La Reina de las Lagrimas Capitulo 15 Español Audio Latino - Queen of Tears Latino

  • 3 months ago
La Reina de las Lagrimas Capitulo 15 Español Audio Latino - Queen of Tears Latino
00:00:0010. Who is this?
00:00:0611. Who is this?
00:00:1012. Who is this?
00:00:1413. Who is this?
00:00:28As long as you stay with me
00:00:32I'm giving you all my heart
00:00:36I'm giving you all my heart
00:00:42And I...
00:00:48As long as you stay with me
00:00:58I'm giving you all my heart
00:01:02I'm giving you all my heart
00:01:25Count from one to ten, slowly
00:01:45Don't forget that name, Gil
00:03:36Why did you change the doctors and nurses for this patient?
00:03:39It seems that the fiancé of Miss Ong spoke to the director of the hospital as soon as he arrived.
00:03:44I heard he donated a lot of money to the foundation.
00:03:47The director told everyone to be reserved if they do not want to be sued.
00:03:51Where is the man who came with her? I thought he was her fiancé.
00:03:54Well, that man said he was her fiancé. Which one do you think is the real one?
00:04:05So you're saying my ex-husband followed me to this hospital?
00:04:11You were about to go into surgery and he kept insisting that you review your will.
00:04:15Of course you refused, but there was an accident before the operation.
00:04:18A truck collided with the car we rented to move here.
00:04:21I think Becchione was the one who planned to hurt you.
00:04:24It's not possible.
00:04:25Becchione is capable of doing anything for revenge.
00:04:28He even threatened me several times.
00:04:31So how did we survive after the accident?
00:04:36I think we were lucky.
00:04:38No one was in the car, but I thought you were inside and I broke the window to save you.
00:04:44Are you okay?
00:04:48It's nothing. I'm fine.
00:04:50I just don't want you to keep suffering because of Becchione.
00:04:54You don't deserve it anymore.
00:04:56When Becchione tried to divorce you for another woman, you...
00:05:04You even tried to kill yourself.
00:05:08Wait, I wanted to die for a man who cheated on me?
00:05:13That Angelina was pathetic.
00:05:15Pathetic? No, you were fragile and nice.
00:05:19So you were married and I couldn't do much for you.
00:05:23Now everything has changed. I will protect you from now on, whatever it takes.
00:05:28This is you at the Zambang Reserve, isn't it?
00:05:31Why were you there at the time of the murder?
00:05:33We had agreed to meet, but you never came to the meeting.
00:05:36Really? Why did we find your hair in your car?
00:05:39It could be considered strong evidence.
00:05:41Someone must have put it there on purpose to incriminate me.
00:05:43Of course.
00:05:45And this?
00:05:46This is the key to the car.
00:05:48It's the key to the car?
00:05:50And this is the key to the car?
00:05:53And this is the key to the car?
00:05:57And this?
00:05:58This knife was close to the crime scene.
00:06:00It was covered in the victim's blood and her fingerprints.
00:06:03The victim's blade and wounds match in size.
00:06:06Are you going to deny it too?
00:06:07If the murder weapon had my fingerprints as a presumption,
00:06:10do you think he would have thrown it close to the crime scene?
00:06:13Did you hurt your hand attacking him?
00:06:15This was an accident in Germany.
00:06:17I had to break the window of a car with my fist.
00:06:20If these wounds had been caused by losing control of the knife,
00:06:23they would be on this side.
00:06:24I would have a wound on the palm of my hand.
00:06:26They wouldn't be on the knuckles.
00:06:28I understand.
00:06:29You can argue whatever you want, but with such strong evidence,
00:06:32it won't escape so easily.
00:06:34He's a lawyer.
00:06:35He knows what's best for him.
00:06:36Wouldn't it be better if he confessed?
00:06:46the next time something happens,
00:06:48I don't want you to rescue me.
00:07:17When Gion tried to divorce you for another woman,
00:07:20you even tried to commit suicide.
00:08:18It's me, your mother.
00:08:20You don't recognize me?
00:08:21Hi, honey, how are you?
00:08:23Hello, honey. How are you?
00:08:24Are you feeling well? Have you recovered?
00:08:26Sister, it must have been difficult.
00:08:33Hello, everyone.
00:08:39mother and aunt.
00:08:43My name is Ong Suchol.
00:08:48I had heard about you.
00:08:49We should schedule a meeting so we can have dinner someday.
00:08:55I'm sorry, but
00:08:57Jane is very tired. It was a long flight.
00:09:01For now, she should go to rest.
00:09:03You are no one to decide that!
00:09:06Ong Suchol,
00:09:07don't be rude to Mr. Yun Eun Sang, please.
00:09:12You have no idea what this man did to your family.
00:09:16I'm sure
00:09:17you're going to say that I killed your whole family
00:09:19and took over the Queens,
00:09:20but the truth is that the former president
00:09:22was fed up with his children fighting for money,
00:09:24so he gave me his position
00:09:26and entrusted my mother with managing his assets.
00:09:28The president wanted to give you everything,
00:09:30but neither your parents nor your younger brother
00:09:32would allow it.
00:09:34They were even happy to hear that you were going to die.
00:09:37I still can't believe it.
00:09:40Of course.
00:09:41I have an idea about that,
00:09:43and I read the news in the newspapers.
00:09:45It didn't seem like we were the kind of family
00:09:47that was excited and...
00:09:49happy to see each other.
00:09:50My family hasn't called?
00:09:52Yes, of course.
00:09:53The same as always.
00:09:54They asked to have your voting rights,
00:09:56since the annual meeting will be soon.
00:09:57They are very jealous,
00:09:58since I'm trying to reincorporate you.
00:10:00They wanted to talk to you,
00:10:01but I stopped them.
00:10:02You asked me,
00:10:03before the surgery.
00:10:05Since they didn't come with me
00:10:07to such an important surgery,
00:10:09I can get an idea of my relationship with them.
00:10:11Jane from before
00:10:13must have been lonely.
00:10:15That's right.
00:10:16She was always alone.
00:10:19But so was I.
00:10:23That's why we complement each other perfectly.
00:10:28Don't trust your family.
00:10:32I don't want them to take advantage of you again.
00:10:39Hey, sister.
00:10:40I don't know what that guy told you,
00:10:41but don't trust him.
00:10:42We are your family.
00:10:43Why do you listen to him?
00:10:45As I heard,
00:10:46you had a talisman in your wallet
00:10:48to suppress my energy.
00:10:53Did you tell him?
00:10:54It's the truth.
00:10:55My mom gave it to me.
00:11:00I don't think that's important now.
00:11:06You sued me for the Wanjo store
00:11:08that invaded your property.
00:11:10I withdrew it immediately.
00:11:12I won't go into details.
00:11:13I just want you to take into account
00:11:15that even though I lost my memory,
00:11:16the bad things of the past didn't disappear.
00:11:20As you say,
00:11:21our family has some issues,
00:11:23but we can fix this misunderstanding.
00:11:25It's true.
00:11:26And you shouldn't be doing this next to him.
00:11:28You should be with your husband.
00:11:31Are you talking about my ex-husband?
00:11:33The one I divorced
00:11:34for asking for a divorce behind my back?
00:11:39Yes, that happened.
00:11:40But, of course,
00:11:41if you say it like that,
00:11:42it sounds like an idiot.
00:11:43But that's not the whole story.
00:11:46He was charged with murder and is in prison.
00:11:57Are you staying here?
00:11:59You better be in front of me
00:12:00when I open my eyes.
00:12:13Why do you want to go home?
00:12:15I prepared a place
00:12:16for you to feel more comfortable.
00:12:18I want to try to live
00:12:19where I did it and how I did it.
00:12:21Maybe that will help me
00:12:22remember things from the past.
00:12:25That's what I'm going to do.
00:12:28I'm worried that your family
00:12:29finds something
00:12:30they can use against you.
00:12:32Your parents complicated
00:12:33what they could give you back.
00:12:35The directives didn't stop
00:12:37finding flaws in your health,
00:12:40I know.
00:12:41I won't let it happen.
00:12:42Thank you for worrying.
00:12:43You've thanked me many times.
00:12:47Now I've kept my promise.
00:12:49You promised to marry me
00:12:51after the surgery.
00:12:55I'll plan and prepare the wedding.
00:13:10You're home.
00:13:11How long has it been?
00:13:12I want to ask you something.
00:13:14There was an accident in Germany
00:13:15before Gail's surgery.
00:13:17Did you cause it?
00:13:29He didn't die.
00:13:30What's the problem?
00:13:40Why do you look at me like that?
00:13:41Didn't you know?
00:13:42I warned you.
00:13:43Anything can happen
00:13:45as long as you're with Gein.
00:13:48This isn't going to end.
00:13:50Did you finish with your threats?
00:13:52Because I have my own.
00:13:57This is the room, right?
00:13:59Where Ong Manda collapsed.
00:14:03I could see everything you did
00:14:05in front of this painting
00:14:06that I gave her.
00:14:10And I have the evidence.
00:14:12So if you try one more thing
00:14:14against Gain,
00:14:15no matter what,
00:14:16I'll send you to prison
00:14:17just like I did with Becky.
00:14:19Are you threatening me?
00:14:24Now I'm in your way.
00:14:27Go ahead.
00:14:28Get rid of me.
00:14:40What are we going to do
00:14:41if with all those lies
00:14:42he decides to marry Yoon Eun Song?
00:14:44It's not going to happen.
00:14:45From what I saw a while ago,
00:14:46it's possible.
00:14:47He's a different person.
00:14:49Gein wouldn't do something like that.
00:14:51All this time,
00:14:52I made them follow her.
00:14:54Detectives' Agency,
00:14:55Ong Gil Dong?
00:14:56That's right.
00:14:57Gil Dong is an ancestor
00:14:58of my family.
00:14:59People say I'm as elusive
00:15:00and skillful as Ong Gil Dong was.
00:15:02That's why I used his name
00:15:03for my agency.
00:15:07Take the 10,000 million.
00:15:08If there's anything left,
00:15:09give Mr. Kim 1.5.
00:15:10I'll buy the building
00:15:11when I'm bored.
00:15:12That's enough.
00:15:13He's the detective.
00:15:14I'm a undercover detective.
00:15:17Agent Nam,
00:15:18you can leave.
00:15:20I usually hide.
00:15:24they're known
00:15:25as the dynamic duo
00:15:26of our agency.
00:15:27And as you can see,
00:15:28they seem to be
00:15:29the Korean classics,
00:15:30so you can go anywhere.
00:15:31Detective Ong
00:15:32is the brain
00:15:33of our office.
00:15:34Every time you see her,
00:15:36she has a book in her hand
00:15:37and has experience
00:15:38in book business.
00:15:39What kind of books
00:15:40did she do business with?
00:15:42she had a comic book cafe.
00:15:43Comics are a database
00:15:44of every event
00:15:45and incident
00:15:46that has occurred
00:15:47in the world.
00:15:48They served as a base
00:15:49for my detective career.
00:15:50Tell me,
00:15:51what experience
00:15:52do you have as detectives?
00:15:53Is there anything
00:15:54I should know?
00:15:56that's something
00:15:57you'd have to investigate.
00:15:58If I were a competent detective,
00:15:59I wouldn't have to
00:16:00ask myself that straight.
00:16:01By the way,
00:16:02what are the things
00:16:03you can ask for
00:16:04in your job?
00:16:06I have to ask you
00:16:07a trivial question.
00:16:08How much do they pay
00:16:09for food?
00:16:10They give us 8,000 won
00:16:11for food,
00:16:12but it's not much.
00:16:13The seafood jjajangmyeon
00:16:14costs 12,000 won
00:16:15in the neighborhood.
00:16:17Inflation is horrendous.
00:16:18Isn't it?
00:16:19Instead of catching the culprits,
00:16:20we should catch
00:16:21the inflation.
00:16:25It's very reserved.
00:16:27very reserved.
00:16:28Write that down.
00:16:32here they are.
00:16:35thank you for your effort.
00:16:36I appreciate it.
00:16:37Who are they?
00:16:39these people
00:16:40followed Hyein
00:16:41while she was in Germany.
00:16:42It doesn't matter
00:16:43how much she wants to pay.
00:16:44We'll do it for less.
00:16:45Detective's Agency,
00:16:47We don't just focus
00:16:48on the white man.
00:16:49We look for reasons,
00:16:50analyze his psychology,
00:16:51solve it,
00:16:52and offer a package
00:16:53with our total tracking system.
00:16:54Oh, wow.
00:16:55Your service?
00:16:56Sounds good.
00:16:57Very good.
00:16:58What did you discover
00:16:59in Germany?
00:17:00Listen to this first.
00:17:01Put aside
00:17:02all your worries.
00:17:32Why is everyone
00:17:33so empty?
00:17:42Separate rooms?
00:17:44I understand.
00:18:27We have similar tastes in music.
00:18:31Of course.
00:18:32It's possible.
00:18:36What kind of person is he?
00:18:38They say
00:18:39you should know
00:18:40your enemy
00:18:41as well as yourself.
00:18:42But I barely know myself.
00:18:46should I know my enemy?
00:18:59If I'm going to know him,
00:19:00this is the safest place
00:19:01to do it.
00:19:02What a despicable person
00:19:03deceives his wife.
00:19:04The thing is,
00:19:05after a divorce,
00:19:06he kills someone
00:19:07and ends up here.
00:19:10How low
00:19:11will the standards
00:19:12of the past ONG be?
00:19:14Why was he with
00:19:15someone like him?
00:19:30Why was he with someone like him?
00:20:01Sit down, Legionnau.
00:20:19How are you?
00:20:20I wouldn't be here
00:20:21if I were sick.
00:20:24Did the surgery go well?
00:20:26Are you still in treatment?
00:20:28Do you feel pain?
00:20:30are you worried about me?
00:20:41I've been very worried.
00:20:43That's funny.
00:20:45Do you think I'm not aware
00:20:46of anything because
00:20:47I lost my memory?
00:20:48I missed you a lot.
00:20:50I know everything
00:20:51that happened.
00:20:52Your true intentions
00:20:53when you married me.
00:20:54How you prepared
00:20:55our divorce
00:20:56and the things you did to me
00:20:57after that.
00:20:58I found out everything
00:20:59and then I confirmed it.
00:21:04I don't know
00:21:05what Jonhson told you,
00:21:07but it's not true.
00:21:09You must be very,
00:21:10very sad.
00:21:12I don't know
00:21:13what Jonhson told you,
00:21:14but it's not true.
00:21:15You must be very,
00:21:16very sad.
00:21:18You must be very confused,
00:21:20but you must trust me.
00:21:21I only trust
00:21:22what I've seen myself.
00:21:23The divorce papers
00:21:24that you asked me
00:21:25for my back
00:21:26and the fact that you're
00:21:27in prison for murder
00:21:28are things that
00:21:29no one told me.
00:21:30So why did you come today?
00:21:32You've confirmed everything.
00:21:33If you already know the truth,
00:21:35why did you decide
00:21:36to come here?
00:21:38Isn't it because
00:21:39you still have doubts?
00:21:41The reason why I came...
00:21:42The reason why I came...
00:21:46I came...
00:21:51because I never
00:21:53want to see you again
00:21:54in my life.
00:21:55That's all.
00:21:57The truth is,
00:21:58I was curious,
00:21:59but now that I see you,
00:22:01I probably
00:22:02won't do it again.
00:22:05We'll see each other again.
00:22:08I won't give up.
00:22:09I won't give up.
00:22:11And I'll keep living
00:22:12by your side.
00:22:13You're in prison.
00:22:14I don't know where
00:22:15you get that confidence.
00:22:31I promised you
00:22:35I'd be by your side
00:22:36when you woke up.
00:22:39I'm sorry I left you.
00:22:42I'm really sorry
00:22:45for making you come.
00:22:49I'm going to get out of here.
00:22:52I'm going to do what I said
00:22:54so you don't...
00:22:55Time's up.
00:22:58Please take care of yourself.
00:22:59Don't worry about anything.
00:23:01Follow your treatments.
00:23:02It's time.
00:23:04Take care of your health.
00:23:05That's all.
00:23:06Take care of me, please.
00:23:07Take care of me, please.
00:23:37I can't believe
00:23:38I'm answering you like this.
00:23:41He's a careful person.
00:23:42He's a prisoner,
00:23:43and yet he hooked me up.
00:23:46That's why the past Jane
00:23:47let herself be humiliated by him.
00:23:49He has a great ability
00:23:51with words.
00:24:02Anything for the nausea?
00:24:03It's just that my heart
00:24:04beats very fast.
00:24:06I feel a lot of nausea,
00:24:08and my mind
00:24:10is unbalanced.
00:24:11Give me a moment.
00:24:15I'm so dizzy
00:24:16I feel like crying.
00:24:23Thank you very much.
00:24:35Where have you been all day?
00:24:38What are you doing here?
00:24:40Answer me first.
00:24:42Where have you been?
00:24:45I don't want to answer.
00:24:47Could you leave?
00:24:49I feel uncomfortable
00:24:50with someone in my house
00:24:51if I'm not there,
00:24:52even if it's you.
00:24:56I'm sorry,
00:24:57but you're still in treatment,
00:24:58and as I told you before,
00:24:59there were a lot of incidents
00:25:00that were directed at you.
00:25:01I know,
00:25:02but you said
00:25:03that Bekio didn't plan everything.
00:25:04He's in prison right now.
00:25:05Am I still in danger?
00:25:09I'm just...
00:25:16I'm nervous.
00:25:17Something always happens to you
00:25:19when I'm not with you.
00:25:23I'm sorry.
00:25:24I didn't mean to upset you.
00:25:28I'm sorry.
00:25:33May I disconcert?
00:26:27I think the rumors are true.
00:26:28They were going to get married.
00:26:30She and Mr. Bek are over?
00:26:32Be careful with what they say.
00:26:33We signed confidentiality agreements,
00:26:35especially you.
00:26:36I don't have to be careful.
00:26:38She's not even my mom anymore.
00:26:41I'm not going to see her anymore.
00:26:46Mrs. Ong.
00:26:50I heard about your surgery.
00:26:52How is she?
00:26:53Is she okay?
00:26:55I'm glad to hear it.
00:26:57I paid for my daughter's surgery and hospital bill,
00:27:00so she's...
00:27:02We finally got her a name.
00:27:05Saori is healthy now.
00:27:09That's great.
00:27:10Thank you so much.
00:27:11I'll never forget your kindness.
00:27:21Did I do that?
00:27:23Did I really do what that man said?
00:27:25I'm not sure.
00:27:26Didn't he work here?
00:27:32Thank you for keeping your promise.
00:27:35What promise?
00:27:37You promised you'd be back before I finished paying for this outfit.
00:27:42So she was my secretary?
00:27:45She must know a lot about me.
00:27:47That's right.
00:27:48You could say I'm an external hard drive.
00:27:53what kind of person was she?
00:27:58You were...
00:27:59Ms. Ong!
00:28:01Ms. Ong!
00:28:02I'm so glad to hear you're back.
00:28:04Are you sure she's okay?
00:28:06She's an employee you knew.
00:28:09It's so nice to see you.
00:28:10Thank you.
00:28:11My mother received her treatment and died without pain.
00:28:15She sent flowers to her funeral in your name,
00:28:17paid for part of the service,
00:28:19and even went.
00:28:20Maybe you don't remember, but I'll never forget.
00:28:23Thank you so much, ma'am.
00:28:24Of course.
00:28:31A director who sent flowers to an employee's family funeral
00:28:35was a very compassionate person.
00:28:38it was Director Peck.
00:28:41Oh, it's nothing.
00:28:42You were wonderful.
00:28:44That's why it's time to get rid of the plague.
00:28:47The stores that reduce our sales.
00:28:49She had a big heart.
00:28:51Is this new?
00:28:54Seriously, I'm very curious.
00:28:56Tell me, please.
00:28:58Tell me how?
00:29:00And she was very kind.
00:29:01Seriously, she was a person...
00:29:03like Mother Teresa of Calcutta?
00:29:08Well, I knew it.
00:29:09I had a feeling.
00:29:10This morning, I saw a stray cat and I wanted to feed it.
00:29:13So I bought food and then I gave it to it.
00:29:16It's like you were in a fairy tale.
00:29:18My memory...
00:29:19maybe it's gone.
00:29:20But my nature...
00:29:22is the same.
00:29:26I want to work with you.
00:29:29Human external hard drive.
00:29:30It's as if my mother's card had been restarted.
00:29:33I need an external hard drive with my information.
00:29:40I was assigned to another department.
00:29:42I'm sorry.
00:29:43I'm sorry.
00:29:44I'm sorry.
00:29:45I'm sorry.
00:29:46I was assigned to another department.
00:29:48I'll take care of that.
00:29:54investigate the prosecutor's record.
00:29:57It's a murder.
00:29:58The prosecutor's office benefits from having evidence.
00:30:00But if after investigating there are documents that do not have it...
00:30:03it could help the case.
00:30:09So the prosecutor excluded this from his record.
00:30:12The analysis of this piece found in the crime scene?
00:30:15A piece of green fiber.
00:30:16And that doesn't belong to Gion, does it?
00:30:18And they rejected it.
00:30:19It's likely to be the clothes of the real murderer.
00:30:22That's why we have to find it.
00:30:24The knife that was used as a weapon...
00:30:26is the same one that is in my house in Seoul.
00:30:28But how could it end up in that place?
00:30:30Someone stole it.
00:30:31As far as I remember...
00:30:32I haven't found it for days before we went to Germany.
00:30:35At that time I didn't care.
00:30:36Then it was stolen.
00:30:37I'll check the cameras in the building.
00:30:39And one more thing.
00:30:40Check the cameras of the buses that passed near the crime scene at that time.
00:30:43Maybe there's a suspicious car.
00:30:45Or the killer could have arrived by bus.
00:30:51How are you? How many days of recording do you have?
00:30:53Excuse me.
00:30:54Can I ask you a question?
00:30:55Do you know if there is a security camera near the fish market?
00:31:06Dad, I just chased one that was near the roof.
00:31:09Chase what?
00:31:10A crow that doesn't stop bothering.
00:31:11Hey, I'm glad you did.
00:31:12The trial is today.
00:31:15I have faith that today everything will go well in the trial.
00:31:18Only that...
00:31:20A crow is a bad omen.
00:31:21Oh, come on.
00:31:22Finish your meal.
00:31:24Hey, love.
00:31:26The seaweed is a bad omen.
00:31:28What are you talking about?
00:31:29And wrap rice with it.
00:31:32Today nothing is done that involves wrapping, submerging...
00:31:35and also avoid mixing.
00:31:37Oh, and please don't throw anything.
00:31:39As you know,
00:31:40throwing something unnecessarily
00:31:42is also a bad omen.
00:31:45Hello, did everyone sleep well?
00:31:48Hey, Daji is going to stay in bed.
00:31:50She doesn't feel well.
00:31:58Oh, this is not true.
00:32:00Everyone saw that the spoon didn't fall.
00:32:02Your chol decided to put it on the floor...
00:32:05like this...
00:32:06like this...
00:32:07like this...
00:32:08and just like that, she made herself comfortable, right?
00:32:10That's true, yes.
00:32:12You put it like that, right?
00:32:13Your chol?
00:32:15No, it just fell.
00:32:16But I'm not demanding with these things.
00:32:18I can use it.
00:32:20I'm going to wrap the rice in the seaweed.
00:32:21I'm going to submerge it in the soup.
00:32:24No, the soup is delicious, ma'am.
00:32:31It was confirmed that the accused was close to the crime scene
00:32:34on the day of the incident.
00:32:35At the time of the homicide, between 8 and 9 pm.
00:32:37In addition, a piece of his hair was found inside the victim's car,
00:32:40as well as the fingerprints of the suspect and the victim's blood
00:32:43in the murder weapon.
00:32:44Therefore, the prosecution accuses Baek Hyun-woo of murder.
00:32:47Accused, do you agree with the charges?
00:32:51I do not agree.
00:32:52While it is true that he had an appointment with the victim
00:32:55on the same day of the homicide,
00:32:56the victim never appeared.
00:32:58Therefore, we could never meet.
00:33:01Defense attorney, you may begin.
00:33:03Thank you, Your Honor.
00:33:04Since the beginning of the investigation,
00:33:06the accused has constantly denied committing the homicide.
00:33:09If that is true, the murderer is free.
00:33:11First, we want to focus on the weapon with which the homicide was committed,
00:33:15which they present as strong evidence.
00:33:17It is a kitchen knife,
00:33:18with the fingerprints of the accused and the victim's blood.
00:33:22But it also had a green acrylic fiber.
00:33:25As you can see, it does not match the clothes that the accused was wearing.
00:33:28Even if it were true,
00:33:29there is no reason to believe that the fiber belongs to the homicide.
00:33:31That is true.
00:33:32However, what if the person wearing the garment
00:33:36was seen leaving the house of the accused,
00:33:39stealing the murder weapon,
00:33:40and being close to the crime scene that same day?
00:33:59Is it a knife?
00:34:00Yes, it is.
00:34:03As you can see, it is the same knife used as a murder weapon.
00:34:06Oh, and by the way, he is wearing green clothes.
00:34:09Now, the next video.
00:34:12As you can see,
00:34:13here is the same man burning a shirt and gloves
00:34:16on the day of the crime,
00:34:17two kilometers from the crime scene.
00:34:19We requested a comparative analysis of the fiber of the fire
00:34:22and also that of the murder weapon.
00:34:24We found that they were of the same material,
00:34:26with the help of an infrared spectrophotometer.
00:34:29And also,
00:34:30the victim's blood and his DNA were on the shirt.
00:34:32That is indirect evidence.
00:34:33The only traces found on the murder weapon
00:34:36are those of the accused.
00:34:37And what if there is clearer evidence than those traces,
00:34:40like videos and images of the crime scene that the killer took?
00:34:45There must be photos or videos that the killer must have taken.
00:34:48Get his phone.
00:34:49Do you think he has recordings and evidence of his crime?
00:34:51If he is a hired professional killer,
00:34:53I'm sure he does.
00:34:55He needs proof to be paid.
00:34:57He just has to click here.
00:35:04It worked!
00:35:05An exact copy of his phone!
00:35:07We have it!
00:35:08We have images and videos
00:35:09taken from the crime scene
00:35:11by the killer thanks to an anonymous source.
00:35:13I present them as evidence.
00:35:14Objection, Your Honor!
00:35:15The evidence was not discussed in advance.
00:35:17Also, from what they say, it could have been obtained illegally.
00:35:20It must be ruled out.
00:35:21It is strong evidence that will have a strong impact on this trial.
00:35:27We will allow it.
00:35:58The true killer of the San Van Yon Yungun Reserve was arrested.
00:36:02The Coast Guard captured the true criminal, Yu,
00:36:05who tried to leave the country on a fishing boat
00:36:07nine nautical miles south of the country.
00:36:09Mr. Yu says he has no accomplice
00:36:11and that he committed the crime on his own.
00:36:13Meanwhile, Mr. B, who was arrested as a suspect,
00:36:16was released after today's trial
00:36:18after being found innocent.
00:36:23Why didn't you leave?
00:36:25Why didn't you leave?
00:36:27Maybe something happened.
00:36:28He's going to leave at any moment.
00:36:30But can you tell me why he wanted to come?
00:36:33Do you think I should stay calm?
00:36:35The dangerous guy who was harassing me was released.
00:36:37He wasn't harassing you.
00:36:39To be honest, you're the one who seems to be harassing now.
00:36:42Hey, what are you doing?
00:36:43He's out.
00:36:47How are you?
00:36:50We are very pleased that you have left.
00:36:51Come here!
00:36:52How are you?
00:36:59I can't believe this happened.
00:37:02You're not hurt, are you?
00:37:03I'm fine.
00:37:04That's good.
00:37:05Were you worried?
00:37:06Hey, it shouldn't be legal to get into so many problems in a row.
00:37:09We've had small problems before, but not as big as these.
00:37:13He didn't get into any trouble.
00:37:14They just involved him.
00:37:16You're right.
00:37:19Everything is fine now, right?
00:37:26Does he get along with his brothers?
00:37:35Close relationship with his family.
00:37:41Hey, eat this.
00:37:42No, no, no, I'm fine, thank you.
00:37:45I guess he doesn't eat tofu.
00:37:48He doesn't eat tofu.
00:37:51Do you think I hate him?
00:37:54Why would I? It's good.
00:37:56What are you doing?
00:38:04Seriously, what are you doing?
00:38:07Did he see me?
00:38:08Did he turn around?
00:38:09Do you think he saw me or not?
00:38:10He left.
00:38:21Then we must follow him without being obvious.
00:38:24What? Are you really going to harass him?
00:38:26What do you mean?
00:38:27I just want to follow him to see if that man is up to something weird.
00:38:31I just want to follow each of his movements.
00:38:33That's what harassing means.
00:38:35You could handle it instead of explaining it.
00:38:37Let's go.
00:38:46Hey, no!
00:38:47Hey, no!
00:38:48I told you to hang him on the street.
00:38:50Don't worry, I'll do that.
00:38:51If you're scared, get out.
00:38:53I'd like to, but I'm going to make sure he's okay.
00:38:57Duguan, are you sure you're going to be okay?
00:39:00Of course.
00:39:01What I want you to say now is, the owner has gone crazy.
00:39:04Very good.
00:39:05Are you taking this too?
00:39:08Oh, I see.
00:39:09You can tell he likes dumplings.
00:39:12Then I'll give you this for free.
00:39:14Thank you very much.
00:39:15I have to thank him.
00:39:16By the way, congratulations.
00:39:17Yes, thank you very much.
00:39:20Take care.
00:39:21Yes, ma'am. Take care.
00:39:24Did you finally understand what my marketing philosophy is?
00:39:27Of course.
00:39:28It's about getting the love of my clients, not the money.
00:39:32When I get back to work, that's how I'm going to run the company.
00:39:36You can do it.
00:39:38Mr. Beck, do you have a discount on steamed dumplings?
00:39:43What discount are you talking about?
00:39:44Excuse me.
00:39:45Thank you.
00:39:47These too.
00:39:48All for free.
00:39:52That's it.
00:39:53Eat, eat.
00:39:54He's going to regret it tomorrow.
00:39:56I assure you that in the afternoon he will regret it.
00:40:00Hey, line up.
00:40:01That must be Hyunwoo.
00:40:04Look, hey.
00:40:05It's not true.
00:40:08Hey, honey.
00:40:15Father, I'm at home.
00:40:20I missed you.
00:40:22I'm sorry, Dad.
00:40:23What do you mean you're sorry?
00:40:26You didn't do anything wrong.
00:40:27Don't apologize.
00:40:29Hyunwoo, it must have been hard for you.
00:40:32You went through a lot.
00:40:37Thank you very much.
00:40:47Hyunwoo, congratulations.
00:40:48Is that Song Suchol?
00:40:50He lives here because of a conflict between his mother and his wife.
00:40:52But why is he staying here?
00:40:54In the house of the parents of his sister's ex-husband.
00:40:58How strange.
00:40:59Maybe it's because of him.
00:41:01Look how they laugh.
00:41:04They are very strange people.
00:41:31Hey, honey.
00:41:35You're here.
00:41:37I made you sweet soup with red beans.
00:41:39Red beans.
00:41:44You must be very worried.
00:41:46Hey, of course not.
00:41:49I was calm.
00:41:51When you're honest, life rewards you.
00:41:54No, no, no.
00:41:56I was very worried.
00:41:58Me too.
00:42:04We were very worried.
00:42:09Your parents look like good people.
00:42:14He doesn't like tofu, but he likes soup with red beans.
00:42:17He has the palate of a child.
00:42:22He likes sweet soup.
00:42:25With red beans.
00:42:27It's just like I saw myself a few years ago.
00:42:31That's how I saw myself before I became a fan of BTS.
00:42:33Real love is not to say,
00:42:36I love him so much.
00:42:38I don't know how.
00:42:40What are you doing?
00:42:42Real love starts like this.
00:42:45Miss Na, you always talk too much.
00:42:47Don't you limit yourself?
00:42:51I think it was very cool as a boss.
00:42:53You really don't remember anything, do you?
00:42:56How about when he promised me 100 million won?
00:43:01You're lying to me.
00:43:04He lost his memory, but the good judgment is still there.
00:43:07So why don't you know?
00:43:12Who is the person you're really in love with?
00:43:17And who is it?
00:43:20I can't say more about it.
00:43:22Or I could lose my job.
00:43:24I'm just going to say this.
00:43:26Where your body goes,
00:43:28is where your heart wants to go.
00:43:33I'm sorry.
00:44:04What is that?
00:44:05Mr. Ivan found it in the trash.
00:44:07I think we should return it to its owner.
00:44:09Does it have a name?
00:44:11No, it's written in a foreign language and I can't understand it.
00:44:14I have no idea who it is.
00:44:15And how are we going to find its owner?
00:44:17Just throw it away?
00:44:18I'll help you.
00:44:19Mr. Baek's lawyer called from Korea,
00:44:22saying that if we found it, we would return it and send it there.
00:44:26Of course.
00:44:27Have a safe trip home.
00:44:28Yes, take care.
00:44:29Let's go.
00:44:32Wow, who is that?
00:45:00Aunt, do you live here?
00:45:04I just came to congratulate Hyunwoo for today.
00:45:07The food service will arrive soon.
00:45:09I ask that you stand outside the auditorium.
00:45:11Bonja, welcome.
00:45:13Oh, wow!
00:45:14I hadn't seen you here.
00:45:16I'm so in a good mood that I prepared a lot of prizes.
00:45:19I hope you like them.
00:45:21Like what?
00:45:22Things like supplements and a massager.
00:45:24And the first prize is going to be a washing machine.
00:45:27God, a washing machine?
00:45:28It's not true.
00:45:29A washing machine?
00:45:31And we've been thinking about buying a washing machine.
00:45:34That's how the daughter of a great businessman spends money.
00:45:36In my next life, I'd love to be like Bonja.
00:45:39Like me?
00:45:40What are you talking about?
00:45:42You have money, you're beautiful, and you've had three marriages.
00:45:46That's what I envy the most.
00:45:49How funny.
00:45:50Let's not talk about that.
00:45:52Not everyone can do it.
00:45:53You can't change that.
00:45:56You can't change husbands.
00:45:58And you can't even change a washing machine.
00:46:00You shouldn't say that in front of a man who's never been married.
00:46:03Johnson, are you really not going to get married?
00:46:05Kinder's teacher is very pretty.
00:46:07Yes, Johnson.
00:46:08Banksy made an effort to fix that blind date.
00:46:11No, listen.
00:46:12With something like this, you should be encouraging him to act quickly.
00:46:16Or later it will be too late.
00:46:17Of course.
00:46:18Johnson, I followed her.
00:46:21Could you tell me where the auditorium is?
00:46:26I'm so happy!
00:46:32A party!
00:46:35Attention, everyone.
00:46:36Thank you for coming.
00:46:37This is Becky Honu.
00:46:38This party is to celebrate my brother who was released from prison
00:46:42and declared innocent!
00:46:47Now, the moment of truth.
00:46:49The ceremony to cut the tofu.
00:46:51A round of applause, please!
00:46:54Now, quickly, quickly!
00:46:56Quickly, quickly!
00:46:58Do it with us.
00:46:59Yes, the hands like this.
00:47:00Three, two, one.
00:47:02That's it, a clean cut.
00:47:06What a great decision!
00:47:08What a great decision!
00:47:12Now, the next prize is supplements.
00:47:15Yes, very good.
00:47:16The winner of this will be chosen by my sister, Mrs. Beck Misson.
00:47:21Come here.
00:47:23Quickly, choose a number.
00:47:26Choose a number.
00:47:32The lucky number is...
00:47:37Number 17!
00:47:38What luck!
00:47:40It's Maxine!
00:47:41It's Maxine!
00:47:42Yes, yes, yes!
00:47:52Thank you, Honu.
00:47:53You're the sexiest.
00:47:57Yes, congratulations.
00:48:00And now, the last prize, the most awaited by all,
00:48:04a new washing machine.
00:48:05The sponsor of these prizes,
00:48:07Mrs. Ongbong will be the one to draw the winning number.
00:48:30The prize is for...
00:48:34Congratulations, number 5!
00:48:37Who won?
00:48:41Hey, it's Yongsun!
00:48:43Yongsun, you won!
00:48:45The group that won!
00:48:46It's yours!
00:48:47Hey, it's yours!
00:48:49It's your number!
00:48:52Take it.
00:48:56I don't need it, you wanted one.
00:49:22Wait, Yong Song.
00:49:26Yes, Bomja?
00:49:27Are you really that disinterested?
00:49:29You earned the washing machine, you could keep it.
00:49:32Ah, the washing machine I have still works fine.
00:49:34It's very old, it keeps shaking, I saw it myself.
00:49:37But it leaves the clothes very clean.
00:49:40This is its latest model, it has artificial intelligence, it even washes your sneakers and your bra.
00:49:46Ah, I understand.
00:49:49Nothing like that, I understand.
00:49:52If something good comes your way, you should accept it.
00:49:55Washing machines and people have their moment.
00:49:57Are you going to let it pass?
00:50:02Listen, when I get back to Seoul, I won't come back here.
00:50:06Are you still going to let me go?
00:50:08And if I decide to stay away forever?
00:50:10A fourth marriage doesn't scare me.
00:50:13Are you going to get married again?
00:50:17That's not what I meant.
00:50:24I'm only going to say it once.
00:50:28I have feelings for you.
00:50:31No, I like you.
00:50:35Are you going to let me go just like that?
00:50:38When I leave, I'm never coming back.
00:50:48Mrs. Ong.
00:50:49Yes, I just have to ask Johnson something.
00:50:52It'll be quick.
00:50:53I'll get to you in a moment.
00:50:54It's not that, it's just that...
00:50:58It's just that...
00:51:02Yes, the microphone.
00:51:04It's wireless.
00:51:04It's connected to the speaker inside.
00:51:09Washing machines and people have their moment.
00:51:11Are you going to let it pass?
00:51:13Listen, when I get back to Seoul, I won't come back here.
00:51:16Are you still going to let me go?
00:51:17And if I decide to stay away forever?
00:51:19A fourth marriage doesn't scare me.
00:51:26Are you going to get married again?
00:51:27That's not what I meant.
00:51:31That's not what I meant.
00:51:35I'm only going to say it once.
00:51:37I have feelings for you.
00:51:38No, I like you.
00:51:41Are you going to let me go just like that?
00:51:43When I leave, I'm never coming back.
00:51:46Oh, I can't believe she said that.
00:51:48What a shame for our family.
00:51:55Down, down, down.
00:51:59Hey, Johnson, give us a good answer.
00:52:02Shut up.
00:52:03Mia, it's okay.
00:52:05Don't worry.
00:52:06I'll support you.
00:52:07Where are you going?
00:52:10Run, go.
00:52:11You have to go.
00:52:13Hurry up.
00:52:14What are you waiting for?
00:52:15Go, go, go.
00:52:17Go, go, go.
00:52:18Hurry up, doctor.
00:52:19That's it.
00:52:24Baek Hyun-woo requested to return to the company.
00:52:27He was found innocent during his trial,
00:52:29so we can't legally deny it.
00:52:31He's worse than a zombie.
00:52:33Seriously, he's a very persistent guy.
00:52:35You're right.
00:52:35There's an even bigger problem.
00:52:37The shareholders are going to meet in New York.
00:52:39They plan to vote to remove the CEO.
00:52:46And why would they do that?
00:52:48When the CEO doesn't comply
00:52:50and doesn't provide the investors with figures
00:52:52or seem manipulated,
00:52:53they have the right to make a meeting to remove...
00:52:58Who gave the investors those figures?
00:53:01Was it Baek Hyun-woo?
00:53:03No, it wasn't him.
00:53:05I'm afraid it was...
00:53:06How about it?
00:53:07I'll use him as CEO.
00:53:11For his ceremony.
00:53:14He's very handsome.
00:53:16It's obvious that he looks very good.
00:53:18Yes, I know.
00:53:20This will be a position worthy of me.
00:53:27Contact the bank to proceed with the transaction.
00:53:30More than double, 4.2%.
00:53:32All at once?
00:53:33There's no time.
00:53:34We have to secure the shares.
00:53:36Let's see if they dare to fire me with that.
00:53:40Yes, I understand.
00:53:41He bought 4.2%.
00:53:43All at once.
00:53:44He must be anxious.
00:53:45He should be.
00:53:46Everyone will find out about that illegal fund.
00:53:48You haven't found the evidence
00:53:49that Mr. Pion was going to give you that day, have you?
00:53:52No, but I got other materials.
00:53:55I can prove that Yoon Eun-sung and his people
00:53:58committed a fraud to steal the administration of Queens.
00:54:01But who gave you that material?
00:54:15Did you bring it?
00:54:23I was transferred from the United States.
00:54:24That's all.
00:54:26What do you think you're doing?
00:54:27What do you mean what am I doing?
00:54:28I gave you everything Mosul Hee gave me.
00:54:30I don't have any more money.
00:54:32You should have brought me the money
00:54:34you returned to the Song.
00:54:35You know very well that that money is not mine.
00:54:40And the memory?
00:54:42Did Dahee give you the memory with the information?
00:54:45I already told you.
00:54:46It's my life saver, so I had to hide it.
00:54:48Life saver?
00:54:51But if you're an idiot,
00:54:53you're going to die for that.
00:54:56Mrs. Mo can't be with you anymore.
00:54:58I let you go because you're pretty.
00:55:00But you know, Mrs. Mo hates women who are pretty even more.
00:55:07Hey, calm down.
00:55:08Where do you think you're going?
00:55:10Open the door!
00:55:18That damn loser.
00:55:20Don't move.
00:55:22Get in the car!
00:55:28Get in the car!
00:55:29Leave Dahee alone!
00:55:33It's a trap.
00:55:35Open the door!
00:56:09¿Qué le pasa?
00:56:12¿Qué le pasa?
00:56:14¿Qué le pasa?
00:56:19¡Oye, hijo de puta!
00:56:21¡Devuélveme a mi Dahee ahora!
00:56:23¿A dónde vas?
00:56:24¡John, corre!
00:56:26¿Te quieres morir?
00:56:36¡No, déjeme!
00:56:38Señor Ong,
00:56:39¿Debiste huir cuando te dejé irte en paz?
00:56:44¡No dejes que te peguen!
00:56:49¿Por qué tienes que ser valiente ahora?
00:56:51¡Vete ya!
00:57:33Me llegan por...
00:57:36¡Oh, no!
00:57:37El día que mi familia necesite protección, voy a ser capaz de hacer algo.
00:57:42Ni siquiera lo quiero pensar.
00:57:46¡Qué idiota!
00:57:50Reacción exagerada.
00:57:51¡Ah, sí!
00:57:52Tu oponente creerá que va a ganar él.
00:57:54¡No es nada!
00:57:55¡Voy a ganarle!
00:57:56¡Mis puños son de acero!
00:57:57Ahora inténtalo.
00:58:05Lo que debes hacer es esperar a ese momento en que bajen la guardia y entonces...
00:58:08¡Le sueltas el golpe final! ¿Entendiste?
00:58:23¡Ya, vámonos! ¡Mueve esa bicicleta!
00:58:25¡Mueve esa bicicleta!
00:59:01¿Qué? ¿Qué?
00:59:02¿Qué pasa?
00:59:08¡Sunchol! ¡Abre los ojos!
00:59:11¿Me escuchas?
00:59:15¡Qué mierda!
00:59:21Estamos en el paso a nivel de Yong Durin.
00:59:22¡Vengan rápido!
00:59:24¡Despierta, por favor!
00:59:29¡No te mueras!
00:59:33¡Sunchol! ¡Sunchol!
00:59:37¡Sunchol, no!
00:59:40¡No, mi amor! ¡Mi amor, te amo! ¡Te amo!
00:59:43¡No te mueras!
00:59:51¡Mi amor!
01:00:02¡Ay, mi amor!
01:00:05¡Mi amor, perdóname!
01:00:24¿Por qué lo evito?
01:00:25¿Soy la directora?
01:00:27Esto sí que es ridículo.
01:00:29¿Quién piensa que es?
01:00:31¿Cómo volvió al trabajo?
01:00:34Le preguntaré.
01:00:53Hay cosas que tenemos que discutir.
01:00:58Sí, de acuerdo.
01:01:00¿Volvieron a contratarte?
01:01:03¿Y por qué lo hicieron?
01:01:05¿Fue por mí?
01:01:06Este es mi trabajo.
01:01:08¿No puedes trabajar en otro lugar?
01:01:10Temo que esta decisión solamente es mía.
01:01:12Pues me siento incómoda.
01:01:16Muy incómoda.
01:01:17Lo mejor es que renuncies y busques otro trabajo.
01:01:20Es que la verdad, no quiero verte.
01:01:27¿Por qué me miras así?
01:01:30Me soltaste durante el peor momento de mi vida.
01:01:33¿Crees que por no recordar nada,
01:01:35puedes conquistarme para confiar en ti otra vez?
01:01:41Dijiste que tenías un tipo de hombre
01:01:43y que debería confiar en ti.
01:01:48Creí que no tardarías mucho en reconocerme.
01:01:52¿De qué hablas?
01:01:53Pero no me molesta.
01:01:54Supongo que es natural.
01:01:57Eres aún más desvergonzado de lo que escuché, señor Beck.
01:02:00¿Trabajas con mi familia por alguna promesa?
01:02:02¿Por qué haces tanto esfuerzo?
01:02:03Soy señora Ong para ti.
01:02:05Tal vez en el pasado lograste conquistarme
01:02:07con esa voz y esos ojos.
01:02:09Ya no es así.
01:02:11Esta es la última vez que nos vemos.
01:02:21¿Qué estás haciendo?
01:02:23No hagas esto, señor Beck.
01:02:31Este comportamiento es inaceptable, nos vean o no.
01:02:36¡Ya suéltame!
01:03:35¿Nena, soy yo, Grace?
01:03:38¿Me recuerdas?
01:03:39Ay, qué horror.
01:03:40De verdad, olvidaste todo.
01:03:42¿No es así?
01:03:45Yo era la persona que más querías
01:03:47y en la que más confiabas en todo el mundo.
01:03:55¿Ahora qué?
01:03:56Le pido una disculpa,
01:03:58pero no creo que seamos tan cercanas
01:04:00para que me abrace y me hable así.
01:04:02¿Qué te pasa, Gain?
01:04:04Soy yo, Grace.
01:04:05Una disculpa.
01:04:10¿Cómo lo supo?
01:04:14Es muy intuitiva.
01:04:16¿Y aún con eso Yun Yun Song la engañó?
01:04:33¿Qué es esto?
01:04:36¿Para mí?
01:04:39¿Me envió una invitación a mí misma?
01:04:51Puede pasar, adelante.
01:04:59Ya está entrando.
01:05:06¿Por qué no hay nadie en un lugar tan grande?
01:05:36¿Qué estás haciendo aquí, señor Beck?
01:05:50Lo mismo me pregunto.
01:05:56Gracias por la invitación que tú me enviaste.
01:06:15Comenzaremos con la boda.
01:06:16La señorita Ong Hye In y el novio Baek Hyun Woo
01:06:19van a caminar al altar.
01:06:21El novio, aplausos.
01:07:22Hyun Woo del futuro.
01:07:26Hola, ¿cómo estás?
01:07:27Pues espero que no divorciado.
01:07:30¿Ya tienes hijos?
01:07:32¿Uno, dos?
01:07:33Bueno, la verdad, no importa si no.
01:07:35Solo quiero que Hye In siga a mi lado.
01:07:39No hagas llorar a Hye.
01:07:41Solo hazla muy feliz.
01:07:47Hye In del futuro.
01:07:49No creo que vayas a ver esto,
01:07:51pero por si acaso lo estás haciendo,
01:07:53¿por qué lo ves?
01:07:54Apágalo y ponte a trabajar.
01:07:56No voy a aburrirte para preguntarte cómo estás.
01:07:59Seguro excelente.
01:08:00Seguirás siendo hermosa y millonaria
01:08:02y seguro serás la mejor en lo que haces.
01:08:05Claro, al lado de Baek Hyun Woo.
01:08:26¿Usted es Baek Hyun Woo?
01:08:30Cuando la señora Ong rentó todo el lugar,
01:08:32también reservó estas flores.
01:08:35¿Está diciendo que yo reservé todo este espacio?
01:08:40Fue hace un mes y también lo rentó hace cuatro años.
01:08:46Me dijeron que era el mejor lugar para una cita.
01:08:49¿Por qué no hay nadie?
01:08:52Hye In, siento que durante días
01:08:57el universo ha estado conspirando para que estemos juntos.
01:09:02Sí, lo creo.
01:09:07Ya veo.
01:09:09No fue el universo conspirando por nosotros.
01:09:12Siempre fuiste tú y apenas lo descubrí.
01:09:15No sé qué tanto estás diciendo, pero ya me voy.
01:09:28Baek Hyun Woo, aunque no recuerde nada,
01:09:31podemos vivir como una pareja sin una boda.
01:09:34Como ya pasó, quiero volver a usar un vestido de novia.
01:09:37¿Yo escribí esto?
01:09:38¡Eso no es posible!
01:09:40¿Quería casarme de nuevo con el tipo que me traicionó
01:09:43y que me engañó con otra mujer?
01:09:45Yo no pude haber hecho eso.
01:09:47Así es.
01:09:48No hay forma de que lo hicieras.
01:09:54Si yo fuera así de imbécil,
01:09:58no hay forma de que lo hubieras querido así.
01:10:01Así que deberías empezar a tener dudas.
01:10:04No tienes que confiar en mí.
01:10:06Solo no confíes en lo que dijo Yun Hoon Song.
01:10:08No confíes en ninguna persona.
01:10:10¡Sospecha de todos!
01:10:12Yun Hoon Song no es la persona que te estuvo protegiendo.
01:10:18Lo único que hizo fue mantenerte aislada de tu familia
01:10:21y también de mí.
01:10:29Creo que tuvimos suerte.
01:10:31Ninguno estaba en el auto,
01:10:33pero creí que tú estabas dentro
01:10:35y rompí la ventana para salvarte.
01:11:18¿Pasa algo malo?
01:11:22Es muy lindo.
01:11:26Que me preguntes si pasa algo malo conmigo.
01:11:30Tengo una pregunta para ti.
01:11:36Voy por otro trago.
01:11:38¿Quieres uno?
01:11:39No, gracias.
01:11:47No, gracias.
01:12:17¿Quieres uno?
01:12:51¿Y si vamos a Estados Unidos?
01:12:54Ambos fuimos abandonados por nuestras familias.
01:12:57Deberíamos irnos como un par de abandonados.
01:13:03¿No crees?
01:13:05Vamos allá y tengamos una vida feliz.
01:13:11¿Seguro que me abandonaron?
01:13:14¿Por qué?
01:13:18¿Crees que te estoy mintiendo?
01:13:24No, no es eso.
01:13:26Lo hablamos luego.
01:13:28Pero cuando estés sobrio, ¿sí?
01:13:36Dijiste que tenías una pregunta.
01:13:40Sí, pero ya no es necesaria.
01:13:45Ya me voy.
01:14:09¿Hola, señorita?
01:14:11Como no tengo mi antiguo teléfono, ¿puedes...
01:14:15...pequeño el...
01:14:18Envíame su número, por favor.
01:14:21Sí, envíamelo.
01:14:40¿Señor Beck?
01:14:42Soy Aung Hayne.
01:14:44Quiero hablar...
01:14:46...con usted.
01:14:48¿En serio?
01:14:50¿En serio?
01:14:52¿En serio?
01:14:54¿En serio?
01:14:56¿En serio?
01:14:58¿En serio?
01:15:00¿En serio?
01:15:02¿En serio?
01:15:04¿En serio?
01:15:06Soy Aung Hayne.
01:15:08Quiero hablar...
01:15:10...contigo de algo.
01:15:12¿Y dónde estás?
01:15:16Sí, ok.
01:15:18Pronto estaré ahí.
01:16:06Para Hyon-woo.
01:16:08Debes estar leyendo esto mientras estoy en cirugía.
01:16:12Si no despierto... podrás dormir.
01:16:16¿Por qué?
01:16:18¿Por qué?
01:16:20¿Por qué?
01:16:22¿Por qué?
01:16:24¿Por qué?
01:16:26¿Por qué?
01:16:28¿Por qué?
01:16:30¿Por qué?
01:16:32¿Por qué?
01:16:34Si no despierto...
01:16:36...esto podría ser mi testamento...
01:16:38...o mi última voluntad.
01:16:42No quiero que me llores por tres días como en la antigüedad.
01:16:45En vez de eso...
01:16:47...extráñame por cuatro estaciones.
01:16:49Primavera, verano, otoño, invierno.
01:16:51Y di mi nombre cuando estés borracho.
01:16:54Pero después de eso...
01:16:56...olvídame y vive feliz.
01:17:00Quiero que encuentres pareja, que te cases...
01:17:03...y tengas una familia.
01:17:06No voy a sentir celos.
01:17:12Siento celos solamente de pensarlo.
01:17:17Respecto mis bienes.
01:17:19Dispón de ellos y úsalos para algo bueno.
01:17:23Comienzo a sentirme intranquila...
01:17:25...pensando que podría morir.
01:17:27¿Iré al cielo si hago una buena acción de última hora?
01:17:30Debo hacerlo si es que quiero volver a verte.
01:17:34Solo pensar en eso... hace sentir triste.
01:17:38Pero... la cirugía sale bien y salgo con vida...
01:17:44...y termino olvidando todo sobre ti... te trato como una extraña.
01:17:53Y además de eso...
01:17:56...te trato mal.
01:17:59Y tú lo aceptas y lo aceptas hasta hartarte.
01:18:03¿Qué voy a hacer?
01:18:05Incluso si eso pasa...
01:18:07...por favor, no me odies.
01:18:10No te desgastes...
01:18:12...y sígueme amando.
01:18:17Tengo un tipo particular de hombre.
01:18:19Sé que me enamoraré de ti de nuevo.
01:18:22Dijiste que tenías un tipo de hombre...
01:18:24...y que debería confiar en ti.
01:18:27Creí que no tardarías mucho en reconocerme.
01:18:31Por favor, sopórtame hasta entonces.
01:18:33Probablemente no vuelva a hacerlo.
01:18:36Nos volveremos a ver.
01:18:39No me voy a rendir.
01:18:42Y voy a seguir viviendo a tu lado.
01:18:47Y espero que cuando vuelva a reconocerte...
01:18:51...te vuelvas a casar conmigo.
01:19:07Yung Hein... estás leyendo esto, la cirugía fue un éxito.
01:19:12Y seguro no recuerdas nada, ¿verdad?
01:19:16Entonces permíteme que te lo presente.
01:19:22Bekhyo no es...
01:19:24...muy bueno y muy hábil para arreglar cosas.
01:19:28La charola se abre solo si jalas hacia ella.
01:19:30Pero es bastante fastidioso.
01:19:32Si en la pantalla dice que el papel se atascó...
01:19:34...tiene que sacarlo.
01:19:35¿Por qué la pateó?
01:19:37El papel se atascó en la máquina, así que...
01:19:39...intenté hacer una maniobra de Heimlich.
01:19:41Le pido que no vuelva a patearla.
01:19:44Mejor llámeme.
01:19:51¿Su pie está bien?
01:19:55...solo duele un poco. Es todo.
01:20:02Vamos a revisarla.
01:20:16Y puede ser algo crédulo.
01:20:18¿Sabías que un mapache vive en el techo del edificio?
01:20:22Se llama Jönsok.
01:20:27Cuando se emborracha, te derrite.
01:20:29Cuidado, es su especialidad.
01:20:30Soy el caballero con armadura de Aungin.
01:20:32¿Hice algo que te incomodara?
01:20:41Creí que estabas muerta.
01:20:44Cuando llora, provoca un amor materno.
01:20:46Y quieres evitar que vuelva a pasar.
01:20:48Cuando enrolla sus mangas, los músculos de sus brazos te quitan el aliento.
01:20:55Si aún no recuerdas quién es...
01:20:57...memoriza lo que dije.
01:21:00Ese hombre... la razón por la que no quería perder la memoria.
01:21:06Y es la única razón por la que quiero vivir, incluso si eso implica perderla.
01:21:11Baekhyun no es...
01:21:13...el nombre de aquel...
01:21:15...que no quiero olvidar hasta el final.
01:21:29Mi vida era feliz porque estaba a su lado.
01:21:34Espero que vuelva a estar a tu lado...
01:21:37...en la nueva vida que vas a iniciar.
01:21:41Voy a rezar por eso.
01:21:45Perdóname, Hyunwoo.
01:22:07Mi corazón... se detiene.
01:22:15Aún te quiero todo el tiempo.
01:22:19Aún en mi corazón...
01:22:21...hay un cuarto...
01:22:23...lleno de mis sueños.
01:22:28Te espero a tu lado.
01:22:33Aún en mi corazón...
01:22:35...hay un cuarto...
01:22:37...lleno de mis sueños.
01:22:42Te espero a tu lado.
01:22:44Necesito tu tiempo.
01:22:47Llegaré a ti...
01:22:49...como si fuera una locura.
01:22:51Te abrazaré...
01:22:53...como si fuera la primera vez.
01:22:57Y quiero que...
01:23:00...sabas quién eres.
01:23:07Hyunwoo, perdóname.
01:24:03I was following both Yun Hong Song and Eun Hye In in Germany.
01:24:10At first, Yun Hong Song was very dedicated to her and took good care of her.
01:24:25I was following both Yun Hong Song and Eun Hye In in Germany.
01:24:29At first, Yun Hong Song was very dedicated to her and took good care of her.
01:24:33Do you want to go in again?
01:24:35If a stranger had seen them, he would have thought they were a dream couple.
01:24:38But I know how to detect real couples and they didn't fool me.
01:24:47Don't worry, I'll do it.
01:24:53Don't worry, I'll do it.
01:24:55Don't worry, I'll do it.
01:25:02Don't worry, I'll do it.
01:25:04Women don't say,
01:25:06Don't worry, I'll do it.
01:25:07to the man they love and who is taking care of them.
01:25:09They always want to be with them.
01:25:11But Ms. Eun Hye In was firm.
01:25:13Maybe she doesn't remember, but her heart knows.
01:25:16Oh, I don't like this man.
01:25:18Therefore, Yun Hong Song is experiencing the worst kind of love.
01:25:21An unresponsive one that only sees from afar.
01:25:23I call it unresponsive love.
01:25:25And that's my final conclusion.
01:25:28Do you think they'll break up soon?
01:25:31That seems to be their inevitable ending, separation.
01:25:33But when an unresponsive love notices their reality, it goes crazy.
01:25:37We must be careful.
01:25:53Because it can make a decision that in the end is harmful to the relationship.
01:26:23Behind the forgotten memories
01:26:29When I face your wet heart
01:26:36Is he alive?
01:26:38Are they dead?
01:26:40Thank you for always being there for me.
01:26:45No matter what we face,
01:26:47Baek Hyun Woo!
01:26:49I will protect you.
01:26:51Baek Hyun Woo
