مسلسل جودا اكبر الجزء الاول الحلقة 66

  • 3 months ago
مسلسل جودا اكبر الجزء الاول الحلقة 66جودا اكبر الجزء الاول الحلقة 66,
مسلسل جودا اكبر الجزء الاول الحلقة 66
00:30Episode 1
00:35Nazima and Rocracy are still fighting with each other
00:38and it looks like it's not going to be resolved
00:41oh my God, what do I do?
00:43Ok, why are they fighting now?
00:45The problem is that some new clothes and expensive jewelry
00:49came as a gift for Nazima
00:51But poor Roccer did not receive anything
00:53and Nazima started making fun of her and calling him a liar
00:57and started fighting
00:59What's so funny, Nazima?
01:00You're going to have to wear old clothes to the party, Maulaty.
01:03You called it a party?
01:05What party are you talking about?
01:06Maulaty, I mean, it's not that important.
01:09Don't worry about it.
01:12I swear I'm not...
01:13I'm telling you, what party is this?
01:14The King announced that...
01:16Tell me what the King announced!
01:18I'm going to tell you, my queen.
01:24The King announced the marriage of his little brother Mirza Hakim,
01:27and this marriage will be confirmed.
01:29And the party is for that.
01:31But you know the bride...
01:34who is going to be Mirza Hakim's wife, who is she going to be?
01:37She's going to be the little King Jouda's sister.
01:40Shefani, I mean.
01:43What happened to you, my queen?
01:45You deserve to be married.
01:47The person who is supposed to be dead...
01:50is becoming very close day by day.
01:54The King Jouda who announced...
01:56the marriage of Shefani and Mirza Hakim...
01:59with the King's Majesty to become a protest.
02:02And the King's Majesty agreed to this right away.
02:06And he also announced the celebration.
02:08This is the first time this is happening...
02:10which has never happened before.
02:13This is the first time that the King has taken your opinion...
02:15on such an important issue.
02:19I'm going to tell you something, my queen.
02:22This is not the King's fault.
02:24People say, don't embarrass me, my queen...
02:26that the King's Majesty...
02:27is teaching the poor to steal and you did this.
02:31The same thing happened to you.
02:33I warned you about the King Jouda.
02:36And time after time, but you didn't listen to my advice.
02:39Do you like it now?
02:41The King Jouda...
02:43is growing day by day...
02:45until she became very big and became the queen.
02:48The queen who is special to the king.
02:50And now you have to take her place and position, my queen.
02:54What do you mean by that, Mahama Nga?
02:57What is it that you don't understand, my queen?
02:59The meaning is clear.
03:01The king has his wives, but his special wife is you.
03:05There is only one way for you to stay special to yourself.
03:08You have to make his other wives the way they are.
03:13Don't give the opportunity to his other wives...
03:16who came after you...
03:18to get to the first place.
03:22You have to go, and before it happens to you...
03:25you have to take your place.
03:28Jalal said...
03:30about his three wives, that they are special...
03:33and I didn't like that at the time, King Ruqayya.
03:36Three wives special to the king?
03:39You are special and that's enough.
03:41And you will be hurt for sure.
03:44But at that moment, you didn't respond to me.
03:48You were supposed to respond to me...
03:50about Mirza Hakim's marriage, and you should have asked me before.
03:54But she didn't do that...
03:55even though she got permission from Queen Hameeda about that.
03:59That's why you should have come to me.
04:01You have King Ruqayya's time, but keep my advice in mind.
04:04After that, the queen is better for you than King Jalal.
04:09Jalal's time will be closer to you.
04:14Peace be upon you.
04:18We have to prepare the decorations.
04:20We have to get the special clothes from the king.
04:23And if we were in Agra, but this doesn't mean...
04:26that this marriage will be cancelled.
04:29Who will take care of us?
04:31That's why, Judah...
04:33you have to help us as much as you can in this matter.
04:36It will be as you want, grandma.
04:38Don't worry.
04:39I know that, my daughter.
04:41But we don't have time.
04:44If we were in Amir...
04:45everything would have been easy and I wouldn't have worried about this marriage.
04:51Oh God...
04:53how will I fix this?
05:02Greetings, my sister-in-law.
05:04Many greetings.
05:05Welcome, Mirza.
05:07But Mirza Hakim...
05:08Shivani isn't sitting with us.
05:10I'm not looking for Shivani, my sister-in-law.
05:13I'm looking for you.
05:16Why? Do you have work to do with me?
05:18My sister-in-law...
05:19I heard...
05:20that there is some work being done in the west...
05:23from our palace.
05:25And as far as I understand, they are doing good deeds.
05:28Yes, and what?
05:31To be honest, I heard...
05:33that your little sister...
05:35likes such good deeds.
05:37Isn't that true?
05:38But why are you telling me this?
05:42I'm telling you...
05:43so that you can do your duty with me...
05:45and be a good Ahma girl.
05:46I want you to go to her...
05:48and ask her permission...
05:49to spend some time with me there...
05:52if she doesn't mind.
05:53I'm not going to ask her permission.
05:56I'm going to send her a message...
05:57because I'm a good Ahma girl.
06:04At first, we were in Judah...
06:05and now in Shivani.
06:07King Barmal has become more beautiful than before.
06:12As long as we keep quiet about such things...
06:14the worst is going to happen.
06:16These young kings...
06:18are going to become stronger...
06:19and stay away from war...
06:20like King Barmal from Rajvanshi.
06:22They are going to marry all their daughters...
06:24and take the expensive gifts...
06:26and go to the palaces of the Mongols.
06:28Write a letter to each king of Rajvanshi...
06:31and tell them...
06:32that the only relationship...
06:34that will bind me to Amir...
06:36will be...
06:37a relationship of war...
06:38and hatred for them.
06:39We are ready to die...
06:40for your orders and values, Abra-Tab.
06:43You know, Abra-Tab...
06:44even my father wants to make friends...
06:46and go with the Mongols there.
06:48That's why I left him...
06:50and my people as well.
06:52I can't accept, Abra-Tab...
06:54that Jalal gives me a good or a good friend...
06:56to make me a king in his kingdom.
06:59Yes, but we have to increase our strength...
07:01and we have to send our message...
07:03to everyone who supports us.
07:06I heard that...
07:07Mahatma Tulsidas...
07:09is thinking about a peace initiative.
07:12He said that India needs to be...
07:14a unified land for all religions.
07:17And I think he will also help us, Abra-Tab.
07:19Of course he is a hero.
07:21He is serving his country...
07:22and I feel that he is more than...
07:23Amir's warriors.
07:26We will use our strength...
07:27as Tulsidas did.
07:30I ask you to remember...
07:32that we will fight the Mongols...
07:34as far as possible.
07:37And maybe we will all die for that.
07:40Long live Amir Abra-Tab!
07:41Long live!
07:42Long live Amir Abra-Tab!
07:43Long live!
07:44Long live Amir Abra-Tab!
07:45Long live!
07:46Long live Amir Abra-Tab!
07:47Long live!
07:48Long live!
07:51Listen to me all of you.
07:54Not only the king of India has come...
07:56the kings from other countries...
07:57are coming here as well.
07:58The party shouldn't be interrupted.
08:00And today we have to prepare...
08:01the best food.
08:02Of course you shouldn't forget...
08:04to prepare the king's favorite food.
08:08I want to talk to you for a while.
08:14How are you son, Edhem?
08:16Mom, what are you doing?
08:18You said something...
08:19and now something else is happening.
08:21If this happens...
08:22it means that Shivani will get married...
08:24and nothing will happen to Judah.
08:26Amir will have...
08:27a new relationship with Agra.
08:29It won't happen in Nubia, Edhem Khan.
08:32Yes, I am preparing for the party.
08:34The party is necessary.
08:35But I have to...
08:36to humiliate King Judah in it.
08:39Be careful, Edhem.
08:41This marriage won't happen.
08:43And if something happens...
08:45it will be an insult to King Judah and his family.
08:47I will let all the guests see in this party...
08:50the insult to King Jalal...
08:51because of King Judah and his little sister.
08:54Edhem, you can consider this party yours.
08:57Yours and only yours.
08:59Not for anyone else but you.
09:01That's why I want a little favor from you.
09:03You take care of the kitchen...
09:05and I will do something else.
09:11and the kitchen?
09:16Are you ready for all the preparations...
09:18to go to King Barman for the party, Salima?
09:21Yes, mother.
09:23You know, I am very happy, mother.
09:25In two weeks, everyone will be here...
09:27and the wedding preparations are complete.
09:30Ruqayya, come.
09:31Talk to us.
09:34I apologize.
09:36But I came here...
09:37to talk to Jalal about something...
09:39and about us.
09:43Leave us alone.
09:55Tell me what you want to say...
09:57so next time you can say whatever you want...
09:59in front of everyone.
10:00Tell me, Jalal.
10:01Who is the queen here?
10:03And who is the special queen?
10:04Without a doubt, it's you.
10:06And who is your first wife?
10:07It's you, Ruqayya.
10:08If this is true...
10:10then why didn't you tell me about this marriage...
10:12from the beginning?
10:13Can you tell me?
10:14Can you explain to me why?
10:15I mean, you couldn't have told me...
10:16even if you didn't care afterwards.
10:18Ruqayya, why are you angry?
10:19What happened?
10:20This is what I want to know, Jalal.
10:22What happened?
10:23What did King Judah find...
10:24to make you bear all this?
10:26I don't understand you.
10:27You don't understand me?
10:29Or do you not want to understand?
10:30Your wife, Hay...
10:31whose name is Judah...
10:32refused to enter your religion...
10:33and your culture.
10:34Your wife, Hay...
10:35who insisted on humiliating you every time...
10:37Yes, she insisted on this.
10:39Your wife, who didn't give you the right...
10:40to be her husband...
10:41and above all, she punished you.
10:43And she was always humiliating you.
10:44And after all this...
10:45you accept the protest...
10:46that she made against your brother...
10:48Even without thinking?
10:49You agreed that Mirza should marry her sister...
10:51so easily?
10:52Is it possible that you didn't even think...
10:53to take my opinion on this?
10:56What happened to you, Jalal?
10:58Where is that Jalal...
10:59that I used to know?
11:00Where is that Jalal...
11:01that no one dared to talk to him...
11:03or even look at him?
11:05Where is that Jalal...
11:06that used to cut off the heads...
11:07of those who made mistakes...
11:08so that he could make them...
11:09known to everyone?
11:10Tell me, Jalal.
11:11What happened to you?
11:13Consider me your friend...
11:14not your wife.
11:15And I hope you answer me...
11:16to this question.
11:19Why did you accept this protest...
11:20against your brother, Judah, immediately?
11:25First of all...
11:26I have to explain to you...
11:27what's going on, Queen Ruqayya.
11:28I didn't accept this protest...
11:30and I agreed to marry...
11:31because Shifani...
11:32is the sister of King Judah.
11:33But the truth is...
11:34Mirza Hakim...
11:35likes Shifani.
11:37people who consider themselves...
11:39don't get the news...
11:40from anyone else.
11:41They are the ones...
11:42who know themselves...
11:43and that's why we call them...
11:45And thirdly...
11:46listen to me carefully, Ruqayya.
11:47I still own that anger...
11:48and it's impossible for me...
11:49to ever forget it.
11:50If this is true...
11:51then why don't you tell me...
11:53that you don't care...
11:54about King Judah now?
11:55I don't care about her.
12:08This is the first time...
12:09I don't believe what they're telling me, Jalal.
12:12I don't know why I feel like...
12:15I made a mistake...
12:17I didn't listen...
12:18to Maham...
12:19and I didn't listen to her advice.
12:21This Queen Judah...
12:22day after day...
12:24is threatening my position...
12:25and my special place.
12:28What have I done?
12:42My sister!
12:45You're here!
12:46I was waiting for you to come.
12:47You know...
12:48I've been calling you...
12:49for a while now.
12:50What do you mean...
12:51you're interested in my sister's marriage?
12:52Enough, my sister!
12:53Do you want to fight me...
12:54or hug me?
12:55Especially since...
12:56we haven't seen each other in a while.
13:01Are you okay, Sukanya?
13:02I'm fine, my sister.
13:04You know...
13:05every day I think about our fights...
13:07you and I...
13:08and then I cry...
13:09when I sit down...
13:10and I remember those fights.
13:11I remember...
13:12when I used to explain to you...
13:13that you have...
13:14an innocent smile on your face.
13:15I remember...
13:16when we used to fight...
13:17for a week...
13:18and I remember...
13:19you used to run away from me.
13:20I feel alone...
13:21in Agra, my sister.
13:23I feel like...
13:24I'm getting old.
13:25I'm getting old.
13:27There's no happiness...
13:28in this life of mine.
13:30Don't worry, my sister.
13:31As long as I'm here...
13:32we'll talk a lot...
13:33until we feel like...
13:34our childhood is back...
13:35like it was a long time ago.
13:36And you'll be very happy.
13:38You know, my sister...
13:39I still can't believe it.
13:41But this...
13:42who used to rush us...
13:43with her games...
13:44and didn't let us sleep...
13:45grew up fast...
13:46and is going to get married soon.
13:48That's right, Sukanya.
13:51grow up fast...
13:52right, my sister?
14:09Where is Shivani going?
14:10I want to see Hakim Mirza.
14:12But you're getting married...
14:13in a few days.
14:14It's not nice...
14:15to go there now.
14:16Hakim Mirza...
14:17sent me a message...
14:18with my sister.
14:19My sister has no problem...
14:20with it.
14:21No one should be upset.
14:22Okay, I'll come with you.
14:26want to go alone.
14:27But why?
14:28Jouda told me...
14:29to stay with you wherever you go.
14:30No, it's not necessary.
14:31They might need you...
14:32at any moment.
14:33And maybe...
14:34my grandma needs help.
14:37I'm going...
14:38because Hakim Mirza...
14:39asked me to come there.
14:42he sent me a special message...
14:43about Shihab.
14:45he said...
14:46he'll stay with me...
14:47for a few days.
14:48Then I'll come back.
15:03Hakim Mirza asked me...
15:04to meet Shivani.
15:06What's going on?
15:15What's going on?
15:22These stones...
15:23look amazing.
15:27By the way,
15:28your carving style...
15:29is very special.
15:32What's your name?
15:33Tijuant, sir.
15:34Your work is excellent, Tijuant.
15:36And I appreciate your way...
15:37with this beautiful work.
15:38May God bless you...
15:39and strengthen you.
15:41You know that...
15:42my fiancée will come here...
15:43to see me.
15:45Her little sister...
15:46is vegan.
15:50And you know...
15:51that she...
15:52loves carving...
15:53on stones.
15:54And she enjoys it a lot.
16:08Why did Mirza...
16:09ask Shivani to come here?
16:11I need to know.
16:15Now I have to leave you alone...
16:17because you accepted my request.
16:20I hope you'll wait here.
16:22Come, princess.
16:29Look at this art...
16:30how elegant and special Shivani is.
16:34She will be the star...
16:35of our protest tonight.
16:37And that's why...
16:38I thought I'd meet you now.
16:44There's a noise here.
16:46Let's go there.
16:50I asked you to come here...
16:52to tell you something.
16:54What is it?
16:56Honestly, I know...
16:57you wanted to come here.
17:02Look there.
17:13I know you like...
17:14what you see there.
17:17What is it?
17:22And I also know...
17:23you love it a lot.
17:30That's why I asked you...
17:31to come here.
17:41If that's the case...
17:42let's make these sculptures...
17:44in our palace.
17:45What do you think?
17:50You already told me...
17:51that you love sculptures.
17:53Is that true?
17:55Look at this.
17:56This sculpture is called...
18:06He makes amazing sculptures.
18:09The best in Tijuant.
18:10I want you to come...
18:11to the celebration.
18:13the protest will be confirmed.
18:16And tomorrow...
18:17the wedding.
18:24The game has begun.
18:26Mirza Hakim...
18:27who loves Shivani...
18:28on the one hand...
18:29and on the other...
18:30he's just a sculptor.
18:32You love Shivani...
18:33and he loves her a lot.
18:36It's going to be...
18:37a great game.
18:38And you'll have fun too.
18:39Go ahead, princess.
19:01I have to go now.
19:02Excuse me.
19:03I'll see you at the party tonight.
19:05Thank you for coming here.
19:18You wait here.
19:19I'll be right back.
19:28the party will be confirmed tonight.
19:30And tomorrow...
19:31the wedding.
19:32Shivani, between today and tomorrow...
19:33believe me, there's a lot of time.
19:38I love you.
19:43Tomorrow is your wedding.
19:45Try to come to the house of worship...
19:47in any way you can.
19:49I'll be waiting for you.
19:52I've heard about the crazy story of Layla.
19:55But now I see them...
19:56in front of my eyes for real.
19:58It's true what they say...
20:00when you love...
20:01your heart becomes blind.
20:04this gift is for you.
20:05Why is it for me, grandma?
20:07Because you're the queen of the Mongol Empire...
20:10and also the wife of the king.
20:12And Shivani's sister...
20:13will be married to one of them.
20:15And now...
20:16you'll be the eldest daughter-in-law.
20:18The Mongol queens...
20:19will all be given a gift.
20:21And you'll be the queen of them.
20:33I hope you accept this gift from us, Halil.
20:51Here you go, Halil.
20:52Thank you.
20:54I'd also like to give you a gift from us.
21:11Oh, Queen Judah...
21:13you're the queen of the Mongols...
21:15and also the eldest sister of Shivani.
21:18That's why I brought you this gift.
21:22You have to wear it.
21:31A Mongol dress for Queen Judah?
21:34The woman who didn't accept our culture...
21:36and didn't accept our religion as well.
21:38You're going to wear this dress?
21:41Why does the emperor always...
21:43try to humiliate himself...
21:44and hang his hopes on a woman...
21:46who doesn't have any hopes in her.
21:49My mother-in-law has given me...
21:50two very difficult choices.
21:52Should I wear the clothes...
21:53that my grandmother gave me...
21:55or should I wear the Mongol dress?
22:02Queen Judah...
22:03has arrived at the royal court.
22:19Oh, Queen Judah...
22:21you're the queen of the Mongols...
22:23and also the eldest sister of Shivani.
22:25You're the queen of the Mongols...
22:27and also the eldest sister of Shivani.
22:29Oh, Queen Judah...
22:31you're the queen of the Mongols...
22:33and also the eldest sister of Shivani.
22:35Oh, Queen Judah...
22:37you're the queen of the Mongols...
22:39and also the eldest sister of Shivani.
22:41Oh, Queen Judah...
22:43you're the queen of the Mongols...
22:45and also the eldest sister of Shivani.
22:47Oh, Queen Judah...
22:49you're the queen of the Mongols...
22:51and also the eldest sister of Shivani.
23:12What's this?
23:13I swear, Queen Judah...
23:15she's wearing the Mongol dress.
23:17This is a surprise for everyone.
23:20But, Your Majesty...
23:22wearing the Mongol dress...
23:24means she's going to change her religion tomorrow.
23:26And of course, after she's done all this...
23:28she's going to be the queen's favorite.
23:45Oh, Queen Judah...
23:47you're the queen of the Mongols...
23:49and also the eldest sister of Shivani.
23:51Oh, Queen Judah...
23:53you're the queen of the Mongols...
23:55and also the eldest sister of Shivani.
23:57Oh, Queen Judah...
23:59you're the queen of the Mongols...
24:01and also the eldest sister of Shivani.
24:03Oh, Queen Judah...
24:05you're the queen of the Mongols...
24:07and also the eldest sister of Shivani.
24:14May God protect you.
24:27Did you see that, Queen Ruqayya?
24:29Queen Judah is playing hard to get...
24:32for the sake of glory.
24:34Queen Judah...
24:35I'm so happy for you...
24:37because you're wearing this.
24:38I'm wearing the dress I made for my uncle...
24:40because today I'm going to welcome my sister...
24:42as the Queen of the Mongol Empire.
24:47And this is a gift and an honor for me...
24:49and I have to keep this honor.
24:52these are the things that will distinguish you...
24:54from all the other queens of the Mongol Empire.
25:03The party will start now.
26:07Queen Rukia...
26:09I told you beforehand...
26:11you have to do something...
26:13Or Queen Judah...
26:15will be closer to you than Jalal...
26:17and closer to many others.
26:19You can't take Queen Jalal from me at all...
26:21I apologize, Queen Rukia...
26:25but I think that Judah...
26:27is starting to dislike you...
26:29Look over there. Look at Jalal.
26:32Her eyes haven't moved since she arrived.
26:59Jalal al-Malik, the brother of Shefani, wants to give gifts to the queens.
27:02This is one of the rituals of the wedding.
27:05You have to join them because you are the son of Shefani's guardian.
27:08It's necessary, Malik.
27:11When your daughter performs all her duties as if she were the Mongolian empress,
27:14I also want to perform my duty as the queen of Rajput.
27:17You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
27:20You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
27:23You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
27:26You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
27:56You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
27:59You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:02You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:05You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:08You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:11You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:14You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:17You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:20You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:23You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:26You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:29You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:32You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:35You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:38You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:41You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:44You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:47You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:50You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
28:55You are the son of Shefani's guardian.
29:00serving you
29:03serving you
29:08You carry precedence over others
29:14You are I.
29:17Greetings, Queen Judah
29:20Greetings, Your Majesty
29:22What is the matter? Why did you ask me to come here at this hour?
29:25Good, Judah
29:29I wanted to praise you
29:32And tell you that you look very beautiful when you wear this robe
29:37It really suits you a lot
29:41I think you will accept my invitation in the coming days
29:44No, it's not true. If this is your idea, it means you are lying
29:50Anyway, I didn't wear this robe for you
29:53I just wanted to preserve the honor that this robe gave me
29:58I will tell you now
30:00You wore this robe for my mother, right?
30:02But you know very well that I love green
30:05And after I told you about this, you wore this robe for me
30:09So you wanted to please me in addition to my mother in this way, right?
30:15So you called me to tell me this?
30:18No, Judah, I wanted to tell you something else
30:22I feel that if Benazir wears this robe
30:25I'm sure you will look better
30:31That's normal
30:33You can give these clothes to your neighbor Benazir
30:35Or tell my cousin-in-law and she will give me a robe
30:37I don't have a problem
30:39Why? You had a problem in the beginning
30:41But not anymore
30:43But what's the difference between now and before?
30:45There is a difference
30:47I understood something that I didn't understand before
30:49And that is that I don't have any problem if I'm with anyone
30:53But Judah, my experience tells me that your no means yes and vice versa
30:58So when you say that it doesn't matter with you, it means that it matters with you a lot
31:06Okay, I'm going now
31:09Okay, I'm going now
31:11With your permission
31:23As I told you, it happened exactly
31:26Every time you say something, you do something else
31:29I told you that you will leave me, but you didn't
31:32You know, Judah, sometimes I think a lot and I say
31:34What are you thinking about when you insult me?
31:43Wait, Judah
31:59What's going on with you?
32:01Every time you walk, you fall on your uncle's feet
32:04Take it from me, because honestly, I don't want anyone to blame me because I stole your uncle's shoes
32:11Thank you
32:13Give it to me
32:25Take care of him
32:28May God protect her from envy and the eyes of the envy, say Amen
32:34Shivani, you are going to get married today
32:38You're not going to be a princess, but you're going to be the princess of the Maghreb
32:43And like Judah, you're going to follow the rules of the Maghreb
32:47And you're going to be the princess of the Maghreb
32:50And you're going to be the princess of the Maghreb
32:53And you're going to be the princess of the Maghreb
32:55And like Judah, you're going to follow the rules of the Maghreb
32:58We also hope that you learn from your sister
33:02You are very lucky, my daughter
33:04And if you need anything, and you didn't find anyone to help you
33:09Your sister Judah is here and she will help you
33:12And just as our elder son, Jalal, took care of Judah
33:15I also think that Mirza will take care of you
33:23Hello, Shivani
33:24Oh, you're here
33:25What are we going to do, Shivani? I'm the minister of the Maghreb
33:29And also the mother of the emperor
33:32That's why I need to keep checking the things that are happening in the palace and in the empire
33:38I saw everything with my own eyes and I understood everything
33:41When a girl gets married, Shivani, she's very clingy at first
33:45But she gets used to it after a while because her husband is with her
33:49I mean, the person she loves a lot
33:52But this is different in your case
33:56You, on the contrary, want to marry someone you don't love and you don't want
34:02That's why I decided after what I saw and heard that you have to refuse this marriage quickly
34:07And don't get married
34:10Because if you agree to get married, you will have to change your religion later
34:15Something that you might not like in bed
34:18This reminds me a lot of Queen Judah who hates the Maghreb
34:22But I still don't know why she decided to marry her sister to a Maghreb man
34:29So now you will be able to spend your life like this?
34:33So you will be able to spend your life with that person you don't love in bed?
34:40What do you want from me?
34:44What I want from you is that you don't continue this marriage
34:48But you asked me to agree to this marriage and you kept the letter
34:55Shivani, I admit that I told you that this was a big mistake
34:59But I felt at the time that your love was more than admiration
35:03That's why when I saw you two today
35:06I mean, standing under the tree
35:08I felt at the time that you can't love anyone other than Tijuant El Nahat
35:15And if everyone discovers your love story after you get married
35:18My life as a doctor will be a disaster
35:21And I can't allow this to happen
35:24What should I do?
35:26Cry as much as you want
35:28And see Tijuant in the place he promised you
35:30And then go with him wherever you want
35:33Grandma, I want to ask for a favor from you
35:37I want to visit the prayer house
35:40Before I get married and the wedding takes place
35:43I want to give a little zakah
35:45Grandma, there is a place for prayer in Agra
35:49And I want your permission to go there
35:51No, my daughter, I can't give you permission to go there
35:56But grandma, if Shivani wants to go, let her
35:59Judah, you know our culture and traditions in this matter
36:04Girls don't leave their house before the day of their marriage
36:07But grandma, I think that if she goes to the prayer house
36:10This is not against our traditions
36:12Okay, my daughter, okay
36:14You are now the king's wife
36:16And that's why we can't go against you
36:21Oh God, Judah will definitely come with me
36:24How will I be able to meet Tijuant in front of him?
36:29My greetings to you, Your Majesty
36:31The king is here and is waiting for permission to enter
36:34Your Majesty
36:41My greetings
36:43Please, have a seat
36:50The neighborhood sent you to advise me
36:52Even I wanted to talk to you, Your Majesty
36:55This marriage will happen in a short time
36:57To the extent that I didn't have a chance to talk to you
37:00Not even to discuss what gifts I want to give
37:03I, as a father, would like to give a gift to Shivani and Mirza Hakim
37:08You are embarrassing me with this
37:10You can give any gift to your daughter's marriage
37:12And I respect your wish
37:14And I brought you here because I want your advice on state affairs
37:18You, like my father, are one of my distinguished relatives
37:21Please, I'm listening
37:24Your Majesty, as you know
37:26The empire is growing
37:28And I have a plot with it that is being managed according to the laws
37:31That's why I want a good ruler
37:33For this plot
37:35And after I thought about this
37:38I felt that your eldest son, Bhagwan Das, is good and reasonable
37:41I know him as a brave and honest man
37:43And he is qualified in all political matters
37:45I just want to know if he is with you
37:49The problem with this is
37:51I have the honor, Your Majesty
37:53And this indicates your generosity
37:55Because you chose Bhagwan Das for this position
37:58But you know very well
38:00That he is the one who is taking care of my prince, Your Majesty
38:03He is important to you
38:05And he is also responsible for what is there at the same time
38:08I want you to give this responsibility to your little brother, Mirza
38:12He is brave
38:14And a soldier as well
38:16And besides, he loves you a lot
38:18And as far as I know, I know that Mirza understands politics very well
38:21That's why I want you to give this position to him
38:24As a gift for the wedding
38:29You gave me the advice that I was hoping for
38:31And it was a good choice when I talked to you about it
38:34I really thank you a lot
38:37And I appreciate your experience, that's for sure
38:39I take my leave
38:49Yes, Sahi
38:50Remember well
38:51There shouldn't be anything missing on the wedding day
38:54My husband is getting married
38:56And on this day, I want everything to be perfect
39:14Adham Khan
39:17Where did your attention go?
39:19Why are you looking around?
39:21I don't understand why you are at this wedding
39:25I told you, Adham Khan
39:27And I repeat
39:29Relax and don't try to understand
39:31Leave the understanding to me
39:33And do as I tell you to do
39:36And I want you to draw a smile on your face
39:40And attend the wedding
40:10My regards, brother
40:17Do you know why I came to you?
40:20Because my brother is getting married today
40:23And I want to help him while he's getting dressed
41:12You are going to marry Mirza Hakim
41:14And it's a big responsibility
41:16That's why I want to advise you tonight
41:18And listen to what I have to say
41:20After marriage
41:22Your responsibilities will grow more and more
41:24And you will have to help your mother
41:26Your children, your wife and your sister as well
41:28And if you make any of them unhappy
41:30Only then
41:32You won't be able to make your people happy
41:35In order to be a king
41:37You are forced
41:39To start from your house
41:42What happened? Why are you crying now?
41:44At the time of marriage, Mirza
41:46Why are you crying?
41:48It's not like that at all, brother
41:50What you promised me when I was still a child
41:53I did it and I still haven't forgotten it
41:57This thought brought tears to my eyes
42:01I remember how you always taught me
42:03How to use the sword
42:05And I...
42:09Not like that, Mirza
42:11Hold the sword like this and pull it
42:14If someone comes from behind
42:16He has to think that the sword is part of your body
42:18Like your hand
42:20But brother, I'm too young to go to war
42:22But you will have to go when you grow up
42:24That's why I'm teaching you to use the sword early
42:26I want you to be ready with all your faith
42:28And self-confidence when you go to war
42:30And I promise you that I will be very happy
42:32When you get married
42:34And I will get you ready for your wedding
42:36But brother, you confused me
42:38Once you tell me about war and once you tell me about weddings
42:40Do I want to fight in the beginning
42:42Even I don't know that
42:44Yes, when you get married
42:46I will help you get dressed
42:59I remember my promise to her
43:03That's why I came to you today
43:05To help you get dressed for the wedding
43:08I just want to tell you one thing
43:10The position of the ruler of Chitora
43:12I haven't ordered anyone yet
43:14And for your wedding
43:17I want to give this position to you
43:19And I hope you like my gift
43:21And consider this gift an order from me
43:23Don't you want to go to the wedding?
43:25Let's go
43:31Moti, tell the guards
43:33And prepare the materials for the sacrifice today
43:35Or go and stay with your grandmother
43:37Maybe she will help you
43:41My sister, you are very excited
43:43Yes, that's right
43:45Why not?
43:47How can I not be excited
43:49When I go to a place of worship with my sister for the last time
43:51The last time?
43:53Yes, the last time
43:55Because after marriage I will go to a place of worship with my granddaughter
44:01Oh God, how happy she is
44:03Your relationship is based on love only
44:05Not on politics
44:07And its foundations are successful and built, right?
44:09And also clear
44:11And no one can
44:13Destroy it
44:15And this is definitely enough
44:19Oh God
44:21What I am doing
44:23I am doing to save my love
44:25But not more, forgive me God
44:27Ask me anything you want from God
44:29He will not refuse your request
44:31God is very generous
44:35If you only knew my sister
44:37What did you ask from God before you speak
44:39Forgive me my sister
44:41I am forced to hurt you
45:01Did you see your daughter, Mirza Hakeem?
45:05She looks very beautiful today
45:07Yesterday she was like the Mughal
45:09And today she is like the Rajput Nobel
45:11You are right
45:13But my daughter wore the turban
45:15And she looks beautiful in the turban
45:17Very beautiful
45:19And you also look amazing today
45:21Believe me
45:23The clothes you are wearing are killing you
45:27And the diamonds you put on your crown
45:29Very beautiful
45:31The one who helped me with the clothes
45:33My brother Jalal
45:39Thank you very much Mirza
45:41Because you made it clear
45:43Otherwise I would not have heard this praise
45:45Why not?
45:47Those who deserve to be praised are praised
45:49Do you mean that those who deserve to be praised
45:51Must be praised?
45:53Under this pretext I say
45:55You looked beautiful yesterday
45:57Thank you
46:01Okay, let's all go
46:03And start the wedding
46:05Because we don't want to be late
46:07There is still time for the wedding
46:09Because Shivani asked me
46:11To go to the place of worship
46:13Where Nader died before the wedding
46:15I want to visit the place there
46:17If you allow me
46:19Can I take Shivani there?
46:23This is Nader and I don't mind at all
46:25Thank you
46:27Ibn Humayun
46:29After your permission, she will wait for you
46:31Because after this
46:33You and Shivani will be together
46:35And wherever you are
46:55May God forgive me, father
46:57What is happening
46:59It was written in my destiny
47:01From the moment I was born
47:03I know that I will hurt you, father
47:05When I go to kidnap him with my Tajwan
47:07Who I love
47:09But you will not be happy
47:11When you know that I ran away
47:13Me and Tajwan are far away
47:15But I will not be able to live without Tajwan
47:25Why are you crying, Shivani?
47:27Tell me, why are you crying?
47:39I swear, there is no need to cry
47:41They will not take you far
47:43You will stay with me
47:45No, my sister
47:49When I think of the wedding, I cry
47:57I will go now
47:59We have to go back
48:01For the wedding
48:25I love you
48:27I love you
48:29I love you
48:31I love you
48:33I love you
48:35I love you
48:37I love you
48:39I love you
48:41I love you
48:43I love you
48:45I love you
48:47I love you
48:49I love you
48:51I love you
