• last year
00:00《A Little Thing Called First Love》
00:16像你的天空浅浅的 Like your sky is light and dark
00:21像你的阳光暖暖的 Like your sun is warm and warm
00:25像你的云朵是粉色的 Like your clouds are pink
00:30要一口甜甜的 Have a sweet bite
00:36爱上你就像你 When I fall in love with you
00:38当雨上阳光融化瀰漫 When the sun melts the clouds
00:41再冷的冬天也会感到温暖 No matter how cold the winter is, it will feel warm
00:45爱上你从今天起都只想要你陪伴 I've loved you since today, I just want you to be with me
00:51甜蜜的小心机都被你看穿 You can see through all my tricks
00:55怎么办 What should I do?
01:00《A Little Thing Called First Love》
01:28哥哥 Brother
01:31傅文渊 Fu Wenyuan
01:33傅文渊 Fu Wenyuan
01:40这你的多少钱 I want your money
01:41我要了 I want it
01:42男的随你出主意 You can have the man
01:45傅文渊 这男的也得买 Fu Wenyuan, you have to buy the man
01:47多少钱 我出 How much? I'll pay
01:48他出多少钱我出双倍 He'll pay double the money
01:50把这男的砍了 Cut the man
01:51傅文渊 Fu Wenyuan
01:52林青修 Lin Qingxiu
01:53停了 Stop
01:54你们闭嘴 Shut up
01:55这里轮不到你们说话 You can't talk here
01:57他们两个必须得死 They must die
02:01嗯 Yes
02:16我乃今朝引路犯 我还不束手就擒 I'm the leader of the Jing Zhao Envoy, I'll kill you if you don't stop
02:27又来人送死 Again
02:29无依阵今天是怎么了 What's wrong with Wuyi Town today?
02:59别动 Don't move
03:29别跑 用我飞 Don't run. I'll catch you
04:00别动 Don't move
04:14路犯 Lu Fan
04:15走 Go
04:17路犯 Lu Fan
04:27非洲已强 Weizhou is strong
04:28还不束手就擒 Stop it now
04:31路犯 Lu Fan
04:33路犯 Lu Fan
04:38路犯 Lu Fan
04:40快 快回京城 找大夫 Go back to the capital and find a doctor
04:46嗯 Yes
05:02路大人所中之箭被人喂了毒 虽已拔出箭足 服以草药解毒 但路大人现在气血亏损得相当严重 Although the arrow you were shot with was fed with poison, you were able to pull out the arrowhead and apply herbal medicine to detoxify it. However, you are now suffering from severe blood loss
05:16看来只有服几味珍稀草药大补一番 获可痊愈 It seems that only a few herbs can cure you
05:24不过 这几味珍稀草药里 尚缺最为关键的一味 However, among these herbs, the most important one is still missing
05:34那便是百年人参 That is a hundred-year ginseng
05:38此等灵药 天地罕见 价值连城 千金不换 寻常市面 根本就不好买啊 This kind of medicine is rare in the world. It is priceless and priceless. It is not easy to buy it in ordinary markets
05:51哪有啊 我可以去找 Where is it? I can find it
05:54我来想办法吧 我实在不行 我便回王府求我父母 看看能否求来一注 Let me think of a way. If it doesn't work, I'll go back to the palace to ask my parents for help
06:02玉神医 必须得是百年人参吗 Doctor Yu, does it have to be a hundred-year ginseng?
06:07老夫也知道 此等灵药 可遇不可求啊 I also know that this kind of medicine is rare and priceless
06:13可是 若没有上百年时间的积累 这药是难以发挥出真正的功效 But if it is not accumulated for more than a hundred years, this medicine is difficult to perform its true effect
06:21必须得是上百年吗 Does it have to be more than a hundred years?
06:23必须得上百年 It has to be more than a hundred years
06:27这可如何是好啊 What should I do?
06:31我家都只有上千年的 My family is only a thousand years old
06:38嗯 Um
06:48玉神医 我在家里好不容易找到了一根一千五百年的人参 Doctor Yu, I finally found a one-thousand-five-hundred-year ginseng at home
06:54您看 能勉强用一下吗 Do you think I can use it?
06:58太能了 That's great
07:00玉神医 您还需要什么其他的吗 Doctor Yu, do you need anything else?
07:05路容 Lu Rong
07:06路容 Lu Rong
07:12好啊 Good
07:20灵芝 Ginseng
07:22灵芝 Ginseng
07:26太好了 That's great
07:32那神医 您还有什么其他需要的吗 Doctor Yu, do you need anything else?
07:34够了够了够了 That's enough
07:36这个吃多了 陆大人吃不消啊 This is too much for Mr. Lu to eat
08:04陆大人 你醒了 Mr. Lu, you're awake
08:11红姑娘是守了晚一夜吗 Did Miss Hong stay up all night?
08:14你快起来把药喝了吧 Get up and take the medicine
08:17好 Okay
08:20小心 Be careful
08:35陆大人的伤是为我而受的 Mr. Lu was injured because of me
08:39他当时救我的样子好英勇啊 He was so brave when he saved me
08:51陆大人 你怎么流鼻血了 Mr. Lu, why are you bleeding?
08:56我给你擦 I'll wipe it for you
08:58流这么多鼻血 You're bleeding
09:05怎么回事 看着他 我的心跳怎么会这么快 What's going on? My heart is beating so fast when I look at him
09:10难道这就是心动吗 Is this a heart attack?
09:15陆姑娘 这就是心动吧 Miss Lu, this is a heart attack, right?
09:18你之前的教诲实在是太有意义了 Your previous teaching is so meaningful
09:22我应该多向你请教请教你的恋爱秘籍 I should ask you more about your love secret
09:25什么 What?
09:27温小姐 你 你喜欢陆大人 Miss Wen, you like Mr. Lu
09:32你确定 Are you sure?
09:34我确定 I'm sure
09:38从第一眼看到他开始 我就喜欢他 From the first time I saw him, I fell in love with him
09:42这就是所谓的一见钟情吧 This is the so-called love at first sight
09:45我觉得我简直可以为了他做任何事情 I think I can do anything for him
09:49我现在就想和他在一起 I want to be with him now
09:51这就是所谓的情难自控吧 This is the so-called love at first sight
09:54你们才认识几天啊 You've only known each other for a few days
09:56你们有可能还不了解彼此 You may not know each other yet
09:59陆姑娘 这就是你的不对了 Miss Lu, this is your fault
10:02你怎能如此孤单呢 How can you be so lonely?
10:04我孤单 I'm lonely
10:07爱情就是让人有冲破一切束缚的力量 Love is the power to break all restraints
10:13我们只会越了解彼此越喜欢对方 The more we know each other, the more we like each other
10:17那些刚常伦理又算得了什么呢 What's the point of those formalities?
10:20温小姐 你这变化挺大呀 Miss Wen, you've changed a lot
10:25那恭喜你 Congratulations
10:28你打算如何处理王府和宰将府的婚约呀 How are you going to handle the engagement between the royal family and the general's mansion?
10:32你说的这个确实是个问题啊 What you said is really a problem
10:39看来爱情真的是一种让人又忧又喜的东西 It seems that love is really a thing that makes people sad and happy
10:45画本子成不起我 I can't afford a novel
10:47我改天得多买几本看看 I'll buy a few more books next time
10:52大不了我就和他私奔喽 I'll just elope with him
10:57我真的想 I really want to
11:02可以和他来一场轰轰烈烈的爱情 I can have a passionate love with him
11:06想想就很刺激 It's exciting to think about it
11:12这世界真奇妙 This world is so wonderful
11:22你们下去吧 You can leave now
11:31沿沧海乌衣镇人士年方四十 爱妻亡逝十多年前亡于病榻 之后再无婚娶亦无子嗣 The people of Wuyi Town in Yan Canghai are in their forties and their wives died of illness more than ten years ago. They have no children after that
11:52丁大人你对我的底细倒是了如指掌 Mr. Ding, you know me very well
12:02这些只是明面上的你背地里干的那些勾当 本官却也略知一二 These are just the things you did behind my back
12:10说来听听 Tell me about it
12:13你伙同盗墓贼盗取陪葬品 再以鬼祟之说设法销赃 本官说的可对啊 You colluded with the tomb raider to steal the burial goods and then used the ghost story to set a trap. Am I right?
12:22小伙子 你说的这些就连那个糊涂金官都一清二楚 Young man, even that confused officer knows what you're talking about
12:29你来找我恐怕不是为了这个吧 You came to me not for this, did you?
12:34自然不是 本官是来向你打听两个人 Of course not. I'm here to ask you about two people
12:39何人 Who are they?
12:41孙勤久 包圣虎 Sun Qingjiu and Bao Shenghu
12:49又有新故事了 Is there a new story?
12:52他二人皆出自乌衣镇 先后来到金州被人无辜杀害 They came from Wuyi Town and were killed in Jinzhou
12:58现下凶手无踪 既是同乡 你应该好奇凶手是谁吧 The murderer is nowhere to be found. Since they are from the same hometown, you must be curious who the murderer is
13:08真是没想到啊 他们二人竟有一日死于非命 I didn't expect them to die in vain
13:15你认识他们 Do you know them?
13:18何止认识 当年二人与我乃是故交 没成想竟然死在我前面 I didn't expect them to die in front of me
13:29真是天意弄人哪 It's really fate
13:31你还知道些什么 They two came from Wuyi Town
13:35此二人还有两个结拜兄弟四人盗墓下毒 搬山卸林自成一派 They are also sworn brothers who committed suicide in the cave
13:43自从十年前因为有一个人死了 余下三人突然隐匿江湖 再无消息 Three people have disappeared for years since another person died
13:52其余二人是谁 The other two are
13:58Little monkey, if you want to know, think about how to get me out of here.
14:33Sir, it's not even New Year's Eve yet you're playing the wedding drum?
14:42Of course there's a big wedding.
14:45Sir, you're having a baby?
14:48I'm so happy.
14:51I want to celebrate in advance that Miss Wen and that Lin Jianren
14:55have broken off their engagement.
15:00Then what does this have to do with you?
15:03You don't understand, Old Zhou.
15:05This is probably love.
15:08I didn't see it coming.
15:10Sir, you're still a romanticist.
15:13This love really makes people happy and sad.
15:17Old Zhou, when do you think I should go to propose?
15:24How long have you known each other?
15:27This is your army, right?
15:29How can you be so old-fashioned?
15:33I'm old-fashioned?
15:36Back then, I was the Baijun Xiaosheng who seduced thousands of girls.
15:46Hey, that cross-dress.
15:48A little to the left, a little to the left.
15:51That's right.
15:53That flower to the right, a little to the right.
15:58Okay, okay, okay.
16:06That chair, a little more to the inside.
16:12Lu'er, you're here.
16:16I saw Wu Yizhen a few days ago. Thanks to you.
16:19Also, how do you know I want to open a branch shop in Beijing?
16:23This is called tacit understanding.
16:24Our business will definitely make money here.
16:27You want to be the world's number one cashier.
16:29I want to be the richest man in Berlin.
16:31Although the dream has not yet come true,
16:33but our business has to continue.
16:44It smells so good.
16:46Aunt Liu, what are you doing?
16:48It's easy to order.
16:54Aunt Liu, your pendant is exquisite and beautiful.
16:57Where did you buy it?
16:58This is what all women of the Feng family wear.
17:02You can't buy it outside.
17:05Only women wear it?
17:08We produce Lingjiao over there.
17:10We hang it on our body as an auspicious sign.
17:13The Lingjiao cake I just made is also a specialty of our Feng family.
17:16Miss, try it.
17:21Is it delicious?
17:24Eat more.
17:32Aunt Liu.
17:33Try it.
17:38What is this?
17:39Lingjiao cake.
17:41How is the investigation going?
17:47I interrogated Yan Canghai.
17:50Bao Shun and Sun Jinjiu are from Wuyi Town.
17:53They have two sworn brothers.
17:55Four of them committed suicide.
17:57Ten years ago, one of them died in a fatal accident.
18:00The other three are hidden in the martial arts world.
18:03There is no trace of them.
18:04I just checked the case file of Wuyi Town.
18:07I found a dead man.
18:09His name is Shi Kaiyang.
18:11He died in a murder ten years ago.
18:13It hasn't been solved yet.
18:15Shi Kaiyang is one of their four brothers.
18:19In other words,
18:20besides the dead Shi Kaiyang, Bao Shun and Sun Jinjiu,
18:23there should be another one in the mortal world.
18:28It seems that
18:30after the murderer killed Shi Kaiyang,
18:33he disappeared for ten years.
18:35Then he committed murder in Jinzhou again.
18:40The murderer must have a blood feud with the four brothers.
18:44That's why he committed multiple murders in ten years.
18:47As long as we can find the one in the mortal world
18:50and find out who the murderer is,
18:52we can find the murderer.
18:55What are we waiting for?
18:56Let's ask Yan Canghai now.
18:58Tell him the origin of the murderer.
19:00I asked him.
19:02He refused to tell me.
19:04Yang Yan told me to release him.
19:07That's why I did it.
19:15Yan Canghai
19:24If you want Yan Canghai to speak,
19:26I have an idea.
19:44Mr. Nan Yi,
19:45are you here to tell me a story?
19:47The story is over.
19:49Are you going to let me go?
19:52You think too much.
19:54Why are you standing there?
19:56Come and eat.
20:15Yan Canghai
20:26How is it?
20:32This is the Lingjiao cake from the Feng family.
20:35After Wang Qi left,
20:37I haven't tasted it for many years.
20:41How do you know I like this?
20:46The Lingjiao pendant you are wearing
20:48doesn't look like a man's.
20:50So I asked around
20:52and found out it belongs to the Feng family.
20:54I guess it's a relic of your wife.
20:57And this Lingjiao cake
20:59is a specialty of the Feng family.
21:03So I brought it to you.
21:05If you have any regrets before you die,
21:08you can tell me.
21:10I will help you.
21:12What are the conditions?
21:13No conditions.
21:15You are a man of deep love.
21:18That's why I want to help you.
21:38The Lingjiao pendant
22:08The Lingjiao pendant
22:38The Lingjiao pendant
23:08The Lingjiao pendant
23:10The Lingjiao pendant
23:12The Lingjiao pendant
23:14The Lingjiao pendant
23:16The Lingjiao pendant
23:18The Lingjiao pendant
23:20The Lingjiao pendant
23:22The Lingjiao pendant
23:24The Lingjiao pendant
23:26The Lingjiao pendant
23:28The Lingjiao pendant
23:30The Lingjiao pendant
23:32The Lingjiao pendant
23:34The Lingjiao pendant
23:36I am you
23:56If I hold your hand
23:59Pretending to be more free than you
24:03Close my eyes
24:05Don't look at that me
24:09As long as I can see
24:12Love is real or fake
24:15The world I've heard
24:17Can't change myself
24:22I think I will understand
24:25Won't rely on
24:29Only in my memory
24:31Can I paint a picture of love
24:35Can't touch your love
24:39Can understand the future
24:42This ending
24:44Is like a dream
24:55I think I will understand
24:58Won't rely on
25:01Only in my memory
25:04Can I paint a picture of love
25:08Can't touch your love
25:12Can understand the future
25:15This ending
25:17Is like a dream
25:29The most cowardly person
25:32Is not me
25:37It's you