• last year
(Adnkronos) - “L’85% degli under 35 già occupati pensa che sia fondamentale il work life balance, quasi il 70% chiede con forza alle aziende che mettano al centro il benessere psicofisico delle persone e non è disposto a scendere a compromessi rispetto agli aspetti contrattuali”. Così Paola Aragno, vicepresident di Eikon strategic consulting Italia, a margine della presentazione della ricerca “Giovani e sostenibilità sociale”, promossa da Eikon, svoltasi a Palazzo dell’Informazione a Roma nel contesto della Social Sustainability Week.


00:00What do the under-35s who are already employed think?
00:07Well, certainly a consistent part, well over 85%,
00:11considers the work-life balance fundamental,
00:14and almost 70% strongly calls on companies
00:17to focus on the physical well-being of people.
00:20They are not willing to compromise
00:23with respect to contractual aspects,
00:25and 67% deems it inappropriate
00:28to use internships and full-time contracts.
00:30The average opinion on the measures
00:33put in place with respect to parenting
00:36and also the work-life balance is good,
00:37but be careful, we have a 60% that goes up to 70%
00:42who believe that women are professionally discriminated against
00:45when they become mothers.
