que ce volcan est mort.
10:59C'est chaud pour nous.
11:00Juste calmez-vous, Pack.
11:01Préparez-vous pour tomber.
11:06Oh oui! Quelle mise!
11:08Je savais que ce lieu était fantôme.
11:12Voyons comment c'est fantôme.
11:17C'est bizarre.
11:18Je pensais que Docteur Dredd
11:19avait un genre de système d'alarme.
11:22Je te l'ai dit, Junior.
11:23Un silence en amour.
11:29C'est sûr qu'il y a du silence.
11:31J'aimerais que quelqu'un dise quelque chose.
11:38Hey, on est en route.
11:40Allons-y, Pack.
11:41Cette fois,
11:42Dredd va vraiment me faire tomber.
11:51Bien, bien, si ce n'est pas Jack Junior.
11:55C'est Dredd.
11:56Je suis Dredd.
12:00D'accord, Dredd.
12:01Prends-nous à l'artifice.
12:03Dredd, tu ne comprends pas.
12:06Allez, allons-y.
12:09Rien là-bas.
12:10C'est ce que nous avions essayé de te dire.
12:12Un petit dévissage de projection
12:14de ma propre invention.
12:16Tantalisantement transparent,
12:18n'est-ce pas?
12:20Ne me fous pas, Dredd.
12:21Je peux te voir tout de suite.
12:23Alors tu es probablement au courant
12:25que tu es tout entouré
12:27d'un échec
12:28et que tu es sans espérance.
12:30Je ne vois rien.
12:32Il est parti.
12:34Laisse-nous partir.
12:39Le vieux échec invisible, mon amour.
12:42Oh oui.
12:43On est frappés.
12:45C'est vrai, mon amour.
12:47J'ai pensé que c'était le bon moment
12:49de te montrer mon échec
12:51avant de terminer avec toi.
12:53Et en plus,
12:54j'adore un public captif.
12:56Un public captif?
12:59C'est drôle, Docteur Dredd.
13:03C'est une affaire sérieuse.
13:05Oui, Docteur Dredd.
13:07C'est vrai, c'est vrai.
13:09Maintenant, mon groupe dégueulasse,
13:11allons-nous commencer notre démonstration
13:13de la puissance d'Ogre?
13:14Observez mon miniature solide
13:16Dredd Plector.
13:18Oui, Docteur Dredd.
13:20Et que signifie O-G-R-E?
13:23Organization for Generally Rotten Enterprises.
13:27Organization for Generally Rotten Enterprises.
13:34A Dredd Redd!
13:36Je suis sur la bombe, Docteur.
13:39En position, Toad.
13:41J'y dois, Docteur Dredd.
13:43J'y dois.
13:46No backpack.
13:47A column of solid steel.
13:49Two feet thick.
13:50Now observe.
13:52I reflect and concentrate the beam.
13:58C'est fini, Docteur Dredd?
14:01C'est fini.
14:02Impressive, n'est-ce pas?
14:04And when I melt down those artifacts,
14:07I'll have enough gold to make a giant solid gold Dredd Plector.
14:12And what will I have when I own a giant Dredd Plector?
14:16Anything you want, Docteur Dredd.
14:19Anything you want, Docteur Dredd.
14:25But you can't melt down those artifacts.
14:27They're irreplaceable.
14:29Not to worry.
14:30Once I push this button,
14:32the walls of the invisible shield will close in on me.
14:36Creating a Dredd Compactor, you might say.
14:40Are you trying to tell me this shield is escape-proof?
14:43In three words, absolutely.
14:48Ha! We'll see about that.
14:50You forgot.
14:51I can practice my escape drill.
14:57What lowdown trick is this?
15:00Oh, no!
15:02Fly! Follow that fog!
15:04Yes, Docteur Dredd.
15:06I will keep my eyes on it.
15:08Toad, press on with the big squeeze.
15:11Hop to it!
15:12Yes, sir, Docteur Dredd.
15:14The big squeeze.
15:15I like togetherness.
15:18The rest of you, follow me to the melting ovens.
15:21The giant reflector awaits.
15:29That Dredd pack's got to be here somewhere.
15:32Now, to find the pitchfork here.
15:37As soon as I show the world my new power,
15:40oh, I cannot wait.
15:42Should I melt the North Pole first?
15:44Or turn the Sahara into glass?
15:48Just what I was looking for.
15:50This can of glue gives me an idea.
15:55Just in time.
15:56I've got him trapped.
15:58No way out of this door.
16:01Easy to see your corner.
16:05What is this?
16:09A little homemade fly, paper fly.
16:12Stick around.
16:13I've got some rats to catch.
16:15This is revolting.
16:18It's so nice to see such close friends.
16:21Oh, it's you.
16:23You're too late, Dredd.
16:24I'm the only one who can turn off the Dredd compactor.
16:28Oh, yeah?
16:29Dredd would never put you in charge of the off button.
16:32Oh, yes, he would.
16:34There it is.
16:35That red button right there.
16:40There, Toad.
16:42Thanks, Toad.
16:43Well, we are close pals.
16:46Yeah, but this is ridiculous.
16:48Okay, Pac.
16:50Break it up.
16:53Thanks, Dredd.
16:54Come on.
16:55We've got to stop Dr. Dredd.
16:57Dredd, oh, Dredd.
17:01The giant Dredd fractal will soon take shape.
17:05It's that do-good Dredd.
17:08You're too late.
17:10Nothing can stop us now.
17:12Let's get this show on the road.
17:15I wouldn't say that, Vampira.
17:17You're out of gear.
17:19Stop him, Mummy Man.
17:33Howard, we've got to put that fire out.
17:36We're under the water level down here.
17:38Use your tornado twister.
17:42Oh, yeah.
17:46That's a breakthrough.
17:48Well, that should put a damper on Dredd's plan.
17:52We're flapping, Dr. Dredd.
17:57To the Dredd ship, hurry.
17:59Hey, they're escaping.
18:00Never mind them.
18:01We've got to save the artifacts.
18:03I'm with you.
18:05I think.
18:06Where are you?
18:07Now, there's a hideout that's going to be really hidden.
18:10I wonder if the Dredd can move that island.
18:13Knowing Dr. Dredd, he probably...
18:15Of course I escaped, you nonce cow.
18:18You haven't heard the laugh of indestructible Dr. Dredd.
18:21Blast the fly.
18:22We're sinking like a lid below.
18:24Keep flapping.
18:25I'm flapping.
18:26I'm flapping.
18:28Vampira, hold that rudder straight.
18:30I'm holding.
18:31I'm holding.
18:32I'm holding.
18:33I'm holding.
18:34I'm holding.
18:36I'm holding.
18:37I'm holding.
18:38Bummy Man, keep hatching.
18:40I'm hatching.
18:41I'm hatching.
18:42How about me?
18:44Toad, keep rowing.
18:46Keep rowing.
18:47I'm rowing.
18:48I'm rowing.
18:49For you gentlemen, use a toad stoolie around the house.
18:54I dust.
18:55I scrub floors.
18:56I wash.
18:57I iron.
18:58I cook.
19:02Do you do windows?
19:03Forget it.
19:04I'm rowing.
19:05I'm rowing.
19:06I'm rowing.
19:07I'm rowing.
19:08I'm rowing.
19:09I'm rowing.
19:10I'm rowing.
19:11I'm rowing.
19:12I'm rowing.
19:13I'm rowing.
19:14I'm rowing.
19:15I'm rowing.
19:16I'm rowing.
19:17I'm rowing.
19:18I'm rowing.
19:19I'm rowing.
19:20I'm rowing.
19:21I'm rowing.
19:22I'm rowing.
19:23I'm rowing.
19:24I'm rowing.
19:25I'm rowing.
19:26I'm rowing.
19:27I'm rowing.
19:28I'm rowing.
19:29I'm rowing.
19:30I'm rowing.
19:31I'm rowing.
19:32I'm rowing.
19:33I'm rowing.
19:34I'm rowing.
19:35I'm rowing.
19:36I'm rowing.
19:37I'm rowing.
19:38I'm rowing.
19:39I'm rowing.
19:40I'm rowing.
19:41I'm rowing.
19:42I'm rowing.
19:43I'm rowing.
19:44I'm rowing.
19:45I'm rowing.
19:46I'm rowing.
19:47I'm rowing.
19:48I'm rowing.
19:49I'm rowing.
19:50I'm rowing.
19:51I'm rowing.
19:52I'm rowing.
19:53I'm rowing.
19:54I'm rowing.
19:55I'm rowing.
19:56I'm rowing.
19:57I'm rowing.
19:58I'm rowing.
19:59I'm rowing.
20:00I'm rowing.
20:01I'm rowing.
20:02I'm rowing.
