
  • 2 months ago


00:00Inaho's Dream
00:15This is Inaho.
00:18What a warm place.
00:23The smell of soil and grass is so pleasant.
00:26A heart-fulfilling feeling.
00:30This is my mother's...
00:44Where's your heart?
00:47I was sleeping soundly.
00:50Grandpa, water.
00:52Tama-san went out.
00:54Earlier, a rainbow appeared and a human child came over.
01:01A human child?
01:14What is this place?
01:16I can't see anything because of the fog.
01:24Grandpa, this voice is...
01:26Uninvited guests.
01:29From now on, it's a feast.
01:32It's not a place where you can eat human flesh.
01:43I finally found you.
01:50Ishimaru, why did you do that to us?
01:54I don't know about you, but we barely made it.
01:59Those kids and you, the traitor.
02:02We can't let you get away with this.
02:09I have no choice.
02:17What's with that face?
02:20I'm sick of listening to samurai.
02:24Whatever. Let's get this over with.
02:29Who are you?
02:31Don't worry about me.
02:32You can continue without me.
02:34You guys are humans, right?
02:36It's funny that you're fighting here.
02:40Here, take this.
02:42You're a good creature.
02:46Do you know this too?
02:51This is expensive.
02:53It's a good price to pay for being a god.
02:59A god?
03:01A god?
03:02What are you talking about?
03:04You're just a kid, but you smell like alcohol.
03:09What did you say?
03:11All right.
03:21You're so rude that I'm getting drunk.
03:26Hey, kid.
03:27From now on, we're in the domain of the gods.
03:31This bridge will disappear.
03:33Before that happens, let's get out of here.
03:36Domain of the gods?
03:39There are two worlds.
03:50To be continued...
04:20Translated by Darius
04:50Subbed by Darius
05:20Episode 1
05:30You kicked me!
05:32Are you a human?
05:35You were rude.
05:37Of course I'll pay you back.
05:39I've told you many times.
05:42This is the domain of the Yana and Yaoyorozu.
05:46You're a god, too.
05:50You're a god!
05:51I know.
05:53Shut up.
05:54Sakuna, you're back.
05:57How was it?
05:59Was it fun?
06:00There was a rude kid.
06:03When I kicked him, he flew away like a grain of rice.
06:07So the bridge of rain really connects the domain of the gods and the world where people live.
06:16The stars...
06:18The bridge of rain suddenly appeared and suddenly disappeared.
06:22Even Lord Kamuhitsuki says it's hard to get rid of it.
06:28Lord Kamuhitsuki!
06:32Lord Kamuhitsuki!
06:37Episode 2
06:43I'm glad to have this great celebration to commemorate Chin.
06:50I thank you all for your efforts.
06:56Lord Kamuhitsuki is still big.
06:59I can hear you.
07:01Now, I will announce the name of this year's lord.
07:11I thought it was a gathering of students.
07:14But it's me this year, too.
07:17I'll be the lord.
07:20Lord Kamuhitsuki!
07:22Now, I will announce the name of the first lord.
07:26Princess Sakuna, come forward.
07:38I'm glad to have this great celebration to commemorate Chin.
07:40I'm glad to have this great celebration to commemorate Chin.
07:44I'm glad to have this great celebration to commemorate Chin.
07:50Princess Sakuna again this year.
07:53I think it will continue.
07:55There are still a lot of stored rice.
08:04I'm tired.
08:08What is this Karakuri doll?
08:11It's a new product for this year.
08:14It's a doll for guarding the temple.
08:18Oh, that's great.
08:20I hope I can use it someday.
08:23Now, let's go.
08:25This year, they will prepare a new room for those who have been assigned.
08:30A room?
08:32It's way up there. Let's go see it.
08:39Wow, it's amazing.
08:42Look, it's so far away.
08:45And it's so big.
08:47No matter how hard I try, I can't reach it.
08:50It's amazing to have a room like this.
08:55You can come and play as much as you want.
08:58Let's make this scenery a new place for Sakuna.
09:01Chin, thank you.
09:03Before that, I have something to tell you.
09:06Let's talk about it later.
09:10It's too short.
09:12Then, I'll say it again.
09:15The rice that Ohii-sama is holding now
09:19was harvested by Toyohana-sama, the mother of Ohii-sama.
09:29She started to make rice with Takeribi-sama in Onigima, far away.
09:34Ohii-sama doesn't do anything.
09:37She just takes care of the rice that was harvested every year.
09:42What do you mean?
09:44The rice of my father and mother is my rice.
09:47Now that I don't know where they are, I have no choice but to do whatever I want.
09:51But the gods around you know that.
09:55Ohii-sama, who is always in charge of everything,
09:59must have some bad feelings.
10:02You should change your mind and act like a mother.
10:08Is it over?
10:11It's not over!
10:13In the first place...
10:21That's why I'm not a dog!
10:23That appearance...
10:25What does it have to do with anything other than being a dog?
10:28Even so,
10:30I am the spirit of the star-shaped sword that Takeribi-sama was holding.
10:34I have only broken a part of it,
10:37which is why I look like this.
10:42What's wrong?
10:43It seems that the intruder has been detected.
10:50What's going on?
10:54What's going on?
10:55Look at that.
11:01What is it?
11:03A huge doll is moving!
11:05It's amazing!
11:18It's amazing!
11:20As expected of the inventor, it's a heart-shaped doll!
11:23More importantly, why is a human child here?
11:26Has it been kicked away?
11:29One person...
11:31I told you to go back!
11:33If Kamuhitsuki-sama finds out that a human child is here,
11:36it will be a big problem!
11:38What are you going to do?
11:40Before it becomes a commotion,
11:42I'll catch it and throw it into the sea of clouds!
11:45You're rambunctious!
11:46Shut up!
11:49This is not the time to worry about that!
11:54I'm going to fall!
12:03Oh no!
12:04That rambunctious doll!
12:06Let's make a lot of noise!
12:09You can't do that!
12:11It's already a big deal!
12:13It's too late!
12:28Where did it go?
12:32This way!
12:33Kamuhitsuki-sama's rice is being dyed!
12:35Isn't it a publicity stunt?
12:37Hey, you guys! Wait!
12:55This is the first time I've eaten white rice!
12:58There's still so much left!
13:01I've done it!
13:03I'm a human child!
13:06What's that smell?
13:13There's no salt in the rice!
13:18as the daughter of that warrior,
13:22you've become more important than ever.
13:24I'm sorry.
13:26I'm sorry.
13:28I'm sorry.
13:30I'm sorry.
13:32I'm sorry.
13:34Even though you've become more important than ever,
13:36how could you throw away all the offerings?
13:41That's not it!
13:43In the first place,
13:44you're a human child!
13:46You're a god,
13:47so you shouldn't be giving people seats!
13:50In the first place,
13:51the invitation
13:52was also caused by that person.
13:57And so,
13:58the human child...
13:59is here.
14:03A monster?
14:05It's a god.
14:06A god.
14:07This is...
14:08Lord Yana!
14:11I am Kamuhitsuki,
14:13from the world of Itadaki.
14:16I am a human child.
14:17Call me by my name.
14:21I am Takamori,
14:22the lord of Katsura Uemon.
14:24People call me Tauemon.
14:27I'm Kintana.
14:29Are you the goddess?
14:31I'm Iuida.
14:32I don't like this place.
14:34Hurry up and erase it, Kerarin.
14:38I'm Kaimaru!
14:41There are two gods and two people.
14:43In other words,
14:44the world of Itadaki and the world of Fumoto
14:46must be separated.
14:50the bridge over which the two sides have crossed
14:52has already been hidden.
14:56what about us?
14:57Until the bridge appears,
14:59you must finish what you started.
15:03What do you mean?
15:06you know about Onijima, don't you?
15:09The father and mother of that side met
15:12and defeated that evil god, Oomizuchi.
15:16I see.
15:17But the demon is still alive
15:19and Kamuhitsuki's reign is not over yet.
15:22Those people will cross the Onijima
15:25and search for the reason
15:27why the demon was born
15:29while opening up the island.
15:35From here,
15:36it's just a one-way street.
15:39Don't tell me
15:40you're going to go through here.
15:42Of course,
15:43you'll have to live on Onijima
15:45to accomplish your mission.
15:47Then, what about the capital?
15:49That's right.
15:50Until then,
15:51I'll exile you from this capital.
15:58This is an official decree.
16:01That's all.
16:02You may leave.
16:06That's too much!
16:12She's gone.
16:13Love is the only god.
16:16It's all your fault.
16:19It's all your fault.
16:24I told you to go back!
16:26Why won't you go back?
16:27I told you!
16:28This is not a place
16:29for a human child to step in!
16:31There was no place for us to go back.
16:34We had no choice
16:35but to move on.
16:40Let go!
16:42Lord Ohii,
16:43this is an official decree.
16:45I know.
16:56That's right, Kokoro!
16:58Why don't you come with us?
17:01That's right, that's a good idea!
17:03You're an inventor.
17:04If you're here, we'll be saved.
17:06You're childhood friends, right?
17:08You're best friends, right?
17:09I'm counting on you!
17:14Is that all you can say?
17:17When I told you
17:18I was going to Onijima to find my mother,
17:21you were so against it.
17:24That's because you were so young.
17:28Now that you mention it,
17:30you're always against what I say.
17:35I feel sorry for you.
17:38But right now,
17:40Lord Kamuhitsuki is trying to change your mind.
17:44I think he's trying to persuade you.
17:47Lord Ohii's mother, Toyohana,
17:50after defeating Oomizuchi,
17:52along with her father,
17:54made rice on that island,
17:57and lived on her own.
18:00By experiencing the same thing as Lord Ohii,
18:03she was able to develop her self-awareness as a Hojoshin.
18:07I think that's what she was thinking.
18:11Maybe so.
18:14Please wait here for a moment.
18:17It's so beautiful.
18:19So this is the sea.
18:25It tastes just like the sea we were in.
18:29The world of the Itadaki and the world of the Fumoto
18:32are affected by each other.
18:34If there is more famine and war in the world of the Fumoto,
18:37the world of the Itadaki will also be affected by less harvest.
18:43Then something bad might happen.
18:46The world of the Fumoto is in a terrible state of war.
18:51Is that so?
18:53The world of the Fumoto?
18:55Under the sea?
18:57Now that you mention it,
19:00is there a world of people beyond the bottom of the sea?
19:04It is said that the clouds are spreading as they go there.
19:08However, it is impossible for even God to reach there,
19:12so there is no way to verify it.
19:14Oh, that's great!
19:16You're amazing, Yanato!
19:18You're right.
19:19The world of the Fumoto is a strange place.
19:24So, what is that god doing?
19:35Ohii-sama, this is an urgent matter.
19:38I know.
19:42Leave the sake here.
19:44Huh? What did you say?
19:46It's a direct order from Kamuhitsuki-sama.
19:49Leave the sake here for a while.
19:52No way.
19:54I don't want to.
19:57I knew it.
19:58I don't want to!
20:05Please don't do something like this!
20:07You're a god!
20:09Shut up!
20:10I heard that Kamuhitsuki-sama was locked up like this before.
20:14What's wrong?
20:15Oh, Kokoroa-sama.
20:17As you can see, Ohii-sama is...
20:23Kokoroa, please!
20:25Please ask Kamuhitsuki-sama to forgive me!
20:28If you're a man of your word, you should listen to Kamuhitsuki-sama.
20:35Is that really okay?
20:39Sakuna-san, didn't you say this before?
20:42That one day you'll become a great god and find your parents.
20:48Was that a lie?
20:50It wasn't!
20:51But how long do you think it's been?
20:55I was the one who didn't realize it!
20:59It's not true!
21:00I knew my parents from the beginning!
21:03So you're saying you're going to give up.
21:05You're not going to Onijima, where your father, Takeribi-sama, and your mother, Toyohana-sama, once lived.
21:39This is...
21:41Isn't this the statue of Oboro?
21:46What are you doing?
21:47I'm a god!
21:48Treat me like one!
21:50Please take good care of Sakuna-san.
21:53Even if I have to sacrifice my life...
21:59I'm lonely.
22:10I knew it!
22:12I don't want to let Miyako go!
22:14I'm going to die!
22:16Don't exaggerate.
22:18You really are a god.
22:24What a beautiful morning sun.
22:33I'll be waiting for you, Ohii-sama and Enfukakishima!
22:53Yoake mae no kurai sora no mukou mitsumenagara
23:05Katachi no chi ga kokoro yoseatte
23:13Kasaneta te to te kyou mo
23:23Kimi to matsu asa ni wa higa noboru
23:28Nakanai de ii nda
23:35Namida wo koe mata negai wa mebuiteku
23:40Kiyuu iro ni kagayaku
23:47Chiheisen wo nazotta yubisaki ga
23:53Tada hitotsu
23:56Tada hitotsu
23:59Tashikana kimi wo mitsuketa