I Accidentally Sent Love Messages to My Strict Landlady, and We Began to Live Together…

  • 3 months ago
I Accidentally Sent Love Messages to My Strict Landlady, and We Began to Live Together…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00I am Sho Suzuki, just an ordinary office worker with no outstanding features, whose only purpose
00:06in life is to work.
00:08With no close friends, I never go out for drinks after work.
00:13On weekdays, I commute between home and the office, and on weekends, I sleep like a log.
00:20That's all there is to my life.
00:22On one such weekend morning...
00:25Who might you be?
00:29Good morning!
00:30Oh, good morning!
00:32Suddenly, I was hit with a wall slam by our landlady, Megu Ono.
00:37She seems like a former punk, and when she gets angry, she's quite intimidating.
00:43She's usually strict, making it hard to approach her.
00:46Originally, her grandmother owned the apartment, but she passed away two years ago.
00:52To preserve the memories here, Megu took over.
00:55Um, what can I do for you?
00:58You messed up the garbage separation again.
01:01Non-burnable is not today, it's tomorrow.
01:03I understand it's confusing, but get it together.
01:06Uh, sorry about that!
01:09It's okay to take out the trash, but follow the rules properly.
01:12Otherwise, this apartment will become unbearable to live in.
01:16I contacted you through your phone because you made the same mistake before.
01:21Come to think of it, my phone rang or something before going to bed.
01:26I was too tired, didn't check it properly.
01:29I sent the garbage separation chart to your phone, so make sure to check it carefully.
01:34Yes, I'll be careful.
01:36Do you really understand?
01:37This is the fourth time, you know.
01:40Well, I'll handle it this time, but there won't be a next time.
01:44I'm really sorry!
01:47A few days after such an incident, I was struggling with drunkenness in my room.
01:52I found a bar I liked during my rare outing and ended up drinking too much.
01:56Normally, I wouldn't do such a thing alone.
01:59But by chance, one of my few friends and colleagues, Ron Tenshin, was there.
02:04We got carried away drinking, and before I knew it, we were deep into our cups.
02:10I should drink water today and go to bed soon.
02:14Wait, that's right, it's almost garbage day.
02:17I need to check and make sure.
02:21That's unusual, I'm getting a message from Megumu.
02:24Megumu is someone I've stayed connected with since my school days.
02:29The only person from school I'm still in touch with.
02:33Likes and dislikes?
02:34A survey?
02:35He wants me to fill it out?
02:37I still have no idea what he's up to.
02:40But if I don't cooperate, who knows what they might say later.
02:45Ugh, sleepy.
02:47Uh oh, my vision is blurring.
02:50For now, let me quickly reply.
02:54The next morning.
02:56Hello, who might you be?
02:59Good morning.
03:01Oh, good morning.
03:03Déjà vu, this feels so familiar.
03:07Could it be, did I mess up the garbage again?
03:10What's the meaning behind this?
03:14What is this?
03:16Why did I send a message to the landlady?
03:20Megumu is Megumu, oh no.
03:23And the landlady is just Meg, oh no.
03:26Their names were right next to each other, and I ended up making a mistake.
03:31Why of all things did I mistakenly send it to the landlady?
03:36Um, this message I received.
03:40This is from last night.
03:43Maybe I went a little too far.
03:46But I have to give a warning, and rules must be followed.
03:50Oh, maybe there was a better way to say it.
03:53What should I do?
03:55If he hates me...
03:58From show?
03:59That's unusual.
04:01Is it something he wants to discuss?
04:03I like you.
04:06Y-you like me?
04:11Could it be all the times he messed up the garbage separation?
04:15Are you trying to get my attention?
04:17On purpose?
04:19What's that?
04:20Is he bad at romance?
04:22W-wait, isn't that a bit cute?
04:26So, I've been all fluttery because of that.
04:32W-what do I do?
04:33If I'm going to say it now, now, right?
04:39Is it okay?
04:42I know my own age.
04:44Even though I'm older than you, is it really okay?
04:48I can't just tell the truth to her like this.
04:51But if I don't say it, things might get more complicated.
04:55I have to say it now!
04:57Uh, um...
05:02If, by any chance, this confession is a bold lie...
05:06If you're teasing me or something like that, well that's something I can't forgive, right?
05:12To play with someone's feelings?
05:14That's the last thing you should do, right?
05:20Oh no, if I say it now, my future is over.
05:24Well, yeah, it's true.
05:27I'm not lying when I say I like you.
05:30Is that so?
05:31Well, that's good.
05:33Then, let's start over from now on, okay?
05:38Ahahaha, sure, let's do that!
05:42And so, due to a misunderstanding, Megu and I became a couple.
05:47The next morning...
05:50Good morning!
05:52What's going on? Why so early in the morning?
05:55I thought if it's okay...
05:58A lunchbox? Could it be... handmade?
06:02You always have convenient store food, right?
06:06I was worried because you always come back with convenient store food.
06:10So, um, I wanted you to eat this.
06:13Um, can I try it right away?
06:16Now? Well, if you want to, it's okay.
06:20Thank you for the meal!
06:22Mmm, it's delicious! Handmade is the best!
06:27You're exaggerating.
06:29It's not an exaggeration! I want to eat this every day!
06:34Good! If you want it every day, I can bring it.
06:37Eh? R-really?
06:40Because you... are too lacking in basic life skills.
06:48While you're at work, can I clean up?
06:50Huh? Is that okay?
06:53I can't ignore this mess after seeing it.
06:56Then please do!
06:59On that night...
07:01I'm home!
07:03Welcome back!
07:05In an apron, she looks incredibly cute!
07:08I tidied up the room for you.
07:10It looks so clean! Thank you!
07:13Also, the bath and dinner are ready.
07:16Since you've done all this for me, I want to do something in return.
07:20Thank you! You don't need to worry about that.
07:24No, I will worry about it!
07:29Is-is this okay?
07:31Yeah! It's perfect!
07:34Sh-she's so close!
07:36But Megu being this affectionate is incredibly cute!
07:40By the way, if you liked my cooking, I'd like to make you dinner as well.
07:45Isn't that too much of a burden?
07:48It's not that I want to make it for you...
07:51I want you to eat it.
07:53If you want to, I'd love to eat it every day!
07:57Ahahaha! Sure, sure!
08:00I'll come make it every day, so look forward to it!
08:04True to her words, Megu started coming every night to make dinner for me.
08:09Her cooking was delicious, filled with love, and above all...
08:13I found solace in the gentle smile she wore as she watched me eat.
08:17Before I knew it, this kind of life continued for several weeks.
08:21It was heartwarming to have her cook for me when I returned home.
08:25And I was truly grateful, but...
08:28I do let her know my return time, but Megu is so diligent she comes early and waits outside.
08:34That really feels like a burden.
08:37What's wrong? You seem lost.
08:40I'm sorry, I was lost in thought.
08:43If you're tired, it's better to eat and rest.
08:46Oh, right, I might not be able to make dinner for a while.
08:50Eh? What happened?
08:53The bath in my room broke.
08:56So until it's fixed, I might stay at a friend's place.
09:00In that case, until the bath is fixed, why not live in my room?
09:05It would be more convenient for you, right?
09:08W-well, but causing you trouble like that...
09:11It's not troublesome at all.
09:13Besides, it would be lonely not to have dinner together with you.
09:17Are you sure?
09:19If it's not inconvenient for you...
09:23Then, I'll take you up on that.
09:25And so, we started living together.
09:28Spending time together, I started to see sides of her I hadn't noticed before.
09:33So, let's drink more.
09:36Drinking too much is prohibited!
09:39Oh, come on, drink more.
09:41Ah, you're clinging too much!
09:45Despite liking alcohol, she's surprisingly weak to it.
09:49Even so, you used to be a punk, huh?
09:52Yeah, what's wrong with being a former punk?
09:55It's not a problem, but why though?
09:58Well, those gatherings are for lonely people.
10:01During my rebellious phase, I couldn't be honest and ended up as a delinquent.
10:07Are you still lonely now?
10:09Yeah, pretty much.
10:13That's why when we're alone, I act like this and depend on you.
10:18Well, normally I'm the landlady, so I have to act strict outside.
10:23Show! Pour more!
10:27Whoa! Any more and it's too much!
10:30As the lively days with Megu continued, I found myself drawn to her.
10:35Her ever-changing expressions were incredibly cute, and before I knew it, I was completely captivated.
10:42I hoped these happy days would continue, but the incident of the mistaken message was still bothering me.
10:49I need to tell her soon.
10:51With that in mind, one day, she fell ill with a cold.
10:55Are you okay?
10:57Sorry about catching a cold and all.
11:00Don't worry about it.
11:02Usually, you're the one taking care of me.
11:05In times like these, please rely on me.
11:08Thank you.
11:10For now, can you eat?
11:12I want you to feed me.
11:15Alright then. Here you go.
11:21Want more?
11:24A few minutes later.
11:26Thanks for the meal.
11:28Alright, let me get a towel for you to wipe yourself.
11:32Is it not okay if you wipe me?
11:35That's a bit much!
11:38I see.
11:40Even if you make that face, it's still not okay!
11:45You cold-hearted guy.
11:4830 minutes later.
11:50Now, all that's left is to sleep. Please rest.
11:54I want you to stay by my side. I don't want to be alone.
11:59Sure, if that's what you wish, I'll stay with you.
12:03Is holding hands okay?
12:06That's more than welcome.
12:08Thank you, Shou.
12:1010 minutes later.
12:12Did she fall asleep? Maybe?
12:15Well, let me get ready for bed too.
12:20Oh, what?
12:22Hey, Mega!
12:25Shou, you're warm.
12:30Her grip is strong!
12:33Shou, I like you.
12:41Ah, she's so cute!
12:44I want to protect her, but that's a bit presumptuous.
12:48Good night, Megu.
12:50And so, I continued to spend my days with her.
12:53Even after the bath was fixed, the more time we spent together,
12:57the more I found myself falling for her.
13:00But at the same time, a growing feeling of guilt threatened to crush me.
13:05Wanting to vent those feelings, I invited Ran for a drink.
13:09However, in proportion to my emotions, I ended up drinking too much.
13:14I love her! I really love her!
13:18Yeah, yeah, I get it, I get it.
13:21An angel, a goddess, a mermaid!
13:24Mixing up species, aren't ya?
13:28I can tell you really love her!
13:31I really do! I love her so much!
13:35Yeah, yeah.
13:40A few minutes later.
13:42I'm back!
13:44Huh? The living room is dark.
13:48What's wrong? Why didn't you turn on the lights?
13:51I guess it was a mistake to be with someone older after all.
13:56Huh? What's going on? Why are you saying this all of a sudden?
14:01I knew it. It's not right in these things.
14:05What are you talking about?
14:07Thank you for everything until now.
14:09Wait, Megu!
14:12From that day on, she stopped coming to my house.
14:15Not only that, she continued to avoid any contact with me as if cutting off all ties.
14:22Why is this happening?
14:24Why the long face?
14:26Ron, actually...
14:29Is it because she saw you drinking with me?
14:34You should clear up misunderstandings like this as soon as possible!
14:38And you should also apologize for the mistaken confession!
14:42Megu, you're right.
14:45So, let's go!
14:47Huh? Are you coming too?
14:50It's easier to clear up misunderstandings when the person involved is there! Let's go!
14:57Megu, are you here?
15:00I want to talk to you, so please open the door!
15:03What's the matter?
15:05I have something to apologize to you for.
15:08The confession I made to you at first, I actually sent it by mistake.
15:14I see. You couldn't seriously like someone older like me.
15:19You have a girlfriend, after all.
15:21No, that's a misunderstanding!
15:24Because I like you, Megu!
15:29But you have a girlfriend!
15:32No, that's not true! She's just a friend!
15:37Yeah, it's true! Shou and I aren't a couple!
15:41It's hard to believe after watching that.
15:44You gotta believe him!
15:47Shou keeps saying you are an angel and a goddess whenever he gets a chance!
15:52Huh? An angel? Goddess?
15:56My life's light! I can't imagine living without her!
16:00Shou is always like, she's my everything!
16:03Ah! Ron, I told you not to say that!
16:08You have to express your love clearly! There's no time to be embarrassed!
16:13That's right! No matter how uncool it may be, I have to express my feelings honestly!
16:19I understand that what I did was terrible.
16:22And even if you say you won't forgive me, I can't blame you.
16:26But still, I like you, Megu! I really, really like you!
16:31Please give me another chance!
16:33I'll work hard so that you can like me again!
16:36Please give me a chance!
16:38No, I won't. I won't give you a chance.
16:43Yes, I understand. I...
16:46Because I still like you, Shou.
16:50I was aware of the mistake in confession.
16:53Eh? R-really?
16:56When I thought about it, it was strange to suddenly receive something like that.
17:00I thought, could it be a mistake?
17:03But since I liked you, I didn't say anything.
17:07I realized I had fallen for you.
17:10When I was carrying a heavy load or cleaning in front of the apartment, you always helped me.
17:16When I was feeling down, you would smile at me.
17:19It made me really happy. I was drawn to your warm heart.
17:24Because I like the kind you, I thought that mistake in confession was an opportunity.
17:29I knew about it, but I didn't say anything.
17:32It's unfair on my part as well.
17:35It's not just your fault.
17:38But is it really okay for me?
17:41I'm considerably older and I'm like an old lady.
17:44I don't care about the age difference.
17:47I really like you, Megu.
17:49I really like you too.
17:51Woohoo! It's so exciting!
17:54And thus, with Ran watching over us, we became a couple.
17:59Actually, since that day, Ran and Megu have become good friends.
18:04They secretly exchange contact information and now seem to be drinking buddies who can talk about anything.
18:11As for Megu and me, we continue to live together.
18:15While outside, she's still a strict landlady.
18:18Inside our home, she becomes affectionate.
18:21Since becoming a couple, she's become even more dependent on me.
18:25And she's just irresistibly cute.
18:28And the enjoyable days quickly pass by, and a few years have gone by.
18:34From now on, I'll continue to pamper you a lot.
18:38I'm counting on you forever.
18:42I love you, Sho, my darling.
18:45I love you too, my baby Megu.
18:48Our lovey-dovey life together will continue in the years to come.
18:53Hi! It's me, Mel!
18:56Thanks for watching my channel!
18:59I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos too!
