Sunday Podcast 90 with Bro Mike 071424

  • 3 months ago
Luke 5
00:00Well, good morning, friends.
00:25Hey, it's Brother Mike again, back on Sunday Morning Podcast.
00:28Thank you for tuning in.
00:29It's 9 p.m.
00:30Excuse me, it's 9 a.m.
00:31Pacific time.
00:32And we're glad to have you here, for sure.
00:38This is Assassinate Trump week.
00:41A week and a half or so ago, I think it was, or maybe a week ago, or just a few days ago,
00:48I was talking to my wife.
00:51And I said to her, you know, they haven't been able to get Trump thrown in jail.
00:58The polls never turned around, and President Biden's having some issues with dementia.
01:06I said, they're out of options.
01:08The only option they've got left is to assassinate him.
01:11And sure enough, a couple of days later, some 20-year-old kid with an AK something took
01:19a shot at him at a rally in Pennsylvania.
01:22So fortunately, he turned his head and he missed, but that really wasn't that kid doing
01:30Yeah, far from it.
01:33That was Satan.
01:35He did that.
01:36He is a cold-blooded killer, cold-blooded killer.
01:44He's responsible for all the deaths throughout human history.
01:50You know, they estimate that over 40 billion people have lived and died on the planet Earth
01:53since Noah.
01:54Again, that's an estimate.
01:59And it's going to get much worse during the tribulation.
02:01So we've got to be sober and vigilant for our adversary.
02:04The devil goes around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
02:11Don't forget about our services at the Arizona Deliverance Center.
02:15We're on 15th Avenue, just south of Osborne Road.
02:17It's a red brick building.
02:19We have Thursday and Friday night healing and deliverance and teaching services, seven
02:24o'clock Arizona Pacific Time broadcast live on our YouTube channel, slash
02:32house of healing AC, Mike at hardcore is my email.
02:37You can call me at 602-636-5800.
02:42Please remember we have a counseling center available for born again Christians.
02:46If you need counseling, you have no money.
02:50You can simply call and I'll put you on the counseling schedule.
02:56And there is no charge 602-636-5800.
03:03Normally my podcasts are put on my Facebook page, but I've been on Facebook prison for
03:08a month.
03:09Apparently they did not like one of my podcasts and decided to censor me for a month, but
03:17I get off of it in a couple of days.
03:21So hopefully my Sunday morning podcasts will be broadcast there after I get out of Facebook
03:28jail and that's something.
03:31Hey, I wanted to share something really interesting with you today.
03:34At least I think it is.
03:37I wanted to help you.
03:38Uh, if you're the type of person I say, if you are, if you're the type of person that's
03:44a God seeker, you're hunting for God, you want the anointing, you want your destiny,
03:49you want your call.
03:52You want something similar to that.
03:54Here's how you can get it.
03:55I'm going to show you exactly what to do.
03:56How are you going to do that?
03:57Brother Mike, I'm going to read from the word of God and show you exactly what you're supposed
04:03to do.
04:06Luke chapter five, it came to pass as the people pressed upon Jesus to hear the word
04:15of God.
04:16Now that's something that you rarely see in the United States.
04:19People don't press in to hear the word of God.
04:21They just kind of casually go in, sit in the church, listen to the word of God, say hi
04:25a few times, ship out a couple of God bless yous and head for Kentucky fried chicken.
04:33These people were pressing in to hear the word of God.
04:38Jesus was standing by the lake and he saw two ships by the lake, but the fishermen were
04:49They were washing their nets and finished for the day.
04:55And it's very common for fishermen to work the night shift.
04:58Back then they would fish all night and then in the morning they would clean their nets
05:02and then they would go home, be with their families and rest.
05:08Since the boats were empty and the nets were out of them, they were cleaning them.
05:11Jesus got into one of the ships because they were pressing on him.
05:14The mobs were coming at him like wouldn't believe crowd control and he used the water
05:20in the ship as crowd control.
05:25And the ship he happened to go into wasn't by chance.
05:28It was the Holy Spirit telling him it was Simon Peter ship.
05:35Now Simon was a very wealthy Jew back in the day.
05:41His dad had started a fishing business when he was a kid.
05:45He grew up in his dad's fishing business.
05:47When his dad died, he inherited the business and they had several ships and they had a,
05:53it was big money.
05:54Peter was, to use a slang term, loaded.
06:00And it says Jesus prayed with him that he would thrust out a little from the land and
06:04Jesus sat down in the ship and he taught the people out of the ship.
06:09He used the water as a megaphone and an amplifier and he wasn't getting mobbed or mugged.
06:15So it worked out perfectly.
06:19And then when Jesus finished up his teaching, he said to Simon, launch out into the deep
06:27and let down your nets for a catch.
06:31Agra is the Greek word where we get our English word agriculture.
06:37It means to bring in a haul of something.
06:39Could be fish, could be crops, could be whatever.
06:42Agra is the Greek word.
06:46Drop down your nets over there.
06:48What was Jesus doing?
06:52I'm not sure, but it was a nice gesture, wasn't it?
06:54Peter let him use the ship so he could preach the word.
06:59And then Jesus then turned around and used the word to illustrate how the word generates
07:06See, the word of God, if you believe it, generates miracles.
07:10If you have any doubt at all, that wipes out the word.
07:16Do you remember what Jesus said in Mark?
07:19If you have faith and doubt not, you shall not only do that which is done unto the fig
07:22tree, but also if you say unto this mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast into the
07:27sea, it shall be done.
07:29And all things whatsoever you desire when you pray, believe that you receive them and
07:35you will have them.
07:36The key to that verse, believe it or not, that I just quoted in Mark, what is that?
07:40Chapter 11 is and doubt not here.
07:48Here's how it works.
07:49Go to my YouTube page and get the teaching on pistis.
07:52It was the number one revelation God ever gave me pistis faith.
07:58If you if you follow that Bible study, you'll understand exactly what faith is all about,
08:05why it works and why faith doesn't work.
08:10Pistis in Greek is the Greek word for faith, and it means to believe with no doubt and
08:14no unbelief, zero zero.
08:18If you filter in doubt and unbelief with your face, it wipes out the faith.
08:23The faith doesn't wipe the doubt out to fix your faith.
08:27You must remove the doubt first, then increase your faith with the word.
08:32That's how people like Sister Etter and Smith Wigglesworth existed on this planet.
08:37They removed the doubt.
08:40And then they increased their faith through God's holy word.
08:45That's how it's done.
08:47You cannot increase your faith through the word of God and keep.
08:52Doubt it won't work.
08:56And pastors and ministers and teachers don't understand that they can't figure out why
08:59Christianity doesn't work.
09:01They keep telling them, read your Bible more, study the Bible, go to Sunday school, go to
09:05church, and it doesn't work.
09:08Here's why it doesn't work.
09:09They didn't read the verse.
09:11If you have faith.
09:14And doubt not.
09:16You have to remove the doubt first, then increase your faith.
09:21That's how it works.
09:24Back to our incredible story, Simon says to him, using his logical mind, because Simon's
09:30an expert.
09:32He had inherited his dad's fishing business and he had he was making real money there.
09:36He was literally he was literally an expert in that field.
09:40He had grown up in it as a kid.
09:43And he knew the facts.
09:44Here are the facts.
09:46He says to a master.
09:49He calls a master.
09:51Which is a red flag that Peter had great respect for him after hearing that teaching, whatever
09:56it was on that boat.
09:59Epistatis, commander, is what that Greek word means.
10:06He's the commander, the big boss, the big cheese.
10:11That's the term you would use to describe a mafia boss or a president of a corporation.
10:17The commander.
10:18He said, Commander, we have toiled all night.
10:21See, they worked at night, cleaned the nets in the mornings and then spent the day on
10:26other things and with the families.
10:30We toiled all night and we have taken nothing, it says, verse five.
10:35Nevertheless, again, Peter heard God's word like he'd never heard it before.
10:43And he had deep respect for it.
10:45So when the commander said, let out your nets for a catch, even though all night long you've
10:53caught nothing.
10:56Peter said, nevertheless, at your word, Ramo word, Jesus gave him a Ramo word.
11:04Previously, Jesus, when he was on the boat teaching, had given them a locus word.
11:15He had given him a complete teaching, the locus.
11:17But Ramo is a part of the locus.
11:20The locus is the pizza.
11:22Ramo is a piece of the pizza.
11:25Now he gives him a piece of the pizza.
11:29Drop your nets off on the other side for a catch.
11:33Nevertheless, at the Ramo word, I will let down the net.
11:38So remember, they had just cleaned the nets.
11:42He didn't want to let down the nets.
11:45The nets were clean and they were supposed to be used that night again.
11:49But because he obeyed and he was so impressed with God's word that he obeyed without questioning,
11:58he drops the nets.
12:00And when they had done this, it says, verse six, a great multitude of fish filled the
12:08net and there were so many fish.
12:11These powerful nets started to break.
12:14Now that was the first time in Peter's career that had ever happened.
12:17He'd never seen anything like it before.
12:19He grew up in the business and he was absolutely flabbergasted.
12:25Remember, he had previously heard the word, then saw the miracle of the word.
12:32That's how the process works.
12:33You believe the word and if you truly believe it, removing the doubt, the miracle follows.
12:44Verse seven, Peter started to yell at the other fish fishermen.
12:49They were already off duty.
12:50They'd worked all night.
12:51They were exhausted.
12:53But this massive hall of fish, Peter starts to yell at his other partners and employees.
13:01He starts yelling at them.
13:06Come on over here.
13:07You're not going to believe this.
13:10You're not going to believe it.
13:14And there were so many fish.
13:16It says they filled both ships.
13:19Now, see, this is what happens to the word of God when doubt is removed.
13:25But if you leave doubt in with the word, the word fails.
13:32When the Bible says that my word shall not return void.
13:35It's talking about the pure, unadulterated word of God with doubt removed.
13:41The word of God that goes out mixed with doubt does not return, returns void.
13:47It does not return with value.
13:49It doesn't work.
13:53Remember those words in Mark 11, and doubt not.
13:59You must repent over doubt and unbelief and remove it so your faith can bloom.
14:07That's how that people like Sister Kuhlman, Sister Etter, Sister McPherson, Sister Wigglesworth,
14:19the great John Lake.
14:20That's how these people materialized.
14:23They don't grow on trees.
14:25They all went through the exact same process, faith and doubt.
14:31Remove the doubt first, then your faith will boom.
14:37They fill both these ships full of fish.
14:42First time in Peter's life he'd ever seen anything like that.
14:46Two things happened to Peter that day that he had never seen before.
14:51He heard the true, unadulterated word of God and saw the miracle that follows believing
14:56God's word.
14:59Two things in one day changed his life till the day he died.
15:04Verse eight.
15:05Have you ever wondered what you need to do to get the anointing, your call and your giftings?
15:11Have you ever wondered why you don't have them?
15:14You'll wonder no more after today.
15:16Verse eight.
15:17When Simon Peter saw, when he saw, he fell down at Jesus' feet.
15:30He fell down at Jesus' knees, it says.
15:36So it sounds like he fell on his knees and he was looking up at him down by Jesus' knees.
15:42Or it says fell, falling down prospepto in Greek, may me usually means to fall prostate
15:52So it looks like Peter ran up to him, fell flat on his face underneath Jesus' knees down
15:59at his feet.
16:01That's what this looks like.
16:03And he says to the Lord, listen to this.
16:08The ticket to miracles is right here.
16:12Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.
16:25He called him commander earlier.
16:27Now he calls him Curios, Lord, the one with supreme authority, Lord.
16:37It says in verse nine for he was astonished.
16:41And everyone with him at the draw of fish they took.
16:50Can you imagine that?
16:53Wow, folks, I just handed you the key.
16:58I got you've got the card.
17:00You know, you put the card in, you get into a hotel room, click, click.
17:03I just handed you the card.
17:10Now, mind you, Peter was a very sinful man.
17:15He admitted it.
17:16In addition to that, the guy was a loud mouth jerk.
17:21Peter had flaws coming out of his ears.
17:27That's why I like the guy so much.
17:29He had flaws everywhere.
17:33God knew he had flaws.
17:35The Holy Ghost picked him out and said, hey, this screwed up, jacked up guy is going to
17:41preach on the day of Pentecost.
17:45He got the first revelation of the Lord Jesus.
17:47Didn't he?
17:49He said, you are the Christos.
17:52You are the Christ.
17:54You are the Moshiach, the Messiah.
17:58The son of the living God.
18:02He was the first one that got that revelation.
18:04Nobody else ever had it until he got it.
18:12What's the point here?
18:13Are you a certified goof?
18:15You got a card that says I'm a goof.
18:19Peter had the same card.
18:23I'm an idiot.
18:26But God knew he was an idiot, but also knew of his potential.
18:35If you are an imbecile, an idiot, a kook, a moron, congratulation.
18:38God is able to look past that and see what you could be.
18:46What you could become.
18:50Peter was chosen, flaws and all, to be the preacher at Pentecost.
19:02The preacher at Pentecost.
19:04That's your call.
19:06You are to be called by God to be a preacher at Pentecost.
19:12Not that one 2,000 years ago, of course, but some new Pentecost, coordinated, directed,
19:22ministered by you.
19:28And if you think you got flaws and you can't be chosen, you're not going to think that
19:33anymore because Peter had flaws and he was chosen.
19:40Verse eight is your ticket to miracles.
19:47When Simon Peter saw.
19:50He fell down prostate at Jesus knees saying, Depart from me, O Lord, I am a sinful man.
20:02Listen to me carefully.
20:03Listen to me carefully.
20:04You can just have this quote, you know, you know, I do a lot of quotes, right?
20:13You can have this one.
20:15The closer you get to God, the more you will abhor yourself.
20:22Well, it's kind of depressing.
20:27No, it isn't.
20:30It's the best thing in the world.
20:33The closer you get to God, the less satisfied you are with you.
20:40And that's what happened to Peter.
20:43But because he confessed it and because he surrendered, guess what happened?
20:48Guess what happened?
20:54Verse 19.
20:57Everybody was stunned.
20:58James, John.
21:00And Jesus said to them.
21:05He said to Peter, fear not.
21:08From now on.
21:10You won't be catching fishes.
21:14You will be catching men.
21:18When they brought the ships to land.
21:21They left their careers behind and followed him.
21:25James, Peter, John.
21:27Those three guys.
21:28Listen to this.
21:31Those three guys.
21:33Where Jesus's inner circle among the twelve disciples had the twelve disciples.
21:39Those were his inner circle.
21:40The inner sanctum was James, Peter and John.
21:45And he met them all in one day.
21:47And they all had the same careers.
21:50They all fished for a living.
21:54Now I'm not sure if John and James were partners of Peter.
21:58They could have been.
21:59It could have been a partnership business.
22:01But anyway, they were all together in this fishing business.
22:05And they all left it the same day.
22:09God's calling you, friend, to leave your old business behind, whatever it is, whatever
22:16the devil sucked you into, your sickness, your mental illness, your oppression of spirits,
22:24whatever you got, your bad attitudes, your anger, your temper, your offenses, whatever
22:28it is.
22:30God wants you to leave it behind.
22:32Let it go and remove it.
22:36He wants to leave your fishing business behind.
22:41But before you do that, you got to do something.
22:44So you got to fall down at Jesus' feet and you got to confess it.
22:53Depart from me, O Lord.
22:55I am a sinful man.
23:00Always remember, the closer you get to God, the less you will like yourself.
23:10Your ministry, your career, your calling, your anointing isn't based on yourself.
23:16And you got to get rid of yourself and adopt your new identity and your new nature in Christ.
23:24I taught on a Friday night, Romans chapter 12, taught on it extensively.
23:30Recommend you check out that study, slash houseoffeelingaz.
23:36You must leave your life behind.
23:38You must leave your fishing business behind.
23:40You must leave your life behind.
23:43It says they all three left and formed the inner sanctum.
23:48Okay, the 12 disciples, that was the end group.
23:51Looks like I lost my feed there and I apologize for that.
24:18Those three got to go everywhere with Jesus.
24:23That's what you're going to do.
24:24You're going to leave your old life behind and you're going to let your fishing business
24:32It stinks anyway.
24:36Fishing business stinks.
24:39You're going to leave the scent of sin behind.
24:43It stinks too.
24:46You're going to go into the inner sanctum.
24:48As Paul said in Hebrews, having boldness, therefore, let us come boldly before the throne
24:58of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
25:06Are you a failure?
25:07Are you, have you got flaws?
25:08Are you got personality problems?
25:10You have personality deficits.
25:13Well, here's what you need.
25:17You need the Logos, then you need a rhema word.
25:22You know what you'll get then if you believe it by removing doubt, you got to remove the
25:28doubt first.
25:32You're going to get a miracle.
25:33You can't even believe super abundance comes to you.
25:38The nets weren't full.
25:40They were breaking.
25:43The boats didn't have a lot of fish in them.
25:45They were overflowing with fish.
25:48They were losing as many fish as they were saving.
25:54Then that's broken.
25:55The fish were falling out and swimming away.
25:59The boats were filled.
26:00They were coming over the sides.
26:04That's what happens when you remove your doubt and you truly believe.
26:08If you have faith and doubt not, you will not only do that, which is done to the fig
26:12tree, but also if you say to this mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast in the sea,
26:19it shall be done.
26:20And remember all things, all things you desire in prayer, believing you shall receive if
26:32you remove the doubt first.
26:35If you're a pastor or a minister, stop teaching people false doctrines.
26:41Here's what I mean.
26:42Pastor, so-and-so teacher, so-and-so, I'm having trouble believing God.
26:48I don't know what to do.
26:49Oh, I do read the word more.
26:52Get up an hour early.
26:53Do this and that.
26:54Read the word.
26:55Read the word more.
26:56Stop teaching a false doctrine.
26:58That's a false doctrine.
26:59Reading the word is not going to help.
27:02First remove the doubt, remove the doubt first, then do what your pastor told you.
27:13Read the word of God and allow it to flourish.
27:17If you read the word of God through clear eyes, meaning you have no doubt, the word
27:23of God never returns void.
27:26If you read the word of God through clouded eyes of unbelief, doubt, unbelief, doubt,
27:37the word of God returns a failure.
27:43It doesn't work.
27:44How can I accomplish it?
27:48Well, follow Peter.
27:50One, he confessed it.
27:54Two, he falls down at his knees, prostate on the ground, down.
28:07Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.
28:12And right after that, Jesus said, you're going to be fishing for men.
28:18Notice there was no condemnation there.
28:21Jesus didn't sit him down for a Brother Mike counseling session, did he?
28:26Now, Peter, let me talk to you a little bit.
28:29You've got a lot of flaws.
28:30You've got a big mouth.
28:31You run your mouth like a busted chainsaw.
28:33You say things you shouldn't.
28:34You're impulsive.
28:36You run your mouth before you think.
28:37No, he didn't go over any of those things with him.
28:41No, he saw Peter's potential.
28:45Peter saw himself as a sinful man and a failure.
28:48God saw him as a preacher at Pentecost.
28:53And you, you have a preaching assignment coming
28:59in some fashion or some form at Pentecost, your Pentecost.
29:05Not Peter's.
29:06He had his, and that's over.
29:08You got one now if you will follow Peter's example.
29:12Just follow the steps, you know, pretend you're Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz.
29:17Follow yellow recruit, follow the yellow recruit.
29:21See, that's what the munchkins told her.
29:23Follow the yellow recruit.
29:25What, what, what do you do?
29:26Follow the Logos.
29:28Take a ream of word, take a ream of word, follow the Logos, follow Peter, do what he did.
29:39Follow Peter, do what he did.
29:42God never mentioned his flaws.
29:45He knew he was loaded with flaws.
29:48He knew that when he called him, he knew it.
29:51Guy was a blooming imbecile.
29:54And God knew that before he called him.
29:57But God doesn't call you based on what you are.
30:01He calls you based on what you could become.
30:08And when the Holy Ghost is around, any person can become great in the eyes of God.
30:19Anybody, regardless of flaws, can become a preacher at Pentecost.
30:29What does preacher at Pentecost mean?
30:31It doesn't mean preaching at a, it means you've got some special gifting and anointing and calling in it.
30:38You've got something there.
30:39There's something there hidden within you that needs to come out.
30:43God wants to bring it out.
30:44No question.
30:47You know what he wants you to do?
30:49He wants you to come boldly before the grace, before the throne of grace, that you may obtain mercy.
30:58And find grace to help in time of need.
31:01Well, Brother Mike, Christianity doesn't work for me.
31:04I know it doesn't work because you're not listening to what I said.
31:07Here's faith.
31:09Here's doubt.
31:10If you mix the two together, faith doesn't work.
31:16Jesus specifically told you, Mark 11, I think it is, if you have faith and doubt not.
31:24And doubt not.
31:28In that verse, the Greek word chi is used for and.
31:33That's a conjunction.
31:34That means this part of the verse is connected to this part.
31:39When you see a conjunction in the middle of a verse, it means like a plus sign.
31:45These two parts of the verse are together.
31:48If you have faith and doubt not, distazo is the Greek word.
31:56It means to vacillate between one position or the other.
32:00What do you want to eat for breakfast?
32:03Oh, shoot.
32:04Let me think about it.
32:04I think I'll take, I'll have an eggs.
32:08No, I want pancakes.
32:09No, I want a waffle.
32:11No, let me think.
32:12Gosh, you know what?
32:15I don't even know what to do.
32:15Bring me a bowl of strychnine.
32:17You're vacillating back and forth between subjects.
32:23Distazo, doubting.
32:25If you have faith and doubt not.
32:34How do you fix it?
32:36It's not the way the minister or pastor said.
32:39They're wrong.
32:40They don't understand the word.
32:42You have to remove the doubt first.
32:46Cancer surgery.
33:04You got to remove the doubt.
33:06That's a tumor so that your body can flourish,
33:10so your faith can grow.
33:16If you have faith and doubt not, you
33:26will become a preacher at Pentecost.
33:28That's what God's calling you for.
33:29And that's what you're going to do.
33:33I love you.
33:33I'll see you next time.
