• last year
00:00The hardest part of any muscle-building journey is getting started,
00:03and that is especially true if you're a teenager.
00:06You're not sure what exercises to do,
00:08you're not sure how to do the exercises,
00:10and you can start with a bunch of biceps curls,
00:12but that just may not get you to your goals.
00:14So we're going to help you figure that out
00:15with six moves that every teen should know how to do.
00:18Henry, can you tell me a little bit about yourself
00:20and just how you got into training?
00:21Yeah, I'm Henry, and I got into training from my dad.
00:24You play any sports?
00:25Yeah, I play baseball and basketball.
00:26What to you is a good physique? What are you thinking about?
00:28I guess like something that like I'm like content with, like...
00:33Well, let's find out.
00:34What are the biggest muscle groups you think about
00:36trying to strengthen or build muscle?
00:38Trying to like strengthen my triceps, my biceps, and my thighs a lot.
00:42Got it. Well, let's start with the triceps then.
00:45Have you ever done a tricep skullcrusher?
00:47Okay, we'll start with that exercise.
00:48Let's grab some dumbbells.
00:49I'm not going to say anything.
00:50Let's just see Henry kind of do the tricep skullcrusher,
00:53and then we'll kind of make some adjustments to your form
00:55and help get your technique better.
00:59Two more.
01:01So the couple of things I want you to do,
01:03I want you to slide down a little bit on the bench, right?
01:05Think about putting your butt on the bottom part of the bench.
01:08And make sure your head is fully on the bench, right?
01:10And I want you to think about your lower body a little bit, okay?
01:12So we want to drive our feet hard into the ground.
01:14Think of driving your heels through the floor.
01:16And I want you to squeeze your glutes.
01:18And the moment you squeeze your glutes,
01:19your hips should rise a little bit.
01:20So squeeze your glutes super hard.
01:23And now we want to make a couple alterations to your upper body, right?
01:26Now we want to make a couple alterations to your upper body, right?
01:28The first thing I want to do is I want you to think about
01:32driving your shoulders hard into my hands, right?
01:34So drive them down.
01:36That's starting to get his rhomboids involved.
01:37That's putting your shoulder blades in a nice safe position long-term.
01:39But straighten those arms out and try to point your elbows
01:43towards the front of the room.
01:44You're letting your elbows shift forward.
01:46I want you to try to keep your elbows back as much as you can.
01:49And then try to touch the head of the dumbbell to your shoulder.
01:53And then back up.
01:55Feel that difference?
01:57I'm going to take my hand away,
01:59but try to keep them back as much as possible, okay?
02:08So the reason we want to kind of make these alterations to Henry's form too,
02:11what we're trying to do is protect his shoulders as much as we can.
02:15So a lot of times when people do skull crush,
02:17they have their shoulders extended.
02:18And what that does, yes, you can survive it.
02:21And for like three, four, five years, your triceps will start to grow.
02:25But in the long term, you're hanging your shoulders out to dry.
02:28We're closing down a lot of joint space.
02:30And that's going to lead to a lot of injuries,
02:31which we want to help Henry avoid.
02:33The other thing we're doing with this is we're going to help him
02:35by kind of not letting his elbows shift forward.
02:38We're going to isolate the triceps more.
02:40That's going to give him a lot more pump and burn there.
02:42And it's going to help his triceps grow more.
02:44As you lower down, let's take three seconds.
02:45One, two, three.
02:47That's good. Now drive up.
02:50Again, two, two, three.
02:52And so that nice long eccentric is going to help his triceps develop.
02:56Even with lighter weights too,
02:58it's going to set the stage for a lot of growth as well.
03:00Once you learn that eccentric,
03:02eventually you're going to be able to go much heavier.
03:04We're stronger lowering a weight than we are picking it up.
03:07So if I can get you strong there,
03:08then I can have you picking up the 20s and 25s.
03:10If you're starting out, if you're a teenager
03:12and you want to start to develop your triceps,
03:14all you need is a pair of dumbbells to do the skull crusher.
03:17It's a very good starting point.
03:18Let's put the waist down, Henry.
03:20So Henry, how did that feel different
03:21from the way you normally do skull crushers?
03:23Better or worse?
03:24Better. I felt more proper.
03:25Like everything was more like a fit.
03:27You said you also want to train your biceps too, right?
03:30So why don't you give me five curls and just feel good about them.
03:32Just do what you normally do.
03:36Seems like you have a pretty good base and start for these.
03:38So we're going to make a couple alterations though to this
03:41so you can get more out of it.
03:42The first, if you don't mind, can we go from 20 to 15?
03:45I remember being a teenager too and I used to always,
03:47I could curl 30, 35 pounds then,
03:50but I wasn't really getting the most out of curl.
03:52A lot of times we go lighter and I know you hate to hear it,
03:56but we go lighter at least at the start.
03:58Biceps in particular wind up being a very mind muscle movement.
04:02We can develop that connection a lot better
04:04when we make a couple adjustments.
04:06First thing, you were kind of in this staggered athletic stance,
04:09which is really good for athletic movements.
04:11Like if I was having you get ready for a basketball game or football game.
04:14But for this, I would either want you to sit down
04:17or I want you to stand with your feet nice and square.
04:19Second thing we want to do, we want to organize Henry's upper body.
04:22Shift to the side.
04:23Stand this way, Henry.
04:25I want you to think about squeezing the heck out of your shoulder blades, right?
04:27So essentially try to squeeze my finger.
04:29If you're at home, you can kind of take a pencil
04:31or almost have a friend put a finger behind in there
04:34and you're trying to squeeze your shoulder blades nice and tight.
04:36And then I want you to think about closing your rib cage.
04:38So you know how like you might flex your abs in front of the mirror?
04:41This is going to be that really, really good starting point for the curl.
04:45Then the next thing I want you to do,
04:46you're going to try to pin your elbows to your sides, right?
04:50As you curl up, what I want you to do this time,
04:52as soon as your forearms get parallel to the ground, a little geometry, right?
04:56I want you to hold there for a split second.
04:59So when you're in this point, right?
05:01Let's turn forward, Henry.
05:02See how the dumbbells are dipping a little bit?
05:04What I want you to think about when you're here
05:06is turning the dumbbells ever so slightly.
05:08Yeah, so that they're completely parallel to the ground.
05:10That's something called supination.
05:12And if we can hit that position,
05:14that's a secondary function of our biceps.
05:16That's really going to, you're probably feeling it burning there.
05:18The thing I see everybody do too often in a biceps curl,
05:20whether they're a teenager or they're 40 years old,
05:22they will curl and they won't really complete the curl.
05:25And because you're not getting that supination,
05:27you're not really going to stimulate your biceps as much as you can.
05:30So you're not going to get those really awesome biceps peaks.
05:32Once you learn how to do that, and we're teaching you young,
05:35you're going to get a lot more out of your curl in the long term.
05:37The negative part, see how you let your arms go real fast, right?
05:40Don't let your arms go real fast.
05:41So keep the control all the way down, right?
05:44And then you would go right into your next rack, right?
05:47Good. All the way up.
05:49Good. Now slow down.
05:50One, two, three.
05:52Continue to go slow.
05:53There you go.
05:54Okay, when it comes to the dumbbell biceps curl too,
05:57one of the secrets is you can actually do curls every single day
06:00because they are a light load exercise.
06:02They're not going to tap something called your central nervous system.
06:05They're not going to fatigue it.
06:06So you can do two to three sets of 10 to 12 reps anytime you want.
06:10And that's a really, really good way to start growing biceps.
06:13Every single teenager I can imagine is going through the same thing,
06:16especially if you play sports.
06:17And one of the best exercises that every single teenager really needs to know
06:21is something called the Romanian deadlift.
06:22This is actually the safest version of a deadlift.
06:25And once you get this down to,
06:27this winds up being one of the heaviest exercises that you can do.
06:31So let's see your RDL.
06:36So how does that feel to you?
06:37How much is like happening?
06:39Not much is happening.
06:40Okay, so we're off to it.
06:41We're off to it.
06:42But this is good because this is a move that we can wind up working out.
06:45We can wind up perfecting pretty easily, right?
06:46The thing we're trying to train with our Romanian deadlift
06:49is the idea of glutes and hamstrings.
06:52And we're also going to get a little bit of lower back work.
06:54So the couple adjustments that I want you to make.
06:56The first one, see how the dumbbells when you were doing them were drifting forward.
06:59I want you to think about keeping them close to your shins.
07:02Essentially, try to keep them to your size.
07:04The same steps we think about every single exercise
07:06in terms of squeezing our shoulder blades
07:08and kind of flexing our abs like we do in front of the mirror.
07:11That's our starting position.
07:12Key things here.
07:13Dumbbells glide down your shins.
07:15Three seconds down.
07:17Butt goes backwards towards the wall.
07:19I want you to make one more adjustment.
07:21We were going back and you were going one, two, three.
07:24When we start, we're going to start by squeezing our shoulder blades.
07:27Never lose that feeling for the life of the rep.
07:30Three, two, three.
07:33And stand up.
07:33Only thing I want you to do is when you stand up,
07:35remember when we think athleticism, we want to do everything fast.
07:39So I want you to stand fast and squeeze your glutes hard when you stand up.
07:43Like it's if you're trying to crack like a walnut in your butt.
07:46Can I use that?
07:47It's too late.
07:49So that was one exercise for your lower body
07:52that covers your hamstrings and your glutes,
07:53but you also talked about wanting to attack your quads a little bit too, right?
07:57Can I see your dumbbell squat?
08:00We're combining a squat and a little bit of a shoulder press.
08:03So that's something called a dumbbell thruster.
08:05But have you ever done just kind of a traditional squat
08:08that's going to really attack your quads?
08:11Okay, well, we're going to work on that.
08:12And today we're going to learn the goblet squat.
08:14The great thing with any squat, when we get it right,
08:17is because of the placement of the load
08:19and because we have to keep our torso upright,
08:21not just our abs, but our entire core is important.
08:24So your lower back muscles, your abs, your glutes,
08:27your lower back muscles, your abs, your obliques,
08:30all of that combines to stabilize our spine,
08:33which is exactly what it's supposed to do.
08:34And so without doing a single crunch or a single sit-up or anything like that,
08:38you wind up developing the six-pack that most guys want to learn.
08:41Goblet squat is another one of those motions.
08:44I probably don't want you doing this three or four times a week,
08:47but think about doing it twice a week, three sets of eight to ten reps,
08:51making sure those eight to ten reps are really focused
08:54and you get that good pause on the body.
08:57So for our chest, what we actually want to do is not just a single move,
09:01but we want to do a combination.
09:03You truly want your chest to look super heroic and strong.
09:05We want to start with a back exercise,
09:07and you need to have a row in your routine.
09:10Can you show me the row that you do?
09:15So there's nothing wrong with that row,
09:16but there's a couple things I want to do to help you feel a little bit more in your back.
09:21And I also want to put you in a slightly different position.
09:23That way we can focus a little bit more on our lats and elbows.
09:28So I want the bench at about a 30-degree angle for you.
09:30I want you to think about unshrugging your shoulders, right?
09:33So when your shoulders are up high like this,
09:36that's a place where, again, we can pinch a lot of rotator cuff tendons.
09:39It's also not the best way to do the motion.
09:41So unshrug them again.
09:42It already turns on your lats.
09:44Now, let's see you row up from here.
09:46I want you to keep looking at the ground.
09:48Don't dip your head down, but look straight in front of you.
09:52Same thing we've done on all other exercises.
09:54We're going to think about three seconds down on every rep.
09:56So let's row up again.
09:59One, two.
10:01Let's see how you're kind of cheating on the three.
10:04You're like, one, two, and then you drop them.
10:07What I want you to do is kind of be continuous through that entire range of motion.
10:11If we accelerate too fast and we just lose the waist,
10:14we're not really getting everything out of our lats and our mid-back.
10:17Down with control the entire way down.
10:19Keep going with control, with control, with control, with control.
10:23Now, reach for the ground when you get to the bottom.
10:24Get that good stretch.
10:26That reach for the ground helps to spread all this back tissue up,
10:30gets more range of motion through these smaller back muscles,
10:33and then he's got to squeeze his shoulder blades.
10:35He initiates the motion with those smaller back muscles,
10:38then gets that good stretch on the bottom.
10:39We get a lot of time under tension with this row,
10:42and we get a whole ton of mid-back focus.
10:45So he's training his lats here.
10:46He's also training his rhomboids.
10:48You can get up now.
10:50Did you feel anything between your shoulder blades when you were doing it?
10:52Like, I feel like a good burn.
10:53That burn is something I'm going to want you to chase when we get into our dumbbell presses
10:58because that burn helps put us in position to really optimize our dumbbell press
11:02so that we can be super strong when we're benching.
11:04The row is probably the quintessential and most critical back exercise for everyone,
11:09whether you're a teen or whether you're 50 years old.
11:11So you can do this up to three times a week.
11:14Think of doing three sets of 8 to 12 reps,
11:17but now, obviously, we want a motion that's going to build serious chest muscle.
11:21That is going to be our basic bench press.
11:23In the long term, you want to get to the heavy barbell press if you want to grow a superhero chest,
11:28but the truth is we can get really, really far with dumbbell presses.
11:32So let's see your basic dumbbell press.
11:38That's actually a really good dumbbell press.
11:40No notes.
11:41A couple notes.
11:42So set up on the bench again.
11:43Let's squeeze our glutes, and let's drive our feet super hard into the ground.
11:47I want you to try to unshrug your shoulders a little bit,
11:49and then I want you to do that same thing that we did on the skull crusher
11:52and drive your shoulders hard into the bench.
11:56Last thing I want you to do, I want you to think about turning your wrists ever so slightly.
12:00So when you maintain this angle, all we're doing is we're protecting your shoulders long term,
12:05and we're giving you a little more joint space to work with.
12:07So I want you to lower down.
12:08Take two seconds to lower.
12:10Pause with the weights an inch from your chest.
12:12So that is a stretch position, one, and then drive up.
12:16So when we're working off that tempo, see how it instantly got harder?
12:19Do two more reps.
12:20So one, two, here, hold, now drive up.
12:25And let's put them down now.
12:27When I get you in that pause, right,
12:29what we're doing is we're living in something called the lengthen position, the stretch position.
12:33Stretch position is where most of our growth happens,
12:35and most of the potential for growth happens in a muscle.
12:38So by living in that position, even if we're working with 25s or 30s,
12:43by spending more time in there, we're really setting the stage for growth.
12:46So working that controlled tempo on the way down,
12:49maintaining that technique, and then pausing for a split second before pressing up instantly makes it harder.
12:54We're also not capitalizing on something called the stretch reflex.
12:58So essentially, my muscles are a rubber band, right?
13:01And if I go down and up fast, I can capitalize on that rubber band effect.
13:06If I have to stay down for a split second and hold, I lose that rubber band effect,
13:11and then it's all my muscles working in order to create the drive up.
13:15So that's it. We wound up going over six moves that every teen should know,
13:19and these are the moves that you really need.
13:20That's what's going to get you to the point.
13:22It's not necessarily about lifting the heaviest weights.
13:24It's not about pushing your body to the edge.
13:26It's about execution.
13:27Now you have the tools for execution.
13:29Now you have the tools for execution at home,
13:31whether you're training in your own garage or whether you're training your son in your garage.
13:35You can get a whole ton out of this.
13:41Go to Beadaholique.com for all of your beading supply needs!
