Theodore Tugboat Theodore Tugboat S05 E009 – Guysborough makes a friend

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Loosen up the muscles before you run, or jump, or play games or anything.
00:06Oh, it's a little tight up there.
00:08It's okay, I'll just take it slow.
00:10Today is my first time.
00:12Now, I got everything...
00:13Oh, my running shoes.
00:16Oh, I have them right here.
00:18Both of them right here.
00:19Oh, will you look at that?
00:21I was in a big hurry this morning and...
00:23Oh, I brought two different shoes.
00:25Now what am I gonna do? How am I gonna jog in these?
00:28One's red, and one's blue, and one's old, and one's new.
00:31Now what am I gonna do?
00:34I better know what Guysborough and Digby would say.
00:41One fine morning, Theodore was setting off for work.
00:43It was garbage day, time to collect all the garbage around the harbor.
00:47And garbage meant...
00:51Good morning, Guysborough, called Theodore,
00:53smiling his sunniest smile and tooting his warmest whistle.
00:56What's good about it, grumbled Guysborough.
00:58I'm still a garbage barge, and you're still a tugboat.
01:02Now, Guysborough is the world's grumpiest garbage barge.
01:05But Theodore always tried to find a way to enjoy his time with it.
01:09The sun is shining, said Theodore, and the waves are warm.
01:13Sun makes my garbage extra stinky, snarled Guysborough,
01:16and salt water makes my rudder itch.
01:18Theodore was used to Guysborough's grumpiness,
01:20but he reminded himself to steer clear of other ships and boats.
01:23You see, Theodore thought that the barge was so grumpy,
01:26no one else could possibly want to be around him.
01:32Philip and Fillmore, the fairy twins, tooted hello to Theodore
01:35as he moved into the harbor with Guysborough.
01:38The smell of rotten garbage in the morning,
01:40Guysborough hollered at the twins.
01:42To some, it's horrible.
01:44To me, it's disgusting.
01:49Theodore hurried the barge away from the twins
01:51before Guysborough could say anything else.
01:53Rotten fairies, gripped Guysborough.
01:57The first stop of the day was Shediac, the supply shed.
02:00Good morning, Theodore, called Shediac.
02:04Good morning, said Theodore.
02:06Did I have you busting your gunnels with gunk and goo too,
02:09Guysborough bellowed at Shediac.
02:11We'll be out of here before you know it,
02:13Theodore called quickly to Shediac.
02:16As soon as the garbage was loaded onto Guysborough,
02:18Theodore took off.
02:19Rotten shit, groused Guysborough.
02:23Northumberland's submarine was just coming back
02:25from his nightly underwater ocean patrol.
02:29Good morning, Theodore, he called.
02:31Do you have a load of yucky, stinky garbage,
02:34Guysborough shouted at the sub.
02:35Dump it on me, that's what I'm here for.
02:38He's feeling a little cranky today,
02:40Theodore called to Northumberland.
02:42He's feeling a little cranky today,
02:44Theodore called to Northumberland
02:45as he quickly towed Guysborough away.
02:48I'll be in a worse mood tomorrow,
02:50cried Guysborough.
02:51Theodore and Guysborough moved along in silence a moment.
02:56Theodore, said Guysborough.
02:58Yes, Guysborough, said Theodore.
03:00No one ever says hello to me.
03:02Yes, I suppose that's true, said Theodore.
03:06And why do you suppose that is true, said Guysborough.
03:10Well, you do call everyone rotten,
03:12said Theodore as gently as he could.
03:14Well, what's that got to do with anything, growled Guysborough.
03:18Theodore didn't say anything, but inside,
03:20he was certain that if someone ever called Guysborough rotten,
03:23his feelings would be hurt.
03:25Theodore decided that from now on,
03:27he'd make extra sure he kept that grumpy barge
03:29far away from everyone.
03:37Later that day, the dispatcher sent Theodore
03:39to help Digby.
03:45Theodore found a little cable ship waiting for him along the coast,
03:47just outside the harbour.
03:49Digby was digging up his old cables
03:50and putting new ones in their place.
03:52Well, bless me barnacles, if it isn't Theodore Tugboat,
03:55chirped Digby.
03:57I haven't seen you in a dogfish's age.
03:59That's because you haven't gotten stuck in a while,
04:01Theodore grinned.
04:02You see, Digby was always getting stuck somewhere,
04:04and Theodore was always helping him get unstuck.
04:08I do get stuck me fair share, agreed Digby.
04:10I am a floating disaster just waiting to happen.
04:13Another thing about Digby was that
04:14he always told you exactly what he thought,
04:17even if it was about himself.
04:21Theodore used his towing cable
04:22to move Digby's old cables out of the way,
04:25while Digby laid his new ones in their place.
04:29Say, Theodore, called Digby.
04:31Yes, said Theodore.
04:33I have always wondered,
04:34where do all the old cables end up?
04:38End up, repeated Theodore.
04:40Yes, continued Digby.
04:42I have always felt very close to my cables.
04:44They may be kind of rough and ragged on the outside,
04:46but they are still beautiful inside to me.
04:50Well, said Theodore,
04:52I guess they go to the junk dock.
04:54And how do they get there, said Digby.
04:57Well, I suppose,
04:59Guy's Borough takes them, Theodore answered slowly.
05:02Guy's Borough, repeated Digby.
05:05A lovely lyrical name, like a song.
05:07Have I ever met this Guy's Borough?
05:10No, Theodore smiled.
05:12You'd remember him.
05:14I think I would like to meet him, said Digby.
05:16No, you wouldn't, said Theodore quickly.
05:18I mean, you can't.
05:20That is, he can't.
05:21He's kind of busy, forever.
05:24Well, I'll see if he has a spare moment, said Digby,
05:27as soon as I finish with these here cables tomorrow.
05:29You know, Theodore,
05:30I have a feeling this could be the start of a beautiful relationship.
05:39Oh, no it won't, Theodore groaned to himself.
05:46That night, Theodore was tossing and turning.
05:49He was having a terrible dream.
05:51He was dreaming that Digby was trying to meet Guy's Borough.
05:55No matter how hard he tried,
05:57Theodore couldn't keep Digby and Guy's Borough apart.
06:00Wherever Theodore turned with Guy's Borough,
06:02Digby was there.
06:09There he was again.
06:11Digby was about to tell Guy's Borough exactly how he felt about it.
06:16Rotten, he cried.
06:18Theodore woke up, wide-eyed and shaking.
06:21What's rotten, Theodore, yawned Hank.
06:24If Guy's Borough ever met Digby,
06:26Theodore mumbled to himself,
06:28that would be worse than rotten.
06:32The following morning, even before the sun had come up,
06:35Theodore motored over to the junk dock and grabbed Guy's Borough.
06:38Where are we going, said Guy's Borough.
06:40To get garbage, called Theodore.
06:42But it's not garbage day, Guy's Borough protested.
06:45It's a spring cleaning, shouted at Theodore.
06:48I hate being clean, groaned Guy's Borough.
06:51I'd rather float around and let the flies bother me.
06:54At least they like me.
06:59Meanwhile, in another part of the harbor,
07:01Digby was setting off to meet Guy's Borough.
07:05The first place he looked was the junk dock.
07:08Have you seen Guy's Borough?
07:11He asked the junk dock, whose name was Jasper.
07:14Nope, said Jasper.
07:16He does live here, does he not?
07:18Digby continued.
07:19Nope, said Jasper.
07:21Of course, nope is all Jasper ever says.
07:23Well, this is the junk dock, is it not?
07:26Said Digby.
07:27Nope, said Jasper.
07:29Are you telling me you are not a dock?
07:31Frowned Digby, beginning to lose his patience.
07:33And that you are not completely covered in junk?
07:36Nope, said Jasper.
07:38What a disagreeable dock, muttered Digby, steaming off.
07:42I can only imagine what the garbage barge is like.
08:15Ils s'y sont entamés.
08:18Et ils étaient tous coincés.
08:21C'est une mauvaise idée, a dit Guiseborough.
08:25Au moins, Digby ne nous retrouvera jamais ici, a dit Theodore.
08:32De retour dans le Grand Marché, Digby se sentait dans un état de mauvaise humeur.
08:36Personne ne se semblait savoir de Guiseborough, sauf qu'il était grimpé.
08:40C'est un échec de temps inutile, a crié Digby.
08:45Digby a décidé de visiter ses nouveaux câbles sur la côte.
08:48Et il est parti, son moteur grimpant.
08:54Tu entends ça ? a dit Guiseborough.
08:56Je n'entends rien, a dit Theodore.
09:01Ça a l'air d'un moteur ! a dit Guiseborough.
09:04Il peut y avoir un bateau. Il vaut mieux appeler pour aide.
09:07Theodore a eu un sentiment terrible.
09:09Comme dans son rêve terrible la nuit précédente.
09:13Non ! a crié.
09:15Theodore !
09:17D-Digby ! a crié.
09:19Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici ?
09:21Je peux te poser la même question, a dit Digby.
09:25Je suis un peu... grimpé, a dit Theodore.
09:28Maintenant, Theodore ? a dit Digby.
09:29Tu sais, c'est mon boulot ici.
09:31Digby était toujours grimpé.
09:35Et qui est là-bas avec toi ?
09:37A la tête de Digby, dans la côte.
09:39Oh, personne.
09:40Theodore a dit rapidement, en essayant de se rendre plus grand,
09:42pour qu'il puisse cacher Guiseborough derrière lui.
09:44Guiseborough ! a dit Guiseborough.
09:46Qui veut savoir ?
09:48Guiseborough, a dit Digby tout de suite.
09:51Je t'ai regardé toute la journée.
09:55J'ai entendu que tu étais grimpé.
09:57Mais je ne savais pas que tu avais un sentiment si puissant aussi.
10:02Je devrais avoir suivi la séparation, n'est-ce pas ?
10:06Tu penses que je suis grimpé ? a dit Guiseborough, un peu doucement.
10:11Il ne veut pas dire ça, a dit Theodore.
10:13Et est-ce que je suis vraiment grimpé ? a dit Guiseborough.
10:17Comme des poissons brûlés, a répondu Digby.
10:20Theodore a fermé les yeux. Il ne pouvait pas regarder.
10:23Pauvre Guiseborough.
10:25Tu es probablement le plus grimpé, le plus grimpé que je n'ai jamais rencontré,
10:30sur terre ou en eau.
10:32Bien, Theodore s'est embrassé de ce que Guiseborough allait dire ensuite.
10:36Oh, c'est la chose la plus gentille que personne n'ait jamais dit à moi, a dit Guiseborough.
10:42Theodore ne pouvait pas croire ses oreilles.
10:44Digby et Guiseborough s'entraînaient.
10:47Tu veux dire ? a dit Digby.
10:49Tu... tu aimes Guiseborough ?
10:52Aimes-le ? a dit Digby.
10:53Pourquoi je pense que Guiseborough est un poisson brûlé.
10:57Il est rouge sur l'extérieur, comme mes vieilles câbles,
11:00mais à l'intérieur, ah ah, un truc de beauté.
11:03Qu'est-ce que tu n'aimes pas de moi ? a dit Guiseborough.
11:09Digby a tiré Theodore de la coque.
11:11Et Theodore a tiré Guiseborough.
11:17Les trois amis s'entraînaient à l'arrivée du port ensemble.
11:20Theodore ? a dit Digby.
11:23Je t'ai dit que ça allait commencer une relation magnifique.
11:27Un vaisseau de câbles rouges ! a dit Guiseborough.
11:30Mais Guiseborough était tout souriant.
11:34Et c'était le cas de Theodore.
11:36Guiseborough et Digby sont de bons amis maintenant.
11:38Je suppose que tu ne sais jamais qui va s'unir ensemble.
11:42Je me demande si mes chaussures rouges vont s'unir sur mes pieds.
11:45Il n'y a qu'une seule façon de le savoir. Je les mets sur.
11:49Voici le rouge.
11:52Et voici le bleu.
11:58Je ne sais pas de quoi il s'agit.
12:01Oh !
12:02Qu'est-ce que tu sais de ça ?
12:04Oh, ils se sentent géniaux !
12:05Oh, je suis prêt pour mon voyage autour du Grand Marché maintenant.
