When Swimming class teacher Realizes My Daughter Is Actually My Late Brother's child…

  • 3 months ago
When Swimming class teacher Realizes My Daughter Is Actually My Late Brother's child…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Daddy, hurry, hurry!
00:02I... I know!
00:04My name is Naoto Ikeda, a 27-year-old office worker.
00:09Today, I'm heading to the swimming school that my daughter Hana attends every weekend.
00:14However, Hana and I aren't connected by blood.
00:19Hana is the only daughter of my deceased brother and his wife.
00:23They both passed away in a car accident when Hana was 5.
00:27When the question arose among relatives about who would take care of her,
00:31Hana turned to me, and I made the decision to take her in.
00:35From now on, we'll be a family.
00:40Since then, Hana has treated me with affection, like a real father.
00:44Even though I worked late yesterday,
00:47it's really embarrassing to be late as a father all the time.
00:51We're here!
00:52O-okay, sorry for being late.
00:55Late again?
00:57Miss Karin!
00:59Ah, s-sorry!
01:02She is Karin Aoki, the swimming coach.
01:05Rumor has it that she used to be a delinquent, but the kids seem to adore her.
01:10However, I, who is always late, inevitably get scolded.
01:14She probably thinks I'm an unreliable father.
01:18Trouble arose at the end of practice.
01:21Good job!
01:23Huh? Why are you in such a bad mood?
01:27It seems Charo Yabusugi, a classmate, teased her about not getting better at swimming.
01:33Charo, the one always playing pranks on others.
01:37The other kids defended her, and I also scolded him.
01:41But Hana didn't like what he said.
01:43Because he always teases me!
01:46Even though I'm taking my practice seriously!
01:50I'll win at the next competition!
01:52Huh? But competitions are usually separated by gender, right?
01:57You won't be able to compete against Charo.
02:00If I win, he won't say I'm bad at swimming anymore.
02:04Ah, I see.
02:06Got it. Then daddy will help!
02:09Let's start with training at home!
02:11Wait a moment.
02:13It could lead to bad habits.
02:15Uh, that's true.
02:18For example, how about increasing the time at the swimming school?
02:22You mean, not just on weekends, but also on weekdays?
02:26But I work on weekdays.
02:29There's a shuttle bus that goes to the elementary school Hana attends.
02:33Even if you work late, I'll take care of her until you finish.
02:37Thank you! If that helps Hana get better, I'd like to do that!
02:41Okay! I'll make the arrangements accordingly.
02:46From the next day, Hana started going to the swimming school not only on weekends, but also on weekdays.
02:52It seems the weekday sessions continue until the evening when my work ends.
02:57I came to pick her up after work, but it looks like she's still practicing.
03:01I'll wait on the bench.
03:03Well then, I'll swim again, so please watch closely, okay?
03:09Miss Karen is swimming! She's beautiful!
03:13After one hour...
03:15The lesson's over. Hana is changing, so please wait a moment.
03:19Alright. But really, you are beautiful.
03:23Huh? What are you suddenly saying?
03:26Well, I saw you swimming earlier, and you were amazing!
03:30Uh, that's, um, nothing out of the ordinary.
03:34Thanks for waiting, Dad!
03:36You know, I want a competitive swimsuit. Everyone wears them in competitions!
03:42Uh, indeed. You need one for the competition, but I don't know what kind would be suitable.
03:48Then, let's ask Miss Karen!
03:52Certainly. Having you would be reassuring, but you're probably busy.
03:57Miss Karen, is it no good?
04:00Well, it's not like it's impossible.
04:04If it's this Saturday, coaching only goes until the morning, so I have free time in the afternoon.
04:10In that case, can we ask for your help?
04:13Well, I guess there's no helping it. I can't refuse a request from one of our school's students.
04:20And so, Saturday arrived.
04:23I'm done! Sorry to keep you waiting.
04:26She looks really cute in her casual clothes!
04:31Well then, shall we go?
04:36Usually, I've only seen her in a swimsuit, but even her casual clothes are cute!
04:42There were rumors about her being a former delinquent, but is it true?
04:46She doesn't seem like it at all.
04:50Are you both okay?
04:54That was dangerous! How reckless!
05:00You dropped it!
05:02You got a problem or something?
05:04A problem? Yeah, I do.
05:08Can't you see there's a kid walking?
05:12Take your trash with you instead of dropping it on the ground!
05:17Y-yes! Sorry!
05:20She's still intimidating!
05:23But she got angry for Hana's sake.
05:26She's admired in the swimming class, loves children, and seems to be a kind person.
05:33Honestly, people really need to be careful!
05:36You really love children. Did you ever think about becoming a child care worker or a school teacher?
05:43I've thought about it, but there was a certain incident in high school that led to me becoming a coach at the swimming school.
05:50An incident?
05:52Back in high school, I saved a man who was drowning in a river.
05:57I was a troublemaker at the time, always up to mischief.
06:00So the rumors were true?
06:02I was terrible at studying and had a bad reputation.
06:06No one ever praised me, but that man praised my swimming.
06:11So you decided to work in swimming-related jobs?
06:14Yes, but aiming to be a swimmer from high school was too late.
06:19I chose to become a coach at a swimming school so I could work with children,
06:23got the necessary qualifications, and became an instructor.
06:27So you've always been a wonderful person.
06:31W-what? Why are we talking about that?
06:34Because you've been helping people since way back.
06:38Even now, you scolded a stranger for the sake of the kids.
06:42I think that's wonderful too.
06:44I-it's just normal. Come on, let's go already.
06:49Oh, did I make her mad again?
06:53Yay! Will I swim faster with this?
06:56If you practice, you'll surely get better.
06:59Thank you so much for helping us out today!
07:02If you'd like, how about having a meal together after this?
07:06I want to thank you for coming with us today.
07:09You've always been so helpful.
07:11Th-that's not okay. It's not right to your wife.
07:15Uh, well, actually, I'm not married.
07:19Huh? Then, Hana is...
07:23She's the daughter of my deceased brother and his wife.
07:27They passed away in a car accident four years ago, and I decided to take care of her.
07:32I-I'm sorry. I brought up a delicate topic.
07:37It's okay. Besides, I consider Hana my real daughter.
07:42Well, sometimes I think it would be good if she had a mother for her sake.
07:46I want a mom too!
07:48I see.
07:50N-no, really. There's no need for thanks.
07:54Are you sure? Did I upset her somehow?
07:57However, a few days later...
08:00Uh-oh! Late again!
08:02S-sorry, I'm late again.
08:05Late again?
08:07Oh, she's going to scold me.
08:10Honestly, you really have no sense of time.
08:13Look, your collar is crooked.
08:15Wait, she's not scolding me?
08:18In fact, it feels like she's closer than usual.
08:22After practice.
08:24Practice is over, but Miss Karen has something to talk about.
08:29I'd like to ask about food.
08:31Swimming is a full-body exercise that uses a lot of energy, especially after practice.
08:37It's good to consume carbohydrates and proteins.
08:41I was wondering what kind of meals you usually have.
08:44I see. I haven't really thought about it deeply, but if we're aiming for a competition, proper nutrition is necessary.
08:51But I don't know what kind of dishes are suitable.
08:55Then, shall I teach you?
08:58At your home.
09:00It's not like I have any other intentions.
09:04I just thought it would be necessary for Hana to become better at swimming.
09:08If you're aiming for victory in a competition, proper nutrition is essential.
09:13Got it. Well then, please.
09:16Okay. I'll change, so wait for me.
09:21After returning home.
09:23Well then, shall we start cooking?
09:27I never expected to cook with her. The apron suits her so well.
09:32One hour later.
09:34Mmm! Ms. Karen's cooking is delicious!
09:38It really is delicious!
09:40I-is that so?
09:42Well, I've always been good at cooking.
09:45If we could have this every day, it would be amazing!
09:51Oh! I know!
09:54What if Daddy and Ms. Karen get married? Huh?
10:01W-what are you saying?
10:03Ahaha! Both of your faces turn so red!
10:08One hour later.
10:10Thank you so much for today!
10:12I'll do my best to cook, taking into account what you've taught me.
10:16Yes. Feel free to ask any time if you have questions.
10:21Well then...
10:22Oh. Oh, it's raining heavily.
10:26With this rain, it'll be difficult to go home.
10:29Uh, I have an idea!
10:31Then why don't you stay over at our place tonight?
10:36N-no, that's not...
10:38R-right! Ms. Karen surely has things to do!
10:42Aw, man! I really want to talk more with her!
10:49She's so cute!
10:52Really can't?
10:55W-well, it would be difficult to go home in this heavy rain and risk getting injured.
11:00How about staying over tonight?
11:03Is that okay?
11:05Of course! There's a guest bedroom, so you can sleep with Hana.
11:09Thank you.
11:11Well then, I appreciate your hospitality today.
11:15Yay! Awesome!
11:18Then let's take a bath together!
11:21But I don't have a change of clothes.
11:23You can use mine. I'll bring them right away.
11:26Are you sure? Thank you.
11:29Then I'll go to the bath first!
11:32Well then, please use this.
11:34It's been washed, so I think it should be fine in terms of smell.
11:38I don't mind. It's fine.
11:40Thank you for letting me stay.
11:42No, I'm the one who should be thankful for Hana being taken care of.
11:46But why do you always help us?
11:49I've been grateful to you for a while now.
11:55When Hana joined our swimming school, that's when I started working as a coach.
12:00However, I was nervous at first, and the kids even said I was scary.
12:05Eh? But now you're loved by them, right?
12:10That's because of you.
12:12What do you mean?
12:14Even though I love children, I couldn't get close to them, and I was feeling down.
12:19But you and Hana always talked to me, didn't you?
12:23That's right. I was worried because Hana couldn't swim well, and I thought about what I could do.
12:29I never thought it would be beneficial for you.
12:33Still, watching you two talk, little by little the other kids started relying on me too.
12:40The person I am now is thanks to both of you.
12:43It's only natural to repay that kindness.
12:46I never thought I was helping her.
12:50And, hearing from Hana about what a good father you are, little by little I started to feel curious.
12:59So, that's why...
13:05Can I...
13:10Hana's mom?
13:13Weren't you, like, hating me? You were always strict.
13:18That's a misunderstanding.
13:20If anything, I thought it was admirable how you always looked after your daughter.
13:25Well, I did wish you would fix her habit of being late, though.
13:28I'm sorry.
13:29No. I'm the one who should apologize for causing the misunderstanding.
13:37Can I hear your answer?
13:39That is...
13:41Ms. Karen, what are you still doing?
13:47What were you doing?
13:49It's nothing.
13:51Well, then, let's go and take a bath.
13:56I-I was surprised!
13:58But, indeed, she is a wonderful woman.
14:01She's kind, and she's been so helpful for Hana, and, well, for me too.
14:08Afterward, she continued to support Hana's practice.
14:11I also did my best to contribute to Hana's progress by preparing meals and doing training at home as much as I could.
14:20Gradually, Hana's swimming skills improved.
14:25On the day of the competition, Hana achieved good results in the qualifiers, advancing to the finals.
14:31Well done, Hana!
14:33At this rate, you might really win the championship!
14:37Yeah! I'll do my best in the finals too!
14:40And so, the finals began.
14:42You can do it, Hana!
14:44The start is perfect! She's leading!
14:47But, is her stamina okay at that pace?
14:50Ah! The moment she entered the turn, her pace...
14:54As expected, her stamina has reached its limit!
14:57In the end, Hana continued to lose her pace.
15:00The result was last place.
15:03I'm sorry...
15:07Even though Dad and Miss Karen worked so hard for me...
15:13Maybe winning was impossible for me after all...
15:17That's not true.
15:19Hana, you did your best.
15:21It's frustrating not to win, but the days of hard work won't be in vain.
15:27That's right.
15:28Let's channel this feeling into the next competition.
15:31If you keep it up, you'll surely win next time!
15:34That's right!
15:38You've been working so hard all this time.
15:41Everyone's saying you were amazing!
15:44And that guy seems to be reflecting on what he said.
15:48That guy?
15:50You did really well.
15:55I said some terrible things.
15:57I'm really sorry.
15:59I believe you'll definitely win next time!
16:01I'll do my best too!
16:04Thank you, everyone!
16:06I'll win in the next competition!
16:08I'll keep doing my best!
16:10Hana has made good friends.
16:13Afterward, Hana and the others headed to the changing room.
16:16Sorry to keep you waiting.
16:18Thank you so much again.
16:20I'm sure Hana wouldn't have worked so hard if you weren't her coach.
16:24No, I just did what was expected of me.
16:27Nevertheless, I want you to be by my side from now on.
16:31T-That means...
16:34Karen, will you become Hana's mother?
16:38I-I really like you!
16:40You're so dedicated to the children and kind to others.
16:43Besides, Hana has become attached to you.
16:46And I'm sure she'll be happy if you become her mother.
16:49I really like you too.
16:52The person I am now is thanks to you.
16:56So let's start with dating first.
16:59Ms. Karen will become my mommy?
17:03You heard that?
17:05Hehe, I've been here all along.
17:08But more importantly, I'm happy that Ms. Karen will become my mommy!
17:15Well then, I'll do my best to become a great mommy.
17:20From the next day, Hana continued to practice for the upcoming competition.
17:25Even Charao, who used to tease Hana, seems to be working hard after seeing her efforts.
17:30Surely, if things continue like this, she'll win in the next competition.
17:36And then, Ms. Karen...
17:38No, Karen and I got married a few months later.
17:42Hana fell asleep quickly.
17:44She really did her best today, and she seemed quite tired.
17:48Then, aren't you tired too, Karen?
17:51Let's go to bed early tonight.
17:54Since we've become a family,
17:57don't you think Hana would like to have a little brother or sister?
18:02You know, having more children is more fun, right?
18:08In other words, is that what she's saying?
18:11Is... is that okay?
18:14Hi! It's me, Mel!
18:17Thanks for watching my channel!
18:20I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos too!
