• last year
(Adnkronos) - “La sostenibilità è una precondizione per garantire l’equità della sanità. Si deve lavorare sulle azioni relative all’ottimizzazione dei processi, alla massimizzazione dell’uso delle risorse, si deve lavorare in termini di uso consapevole dei servizi del sistema nazionale da parte dei cittadini e facendo delle scelte di politica sanitaria”. Sono le parole di Fabrizio D’Alba, presidente Federsanità nazionale e direttore Policlinico Umberto I di Roma, a margine dell’evento organizzato nella Capitale da Salutequità per discutere dei più importanti temi legati all’accesso alla sanità e alla sua organizzazione.


00:00Sustainability is a precondition to guarantee equity.
00:10The actions are multiple.
00:12We have to work on the actions related to the optimization of processes and therefore
00:16to the maximization of the use of resources.
00:18We must work deeply in terms of a conscious use of the services of the national health system
00:26by citizens.
00:28Citizens must work by making real health policy choices.
00:33In all this, however, I say that we must also start working on another thing,
00:37that is, to ensure that the theme of equity and sustainability is not a discussion of high
00:42concessions, but must be in the interest of all.
00:46Health is a good of all, but if it is of all, everyone must do their part,
00:50therefore politics, management, professionals, but I also say citizens,
00:55because they must be aware of how good our national health system is,
01:00and in this way also be part of an appropriate, conscious use,
01:07because it is the precondition to ensure that everyone can enjoy it.
01:12So, guests in a new phase of communication, also different,
01:17of a different narrative of the national health service,
01:20puts citizens at the center of this thought and makes them protagonists.
01:26It is not only by offering more services and putting more resources that problems are solved.
01:31The theme is also how they are used and how there is a responsibility of those who manage,
01:37but there is also a responsibility of those who use the services.
01:41If we don't make this leap, we won't get there,
01:44because the waiting lists do not contrast only with the increase in supply.
