• last year
NECA Scream Ultimate Ghost Face Inferno Figure


00:00The new summer slasher is gonna set the box office on fire.
00:04Here's a look at the NECA toys Ghostface Inferno.
00:30Ghostface is back and coming in hot.
00:35This all new ultimate 7 inch scale action figure features updated sculpt and articulation
00:40beneath a new openly soft goods cloak with three interchangeable hood options.
00:44In addition to NECA's updated faceplate technology, Ghostface comes with four interchangeable
00:49masks chrome, white, devil and aged.
00:52Other accessories include chrome knife, bloodied chrome knife, pitchfork, flamethrower with
00:57flame attachment, two machetes and interchangeable hands including the iconic knife wipe hand
01:02for the first time in retail.
01:04Supporting many faces of fear, just before we get a closer look at the brand new Ghostface
01:08Inferno, I'd like to thank the folks over at NECA that provided this sample we could
01:11have a look at.
01:12The Ghostface has been around for a bit, now I'm just getting around to reviewing him.
01:16The figure looks fantastic and it's gonna come with some pretty cool accessories.
01:19Just before that though, the tape measure is gonna tell us that this version of Ghostface
01:22stands at 7 inches in height or Inferno is gonna be 18 centimeters tall.
01:28I'm not gonna bring them all in just because we've looked at quite a lot of Ghostface over
01:31quite a lot of years, but I will bring in the most recent releases from NECA.
01:35First here's what the figure looks like with the ultimate Ghostface released in 2020, which
01:39it really wasn't the definitive Ghostface.
01:40There were a few little problems like he wouldn't didn't have a long enough cloak for example
01:43and his hood was way too tight around his mask.
01:46We got a vast improvement though that was released unfortunately as a convention exclusive.
01:50Here's what the figure looks like with the 2023 Ghostface Takes Manhattan.
01:53What I already really like about this release of Ghostface is the mix and match possibilities
01:57that he possesses.
01:58Sure, yes, you could go with the OG look of this chalk white mask, but perhaps entertain
02:02the idea as well that he has all these extra masks that can be swapped out and because
02:06they're also using the same sized holes and placed in the same places, you can also use
02:10as well the mask that came included with the Takes Manhattan Ghostface.
02:14That's saying a whole lot of things, let's back it up just a little bit and look at run
02:18through the accessories that come included with the figure.
02:20First if I can actually hold on to them, he comes with two versions of his modified
02:23Buck 120.
02:24Both in this case are actually using a chrome finish, which is a nice treat to see.
02:29One is clean, one looks like it's already been used for bludgeoning somebody as there's
02:32blood stained all on the bottom of the blade.
02:35The handles themselves looking at them seem to be identical.
02:38To compare it though with the Buck 120 that we got with the Takes Manhattan Ghostface,
02:42I think it would be safe to say that they're probably using the exact same mold, but doing
02:46this now in chrome gives just a jazzed up more better presentation of this.
02:50I like the idea of them using chrome, you can't really use it with everybody.
02:54Giving say for example Jason Voorhees a chrome machete probably makes no sense whatsoever,
02:58but it works really well with Ghostface.
03:00The figure has of course already hands to hold the weapons, but he does also have for
03:04the first time ever the hand wiping blood.
03:07If that was the one thing that everybody was asking for, I know I was certainly asking
03:10for it, the figure technically already has it on the ends of his forearms.
03:13So if for example you want to take the figure's hands, we'll put the knife into his one hand,
03:18this probably may not be the best knife to be using, and then he has as you can see there,
03:21this hand has more relaxed fingers, so it looks like he's actually pulling the blood
03:25away from the blade.
03:28Answering of course the calls of all the collectors out there that have been asking this whole
03:31time could we get ourselves a blood wiping hand, NECA does deliver.
03:35Of course the accessories don't just end there, the figure also comes included, let's just
03:38get in the stand here for a second, with first of all if you don't think that knives are
03:42deadly enough, the figure also comes included with these nasty looking machetes.
03:47Slightly smaller, maybe not up in Jason's kind of neck of the woods when it comes to
03:51the weapons he would wield, but pretty dangerous looking machetes, and they seem to be identical
03:55to one another.
03:56I like the dark gunmetal grey they've approached for the blades, you can see some nice detailing
04:00done for the handles themselves as well, and these can also be held in his hands.
04:04The figure also comes included with his voice changing box, which is very very tiny.
04:08It seems from what I'm guessing here to be the exact same mold, if I can grab this one,
04:12I don't want to drop these, whatever I do, there we go, holding the two side by side
04:18nervously because I don't want to drop either one of them.
04:20This is the one that we got from the Inferno, this is the one that we got from Takes Manhattan,
04:24they seem to be identical.
04:27Quickly quickly putting them onto the table, I don't want to lose them.
04:30The figure also comes included with some hands, obviously for all the things that we're just
04:33going to be talking about, the figure does need the hands to hold these things, so he
04:36does have some gripping hands, good for holding machetes, good for holding flamethrowers,
04:42The figure also comes included with a hand that has specifically a trigger finger, and
04:46then a regular gripping hand with a slightly bigger grip.
04:50He also has a pitchfork, looking at this I assumed right away that they were just carrying
04:54over the mold that we got from the Jason Voorhees from part two, I wanted to bring in Jason
04:59Voorhees, quite now pathetic looking pitchfork when you compare it with the one that we get
05:03here from the new Scream Ghostface.
05:06Obviously there's a big size difference really between the two, I mean obviously this one
05:10also has a much shinier looking finish as well.
05:13The only thing that we don't get in this release is the scythe, the scythe though we have already
05:17gotten with another Ghostface from before, and I don't think a lot of people are probably
05:19going to be displaying their figures with scythes, are you going to be doing that?
05:23I don't, I have no plans.
05:24Oh you have plans?
05:25Okay, this guy over here has plans.
05:27While he has plans, let's move on to the next plan of actually showing you guys what the
05:31flamethrower looks like.
05:33This thing looks just dangerous.
05:34It's molded here, I'm guessing in green plastic, some nice little additional accents have added
05:39in silver, you have the wire there on the top there, also done in black, just a neat
05:43looking accessory.
05:45Not something you would really tend to think of with Ghostface, but the fact that they
05:47throw this also in there as well.
05:49He has also some rather interesting things when we peek behind the curtains, we're going
05:52to peek behind the curtains a little bit later.
05:54Figure also comes included with a blast firing effect, so obviously if you want it to look
05:59like he's actually blowing fire out of this thing, there's a hole on the end of it.
06:02By the way, hello, this is translucent, kind of looks like a moose head, little horns on
06:06the top.
06:07It's not that.
06:09It starts generally quite, kind of a yellowish clear on the end, and it kind of goes to more
06:13of a darker orangish yellow, but there's a hole on the end anyways, and that just plugs
06:17onto the point on the end, and we'll just plug that in place.
06:21It's honestly not the easiest thing, just because if you look at this, there's these
06:25wires, which basically would be, I'm guessing, this probably would be, I guess, blowing the
06:31fire out, and then this would be, I don't know, these probably would be lighting the
06:34fire on either side, and then the thing in the middle would be the thing that's blasting
06:37out the gasoline.
06:38So you just plug that in place, kind of get everything out of the way, move it out of
06:42the way.
06:43You can see that's what it looks like with the flamethrower with the flame effect on
06:45the end.
06:47Pretty different, to say the least.
06:49Also speaking of things that are pretty different, I already did say the fact that this figure
06:52does have, like just out of stock, out of packaging, he comes with this chalk white
06:57It has, though, the option of swapping things out quite considerably.
07:01If we look at the face the way it is right now, I'm just going to peel back the hood.
07:04This is his regular look, and it really isn't that much different than the one that we got
07:09if I just peel away the mask from the Takes Manhattan release.
07:12In fact, looking at it, the only thing I would say that right away I noticed the difference
07:16between the two is that this one definitely has a little more of a hook on the bottom
07:19of his mouth.
07:20They rounded it up, though, a little bit more, so it's a little more of a gradual curve.
07:24It isn't as extreme, perhaps, as the one that we got here from the Takes Manhattan.
07:28This actually looks more like a bird feeder, so it's a little bit of a different face.
07:32It's not just a case that they've used the exact same mask for both releases.
07:36This figure, by the way, again, does have this head sculpt, which, if you look at the
07:40back of it, it doesn't have ... Well, it's just basically like a rounded head, but he
07:43does also have the ones that have the tassels.
07:46If you like your ghost face with little tassels on the sides, these little curtain drapes
07:49on the sides, he also has this as well, and he actually has two variations of this.
07:54He has this one, and he has this one.
07:56You're looking at this, and you're thinking, I don't see the difference between the two.
08:00Look at the way they've done the top.
08:01See how this one's a little bit more rounded?
08:03This one actually has the drapes draped down in the front.
08:06The only thing that's really different between the two.
08:07It looks that the back of it is almost identical.
08:11Maybe this one is just a little bit thicker as well than this one here, but they plug
08:15in the exact same way.
08:16Any one of the various masks that we're about to have a look at do also have the same means
08:20of plugging into any one of these.
08:22You basically have three back heads, and then you have four masks to share around.
08:27Say for example, you wanted to use this mask the way it is right now, so he's got this
08:31Then he has this really cool chrome mask, which basically takes the same idea, and I
08:36don't think they've molded it differently, and they've just done it in like a back chrome
08:40finish plastic.
08:42Very neat.
08:43It kind of reminds me in a way of Jason Goes to Hell, the actual poster where we got the
08:50mask there on the front.
08:51I changed this up, by the way, is if you are familiar with the Takes Manhattan, it's basically
08:56working the exact same way.
08:57You just attach it so there's pegs on both sides, and then there's a hole on ... Well,
09:01there's a hole on both sides.
09:03Basically you can take any one of those masks, and you take any one of those heads, and you
09:06get the idea.
09:07You can mix and match them.
09:09Let's just say you like the little tassels on the side.
09:12Okay, that's easy enough to fix.
09:14Let's just take the head off right now.
09:16We're going to literally remove it from the ball joint, and we'll take one of these.
09:21If you wanted to, say, for example, take this one, it just plugs on top.
09:24Or again, if you wanted to, you can go with this one too.
09:25It doesn't necessarily matter.
09:28So then you can just take yourself the chalk white mask, and you sort of have to tuck it
09:34Some of these work a little bit better than others, but I mean, again, you just basically
09:37feed this up the top.
09:38It might even be even easier just to leave the figure decapitated for right now.
09:42Just feed the face up, and then you want to just plug it in place.
09:46If anything, I would say this mask is ... Well, this hood is maybe the hardest, the hardest
09:51to get access to.
09:52This one's a little bit easier just because there's not plastic in the way, but you just
09:55line everything up, and then you just plug those in, and then you've got this mask instead.
10:01Or if I can get this all the way in here, you get this mask instead.
10:07Now you have that one.
10:08We have the chrome.
10:09We've already looked at that.
10:10There is also this one that has the more aged mask.
10:13Plugs in the exact same way.
10:17There's also, as well, the devil mask.
10:18The devil mask now incorporates some additional horns on the top and pretty much keeps the
10:22mold pretty much consistent, other than just doing it in red instead.
10:28Now say, for example, you know what?
10:30This one's a little bit harder to deal with.
10:31We're going to deal with this one just because it's a little bit easier.
10:33We're going to plug this on top of his head like this, and again, just snaps onto the
10:37ball joint.
10:38You want to make sure it's all the way on there.
10:39So, like, for example, if you want to take the devil horn mask, you can do that.
10:44Or again, if you want to go with the aged mask, that plugs in place the exact same way
10:48as well.
10:50Really smart that, by the way, I think they've started this trend, really, when we looked
10:53at the Takes Manhattan leather face, the ghost face, pretty much started the trend there
10:58with the idea of removing just the mask portions of that.
11:01It's a whole lot easier than, first of all, from a cost standpoint of molding everything.
11:06Instead of molding every single mask with an accompanying back piece, it's so much easier
11:10just to replace it with the mask on the front.
11:12From a costing tooling standpoint, it would just be easier.
11:15They produce only just the mask, and then you just plug them on as you feel fit.
11:20One thing, too, as I already mentioned, we're going to bring in some of the masks that came
11:24I'm going to grab all three of these here.
11:25We've already kind of looked at the defaulted mask, but then again, when we got the Takes
11:28Manhattan, there was also a bloodied mask.
11:31It also came included the zombie mask or the aged mask, and there was also the stab mask.
11:37Any one of these masks, by the way, can work with this version, the Inferno version.
11:42So there's the Takes Manhattan mask with the back of the head for the Inferno.
11:47And again, if you want to do that as well with the stab mask, you can also do that as
11:51And yes, yes, also.
11:52Oh, there is one more.
11:53There is one more, too.
11:54There was also the rainbow mask.
11:56Rainbow mask.
11:57That plugs also in the back there as well.
11:59So any one of these can be mixed and matched.
12:01So essentially, you have yourself, what, four masks with this release, four masks with the
12:05Take Manhattan.
12:06You really have the option of having eight interchangeable masks to work with.
12:09By the way, too, we'll take the mask that came with this one as we had it right now.
12:13I want to display also that I'll show you guys the difference between the two.
12:17Obviously, the only thing that I would also say when you're comparing, so this one was
12:21the Takes Manhattan.
12:23This was the Inferno.
12:24I would say Takes Manhattan takes probably the award for the better looking aged mask.
12:30This one's a little bit more of a brownish gray.
12:32This one's a little bit more of a lighter gray.
12:34I think the details pop a little bit more.
12:36And again, you can do whatever you want.
12:37You can just mix and match these.
12:39So what do we do?
12:40We'll stick with the aged mask for right now.
12:42We're going to plug this in place.
12:43I want to make sure I've got the right mask going here.
12:45Did I grab the right one?
12:46I did grab the right one.
12:47Okay, good.
12:48So if you want to have it with the tassels on the side, the cloak hood works the same
12:53But you basically now just have these little extra bits that are sticking out the front.
12:57If that's the way you'd like to display your figure.
13:00Another way you can also display the figure, too, is that you can take the cloak off completely.
13:04The cloak doesn't seem to have...
13:06There's a wire, by the way, that runs on the front.
13:08That's a wire that runs on the front here as well.
13:11And then you basically just...
13:12So let's take the mask off.
13:15And what we'll do is just sort of slide everything off.
13:17So you basically have to take it from the bottom, work it to the top, just bring the
13:21arms up here as well.
13:22And we'll just slide everything off.
13:25You may find it's also easier to remove the gloves.
13:27I mean, you don't have to commit really to the idea.
13:29You're just going to have to work a little bit harder to get the sleeves off them completely.
13:33Just take it off the other side there as well.
13:35And then underneath this, which is the first time we're seeing this now with Ghostface,
13:39he's got himself a SWAT bulletproof vest.
13:40You can see there's a few little bullets that have already penetrated it.
13:43And now he's got himself bare sleeves.
13:45It's a bit of a departure, obviously, from what we're used to seeing with Ghostface.
13:49Of course, then we can go our way of taking the mask there, pop that in place.
13:53I think if I was to go the route of displaying the figure with the sleeves like this, I would
13:57probably beeline it back to the chrome mask, because I think the chrome mask works the
14:01And we'll just put that in place like that.
14:03There we go.
14:04The sleeves are snapped all the way in.
14:05Very different, yes, but a very interesting looking take to Ghostface.
14:10SWAT vest is nicely detailed.
14:11I mean, really, there's not much in the way of paint.
14:13This, by the way, is not the softest of plastic, but you can see there's a little bit of give
14:17to it.
14:18And again, you've got the little bullets there painted.
14:20There's only three of them painted there on the front.
14:23Lower legs seem to be, from what I'm guessing, to be the exact same.
14:26I'm just going to bring up the legs here from Takes Manhattan.
14:30They are identical.
14:31The shoes seem to be the same as well.
14:34With this one, obviously, because the cloak is covering so much, they didn't have to sculpt
14:37as much, so his waist looks pretty much unfinished.
14:40The newer waist here, obviously, has to be finished in order to be able to show this
14:43like this.
14:44And then, of course, you can have the figure then displayed with the flamethrower, which
14:47I might just end up doing at the end of this review.
14:50Now for the figure's articulation, now that we really get the chance to kind of take the
14:54cloak off, his head's going to be un-balled, right?
14:56So it does rotate pretty much the exact same way as the Takes Manhattan Ghostface.
15:00Technically, it rotates all the way around.
15:02Now you have these little tassels on the front that might be a little bit harder, but they're
15:05still soft plastic, so they shouldn't get in the way of things.
15:08The arms come out.
15:09Now, I noticed with my arms, not my arms, but the figure's arms, they're a little more
15:12on the tighter side.
15:13For all intents and purposes, they would be able to come out 90 degrees.
15:16I might have to just heat these up just a little bit more.
15:18The arms rotate all the way around.
15:21I'm looking at also these arms, and I'm trying to think, have they used these arms before?
15:24Or if they haven't, what plans do they have for those arms with a future figure release?
15:28You guys should probably come up with some ideas down below.
15:31Hands, oh, by the way, the elbows, elbows bend.
15:33Those rotate also back and forth.
15:34The hands also rotate all the way around, and there's a hinge there as well.
15:38The upper torso is going to be un-balled, right?
15:40The legs split out down below here.
15:42You can take the legs and move forward.
15:43You can move them back.
15:44A swivel there at the top of the thigh.
15:46Single hinge only for the knee, but at least the way they've actually covered over the
15:49knee, it gives you a nice seamless look.
15:52Seamless look.
15:54But again, he's got the bend.
15:55He's got the lower rotation on the leg.
15:57Hinge up and down this way.
15:58An ankle rocker there as well.
16:00And of course, if I haven't already mentioned, I'll mention it now.
16:02The figure does have peggles on the bums of his feet.
16:05Honestly, though, I don't know if I would display Ghostface looking like this, just
16:09because, again, it's such a different take on the character.
16:11But not a take necessarily in a bad way, but just something I'm not used to seeing with
16:15the character.
16:16Still, though, I think if you had the chance, I know this guy was a little bit harder to
16:19come by.
16:20If you want to have just a seamless look to the cloak, the best thing to really get is
16:24the one that we got here from Takes Manhattan.
16:26The unfortunate thing about that, though, is it was also a convention exclusive.
16:30And now to try to track one down, anybody knows that's in the know that tried to look
16:34for one online knows now it's going for crazy stupid money.
16:37This one at least benefits that if you didn't get the chance to get this one, but you still
16:41like the idea of the mix and match design that they've now had for the new technology
16:45of Ghostface's masks.
16:46This was the nice one to go with.
16:48The only thing unfortunately about it, though, is in order to accommodate the idea that underneath
16:52all this is going to have that SWAT vest.
16:54It means that first of all, you're going to have an open cloak.
16:58This doesn't seem to be a way to actually keep this closed, but even if you overlap
17:02one another, it kind of gives you at least a somewhat seamless look.
17:06So at least it's a good stand-in.
17:08And being that this one's also a more mass retail release, the Inferno is going to go
17:12for a lot less.
17:14Many online sites, or if you're lucky enough to find these in the stores, this guy is going
17:18for around $30 to $35, again, give or take.
17:21I know a lot of online sites are selling him, I think, for around $37.99.
17:25It's a far cry from the one for the cost of what we're going to be having to pay if you
17:29ever want to try to track down the one from Takes Manhattan.
17:31Pretty much the same similar figure, but again, like, approached differently.
17:35I'm liking this one.
17:36I just don't know if I'm going to be ever displaying him the way he's looking like right
17:41Wrapping up now the review for Inferno Ghostface.
17:44Not in a look I would display him in, but a look that I at least respect him in.
17:48The figure does have something different, and that's not something that we could have
17:51said a lot for other Ghostfaces, because Ghostfaces tend to be a character with a
17:54white mask dressed all in a black cloak.
17:57NECA took a different departure when it came to this release, still fulfilling, though,
18:01the collector's needs of wanting to have a regular OG Ghostface with the cloak on him,
18:05but giving you also as well the option, if you ever want to take all that stuff off,
18:09there's a lot of stuff going on underneath as well.
18:12The figure's got now a sported tactical kind of, I don't know, like a bulletproof vest.
18:17He's sporting now as well, a flamethrower.
18:19Two things that you'd never expect anyone to ever really say when it comes to describing
18:23Ghostface, and yet it makes for a rather interesting look to the character.
18:27One thing that's also really interesting is the fact that he comes included with as many
18:29masks as he does, and it was smart really on NECA's part to give him also the same placement
18:34of holes.
18:35So if you just happen to have been lucky enough to get your hands on the Takes Manhattan Ghostface,
18:39then you can also borrow some of the masks for him and use it for this figure as well.
18:44So in actual fact, if you're lucky enough to get your hands not just on this one, but
18:47the other one as well, you now have eight masks, four on each, to be able to then change
18:51the figures around, to have them displayed exactly the way that you want on the shelf.
18:55Good news is this guy is available right now in stores, and good news is this guy is available
19:00And the good news is he's quite plentiful that if you didn't get the chance and you
19:03still kick yourself, that you never got yourself the Takes Manhattan.
19:06I unfortunately had to go the route of going on eBay and anybody that's watched my reviews
19:10of the Takes Manhattan Ghostface, I think I paid, when it was all said and done, when
19:14it was all in, I think I ended up ultimately paying around $170 for the thing.
19:18This guy is a much easier thing for your budget because he's going still for like the regular
19:22retail price.
19:23So if you didn't get your hands on the regular Ghostface, the one from Takes Manhattan, the
19:27convention exclusive, the best, the next best thing is honestly getting this one from Inferno.
19:32You get all the benefits of the other Ghostface at a much more affordable price.
19:35And hey, why not?
19:36Underneath all that, this one's also for the first time ever, sporting a bulletproof vest.
19:41A big, big thank you, once again, to the folks over at NECA toys that did provide the
19:43sample of the relatively new Inferno Ghostface that we had the chance to have a look at this
19:49Have you guys had the chance to pick up this figure?
19:51And also probably a better question to ask you guys, if you have grabbed this one, do
19:54you have it displayed the way that I have them displayed right now without the cloak
19:57or do you have them with the cloak on?
19:59I guess it would really be dictated by if you already have other Ghostface, maybe you
20:03might just want to do something a little bit different.
20:05And that's certainly something that NECA did with this release, this version.
20:08Also, if you guys did enjoy this video, I want to throw it a like, why not?
20:12If you guys are interested and want to stick around more for the content that this guy's
20:15putting up, if you haven't already, make sure you hit that subscribe button down below and
20:18turn on the bell notification.
20:20I can tell you right now, I'm looking at a stack over here.
20:23You can't see it.
20:24I can see it.
20:25The outdated calendar on my wall can also see it because I think there's actually a
20:28camera behind that.
20:29Yeah, I think there is.
20:31Who's watching me?
20:33But I can tell you though, there's a, there's a pile of stuff over here from NECA that we
20:37will be looking at an upcoming review.
20:38So I always would encourage, come back here on a regular basis.
20:41And as always, guys, thanks for watching.
20:43See you guys next time.
