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What Pet Should I Get, by Dr. Seuss, is a fun kid's book read aloud for preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school ages (and adults still young at heart).

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00:00What pet should I get?
00:29We want a pet. We want a pet. What kind of pet should we get?
00:43Dad said we could have one. Dad said he would pay. I went to the pet shop. I went
00:48there with Kay. So we went in.
00:52I took one fast look. I saw a fine dog who shook hands. So we shook. So I said, I want
01:07But then Kay saw a cat. She gave it a pat. And she said, I want that.
01:14Then Kay said, now what do you think we should do? Dad said to pick one. We can not take
01:20home two.
01:25Then what do you know? We saw two other kinds. Now how could Kay and I make up our minds?
01:32A pup and a kitten. They look like good fun. Now which would we pick? We could only pick
01:43Pick up your mind. The cat or the dog? The kitten? The pup? Oh boy, it is something to
01:51make a mind up.
01:56Then I looked all around. I saw something with wings. I said, look at him. We can pick
02:02one that sings. But then, look over there, said my sister Kay. We can go home with a
02:09rabbit today.
02:15Then I looked at Kay. I said, what will we do? I like all the pets that I see. So do
02:21you. We have to pick one pet and pick it out soon. You know mother told us to be back by
02:32And I could have done it. I could have, I bet. I could have said what pet we should
02:36get. But you know what Kay did?
02:43Do you know what she did? She said, fish, fish, fish, fish. It may be a fish is the
02:51pet that we wish.
02:56Then I saw a new kind and they were good too. How could I pick one? Now what should we do?
03:04We could only pick one. That is what my dad said. But how could I make up that mind in
03:10my head?
03:15Make up your mind. Pick a pet fast. Pick one out soon. Mother and dad said to be home by
03:26The time may be now to make up my mind. But who knows what other good pets I might find.
03:32I might find a new one, a fast kind of thing who would fly around my head in a ring on
03:37a string. Yes, that would be fun. But our house is so small. This thing on a string
03:44would bump bump into the wall. My mother I know would not like that at all.
03:53So maybe some other good kind of pet. Another kind maybe is what we should get. We might
03:59find a new kind, a pet who is tall, a tall pet who fits in a space that is small. My
04:05mother might like this pet best of all.
04:12If we had a big tent, then we would be able to take home a yent. Dad would like us to
04:17have a good yent. But how do I know he would pay for a tent? So you see how it is when
04:24you pick out a pet. How can you make up your mind what to get? But what if we took one
04:34of each kind of pet? Then our house would be full of the pets we would get. No, dad
04:41would be mad. We can only have one. If we do not choose, we will end up with none.
04:51I will do it right now. I will do it, I said. I will make up the mind that is up in my head.
04:58The dog or the rabbit, the fish or the cat. I picked one out fast and then that was that.
05:12I hope you enjoyed that story. If you would like to see these books uploaded daily, go
05:16ahead and subscribe. Don't forget to check out all the other stories that are already
05:20uploaded. Thank you so much for watching.
