✓METAL GEAR SOLID Δ SNAKE EATER ×Official_Trailer- مترجم

  • 2 months ago
Xbox_ Games -Showcase 2024
00:12Approaching Soviet airspace
00:15Listen up Jack your mission is to infiltrate silly
00:18No, yas in the Soviet mountains ensure the safety of circle off and bring him back to the West
00:26Codename for this mission will be naked snake. I'll be referring to you as snake from now on
00:33The clock is ticking
00:35This will be a sneaking mission
00:38You must not be seen by the enemy
00:41You must leave no trace of your presence. Is that clear?
00:44This kind of infiltration is the Fox unit special in other words weapons and equipment to procure on-site that goes for food as well
00:52You're completely naked just as your name implies. I
00:57Have to find my own weapons and equipment
01:00Whose crazy idea was this anyway?
01:03The mission rests entirely in your hands
01:07the real one-man army
01:58Commencing virtuous mission now
