• 3 months ago
Explore Biblical stability through MATTHEW 7:18-27. Discover that True Stability is not merely about external circumstances but a firm foundation in Christ. Jesus assures us of peace despite life's trials. True stability is rooted in obedience, faith, and a genuine relationship with God, producing enduring spiritual fruit. Dive into the transformative truths of Scripture, and expect God to fulfill His promises...
MATTHEW 7:24 AMPC So everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts upon them [obeying them] will be like a sensible (prudent, practical, wise) man who built his house upon the rock. Remember to like, subscribe and share, and should you feel led to invest in this ministry, we truly appreciate your prayers and seed. Shalom & Amen! #thetruth #WordOfGod #God #Jesus #HolySpirit #theboost #life #love #joy #peace #freedom #faith #lionsroar3eight #revival #success #Amen
00:00True stability, a firm foundation in Christ.
00:13Matthew 7.24 tells us,
00:16so everyone who hears these words of mine
00:19and acts upon them, obeying them,
00:21will be like a sensible, prudent, practical,
00:25wise man who built his house upon the rock.
00:29Someone wise once said,
00:31the weight of the world is lifted off your shoulders
00:34when you turn your life over to the Lord.
00:38Let him be your backbone and stability
00:40so you may prosper like never before.
00:43Feel the freedom of his love break through the chains
00:47of despair.
00:48True stability, a firm foundation in Christ.
00:53Want to know more?
00:55Hang around.
00:56Welcome, welcome to Lions Roar 3EA Ministries.
01:03Amos 3EA tells us,
01:05the lion has roared, who will not fear or hear?
01:08The Lord God has spoken, who can but prophesy?
01:13My name is George Magalhães
01:15and we are an apostolic ministry
01:17with a prophetic teaching edge.
01:19It is our passion, our mission to reignite, equip
01:22and release Christ-like disciples
01:24both locally and globally.
01:26We do that through our itinerant ministry
01:28but as well as providing with resources
01:31just like this one to help you,
01:33to guide you in your God-given calling.
01:36Today, we're gonna be talking about true stability.
01:42True stability, bringing us to our main verse today.
01:47And our main verse today comes from the book
01:50of Matthew 7, verse 24.
01:55Matthew 7, verse 24, as we heard at the beginning,
01:58this time reading from the message version,
02:02these words I speak to you
02:04are not incidental additions to your life,
02:09homeowner improvements to your standard of living.
02:12They are foundational words, words to build a life on.
02:16If you work these words into your life,
02:19you are like a smart carpenter
02:21who built his house on solid rock.
02:27Amen, okay.
02:29Welcome to our guest, our monthly guest.
02:31We've got prophet Sabrina Magalhães
02:34which also happens to be my amazing wife,
02:39which we just celebrated last week, 20 years.
02:41No, no, it was the week before.
02:43It was the week before.
02:44Oh, the week before, 20 years.
02:4620 years of anniversary.
02:48Thank you once again for all of you,
02:50for your prayers, for your wishes, loving wishes.
02:53Today, we're gonna be speaking a great topic.
02:57Who wants stability?
02:58I mean, look at the times that we are living today
03:01and we are living in some very unusual, very weird times
03:06and stability is something we want
03:08and we should be living in.
03:10As believing Christians, we should be living in stability.
03:13Now, let me give you just a little introduction
03:19of what we're gonna be hearing today.
03:20So stability is a concept everyone understands
03:24yet its meaning varies widely
03:27based on individual priorities.
03:29Financial security, family and relationships
03:32often define stability for many.
03:35However, the biblical perspective
03:37presents a deeper understanding.
03:39Stability as revealed in scripture
03:42is not just about external circumstances
03:44but about a firm foundation in Christ.
03:49Jesus assures us in John 16, 33
03:52that despite life's tribulations,
03:55we can find peace in him, our solid rock.
03:58That's right.
03:59Through the study of Matthew 7, 18 to 27,
04:02which we are going to be doing today.
04:05That's right.
04:06We're going to be studying Matthew 7, 18 to 27
04:09and we will attempt to finish it today
04:12but I have a feeling that it might last two weeks.
04:16Or three weeks.
04:17It depends on how it goes, right?
04:18Yeah, because there is quite a bit for us to cover.
04:20It's great.
04:21So I encourage you to listen to it and re-listen.
04:24We learn through Matthew 7, 18 to 27
04:27that true stability comes from a life rooted in obedience,
04:32faith and a genuine relationship with God,
04:36producing enduring spiritual fruit.
04:40So as I said, in today's study of Matthew 7, 18 to 27,
04:44we are going to explore, we're going to study
04:47and for some discover the importance of living in stability
04:53established in the way God intended
04:55for all Christian believers to live.
04:58Now, there's quite a few sections
05:01and quite a few points we're gonna point out.
05:02So in our first section,
05:04we're gonna divide Matthew 7, 18 to 27 into three sections.
05:10In our first section, we will answer three key questions
05:15that play an important part in living in true stability.
05:19First one, what is biblical fruits?
05:23That's right.
05:24Number two, what significance do the fruits
05:27of the spirit hold and what do they reveal
05:30about our character?
05:31And number three, how do we walk in the fruit of the spirit?
05:36Now, following on from that, hopefully this week,
05:40if not next week, will be our second section,
05:43which is Matthew 7, 21 to 23.
05:46We will reveal and we'll uncover biblical supporting evidence
05:51of the following true statements.
05:53Number one, stability accomplishes God's will.
05:58Number two, stability is present by faith, not works.
06:05And number three, stability is found
06:08in a genuine relationship with God.
06:12So we've spoken about number one and number two,
06:16and our final third section is Matthew 7, 24 to 27.
06:22I'll soon hand over to our guests today to speak,
06:25but I'm giving you an introduction
06:27to what we're gonna be doing.
06:28Matthew 7, 24 to 27 will once again provide
06:33further biblical supporting evidence
06:35of the following true key statements
06:37to living in true stability.
06:40Number one, stability is a result of obedience to God.
06:45Number two, stability is founded on the rock,
06:48which is a similar one.
06:49It reaffirms what is in the second section.
06:52But put it in more description.
06:53Like it breaks it down more.
06:55Number three, stability cannot coexist with disobedience.
07:01So we encourage you, as I said at the beginning,
07:03we encourage you to listen,
07:04re-listen to these teachings several times,
07:07because it's really good, and this will help cement,
07:10establish these biblical truths in your faith.
07:14And if you know someone, by the way,
07:16who needs to hear this, share it with them.
07:18Let's pray.
07:19Share it with them, okay?
07:20Let's pray.
07:21Lord, I thank you for this wonderful night.
07:23I thank you that you've already gone ahead of us, Lord.
07:26Yes, for Jesus is glorified.
07:30In Jesus' mighty name, we thank you
07:32for the wonderful word that you have for us today,
07:35for your spirit of wisdom and revelation
07:37that is moving already in our hearts, in our minds.
07:40We thank you, Lord, for the miracle signs and wonders,
07:43for the deliverances, for the renewing of our minds.
07:47We thank you that you are here
07:51and that every word that comes out of our mouths,
07:54every prophetic word, every word of knowledge,
07:56every prayer, everything will be done by your spirit,
08:01bringing glory and honor to Jesus Christ.
08:04In Jesus' mighty name.
08:06Amen, amen.
08:08All right, hand it over to our lovely, beautiful guest here.
08:13I don't think anybody, any other guest
08:15get the word lovely and beautiful guest.
08:18Oh, it's good to be back.
08:19I haven't been back for over a month for me,
08:22compared to you, right?
08:23I didn't do any last month.
08:25Well, we're talking about stability.
08:28Stability is a concept familiar to everybody.
08:31Everybody knows about it, you know?
08:34Even kids knows about stability.
08:36It may not be in the similar context,
08:38but they actually understand that.
08:40So, its meaning can vary widely
08:43depending on personal priorities,
08:46like I was saying, even for a kid, right?
08:49For some, stability means financial security.
08:53While for others, it revolves around family, relationships.
08:59Some people are singularly revolves about around,
09:01you know, when is my next travel?
09:03You know, that's their stability.
09:05That's what they put as they see as them going forward.
09:11You know what I mean?
09:12Like they are stable, this is what they want.
09:14What we define though as stability
09:17often differs significantly from the biblical perspective
09:22on the matter of stability.
09:24It's not the way that the world has described it to be.
09:29All right, so the power of the source,
09:31there's a website called the power of the source.
09:36Excuse me.
09:37The power of the source reveals stability
09:40as permanence, solidity, durability,
09:45steadiness, consistency, steadfastness, dependability.
09:52Bible Gateway Dictionaries reveals stability
09:56as the state of being in a firm or unwavering situation,
10:01whether emotional, political or personal.
10:05Stability is an important element
10:07of a settled life before God.
10:10That's right.
10:11The key point there was a settled life before God.
10:17Truly, that is a very key point.
10:19Well said, babe.
10:21Now let's keep going.
10:22Today, let's consider stability from a biblical perspective
10:26like we talked about.
10:27The Bible acknowledges life's challenges,
10:31but eschews us of victory through Christ Jesus.
10:35In John chapter 16, verse 33 from the NKJV,
10:40Jesus says,
10:41these things I have spoken to you,
10:45that in me, you may have peace.
10:48In the world, you will have tribulation.
10:52Key word here, tribulation.
10:54But be of good cheer.
10:56I have overcome the world.
10:59This verse encourages us to find peace and confidence
11:03in Jesus Christ despite facing trials and difficulties.
11:09It tells us that we all will face trial and difficulties.
11:13Nobody is exempt from it.
11:15Jesus uses the analogy of building a house
11:19to illustrate that our lives should be built upon him.
11:23He's our rock, our salvation,
11:25our solid foundation and stability.
11:28He is our stability.
11:30It reminds me of one which we did,
11:32I think it was about sonship,
11:37which we did about identity.
11:39And how Jesus is our source.
11:40That was one of the points that we talked about.
11:43So if you have time, go back and see if you can listen to it.
11:46It's a very good one.
11:48They're all good.
11:49Today we will look more specifically
11:51into Matthew chapter seven, verse 18 to 27.
11:56Now our main verses for today.
11:58So that's our main verse for today, right?
12:00So let's begin by reading from the AMPC version, right?
12:04So Matthew seven, verse 18 to 27, AMPC.
12:10Verse 18, a good, healthy tree cannot bear
12:14bad, worthless fruit,
12:16nor can a bad disease tree bear excellent fruit
12:21worthy of admiration, oh my gosh.
12:27I'm getting tongue tied today, right?
12:30Let's continue, verse 19.
12:32Every tree that does not bear good fruit
12:34is cut down and cast into the fire.
12:38Number 20, therefore,
12:40you will fully know them by their fruits.
12:43Number 21, not everyone who says to me,
12:47Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven,
12:50but he who does the will of my father who is in heaven.
12:55Number 22, many will say to me on that day,
12:58Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name
13:02and driven out demons in your name
13:04and done many mighty works in your name?
13:07Number 23, and then I will say to them openly, publicly,
13:13I never knew you, depart from me,
13:16you who acted wickedly disregarding my commandments.
13:20Number 24, so everyone who hears these words of mine
13:25and acts upon them, obeying them,
13:27will be like a sensible, prudent, practical, wise man
13:31who built his house upon the rock.
13:35Verse 25, and the rain fell and the floods come
13:39and the wings blew and beat against the house.
13:42Yet it did not fall
13:44because it had been founded on the rock.
13:47Verse 26, and everyone who hears these words of mine
13:52and does not do them will be like a stupid, foolish man
13:56who built his house upon the sand.
13:59Verse 27, and the rain fell and the floods came
14:03and the wings blew and beat against that house
14:06and it fell and great and complete was the fall of it.
14:11So those are the verses we're gonna be breaking down
14:14into three sections like George talked about.
14:17So we're gonna start our first section.
14:21I'll get George to write.
14:22All right, since there's certainly a lot
14:25that we can take out of this and unpack
14:29in biblical scriptures,
14:31we are going to be exploring them in three sections.
14:34I know I said that at the beginning,
14:36let me say it again so that anybody who's late
14:40can hear this.
14:41Three sections, so Matthew 7, 18 to 20.
14:44The first section will be Matthew 7, 18 to 20.
14:52The second section will cover Matthew 7, 21 to 23.
14:57And the third section will cover Matthew 7, 24 to 27.
15:02Now each section, as I said at the beginning,
15:04will reveal key relevant points and statements.
15:08It'll open up questions,
15:10the most common of which we will answer as well.
15:13This is where we will begin our study today
15:16in Matthew 7, 18 to 20,
15:18our first section of scriptures which we're exploring.
15:24First section, Matthew 7, 18 to 20.
15:28So as we clearly just heard,
15:31the main evidence of walking in biblical stability
15:35is manifest in the fruit that we reproduce.
15:39Let's read it again,
15:40and then we will break it down further for our understanding.
15:44So it's Matthew 7, verse 18 to 20.
15:47And again, we are reading from the AMPC version
15:50if you are following on your Bible.
15:52Verse 18, a good, healthy tree
15:54cannot bear bad, worthless fruit,
15:57nor can a bad, diseased tree bear excellent fruit
16:01worthy of admirati...
16:04I'm stuck.
16:05I'm stuck again with the same.
16:07Admiration, say it again.
16:10Worthy of admiration, yay.
16:13Verse 19, every tree that does not bear good fruit
16:16is cut down and cast into the fire.
16:20Verse 20, therefore you will fully know them by their fruit.
16:26All right, let me say it in the voice translation
16:30because it does give us a different perspective.
16:32So Matthew 7, 18 to 20 in the voice translation says,
16:36a good tree cannot bear ugly, bitter fruit,
16:39nor can a bad tree bear fruit that is beautiful and tasty.
16:44And what happens to the rotten trees?
16:47They are cut down.
16:48They are used for firewood.
16:50When a prophet comes to you and preaches this or that,
16:53look for his fruits, sweet or sour, rotten or ripe.
16:59In order to fully understand stability
17:03or biblical stability,
17:05we need to dive further into these biblical truths.
17:08So Matthew 7, 18 to 20 emphasizes,
17:12and we will answer a few questions
17:14that arise within this section as well, as I've said before.
17:18The three main questions that we'll explore
17:21in this first section of Matthew 7, 18 to 20 is,
17:26what is biblical fruits?
17:29Number two, what significance do the fruits
17:33of the spirit hold?
17:35And what do they reveal about our character?
17:38And number three, how do we walk in the fruit of the spirit?
17:45So what is biblical fruits?
17:47Excuse me.
17:48The fruits of the spirit as described in the Bible
17:51are qualities or characteristic
17:54that Christians believers possess.
17:57I said Christian, right?
18:00When we become born again Christian,
18:03the spirit of God dwells within us,
18:05transforming our spirit to resemble Jesus.
18:10We can consistently manifest these biblical fruits
18:15as Galatians 5, verse 22 to 23 reveals,
18:19love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness,
18:24goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,
18:26and self-control reflecting Christ's character.
18:30Now these biblical fruits are therefore
18:33most commonly known as the fruit of the spirit.
18:37See, just as a mango tree naturally will bear mangoes,
18:42not anything else, right?
18:43Our lives should naturally reflect this spiritual fruit
18:48because now we are in Christ Jesus, right?
18:51Unlike worldly achievement or outward appearances,
18:55these fruits are enduring
18:56and reflect Christ's presence in us.
18:59Why do I say that?
19:01Because someone may be very, very well out there,
19:04but they do not have the fruit of the spirit in them
19:07and that is not reflected.
19:08So all those come to nothing because it's not enduring,
19:13While Christian believers may vary in their faith
19:16and spiritual maturity,
19:18our unity with Christ ensures
19:21that his characteristic grow within us.
19:24So if you're a newly born again Christian, right?
19:28And it's not like you're not at the same place as,
19:31for example, George would be
19:34because you are learning and you're growing.
19:36So everybody will not be at the same place,
19:39but all of us, because we have Christ in us,
19:42we are growing, right?
19:44So as we abide in him relationally and by faith,
19:49his fruits manifest in our lives, fulfilling his promises.
19:54Now me saying that doesn't mean
19:55that a person who just came to Christ
19:59will always be behind someone who knew Christ ages ago,
20:01because we will talk about that as we go on.
20:05There will be people who's been in church for a long time
20:07and they still don't manifest the fruit of the spirit
20:09compared to someone who just came to Christ.
20:13So it's not limited to certain section.
20:17We will discuss about it as we go on.
20:20Now, leaving out the fruits of the spirit is a choice
20:26rooted in surrendering to God, living by faith.
20:30Now, why do I say it's a choice?
20:32Like I was just saying now,
20:34someone may be in church for a long time,
20:36but even though you're going to church,
20:38it doesn't automatically means
20:40that you're walking in the fruit of the spirit.
20:42It is a choice.
20:44You have to be consciously aware of what you're doing
20:47to reflect the fruit of the spirit, loving,
20:51you know, walking in hope, long suffering,
20:55you know what I mean?
20:56Because those are character that produces
20:59you forgiving others,
21:00produces the image of Christ in you, right?
21:04The stability.
21:05The stability, right?
21:07That we need to walk in.
21:09So as Christian though,
21:11it is crucial for us to bear witness to these fruits.
21:13So if you read the word of God, it's not an option.
21:18It is crucial for us to do that
21:20as emphasized by Jesus in John chapter 15, verse two.
21:24This verse illustrates that God removes branches
21:28that do not bear fruit and prunes those that do,
21:31enhancing their productivity and quality.
21:34I mean, we can break that down in a lot,
21:36but we have other things to keep going.
21:39We'll keep going.
21:40Even in old age, according to Psalm 92, verse 14,
21:46those who grow in God's grace
21:48continue to bear spiritual fruit,
21:51remaining vibrant with trust, love, and contentment.
21:54So you can see, even in Psalms 92, verse 14,
21:58you can see that it talks about love.
22:00It talks about trust and contentment.
22:02This is, if you look at a different word or meaning,
22:05it is a fruit of the spirit.
22:07Now, one thing is for sure,
22:10doesn't mean that if you're old now, that's it.
22:13You know, I don't have to reflect Christ,
22:15I'm old, I'm at the end.
22:17No, no, no, no, no.
22:18That's why I love this verse,
22:19where it says, even in your old age,
22:23even in your old age, you bear fruit.
22:25Even in your old age, you don't have to come to a point
22:27where you don't have stability, right?
22:30So living out the fruits of the spirit
22:32involves allowing his spirit to guide our actions by faith.
22:37Now, these qualities listed in Galatians chapter five,
22:41verse 22 to 23, are not just traits,
22:44but reflection of Christ's character.
22:47All right, Galatians five, 22 to 23
22:50in the Amplified Classic.
22:52But the fruit of the Holy Spirit,
22:54the work which his presence within accomplishes
22:57is love, joy, or gladness, peace, patience,
23:02and ever even temper, forbearance,
23:05kindness, goodness, benevolence, faithfulness,
23:10gentleness, which can also mean meekness, humility,
23:13self-control, self-restraint, continence.
23:17Against such things, there is no law that can bring a charge.
23:24Now, we'll go to number two.
23:27What significance do the-
23:29Second question, you mean?
23:30Yes, second question.
23:31Not second section.
23:34Number two, okay.
23:35Number two of this section.
23:37What significance do the fruits of the spirit hold,
23:40and what do they reveal about our character?
23:45The fruits of the spirit act as both,
23:48act both as a protective shield
23:51and a source of strength when facing life's trial,
23:55becoming more effective over time
23:58and shining brightest in moments of adversity.
24:04This protective shield stands strong
24:07against the deceitful tactics of adversaries, of the enemy,
24:12enabling us to bear fruit that is steadfast and reliable,
24:16being stable in our daily walk.
24:19Now, we all know every day, every day,
24:22there is something that you always have to make a decision.
24:25Everything you do, it's because you made a choice.
24:27I'm not gonna eat this, I'm gonna eat that.
24:29I'm gonna do this, I'm not gonna do that.
24:31And the good thing that, and the good blessing that we have
24:34is that Christ has made the fruit of the spirit
24:38available to us, right?
24:41Available to us so that we can walk on it
24:43and walk with it, sorry,
24:45so that we can walk stable in our life every day
24:47compared to those who doesn't understand
24:49or who doesn't have it.
24:50We have this blessing.
24:53Now, the fruit of the spirit bear witness
24:55to how we live out our life, our faith in Christ.
24:58That's another point, right?
25:01You will know them by their fruits.
25:03It's not about worldly achievement or appearances.
25:09See, I don't see in the Bible, it say that,
25:12well done because you've achieved.
25:14Well done because you've done this, right?
25:17Even when it talk about the talents, right?
25:21If anybody talk about talents,
25:22it was what was given to them by the master.
25:25It can be said it was what was given to them by God.
25:29So they multiply that.
25:30So you have to understand everything that God is,
25:34if you read the Bible, the things that you're seeing,
25:37it's not what the world talks about fruits.
25:41The biblical fruits is different,
25:44but it also bring forth those blessing and those fruits.
25:49Those blessing, those fruits, or should I say,
25:52those fulfillment of his promises.
25:55We will talk about it again, right?
25:58So it's not about worldly achievement or appearances,
26:01but about exhibiting qualities that reflects Christ's
26:04character as Matthew chapter 12, verse 33 also illustrate.
26:08Matthew 12, 33 in the Amplified Classic,
26:11Matthew 12, 33,
26:13either make the tree sound healthy and good
26:15and its fruit sound healthy and good,
26:18or make the tree rotten, diseased and bad.
26:22And its fruit rotten, diseased and bad.
26:24For the tree is known and recognized and judged
26:28by its fruit.
26:29Well, that says it all, right?
26:31It's a whole explanation, this verse.
26:33Now the fruit of the spirit,
26:38qualities or characteristics as revealed in Galatians
26:43chapter five, verse 22 to 23, love, joy, peace,
26:46long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
26:49gentleness, and self-controls are eternal
26:51and lead to God's blessing in our life.
26:55Because as we are walking in it, right?
26:58God is a God of blessing.
27:00He doesn't set us up for curses.
27:03It opened doors of blessing into our life.
27:06When we embody the fruit of the spirit,
27:09we align ourself with Christ's teaching.
27:12Now this alignment protect us from harm
27:15and open doors to the fulfillment of God's promises,
27:19ensuring that adversities cannot overcome us.
27:23Why do I say it aligns us?
27:25Because you are then walking in obedience in his word,
27:30the blessing will naturally flow.
27:33We aim to be steadfast and unwavering in our journey,
27:37unlike the turbulence wave of the sea, right?
27:40We wanna be walking steadfast
27:43because the wave of the sea takes time to go somewhere.
27:46You might not even be able to go somewhere.
27:49But when you're steadfast in your walk,
27:50you're getting somewhere, you're going from glory to glory.
27:53It's easier to go from glory to glory.
27:55Now our goal begins with spiritual stability
27:58and resilience rooted in faith and anchored by God's guidance
28:04which steadies us amidst life uncertainties.
28:12Now, the third section of how to, of the fruit of the...
28:16Third question.
28:17Third question.
28:18Third question.
28:19Third question on how to walk.
28:21How do we walk in the fruit of the spirit?
28:25A key aspect of walking in the fruit of the spirit
28:27is recognizing that as Christian,
28:29we already possess those qualities
28:31requires for spiritual growth.
28:34It's part of the blessing that's been given to us
28:36at the inheritances that we have received
28:40as children of God.
28:42It is not by our own strengths.
28:44That's why it's part of the inheritance
28:46that we've been given to us by God.
28:48Just like, you know, when you become a child of God,
28:52you're already being given a measure of faith.
28:53We did something about that as well.
28:56I mean, quite way back.
28:58It's not by our own strengths, wisdom or knowledge,
29:00but through Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit's power
29:04that we develop and bear witness
29:06to the fruits of the spirit.
29:08Nurturing our spiritual life involves
29:11engaging in activities like studying the word of God
29:15because you need to recognize those fruits.
29:18What does those fruits look like?
29:19Praying, so you can ask God help.
29:22Like I've just said, it's not by your own strengths.
29:25And spending quality time in communion with God,
29:28having a two-way conversation, not just one way,
29:32a two-way conversation.
29:34So you understand just like a father teaches a child,
29:37do not eat this, do not touch this.
29:39Why daddy?
29:40Why shouldn't I touch this?
29:41Why shouldn't I eat this?
29:43Because this is good for you, this is bad for you.
29:45A two-way communication.
29:47Therefore, these can be summoned up in one key principle.
29:53Abide in the Lord, as John chapter 15,
29:56verse four to five clearly reveals.
29:58Wanna read that?
29:59John 15, four to five.
30:01John 15, four to five in the Amplified Classic.
30:04Dwell in me and I will dwell in you.
30:07Live in me and I will live in you.
30:10Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself
30:13without abiding in, being vitally united to the vine,
30:17neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in me.
30:22I am the vine, you are the branches.
30:24Whoever lives in me and I in him bears much abundant fruit.
30:30However, apart from me, cut off from vital union with me,
30:34you can do nothing.
30:37All right.
30:38Looks like we do have time for our second section.
30:42So our second section is Matthew 7, 21 to 23.
30:48Again, in order to fully understand stability,
30:51biblical stability, we need, or true stability,
30:54as the title is today,
30:57we need to dive further into Matthew 7,
31:00following on onto verses 21 to 23,
31:04exploring and revealing biblical evidence
31:07in support of the following true statements.
31:09In other words, we're in this section, section two,
31:13there's no questions, but there is three statements
31:15that we need to establish to understand
31:21in our foundational faith principles.
31:23Number one, stability accomplishes God's will.
31:27Number two, stability is present by faith, not works.
31:32And number three, stability is found
31:34in a genuine relationship with God.
31:38So let's read Matthew 7, 21 to 23 again,
31:43reading from the AMPC version.
31:46Verse 21, not everyone who says to me,
31:49Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven,
31:52but he who does the will of my father who is in heaven.
31:58The statement for this one is stability accomplishes
32:01God will.
32:04Verse 22, many will say to me on the day,
32:07Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name
32:11and driven our demons in your name
32:14and done many mighty works in your name?
32:18Statement for this one is stability is presence
32:22by faith and not work,
32:24because it's all about a relationship.
32:27Number 23, verse 23, and then I will say to them openly,
32:32publicly, publicly, I never knew you.
32:35Depart from me, you who act wickedly
32:38disregarding my commandments.
32:41The statement for this one is stability is found
32:44in a genuine relationship with God.
32:46See, in this verse, we see those people
32:48who did all those mighty work
32:50didn't have a relationship with God.
32:52They were just walking in the gift, all right?
32:55And God is like, I don't know who you are.
32:58Furthermore, this scripture deeply, deeply impact me,
33:01serving as a profound reminder, right?
33:04That relationship with God is important.
33:08God is, you can't just take God as a genie.
33:11Oh, I wanna do this, I wanna do that.
33:13These emphasize that our salvation comes
33:17solely through God's grace by faith
33:19in the finished work of Jesus Christ,
33:22not through our own efforts or merits.
33:25Now, if you take the story of Job, for example,
33:28he faithfully observed rituals
33:31and sought to stand before God in righteousness,
33:34yet lack a genuine relationship with him,
33:37clearly evidenced by his regular
33:40fearing sacrifice offerings, right?
33:44So when adversity struck, Job's faith was wavered
33:49until he truly encountered God.
33:51He was not stable in his walk,
33:53even though he was doing it regularly,
33:55what he was, it was just a ritual.
33:58There was no stability because when like,
34:00there's a saying for that, when it hits hot,
34:02that's when you know where you are at.
34:05Now, this parable, this parable, Jesus-
34:11My eyes, sorry, parallels.
34:13Jesus warning in verse 23 about those
34:16who outwardly perform religious acts,
34:19but lack a genuine relationship with him, you know?
34:24Really, stability for those who are, for example,
34:29I'll give you a personal example.
34:32I remember when I came back to Christ ages ago,
34:39because I experienced so much supernatural things
34:42happening in life, right?
34:44Happening to me.
34:45And when I came back, I came to Christ supernaturally.
34:49I backslid, I came back to Christ
34:52through a supernatural event as well.
34:54And then it came a period of time
34:56where I didn't experience anything supernatural, you know?
35:00And I started wavering, like, oh, is God mad at me?
35:03Is God even there?
35:05Is there something happening?
35:07Then I understood that I wasn't really stable
35:10in my relationship with God.
35:12That's when God taught me.
35:13He said, see, if there is no shaking,
35:15there is no screaming,
35:16there is, you're not seeing anything in the spirit
35:19or whatever, doesn't mean I'm not there.
35:20It's by faith, you know?
35:25Because I didn't have that stability
35:27or that fruit, how to walk in that foot of stability,
35:31like we talked about before,
35:32where, you know, you have a two-way communication,
35:35you're praying, you're reading the word.
35:37I didn't understand what the fruit was.
35:39So for me, that fruit was, unless I see in the spirit world
35:42or unless there's signs, wonders happening,
35:45God is not there, which is not true.
35:49Now, Andrew Womack appropriately describes
35:53individuals like these as following rules and rituals
35:56instead of lovingly seeking a genuine relationship with God.
36:03Now, another biblical example is Judas Iscariot,
36:08who walked alongside Jesus and witnessed his miracles,
36:12yet struggled with maintaining
36:14a genuine, steadfast relationship with Christ, right?
36:18See, when you read the Bible in John 12, verses three to six,
36:22Mary anoints Jesus' feet with expensive perfume,
36:26but Judas Iscariot was displeased.
36:29He criticized the use of the perfume,
36:31suggesting it could have been sold for money.
36:34Now, when you read on in John 12, verse six,
36:38it revealed that Judas' concern,
36:40it's written in the word of God,
36:42for the poor was not genuine,
36:46but motivated by his own greed.
36:48He was known to steal from the common purse.
36:53Now, Matthew 26, verse 16, further reveals again
36:58that Judas Iscariot sought a fitting opportunity
37:02to betray Jesus to the chief priest,
37:05despite serving alongside Jesus.
37:08So what does that mean?
37:09That what it means is this, right?
37:11He went and said to the chief priest what can be done,
37:16and the chief priest said, I'll give you that much money.
37:17And the Bible says that this,
37:20he sought a fitting opportunity.
37:23So it wasn't just, oh, you're gonna get that much money,
37:25and then he went and betrayed.
37:27So it tells you that he was looking for an opportunity.
37:31So there was a time, a period of time there.
37:34There was no stability in his relationship.
37:37How can you, for a period of time,
37:38walking with someone who's walking sign wonders
37:40and miracles, and you see all the goodness
37:42and all those things,
37:43yet you're looking for an opportunity
37:46to stumble that person.
37:47You're not stable in your relationship with that person.
37:51There is no stability, right?
37:53So despite serving alongside Jesus,
37:56Judas ultimately prioritized money over faithfulness to God,
38:01violating the commandment to serve only him,
38:05God, and no other beside him.
38:07Now, that's interesting, isn't it?
38:09Because there is a lot of us who serve God,
38:13but they have other gods beside God.
38:15See, if you read the Bible,
38:16God didn't say you shall serve no other god.
38:21He said you shall serve no other god beside me,
38:25which means don't serve me and serve others
38:28at the same time, right?
38:31Anyway, that's another topic.
38:32Now, building on a weak foundation
38:34might appear strong at first, like a house,
38:38but it eventually collapses under pressure, right?
38:42Showing instability and producing fruit
38:44that lacks longevity.
38:46You know, when you don't build something well
38:48or you didn't cement it properly,
38:50it doesn't matter if it is a new house.
38:52Not long after, with weather,
38:54with all the things that happen,
38:55you start seeing cracks, you start seeing things happening.
38:58I mean, I've heard of stories of people
39:00who had their house just built,
39:01and the house is not even complete yet,
39:03and it's leaking water, right?
39:06Because the foundation is not strong.
39:09Therefore, like salvation, relationship and faith
39:13is clearly emphasized in this section of scripture.
39:16Matthew 7, verse 21 to 23,
39:19our stability accomplishes God's will,
39:24is present by faith, not works,
39:26and is found in a genuine relationship with God.
39:30All right, I think we'll stop here today.
39:32So we've done section one and section two.
39:35We'll continue section three next week.
39:39I'll quickly conclude just by stating
39:41what we've covered so far.
39:45So in today's study of Matthew 7, 18 to 27,
39:52we've covered our first section,
39:54which is Matthew 7, 18 to 20.
39:57So we've answered and covered what is biblical fruits,
40:00and these are important in this section.
40:02The reason why we emphasized the fruits of the spirit,
40:08biblical fruits, is because these are results,
40:11characteristics, qualities that produce stability.
40:18So we need to understand that.
40:20So in the first section, Matthew 7, 18 to 20,
40:23we answered what is biblical fruits?
40:25We answered what significance
40:27do the fruits of the spirit hold,
40:29and what do they reveal about our character?
40:31Then we answered how do we walk in the fruit of the spirit?
40:35Then we went on to the second section today,
40:38which is Matthew 7, 21 to 23,
40:41where we revealed and discovered
40:43biblical supporting evidence
40:45of the following key statements.
40:48So we provided you with evidence on the facts,
40:52on the truth that stability accomplishes God's will.
40:56Number two, stability is present by faith, not works.
41:00And number three, stability is found
41:02in a genuine relationship with God.
41:05Next week, we'll cover this third section.
41:09I wanna give you an opportunity today.
41:12If you're new here,
41:13and this is the first time you've heard about Jesus Christ,
41:16this is the first time you heard the Christian message.
41:19The word of God is very clear.
41:20It tells us in 1 John 5, 4 to 5,
41:23for whatever is born of God overcomes the world.
41:28And this is the victory that has overcome the world,
41:31our faith.
41:33Who is he who overcomes the world?
41:35But he who believes that Jesus is the son of God.
41:39If you believe Jesus is the son of God,
41:41you will overcome whatever you face.
41:43It doesn't say that you will never face issues,
41:45says that you will overcome them.
41:47You'll get through them
41:49because Christ Jesus has given us victory.
41:51John 3, 16 to 17 goes on to say,
41:55John 3, 16 to 17, for God so loved the world
41:57that he gave his only begotten son, who Jesus Christ,
42:01that whoever believes in him should not perish,
42:04but have everlasting life.
42:07Infinity, in other words, everlasting for all time.
42:11For God did not send his son into the world
42:14to condemn the world,
42:16but that the world through him might be saved.
42:20As 1 John 1, verse 9 says,
42:25because you're probably wondering,
42:26okay, I heard all those words.
42:28What do I have to do?
42:28What do I do then?
42:30Well, if you confess our sins,
42:33he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins
42:37and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
42:39Oh, there you go, George.
42:40That's that dirty word, sin again.
42:43Excuse me.
42:44Well, sin in its most simplistic definition
42:47is when we, is when humanity
42:50tries to live their lives without God.
42:53We are the only creation that God's created in the world,
42:56in the whole planet, the whole universe
42:58that was created in God's image, after his own image.
43:03We are the only ones because he loves us that much.
43:06And he created us for a relationship with him
43:09and with others, not to be alone,
43:11not to do things on our own.
43:12When we disconnect from God, we are living in sin.
43:16That's what, that's a simplistic,
43:17most simplistic form of defining sin.
43:20Now, as you can see on the screen,
43:23Romans 10, verse 9 to 10 goes on to say
43:26that if you confess with your mouth,
43:28so you speak out loud, whether you're in your room,
43:31in your car, wherever you may be right now,
43:33you speak out loud with your mouth, the Lord Jesus,
43:36you confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus.
43:38In other words, you make him your Lord and Savior.
43:42You say, for example, in these words,
43:44you can say it in these words,
43:45you say, from this day forward, Jesus,
43:48I make you my Lord and Savior.
43:49So you confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus,
43:52and believe in your heart
43:53that God has raised him from the dead.
43:55You will be saved.
43:56For with a heart, man believeth onto righteousness,
44:00and with a mouth, confession is made unto salvation.
44:04Now, once you do that, you are saved.
44:08You now belong to Christ Jesus for all eternity.
44:13All eternity.
44:14Then his word goes on to say, as you can see there,
44:18Titus 3, verse 5, Ephesians 2, verse 8,
44:21Acts 1, verse 8, amongst others,
44:23then says, then he saves us.
44:24He saved us by grace, through faith, which is our part.
44:28We need to put faith in that gift,
44:32in what he's already achieved.
44:33The gift of God washing away our sins
44:35and giving us the new joy of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
44:38What is he talking about here?
44:40And you will receive power
44:41when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,
44:43and you will be my witnesses,
44:45telling people about me everywhere.
44:48What is he talking about here?
44:51Well, simply, what he's talking about is the baptism,
44:54is what we Christians believers call
44:56baptism of Holy Spirit and fire.
44:59It's when God himself, the Spirit of God comes down,
45:02and he doesn't just sit on you or lay on you
45:05or go over you like in the Old Testament.
45:09No, he makes you his indwelling place.
45:13In other words, he makes you his house,
45:15his synagogue, his temple, his church.
45:19You become his indwelling place.
45:23He lives inside of you,
45:25but you need to invite him to do that.
45:26Why do we need to do that?
45:27Because he comes bearing gifts, spiritual gifts, power.
45:32Remember, we are made in God's image.
45:35And if we are made in God's image, God is spirit.
45:37Therefore, we are spirit beings with a body and a soul.
45:40We are not human beings with a spirit and a soul.
45:43That is not what we are.
45:45We are made in God's image.
45:47So we are spirit beings with a body and a soul.
45:50And we need Holy Spirit to guide us.
45:52That's what the word of God goes on to say,
45:54that we must live the righteous live by faith, not by sight.
45:57The righteous walk after the spirit, not after the flesh.
46:00We need him to be with us, to guide us, to protect us,
46:04to correct us, to comfort us,
46:06to lead us through this fallen world.
46:10Because remember, we are living in a fallen world.
46:12Until Jesus comes back again,
46:14we are living in a fallen world.
46:15We need Holy Spirit.
46:18So are you ready?
46:18We're gonna do that now.
46:20You can do it in your own time.
46:21You can ask, confess the Lord Jesus as your Lord
46:25and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead.
46:28And now we're gonna ask together in unity
46:31that Holy Spirit come and baptize us
46:34with his spirit and fire.
46:36Are you ready?
46:37Let's do this together.
46:40Lord, I thank you.
46:43I thank you that you are so real.
46:45We belong to you.
46:46Yes, Lord.
46:48And we genuinely ask with hunger and thirst,
46:51come, baptize us with your spirit and fire.
46:55Yes, Lord.
46:56Fall afresh on us.
46:59Do it now, Lord.
47:01In Jesus' name, we say fire, fire, fire, fire,
47:05in Jesus' name.
47:06Let your fire burn.
47:11As your word says that our God is a consuming fire,
47:14Lord, light up a fire within us.
47:16Yes, Lord.
47:17They cannot be consumed.
47:19And thank you that the kingdom of God is now within us.
47:22Yes, Lord.
47:23In Jesus' name.
47:26And amen, glory to God.
47:31Welcome back to the kingdom family.
47:34Excuse me.
47:36Heaven is rejoicing over you right now
47:39in the word of God says that.
47:42Excuse me, I encourage you to
47:46please get connected with the church.
47:48You need to be connected with the church
47:50because the church is there for each other.
47:52We are here as a group of believers,
47:54as a family of believers, kingdom family,
47:56to encourage each other, to lift each other up.
47:59And the church is also a place where we can
48:03safely serve each other.
48:05That's right.
48:06Serve others, lift each other up,
48:08help each other through life.
48:09Be kind.
48:10Yeah, exactly.
48:11So I encourage you.
48:13If you're in a place where you can do it face to face,
48:16go to a church, become a member of a church.
48:17Please do that as soon as possible.
48:19If you need help finding a church,
48:20you can send us an email.
48:22We will do our best to guide you
48:24in the right direction as well.
48:26If you can't, for whatever reasons,
48:28you're in a country that is not so friendly
48:30towards Christianity, you can do it online.
48:33Like these programs that you see,
48:35we are not necessarily a church,
48:37even though we're still-
48:38But you can definitely reach us.
48:40But you can reach us and we can find an online church
48:43that you can get connected with as well.
48:46If you haven't, last of all,
48:47if you haven't already, as you can see right up there,
48:49is all the social media platforms that we are connected in.
48:52There you will find hundreds and hundreds of resources
48:55that can help you in your walk with God.
48:58It will help you, it will give you a lot of information,
49:00a lot of spiritual food to help you grow
49:05in Christ-likeness, amen?
49:08All right, this brings us to our second part of the program,
49:10which is called The Collective,
49:12where we spend time praying, prophesying,
49:16whatever Holy Spirit leads us to do
49:17with those that are watching, those that are listening.
49:20If you have any specific prayer requests,
49:22please write them down in the Facebook live chat section
49:25and we'll get onto them.
49:27Otherwise, if you're new here, stick around.
49:31Let us know where you're from, amen?
49:34It's time for The Collective.
49:37The Collective.
49:39♪ The Collective, The Collective, The Collective, The Collective ♪
50:08♪ The Collective, The Collective, The Collective, The Collective ♪
50:20♪ The Collective, The Collective, The Collective, The Collective ♪
50:27♪ The Collective, The Collective, The Collective, The Collective ♪
50:32♪ The Collective, The Collective, The Collective, The Collective ♪
50:40♪ The Collective, The Collective, The Collective, The Collective ♪
50:49♪ The Collective, The Collective, The Collective, The Collective ♪
51:02♪ The Collective, The Collective, The Collective, The Collective ♪
51:10♪ The Collective, The Collective, The Collective, The Collective ♪
51:18♪ The Collective, The Collective, The Collective, The Collective ♪
