THE Batman - S04 E09 - Riddler's Revenge (720p - HMax Web-DL)

  • 3 months ago


00:00I'll give you one last chance, old friend.
00:15It can be cracked, it can be made, it can be told, it can be played.
00:24What is it?
00:25A goat.
00:26Come on, Gorman, it's easy.
00:29A goat.
00:31A goat.
00:33A goat.
00:37Looks like you'll get the consolation prize.
00:46A joke, Riddler.
00:47That's the answer.
00:48It's also what you are.
00:54No, no, no!
00:58Not so fast.
01:09I've waited too long for you to get away now, Gorman.
01:16This was personal, Batman.
01:38Hate doing this to my own ship, Eddie, but if that means having you out of my life once
01:43and for all...
02:13No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
02:20no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
02:27no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
02:34no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
02:39no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
02:44no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
02:49no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
02:54no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
02:59no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
03:04no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
03:09no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
03:14no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
03:36You know since this is cooking class maybe you should've made something you can eat.
03:40You can eat this, it's a combination of my two favorite things, soup and licorice.
03:49Mr. Burke, I'm not feeling so well.
03:53Would you like to go home, Mr. Grayson?
03:56Yes. Please.
03:59Well, you're not going to.
04:01You've been sliding out of here
04:03with barely believable excuses for months.
04:05Plant allergies, frostbite, hallucinations,
04:08all those toothaches.
04:10You have any teeth left, by the way?
04:13A couple.
04:15You have any teeth left, by the way?
04:18A couple.
04:33Destroying Gorman was a pet project of mine.
04:37Now ask me how angry I am.
04:40That was us hitting the bottom of Gotham Bay,
04:42which means we're too deep to make radio contact.
04:44The pressure's too strong to swim out,
04:46and we have a very limited air supply.
04:48I suggest we put this on hold.
04:50Ooh, sounds like we're in quite the pickle.
04:54Then here's an easy one for you.
04:56What do I have to lose?
05:03Is that the answer you were looking for?
05:11Gotta get out of here.
05:13Well, you said be creative.
05:15Yes, but we're not making rat poison, are we?
05:19You get an F for the assignment,
05:21but an A for what were you thinking?
05:24Wait, you can't give him an F without tasting it.
05:27You want to try it, Mr. Grayson?
05:32I sure do.
05:41It burns.
05:43Oh, I see, Mr. Grayson.
05:45Nice try, but you're not going...
05:57How about you take the rest of the day off, Mr. Grayson?
06:01Too much chatter, huh?
06:05What is 9,857?
06:09There's nothing in here that's going to help us.
06:11We're trapped.
06:12It's how many seconds before we run out of air.
06:17Okay, try this one on for size.
06:20What's at the beginning that's also at the end?
06:23Don't you ever get tired of riddles?
06:25Oh, but you'll like this one.
06:28What's at the beginning that's also at the end?
06:32The answer is Gorman.
06:35And you, Batman.
06:37At the beginning and now the end of my career as the Riddler.
06:42Both of you were two pieces in a jigsaw puzzle that began forming long ago.
06:48You see, I was always interested in matters of the mind,
06:51even if my dim-witted daddy couldn't understand.
06:55How about we try a real game for once and play some ball, champ?
07:01And the thrill that came from unriddling a riddle continued to grow,
07:06especially when I began upping the ante.
07:09Games, you see, were much more interesting when you were playing for something real.
07:14Yet I needed still bigger challenges,
07:17which is how I, of all people, ended up in a Gotham University lab.
07:23You're a genius, Edward.
07:25External bio-hard drives for the human brain.
07:28This invention is going to put us on the map.
07:31More than that, Julie. We're changing the way people think.
07:34Can't remember a phone number? Boom, more memory.
07:37Trouble with some nasty math equation? Boom, more processing power.
07:42What's this?
07:46You have to be careful who you give these puzzles to. They could drive someone crazy.
07:51Here. It's easy.
07:54You're incredible.
07:56Not so bad yourself.
07:59Knock, knock. I'm back.
08:04Gorman, what part of we're not interested didn't you understand?
08:08Well, maybe I'm not someone who's going to take no for an answer, Eddie.
08:12Look, with my business savvy and your invention, we can make a whole lot of money together.
08:17Maybe we should at least listen to what he has to offer.
08:20Maybe we should at least listen to what he has to offer.
08:23The brains of the operation, huh?
08:25Now what's it going to take for you to play ball, champ?
08:32I was never one for ball, champ.
08:35And I don't plan on having some small-minded dolt profiting off my genius!
08:41You're wrestling with the wrong gator, Eddie.
08:45What were you thinking, Edward? Someone like Gorman could help us.
08:48I don't know why you act the way you do sometimes.
08:51I hated upsetting Julie.
08:53So I told her about my father and all the other Neanderthals like Gorman determined to get in my way.
08:59And suddenly, I wasn't such a riddle to her anymore.
09:07Soon we were ready to demonstrate our invention.
09:10For the president of the university, no less.
09:13Edward, I'd like you to meet a potential investor and the man kind enough to let us use his home for today's display.
09:19Chuck Gorman.
09:21Pleased to meet you, Eddie.
09:25Let's just get started.
09:34The laws of physics. Read it.
09:37Which part?
09:39The whole thing.
10:00Now, what is the law of universal gravitation?
10:05It states that a particle attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses
10:11and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
10:27Call an ambulance.
10:32What have you done to him?
10:34While the blame would fall on me, I was smart enough to know it was Gormy who sabotaged that disc.
10:40With me out of the picture, he would now easily get his hands on my technology.
10:47I was ruined.
10:49And in that one moment, I lost my last chance to...
10:54To what?
10:56To not be the Riddler.
11:05Come on, where are you, Batman?
11:08The distress signal came from somewhere out here.
11:15I still don't see how I fit into this.
11:18Oh, we're getting there.
11:20You see, after the university let me go, I decided to go into interior decorating.
11:35How in the world?
11:38How in the world?
11:40How in the world?
11:50How in the world?
12:16My favorite word.
12:18Eddie, is that you?
12:21What have you done to my house?
12:23Oh, I took the liberty to make some improvements while you were out.
12:27And because you had some fun at my expense, I thought I'd return the favor.
12:41I had nothing to do with what happened to you.
12:45Of course you didn't.
12:47Now, let's have some fun.
12:49Question, what 11-letter word does everyone pronounce incorrectly?
12:54I'm not playing your sick games, Eddie.
12:57My father hated my games, too.
13:00But I think he just lacked the proper motivation to play them.
13:07Okay, okay.
13:0911-letter word everyone pronounces incorrectly.
13:14The answer's incorrectly.
13:16Very good, Gormy.
13:18That's the spirit.
13:24Time for our next riddle.
13:26Forwards, it is heavy.
13:28Backwards, it is not.
13:31Forwards, it is heavy.
13:33Backwards, it is not.
13:35I don't know.
13:37I'll give you a hint.
13:39Backwards, it is not.
13:48Oh, do we need yet another hint?
13:52A ton.
13:56Too late.
13:58Too late.
14:00Goodbye, Gormy.
14:11Oh, great, another freak.
14:13Who were you supposed to be?
14:15I know the answer to that.
14:17The Batman.
14:19I've heard of you.
14:20A regular do-gooder.
14:22And who are you?
14:23Nothing more than a bit of a gamesman.
14:26A Riddler, if you will.
14:28Good thing you arrived.
14:30Gormy needs all the help he can get.
14:53Within the mirror, you must strive to find a way to stay alive.
14:58What is 4 plus number 5?
15:01It's 9. The answer is 9.
15:03With the Riddle, the most obvious answer is rarely the right one.
15:12See, I told you.
15:17You've just accelerated the countdown.
15:19The Riddle says find a way.
15:21A way is a direction.
15:22A direction is south.
15:244 plus number 5 is an inverted image of the word south.
15:32The Riddle
15:45No! That's cheating, Batman!
15:47Maybe if this were a game, you're done.
15:50Actually, this has been so much fun, I think I'm just beginning.
15:58You inspired me that night.
16:00I needed toys like yours.
16:02Maybe a little fashion sense, too.
16:05And I let Gorman taste some real success.
16:08So he'd have that much more to lose.
16:11That ship was filled with his, my, biosensitive disks.
16:16Now, they're at the bottom of the bay.
16:19But so are we.
16:30The Riddle
16:36As I said, you were there at the beginning.
16:40And now, you're here at the very bitter end.
16:46It's not over yet.
16:48This container's filled with air, which is lighter than water.
16:51Then we're not floating because something's pinning us down.
16:54Those jewels, they were caused by the debris shifting.
16:58If we can move the debris from the inside, we might break loose.
17:04Maybe if both of us tried.
17:06You and me work together.
17:09I'm into riddles, not jokes.
17:12Besides, I've ruined Gorman, and that's as good a note as any to go out on.
17:17Then you're sure it was Gorman who sabotaged you?
17:20Even you, Batman, could have puzzled together a mystery this obvious.
17:25Yeah, obvious.
17:27I guess I just figured with a riddle, the most obvious answer's rarely the right one.
18:11Come on.
18:12So you can take me to prison?
18:14Better than where you were headed.
18:30No more question marks, Batman.
18:33Now we put a period at the end of your life.
18:39Exclamation point, anyone?
19:02Another late night in the lab, Julie?
19:06Oh, you remember me. I'm touched.
19:10What are you doing here?
19:12There's a riddle I'm having trouble solving.
19:15You were always so good at them. Maybe you can help.
19:19The $64,000 question?
19:22Why did I sabotage our project?
19:26Come on, Edward. It's not that hard.
19:30I thought you understood me.
19:32I understood you were a psychopath.
19:34One that was going to ruin any chance for success.
19:37And so you got rid of me.
19:40Very smart.
19:42But I think we can make you smarter yet.
19:46Our little external bio-hard drives for the brain
19:49were only intended to be used one at a time.
19:52Let's see what happens when we use them all together.
19:56No, Edward! What are you doing?
19:59I know, I know. He's about to get his butt kicked.
20:03Am I right?
20:16So tell me, Batman.
20:18How'd you piece together it was my Julie who betrayed me?
20:22Easy. Gorman was a businessman, not a scientist.
20:26He would never have known how to sabotage that disk.
20:29And that just left one other person.
20:33Anyone would have realized that. Except you, champ.
20:46No question about it, Batman.
20:49This time I will have my revenge.
21:16Let the police set her free.
21:26One last riddle, Robin.
21:28When is a villain not the villain?
21:45They're all yours, officers.
