RTL Liga - isječci (sezona 2013/14) 5/10

  • 2 months ago
00:00Hajduk is a match winner.
00:02And that in very important matches.
00:04Against Dinamo he scored two goals,
00:06he solved the match again in the city derby.
00:08He showed that he was not affected by what happened in the transition period,
00:13which is very important, because it is known that in those years
00:16these young people know the atmosphere that is created around them,
00:20but Mario is clearly on the right track.
00:22How do you comment on that transfer?
00:24We know that it was necessary for Hajduk,
00:26but is it a long-term good move for Mario Pasalic
00:29to leave such a young player?
00:31Unfortunately, Hajduk cannot think long-term.
00:34For many years, Hajduk has been thinking only short-term,
00:37saving lives by selling players,
00:40because that is the only source of income that the club has,
00:43and these are situations in which you can't even gamble,
00:46because you don't have time for that, because the match is above your head.
00:49First of all, Mario is 19 years old.
00:51According to me, he is the closest definition of a modern star player
00:54in our entire league.
00:56He is a close player who comes to the finish line,
00:59who is very efficient and does a very good job in the defense phase.
01:02On the other hand, he shows character not only in the game,
01:05but also off the court.
01:07The fact that he refused to play in Catania
01:09proves that he has matured over the years.
01:11In that sense, I believe that he will succeed abroad.
01:13The question is only in which team.
01:15Will Chelsea, as a big club, have patience to wait for him,
01:18or will he profile and find himself in another team?
01:21The court is at 45 minutes,
01:23and anyone who knows football can notice that he is a class player.
01:26Of course, he is 31 years old,
01:28and we have to be aware that the 10-year-old from Brazil,
01:31who is a real playmaker,
01:33who has a very good overview of the game,
01:35we will see an assistance for Chopa,
01:37surely in his younger years,
01:39he would have cost a lot more.
01:41In that sense, we are missing the rhythm of the players.
01:44He hasn't played in Kaisersport lately,
01:46and on the handball court,
01:48they should prepare him as soon as possible
01:50and introduce him into the system of the game.
01:52On the other hand,
01:54his biggest recommendation was
01:56the opinion of Robert Prosinecki,
01:58that if someone can play with the playmakers, so can he.
02:01Igor, do you think that this is a good move for Dinamo,
02:04that Clayton is a substitute for Samir?
02:06That will only be shown.
02:08Is he a good substitute or not?
02:10As Joško said, after 45 minutes,
02:12he will say something more.
02:14Surely, we will not be able to say anything more about Clayton
02:17even through the matches of the Croatian League.
02:19He will be important for Dinamo
02:21at the beginning of the next season,
02:23when those matches come,
02:25which are of vital importance for a club
02:27that has aspirations like Dinamo.
02:29OK, but we are already talking about a veteran.
02:31He is a veteran who can certainly contribute with his experience.
02:34You can see his touch with the ball,
02:36how peaceful the pass is,
02:38he has precise additions.
02:40He looks at the ball, he doesn't hit it.
02:42I hope he will bring the desired quality to Dinamo.
02:44OK, we have already touched on Samir.
02:46What is Samir's move to you?
02:48How do you feel?
02:50Can Samir develop there?
02:52It is a surprise for him
02:54that he managed to find a club
02:56among the fifth division leagues.
02:58He has an excellent opportunity
03:00to show himself in the right light,
03:02to present his playing qualities.
03:04He has them undeniably.
03:06The problems are of a different kind.
03:08The question is whether he will be able to impose himself.
03:10I think we will answer the way of life in Spain
03:12and everything that is happening there
03:14in terms of football.
03:16Getafe is also a serious club.
03:18There are good players in the club
03:20and it will be a tough competition for him.
03:22What kind of a player did Samir leave for you?
03:24Samir as a young man.
03:26Samir is an exceptional young man
03:28who had bad luck
03:32when he was in Dinamo.
03:34I think he stayed too long in Dinamo.
03:36I think he should have been transferred
03:38after the third season.
03:40When a young player,
03:42especially Brazilians,
03:44comes to Dinamo,
03:46he should leave.
03:48He stayed too long in Dinamo.
03:50That is obvious.
03:52That kind of staying didn't bring him much good.
03:54And that cost him in the end.
03:56Tomislav Barisic asked
03:58the following question via Facebook profile.
04:00Were you sitting on the bench
04:02of a Croatian first-team player?
04:04I was sitting on the bench
04:06of a Croatian first-team player.
04:08I think that story is behind me.
04:10It is difficult to think about
04:12something like that at the moment.
04:14We will see.
04:16What would satisfy you?
04:22When you are a coach,
04:24there is not much choice.
04:26You have to try everything.
04:28You have to see what is offered.
04:30And you have to choose
04:32what you think you will present
04:34best as a person who does that job.
04:36Is Darby County a real option for you?
04:38We know that you had a contact
04:40and that you have a great status
04:42in the club.
04:44Can we expect that?
04:46It is a club that connects me
04:48more than just a job.
04:50There are emotions,
04:52there is a common success
04:54that we had.
04:56Not like with Hajduk,
04:58but almost similar.
05:00They always show interest
05:02that I return there.
05:04That interest was shown
05:06during my election.
05:08We will see what the future holds.
05:10They have a great coach,
05:12Steve McLaren,
05:14former English national team player.
05:16He brought them to the 4th position
05:18that guarantees them a playoff.
05:20We will see what happens after that.
05:22Let's go to the second question.
05:24Sasa Marjanovic asked
05:26why you did not call
05:28Leon Benk to the national team?
05:30As far as I remember,
05:32Leon Benk was invited to the national team.
05:34Maybe the viewer thought
05:36why I did not call him more often.
05:38He deserved his games
05:40and the invitation he got.
05:42Maybe I should have done it
05:46But we had really well-positioned
05:48strikers who were in good shape.
05:50That is the main reason
05:52why he did not come earlier
05:54in such a difficult competition.
05:56Vinko Marinkovic also asked
05:58an interesting question.
06:00Is there an antagonism
06:02between you and Davora Šukera
06:04even earlier?
06:08There is no antagonism
06:10between me and Davora Šukera.
06:12Maybe there is a difference
06:14in thinking about certain things
06:16which is normal because we are
06:18different people.
06:20But there is no antagonism.
06:22Regardless of what is happening
06:24between us, there is something
06:26that connects us much more firmly.
06:28And that is something we did together
06:30when it comes to the Croatian football.
06:32Something we achieved in France
06:34and in Serbia.
06:36What brought Croatian football
06:38to this height.
06:40Regardless of the fact that
06:42sometimes we treat certain things
06:44in a different way,
06:46it cannot change what is between us
06:48or create an antagonism between us.
06:50And the last question,
06:52the fourth one,
06:54was asked by Eldin Fiorentino.
06:56When did the qualifiers
06:58start for you and was it true
07:00that you wanted to push some players?
07:02Who would I play with
07:04to push some players?
07:06I never planned to push anyone
07:08because I am a coach
07:10who strives to get the maximum
07:12out of the players,
07:14who strives to improve
07:16something that is not good
07:18in their game or in their behavior.
07:20And I always give people
07:22a second chance.
07:24The key moment of our qualifiers
07:26was the defeat against
07:28Scotland in Zagreb.
07:30It was a key moment for us.
07:32With such a strong Belgium
07:34in our group,
07:36it was clear to everyone
07:38that it would be very difficult
07:40to get to the first place.
07:42The players somehow
07:44made up their minds
07:46with the second position in the group
07:48and for the rest of the qualifiers
07:50they came to do their job
07:52taking care not to get injured
07:54and to return to the clubs
07:56ready and healthy.
07:58We finally managed
08:00to get to the first place
08:02in the group and to qualify for Brazil.
08:04Igor, how do you see your
08:06representation today?
08:08Would you change anything?
08:10I would change a lot of things.
08:12But you can't know
08:14what will happen before.
08:16However, I can be proud
08:18of the job I did
08:20because I was in an extremely
08:22difficult group,
08:24in abnormal conditions
08:26except for one match
08:28in Osijek
08:30and the other one was here
08:32against Serbia.
08:34It was an atmosphere
08:36with a lot of stories
08:38which was somehow
08:40suffocating before the match.
08:42In such a situation
08:44and atmosphere,
08:46to create a result
08:48and to do what we did
08:50in the group we had
08:52is a positive result.
08:54In the meantime,
08:56the elections are coming.
08:58We know the whole story
09:00about the World Cup in Brazil.
09:02What do you expect?
09:04What are the expectations
09:06of the Croatian football team?
09:08We will know the expectations
09:10when we get there.
09:12The championship will be
09:14extremely strong.
09:16We have a difficult group
09:18of respectable representatives.
09:20Mexico, despite the turbulence
09:22of the elections,
09:24and Cameroon,
09:26which is an unknown country,
09:28we don't know what will happen.
09:30We will have to acclimatize
09:32as soon as possible
09:34and we can't expect
09:36too much from the first match.
09:38We know who we are playing against
09:40and that they are the hosts.
09:42However, it will be a match
09:44for the enjoyment of our players
09:46to try to give everything
09:48and make a surprise.
09:50Everything looks much harder
09:52in the second match.
09:54Starting with a loss
09:56in that group
09:58is always a big problem.
10:00It would be good
10:02if we didn't lose
10:04and then we would go further.
10:06Stanko Mrsic is no longer
10:08the coach of Split.
10:10Should he be fired?
10:12I don't know.
10:14Considering the potential
10:16of Split,
10:18I think he didn't do enough.
10:20There are a lot of quality players
10:22who play the way they did
10:24to achieve the results
10:26they achieved.
10:28Yesterday, we saw a young player
10:30who made his debut
10:32this season.
10:34He is a very potent player,
10:36young and fast.
10:38He has very little time.
10:40He relies too much on experienced players.
10:42He needs to bring a lot of energy
10:44and fast, powerful players.
10:46On the other hand,
10:48I don't know how smart it is
10:50considering that in the last preseason
10:52they played against Hajduk and Dinamo.
10:54It was hard to expect a better result.
10:56In that sense, I think they should have
10:58given up earlier
11:00so that the new coach could play
11:02and select the team.
11:04Can we say that the problem is Mrsic
11:06or the problem is the club
11:08that brought him to this situation?
11:10Is Mrsic the right coach for Split?
11:12Listen, Stanko Mrsic
11:14was my coach until recently.
11:16He was the first coach in Osijek.
11:18I was the junior coach.
11:20We had a very good relationship
11:22in Osijek.
11:24I think that
11:26the decision was too strict.
11:30He played with Hajduk and Dinamo.
11:32He led both matches.
11:34In the end, we can say that he played
11:36almost equally with them.
11:38Unfortunately, he lost.
11:40After that, I think he should have
11:42played with Hajduk and Dinamo.
11:44Since you work in a place where
11:46there are constant changes,
11:48how hard is it for you as a coach
11:50to deal with those matches that
11:52are constantly on your mind?
11:54Recently, I heard it for the first time
11:56during the preseason
11:58from the representative of our
12:00football team.
12:02He said that the coaches
12:04are divided into two types.
12:06Those who have been replaced
12:08and those who will be replaced.
12:10In Croatia, however,
12:12football is the only solution
12:14that each club has
12:16to replace the coach.
12:18I went through the whole analysis.
12:20How did you see the goals and the most
12:22important and most interesting
12:24detail of this duel?
12:26Considering that the whole season
12:28the thesis extends how Dragovoljac
12:30plays nicely behind the eyes
12:32and is not effective,
12:34there are holes in his concentration
12:36and he always loses in the end.
12:38The goal of Hajduk and Dinamo
12:40is the result of a series of
12:42defensive mistakes.
12:44We have an example from the first match
12:46where Maglica takes the ball
12:48and it's already in the start.
12:50We have a situation where two players
12:52Mrcela and Ljubicic
12:54do not succeed
12:56to stop Maglica
12:58regardless of the quality of Maglica
13:00and it's great that he dodged
13:02the opponents.
13:04After that, we have a continuation
13:06where Maglica goes to the last three
13:08who retreat.
13:10The basic principles are
13:12the three players
13:22and Kluk.
13:24The basic principle of defense is
13:26to prevent the deep pass
13:28of the opponent,
13:30the active pressure on the player
13:32with the ball.
13:34We were not satisfied with that
13:36so they retreated.
13:38They should have done the following.
13:40This player attacks Maglica
13:42and the other two
13:44close the space
13:46so that there would not be
13:48a deep ball.
13:50If that does not happen,
13:52then they would make
13:54the so-called
13:56roof line
13:58which is the elementary
14:02that you have to learn
14:04when you work tactically in defense.
14:06Of course, they did not do that.
14:08In that situation, Maglica continues
14:10but we must praise
14:12one player who made
14:14a big difference this season.
14:16It's Mario Pašalić.
14:18We will see his highest quality
14:20coming from the background.
14:22In a full sprint, he does it
14:24several times every half-time
14:26and that's why he is so effective
14:28because no one can stop him.
14:30This is a typical situation
14:32where he runs from this position
14:34and now we will see
14:36how well he uses
14:38the excellent ball of Maglica
14:40and scores.
14:42There were more problems
14:44in that game if you can analyze
14:46that other situation.
14:48Absolutely. We have another story
14:50where the corner is played by Pašalić
14:52and at this moment we see
14:54two players, Tomić
14:56and Špehar.
14:58We have Milić
15:00who we will see later.
15:02He scores
15:04that goal.
15:06That's that player.
15:08Those are two players who
15:10when the center shot is thrown
15:12they look at the ball
15:14and not at the opponent.
15:16There is a difference in the quality of the stopper.
15:18A real stopper must look
15:20at the ball and the opponent
15:22who is closest to him.
15:24Now we will see how it ends
15:26because the biggest culprit
15:28Kolman Čović who didn't catch the ball
15:30is punished.
15:32Here we see the situation.
15:34And a goal is scored.
15:38We have seen our 7th
15:40break of the season. Stanko Mršić
15:42is no longer the coach of Split.
15:44Should he get a break?
15:46I don't know.
15:48Considering the potential
15:50of Split
15:52and the situation in Slačovnica
15:54I don't think he has done enough.
15:56There are a lot of quality players
15:58who play the way they played
16:00to achieve the results they achieved.
16:02Yesterday we saw a young
16:04Bagarić who de facto
16:06made his debut this season.
16:08He is a very potent player.
16:10He is young and fast.
16:12He has very little time.
16:14He relies too much on experienced players.
16:16He needs to bring in a lot of energy.
16:18He needs to bring in fast
16:20strong players.
16:22On the other hand,
16:24I don't know how smart it is
16:26considering the fact that
16:28they played against Hajduk and Dinamo
16:30and it was hard to expect
16:32a better result.
16:34I think they should have given
16:36a break earlier.
16:38Can we say that
16:40Mršić is the problem
16:42or the club that brought him
16:44to this situation?
16:46Is Mršić a real coach for Split?
16:48Stanko Mršić
16:50is the head coach.
16:52He was the first coach in Osijek.
16:54I was the junior coach.
16:56We had a very good relationship
16:58in Osijek.
17:00I think the decision
17:02was made too harshly.
17:04He played with Hajduk
17:06and Dinamo.
17:08He led both matches.
17:10Bjelica vs Austria.
17:12Who knows, maybe he will come to Split.
17:14I have information from the first hand.
17:16My neighbor, my friend,
17:18he led 1-0
17:20until the 94th minute.
17:22In the 94th minute he scored
17:24and earned a penalty.
17:34I believe that Osijek can stay
17:36in the league with them.
17:38They are boys with character.
17:40All but Cesarec had a good
17:42part of the preparation with us.
17:44The problem of Osijek is that
17:46we don't have time.
17:48We don't have points.
17:50They need to adjust
17:52to the new environment.
17:54Today they all debuted
17:56in front of the Osijek fans.
17:58That is not pleasant.
18:00One small drawback
18:02is that
18:04in their clubs
18:06Lokomotiv, Rijeka and Hajduk
18:08didn't have continuity of the game.
18:10You will feel that
18:12through their performances.
18:14I am sure that
18:16they can help us.
18:18Dario Radakovic asks
18:20do you think it is good
18:22to bring players to the table
18:24for 6 months?
18:26It is normal
18:28to bring players to the table
18:30in European clubs.
18:32I don't know why people
18:34are so sceptical.
18:36If you miss a player
18:38and you don't have money
18:40to buy him,
18:42you don't harm
18:46I am sure that
18:48some young players
18:50will learn a lot
18:52and improve.
18:54Karlo Lulic asks
18:56do you think
18:58Karlo Lulic is as good
19:00as Alin Halilovic
19:02and Josip Basic?
19:04I would put Karlo Lulic
19:06in the same basket.
19:08It is not a question
19:10but we have to show you this.
19:12We got an interesting picture
19:14from Osijek on Twitter.
19:16Here is the fan love
19:18of one boy.
19:20He was proud and
19:22in the end he sent it.
19:24Here is a message
19:26from Twitter.
19:28Thank you for this tweet
19:30and for your answers.
19:32You can find everything
19:34about RTL League
19:36on our website www.rtliga.hr
19:40What I want to say
19:42is that expectations
19:44of every club
19:46are different.
19:48It is one thing
19:50what is happening
19:52and it is another
19:54what are the emotions
19:56and expectations.
19:58It was easier for me
20:00to play against Hajduk
20:02because I knew
20:04that we all want
20:06to win in Hajduk.
20:08We played well
20:10in the second match
20:12against Dinamo.
20:14We didn't have luck
20:16as you can see now.
20:18Franić practically raised his hands
20:20and he had to leave
20:22because of that.
20:26that is the situation
20:28about Croatian football.
20:30I am very glad
20:32that I was a coach of Split
20:34and that my brothers
20:36didn't have a bad result.
20:38It is not that bad
20:40but it could have been better.
20:42That is the situation.
20:44We had an agreement
20:46and I left.
20:48We will talk about that later.
20:50Mr. Mršić,
20:52how did you experience your transfer
20:54to Park Mladaži?
20:56Was it a good decision for everything?
20:58It was good.
21:00Do you regret it?
21:02Of course I do.
21:04I was a coach of Split
21:06and I went there
21:08as a professional.
21:10I spent my youth there.
21:12People called me
21:14and I thanked them.
21:16I regret that we didn't
21:18continue our cooperation.
21:20I said that it could have been
21:22better after Hajduk
21:24because I also had
21:26an idea
21:28to leave.
21:30However, we played well
21:32against Dinamo.
21:34It is hard to ask for a win
21:36although the president said
21:38let's go for a win.
21:40We were close to winning.
21:44I made a mistake
21:46in the last minute.
21:48Maybe we would have scored
21:50and I would have been further.
21:52Thank you.
21:54What is the bad timing
21:56of Mr. Mršić's resignation?
21:58Do you agree with that statement?
22:00He should have resigned
22:02at the end of the season.
22:06He should have enough time
22:08to bring a new coach
22:10to prepare the team
22:12and to adjust his ideas.
22:14It is good that Matic is already
22:16in the team.
22:18However, two defeats
22:20from Hajduk and Dinamo
22:22are not big enough
22:24to become a coach.
22:26There are some problems
22:28in the team.
22:30We saw it in the last few games.
22:323-2, 4-2.
22:34There is no real cooperation.
22:36I agree with you.
22:38We prepared something
22:40in response to Zoran Mamic's statement.
22:42The league sees
22:44a tactical irresponsibility
22:46of the players
22:48in attack and defense.
22:50I would like to show
22:52what is vital for Dinamo.
22:54Dinamo is one of the big teams
22:56with more and more opponents.
22:58It is important
23:00to take the ball
23:02as soon as possible.
23:04The most important players
23:06lose the ball
23:08because they are the closest
23:10and it is easier for them
23:12to get the ball.
23:14I will show you
23:16how it was not the case.
23:18It is a tactical irresponsibility
23:20that is unacceptable.
23:22Here is the first case.
23:24This is Sudani.
23:26He stayed down.
23:28There was a foul
23:30but it was obvious
23:32that it was not a foul.
23:34Here we see
23:36one of his teammates,
23:38second, third
23:40and fourth.
23:42They are in the right rhythm.
23:44They try to take the ball.
23:46He stayed down
23:48as if it was not his job.
23:50How does the situation end?
23:52The game continues.
23:54The next situation
23:56is Fernandez.
23:58He enters the dribbling.
24:04He does not pass.
24:06What does he do?
24:08He continues
24:10to the corner line
24:12as if he could lose the ball.
24:14His teammates,
24:16Lima and Brozovic,
24:18immediately go
24:20to the receiving phase.
24:22What happens?
24:24They take the ball.
24:26Here is an example
24:28how it should be done.
24:32Halilovic loses the ball
24:34and immediately
24:36tries to attack
24:38his teammate.
24:40He takes the ball
24:42but with the help
24:44of his teammates
24:46who are very good
24:48in that area,
24:50they close the space
24:52and the opponent.
24:54They take the ball and return it
24:56to their position.
24:58Here we saw some interesting details.
25:00Josko, how does it end?
25:02Is it a conversation between the coach and the players
25:04or are there some other methods
25:06like the old one?
25:08I have an understanding for the players.
25:10Considering the atmosphere
25:12they live in,
25:14considering the infrastructure,
25:16they should have more respect
25:18for the coach
25:20who pays them.
25:22They should provide more.
25:24If Zoran Mamic
25:26will be consistent
25:28from the beginning,
25:30if necessary,
25:32he should take the ball first.
25:34Dear viewers,
25:36let's go
25:38to the first question.
25:40It is from Mario Shilovic
25:42on our Facebook page.
25:44Do you think you deserved
25:46one more chance
25:48because you had
25:50Hajduk and Dinamo in the league?
25:52What was your relationship with Zuzula?
25:54We had
25:56a lot of time
25:58of good players in these two matches.
26:00But that factor of luck
26:02confused us.
26:04Could Kržanac stay in the game
26:06after that?
26:08He is looking for a change
26:10in the half-time.
26:12Of course,
26:14I went to support him.
26:16But who knew
26:18that it will happen
26:206 minutes before the end.
26:22That match
26:24maybe satisfied
26:26with the game,
26:28but the result was not.
26:30The next opportunity was
26:32Dinamo Zagreb.
26:34It is hard to say
26:36that we are going to play
26:38against Dinamo Zagreb
26:40What is your relationship
26:42with Zuzula's brothers?
26:44I have to say
26:46that Zuzula is a fantastic club.
26:48They have everything
26:50in their hands.
26:52Of course,
26:54the result will be
26:56in this direction or not.
26:58But I am sorry
27:00that it did not happen
27:02against Hajduk.
27:04The games we provided
27:06and the opponent
27:08but we also had two goals.
27:10Maybe it would be
27:12completely different.
27:14It had to be opened somewhere.
27:16That match was opened
27:18against Zadar.
27:20I congratulate the players.
27:22There was no conflict
27:24between us.
27:26Maybe Dinamo will come back.
27:28That is the most important.
27:30Let's go to the second question.
27:32Frane Petričević,
27:34what was the problem?
27:36What were the circumstances
27:38during the season?
27:40We opened the first two matches
27:42quite well.
27:44The first match against Slovenia
27:46where we needed
27:485-6 differences.
27:50We had a penalty in the 50th minute
27:54We missed that penalty.
27:56We had a good series of players.
27:58The second match was in the pool.
28:00We were left undecided.
28:02Red card Drebic got two matches.
28:04Did you have any demands
28:06during the transition period?
28:08Did you have any talks?
28:10We didn't.
28:12All the other players were there.
28:14Two of them left.
28:16Pehar left.
28:18We had a fund of players
28:20that I trusted.
28:22Those players have
28:2410-20% reserve.
28:26There are young players
28:28who don't have experience.
28:30We played a few good matches
28:32where we showed
28:34that we can play
28:36in a good team.
28:38We played better than
28:40we did at that moment.
28:42If we had patience,
28:44maybe we could have won.
28:46The third question
28:48is from Vlatko Kukan.
28:50Why do you prefer
28:52defensive football style?
28:54I have an opinion on Joško.
28:56Joško doesn't know
28:58that I was with Cibali
29:00in 1999-2001
29:02against Osijek.
29:04I didn't score
29:067 points against Hajduk,
29:084 points against Dynamo.
29:10My team was very good.
29:12Buvalo, Turković,
29:14and us.
29:16I don't want to say
29:18that there were attackers.
29:20If I play with 3 attackers,
29:22I can't play defensively.
29:24I played harder,
29:26but I have to win.
29:28Is it hard for you to prefer
29:30only defensive football?
29:34My matches were always
29:36with 3 or 4 attackers.
29:38I never played
29:40so defensively,
29:42except for the tasks
29:44of those players.
29:48Joško, you say
29:50that Split can play better.
29:52I'm sure they can.
29:54They just have to be
29:56more experienced.
29:58Zagorac, Križanac, Dujmović, Bilić.
30:00But without new energy
30:02and fast players,
30:04there is no chance
30:06to be more effective.
30:08We have time for one last question.
30:10Ante Milinović asked it.
30:12What are the possibilities
30:14of Ante Ercega?
30:18You saw the interview before.
30:20Ante is a very good player.
30:22Not only good,
30:24but he has a lot of luck.
30:26You saw the match
30:28against Hajduk.
30:30He played masterfully.
30:32He had some situations
30:34behind him.
30:36Managers were watching him.
30:38I gave him a penalty,
30:40but he used it.
30:42I believe he will
30:44get a good position
30:46very soon.
30:48He can be a top scorer.
30:50He is a great player.
30:52You can find everything
30:54about RTLiga on our website
30:58You can ask questions
31:00via Facebook and Twitter.
31:02I think Dynamo
31:04has no problems.
31:06They play as much as they need.
31:08They had a good chance
31:10in this match.
31:12They didn't forget the goal.
31:14Dynamo is strong
31:16compared to Croatian football.
31:18They can win matches like this.
31:20Is Zoran Mamic right?
31:22Zoran is mad.
31:24It is a pity
31:26that he is not a coach
31:28of clubs like Dynamo.
31:34He has a good team.
31:36Of course, he has to keep
31:38the discipline.
31:40In any case,
31:42Dynamo has the same quality.