• 18 hours ago
NECA M3GAN Retro Cloth M3GAN Figure


00:00With a look so lifelike, there's screams in her seams. Here's your look at the neck
00:05of toys. This is the retro cloth Megan.
00:09Own your very own Megan doll from the hit film. The model three generative robot Megan
00:31was designed to be a parent's greatest ally and programmed to be a child's best friend.
00:35But a self-aware doll with a life of its own can lead to sinister consequences. This fully
00:39articulated eight inch scale NECA action figure has tailored clothing similar to the
00:43retro toy lines and helped define the licensed action figure market in the 1970s. Accessories
00:49include interchangeable face plates and hands, battle damage head, robot head, battle damage
00:54faceplate, paper cutter and screwdriver. Just before we look at your friend till the end.
00:59Wait, what? Oh, that's been used by somebody else. Another killer doll. So it was pretty
01:04close. Okay, I was pretty close. Let's first take the tape measure though and see how tall
01:08the retro cloth Megan actually stands. While I'm doing this as well, I'd like to thank the
01:11folks over at NECA that were kind enough to provide this sample. Megan is going to stand
01:15at about five inches in height, maybe just a hair taller than that. That translates though
01:19to a figure that's about 13 centimeters tall. Now what's interesting though about the retro
01:23cloth Megan is that she's about the same size as the ultimate release. The thing that's only a
01:28little bit different though, is that the proportions of her head are a little bit
01:30more while she's got a slightly smaller squatter body and a much larger head. Between those two
01:35things sort of added up, she about works out to be the same size as the ultimate release of her.
01:40Here's also speaking of evil dolls, here's what she looks like though with not only Chucky from
01:45Bride of Chucky, but also his bride as well. Now size-wise, I think you could easily put these
01:50things on the shelf together. I mean, I don't think like Megan necessarily is at a scale with
01:53bride, but the child of Bride of Chucky or Chucky for that matter. And speaking of another Chucky,
01:57also here's the screaming version of him. I think this was the Shout Factory exclusive,
02:01but we've certainly got him since. The retro cloth Megan has similar things to the ultimate
02:06version, but then she does also a couple of things that are unique to her. Well kind of before we
02:11talk about the unique things, let's talk about the same things. The figure first of all does come
02:15included with her screwdriver. Now the screwdriver is going to be either held in her hand or you can
02:19also lodge it into the front of the face of the robot head. She does also come included with the
02:23guillotine arm. It still looks less like a guillotine arm and certainly looks more like a
02:27katana blade. The ultimate version of her actually had two variations of this blade. One that was
02:32covered in blood and then one was a cleaner. They chose only to give her the clean version for the
02:36retro cloth release of her, but still can be held in her hand the same way. Speaking of hands though,
02:41the figure does also come included with two type of gripping hands. One hand specifically for the
02:45screwdriver. So we go ahead and just take the screwdriver and fit into her hand. And as you
02:50can see, once that gets in there, it's not going anywhere. And of course, she also does come
02:56included the hand for holding the guillotine arm. Just fit that into her hand like that. These hands,
03:02by the way, can just be popped off. The thing that's interesting about them though, is that both
03:05of the hands are only going to go on this side of the figure's body. So she must be a lefty. I guess
03:10you could stab also with the right hand. I mean, we didn't talk about that. Oh wait, that is her
03:14right hand because I'm facing the opposite way. So she's doing all of her damage with the right
03:18side of her body, right? Okay, good. Right. The ultimate release did come also included with the
03:23nail gun and the hammer. As you're certainly looking at the lay of the land right now, you can
03:27see clearly though, that the retro cloth release of her doesn't come included with the nail gun,
03:30and it doesn't come included with the hammer. I don't think really she needs to have those either.
03:34I mean, for me displaying her, I'm probably only going to be line it back anyways to the blade. So
03:39that's fine for me, at least for displaying her. I guess really for the size of her, let me just,
03:43let me grab the nail gun. I just happen to have it off to the side here. It's like, you know,
03:47from a size standpoint, I think you could easily still get away with both the hammer and the nail
03:51gun to be displayed with her. If that's what you, the route that you want to go with. Of course,
03:55the figure does also come included with a robot head. Now to go back and just grab the screwdriver
04:00again, let's just remove it from her hand. That's the wrong side, by the way. The right side is this
04:05way here. Now she has a couple of face plates though, but before we actually start adding face
04:08plates, you'll see that there's a hole right here. You've already seen my review of the ultimate.
04:12You know, it works the exact same way. Just basically take the screwdriver. Don't worry,
04:16she's a robot. She won't feel it, or that we were aware of at least. Just lodge that in there,
04:20and yes, screwdriver isn't going to be going anywhere. She does also come included with a
04:23couple of swappable face plates. Now the face plates don't vary that much. So you can see
04:28they're very similar in design. And again, if you want to just attach these onto her face. So if you
04:34look at the back, there's two pegs. And then on the other side where the head is actually, you can
04:38see that there's two, can you see there's like a little two indentations. Basically just take the
04:42face plate and just lodge it in place. So she's got that face. And again, we'll just go ahead and
04:48grab the other one here. Careful, careful. You got to handle these things with care. You can
04:53also attach that face too. Love the gold, love the head sculpts. I don't know, I could see myself
04:58maybe picking up another one of these Megas. I know I said that the other time when we looked
05:02at the ultimate release of her. By the way though, the head sculpts on Megan, before we start adding
05:07robot heads to her, I will say one thing about the RetroCloth release of her. I think she's
05:12actually a little bit more closer to the way she looks in the movie than the ultimate release. Now
05:16may have worked better this way that I actually looked at this figure first, because I still think
05:21like if you're an ultimate collector of NECA figures, I don't think you're wrong to collect
05:25this one because it was a fine looking Megan. But argument maybe could perhaps be made that this is
05:30a better looking likeness to Megan. The thing that I said was unique to her though is that she comes
05:35in clue with a swappable face plate. Now with NECA, what NECA ended up doing, I'm just put the
05:40figure down here for a second. With the ultimate release, if you've already seen my review of that,
05:44thank you for that by the way, she did technically come in clue with two head sculpts. I guess it
05:48doesn't, I mean the argument really could be made that they could have gone the same route and given
05:52her swappable face plates, but instead you have to actually commit to the idea of removing the
05:57head entirely and replace it with this head sculpt if you want the more more ticked off look
06:02to Megan instead. What they've done differently though here, so what we get here for first in
06:07Megan, I mean you get like a neutral expression face, but if you want again like the more ticked
06:12off Megan, if you get a face like this by anybody female, just start walking and leaving the room
06:17right away. You know bad bad luck's coming your way. Anyways though if you did want to change the
06:22face, instead of having to remove and commit to taking a head off altogether, the only thing you
06:26really need to do is kind of reach under the chin just like this and pop the face off completely.
06:32It does look a little strange doesn't it just having the eye holes there, but once you remove
06:36it then you'll just take the face that you want to use and then just line up those holes because
06:40there's pegs on the back of the face and just plug it back just like that. That's all you need to do.
06:45So to show you where we've come from, that's the original face, this is the new face, this is the
06:51face you may want to avoid. Anyways this kind of looks like Sidney Sweeney doesn't it? The hair
06:58stays exactly the same. The only thing that's going to be changing when you start to change the hairs
07:02is also the damaged face. This is also one of the included accessories. I'm going to just reach
07:07off to the side here and grab the one that we got from the Ultimate. Yeah, still I feel like
07:11argument I could say like the Retro Cloth release looks a little better for Megan. Now I'm not going
07:17to say like if you're an Ultimate collector start now collecting Retro Cloth figures. You either
07:21like Retro Cloth or you don't. I like honestly just to collect both the lines because I feel like
07:25both lines kind of give you something a little bit, both offering something a little bit different
07:29that the other thing doesn't have. This one clearly benefits from having real fabric, the other ones
07:34are only just going to be in plastic. This one also scales better with Retro Cloth figures.
07:39You're not likely going to be displaying this figure with like an Ultimate Chucky because just
07:42it isn't going to work as well I feel. But again like if you look at the two heads, still she has
07:47the damaged look on the front of her face. So this has all been like just ripped open on top of her
07:52forehead. She's got this big dash wound down the front of her face. Paint I feel is a little bit
07:57better here for the Retro, maybe a little paler here for the Ultimate. The sculpting of the hair
08:02is about the same and if you did want to change out the face, it's just a case, well not changing
08:07out the face, you're changing out the entire head. Just pop it very easily off the ball joint. This
08:11is also something that I noticed with the Retro. It seems to replace the heads a lot easier. I had
08:16a bit of an issue when it came to the Ultimate version of Megan where I felt like it didn't
08:20attach properly onto the ball joint. I'm not having that issue at all. I say that now. I'm not having
08:25that issue at all if you move of course the hair out of the way. Plug the head in place so there's
08:30the battle damage look and again we didn't forget about the robot either so you want to change out
08:35the head for that. Pop the head off the ball joint and revisit it with a robot head instead.
08:41Robot head instead. That's what it looks like. If I only had really one of these in my collection
08:47which I currently have right now, that's the status of this right now, I'm probably just
08:50going to end up displaying her either with the battle damage head or maybe just might go with
08:54this head sculpt instead. So let's just pop that off and we'll put this one back on the way that
08:59we started with. The only thing that's different obviously is changing out the face. Now so we're
09:04going to do a couple of comparisons here. I'm going to bring back in the Ultimate Megan.
09:08The coloring for her dress is a little lighter here clearly for the fabric version of her.
09:12A little darker here for the Ultimate. There's certainly some could be said as well like for
09:18her sleeves. The sleeves are a little bit more fitted to her arm because it's obviously clearly
09:21in plastic with this now being fabric. The sleeves look a little baggier. Also you can see like with
09:27the leggings the tights that she wears both are actually in plastic so nothing really does change
09:32there. The feet though funny enough though if you look at them they're not that much different in
09:37size. I could even maybe even say that maybe they're using the exact same feet. No they're not
09:42obviously because the the Ultimate release has some additional lines there panel lined in it and
09:47I guess really the retro has it just slightly bigger but not by much. Again she's got the real
09:52fabric dress so that might be one one point towards maybe this being the better looking Megan in your
09:57collection. She's still got the fabric now. Now this one actually is a fabric bow tie whereas
10:02again like the Ultimate release had it all in plastic. This was also sculpted to her dress
10:07so you can do well you wouldn't be able to do what I'm doing right now with the retro release.
10:12The only thing I would say is like her head seems a little bit closer to her body which isn't a bad
10:16thing at all and that because they're also using fabric sleeves the sleeves are a little bit more
10:20baggier but I guess you could probably just pull them back a bit if you want a little bit tighter
10:24to a body but the articulation though for the figure if you're familiar pretty much with the
10:29retro Megan well if you're familiar first of all with the other retro cloth figures the articulation
10:34on this one isn't that much different plus it also if you already had picked up this version of Megan
10:38the articulation isn't that much different at all so like running through it first of all with her
10:42head sculpt it's gonna be in a ball joint so it moves back and forth. I mean stating already the
10:47obvious because she has the long locks of blonde in the front it's going to limit some of the
10:51posability with what you can actually do to her head so it doesn't move back and forth all that
10:55much but it does rotate up and down sometimes though when you are trying to hinge the head up
11:00in the process as it did just now it ends up popping the head off the ball joint the arms
11:05do hinge out you bring those out at I would say probably almost 90 degrees maybe a little less
11:09than that the arms move forward move back I did notice though with the copy provided to me that
11:14the arms were a little on the tighter side she has a swivel there at the bicep she has a what
11:19seems only to be a single hinge in the elbow and hands rotate back and forth as well upper torso is
11:24going to be on a ball joint so that's nice to see legs split out and because again like you don't
11:28have the restrictions at all now that she's got a fabric dress she can split her legs a lot further
11:33I think even when we looked at this figure yeah splitting her legs that's as but about as far as
11:37you could really go just because again like she's got the plastic dress instead of the fabric
11:42but again like for the legs you can move them certainly forward you can move them back they're
11:46a little on the squeakier side just kind of bring the dress up here for a second so you can
11:50you can see kind of what works underneath so again you got your ball joints right they're attaching
11:54the legs to the lower half of her body you also got a swivel there at the top of the thigh I know
11:58it's not the most decent thing to be looking at single hinge though for the knee the lower leg
12:02doesn't really rotate all that much and she's got the ankle pivot and ankle rocker I know we
12:07probably already established this the figure does also have peggles on the bottoms of her feet
12:11it's really just again a case of picking your poison some prefer though retro cloth figures
12:15and for that I think there's definitely arguments to be made why the retro is done doing things a
12:19little bit better some of those still prefer the ultimates where the ultimates are getting a lot
12:23more a lot more accessories and I think like likenesses you're not wrong in either part if
12:28you only really are dedicated to collecting the retro figures the retro cloth releases
12:32I think personally like the retro cloth Megan looks better than the ultimate release though
12:38again like you could just choose like if you're not even interested at all in getting the cloth
12:43figures whatever I say anyways really isn't going to make much matter but I still feel like if you
12:47are collecting like the retro cloth figures Megan here is doing things quite interesting though
12:51also again bringing back in Chucky and bringing of course Tiffany as well that she scales really
12:58well with also the other retro cloth dolls we've gotten before things I also really like about the
13:02retro cloth Megan is that she also comes not only with a battle damage head that we've already
13:05gotten borrowed over before but that she also comes with a swappable face plate which first
13:11of all does away with the idea that she even needed to have a secondary head like the ultimate
13:14release had before instead of having to worry and contend with dealing with a ball joint every single
13:19time every single time of popping off that head and trying to replace it with a head a standalone
13:24on its own it's so much easier I find just to go in there and do the face plate option I don't know
13:29why they couldn't have maybe used that same idea to incorporate over to that but maybe again NECA
13:33just wanted to have unique features to the retro cloth release of Megan that wasn't already present
13:39on the ultimate before in the end I don't think it's fair to really recommend one Megan over the
13:42other because you as the viewer you're either collecting NECA toys from the standpoint of
13:47collecting both the retro and the ultimates or you might be somebody that only has decided for
13:52their collection and for their budget you're going to collect only one line over the other
13:56so if you're already well invested in getting the ultimate figures whatever I may say praise wise
14:01for the retro cloth release may not have any weight on you at all because you're only really
14:06going to collect the ultimate if you're only really just to stick with the ultimate Megan
14:10I don't think you're wrong at all for doing that she's a great looking figure a decent looking
14:14head sculpt all three of them at least and she does have technically some accessories that don't
14:18get gifted over to this release if I was though to be fair and look at though both figures I think
14:24though the retro has a better likeness to Megan a little softer on her complexion when it came to
14:29the paint and I do really like the idea that you could have swappable face plates does that again
14:33have any weight on a collector that's only collecting ultimate figures probably not but
14:38if you are one that maybe doesn't want to have fully invested into getting the entire line of
14:42retro cloth figures I don't think again there's anything wrong just to collect the Megan on her
14:46own especially if you're a fan of the Megan movie this one again I do like that this has a fabric
14:51outfit works really well with the character the colors on the dress are a little lighter as well
14:55and I think they're a little bit closer to the movie if though I had to be torn and somebody
15:00was twisting my rubber arm to choose only one over the other maybe I would say that the retro
15:04is a better looking Megan but again I don't think there's anything wrong with collecting one over
15:08the other what do you guys though think of Megan let me know down below in the comment section and
15:12really of the ultimates release and the retro cloths release which do you think is the better
15:16looking figure a big thank you again to the folks over at NECA toys that did provide this sample of
15:21the brand new retro cloth Megan that we had the chance to have a look at in this review hey now
15:27if you guys did enjoy this video you can do it a solid of course and hit it with a like and if you
15:31guys want to stick around for more so I hope so you can hit that subscribe you can turn on that
15:36bell and the most important thing is that you can come back we may be wrapping up things right now
15:40for a killer android doll but there will be more NECA reviews actually coming your way for the
15:45rest of this week so as always thanks for watching see you guys next time
