45 Moomin Builds A House (Remastered)

  • 2 months ago


00:00A new day was dawning in Moominvalley and everything looked peaceful, felt peaceful and
00:21even smelled peaceful. Little did Moomin dream what a troublesome day it would turn out to be.
00:28Poor Moomin, if only he knew.
00:39I think this is a perfect day for the hammock.
00:59Oh, it's you little my, hello, good morning.
01:02You look very pleased with life today, Moominmama.
01:05I am, I've done all the chores and after breakfast I'm just going to lie in the hammock and listen to the birds.
01:11And maybe have a little snooze.
01:13Mmm, Papa usually does that.
01:16Maybe, but I'm going to get there first today.
01:19I'll help, I could trip him up to slow him down.
01:22I don't think that will be necessary.
01:25I don't think that will be necessary, little my.
01:28Hmm, who can that be so early?
01:31Hello there.
01:33Oh, it's my sister.
01:39Hiya, Mimble.
01:41Oh, you're here little my, I guess one more won't matter though.
01:45One more, what are you talking about? I do matter, Mimble.
01:49Sorry to disturb you, Moominmama.
01:51Oh, nothing could disturb me today, would you like some coffee?
01:57Do come in and sit down, you seem to be rather worried, Mimble.
02:04You're right, I'm very worried indeed.
02:06What's the matter?
02:08My mother has come to visit rather unexpectedly.
02:10Huh, are you serious?
02:12Is that a cause for concern?
02:14Yes, because my little brothers and sisters have come too.
02:17And there are so many of them, I don't see how they'll ever fit into my tiny little house.
02:22But that's no problem.
02:24Why don't you ask them over here, we have plenty of room.
02:27It's very kind of you to offer.
02:29I could always take little my away with me.
02:32Oh, there's no need for that, Mimble.
02:34I'm sure she's looking forward to seeing all her dear family.
02:37You are kind.
02:39Ask them around any time, Mimble.
02:41Oh, well, they're waiting just outside the door.
02:46Goodness gracious, I'd better go and let them in.
02:53Hello, everybody.
02:58Behave yourselves, just calm down.
03:00Hi, Mama.
03:02My, please excuse me.
03:05Welcome to Moomin house.
03:09You've grown so big since I last saw you, little my.
03:15Mother, this is Moominpappa and Moominmama.
03:19Mother, this is Moominpappa and Moominmama.
03:22They say you can stay here in Moomin house.
03:24I do hope it doesn't cause you too much trouble.
03:27It's our pleasure.
03:29It'll be lovely to have you staying with us.
03:31Just make yourselves at home here.
03:33Must count.
03:35Exactly how many children have come to stay in Moomin house?
03:38There should be ten little ones, as long as I haven't lost any, that is.
03:41They are rather difficult to count, aren't they?
03:44Ten of them?
03:46They seem like more.
03:53Oh, someone's asleep.
03:55Here's a tail.
03:57A good one, with a tuft.
04:02Oh, it's a trampoline.
04:16Loads of little mice.
04:18I'm dreaming.
04:20What an awful dream.
04:25It's not a dream.
04:29Oh, you, what is this?
04:31Get off my face right now.
04:35Just wait.
04:39Got you.
04:40Stop struggling.
04:42Hi, Moomin, you've got the right idea.
04:44Who are they? What are they doing here?
04:52Oh, morning, Merman.
04:54What are all these awful children doing here?
04:56I'm afraid these are my brothers and sisters.
04:58They're staying.
05:00Staying here in our house?
05:03Ah, it's lovely and peaceful here.
05:06Ten children must be a handful.
05:08Oh, I just leave them alone.
05:10Yes, I see, quite so.
05:15I do stop fights occasionally, however.
05:18How is that done?
05:23I'll show you.
05:36Like that.
05:54Is that you there, Moomin?
05:58Who are these?
06:00They're little Maya's ten younger brothers and sisters, I'm afraid, Moomin.
06:04What happened?
06:05They were playing in here for quite some time.
06:07It looks like they had a lot of fun.
06:09Oh, it's too much for us to put up with.
06:11Be patient, Moomin.
06:13It'll only be for a short time.
06:15Don't count on it.
06:16Their house has fallen down.
06:17What do you mean, fallen down?
06:19Demolished, razed to the ground.
06:21I expect it was because the children have been playing there for too long.
06:24You mean to say they have nowhere else to go?
06:27I'm afraid not.
06:29And I expect that there's more mischief in store.
06:32They like this house because it's bigger than their old one.
06:35Yes, and this one's still standing.
06:38Oh, my dear little things.
06:40We must try our best for them.
06:42Yes, you're quite right, Papa.
06:44We'll try, won't we, Moomin?
07:02Oh, what an awful day.
07:06Oh, what an awful day.
07:21This is my bed! Get out of it immediately!
07:23But this is a super bed!
07:25I don't care! Go and find another one!
07:35Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!
07:51There's still one left.
07:55Little my!
07:56My bed's too full of children, so I thought I'd come and sleep in here.
08:00I'm tired out from playing with children, Moomin.
08:06Oh, another kid.
08:12It's no laughing matter, Snufkin.
08:14I hardly slept, and I ache all over.
08:17Still, poor little things, having their house fall down.
08:20Poor little things, my foot.
08:22I don't think I could cope with another night like that.
08:25You're lucky to live by yourself.
08:27So why don't you just move out, Moomin?
08:29Huh? Move out?
08:31You could build a house of your own, couldn't you?
08:33Build a house? But I couldn't do it, Snufkin.
08:36What do you mean, you couldn't? You never tried, have you?
08:39But to build a house just like that...
08:42I guess that's how most houses get built, just like that.
08:45Wouldn't it be great, though, having a whole house to yourself?
08:49Mmm, but I don't even know how to start.
08:52Your father built Moomin House, didn't he?
08:54So he must have books on house building.
08:56Papa! Oh, of course!
09:10Oh, this is just the thing.
09:12Looks okay.
09:13Little my!
09:14You're gonna build that?
09:16Well, having your brothers and sisters to stay has made me realize it's time I lived by myself.
09:21So I'm gonna build a house.
09:23I'll help build it, Moomin.
09:26Okay, it says you must start with the cornerstones.
09:34Look! Those are perfect cornerstones!
09:40Yes, I think you're right.
10:03What's making this one so heavy?
10:16What are you doing, Moomin?
10:22What do you think you're playing at?
10:24I didn't realize it was your house.
10:27I'm very sorry, Stinky.
10:34It's got stuck!
10:36Give me another one, Little my!
10:38How many saws do you think you need to cut down a tree?
10:40I don't know. They just all seem to stop in the middle.
10:43This is our last one.
10:51I wonder what's going on.
10:53I don't know.
10:55I think it's stuck.
10:57It's stuck?
10:59I wonder what they're doing.
11:30This'll teach him!
11:40Don't do that again, Moomin!
11:43What? Look at the cornerstones!
11:46You haven't tried to move them, have you, Little my?
11:49Of course I haven't!
11:51Then you must have set that one wrongly.
11:53No, I did not!
11:55You did!
11:57In that case, I'm not helping anymore.
12:02I'm going!
12:04Fine, go ahead. Go on.
12:06Okay, I'll build it without any help.
12:09I don't need her.
12:21Oh, no!
12:28Oh, Moomin, be careful!
12:35Are you all right? Did you hurt yourself, Moomin?
12:38I'm all right. Hello there.
12:41I heard from Snufkin that you've made up your mind to start building a house.
12:47A surprise! How sweet of you!
12:49A house for you and me.
12:53Before I go, here's something I brought for you.
12:55Well, I'll leave you to it. Work hard!
12:58Hold on!
13:00Whoa, thanks!
13:04Oh, great.
13:06I thought for a moment she'd come to give me some help.
13:12I'll make sure I have an excellent housewarming party.
13:26Morning, Moomin!
13:28Hi-ya! We brought you some breakfast!
13:38I don't need any more help, Little My.
13:40How's it going, Moomin?
13:42From now on, it'll be easy.
13:48No. No. No. No!
13:52No. No. No. No!
13:54Moomin! Where's the door and the windows?
13:57Oh. Uh...
13:59Well, yes, I was just about to put them in.
14:13That's it?
14:18It doesn't seem to be a terribly good fit, Moomin.
14:21Oh, but this way it won't get stuck.
14:23What's this hole doing?
14:25That's for you to get in and out.
14:27You're too kind.
14:29But I think I could just walk straight underneath this door.
14:36Oh, no! It's raining!
14:38And I haven't done the roof!
14:41I'll run home and fetch my tarpaulin or something.
14:44I'll help to fix the roofing.
14:48I guess one should do this sort of thing on a sunny day.
14:58Come on, Moomin!
15:10Hang on tight there, little boy!
15:26You OK, little boy?
15:30You'd better hurry up and nail it down, Moomin!
15:44Look out!
16:00Did you say the roof had been finished, Moomin?
16:03Yes. It's just the skylight that's leaking a bit.
16:06I didn't know you had a skylight.
16:08It certainly is cold in here.
16:10You'll have to build a fireplace, that's all.
16:28Oh, Snufkin!
16:37Aha! Nearly ready, I see.
16:41Oh, no!
16:43Moomin, the chimney looks crooked from here.
16:46I know it does. I like it that way.
16:49I think it balances the house rather nicely like that.
16:52It looks fine to me.
16:54It does?
17:00It's a very unusual house.
17:04I wonder what this is here for.
17:06Wait, Snufkin! I'll be right down!
17:11Well, Snufkin, what do you think of that?
17:14You can get down really fast.
17:16Uh, yes. Great.
17:18But how does one climb up to the top, Moomin?
17:21Oh, of course.
17:23Because there isn't a staircase, you mean.
17:25I've got a terrific idea to solve that.
17:27A ladder, perhaps?
17:29Oh, no. Something much less boring than that.
17:31Just leave everything to me.
17:35Are you ready, little boy?
17:37I sure am.
17:39Here we go.
17:48There. No trouble at all.
17:50Not for you, but I don't want to do this each time.
17:53Perhaps I'll put a ladder in as well.
17:58That should do it.
18:00It's ready now, isn't it?
18:02Yes. It does look rather strange, though.
18:04Now, Moomin, we must invite your parents to see it.
18:07Uh, oh, I suppose so.
18:18Stop now!
18:32What? You finished already?
18:34Congratulations, Moomin.
18:36Uh, well, perhaps you should wait until you've seen it.
18:39Let's take a look straight away.
18:41Yes, I'd love to.
18:43Do you mind if I come along as well?
18:45Of course not.
18:47But where are all the children?
18:49I've got no idea.
18:51You're right. It does seem rather quiet.
18:54Hmm. A little worrying.
19:08You don't believe me?
19:10Ah, so this is where you got two children.
19:13Get out! Out of my house, monsters!
19:17Just wait!
19:21Help me!
19:23I'm going to have the next go.
19:25No, it's my turn.
19:30Hey, Moomin, he's coming.
19:33Bye, Moomin.
19:35Oh, this isn't supposed to be a playground.
19:42Oh, I haven't seen them looking so happy for such a long time.
19:46Moomin's done something very kind.
19:51I wonder if Moomin would let you live here
19:53till you get a new house of your own.
19:55Would it be possible?
19:57Moomin might just agree.
19:59Well, yes, why not?
20:01That would mean I could move back home.
20:03Oh, thank you ever so much!
20:05You do have a wonderful son.
20:07Oh, it's nothing. He's a born builder.
20:27You know, Moomin, I'm sort of glad we didn't have to live in that house.
20:31One day...
20:33One day maybe you'll build us a good house.
20:36That's where I'd love to live, Moomin.
20:40THE END