Blackstar [OV] (1981) - s01e02 - Search for the Starsword

  • 2 months ago


00:00John Blackstar, astronaut, is swept through a black hole into an ancient alien universe.
00:17Trapped on the planet Sagar, Blackstar is rescued by the tiny Trobbit people.
00:23In turn, he joins their fight for freedom against the cruel Overlord, who rules by the
00:33might of the Power Star.
00:35The Power Star is split into the Power Sword and the Star Sword.
00:40And so, with Star Sword in hand, Blackstar, together with his allies, sets out to save
00:46the planet Sagar.
00:53This is his destiny.
00:55I am John Blackstar.
01:16A toast to our honored guest.
01:44Here's to the rebel leader who stands against the Overlord wherever he goes.
01:48I give you Blackstar.
01:53Bottoms up, old chum.
01:54Clear, cool, spring water.
02:02Back off, you lifeless pile of rocks.
02:23Hey, Mara, where are all these lava locks coming from?
02:53From the pit of darkness.
02:56They seek offerings for the Overlord.
03:22Sorry, guys, back to the pit of darkness.
03:47Well, that's the last of them.
03:57No, Blackstar, I see others climbing up toward your friends.
04:04Your friends?
04:05The Trobbits?
04:06They're in grave danger.
04:07Warlock, let's move.
04:10Blackstar, hurry.
04:42Oh, well, Sagar, old tree, it feels like rain today.
04:47Good for your roots, yes, hmm?
04:55Morning, Carfo.
04:56I see you're building an ark for the rain.
04:59It isn't an ark.
05:00It is a mighty sailboat.
05:01And it looks more like a leaky wash tub to me.
05:02Uh, is the soup ready yet, Riff?
05:03Not until I add a knowledge nut from the Sagar tree.
05:04A knowledge nut?
05:05What for?
05:06Sure you won't keep asking me such stupid questions.
05:17There she is, seaworthy and leak-proof.
05:19Say, let me put in the nuts.
05:20I'm doing it, Burble.
05:21Let go, let go.
05:22All right.
05:23Like I said, it feels like rain today.
05:43Trobbits, to action.
05:47Oh, Gossamer.
05:51What is it?
05:54At the canyon.
05:57They have Pulo.
06:00Trouble, Trobbits.
06:02To the canyon.
06:21Why, there ain't nothing here but rocks and...
06:29Lava locks.
06:30There's no way out.
06:31Ship down.
06:36Look who's coming up.
06:37It's Blackstar.
06:39Down, warlock.
06:46All right, lava locks, ease up.
07:04Putting on a little weight, aren't you, Rocko?
07:16Just let go of the trumpet.
07:42It has the Star Sword!
07:43Don't let it get away!
07:44Oh, no!
07:57The Star Sword!
07:59Lost in the Canyon of Flames.
08:00We'll never see it again.
08:01Not if I can help it.
08:02Wish me luck.
08:17So long!
08:18Well, don't just stand there lollygagging.
08:19Let's go help him.
08:20But that cliff is steep.
08:21Why don't you go help him?
08:22I can't.
08:23I can't.
08:24I can't.
08:25I can't.
08:26I can't.
08:27I can't.
08:28We'll drop like a bunch of hot potatoes.
08:34There's another route.
08:35The Underground Stream.
08:38We can use Carpo's Ark.
08:43I feel my power growing stronger and stronger, while Blackstar's powers are eliminated.
08:58I can see that he no longer holds the Star Sword.
09:02Now, Overlord, it is yours for the taking.
09:19Star Sword, you will be reunited with your better half.
09:24My mighty Power Sword!
09:35The Power Star will be whole again!
09:43And mine again!
09:49I alone will rule the universe!
09:56Overlord, let me lead your forces to the Canyon of Flames where the Star Sword lies.
10:01My forces? Why, my forces are already there!
10:26By Jove, Enchantress, you've done it! You've found the Star Sword!
10:31Mara, you're a lifesaver!
10:47Don't touch it, Blackstar! It's burning hot!
11:03The Star Sword!
11:06Oh, no you don't!
11:20Lava Lux, you're beginning to bother me!
11:24Let her go, Rocko!
11:35Antler Bat!
12:53Well, Warlock, we've struck out. Mara, the Star Sword and Blackstar, gone.
13:22We made it, Travitz! The Canyon of Flames!
13:41Keep a-steering, Pulo!
13:45Keep a-bailing, Riff!
13:48It's good.
13:51Whoa, mateys! Rock's up ahead!
13:55Evasive action!
14:01Quick, Pulo! Better let me take the wheel!
14:07That's not what I meant!
14:14Land ho!
14:38Lava Lux!
14:48They captured Mara and the Star Sword.
14:53Well, I knew we shouldn't have come. Everywhere you look, there's a moving...
15:12Oh, Blackstar, where are you?
15:30Don't drop me here, pal. It's a long fall.
15:40And don't drop me there, either.
16:27Thanks for dropping by, guys.
16:30Now all we have to do is find where the Lava Lux took Mara and Star Sword.
16:35I'll bet they headed home, to the Pit of Darkness.
16:56Where are we?
16:57The Pit of Darkness, where the Lava Lux make offerings to their master, the Overlord.
17:02Offerings? You mean like the Star Sword?
17:05Yes, like the Star Sword.
17:12And like us.
17:15But there'll be no offerings today, Lava Lux.
17:41Not bad, Mara.
17:50I learn fast.
17:54Now for the Star Sword.
17:58Give it up, Lava Lux.
18:00It's not theirs to give.
18:06The Star Sword is mine!
18:09Not on your life, Overlord.
18:12No, Blackstar, on yours!
18:33Blackstar, he fell into the Pit!
18:36It's our home!
18:48And now, Star Sword, I will have you!
19:21I think I'll take care of your little friends, Blackstar.
19:25Leave them out of this, Overlord!
19:28Well, if you want to save them, come ahead, come ahead.
19:53Don't bother pleading for mercy.
19:56Nothing can save you now.
20:30That won't hold him for long.
20:34Is everybody all right?
20:35Yeah, yeah, yeah.
20:37Well, I'm not all right. Then let's get out of here.
20:40We're on our way.
20:41Ha, Warlock, fly!
20:52I'm not through with you, Blackstar.
20:55We'll finish this battle another day.
21:25THE END
