25 The Lighthouse (Remastered)

  • 2 months ago


00:00Baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa, baa...
00:13All is peaceful in Moomin Valley.
00:17Mama waters the flowers while Papa relaxes in the shade on the porch.
00:25Look, Mama. Moominpapa's sleeping again.
00:29He had a long nap yesterday.
00:31I think it must be the weather.
00:33It's too hot and sunny for me.
00:34I wonder if he's worried about anything.
00:38You don't sleep if you're worried.
00:39You do something about it.
00:44But Moominpappa does have something on his mind,
00:47although it doesn't keep him awake.
00:54He's having a nice dream as well.
00:59Oh, a lighthouse.
01:15That's it.
01:17Oh, that's it, a lighthouse.
01:21What about a lighthouse, Pappa?
01:24We're going to visit one.
01:26Right now.
01:27Oh, well, as soon as I find one, anyway.
01:30That should stop you being bored, Mama.
01:33Oh, I'm not really, dear, but it would be nice.
01:35Yee-haw, I'm really excited.
01:39Just think of all that lovely water.
01:43Yeah, I'll write an exciting, epic novel of the sea.
01:46I'm sure it will be a great success.
01:49If he puts some action in it and messes up the romantic stuff.
01:58Stop him!
01:59Stop him!
02:04Tell me, does Moominpappa want all of you to go away to this lighthouse?
02:08Oh, yes.
02:09It'll be great fun.
02:10Just think of all the ships we'll be able to see.
02:12Yes, that will be good.
02:14Pappa says he wants to write an exciting story about the sea
02:17with ships and storms and stuff.
02:19Probably pirates, too.
02:21Oh, that's a great idea.
02:25Oh, he's stuck writing his memoirs again, is he?
02:30Well, I guess that might have something to do with it,
02:33but I think he just wants another adventure.
02:35He's bored.
02:36Well, it sounds a bit odd to me, Moomin.
02:38No, it's not.
02:39We're going to live in a real lighthouse
02:41and save ships from the rocks and being wrecked in terrible storms.
02:45Oh, I see.
02:46What do you think the lighthouse keeper might say about you moving in?
02:49Oh, he won't mind at all.
02:51There'll be company for him,
02:52and I'm sure he'd like someone to talk to.
02:54Looking after a lighthouse is a very lonely job.
02:57Ah, but if you thought, Moomin,
02:59that might be exactly why he chooses to do it.
03:03You mean that he might want to be on his own all the time?
03:07Well, some people like it like that.
03:09Sometimes I like being on my own.
03:12Not for long, though.
03:14It'll be a lot of fun.
03:16Snufkin, why don't you come with us?
03:19What, to a lonely lighthouse?
03:24Ah, now, which one is it?
03:28There, that's the one.
03:29Huh? Where?
03:31So small, you can hardly see it.
03:34How long would it take us to get there, Moominpappa?
03:37A day or two, I should think, depending on the wind.
03:40But it looks so tiny.
03:41Oh, I don't know.
03:42Well, I think so.
03:44How will we know which one is which?
03:46Oh, don't you worry about that.
03:48I've got an old compass somewhere,
03:50and we've got the map,
03:51then at night we'll be able to see the light itself.
03:54Anyway, an old sailor...
03:56An old sailor?
03:57Well, I'm not really that young.
03:59And you're no sailor.
04:00Is this mutiny?
04:01Don't be stupid.
04:05How long do you think you'll want to stay, Papa?
04:07About a month.
04:08Oh, we'll need to take lots and lots of food then.
04:12Well, bless me, I think that'll be enough, Mama.
04:15Surely there'll be somebody living there already.
04:17Don't be stupid. Of course there is.
04:19A lighthouse must have a keeper.
04:22Yes, a man dedicated to the sea,
04:24suffering loneliness and hardship,
04:26saving countless lives with no regard for his own.
04:35Huh? Is that you, Sniff?
04:37Yes, hi, Mr. Hemulen.
04:39I thought you'd be busy packing for the trip to the lighthouse.
04:42No, well, I'm not going with them this time.
04:45I've decided to stay here.
04:47Oh, dear me, really? Snufkin said he was going.
04:50Well, I have something very important to do.
04:53Sniff is just a big wimp, that's all.
04:55Oh, shut up, little mind.
04:57Don't tell me to shut up. I don't listen to wimps.
05:01Now, now, children, no squabbling.
05:03It wouldn't be fair to the others. I'm not a very good swimmer.
05:07You mean if you fell in and were drowning,
05:09we'd have to jump in and save you?
05:10Don't fall in then.
05:11Anyway, you could hang on to an oar or something.
05:13What if it got swept away?
05:15We'll put a life jacket on you, stupid. Don't worry.
05:18What about the sharks? They might take a fancy to me.
05:21Wait a minute. I know I'm not a zoologist,
05:23but I don't think there are any sharks around here.
05:25I'm sure I would have heard if there were.
05:34Well, it's a real fine day for sailing.
05:36Where are Mama and the others?
05:39Don't worry, Moomin, there's no hurry.
05:42Are you sure that isn't too heavy for you, Sniff?
05:45No, not at all, Mama.
05:46It's a shame that you're not coming with us,
05:48but if you've got something important to do, you must do it.
05:51It won't be the same without you, though. We'll miss you, Sniff.
05:55Thank you.
05:56Oh, dear, I left a jar of strawberry jam
05:58and a whole batch of pancakes on the kitchen table.
06:01Do you think you could manage to eat them?
06:03Leave it to me.
06:04You'll be lucky if there's any food left in the larder, Mama.
06:07Even my.
06:09Off we go, then. Anchors away.
06:13You won't have to row too hard.
06:15The wind will pick us up soon.
06:18Goodbye. Have a good time, everyone.
06:21Goodbye, Snufkin.
06:23Now, don't forget to shut all the windows if it rains, will you?
06:39Hey! Wait for me! I want to have a good time, too!
06:45Hey, wait!
06:48Wait for me!
06:51Look, Sniff is still waving.
06:53He's a sweet boy.
06:56Let's keep waving, Moomin, till we're out of sight.
06:59Bye, Sniff! Bye! Bye!
07:02Bye! Bye!
07:04No, I'm not waving goodbye.
07:07I want to go, too!
07:09Don't eat all the rosemary, too, Beauregard!
07:12It's no good shouting, Little My. He can't hear you.
07:15He's giving us a great send-off, though.
07:18Poor Sniff. He should have come with us.
07:25Fancy them going off and leaving me here on my own.
07:38Snufkin, if you wouldn't mind, I think we need some music to send us on our way.
07:44What do you say?
08:08Are you sure we're on the right course for the island, Papa?
08:12Yes, the wind's with us and the sails are fine.
08:16I bet if we keep this speed up, we'll be there by tomorrow.
08:21Well, if the wind stays like this, you could be right.
08:38The wind's not dying down at all.
08:40I'm surprised. I never thought we'd keep up this speed.
08:44Now, make sure you're alert, you two.
08:46Of course we will be, Papa.
08:48If we carry on like this, perhaps we'll see the light from the lighthouse while it's still dark.
08:52Well, we don't want to hit anything at this speed.
08:55Don't worry. We're watching.
08:57Ah, this is the life.
09:07Papa, the wind's dropped.
09:09Well, that's strange. It shouldn't happen that quickly.
09:14Do you want us to start rowing, Moominpapa?
09:16No, Snufkin. I think we'd all better get some sleep.
09:23Stupid wind. I really wanted to see the lighthouse at night.
09:27It's getting foggy, too.
09:29I can't even see the stars anymore.
09:31Right, Snufkin. Wake me in two hours and I'll take over.
09:34Okay, Moominpapa.
09:37Good night.
09:52What's the matter, Little My?
09:56I thought I heard something.
09:59It's coming from over there somewhere.
10:02Can you see anything?
10:04No, but I can hear it.
10:09So can I. And it's getting closer.
10:20Moominpapa, get up, Moominpapa!
10:22Stop it, Little My! What's the matter with you?
10:25You too, Moomin. Quickly, before it's too late.
10:27What's the matter, Little My?
10:29I can hear a ship. I can't see it, but it's very close. And getting closer.
10:33A ship? Where?
10:35Over there. And she's bearing down on us.
10:37Quickly, we don't have much time.
10:42Yes, by the booble you're right.
10:44We must let them know we hear a signal.
10:46Right, all hands on deck.
10:48Maybe if we all shout as loud as we can.
11:00Too late for shouting.
11:02It's huge.
11:05Look out! It's going to hit us!
11:09I think Moomin's right. What can we do?
11:11It's too late for anything. Just brace ourselves and be ready to swim for it.
11:19Quick! Get down, Little My!
11:33I don't believe it!
11:35Little My!
11:42That's odd. The ship didn't hit us.
11:44Oh, yes, she did.
11:47It went straight into our rudder, but nothing happened.
11:49It went right through us.
11:51Right through us? That's impossible. She couldn't have.
11:55I wonder if there's anyone on board that ship.
11:58I can't see any lights.
12:00I know, Snufkin. I think it's a ghost ship.
12:02A ghost ship?
12:04Well, there's no wash and no damage to us.
12:07It's the only explanation. I think she's right.
12:09A ghost ship. We've actually seen one.
12:19Oh, dear. Oh, dear. I need to sit down. All this excitement's too much.
12:23Papa, don't they say that if you see a ghost ship, something terrible is going to happen to you?
12:28What happened in the first place to make it become a ghost ship? That's what I want to know.
12:33Well, that's just some old sailor's tale moment.
12:36If it had been a real ship, we'd probably be sinking now.
12:39Don't you think so, Snufkin?
12:41Yeah, I suppose that's one way of looking at it.
12:44Come on, cheer up, you guys. At least it was fun.
12:54What's the matter? Something happened? What are you laughing at?
12:57What's so funny? Are you going to tell us?
13:01Why didn't you wake me up, Newman?
13:06Well, I think you're being very rude.
13:10Oh, what a beautiful sky. Just look at it.
13:14Oh, the fog is lifting.
13:27Oh, I must have dozed off.
13:33Ah, another beautiful day, not a ghost ship in sight.
13:41The lighthouse.
13:45Hey, wake up, everybody. The lighthouse. I can see the lighthouse. We're there.
13:51Oh, the sun's shining. We must have slept for hours.
13:54Oh, there it is.
13:57This is ridiculous. We've been next to it all night.
14:00We could have gone and slept there.
14:02I can't wait to go ashore.
14:04All right, everyone, jump to it. Man the oars.
14:08Hooray, to the lighthouse.
14:14Oh, I'm so tired.
14:16Hooray, we're ashore.
14:21There's something strange going on here.
14:23What is it, Snufkin?
14:25I'm not sure. Moominpappa, our boat didn't move at all last night, did it?
14:29No, it doesn't seem to have moved at all.
14:32So why couldn't we see the light from the lighthouse, even when the fog cleared?
14:36I can't work it out.
14:38Yes, you're right, Snufkin. It seems very odd. We should have seen it.
14:42Well, perhaps the lighthouse keeper forgot to put it on, Moominpappa.
14:46I don't think so, Little My. You can't forget a thing like that.
14:50I suppose it could be broken.
14:52There could be lots of reasons for it.
14:55Why don't we hurry up and get ashore, and then we can ask the keeper.
15:03Look, there's someone in a boat.
15:07It looks like he's fishing.
15:10He know about the lighthouse. He probably lives on the island.
15:14Let's get closer. Easy now.
15:25Ahoy there, good morning.
15:30Any luck?
15:33Not yet, but it's still early.
15:36Hmm, yes, quite. I'll ask him straight out.
15:40Do you know if the lighthouse was working last night?
15:46Sorry, I didn't catch that.
15:50He said, no, it wasn't.
15:52What did I tell you? He forgot to light it.
15:55Oh, it wasn't only last night. You'll never see a light in that lighthouse.
15:59Not even on stormy nights.
16:01Never? So what does the keeper do, then?
16:04Nothing. There isn't a lighthouse keeper.
16:09I'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't know.
16:11All I can say is I haven't seen one.
16:14Do you live on the island?
16:16Hey, mister. You're asking too many questions.
16:20Who are you?
16:22I'm Moominpappa from Moominvalley, and this is my family.
16:26We've come a long way in order to do some important work here.
16:29There's no work on this island. None.
16:31You better go back home.
16:33But, you see, I've come here to research an epic novel about the sea.
16:38Just turn around and go back. You're too far from home.
16:43Oh, please wait.
16:45Shh, dear. Don't shout. We mustn't scare the fish away.
16:49Let's go ashore and have some breakfast. I expect we're all hungry.
16:53Bunny, Pear, the old one's lost his marbles.
17:24Look, Moominpappa, there's a path here leading to the lighthouse.
17:29We'll leave this stuff here, and we'll go and explore it first.
17:32Right. To the lighthouse, everyone! Up!
17:36Come on, let's go!
17:40What's wrong? Why do you always get so upset when somebody mentions the lighthouse?
17:44It's none of your call-serm business, boy. It doesn't concern you at all.
17:48You were like that when I asked you about it before.
17:51Maybe if you were to tell me, I might be able to understand. I could try, anyway.
17:55Either talk about something else or keep quiet. Do you understand that?
18:15It's so very rocky, I don't think it would work.
18:18A garden.
18:21Let's go.
18:30Hello there! Is there anybody at home?
18:34There's nobody here. That boy was right. It's been empty for ages, I think.
18:42The door was left unlocked. I know we do it, but most people don't.
18:46Something terrible's happened.
18:48Something terrible? Please, Little My, you know I hate things like that.
18:51Don't worry, Snork Maiden. Little My is just trying to scare you.
18:56I don't like hearing about anything horrible.
18:59Plug your ears then, Snork Maiden, because I haven't finished yet, and the next bit's really horrible.
19:04Oh, we'll hurry up and finish then.
19:08Well, the lighthouse keeper is still up there. He got scurvy and hasn't been able to move for months.
19:12And nobody's heard his cries for help, and with no food, he's almost a skeleton, if he isn't dead already.
19:18He'll be at the top of the stairs, crawling towards us, his fingers blading and ripped of ribbons, a foul smell coming from his toothless mouth!
19:26Shut up, Little My!
19:27Moomin's right. That's enough.
19:29That was a good imagination, though.
19:31I'll let you use it in your book if you like.
19:33Oh, go on. Tell me, what did she say, Moomin?
19:36Oh, nothing, really. Nothing at all.
19:39Tell me, Moomin, but leave out the bits I wouldn't like.
19:43Where are you going, Papa?
19:46Well, listen, everyone. First, I'm going to get the lamp working.
19:51Then we'll give the place a good clean, and then we'll move in.
19:54We'll be the new lighthouse keepers, and once again, the seas around this island will be safe for ships to navigate in troubled waters.
20:01Good old Papa! Hurray!
20:04Be careful, everyone. Don't touch anything. It's dangerous.
20:24Will Moominpapa be able to get the light working again?
20:27Where is the lighthouse keeper?
20:29And what could have made him go without locking the door, leaving the ships in peril on the seas with no one to guide them away from the rocks?
20:39And who is the mysterious fisherman?