Justin Time Justin Time E5-6 It’s a Viking Thing Follow Those Chickens!

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Oh, let's go!
00:02Looking for adventure
00:06Lots of fun along the way
00:10We're gonna have a good time
00:12Everybody, one, two
00:14Ready, set
00:24Oh, let's go!
00:26Go, go, go!
00:28We're gonna find adventure
00:32Around the world
00:36Together we're just in time
00:38Let's go!
00:42It's a Viking thing
00:48No campfire
00:50No marshmallow roasts
00:54No sleep at night
01:06What was that?
01:08Just thunder, Squidgy
01:10Oh, thunder
01:12I'm not afraid of thunder
01:16But I really don't like lightning
01:18Me neither
01:20This storm means no camping with Dad
01:22We're not going camping?
01:24It's way too wet
01:26Oh, that means we can't go exploring
01:34But real explorers don't mind bad weather
01:36Like rain or snow
01:38Or hurricanes
01:40Or even lightning
01:42Bring it on!
01:44I was born to explore
01:48Did somebody say
01:50Beyond the Explorer?
01:54I, um
01:56Hi, I'm Justin
02:00Welcome aboard, Justin
02:02I'm Bjorn, and these are my brothers
02:06And my good friend, Olive
02:08Hey, Justin
02:10Hey, Squidgy
02:14Why is everyone pretending to be a cow?
02:18We're not cows, Squidgy
02:20These are helmets
02:22It's a Viking thing
02:26Oh, enough to dance
02:28Enough to sing
02:30Enough to explore
02:32It's a Viking thing
02:34It's a Viking thing
02:38They do that a lot
02:40So, what are you guys doing here?
02:44Well, we're looking for new land
02:48What's up, Olive?
02:50It's been ages
02:52Well, lucky for you
02:54I'm a great explorer, too
02:56Maybe I can help
03:00Let's look at the map
03:04All these pictures mean something different
03:06This is home
03:08And this is where the beasties live
03:14Hey, nobody said anything about
03:18Me neither
03:20Awful bad breath
03:22And over here are the stormy seas
03:24Why are there no pictures here?
03:26Because we've never been there before
03:28Then that's exactly where we should go
03:30Past the sea beasties?
03:32Through the cold and stormy seas?
03:34That's right
03:36Nothing is going to stop us
03:38You sound just like us
03:40Here, you'll need these
03:44Our very own cow hats
03:46Oh, these things are pointy
04:02I'll beat the drum
04:06We'll roll, roll, roll to the beat
04:08I'll steer us to adventure
04:10And I'll...
04:12What'll I do?
04:14You stir the porridge, Squidgy
04:16Vikings need their food
04:22That's an important job, Squidgy
04:24Vikings don't like lumpy porridge
04:30It's true, we love to dance
04:32We love to sing
04:34But we don't like lumps, it's a Viking thing
04:38We'll roll the boat
04:40To the beat of the drum
04:42Ouchie, on my thumb
04:46We love to explore and sail while we sing
04:48Cause singing and exploring is a Viking thing
04:52It's a Viking thing!
04:56Look! Over there!
04:58It's an island!
05:02Here, Justin
05:04You found it
05:06You plant the Viking flag
05:08Hey look, the perfect spot
05:12Justin, look out!
05:26That's no beastie
05:28It's a whale with a horn
05:30He must be a Viking too
05:32See you later, thanks for the lift
05:42What was that?
05:44Thunder, we must be in the stormy seas
05:48Don't worry, we're not going to let a storm ruin this adventure
05:52Olive, we need your drumming
05:54I'm coming, I'm coming
05:56I'm coming, I'm coming
05:58I'm coming, I'm coming
06:00Olive, we need your drumming
06:08This rain is turning my porridge into soup
06:14But no lumps
06:22Uh oh, whirlpool ahead
06:24What's a whirlpool?
06:26That is a whirlpool
06:30Oh, it's like a giant toilet
06:34Hold on everybody
06:52I'm getting kind of dizzy
06:54We need to get out of here
06:56Hey look, the whale's back
07:00And she wants to help
07:06Ok everybody, all together now
07:18Thanks a lot Miss Whale
07:20We couldn't have done it without you
07:24That was a really nice beastie
07:28Well, we're out of the stormy seas
07:30But no sign of any land
07:34Wait, I see something
07:36Land, for real this time
07:38Let's go
07:52What are we going to call this place?
07:56I say we call it
07:58Justin Land
08:02I can't wait to explore this place
08:04And I'm going to start with that house right over there
08:08It looks just like my house
08:10Wait a minute, that is my house
08:12But that means
08:14We're right back where we started
08:16I really thought we'd discover something
08:18That's what explorers do
08:20We tried our best though
08:22And we did discover this place, Justin
08:24But it's already being discovered
08:26Not all of it though
08:28Look at this funny rock
08:30It looks just like you, Squidgy
08:32That's one good looking rock
08:38You know what?
08:40This might not be new land
08:42But there's lots of stuff that we haven't seen
08:44Like what?
08:46Like this rock that I've just found
08:48I've never seen it before
08:50It makes a perfect skipping stone
08:52Here, watch
08:54Good one
08:56I bet I can discover a better one
08:58Look at me
09:00I just discovered the top of this tree
09:02And I discovered a cow with four horns
09:08You make a great viking, Justin
09:10I did?
09:12Yes, thanks to you
09:14We can discover new things
09:16Even at home
09:18We like to dance and explore and sing
09:20But when things go wrong
09:22And you still have fun
09:24Now that's a viking thing
09:28Justin, where are you?
09:30Come on, Squidgy
09:32Time to go
09:34Bye Olive, bye Bjorn, bye Viking
09:38And thank you
09:40And thank you
09:42Thank you, bye-bye
09:44Come on, Squidgy
09:46We're going to go camping after all
09:48But it's still raining outside
09:50That's okay
09:52We're going to camp inside
09:56Hey, Dad
09:58Wanna camp out in the living room?
10:00Great idea, Justin
10:02Who cares about a storm
10:04When we can camp right here at home
10:06I'll get my sleeping bag
10:08I think Dad is a pretty good viking too
10:10Yeah, all he needs is a cow hat
10:18Follow those chickens
10:24Come on, Squidgy
10:26We gotta finish our soccer game
10:28My turn is next
10:30Hey, where's the ball?
10:32It was right here
10:34It was?
10:38The grass is all yellow from where the ball was
10:40And look
10:42The ball made that muddy mark on the fence
10:44Come on, Squidgy
10:46We can track the ball down
10:48Track? What do you mean?
10:50See the way the ball left the track?
10:52It bounced off the fence
10:54Then it rolled over there
10:56Under that bush
11:00Oh no, the ball
11:02It's all flat
11:06Hey, look
11:10Ozzy, you burst the ball
11:16Well, now we can't play soccer
11:22Well, we can keep tracking
11:24You're good at that
11:26Yeah, we'll be trackers
11:28And track things down
11:32Look at how the grass is all bent here
11:36A really big game crew
11:46Wow, what is this place?
11:50Look out, it's coming back again
11:52Good day, Justin
11:54Good day, Squidgy
11:56Welcome to Australia
11:58Hi Oz, sorry about that
12:00Just playing with my boomerang
12:02Can I have a go?
12:04It flies in a big circle and comes back
12:12Pretty good for a first try, Justin
12:14But I don't think it's coming back
12:16Oh, I'll get it
12:26Hold on, Squidgy
12:36Is that your house, Olive?
12:38Isn't the door kind of small?
12:40That's not my house
12:42That's where my chickens live
12:44You've got to see them
12:46They're super cute
12:48Here, chuck chuck
12:50Oh no, my chickens
12:52They're gone
12:56Over here
12:58There's a hole in the wire
13:00And the ground is all scratched up
13:02Those look like chicken tracks
13:04And see, a feather
13:06Someone must have run off with your chickens
13:08Wow, you guys are really good at picking up clues
13:10That's because we're expert trackers
13:12We'll find your chickens, Olive
13:14The tracks lead this way
13:16Come on, I can be your Aussie Outback expert
13:28There are lots of tracks here
13:30How many chickens do you have, Olive?
13:36There's some water
13:38Maybe they stopped for a swim
13:40Chickens can't swim, Squidgy
13:44Hey, I found something
13:46An egg
13:48That proves your chickens were here
13:52This egg is yellow
13:54My chicken eggs are white
14:00Maybe this beaver knows something
14:02That's not a beaver, that's a duck
14:04It's a platypus
14:06Like a beaver who thinks it's a duck
14:12What's she saying, Squidgy?
14:14Did she chase the chickens away?
14:16Let me see
14:20No, she says it's her egg
14:22But she did see the chickens run that way
15:00I've never seen a kangaroo chasing chickens before
15:02Well, he probably wants their eggs
15:10She doesn't want the kangaroo taking her egg
15:14You'd better come with us
15:16We'll look after you
15:26The kangaroo tracks lead over to that tree
15:32Did you hear that?
15:40It's the kangaroo
15:48Look how big its belly is
15:50Boy, it must have eaten the eggs
15:52And the chickens
15:54Eat it
15:56Hey, you're not a chicken
15:58It's just a little joey
16:00A baby kangaroo
16:06I guess you didn't eat the chickens
16:10She says she doesn't eat chickens or eggs
16:14So where did they go?
16:18She saw the chickens run that way
16:20She's going to show us the way
16:22Follow those chickens
16:28Squeezie, look
16:32Look at the size of these chicken tracks
16:34They're humongous
16:36Look, there's one right there
16:40Olive, we did it
16:42We found one of your chickens
16:44Whoa, that's a big chicken
16:46What are you feeding them?
16:48Uh, guys, that's not a chicken
16:52That's an emu
16:54An emu?
16:56Well, why was he chasing the chickens?
17:02He says he wasn't chasing the chickens
17:04He was just looking for someone to play with
17:06He says he's lonely
17:10Well, maybe we can find them together
17:12Why don't you come and help?
17:20Follow those chickens
17:26Follow that emu
17:48That was so much fun
17:50Hey, isn't that your house?
17:52You're right, we're back where we started
17:58I guess we lost the trail
18:00Oh no
18:02All that tracking and I still haven't found my chickens
18:04Sorry, Olive
18:06I guess we took a wrong turn
18:10My little chickens
18:14You're home
18:16Where did you guys go?
18:22They say they went on a
18:26A walkabout?
18:28A whatabout?
18:30A walkabout
18:32It's when you go out, walkabout for a bit
18:34And then come back
18:36And I thought they were being chased
18:38The only thing that was chasing them was us
18:40In a big circle
18:46Just like Olive's boomerang
18:48Whoa, whoa
18:54I'm sorry for thinking you guys were chasing the chickens
19:00Oh, Joey says they don't mind
19:02They all needed a walkabout
19:04It's true
19:06We all got to go on a walkabout, didn't we?
19:08We should have a walkabout dance
19:10What's that?
19:12We'll show you
19:22That's dad
19:24Gotta go, Olive
19:32Our ball's not flat anymore
19:34It just needed some air, Justin
19:36I pumped it up
19:38Thanks, dad
19:40Sorry, Ozzy, I was wrong
19:42You didn't like my ball after all
19:44Hey, dad
19:46Come on, Ozzy
19:48Sure, why not?
19:50Come on, Ozzy
19:56Good boy, Ozzy
