20 Moomin Saves the Tigers (Remastered)

  • 2 months ago


00:00Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba.
00:22Moomin? Where are you Moomin? Snorkmainen?
00:27The rhino and the tigers that Stinky set free from the zoo are now living in the jungle that
00:33has grown up around Moomin house and have settled into the restful life of Moomin Valley.
00:38Hey, have you seen Moomin? No, we haven't seen him all evening.
00:44Hmm, I wonder where they got to. Meanwhile, Moomin and Snorkmaiden,
00:52chased by the snake, are swimming as fast as they can out to sea.
00:56Hey! Hey, you there! Come on, Snorkmaiden, nearly there.
01:13Look, there's a couple of hippos. They're coming towards us. We better get them on board.
01:18That's funny. I haven't heard about any hippos reported missing from the zoo lately.
01:22Just a bit further, Snorkmaiden. We made it. I didn't know hippos could climb so well.
01:37Oh, thank you so much. There was a huge snake chasing us.
01:43Yes, we saw. You were lucky we came along when we did.
01:46Thank you for your help. Whose ship is this? Ours. We're from the zoo.
01:51The zoo? Oh, you caught one of the crocodiles. Yes, and a lot of trouble he gave us as well.
01:58There's another one around here somewhere. We saw them.
02:01Yes, we know there is, but we haven't been able to find him yet.
02:04Oh boy, I wish they'd come as quietly as you hippos did.
02:08Hippos? Hippos? Which zoo are you from? I bet they'd pay well to get you back.
02:14Now look here. I'm a Moomin, not a hippo. Are you saying that I look like a hippo?
02:19Well, perhaps they don't look exactly like hippos.
02:22No, but they're close enough, Captain. I'm sure they've escaped from a zoo somewhere, though.
02:27Yes, sirree. We haven't escaped from anywhere,
02:30certainly not a zoo. We live in Moomin Valley. We're Moomins. It's all right,
02:34Snorkmaiden. I'll not be taken for a hippo. Come on, let's run for it.
02:38Hey, wait. There's a nice cozy cage already for you.
02:42Hurry, Snorkmaiden. After them.
02:45Stop them now. Don't let them get away.
02:47Where are we going, Moomin? Into the sea.
02:54Quickly, men. Lower the lifeboat. They're not going to put us in any zoo.
03:04Why did you come back? I thought you were on the boat.
03:07Oh no. Don't worry. I never eat anything when I'm out swimming.
03:11Are you sure? I'm sure. Now where's this ship?
03:14Oh, they're catching up with us. They want to put us in a cage and take us to the zoo.
03:19Me too, I expect. They're always trying to get me.
03:22They've got one of the crocodiles. Oh, did they? They were my friends.
03:25Right. Hang on to me, you two. I'm certainly not going back to any zoo. Never. Let's go.
03:33Oh no. Now hold on tight.
03:38Come back, you horrible reptile. Come back.
03:45Moomin's been caught by a big snake. Yes, Mama Snorkmaiden as well.
03:51Dear Stinky, that's not true, is it? I wish people would realize that I almost never lie.
03:57I'm sorry about them, but I thought I'd better tell you.
03:59There aren't any snakes that big in Moomin Valley.
04:02There are tigers here, aren't there? Well, there's big snakes too.
04:06You brought the snake here, didn't you? Papa, I'm not saying that I believe him,
04:11but I think we'd better look for them just to be on the safe side, don't you?
04:15Okay, don't believe me. I told you so. My conscience is clear.
04:18Where exactly did the snake attack them, Stinky? Down in the swamp by the sea.
04:23Let's go, Mama. I'll come with you.
04:26No, you'd better stay, Little My, and tell Moomin where we've gone if he comes back.
04:31He'll only worry if there's no one here. And Stinky, you show us where to go.
04:50Hey, you! Have you eaten Moomin and Snorkmaiden?
04:53It's all right, Mama. We're here.
04:55Oh, praise the Poople, you're both safe.
04:58Meet our new friend.
04:59What a very big friend. Please come in, as much of you as you like.
05:04Stinky just told us that you and Snorkmaiden had been caught by a big snake, so we...
05:09Where are you going, Stinky?
05:12She did chase us at first, then we managed to get on a boat,
05:15but they wanted to put us in a cage, so we jumped back in the sea, met the snake again,
05:19then they tried to catch her, too, so she helped us to get away, and now she's our friend.
05:23Who are they?
05:24Men from the zoo. They've come to recapture all the animals and take them away from the jungle
05:29and put them in cages again.
05:31I certainly don't want to go back to the zoo.
05:34Papa, we've got to protect our friends.
05:37Yes, we have.
05:38I'm sure that the tigers and that nice rhino don't want to go back either.
05:42No, of course they don't. They want to be free and live again in our jungle.
05:47Why don't you go and explore it? I'm sure it'll be just like home.
05:50And if you see the zoo people, you can come back here, can't you?
05:54I'm sure you'll like it here, Mrs. Snake.
05:57Yes, I'm sure I will.
05:59Come on, I'll show you the jungle.
06:04I'm so relieved that you're both all right and home.
06:07So are we, Mama, but there's something we haven't told you.
06:11Yes, they thought we were hippopotamuses.
06:14What? Who did? They need their eyes tested.
06:18The men from the zoo. They thought we had escaped from another zoo
06:22and were trying to catch us, and they nearly succeeded.
06:25Hmm, how rude. We're not at all like hippos, the cheek of it.
06:29So these men weren't only trying to capture our new friends,
06:32but you and Snork Maiden as well.
06:34And me and Papa, if they'd known about us.
06:36That's right, Mama.
06:37They're idiots.
06:38Hippopotamuses don't wear aprons or write memoirs.
06:42That's really made me angry.
06:44I bet they never faced the wrath of a Moominpapa before.
06:47I want to see you wrap yourself round and choke somebody.
06:52I know. How about the tiger? He'd do.
06:55I'd rather not. We became friends in the zoo.
06:59Oh, I know. Choke Stinky. That'll be much better.
07:03Yes, mind you, he did let us out of the zoo.
07:09Well, you're a great disappointment to me.
07:11I let you out because I thought you'd attack the Moomins,
07:14but you have tea with them instead. You're pathetic, you know that?
07:17I'm sorry, but we were brought up in captivity,
07:20and we never had to hunt for our food.
07:22All our meals are brought to us, you see.
07:24But you're tigers. What do you eat, then?
07:27Well, we love cat food.
07:30Cat food? I don't believe it.
07:34Yes, it's easy to chew, and it leaves our fur all sleek and shiny.
07:38We like the yellow tins with the black cat, don't we, honey?
07:41Yes, it's our favorite.
07:42You wouldn't happen to have any on you, would you?
07:57Mama! Papa, quickly!
08:01They're here! The zoo men are here!
08:05Now, get all the animals into the house first.
08:09Hurry, Moomin!
08:10Okay, Papa.
08:15The zoo men have come to get you.
08:17Hurry! You'll be safe in the Moomin house.
08:19I'm not going to be in the Moomin house.
08:21I'm not going to be in the Moomin house.
08:23I'm not going to be in the Moomin house.
08:25I'm not going to be safe in the Moomin house.
08:27Quick as you can, Rhino. Into the house. Go on.
08:35Now, Rhino. Push.
08:37I'm trying.
08:55Um, I don't think that's a good place to hide, Mrs. Snake.
09:01I'm afraid that doesn't look quite right, Tiger.
09:03I thought I might just look like a thick rug.
09:05I'll just lie here like a beautiful porcelain ornament.
09:09They'll never know we're here, darling.
09:13Well, they'd never expect to find a rhino under there.
09:15Just what I thought.
09:17Where are they? They can't just have vanished into thin air.
09:25Look. Up there.
09:27In the chimney.
09:35So they're in there, are they?
09:51They've seen the snake.
09:53They're nearly here.
09:57Now, I want you to calm down and be quiet, everyone.
10:00We won't let them take you away.
10:02I promise you they'll have a fight on their hands if they try.
10:05Tea, please, Mama.
10:07Of course, dear.
10:24Oh, hello. Having a picnic, are you?
10:26A lovely day for it.
10:28Not at all. We're all here from the zoo.
10:30We're all here from the zoo.
10:32We're all here from the zoo.
10:34We're all here from the zoo.
10:36We're all here from the zoo.
10:38We're all here from the zoo, sir.
10:40Oh, are you on some sort of expedition?
10:42Excuse me, but are you the owner of this house?
10:45Yes, indeed I am. I'm Moominpappa.
10:47What can I do for you?
10:49Well, you could send out the animals hiding in your house.
10:52That'll do for a start.
10:54Animals? Oh, no.
10:56We're firm believers that they belong outside.
10:59Sir, you can't see from where you are,
11:01but I can assure you that there is a python
11:03sticking its head out of your chimney.
11:05A python?
11:07No, it isn't.
11:09It isn't?
11:11No, it's my daughter.
11:13She happens to look like a python.
11:15Not all the time, you understand.
11:17Right. Come on, men.
11:19We'll go and get the zoo's property.
11:21No, you will not enter my house.
11:23All right. Well, you let the animals out,
11:25and we won't have to. It's up to you, sir.
11:27There are no animals, and you won't enter my house.
11:30Now, wait a minute. I do believe...
11:32Yes, you're one of those hippos, aren't you?
11:35I am not. I'm Moominpappa,
11:37and I am the owner of this house.
11:39No, you're not. You're a hippopotamus.
11:41How dare you?
11:43A hippo who owns a house,
11:45and is also running an illegal zoo.
11:47Break down the doors.
11:49That is against the law.
11:51Oh, it is, is it?
11:53Well, there's a nice cage waiting for you as well,
11:55Moominpappa hippo.
11:57I warn you, if you touch that door,
11:59you'll regret it.
12:01Oh, yeah?
12:03Boys, let's go in. Charge!
12:29Now then, what's going on?
12:31Little Mice brought the inspector.
12:33All right, what do you men think you're doing?
12:35Ah, they're hiding animals
12:37from the zoo in this house.
12:39We want them back. I tried to reason with the hippo,
12:41but it was no good.
12:43I'll have you know that's willful destruction of property,
12:45my good man.
12:47It's not willful. We're from the zoo.
12:49We gotta get in somehow.
12:51Oh, have you? And can you be sure
12:53that there are zoo animals in there?
12:55You just take a look up there at the chimney.
12:57That's all I'm sure of. Go on.
13:01See that python's head sticking out?
13:03That's odd.
13:05I can't see a python's head.
13:07But there was a python's head up there.
13:09I saw it.
13:11I can't breathe.
13:15Now you listen to me, zoo man.
13:17Either you stop bothering my friends,
13:19or I'll arrest you.
13:21Is that clear? Well, is it?
13:23Yes, sir, it is. But what about the zoo animals?
13:25You heard the inspector.
13:27Now go away.
13:29See what? The hippopotamus.
13:31What? The hippopotamus.
13:33He's the fellow who's been hiding all our zoo animals.
13:35We got a nice cage lined up for him as well, inspector.
13:37Oh, so that's your plan, is it?
13:39Ha! They want to take them all?
13:41Moomin, Snorkmaiden, Mama and Papa?
13:43Hmm, a criminal conspiracy.
13:47It would probably be called kidnapping.
13:49But you can't kidnap a hippo.
13:51That's a Moomin!
13:53It could be white slavery, though.
13:55I'm sure I could add
13:57the hippopotamus to the list.
13:59Now, I hate paperwork, so I'll tell you what.
14:01If you're gone within ten minutes,
14:03I won't arrest you.
14:05Why don't you put them in the deepest dungeon, inspector?
14:07The one with all the rats and spiders and scorpions
14:09that'll teach them to put Moomins in cages.
14:11That's a good idea, little my.
14:13They like animals.
14:15I'll start counting now.
14:19two, three...
14:21Get around, men, quickly.
14:23Five, six...
14:25Let's start quickly on this one, men.
14:27Come on, now. Does anybody have any smart ideas?
14:29Come on, we're running out of time.
14:31One minute!
14:33Look, guys, we've got to figure something out right now.
14:35One minute, thirty seconds!
14:39Two minutes!
14:41Three minutes, thirty seconds!
14:43Look, leave us alone. We're conferring.
14:45All right, six minutes and fifty seconds.
14:47Time's up!
14:49You're cheating!
14:51The police don't cheat, and now you've got...
14:53Nine minutes and thirty seconds.
14:55How about that?
14:57Nine minutes fifty-fives. I give up!
14:59Everybody beat it!
15:01But we're still discussing it.
15:03No, we're not. We're getting out.
15:05Look, everyone, the zoo men are running off.
15:09You've got to come and see this, Mama.
15:11Nine minutes and fifty-nine and a half seconds.
15:13And don't come back
15:15or it'll be the dungeon for you.
15:17And I make that ten minutes up to...
15:19You saved us, little my.
15:21It was really clever of you to fetch the inspector.
15:23Well, there were too many of them for me to fight.
15:25Okay, everyone, you can come out now.
15:35And so everyone was saved,
15:37and eventually they all came out of the house
15:39to go and have fun in the jungle again.
15:41As long as the warm weather lasted,
15:43there were plenty of things to do,
15:45but one day the weather changed
15:47and cold winds blew down Mooman Valley.
15:51Oh, it feels like autumn has arrived.
15:55The jungle won't like the cold weather.
15:57Do you think it will die, Mama?
15:59I'm afraid it will, little my.
16:01It grew very quickly,
16:03so perhaps it will go the same way.
16:07And it did.
16:09The whole jungle withered and died in just one night.
16:17I think I've got a cold coming, Mama.
16:19I'm sorry, I can't get the house any hotter.
16:21I miss the zoo. At least it was warm there.
16:23Yes, this cold is awful.
16:25It would warm them up if we burnt the dead jungle.
16:45Now they're happy again.
16:47But for how long?
17:09Well, that's the end of the jungle, you guys.
17:11It's cold again.
17:13It was warm in our cages.
17:15But you're free here.
17:17Yes, free to have pneumonia.
17:19I'm sorry, but I can't see my husband
17:21spending the winter here.
17:23And so all the animals
17:25decided to return to the zoo.
17:27Perhaps we'll let you come back
17:29next summer, Mrs. Snake.
17:31I like that, when it's warmer.
17:37Hey, look!
17:39The animals are on their way back!
17:45Isn't that wonderful?
17:47Oh, it's good to see you.
17:49You don't know how much we've missed you.
17:51Oh, good.
17:53Welcome back, Rhino-O-Fella.
17:55It's good to see you.
17:57Come on now, get back to your cages quickly.
17:59We've been keeping them nice and warm for you.
18:01Go on, off you go now.
18:03You look all right, but I'm sure
18:05you must all be starving.
18:07We'll do you a special meal tonight, all right?
18:09Ah, the hippos, too.
18:11And we're moomins, not hippos.
18:13You must be cold as well.
18:15We'll warm up a cage for you.
18:17It'll be nice and cozy there.
18:19No, no, we just came to send the animals off.
18:21Hey, get a cage ready for the hippos, will you?
18:23Nice and warm.
18:25At the risk of sounding repetitive,
18:27we are moomins.
18:29Don't be ridiculous, you'll love it here.
18:31But we're nothing like hippos.
18:33We know you're not purebreds,
18:35but the public will never be able to tell.
18:41Do we have to stay here forever, Papa?
18:43Of course not, moomin.
18:45Don't worry, I'll think of something.
18:47You will, won't you?
18:49Have you got any ideas?
18:51Well, not yet, but, uh,
18:53I am a writer, you know.
18:59Don't cry, Snorkmaiden.
19:01I'm sure there won't be only hay to eat.
19:03I don't mind, as long as we're together.
19:05But what if they put us in separate cages?
19:07That would be awful.
19:09They wouldn't do that.
19:11Well, perhaps the inspector will come looking for us.
19:13When he realizes that we've gone,
19:15as well as the animals,
19:17he'll bring the full power of the law to bear on them.
19:19Oh, look, there's someone coming.
19:21It's Snufkin.
19:23And Hemulen.
19:25And Little My.
19:29Hi, moomin.
19:31Don't worry, we'll have you guys out in just a minute.
19:33Don't worry, we'll have you guys out in just a minute.
19:39Please come out.
19:43Ladies and gentlemen,
19:45we've come to let you out.
19:47I'm in charge of this zoo.
19:49I'm afraid it was quite an understandable mistake,
19:51but please accept this token of apology
19:53from the board of trustees.
19:55Here you are, madam.
19:57Mr. Hemulen and I went to the Royal Academy of Science
19:59just to sort all this out.
20:01We've been given a letter from the president
20:03stating that you are not hippos.
20:05Mr. Hemulen's scientific background
20:07helped persuade him.
20:09So, you can all come home now.
20:11Well, it just goes to show
20:13you must never judge by appearances alone.
20:19Yes, Papa?
20:21Do you think I should grow a beard?
20:23No, Papa.
20:31And so autumn came to Mooman Valley,
20:33a new season with different weather
20:35and different pleasures.