Cartoon Bubbles the Hermit Primedesk Repair 4 6 series

  • 2 months ago


00:00Animation Studio Neba presents
00:39We're going to crash!
00:43We're done!
00:44Oh, come on!
00:46The End
00:56Well, why did we start your crazy, dangerous,
01:00terrifying adventure again, Marty?
01:03Because, Uncle Fyodor, we want to make a discovery!
01:06Find a giant cave hermit!
01:15I think we've arrived!
01:24After everything we've been through,
01:26he just has to live here!
01:29Yeah, and someone is already living here!
01:39How do we know it's a hermit?
01:42Maybe it's a monster?
01:44In any case, he wants to be alone.
01:46Otherwise, he wouldn't have climbed so high!
01:50We're leaving!
01:51No way!
01:53We've climbed so far!
01:55I have to check!
01:59If you don't come back to the time
02:01when all the bubbles rise up,
02:04We're leaving!
02:05No, Uncle Fyodor!
02:07Then you will go to save me!
02:10I'm going!
02:13Is anyone home?
02:35What did you forget here?
02:37I wanted to make sure
02:39that the hermit really lives on the mountain!
02:42Now go away!
02:43Come on, come on, come on!
02:47What about meeting the other bubbles?
02:50Have you ever been to the bottom of the mountain?
02:53What did I forget there?
02:55I have everything here!
02:57But the main thing is the view!
03:00Aren't you interested in seeing how we live?
03:03Feel the love and warmth of personal communication!
03:08Everyone is afraid of me!
03:15Max is in trouble!
03:16He must be saved!
03:17Max said to wait for the timer!
03:20There is a contract!
03:23You will be surprised when you find out
03:25what bubbles are really kind and responsive!
03:29Hey, monster!
03:32As soon as they get to know you better!
03:41Well, it smells like him!
03:44Are you sure that he is ready to meet civilization?
03:48I think you will be surprised how quickly he will get used to it!
03:52We just need an adaptation period!
03:55On behalf of all of us, I would like to welcome the hermit to our Bubble-Grad!
04:04Don't you want to tell us something?
04:09Let's play Bubble Ball!
04:19I'm the winner!
04:26The adaptation period is not over yet!
04:29I think I will take him home!
04:32He will get used to it!
04:43Let's take a bath!
04:49It was a good idea to come here!
04:52Bubbles love me!
04:54You are right!
04:57Here, eat the soap with me!
05:00You are my best friend!
05:03Here, eat the towel!
05:11I'll be right back!
05:13He is driving me crazy!
05:16We should give him more time!
05:19Great! Then let him have an adaptation at your home!
05:24Admit it! You were wrong!
05:27Let's bring him back!
05:32I can do it!
05:40Tasty water!
05:44Don't drink it!
05:55I will never leave this place!
05:59I want to see everything!
06:15This is a reservoir that supplies clean water to the city!
06:20It would be better if it was dirty!
06:24Here is your house!
06:27Where? I can't see it!
06:29Bend down!
06:32I still can't see it!
06:40I will never come to you again!
06:48I will miss our hermit!
06:51I will miss his smell, manners, destruction of my house!
06:56Goodbye, hermit!
07:00You see, nephew?
07:02It is better not to get involved in some adventures!
07:06You are right! I learned this lesson perfectly!
07:10I wonder if there really is a giant sea snake in the Green Lake?
07:15A ghost!
07:24It seems that we are guests!
07:27It is already night outside!
07:29Are you scared?
07:32Me? No!
07:35Let's go through the dark alley!
07:40The dark alley?
07:45Fyodor got scared!
07:51Let's go!
08:03They say that a ghost wanders here at night!
08:07A ghost!
08:09A ghost?
08:15Did you hear that?
08:31What a funny ghost!
08:36Hey, ghost!
08:38I didn't want to offend you!
08:40Nobody is afraid of me anymore!
08:43Everybody is laughing at me!
08:47Guys, where is Fyodor?
08:49A ghost!
08:51A ghost!
08:54There was once a bubble that I was constantly scaring!
08:58But I haven't seen it for a long time!
09:00What did it look like?
09:02It was in a red sweater, with such moustache and always wearing a hat!
09:09Okay, I'll go home!
09:16Guys, let's help the ghost to become the scariest again!
09:20Great idea!
09:22Hooray! I will become the scariest again!
09:26First, I suggest you to make such horns, such huge fangs and such a hairstyle!
09:32And I think we should make a scary costume!
09:36You need to learn how to use scary weapons!
09:41No, there will be enough scary horns!
09:44Let's try the horns!
09:46So, I put it on, fix it and...
09:54Wow, it looks pretty scary!
09:57Is it really scary? I want to scare someone!
09:59Let's go to the dark alley and try it!
10:19It's so funny!
10:30I only became funnier!
10:35It's okay! Now let's try to make a costume for you!
10:40So, put on this, this and this hat!
10:45I have a bad feeling!
10:47Are you ready?
10:49I think so!
10:53Hey, I think it's very scary!
11:00I am a clown!
11:06You are a clown!
11:38You have a funny eye!
11:55I look like a clown in this costume!
11:57Don't be upset!
11:59Now try to make a scary face!
12:02Repeat after me!
12:10Got it?
12:12I can't do it!
12:15Maybe we should try another costume?
12:19I'll go home!
12:28To be continued
12:42Are you scared?
12:45Oh, you scared me!
12:49Of course!
12:51I've never heard such a wonderful voice!
12:54Would you like to take part in my concert?
12:58Wow! I'll become a singer!
13:16A ghost!
13:24A ghost!
13:33A repair
13:46Everything is ready for the new experiment!
13:49It remains to measure the degree of its danger with a thermometer.
14:04Such an experiment to do at home is very dangerous.
14:08Where to spend it?
14:20Oh, Uncle Fyodor, hello!
14:23Wait, wait, wait, don't come in.
14:25I'm very bored at home.
14:27I don't want you to be bored, either.
14:30Yes, I just wanted to bring a variety to the atmosphere of your house.
14:35And conduct one small, absolutely safe experiment.
14:41Wow, an experiment!
14:44Right at my house?
14:46What are you worried about?
14:48It is absolutely safe.
14:51Yes, safety is very important.
14:54It's strange that you talk about it so often.
14:58Is it really safe?
15:00Not more dangerous than the previous one.
15:04So, which room do you feel sorry for?
15:08That is, where will we conduct an interesting and safe experiment?
15:12You can do it in the bedroom, it's the most boring there.
15:16Hmm, how clean you are!
15:20Yes, yes, I just finished cleaning.
15:23Look what cool posters I have.
15:25Oh, these are the Bibles.
15:29It's good that the experiment is absolutely safe.
15:34You start, and I'll go get some tea.
15:37For me, with a lemon!
15:39The experiment is safe.
15:55Probably at the neighbors.
16:11What, your experiment failed?
16:13No, everything was planned.
16:18But where can I sleep now?
16:20My renovation!
16:22I did it for a whole year!
16:24And my posters!
16:26Oh, our neighbor upstairs.
16:29He is a former builder.
16:32We will ask him to do a new renovation for you.
16:37Do you remember his name?
16:39Of course, neighbor.
16:41Hmm, great name.
16:46You are not my former clients?
16:49No, we are your neighbors.
16:51Is the neighbor at home?
16:53This is a neighbor.
16:55He is not at home.
16:57Could you help us?
17:00I don't have sugar.
17:02I need to do a renovation in the bedroom.
17:06Do a renovation?
17:08Why didn't you tell me?
17:11I've been waiting for this day for a long time.
17:14A real order.
17:19Where will we put the toilet?
17:21Actually, this is a bedroom.
17:23There should be a bed here.
17:25Here is a TV.
17:26And here...
17:27I understand everything.
17:29Don't teach me.
17:31I worked as a builder for 50 years.
17:35What is this?
17:39I like it.
17:41Yes, yes, yes.
17:43I understand your surprise.
17:45I didn't expect this from you.
17:48This is the best renovation in my life.
17:51Look at the tile under the toilet.
17:56But this is...
17:58Listen, young man.
18:00I have been repairing toilets all my life.
18:03I know where the toilet should be.
18:10If you want to thank me,
18:13I'll give you a hint.
18:15I like cake meringues.
18:17They are so tender and delicious.
18:22What should I do now, Uncle Fyodor?
18:25Where should I sleep now?
18:29Where should I put the TV?
18:34Don't worry, my friend.
18:36We'll think of something.
18:38Where is your towel?
18:40Maybe I'll live with you.
18:42To the left of the sink.
18:45How can you sleep in the bathroom?
18:47It's terrible!
18:55This is the most comfortable bed I've ever slept on.
19:01Put the TV over there.
19:06Give me a blanket, please.
19:12Turn off the light, please.
19:22I want the same bedroom.
19:28I'll go to the confectionery.
19:33Don't you want to do the same repair in my bedroom?
