Space Dogs- Tropical Adventure (2021) Watch HD

  • 2 months ago


00:07:13I really hope that this time you learned your lesson.
00:07:17Of course. Next time I will always listen to you.
00:07:21Of course.
00:07:22You can count on it.
00:07:23Count on it? You? No, you won't.
00:07:27I will.
00:07:29You won't.
00:07:30I'm telling you that I will.
00:07:32I don't believe you.
00:07:46Here it is, our dear, precious Earth.
00:07:50It looks so small from above, like a little bone.
00:07:54But from below it's huge, like a fatty shank with a crispy crust.
00:08:02Why don't you just have lunch already?
00:08:04I already had lunch after breakfast.
00:08:06By the way, are you going to finish yours?
00:08:11This is the command headquarters. What's your report?
00:08:14Right away, Commander. This is the situation.
00:08:17We have found unique samples on Saturn's moon Enceladus.
00:08:23What do you mean, here?
00:08:24I gave you a command to return to Earth immediately,
00:08:27and you arrived three hours later than what was scheduled.
00:08:30How can you explain this anomaly, this delay?
00:08:34That's because we had to...
00:08:37You what?
00:08:40I have no explanation.
00:08:42You constantly disappoint me, Commander Belka.
00:08:46I'm going to relieve you of your duty and transfer command to your partner Strelka.
00:08:52Do you have any questions?
00:08:54No questions.
00:08:55Commander Strelka, please proceed with the mission.
00:09:00At this time, you are going to research the anomaly near the Cuban shore and find its cause.
00:09:06Is that clear?
00:09:07Crystal clear, yes.
00:09:09One moment, General. I can't...
00:09:11Oh, and by the way, you absolutely have to deliver the samples to the base unscathed.
00:09:17Your tails are on the line.
00:09:19Well, all right! I'm a commander!
00:09:24And Lenny said that I'd never get that promotion.
00:09:29What's wrong?
00:09:30Belka, don't be angry. I didn't mean it.
00:09:42Flight of the Magic Watch.
00:09:57Why is she shouting and screaming like there's a fire? What is that?
00:10:01Hey, Thomas! Time!
00:10:02Quarter to one, Maestro.
00:10:08Why did God give me such an apprentice?
00:10:10I mean, her time is over! Bring her down before she lays an egg!
00:10:15Is that clear?
00:10:22I'm so grateful for that experience!
00:10:25The girls in my coop will absolutely die of envy when they find out I got to fly like a bird!
00:10:34Spreading happiness is our mission here.
00:10:37Now, that will be one dollar and thirty cents, please.
00:10:42What's that?
00:10:45Maestro, is it true that you brought these magic watches back from your work trip to the moon?
00:10:51You had a work trip when you went to the stairwell on a slipper, and I took part in the most heroic moon odyssey,
00:10:57where I selflessly risked my life and saved our two national heroines, Belka and Strelka!
00:11:04What was I saying again?
00:11:05Ah, shoot! I lost count!
00:11:07One dollar forty-five, seventy-five, so all in all...
00:11:11Huh? What?
00:11:12Is your name Lenny?
00:11:14Yes, I'm Lenny. One ride is a dollar and thirty cents. Two rides are four dollars.
00:11:19Oh, by the way, who are you two exactly?
00:11:22We are agents of the Committee for Combating Illegal Business Practices.
00:11:26So-so. That's it, we're done.
00:11:28You are under arrest.
00:11:30I told you it wouldn't end well! Didn't I say that, Thomas?
00:11:33Today we open an illegal ride, and what will we do tomorrow?
00:11:36Sell out our motherland?
00:11:38God, I'm so ashamed about this!
00:11:40Please, arrest us! Arrest us, officers!
00:11:42Just do it right now before we do something worse!
00:11:45And judge us according to the full severity of the law!
00:11:48Oh, and what is this?
00:11:49Wow, that's a lot of cow!
00:11:59Precious! Thomas! Don't lag behind!
00:12:02That's me!
00:12:04Don't join us!
00:12:05Wait, wait, wait! Hold on! Wait, wait! Where are you going?
00:12:08To Daisy!
00:12:15Run! Run!
00:12:20Wee! Wee! Wee!
00:12:49My age is really starting to show.
00:12:51You threw off your pursuers masterfully, maestro!
00:12:54So, where do we go now?
00:12:56Will we move to Corky Park?
00:12:59Sure, Corky Park.
00:13:01It has different laws, and you can do whatever you want there.
00:13:04All right?
00:13:06You're a genius!
00:13:07We should have opened the ride there from the start!
00:13:10Well, shoot, Thomas. I was just being sarcastic.
00:13:13By the way, write this new word down.
00:13:15Okay, this goes here, and this will take...
00:13:18No, we'll take it.
00:13:19My girls.
00:13:20Too bad life pulled us apart.
00:13:23If I had known that business was more dangerous than space,
00:13:26I would have never left you.
00:13:28My dear girls.
00:13:32Where are our tailcoats, huh?
00:13:36It protects you from the wind from behind,
00:13:38and doesn't get in your way in the front. Got it?
00:13:40Yes! I'll go get them!
00:13:41Why did God give me such an apprentice?
00:13:45Okay, okay.
00:13:50Get over here. There, there.
00:13:52So what do we need him for?
00:13:54My dear Thomas, today is going to be a big day for us.
00:13:57We're traveling to Cuba to see my heroic uncle.
00:14:00And these are our plane tickets.
00:14:03Well, as they say, let's go!
00:14:07You shouldn't have packed so many things.
00:14:15We've arrived.
00:14:18Oh, wow! It's humongous!
00:14:21The whirlpool is sucking in a huge amount of seawater.
00:14:24At this rate, in exactly two whole days,
00:14:27and nine hours,
00:14:29it'll swallow all the water from the Atlantic Ocean.
00:14:33What should we do then?
00:14:35You ought to know.
00:14:36After all, you're in charge now.
00:14:38Well, okay then.
00:14:39Let's see what's inside this huge thing.
00:14:44No way!
00:14:45We can't take a risk like that.
00:14:47We have samples with us.
00:14:48We need to report the whirlpool to headquarters
00:14:50and await for further instructions.
00:14:52Do you want instructions?
00:14:53What's going on?
00:14:54As commander, I order you to fly into the whirlpool.
00:14:58You consistently defy orders.
00:14:59Orders are for the weak-minded.
00:15:01We're flying into that whirlpool.
00:15:03No, we aren't.
00:15:04Don't you dare.
00:15:05We're going.
00:15:06No, we aren't.
00:15:08We're going.
00:15:09We're not going.
00:15:10Sorry to interrupt,
00:15:12but can I say something?
00:15:15The whirlpool!
00:15:16Everything's under control, Jen.
00:15:18It's all just perfect.
00:15:19I have everything under control.
00:15:20Nothing is under control.
00:15:34To the right!
00:15:35No, to the left!
00:15:36And I'm sorry, to the right!
00:15:42And I'm saying to the left!
00:15:44I'm the commander and I command.
00:15:45Go to the right, commander.
00:15:46We're jumping!
00:15:47To the left!
00:16:15The last time your crescendo was not really legato enough.
00:16:20I beg your pardon, my dear,
00:16:21but when you're hearing,
00:16:22you might as well confuse mental...
00:16:25What a strange contingency.
00:16:27Write this new word down.
00:16:28I hope they'll feed us something other than Glinka's sonatas.
00:16:31Maestro, I think we look suspicious.
00:16:34A triangle has three sides,
00:16:35but there's only two of us.
00:16:36Thomas, pull yourself together.
00:16:38Look, I have an uncle in Cuba.
00:16:40He's a sea captain.
00:16:41A hero of the seven seas and twelve.
00:16:43And I don't quite remember how it goes.
00:16:45All we need to do is get to him,
00:16:47and then everything is settled.
00:16:49Got it?
00:16:55Attention, please.
00:16:58May I have your attention, please?
00:17:01Since we have some free time,
00:17:03I think we should get ready and use this time to rehearse.
00:17:09From rehearsal mark 14, please.
00:17:14And a one.
00:17:19And a two.
00:17:31This is an urgent message
00:17:32to all civilian aircraft that are flying over the Atlantic Ocean.
00:17:36You must change course immediately and return to airspace.
00:17:41This is Flight 19, Moscow to Cuba.
00:17:43This is the captain speaking. What happened?
00:17:45There is a threat from an unidentified anomaly in the ocean.
00:17:48Go back immediately.
00:17:56Stop! No, no, no, no, no.
00:17:58That was a disaster. Just a disaster.
00:18:00Someone wants to make a pig's ear of this concert.
00:18:04It's nothing personal. I'm just talking figuratively.
00:18:07Now, everyone's going to play that part one by one so I can see
00:18:10which one of you guys is playing out of tune.
00:18:17Listen, Captain, we won't make it back.
00:18:19We don't have enough fuel.
00:18:21Base, this is Flight 19. We only have enough fuel to reach Cuba.
00:18:25Do you copy?
00:18:27Copy that. Good luck, guys.
00:18:29What? Really? Stop playing that racket!
00:18:35It's a disaster!
00:18:38Let me tell you, jazz music has never bothered anyone.
00:18:40We're going to continue. And now you.
00:18:44I'm too sick.
00:18:47All right, then. Let me get ready.
00:18:49Let me get ready.
00:19:09We don't have time to be messing around.
00:19:11We have to wait to assemble the boat according to the instructions
00:19:14and wait for orders from headquarters.
00:19:16I didn't ask you.
00:19:19She never thinks about the consequences.
00:19:21She does what she wants and that's it.
00:19:23She does whatever she wants.
00:19:25And who gets in trouble then? Me. Always me.
00:19:31We must go to the whirlpool.
00:19:33We must follow instructions and use our heads wisely.
00:19:37Stay alert, dear Commander.
00:19:39Well, stay here and think, then.
00:19:40You will have a lot of time to think.
00:19:43Just don't you dare lose those samples.
00:19:45I've risked my whole life to bring them aboard.
00:19:47All you've brought is a lot of trouble.
00:19:49While risking our lives, by the way.
00:19:51That's it. I'm off.
00:19:53Are you coming?
00:19:54No. And please try not to fall.
00:19:57Don't count on it.
00:20:04For four days, our city has been at the center of a series of unexplained seismic phenomena.
00:20:09There are several waters found today.
00:20:11The sea level has dropped significantly.
00:20:13Wind gusts sometimes reach speeds of 65 miles per hour.
00:20:16The residents are fleeing their houses in panic, trying to leave the disaster zone by any means possible.
00:20:21We have someone here with us today.
00:20:22Mr. Bilardo, did you manage to buy tickets for you and your family?
00:20:31Don't touch Tommy!
00:20:33Fence off, you silly!
00:20:37Hey, what about our suitcases?
00:20:41And our tailcoat?
00:20:42What, you came here thinking it was a ding-ding?
00:20:44You amateurs! Learn the right notes!
00:20:50Go to Mozart!
00:20:52Thomas! Where are you?
00:20:54I'm here.
00:20:57Behind you.
00:21:01I'm sorry, buddy.
00:21:11There's a plane!
00:21:27Here it is! The air of freedom!
00:21:30La Cuba de Mallorca! How did it go?
00:21:41They're acting weird. Did something happen?
00:21:43Don't be so dramatic, Thomas. How can anything bad happen in beautiful Cuba?
00:21:47It's just teeming with life. Maybe they're preparing for a festival or going on vacation.
00:21:52Buenos dias, dear Cuban friends!
00:21:54Oh, that's a greeting.
00:22:13Thomas, call the police. My heart has been stolen.
00:22:17Oh, maybe I should look for a bus schedule instead. What do you say?
00:22:30She doesn't see him. What should I do?
00:22:32Super Lenny to the rescue!
00:22:40I got you! I got you!
00:22:44Look at that!
00:22:46Pardon, miss. How are you? I mean, pour le voir francais.
00:22:51My grandmother was a ballet dancer at the Mariinsky Theatre when she was young and adventurous, so I speak different languages.
00:22:58Oh, excuse my absent-mindedness. I'm so birdbrained sometimes.
00:23:01Don't say that.
00:23:03I'm Leonard, but my friends call me Lenny. My folks call me Leon, and people close to me call me Super Lenny.
00:23:10Nice to meet you, Leon.
00:23:12Nice to meet you, too.
00:23:13Thank you.
00:23:14My pleasure.
00:23:16Oh, what a goddess.
00:23:24Hey! Hey!
00:23:27And this one's mine, too.
00:23:31Maestro, we have a problem. There's no more buses running to those.
00:23:36Thomas, don't worry.
00:23:37Taxi, Mr. Ratt?
00:23:39Our car is right there.
00:23:43See that? Right now, we need to go to the seaport. Understand?
00:24:02I didn't need this part, anyway.
00:24:05Okay, what's next?
00:24:11Great. This just proves my point.
00:24:17Hey, you need to get that tin can going quick!
00:24:34Our pirate ship is sailing, not so Pacific seas.
00:24:38And I'll gladly take aboard, ha-ha, someone else's things.
00:24:42Forget crackin', forget schmackin', forget all the rough seas.
00:24:47Cause on our pirate ship, we are proud jellies.
00:24:51Jellies, jellies, jellies.
00:24:54Jelly, jelly, jelly, jellyfish.
00:24:59Pirates that can sting and make you itch.
00:25:03If your vessel looks rich, watch out for us jellyfish.
00:25:08Watch out for us jellyfish.
00:25:12Jelly, jelly, jelly, jellyfish.
00:25:16Pirates that can sting and make you itch.
00:25:21Just when you are in a hit.
00:25:23Watch out for us jellyfish.
00:25:25Watch out for us jellyfish.
00:25:31True pirates never fear the evils of the deep.
00:25:35Blind lovers will fall over from the constant sway and sweep.
00:25:40We're always ready to fight, with a sword or with a punch.
00:25:44We do things pirate style, marine science, ha.
00:25:49Only singing, only singing is respected by the sea.
00:25:53The jellyfish captain is the bandit who can sing.
00:26:00Jelly, jelly, jelly, jellyfish.
00:26:04Pirates that can sting and make you itch.
00:26:09Watch your cargo and your ship.
00:26:11Jellyfish are coming for it.
00:26:13Jellyfish are coming for it.
00:26:17Jelly, jelly, jelly, jellyfish.
00:26:22We try trade unions, but they're not a good fit.
00:26:26Jellyfish life is fun, you know.
00:26:28Back in school, my great love.
00:26:30But now you sing just like a loser.
00:26:45Hey, Stroka.
00:26:46How did you get into this mess?
00:26:48Well, get used to it.
00:26:50I guess I'm just very social.
00:26:52Let's go.
00:26:53Jelly, jelly, jelly, jellyfish.
00:26:57Pirates that can sing and make you itch.
00:27:01We sing our songs on the sea.
00:27:03They pursue us naturally.
00:27:06Yeah, that's right.
00:27:07What are we?
00:27:23Such a nice neighborhood.
00:27:27Guys, is it much further?
00:27:32We're already there.
00:27:39So, Thomas and I really thought about it
00:27:41and decided that we'll take public transport after all.
00:27:43Yeah, let's go.
00:27:44Thomas, as they say, gets to know ordinary Cubans.
00:27:47Well, muchas gracias.
00:27:49But you forgot to pay for the tour, huh?
00:27:54Thomas, come on.
00:27:55Pay these nice gentlemen here.
00:27:57We don't have any money, Maestro.
00:27:59We'll take this instead.
00:28:01My watch?
00:28:02Fine, have it your way, you gaudy punks.
00:28:04If you don't want to do it the easy way,
00:28:06my uncle is well-known and respected here.
00:28:09You will see.
00:28:10Thomas, get his picture out of the suitcase now.
00:28:13Excuse me.
00:28:14Excuse me.
00:28:17Well, then.
00:28:21He looks different in real life.
00:28:27Stop joking around, guys.
00:28:29Take his watch already.
00:28:32What a cutie over there.
00:28:36Who are you?
00:28:48What is this?
00:28:51I'm flying!
00:28:53Is this how you treat your guests, boys?
00:29:10I don't get it.
00:29:11Did they fall asleep?
00:29:13They're parrots, after all.
00:29:15They think it's nighttime now.
00:29:17I knew it!
00:29:18I knew that the fire that ignited between us would lead you to me!
00:29:22And there you are!
00:29:23I flied to you on wigs, my love!
00:29:26Oh, that's my hero.
00:29:27I had to find you again, especially since we mixed up our suitcases.
00:29:35Oh, goodness.
00:29:36My plane has left.
00:29:38And it was my last chance to save myself from the world war.
00:29:41Your last chance?
00:29:43Oh, that's why everyone was running.
00:29:46Don't worry.
00:29:47Goddess, you'll be totally fine with me.
00:29:51Here he is.
00:29:52A sea captain, the pride of our family.
00:29:54This is my uncle.
00:29:55His name is Jonas.
00:29:57Your uncle?
00:29:58A seal?
00:30:00Well, we're not related by blood.
00:30:01My Aunt Seema certainly loved traveling more than anyone.
00:30:05So, yes.
00:30:06We just need to get to a ship and then we might go to the edge of the world.
00:30:12I've never been to the edge of the world.
00:30:24Hey, jellies.
00:30:25Easy there.
00:30:26Is that how you treat world-class celebrities?
00:30:29Well, then show me.
00:30:30Where is all your jewelry?
00:30:32You see, fellas, we're the first in space exploration.
00:30:35They might even award you for saving us.
00:30:37They might even give you medals.
00:30:39Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:30:40How about you offer them an autograph?
00:30:41Buzz off.
00:30:42I'm negotiating.
00:30:43Excuse me.
00:30:44Would you like our autographs?
00:30:45Shut up, you scallywags.
00:30:47Keep moving.
00:30:56You cosmonauts.
00:30:57Hurry up and give me the password to this thing.
00:31:00Otherwise, you're going straight to the bottom of the sea to feed the crabs, you scoundrel.
00:31:05If you argue with me, darling, you're going to become food for the crabs.
00:31:11Yeah, right.
00:31:12In your dreams, jelly.
00:31:14I beg you, don't kill us.
00:31:17I'll give you the password.
00:31:19Yeah, we trust you.
00:31:21Two, five, one, six, nine, zero, and four.
00:31:31Headquarters calling Belka and Strelka.
00:31:34Who are those strange squirts with eyes?
00:31:37Where are our pilots?
00:31:38Help us.
00:31:39We've been captured.
00:31:40They're holding us hostage.
00:31:41Get a fix on the location.
00:31:43I need to find their coordinates.
00:31:46Ha, I found them.
00:31:51Send them to the bottom to feed the crabs.
00:31:54Well, great negotiation skills.
00:31:56You're a wonderful diplomat.
00:31:57Now our embassy will be sent to the bottom of the sea.
00:32:00Okay, okay.
00:32:02It should be around here somewhere.
00:32:04Maybe your uncle was evacuated with everyone else.
00:32:08That's ridiculous, my dear.
00:32:10Heroes don't flee.
00:32:11By the way, my mom used to say that my uncle and I were very much alike.
00:32:18There he is.
00:32:20Lo siento, camarades.
00:32:22This place is closed.
00:32:23Come back after the end of the world.
00:32:26Excuse me?
00:32:27Uncle Jonas?
00:32:31Maldita sea!
00:32:33My nephew!
00:32:36You're the spitting image of your father.
00:32:38But don't worry.
00:32:39Appearances aren't the most important thing for a man.
00:32:44Uncle, let me introduce my travel companions to you.
00:32:47This is...
00:32:48I'm Thomas.
00:32:50My apprentice.
00:32:51And this is a new friend of ours.
00:32:54I didn't think to ask for her name, though.
00:32:56Maria Aranda Sanchez Caballero.
00:32:58Oh, so Maria then.
00:33:03Hermosa chica.
00:33:05Good choice, nephew. I approve.
00:33:10And now, guys, come and help the old man out.
00:33:13It's time, as they say in my motherland,
00:33:16to huir rapido.
00:33:18To cut and run.
00:33:19What did I tell you?
00:33:20He's gonna save us!
00:33:28Uncle Jonas!
00:33:30How can this be?
00:33:31I thought you were a hero!
00:33:33An old sea dog!
00:33:34Scourge of the seas!
00:33:35But you're just...
00:33:36a photographer?
00:33:38Four pesos?
00:33:39Hey, insolente!
00:33:41Come down off your high horse, you little rat!
00:33:44Taking a good portrait might be even harder than standing watch.
00:33:49Lighting, color correction...
00:33:52Tell me something.
00:33:54Are you ready to go?
00:33:56Do I have time to draw up a will?
00:33:59Oh, it's just like in my motherland.
00:34:02Mi patria.
00:34:03Even the radio, I can listen to it.
00:34:05Radio Mayak.
00:34:06We have an urgent message.
00:34:08Today, near the Cuban shore,
00:34:11a reconnaissance plane with honored Soviet confidants
00:34:15Belka and Stroka went missing.
00:34:19According to our information,
00:34:21they were captured by pirates.
00:34:23The government is discussing a rescue plan.
00:34:26The government is discussing a rescue plan for our heroes.
00:34:29Oh, my dear friends.
00:34:31How can that be?
00:34:32How can that be?
00:34:33You know the famous Belka and Stroka?
00:34:37Know them?
00:34:38We're like a single team.
00:34:40Like Marx and Engels, Lennon and McCartney,
00:34:43or Anton and Chekhov.
00:34:45We need to find a way to save them.
00:34:49But how?
00:34:50I thought we agreed to save ourselves.
00:34:52Thomas, don't embarrass your teacher.
00:34:54Think of the big picture.
00:34:55There's a reason we ended up here in Cuba.
00:34:57It's destiny.
00:34:59Maria, I promise you this.
00:35:01No matter what obstacles stand in our way,
00:35:03no matter what tricks the ocean plays on us,
00:35:06I'll surely find my girls.
00:35:08I will punish those pirates
00:35:10and save Cuba from this whirlpool.
00:35:14I'll sail with you, my hero.
00:35:18Uncle, we need to borrow your yacht.
00:35:21I don't agree, amigos.
00:35:24I'm sorry, what?
00:35:27I'm coming with you.
00:35:28Captains don't abandon their crew.
00:35:33I knew it.
00:35:36Never give up is our motto.
00:35:39Now we just need to get to the water.
00:35:43All ransom.
00:35:44Feed them to the sharks and we're good.
00:35:46They should demand a ransom.
00:35:47Send them to the bottom to feed the crabs.
00:35:50All ransom!
00:35:53I'm the boss here, so I'll decide.
00:35:55Neptune's beard.
00:35:56How is he the boss?
00:35:57I should be the boss.
00:35:58I've worked here the longest.
00:36:00No, me.
00:36:01My talent brought us loot and supplies numerous times.
00:36:05I say ransom.
00:36:07I am the smartest one here,
00:36:09so I am the boss.
00:36:13Well, at least it's not on fire.
00:36:23Oh, there we go.
00:36:25Now this tin can's up and running.
00:36:27What's that smell?
00:36:28Everyone's good with their hands in our family.
00:36:32I'm sorry.
00:36:33I ate chili for lunch.
00:36:35Comida sabrosa.
00:36:38Nephew, give me a hand.
00:36:44I'm sorry.
00:36:45I'm sorry.
00:36:46I'm sorry.
00:36:47I'm sorry.
00:36:48I'm sorry.
00:36:49I'm sorry.
00:36:50I'm sorry.
00:36:57I lived at a taxi depot for two years,
00:37:00so I learned a lot about engines.
00:37:02Of course he did.
00:37:03What a scholar.
00:37:06I think I see a ship over there.
00:37:09What flag does it have, apprentice?
00:37:11I can't see.
00:37:12I need glasses.
00:37:13I think it's black.
00:37:15And there are some bones on it.
00:37:17We lucked out.
00:37:18Those are archaeologists.
00:37:20They're great guys.
00:37:22I think it's what we've been looking for.
00:37:24I'm the smartest here.
00:37:26I'm the boss here.
00:37:27I'm the smartest.
00:37:29You give me a stomachache.
00:37:31Jellyfish don't have stomachs, idiot.
00:37:33Time to throw you overboard.
00:37:35I'm the boss.
00:37:36Stop fighting already.
00:37:39Let's cast lots.
00:37:45Hey, are you serious?
00:37:47That's enough.
00:37:48That's a strange way to choose the boss.
00:37:50Isn't it?
00:37:51At least it's fun, you pond scum.
00:37:53Whoever can crack the bottle first will be the boss.
00:37:56First is the worst.
00:37:57Second is the best.
00:38:01Help, they're going to kill us.
00:38:03No one will ever hurt Belka and Strelka.
00:38:08Who are you?
00:38:09Who is there?
00:38:10I'm their best friend.
00:38:12That's who I am.
00:38:14What an entrance.
00:38:15I order you to untie them and apologize at once.
00:38:19I'll count to three.
00:38:27Just let me get over there and I'll show you.
00:38:30Malditos pilatas.
00:38:32Just give me a little bit longer.
00:38:34False alarm.
00:38:36There's only two rats and a fatty here.
00:38:46What are you doing?
00:38:49I can't believe it.
00:38:50Look at Maria.
00:38:51So cool.
00:38:58Leni, how are you?
00:39:00My dear girls.
00:39:02What are you doing in Cuba?
00:39:06I hate to interrupt you, but how about helping me out?
00:39:10I'm sorry.
00:39:11Yes, of course.
00:39:16Uncle Jonas, are you coming?
00:39:18He's sending you karate and samba.
00:39:21Arm wrestling, kickboxing, si, senor.
00:39:24What do you want?
00:39:25A bag with eyes?
00:39:30Don't you have anything else to scare us with other than a flying rat?
00:39:36Prepare to defend yourself.
00:39:39Oh, mama.
00:39:41I've got you.
00:39:43Shiver me timbers.
00:39:45Abandon ship.
00:39:48Hurray, master.
00:39:49We've won.
00:39:51This is what happens when the team is all here.
00:39:54Oh, my hero.
00:39:56Thomas, look away.
00:39:58Here I come.
00:40:00Fin, amigos.
00:40:02Immediately release us.
00:40:09The whirlpool.
00:40:12It's swallowing us.
00:40:24My watch.
00:40:36I'll save you.
00:41:01I'm looking at the specified area from the air.
00:41:04I can only see a shipwreck.
00:41:06Oh, and an old seal.
00:41:08We lost them.
00:41:12The cosmonauts Belka and Strelka?
00:41:14The samples.
00:41:15We've lost the samples.
00:41:18Well, those two as well.
00:41:20Looks like I'll have to deal with the whirlpool by myself.
00:41:42Get out.
00:41:43Get out.
00:41:44Get out.
00:41:45Get out.
00:41:53What is it?
00:41:56It stinks.
00:42:08Who goes there?
00:42:13It's you, Lanny.
00:42:14Where's Maria?
00:42:20My love.
00:42:21I'll save you.
00:42:31Maestro, don't worry.
00:42:32I'm okay.
00:42:39Answer me.
00:42:47Guys, I'm stuck in this thing.
00:42:50Help me get it off.
00:42:52It's me, Strelka.
00:42:54Help me.
00:42:56Get him out of that.
00:43:03You're just a misfit dog.
00:43:05Is she gone?
00:43:06Listen, Lanny.
00:43:08Don't jump to any conclusions just yet.
00:43:10Maestro, I think I saw your uncle saving Maria and pulling her out.
00:43:15You can trust me.
00:43:16Did you see Maria?
00:43:17I am sure she is okay.
00:43:19Yeah, I hope so.
00:43:20What's that smell?
00:43:22Where are we?
00:43:23At a dump.
00:43:24But how come there's a dump underwater?
00:43:26I'm here.
00:43:28And my Maria's out there somewhere.
00:43:31It's a paradox.
00:43:35Get away from here.
00:43:46Over there.
00:43:50Or how about over there?
00:43:53Which way do we go?
00:43:59That way.
00:44:12The samples.
00:44:13We'll have to come back for them later.
00:44:15First, we need to figure out where we are.
00:44:17Jump quick.
00:44:18We'll go first.
00:44:28Where's my watch?
00:44:34What's this?
00:45:00A flower.
00:45:10Can I jump into the ball pit again?
00:45:13No, you can't.
00:45:15Keep your eyes peeled.
00:45:16It could be dangerous in here.
00:45:22What an interesting construction.
00:45:26There's a light.
00:45:27Well, shall we check it out?
00:45:32Has anyone seen the forecast for today?
00:45:35What if there's a storm and Maria's there?
00:45:37Lenny, don't worry.
00:45:39Everything will be fine.
00:45:40We have to believe that.
00:45:42Teacher, your uncle is there.
00:45:45He's basically a seal.
00:45:47He's a seal.
00:45:48She's gonna be okay.
00:45:49She's gonna be okay.
00:45:51Lenny, don't you worry.
00:45:53I checked the forecast.
00:45:54There won't be a storm.
00:45:56So there's hope in finding her.
00:46:12It's like a jungle in here.
00:46:22It's beautiful.
00:46:24Maria's gonna go crazy.
00:46:26I'll make such a nice bouquet for her.
00:46:34Did you hear that?
00:46:39What's that?
00:46:47Is that a hedgehog?
00:46:49Yeah, a hedgehog who ate a big elephant.
00:46:52He doesn't look dangerous.
00:46:53Who, Barry?
00:46:55But this one does.
00:46:57What are you doing?
00:47:00Why on Pluto are you not sorting garbage?
00:47:02I mean, do you want some trash to get sucked in with everything else?
00:47:05I'm sorry, Krokogi.
00:47:07I'm just going to water the flowers.
00:47:09And then I will return to the control panel.
00:47:11You know what?
00:47:12You're crazy about your flowers.
00:47:14In case you forgot,
00:47:15we need to pump no less than three million gallons of water today
00:47:18or we're gonna be in some seriously big trouble.
00:47:21They're the ones who were stealing the Earth's water.
00:47:24So that's what those blue balls were?
00:47:27That means that we almost drowned because of those weirdos.
00:47:30Please don't be mad at me.
00:47:33I'm almost done here.
00:47:34And don't forget to feed the hatchling.
00:47:36Will you just look at this garden?
00:47:38I always have to do everything by myself.
00:47:40Oh, bye, my lonesome.
00:47:44Lenny, wait!
00:47:55We're coming to help you!
00:47:56Hey, you!
00:47:57Hey, guys!
00:47:58Spit him out immediately!
00:48:00I'm warning you.
00:48:01I know pressure points!
00:48:07That's it!
00:48:08You're asking for it!
00:48:15I'm sorry.
00:48:17I didn't mean it.
00:48:20Guys, promise me that this incident will stay between us
00:48:23and Maria won't find out about it.
00:48:25Get off me already!
00:48:26And you!
00:48:27Young man!
00:48:28You should see an ear, nose and throat doctor!
00:48:31A cold like this is no joke!
00:48:35Now hurry up and tell us.
00:48:36Who are you?
00:48:37And why were you stealing our water?
00:48:39My name is Pumbari Unicumus Parapurum Soleaso
00:48:43from a sort of smooth-horned needle-spine species.
00:48:46But you can just call me Pumbari Unicumus Soleaso.
00:48:50And this is my friend, Krokagi.
00:48:52Well, it's a real pleasure to meet all of you guys.
00:48:56Now, why don't you say cheese?
00:49:00Calm down, guys.
00:49:01Whatever your names were, Pumbappy and Krokaga,
00:49:04let me just call you Hedgephant.
00:49:06And your friend here, Froduk.
00:49:08So, dear Hedgephant and Froduk,
00:49:11we ended up here by pure chance
00:49:13and we come to you in peace.
00:49:20Shame on you both!
00:49:22You just can't go up and steal the whole ocean?
00:49:25You're thieves!
00:49:27Why don't you go up and look at what you've done?
00:49:30She didn't really mean it.
00:49:31Please don't be offended.
00:49:34Will you stop talking?
00:49:36There is plenty of water on your planet.
00:49:39Somewhere in the vast universe
00:49:41is our motherland,
00:49:42the beautiful planet of rice.
00:49:44It's awesome.
00:49:45We were a thriving population,
00:49:47no disease or starvation.
00:49:50Peaceful and fair,
00:49:51always an abundance of food to share.
00:49:53Remember the fruit and the flowers?
00:49:55The flowers, yeah, flowers,
00:49:58they blossomed all around us.
00:50:02The rainbow gardens grow
00:50:07red and blue and yellow.
00:50:11But as we know, nothing lasts forever.
00:50:13A perfect night with summer weather.
00:50:15A meteorite came from outer space
00:50:17and forever changed my beloved birthplace.
00:50:19Oceans, ponds, and springs went dry
00:50:21as the natural balance went awry.
00:50:23All to east could no longer sustain life
00:50:25and now all our vegetation has died.
00:50:27The president gave an order to build
00:50:29a fleet that he wanted to be filled
00:50:31with only the best and brightest
00:50:33to go searching other galaxies
00:50:35for some water to bring back home.
00:50:37He promised rewards of titles and riches
00:50:40to save us from the drought.
00:50:42The flowers, yeah, flowers,
00:50:46they blossomed all around us.
00:50:50To think of them, it makes me cry
00:50:54because it's so hot
00:50:56they withered up and died.
00:51:01We have been traveling through galaxies
00:51:04for crockity five years
00:51:06searching for suitable water.
00:51:08And your H2O has the same molecular structure as ours,
00:51:12so it suits us.
00:51:13We just need one ocean.
00:51:15You have a lot of them.
00:51:17Hold on a sec.
00:51:18So you are saying you need water to save your planet?
00:51:20Well, yes, and once we become heroes,
00:51:23we'll get titles and a new echo sounder.
00:51:26And I will get a golden croctane award.
00:51:30Listen to me.
00:51:32I think we can help you.
00:51:34She'd say anything to make us let her go.
00:51:36Stop talking to them entirely.
00:51:38Our suitcase is in the dump.
00:51:40There's proof in there, I promise.
00:51:42If you let us go and get it,
00:51:43then we'll bring it back right to you.
00:51:45We will, on my honor.
00:51:46Ha! Sure, like we're that stupid?
00:51:49Watch these liars extremely closely.
00:51:51And shoot them if you need to.
00:51:54Hey, Thomas? Thomas?
00:51:58Thomas? Thomas? Thomas, wake up!
00:52:01Uncle Frodoke is just kidding, right?
00:52:08I remember a wonderful moment.
00:52:11As before my eyes, you appeared.
00:52:16You broke my heart forever.
00:52:18And in dark waters, you disappeared.
00:52:23Only these flowers remain.
00:52:25Oh, what a divine flower that is.
00:52:29Wow, I've never seen anything like it before.
00:52:32Hey, hey, hey, hey, careful!
00:52:34It's the flower of the goddess, after all.
00:52:37Yes, there are many wonderful flowers on Earth.
00:52:40Yeah, she's right.
00:52:41And you should know,
00:52:42if you and your duck frog steal our water,
00:52:45all of our flowers will die,
00:52:46along with everything else.
00:52:49My friend here is trying to say that
00:52:52you have a chance to save a million plants on Earth.
00:52:55Frankly, I didn't know your planet was inhabited.
00:53:00I don't mind.
00:53:01But Krokiki said,
00:53:03and now I don't even know.
00:53:06If I let you go, he'll be very upset.
00:53:11And he's my only friend.
00:53:12All right.
00:53:13But if we can find our suitcase,
00:53:15he'll believe us and forgive you.
00:53:17And you'll have enough water for your entire planet.
00:53:22All right.
00:53:41You believed all the lies those balls of fluff told you?
00:53:44That's it.
00:53:45That's it!
00:53:47That's going to be the last straw.
00:53:49Just let Hatchling deal with him.
00:54:07He let the Hatchling out.
00:54:08Oh, it's so tiny.
00:54:10Such a cutie.
00:54:12I just realized I forgot to feed him today.
00:54:16Everyone, save yourselves!
00:54:20Can you believe that?
00:54:22He looks like a huge hedgehog.
00:54:24But in reality, he's such a coward.
00:54:26I mean, it's just a small, tiny little monster.
00:54:36The garden! We can hide there!
00:54:51This way!
00:55:08No time to rest, Thomas!
00:55:11I got him!
00:55:22Catch me!
00:55:24Oh, my flower!
00:55:29He ate it!
00:55:33That's it.
00:55:34Uncle Lenny's put up with it for a long time.
00:55:36But this is too much.
00:55:38This will be fearsome.
00:55:39Thomas, you go first.
00:55:41And we'll get the samples.
00:55:43Monster baby!
00:55:45Monster baby! Hey!
00:55:50Lenny, you're our hero.
00:55:52Hurry up. Let's get going.
00:56:02The only way we can get to the pump is through this pipe.
00:56:05There. Look. It's there.
00:56:12It's useless.
00:56:13It can't be opened without Hedge Fan or Frodox fingerprints.
00:56:16So are we just going to give up?
00:56:19Is there no hope left for our planet?
00:56:21One, two, three.
00:56:23One, two, three.
00:56:25One, two, three.
00:56:26What are you doing?
00:56:27Four. Are you okay?
00:56:29Quiet! I'm counting!
00:56:30Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
00:56:31Just the right time to do math.
00:56:41Just the right time to do math.
00:56:43It compresses at intervals.
00:56:44If we can calculate it, we'll have a chance to get into the dump.
00:56:53You're a genius!
00:56:54Let's count, then.
00:56:55I'm ready.
00:56:57If I make a mistake, we won't make it.
00:56:59You made a mistake?
00:57:00Oh, please.
00:57:02I mean, please, please, please, please don't make a mistake.
00:57:05Then get ready.
00:57:10Too early! False start!
00:57:41Roger that.
00:57:46Go now!
00:57:47Roll now!
00:58:11We made it through!
00:58:14You're a hero.
00:58:15I'll demand they give you a medal.
00:58:19I never could have done it without you.
00:58:21But I'll remember what you said about the medal.
00:58:27Good job, guys!
00:58:28Thomas, to the left!
00:58:29Now to the right!
00:58:30Thomas, hurry up!
00:58:31And don't forget what an important mission we've undertaken here!
00:58:34A mission of self-sacrifice!
00:58:36Maestro, I don't think we'll be able to let him down.
00:58:40I think maybe we should come up with another plan.
00:58:43Another plan?
00:58:45Oh, dear Thomas, I have no idea how you managed to outlive dinosaurs with that fitness level you have.
00:58:51Hard to believe!
00:58:56Now you listen to me, you overgrown chihuahua!
00:58:59No one dares attack my friends!
00:59:01No one dares drive me up a tree!
00:59:04And no one dares eat a flower from my beloved lady!
00:59:08Have you ever loved anyone?
00:59:10Have you?
00:59:20I don't get it.
00:59:22Take this!
00:59:27Well, does he want to play fetch?
00:59:32I'm not sure, but we can try.
00:59:42Good boy!
00:59:46Good boy!
00:59:52I think I already looked through there.
00:59:54Or maybe I didn't.
00:59:56Same issue over here.
00:59:57I'm at a loss right now.
01:00:03There's so much stuff, we will never find this tiny suitcase in our lifetime.
01:00:09Make way for the king's elephant!
01:00:15Don't be scared.
01:00:17Hatchling is a good boy.
01:00:20He was just angry because no one played with him.
01:00:25What's he doing?
01:00:33And what if he's just pretending to be nice?
01:00:36It's elementary, girls.
01:00:37A golden rule of training.
01:00:39The carrot and the stick.
01:00:40Carrot and stick.
01:00:41So, where's the suitcase?
01:00:43How will we ever find it now?
01:00:46We'd need a tracking dog for it.
01:00:52Oh, look at that.
01:00:53He has our suitcase.
01:00:56We're saved!
01:00:58Oh, good boy.
01:00:59Well, what did I tell you?
01:01:01Hatchling, turn around.
01:01:02Is my watch there somewhere?
01:01:03Good boy.
01:01:06You're such a good boy.
01:01:07You're such a good boy.
01:01:08Yes, you are.
01:01:10Wait, wait, wait.
01:01:12If you keep this up, he might disappear completely.
01:01:17You should have warned us about that.
01:01:20He wanted to save all the pretty little flowers, didn't he?
01:01:23And now you're never going to see any of them ever again.
01:01:26Please don't do that.
01:01:30Please, don't hurt the flowers, Krokogi.
01:01:34All I'm doing is just fulfilling my duty.
01:01:36Hold on.
01:01:38We found our suitcase.
01:01:41Oh, it's you!
01:01:43Oh, and now you're with the traitor.
01:01:45Calm down, mister.
01:01:47Our suitcase has something that will let you solve your planet's problem without taking our water.
01:01:53Okay, drumroll please.
01:01:55Get ready.
01:02:02Thomas, call a taxi.
01:02:04That's it!
01:02:05You're done here, you little fluffballs!
01:02:10Where's my plasma gun?
01:02:12Are you looking for this?
01:02:15It's my Maria!
01:02:16My dear Maria!
01:02:18You're alive!
01:02:19I'm so happy!
01:02:20Oh, and you saved my watch, too!
01:02:24Stop it, darling.
01:02:26Before I ruin your pretty face with this big plasma gun.
01:02:30What's happening?
01:02:32But I thought we were serious.
01:02:34You and I.
01:02:36I'm very serious, Leon.
01:02:39About this watch.
01:02:41This is the only reason I joined your romantic adventure, and I must say it paid off.
01:02:49This spaceship is an island full of technological treasures.
01:02:53Any country will gladly buy them from me.
01:02:56Any country?
01:02:58So, who are you anyway?
01:03:00Huh, I forgot my name.
01:03:02The real one.
01:03:03I mean...
01:03:06My friend, don't be so sad.
01:03:09With me, you didn't stand a chance.
01:03:12It's only that we grew up in completely different worlds.
01:03:19You were raised with silver spoons and velvet ribbons on your shoes.
01:03:26My childhood was painful with constant hunger and fear.
01:03:32Simple Maria, that's what you'd say.
01:03:36Simple Maria, she went away.
01:03:39You thought you could change my heart to feel joy, happiness, and love.
01:03:46You're just a toy in a cat and mouse game.
01:03:49Nothing special, you're all the same.
01:03:53I'm not your little sweetheart.
01:03:56I'm Maria de Sanchez Gonzalez.
01:04:00My friend, don't be so sad.
01:04:03You're foolish, it's not that bad.
01:04:06You gave me a wonderful role.
01:04:10I'm sorry, that's not who I am.
01:04:13Why would I want your offerings when in my hands lie the rarest things
01:04:20that anyone on this planet has ever possibly seen?
01:04:26Simple Maria, that's what you'd say.
01:04:30Simple Maria, she went away.
01:04:33You thought you could change my heart to feel joy, happiness, and love.
01:04:40You're just a toy in a cat and mouse game.
01:04:49No one is ever allowed to hurt who make fun of the maestro.
01:04:54Hey, Cucaracha, don't be an idiot. I don't want to hurt anyone.
01:04:57Thomas, don't do it. She's a lady after all. Don't do it, okay?
01:05:10Help me!
01:05:18Help me!
01:05:24I order you to annihilate everybody, immediately!
01:05:37What happened?
01:05:38What happened is that we're all done for!
01:05:42The ship is damaged. Please leave the ship immediately.
01:05:50Stop panicking. Can you explain the situation clearly?
01:05:53Oh, of course. I'm totally at your service.
01:05:55The situation is as follows.
01:05:57Your crazy friend's shooting damaged everything it possibly could.
01:05:59The engines, pump, compressors, waste filtration, and oxygen supply system.
01:06:03Our ship is sinking quickly, and the only thing left for us to do is panic!
01:06:08Oh, no! Does that mean that we won't ever be able to return home?
01:06:22Poonberry! What home? We won't even be able to rise to the surface!
01:06:27Stop panicking. Do you remember how to switch the ship over to manual control?
01:06:33I think it's like this.
01:06:35Tell me as clearly as you can.
01:06:39But we've never used it before!
01:06:44Give me the ship's schematics!
01:06:48Okay, so we have two key priorities.
01:06:50To drop the ballast, and to restore the full operating abilities of this ship.
01:06:54That's right! We need to get rid of all the water that you stole from Earth!
01:06:59But then, our planet will die!
01:07:01How will you save it from the bottom of the ocean? Come on, release the water!
01:07:06Huh? Huh! Hmm...
01:07:14Oh! Wait a second! I think something got stuck!
01:07:16Nothing is like it's supposed to be on Earth! Everything's upside down!
01:07:20What did you say? Upside down?
01:07:22Yes! Upside down!
01:07:23Upside down? Of course!
01:07:25That's my misfit dog! You're so smart! That's exactly what we should do!
01:07:29Do what?
01:07:30Watch this. If we rapidly change the incline, the ship will topple over.
01:07:34This way, then, it will release the water and be pushed to the surface as if it was a balloon!
01:07:45Yes, but we still need to work together.
01:07:50Is there something I can do to help you?
01:07:52Sit down, Mata Hari!
01:07:54And Strogat and I will prepare for the maneuver.
01:07:5812-inch wrench!
01:08:00Now the screwdriver!
01:08:02No, not the Phillips! The flathead one!
01:08:05Good boy! Now go find me a few screws and a pair of pliers!
01:08:10Okay, let's see here. It doesn't leak here or here. That's great.
01:08:16Looks like it leaks here. Okay.
01:08:21Ah! Look at this! It's all scratched up!
01:08:24Ah! Look at this! It's all scratched up and worn out!
01:08:29Just like my heart.
01:08:31All right, here's a blowtorch. That will come in handy.
01:08:36How's it going, team?
01:08:38The control panel is restored!
01:08:40And I'm resetting the autopilot!
01:08:42All of the leaks in the command module are fixed!
01:08:45Great! Good job! Wait, and where's Hedgephant?
01:08:51Hedgephant! Do you copy? Do you copy?
01:08:54How's it going with the trash?
01:08:58What's wrong? You're strong and huge like a house, huh?
01:09:03It's fine if you don't care about us, but your precious flowers will die as well!
01:09:17That's it!
01:09:20The estimated time of the turn is five seconds.
01:09:22When it's at about 30 degrees, start the left engine.
01:09:25Roger that! Okay, at my command, start dropping the ballast.
01:09:29Just don't go too quickly, or we'll hit the bottom of the ocean.
01:09:33I don't think we will.
01:09:35Let's go, friend!
01:09:37Come on, friend!
01:09:38Five, four, three, I think.
01:09:43And one.
01:09:52All mechanisms are in order.
01:09:54The surfacing program is active.
01:10:08Hooray! We're saved!
01:10:10Hooray! Hooray!
01:10:12We're saved!
01:10:13Stop! We did it, guys!
01:10:16I told you! You'll always be fine with me!
01:10:28Get ready and aim.
01:10:32Target acquired.
01:10:34And aim.
01:10:37Target acquired.
01:10:39Wait, Commander-in-Chief! Hold your fire!
01:10:42We'll explain everything later.
01:10:44Slain? Who's slain?
01:10:46I said explain!
01:10:47What airplane?
01:10:50You need to leave immediately.
01:10:52Stealing water on such a large scale is no joke.
01:10:55They'll put you in jail for a long time. I'd bet my life on that.
01:10:58But the ship doesn't even have enough energy to even leave the atmosphere.
01:11:03Uh, Maria, excuse me, but this scratch wasn't here before.
01:11:06I'm just saying.
01:11:07Lenny, your watch.
01:11:10Maybe it can serve as an alternative energy source for the spaceship.
01:11:14Well, you know, let's do some brainstorming.
01:11:17Give me some other ideas. We can't just go with the very first one.
01:11:20Thomas, any ideas?
01:11:22Hey, Lenny, we don't know what they're capable of, but...
01:11:26Yeah, you should give them your watch.
01:11:30Maybe it'll save their planet.
01:11:34I let you into my heart once,
01:11:37and I don't know if I'll ever be able to look at another watch face in the same way again.
01:11:46You sacrificed your most precious thing.
01:12:00It worked!
01:12:03It worked!
01:12:05It worked! It worked!
01:12:07I don't know about you, but we must continue looking for water.
01:12:10We haven't completed our mission after all.
01:12:14Hold on. Maybe this can help you.
01:12:18You've been looking for it so hard.
01:12:20There it is!
01:12:21Not bad, Maria.
01:12:26If only I had known you were like this,
01:12:29I would have never stolen anything from you.
01:12:36This crystal holds a huge, huge amount of water.
01:12:47How is that even possible?
01:12:49There's almost two oceans in there!
01:12:53It's ultra-concentrated water.
01:12:55We told you!
01:12:57Wonderful. Now we won't need to steal anything else.
01:13:01And please, I hope that you can forgive us.
01:13:04We were just trying to save our own planet here.
01:13:06Sure, and become a crocodile while you're at it, huh?
01:13:09Your friend is a real hero.
01:13:11Come on, don't say that.
01:13:13You can just name the ocean after me.
01:13:16Leonard Ocean. That's enough.
01:13:18Thank you, my new friends.
01:13:29The Earth
01:13:53We are our heroes, the saviors of the Earth!
01:13:56The whole world applauds you!
01:13:58Commander Strelka.
01:14:00You lost your only ship,
01:14:02forfeited the samples from Enceladus,
01:14:05and allowed the alien spaceship to escape.
01:14:08What am I supposed to make of that?
01:14:10I'm sorry, Commander-in-Chief.
01:14:13It's true.
01:14:15I failed as a commander.
01:14:17The blame for the failure of the mission is entirely on me.
01:14:20No, on us.
01:14:22Let me state something for the record.
01:14:24I have to say that I wasn't always following orders,
01:14:26so I'm prepared to be punished equally.
01:14:28And you will be punished.
01:14:30And you won't need to go very far at all.
01:14:32Your punishment is to stay here and serve at the Cuban base.
01:14:37It's hot as the sun.
01:14:39We'll do our best, Commander.
01:14:41Excuse me, Commander-in-Chief.
01:14:42We're also ready to be severely punished
01:14:44for our terrible, inexcusable actions.
01:15:29Here you go. Enjoy.
01:15:31I hope you brought your appetite.
01:15:33If I knew we could be punished like this,
01:15:36I would never have to take a vacation.
01:15:38And I'd remember to pack a swimsuit.
01:15:42Yes, girls.
01:15:44I'm the only one who lost something in this battle.
01:15:47My heart is broken.
01:15:49And my watch is gone.
01:15:52Hey, nephew.
01:15:53You need to stop all this talking.
01:15:55Cuba is the island of miracles.
01:15:57You just need to believe in the magic of the island.
01:16:04Okay, everyone. Watch your pockets.
01:16:08Good evening.
01:16:09The bar is about to close.
01:16:11Did you want something?
01:16:13I want to start it all over.
01:16:16As if nothing happened.
01:16:18If you can possibly forgive me.
01:16:22Maria Aranda Sanchez Caballero.
01:16:26But you can just call me Maria.
01:16:31People call me Lenny.
01:16:32My friends call me Leon.
01:16:34And my friends just call me...
01:16:37Super Lenny.
01:16:38What a couple!
01:16:39You are truly made for each other.
01:16:47Everybody dance!
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