35 The Witch (Remastered)

  • 2 months ago


00:00These days, Moomin and Snufkin were together even more than ever.
00:30Winter would hit Moomin Valley any day now, and then they would have to part.
00:44Moomin to go into hibernation, and Snufkin to leave for his trip south.
00:51Little My, you look sad, has something upset you?
00:57Where are you off to, Moomin?
00:58To the Lonely Mountains.
00:59How come you two are always stealing off somewhere?
01:02We're not stealing off, we're just going for a walk to Lonely Mountains.
01:07Just the two of you?
01:08You're even worse than usual, never taking any of us with you.
01:13I hadn't noticed, are we really doing that?
01:15I'm not sure, maybe we are.
01:17No maybes about it, and let me tell you, it's very rude.
01:21But we were just off for a walk.
01:22I know.
01:23Well then.
01:24Why are you going?
01:25It'll start snowing any day now, Little My, and then we won't be able to go anywhere,
01:29will we?
01:30We wanted a last look at Moomin Valley from above before that happens.
01:34A likely story.
01:35But it's true, I'm off very soon and I wanted to see it all, to give me a picture to remember
01:40while I'm walking.
01:42Did you hear that, Snorkmaid and Sniff?
01:43Come here!
01:44Moomin, do you mind if we come along with you?
01:45Of course not.
01:46You see, we thought you were probably plotting something secret and weren't letting any of
01:57us in on it.
01:58Oh, come on, we don't have any secrets from you.
02:01It's just that, well, you know what I mean.
02:03Snufkin will be leaving for months and months very soon.
02:06Never mind, off we go.
02:16It would be fun to see it all from here in the middle of winter, all white.
02:20Must be very beautiful.
02:21Oh, I don't think so.
02:23With everything white and clean.
02:25In summer, it's very beautiful.
02:27Well, I'm coming back here in winter to see it for myself.
02:31You can't do that, you're hibernating.
02:33Well, maybe not.
02:35I thought that this year I'd try to keep awake all winter.
02:38You mean just like Moomin and I did last year?
02:42You could never do it.
02:43What about you?
02:44Are you hibernating?
02:46I'm not all that mad about the snow and the cold and dark, so I'll hibernate.
02:52I'm very happy to be going home.
02:54I've seen it all now.
02:55Well, we didn't ask you to come along, Little My.
02:58Why don't we go take a look at that beautiful lake again, Sniff, the one with the golden
03:03Oh, no, that's too far away.
03:04You're just afraid of the forest of witches, aren't you, Sniff?
03:07Not at all, I'm not a bit scared.
03:10Hey, look!
03:11Who's that?
03:16Nobody I know.
03:17I wonder what she's doing here.
03:19Sitting down.
03:20Don't say such silly things, Sniff.
03:29Hello there.
03:30Hi there.
03:31Hi there.
03:32What are you doing up there?
03:36I'm waiting.
03:37For what?
03:38For Grandma.
03:39Out here all alone?
03:41Well, Grandma told me there was a big rock by the path leading up to Lonely Mountains
03:45and to wait there.
03:47But there are other rocks by the path, you know.
03:50Oh, are there?
03:53But this is the only one I've seen so far.
03:55Your Grandma must be crazy or something, making you wait in a place like this.
03:59No, her house is in the forest and she's coming to show me the way.
04:03In the forest?
04:04You mean the forest of witches?
04:06Yes, I suppose so.
04:08It's not very far from here.
04:10That's it, definitely.
04:11How long have you been waiting here?
04:13Oh, about an hour.
04:15One hour?
04:16She's not very punctual.
04:17Perhaps I was early.
04:19Yes, she was an hour early.
04:21Oh, it's Grandma.
04:23Welcome, Alicia.
04:29Where did you find all these children, my dear?
04:32I was waiting here all alone and then they came along the path and wanted to help.
04:37Very kind of you, I'm sure.
04:40Well, don't just stand there, my dear.
04:42Let's go.
04:44Come along.
04:53Excuse me, excuse me, ma'am, but don't you live in the forest?
04:57Indeed I do.
04:59In what part of it?
05:00Let me see.
05:01It must be about right in the middle.
05:05The only place I know of is an old house where they say witches used to live.
05:09You don't say, young man.
05:11Well, what do you know?
05:12What will he think of next?
05:23Her grandmother is...
05:25A witch, I think.
05:27But surely they don't exist.
05:29Of course not.
05:30Like dragons don't exist.
05:33Well, she doesn't seem like a nasty one.
05:35How can you tell, woman?
05:37I don't think that nice girl would have a bad one for a grandma.
05:41Perhaps not.
05:44So tell me, what makes you think she's a witch, eh?
05:47Who else could it be?
05:49So tell me, what makes you think she's a witch, eh?
05:52Who else could live in that forest, Papa?
05:55I can't think of anyone right now, but some people would like it.
05:58Yes, I suppose you're right.
06:00I hope you are.
06:01I've lived in Moomin Valley for a long time and I've never once seen a witch.
06:06So they don't exist.
06:13Oh, stop working now, Snork. Dinner's ready.
06:15I'm coming.
06:19No wonder it's so light. Look, the moon is up.
06:22Snork Maiden, I think it would be very wise for you to stay with the Moomins from tonight on.
06:28Why on earth do you think that, Snork?
06:30I've decided not to hibernate this winter.
06:33Why ever not?
06:35I want to complete the blueprint for my new flying ship by next spring.
06:39For a real inventor, sleep is an unnecessary luxury.
06:43Science, my dear Snork Maiden, will not wait while inventors take a nap.
06:48But you know, dear Snork, how dependent you are on your sleep.
06:52I'll stay awake.
06:53Very well, then. This winter I will hibernate with the Moomins.
06:57Excellent. Shall we have dinner? I'm ready now.
07:11Most certainly, Snork. Snork Maiden will be just fine here with us.
07:15Thank you.
07:18This is nice for Moomin, too. Now he'll have Snork Maiden to keep him company.
07:23But who needs company when they're hibernating? After all, Moomin will be fast asleep.
07:28Nevertheless, sleeping is much nicer when someone else sleeps in the same room.
07:32When do we start hibernating, do you think?
07:34With weather like this, in another few days, I guess.
07:37So early?
07:39We'll have snow before the week is out.
07:41Well, good luck with your new blueprint, Snork.
07:43I look forward to seeing your flying ship in the spring.
07:46Come this time next year, I'll definitely be flying about.
07:54Thanks again for taking Snork Maiden.
07:56It's no trouble at all.
07:58Good night, then.
07:59Good night, Snork.
08:00See you, Snork Maiden.
08:04Good luck this winter, Snork.
08:06Thank goodness. At last, I can really concentrate on my work.
08:18I don't believe this!
08:24Am I hallucinating?
08:26I don't believe this!
08:32Am I hallucinating?
08:34I don't believe this!
08:56A witch! I'm sure it was!
08:58I'm positive!
09:00On a broomstick!
09:02Snork gets an idea in his head.
09:04There's not much room for anyone or anything else, is there?
09:07I hope he'll succeed this time.
09:09At least in my dream, that round thing really flew well.
09:12I often dream that I fly, but I wouldn't dream of trying it out.
09:16Snork must have had some sort of a new idea.
09:21It's Snork!
09:27What's the matter?
09:32Oh, that's my piece of cake!
09:36You look like you've seen a ghost.
09:38Not a ghost. She laughed at me.
09:41Who did?
09:42She was flying on a broomstick. No engine at all.
09:45Are you talking about the witch?
09:47What's the use? There's no point if you can do it so easily.
09:51Pull yourself together.
09:53You really saw her?
09:55But where?
09:56Right near the door.
09:58You really saw her?
10:00But where?
10:01Right near here.
10:09I can't see any witch up there, Snork.
10:12Just the moon up in the sky.
10:23And she was really flying in the sky?
10:26Is that what Snork said?
10:27Well, he should know about things that fly.
10:30But I just can't believe it until I've seen it myself.
10:33If she really is a witch, then what about the girl?
10:36I mean, no one could be happy living with a witch.
10:39I really don't know. I thought witches had to be old.
10:42Maybe it's not her real grandmother. She could be adopted.
10:46Well, Moomin, we must get to the bottom of this.
10:49Yes, Snufkin, we must.
10:57Ha! Caught you at it again, you and your secret plans.
11:01Where are you going?
11:03Today you can't come with us, Little My.
11:05And why not?
11:06Because we're going on a dangerous mission.
11:08We're going to the Forest of Witches.
11:10Well, if you're in any danger,
11:12then I must certainly come along to look after you.
11:15Moomin, come on!
11:18Besides, nothing exciting's happened to me
11:20since I went up with that kite.
11:22This is so exciting.
11:24Sleeping all winter is such a bore
11:26that I must cram in one adventure first.
11:28This is what we'll do.
11:30I grab the witch, and while she's helpless,
11:32you two grab the girl and whisk her away to safety.
11:35That sounds great, but we don't know if she is a witch, Little My.
11:38If we grab her and she isn't a witch,
11:40it would be embarrassing and we could all be in trouble.
11:43Maybe the witch needed an innocent maiden
11:45to try out some potions to experiment on her.
11:48Maybe. Let's find out.
11:50How do we find out?
11:53By snooping around, I suppose.
11:55I hope you'll think of something a bit better than that
11:58before we get there.
12:00Let's hide as close to the house as we can
12:02and then ask the girl as soon as she comes out.
12:05And what if she doesn't come out, Snufkin?
12:08Then we'll improvise, Little My.
12:10So this is the famous plan by the great Snufkin.
12:13Look, if she doesn't come out of the house,
12:16we'll just go up and knock on the door.
12:19Once we're inside,
12:21you won't be able to tell what's really what.
12:24I don't think it's a very good idea.
12:26What if she casts a spell on us?
12:28Little My will wait outside.
12:30If we don't come out, she can run back to Moomin Valley for help.
12:33That's fine, but Moomin can wait outside and I'll search the house.
12:36No, Little My, you can wait outside and I will search the house.
12:40Let's do it this way.
12:42You stay outside and if we get caught, try to free us.
12:45And run for help as quickly as you can, only if you can't.
12:48Is that okay?
12:50That means if you're in trouble, your lives will be in my hands.
12:53That's right, Little My.
12:55I don't like the sound of this.
12:57I'm not sure I want Little My to be my last hope.
13:00I wouldn't help anyone who doesn't trust me, that's for sure.
13:03Hear that? See what I mean?
13:05Shh, be quiet.
13:07There's the house.
13:14Look at this.
13:16It's very quiet. Do you think there's anybody home?
13:19I don't know. Let's wait a while and see.
13:22Do we have to stay absolutely still?
13:24But of course we do.
13:26We'll feel extremely silly if the house is empty.
13:29They've disappeared.
13:31They could have told us where they were going.
13:33I'm sure I don't care. Little My went too, I think.
13:36She's betrayed us. That's just like her.
13:39Don't worry. I've got a pretty good idea where they were heading for.
13:43You know where they've gone?
13:45Why didn't you tell me? Where are they?
13:47They've gone to the Forest of Witches.
13:50They've gone to see whether the woman we met yesterday is a real witch.
13:53A real one?
13:55Why don't we go there too?
13:57I'm pretty sure I'll be able to find my way, Sniff.
14:01What is it?
14:03I don't know. It's my stomach. I'd better lie down.
14:07It's very painful.
14:11How much longer are we going to have to stay here like this?
14:14This adventure isn't the least bit exciting.
14:17Well, let's wait a little bit longer. Be quiet.
14:19At least we know the girl is definitely in there.
14:22No, we don't. She might be out. She could be anywhere.
14:25I know that's possible, but I don't think so.
14:33She's getting some water.
14:35As I thought. That witch is working her to the bone.
14:38Hey, Little My.
14:40She's following the girl.
14:42You stay here a moment and find out as much as you possibly can about what's going on.
14:45I'll watch the house.
14:50Hey, wait for me!
15:12Hey, wait for me!
15:42And now
16:06If you're looking for Alicia, she's out.
16:08up I wasn't doing anything wrong why did you try to run away then oh I'll help
16:26you with that so will I how kind of you it is a bit heavy to carry you know I
16:31think I remember your name is it Alicia yes it is I'm so glad you remembered it
16:37my name is Moomin and I'm little my what are you doing here in the forest of
16:41witches well to be perfectly honest we came because we were rather worried
16:45about you wait about me why is that is that is that old woman really your
16:50grandmother of course you're quite sure yes of course she's my mother's mother
16:55why do you ask well don't don't you know he's trying to ask maybe your
17:02grandmother is a witch yes she is oh I'm sorry I was a bit taken aback you
17:10don't mind about your grandmother being a real witch oh no that's what she is
17:15always has been I'm going to be one too when I'm grown up oh no you couldn't
17:21why you don't look anything like one well that's because I'm not one yet when
17:25you're born into a witch family that's what you become but it's not that easy
17:29you know oh this is too much now tell me what are you doing here in the forest
17:35of witches you don't sound like a witch oh really what do witches sound like
17:40well to be honest you're the first one I've ever met in my whole life I'm sure
17:44that's just what you think young man is it true that the nice girl is really
17:49your granddaughter certainly a very promising young girl honest and
17:53hard-working and with a lot of training she will make an excellent witch someday
17:57but how can you possibly turn such a sweet girl into a witch the sweetest
18:01girls make the best witches hello didn't know you were back grandma thank you for
18:06getting the water Alicia oh who is that I don't know some naive young man out to
18:12rescue a damsel in distress no doubt I remember you your snuff can yes your
18:20friend snuff cans in here why don't you come in to in the house really he's
18:26brought friends with him has he Oh snuff can whatever have they done to you I'll
18:31take care of that wait a second I'll do it for you I'll fix it
18:48I'll get another I'm very curious why are you three here huh they came all the
18:54way from Moomin Valley because they were really worried about me grandma
18:57worried about you yes they thought you might be nasty to me so they came all
19:02this way to see if I needed help this always happens people treat witches as
19:08if they weren't ordinary respectable responsible citizens no no we're very
19:12sorry we realize she's quite okay and she's most welcome to visit us in
19:17Moomin Valley at any time isn't she snuffkin yes certainly what you said
19:24you'd visit these people oh yes I thought I'd go over there sometimes
19:28after I finished with my homework of course I would never leave my studies
19:31half done sorry Alicia but if you ever want to become a good witch you mustn't
19:37see any ordinary mortals oh why not I've only just become friends with them
19:42grandma please I know why don't I wait a year and study to be a witch next year
19:48Alicia this is family business so if you don't mind I would appreciate it if
19:56you were to leave and I'd like you to go immediately if you please
20:11it's snowing well she certainly won't be able to visit us at Moomin Valley as
20:18buried in snow so we might never see her again no that's right and you'll be
20:24leaving soon won't you snuffkin winter had come once again