Will Kate receive the ring she's been waiting for her whole life? HD ( Romance, Drama )

  • 2 months ago
Will Kate receive the ring she's been waiting for her whole life? HD ( Romance, Drama )
00:00:00Okay. Give it a shot.
00:00:05From the moment we met, I knew you'd be the one.
00:00:10You make me feel whole. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
00:00:18Will you marry me?
00:00:23It's perfect. Do it just like that.
00:00:26You think she'll say yes?
00:00:28Every time that you talk about Elaine, you two are going to be so happy.
00:00:34It really is a beautiful ring.
00:00:37It's perfect for her. Subtle, yet unique.
00:00:41She's going to see how much work you put into designing it.
00:00:45You designed it.
00:00:46I just went off what you told me. You did the hard part.
00:00:49Well, it's even better than I expected.
00:00:52You're going to have to let me know how it goes. I want to see you two up on my wall.
00:00:55I'll send you a picture if she says yes.
00:00:57Perfect. Good luck.
00:00:59Thanks. Couldn't have done it without you.
00:01:05Another happy customer?
00:01:08It's what I do.
00:01:10You think she'll still say yes?
00:01:12How could she not? Did you see that face? That's love.
00:01:15You always think they're going to say yes.
00:01:17What can I say? I'm an optimist.
00:01:19And I will remind you, I have not had one of my rings returned in months.
00:01:23Okay. You may design the rings, but I'm the one who has to sell them.
00:01:26And when a guy walks in here and he thinks a carrot is the orange stick that comes with his buffalo wings,
00:01:32finding him a ring that his girlfriend will actually like isn't exactly easy.
00:01:37Okay. We would not function without you.
00:01:39Thank you.
00:01:40Are you two fighting?
00:01:41Not anymore.
00:01:42We never were.
00:01:44Vicki, as my protege, would you say that it is harder to design rings or to sell them?
00:01:52Oh, designing. For sure.
00:01:55She's only saying that because you're her boss.
00:01:57She's saying that because she knows I value honesty.
00:02:00I always thought it would be amazing to be a designer.
00:02:02Whoa, whoa, hey! A designer? I am hurt.
00:02:07I would love to see some of your designs sometime.
00:02:09Oh, don't get too excited. I am nowhere close to your standard.
00:02:12I mean, who is? Kate's in a league of her own. Look at all these happy couples on the wall.
00:02:17It's just like anything else. Put in the time and the hard work, you'll get better.
00:02:21But I'm serious. I'd love you to show me some sketches. I'll tell you what I think.
00:02:24That would be amazing.
00:02:25I am not ready to be outnumbered by the two of you.
00:02:28Well, do you want me to hire you a sales associate to be your friend, Anthony?
00:02:31Okay. But I would get to be head salesman.
00:02:35Of course.
00:02:38I have to go.
00:02:39Well, where are you off to?
00:02:40I promised Judy I would help plan her 30th birthday party.
00:02:44Tell Judy I say hi.
00:02:45I will.
00:02:47It's another scorcher in Minneapolis this afternoon with temperatures well into the 90s as the heat wave continues.
00:02:52So make sure you're drinking plenty of water and ideally find some air conditioning.
00:03:19You ready?
00:03:20I think so.
00:03:23Hey, Jude.
00:03:24Be down in a sec.
00:03:27Here it is. It should fit perfectly. I sized it myself.
00:03:35It looks even better than it did in the shop.
00:03:37It's perfect for her. She's going to love it.
00:03:41I hope so.
00:03:42Hey, just relax. Be yourself. You're going to do great.
00:03:46Hey, there.
00:03:49Are you ready to plan this party?
00:03:51Let's do it.
00:03:55Okay, so that takes care of music.
00:03:58Uh, and Mom said she'd take care of the cake.
00:04:01Great. Did she say where she's getting it?
00:04:03I don't think so, but she's coming to dinner so you can ask her.
00:04:06Does your mom know you don't like chocolate?
00:04:08She's my mom, Ben. Of course she knows. I'll remind her.
00:04:12Thank you.
00:04:13So what are you thinking for other food?
00:04:15Oh, I don't know. We could just order some pizzas.
00:04:18You're not turning 10 at the roller rink.
00:04:21No, no. I'll get someone to cater.
00:04:23I don't know how you manage to do it all.
00:04:25Run a successful business, design all those rings, and still help me plan my party.
00:04:29It's your 30th birthday party. It needs to be special.
00:04:33You're amazing.
00:04:34Yes, I am.
00:04:37Okay, let's talk about the theme.
00:04:39How do you feel about tropical?
00:04:43Oh, that's kind of nice.
00:04:49So, how's everything going at Tokens of Love?
00:04:53It's going good. It's going really good, actually.
00:04:56That's amazing.
00:04:57Yeah, we've been so busy. I think we might need to hire someone to help Anthony out.
00:05:02I love that.
00:05:03I don't know how he's going to feel about that.
00:05:06I love that color.
00:05:08You should go try it on.
00:05:10You think?
00:05:11You don't.
00:05:12It's not really my style, is it?
00:05:15Styles change. Come on.
00:05:22Come out.
00:05:27What do you think?
00:05:28Kate, you're a babe.
00:05:30Oh, I don't know.
00:05:32You're a knockout. Seriously.
00:05:34Where am I going to wear this? I never go anywhere.
00:05:36To Judy's birthday party?
00:05:39I don't think it's a bit too much.
00:05:41For a party.
00:05:42It's not my party.
00:05:44So I don't want to look like I'm trying to upstage her or anything.
00:05:46Are you being serious?
00:05:47Buy the dress. It looks great.
00:05:58You promise you won't say anything?
00:06:00I've been keeping your secret safe since first grade.
00:06:04Ben is going to propose to Judy.
00:06:07At her birthday.
00:06:08That's so exciting. Is he freaking out?
00:06:10We're just keeping it together for now.
00:06:12I helped him design the wedding ring, of course.
00:06:14I'm going to take it. Thank you.
00:06:18He keeps calling me to practice the proposal.
00:06:21Oh, I would expect nothing less.
00:06:30So what's wrong?
00:06:36Okay. Something is obviously wrong.
00:06:39No, I'm happy for her.
00:06:42She's my little sister.
00:06:45And you thought you'd be getting married first?
00:06:48Maybe not necessarily.
00:06:50Maybe I thought I would be a little bit farther along by now.
00:06:53It'll happen.
00:06:54Maybe you have to get more proactive.
00:06:56I've had relationships. It's just every time we start to get serious,
00:07:00something just doesn't feel right.
00:07:02Well, what do you think is going wrong?
00:07:04Maybe I'm too focused on work.
00:07:06Maybe I need to stop focusing on other people's relationships
00:07:09and start focusing on my own.
00:07:11You're Kate Sterling.
00:07:13Once you put your mind to something, you do it.
00:07:16Yeah, but that's not how relationships work.
00:07:18You've got to wait for the universe to send you something.
00:07:20No, you don't do what I do.
00:07:23Go to singles events, download some dating apps,
00:07:25give the universe a push in the right direction.
00:07:27I forgot about you and your dating apps.
00:07:29How many are you on now?
00:07:31Six or seven.
00:07:33I don't like to limit my possibilities.
00:07:34I would never be able to do that.
00:07:35That's like a full-time job in itself.
00:07:37You don't need all of them. You just need to join one.
00:07:40I've tried online dating.
00:07:42It's too awkward and...
00:07:47It's just a starting place to get yourself out there.
00:07:50Joke all you want, but I believe true love is out there.
00:07:54Whatever you say.
00:07:56I'm starving.
00:07:57Let's eat.
00:07:58Yes, please.
00:08:01Before you shut the idea down entirely,
00:08:03can I just show you one of my apps?
00:08:05You won't quit, will you?
00:08:06It's amazing. It's my dating secret weapon.
00:08:09Should dating really involve weapons?
00:08:13It's just drinks.
00:08:14I told you, I've tried online dating.
00:08:16Not like this. It's casual. It's fun.
00:08:19Don't you want to bring a date to Judy's party?
00:08:21Of course I do, but I...
00:08:23I'd rather go by myself than bring some random guy
00:08:25who could turn out to be a disaster.
00:08:27You say that now, but...
00:08:29What about the wedding?
00:08:31Are you going to go to that alone, too?
00:08:34I promise if we get close to the wedding
00:08:36and I haven't met anyone, I'll give it a shot.
00:08:39Ooh, deal.
00:08:52Alright, thank you.
00:08:54Have a good day.
00:09:00Hey, how's it going here?
00:09:03This is the first lull we've had.
00:09:04Well, that's good.
00:09:06And you had a visitor.
00:09:08A gentleman.
00:09:09A hot gentleman.
00:09:10A hot gentleman came to visit me?
00:09:12He asked for you specifically.
00:09:13We said you were out, so he left you his...
00:09:16token of love.
00:09:22You know him?
00:09:24I did. He was my first boyfriend.
00:09:27In eighth grade.
00:09:28And then he moved away and broke my tween heart.
00:09:30And now he's back.
00:09:31Looks like it.
00:09:32And he came to find you after all this time.
00:09:34Maybe he finally wants to apologize
00:09:35for not taking me to prom.
00:09:36Still, it's kind of romantic.
00:09:38We were just kids, but it would be fun to catch up.
00:09:41Oh, right, because he's the one who got away.
00:09:43Yeah. After he moved, I spent a week watching rom-coms
00:09:46and crying into a carton of mint chocolate chip.
00:09:50What do you think he wants?
00:09:51I won't know till I call him.
00:09:52You guys okay out here?
00:09:53Yeah, sure.
00:09:54You're going to call him right now?
00:09:56I thought you were always supposed to wait a while,
00:09:57so you don't seem too eager.
00:09:58I don't do that whole playing hard to get thing,
00:10:00and also, maybe it's about work.
00:10:02We have been speculating for an hour.
00:10:04Please call him and put us out of our misery.
00:10:07See, what kind of boss would I be
00:10:08if I left my employees speculating?
00:10:11Thank you.
00:10:31This is Kate Sterling.
00:10:33Kate. Hey, it's Jamie Coleman.
00:10:37The same Jamie Coleman who rescued me outside a dance in eighth grade?
00:10:43Yeah. I wasn't sure you remember me.
00:10:45Of course, how could I forget?
00:10:47I'm surprised to hear from you after all this time.
00:10:51Surprised in a good way, right?
00:10:53Of course.
00:10:54Of course.
00:10:55I'm glad to hear it.
00:10:56So I was just wondering if I could take you out for a coffee sometime.
00:10:59For coffee?
00:11:00Yeah, if you're free.
00:11:02Um, yeah. Are you looking for a ring?
00:11:06No, no, no, I'm not a customer. I was just hoping I could talk to you.
00:11:09Okay, yeah, that sounds great.
00:11:11Alright, what's your schedule like tomorrow?
00:11:13I could probably sneak away for a little bit, maybe around ten?
00:11:18Alright, there's this great place close by. I'll text you the address.
00:11:22Alright, sounds like a plan.
00:11:23Okay, bye.
00:11:31He said he wants to grab a coffee.
00:11:33Coffee's great. It's casual, there's potential for more.
00:11:36Wait, did he say grab coffee or buy you coffee?
00:11:40Does it matter?
00:11:41Grab coffee is like old friends. Buy you coffee, that's more of a date.
00:11:45He said take you for a coffee. Definitely closer towards the date territory.
00:11:51I'm realizing that I should have been more careful about my choice of words with women.
00:11:55I haven't seen this guy in 19 years. It is not a date.
00:11:58Okay, what else did he say?
00:11:59Uh, can you come back please? We're in a meeting.
00:12:01No, we are not. You are not the boss.
00:12:03Am I not the boss?
00:12:04You're not the boss.
00:12:05Can I be the boss when you go on your date?
00:12:07Come on, help the customer.
00:12:08Whatever you say, boss.
00:12:10Uh, sir, what can I get for you?
00:12:23I wasn't sure you recognized me.
00:12:25Couldn't miss you.
00:12:29Here, have a seat.
00:12:34This is a really nice place.
00:12:36Yeah, it's great. I came here way too much.
00:12:42So what have you been up to?
00:12:45The last 19 years?
00:12:48A lot, I guess.
00:12:51Of course.
00:12:53Well, I went to art school.
00:12:56That's perfect for you.
00:12:57Yeah, it was. I loved every minute of it.
00:13:00I took this jewelry design course and it made me realize this is exactly what I want to be doing.
00:13:05And now you're doing it.
00:13:07That's impressive.
00:13:08Well, thank you.
00:13:09After I graduated, I started working for this local jeweler.
00:13:13And she made mostly earrings and brooches and stuff like that.
00:13:17But I started off as a sales associate.
00:13:20She took me under her wing and really taught me how to get my feet wet.
00:13:24I wouldn't have my own place if it wasn't for her.
00:13:26I mean, I like to do other stuff as well, but these rings, they change people's lives.
00:13:33They can completely transform relationships, you know?
00:13:37And there's just something so special about when the whole proposal just goes so perfectly and you know you played a small part in it.
00:13:46I can imagine.
00:13:49It's why I like to do the one-of-a-kind stuff.
00:13:52Each couple is unique, so don't you think the rings should be unique as well?
00:13:57I'm sorry. I sound like a commercial right now.
00:14:00No, no. I think it's beautiful.
00:14:03So what about you? How has life been since you moved?
00:14:06Hmm. Well, it was pretty rough in the beginning.
00:14:11Yeah. I mean, I was so angry at my parents, I didn't talk to them for weeks.
00:14:15Yeah, they moved me away from all my friends.
00:14:18I thought you would move away and forget all about us.
00:14:22Where did you go again?
00:14:23Chicago. I'm still there, actually.
00:14:25You like it?
00:14:26Yeah, it's not bad. I mean, I definitely didn't forget about all my friends back home.
00:14:32Did you forget about me?
00:14:34After you moved away and broke my heart? No, of course not.
00:14:40Why didn't you ever call?
00:14:41Well, I figured you went to high school, you became a cheerleader, you started dating the quarterback.
00:14:46I definitely never dated a football player.
00:14:48Not yet. But after high school, you're dating a quarterback right now, aren't you?
00:14:53No football players. No. No one, for that matter.
00:14:58Well, there's nothing wrong with a single life. I mean, I'm living it right now.
00:15:02Yeah? No cheerleaders?
00:15:04Not at the moment.
00:15:11So I wanted to...
00:15:15You go first.
00:15:18This may seem completely out of the blue, and please feel free to say no, but...
00:15:24My sister, Judy, is having a birthday party this weekend, and I thought if you're still in town, maybe you'd like to go with me.
00:15:35You know what? No pressure at all, really.
00:15:37No, no. Actually, I'm in town till Sunday, so that could work perfectly.
00:15:42Yeah, that's perfect.
00:15:46So what were you going to say?
00:15:47Well, what brings me to town is I'm actually here doing some employment consulting.
00:15:52Oh, you are employment consulting here?
00:15:55I am.
00:15:57You ever heard of Shoreline Jewelers?
00:15:59Yeah, sure. They're the mass-produced, soulless version of Tokens of Love.
00:16:03Right. So they have, uh...
00:16:05They've hired me to scout out this area to find someone to run their new division.
00:16:08It's going to be focused on the one-of-a-kind market.
00:16:10Someone to oversee designers, work with customers directly, and design unique rings.
00:16:16Basically what I do, but bigger and nationwide.
00:16:21Which is why I was going to recommend you.
00:16:30Wait, so he came to offer you a job?
00:16:34Apparently. And for Shoreline Jewelers.
00:16:38Which is bad.
00:16:39Yeah, they're just so mass-produced. It's like they churn out these engagement rings.
00:16:45Which is bad.
00:16:47He used to be so sensitive. And now he's working for Shoreline Jewelers.
00:16:52But he doesn't actually work for them, right? They just hired him as a headhunter.
00:16:56A headhunter for them!
00:16:58Which is bad.
00:17:01Can you just take this a little bit seriously?
00:17:03What are you so worried about?
00:17:05You say thanks, but no thanks, and go your separate ways.
00:17:07Now, I have not told you the best part.
00:17:10Oh. This should be good.
00:17:12He told me all of this after I invited him to Judy's birthday party.
00:17:17And he accepted.
00:17:20Okay, so now you're bringing this dude that works for a company that you hate,
00:17:25that came to town to offer you a job, to Judy's party?
00:17:30That's hilarious.
00:17:32No, no, no. What happened to taking this seriously?
00:17:35Wait, and you did all of this to avoid bringing some random guy that might turn out to be a disaster?
00:17:41Please. Why don't you just uninvite him?
00:17:44No, I can't do that.
00:17:45Why not?
00:17:46Because it would be rude.
00:17:48Rude. So?
00:17:53Kate Angela Sterling.
00:17:56You like him.
00:17:58No, I don't.
00:18:00Yes, you do.
00:18:01The only reason why you're going through with this is because you actually want to spend more time with him.
00:18:08Yes. I enjoy talking to him.
00:18:11And I would like to talk to him again, but that's it.
00:18:14This is awesome.
00:18:15It doesn't even matter anyway. It's because I'm going to tell him I don't want the job,
00:18:18he's going to go back to Chicago to his big fancy life, and we're never going to see each other again.
00:18:22I can solve this problem.
00:18:24This is what you should do.
00:18:27Pretend like you're thinking about taking the job.
00:18:31You'll have to talk to him a few more times, maybe get dinner.
00:18:34No, no, no. I am not going to do that.
00:18:36Fine. But I don't want to hear about it when he's on that plane back to Chicago.
00:18:45Hey, Patricia.
00:18:46Yeah, things are going really great here. I'm actually right about to meet up with her again.
00:18:50I think she might really be interested.
00:18:53Okay, well, I'll keep you updated on how it goes, but I'm feeling optimistic.
00:18:58Go, enjoy your party.
00:19:00No, you see what he looks like now.
00:19:02He basically looks the same, just taller. He's probably not even going to come.
00:19:06Okay, Miss Negativity.
00:19:08You look amazing, by the way, trying to impress someone.
00:19:11I'm going to go mingle. If he shows up, I'm fine.
00:19:17Oh my God, there he is.
00:19:19Oh, he's way cuter than I remember.
00:19:22Stop staring.
00:19:23He really grew into his ears.
00:19:28Pretend I said something really funny.
00:19:30Are you serious?
00:19:32Oh my God.
00:19:41Thank you.
00:19:44Happy birthday.
00:19:45Oh, you didn't have to get me anything.
00:19:47Come on. You haven't seen me for 19 years.
00:19:49You let me invade your party? I had to get you something.
00:19:52Except, I don't know what you like, so my cousin runs this amazing restaurant in town,
00:19:56and I thought you and Ben could go out there for dinner sometime.
00:19:58That's so thoughtful. Thank you.
00:20:00My pleasure.
00:20:03Okay, so there's hors d'oeuvres and drinks.
00:20:06We're going to cut cake in about an hour.
00:20:09I should probably go mingle.
00:20:13Hey, so what were you and Judy laughing about?
00:20:16She said you grew into your ears.
00:20:18Oh, I did. That's good to know.
00:20:23That's a great dress, by the way.
00:20:25Thank you. It's a new dress.
00:20:28No soda stain this time.
00:20:30That was a long time ago.
00:20:34Do you want to go get some food?
00:20:35Yeah, lead the way.
00:20:38I found the watermelons.
00:20:45It's delicious.
00:20:47Yeah, there's, um ...
00:20:49There's some lamb, right? A little bit of chutney in there?
00:20:52Yeah, you'd think it wouldn't work with the whole puff pastry thing, but it's actually awesome.
00:20:56You get a lot of catered lunches at that fancy job of yours?
00:21:00You have a very sophisticated palate.
00:21:03No, no, I didn't get that from work. Actually, I went to culinary school.
00:21:08Well, so why aren't you a chef?
00:21:10Why are you employment consulting? Is that ...
00:21:12Head hunting?
00:21:14Well, actually, I just kind of fell into it.
00:21:16I used to work at this Italian restaurant.
00:21:18The owner moved, the place closed.
00:21:20I wanted to open up my own place, so I went back to work.
00:21:24I wanted to open up my own place, so I went back to school to get my MBA.
00:21:28Took this job to pay off my student loans.
00:21:30Then a year turned into a decade, and here we are.
00:21:33That's too bad.
00:21:34Yeah, I still fantasize about it, you know? Opening up my own place.
00:21:37You can do it. You just quit your job tomorrow.
00:21:40Yeah, I guess, I mean, technically I could, but ...
00:21:43What day am I going to pick to be my last day?
00:21:46You know, what's it going to take for me to walk out that door?
00:21:48It's rough.
00:21:49How'd you do it? How'd you start your own business?
00:21:51Oh, I don't know. You see the risks and you go for it anyways.
00:21:55There's no guarantee that it's going to work out, but you put your head down and you just keep pushing forward.
00:22:01Why do you make it sound so simple?
00:22:03I'm not going to lie. There were many days that I came home crying into my sister's arms about what a failure I am, but ...
00:22:09You get through it.
00:22:11So step one, get a sister.
00:22:14See? You're going to have a restaurant in no time.
00:22:16Well, thank you for the great advice.
00:22:18Well, I look forward to hearing all about it.
00:22:20Hi everyone. Can I please have your attention for just a moment?
00:22:24As you all know, today is my beautiful girlfriend Judy's birthday.
00:22:28But what she doesn't know is that today is a special day for another reason.
00:22:33Today is the day that I ask this beautiful, smart, hilarious woman a very important question.
00:22:45Judy Sterling, will you marry me?
00:23:04You know that was going to happen.
00:23:06Who do you think designed the ring? I told you there's something special about proposals.
00:23:10Yeah, I think I'm starting to get it.
00:23:14Congrats. It's perfect. Thank you.
00:23:17It was all Ben. He knew exactly what you would want.
00:23:20But you made it. And you kept it a secret.
00:23:23How did you manage to keep it a secret?
00:23:25I have a very good poker face.
00:23:27Congrats, Judy.
00:23:29Thank you. Oh, it's the best birthday ever.
00:23:31Is that over?
00:23:32You should be showing that off to all of your guests.
00:23:34Excellent suggestion.
00:23:36But I don't want you guys to just stand here. Go dance.
00:23:40Shall we?
00:23:49Oh, you don't have to do that.
00:23:51It's the least I can do. Great party, by the way.
00:23:54Here, I'll grab that.
00:23:55It really was.
00:23:57Better than anyone was expecting. Including me.
00:23:59Congrats again, Judy.
00:24:01You too.
00:24:02Thanks, man.
00:24:03Thanks, guys.
00:24:10Well, I have an early flight tomorrow, so I better take off.
00:24:14Well, thanks for coming. I had a really good time.
00:24:17Yeah, me too.
00:24:18Don't even worry about the job offer. I'll just tell them you're not interested.
00:24:21Well, I'm not interested in the job, but I wouldn't mind talking to you again sometime.
00:24:32Great. Then we'll talk soon.
00:24:35Okay. I guess we'll talk soon.
00:24:39Safe flight.
00:24:40You too.
00:24:44You know what I mean.
00:24:45I do, yeah.
00:24:57This is Brad.
00:24:59He's cute.
00:25:00Cute? Do you see that jawline?
00:25:02I mean, he's really cut.
00:25:04He's a god.
00:25:05So are you guys going to meet?
00:25:07We're supposed to go to a movie tomorrow.
00:25:09Oh, that's fun.
00:25:10Yeah, we don't exactly have a lot in common, so I figure it's best if we don't have to talk.
00:25:14Why are you meeting with him if you have nothing in common?
00:25:17Um, hello? Look at the jawline.
00:25:21Whatever makes you happy, but that sounds like my idea of a nightmare.
00:25:26Being forced to sit next to a hot guy and hold his hand while you eat popcorn?
00:25:31Going on a date with someone that you barely know and possibly have nothing in common with?
00:25:35Kate's always been more about personality than looks.
00:25:38I see.
00:25:39She likes shared history and deep conversations.
00:25:42Yes, and there is nothing wrong with that.
00:25:44Except that it's hard to find.
00:25:46Good thing you got Jamie to talk to you, right?
00:25:51So that's progressive?
00:25:53Let's just say the party went well. I saw them dancing.
00:25:57You've got to give me more than that.
00:25:59It went really well.
00:26:01You spent a few hours braiding him for his career choices and found a love connection?
00:26:05Oh, I didn't break him.
00:26:07And also, he doesn't even really care about his job. He wants to be a chef.
00:26:11Great. So when's he cooking for you?
00:26:13The next time he gets on a plane, he lives in Chicago.
00:26:19So it's hundreds of miles away.
00:26:21Well, he managed to make the trip before.
00:26:23All you have to do is be clear that you want him to do it again.
00:26:26I am going to take things slow, okay? Just trust me. I know what I'm doing.
00:26:57You do know that I can see you.
00:27:05It's Jamie.
00:27:06Yes, I know.
00:27:08I'm sorry, I'm really excited to talk to you.
00:27:11You are?
00:27:12Yeah. I guess I shouldn't say that, though, because I'm supposed to be a cool guy, you know, playing it cool.
00:27:18Well, I was never really a big fan of guys trying to play it cool.
00:27:21Oh, that's good, because I'm not cool.
00:27:27Well, I mean, you know, I'm like a real guy.
00:27:30Yes, you are.
00:27:31Cool? Oh, thank you.
00:27:34I'm kidding.
00:27:40We've been talking forever. I'm starving.
00:27:43Yeah, me too.
00:27:45You know, I think eighth grade was actually my favorite year.
00:27:49I know, right? Lasagna or chili?
00:27:51Ooh, I would kill for some lasagna right now.
00:27:55Lasagna it is.
00:27:56It wasn't all great. I was awkward, but so was everyone else.
00:28:00That's a fact.
00:28:02That's when I felt like I was just starting to grow up, you know? It's when I got into art, design.
00:28:08Yeah, it's when I started to really get into cooking.
00:28:10What, hot dogs?
00:28:12For real. My grandma was Italian. She used to stay with us most nights, and she would make me cook with her.
00:28:18Oh, that's sweet.
00:28:25Chinese food and pizza.
00:28:28Asian-European fusion.
00:28:30Okay, well, that's different.
00:28:34Go on.
00:28:36Well, there were things I was doing in eighth grade that I just knew I'd be doing for the rest of my life.
00:28:40Things I was learning, people I was meeting.
00:28:43Anyone in particular?
00:28:50Really? You knew I was important?
00:28:54I had a feeling.
00:29:06What are you doing out here?
00:29:09Come back to the dance.
00:29:11I can't.
00:29:12Why not?
00:29:14Derek bumped into me.
00:29:19You know what, Kate? It's not that bad.
00:29:24Yes, it is.
00:29:26Normal notice. Everyone's busy dancing.
00:29:29I just want to stay out here. Okay?
00:29:31Then I'll stay out here with you.
00:29:34I was kind of hoping I would get to dance with you.
00:29:42I'm not a good dancer.
00:29:44Me neither, but there's no one out here to see us.
00:29:52May I have this dance?
00:29:58Kate Sterling, do you want to be my girlfriend?
00:30:08Can we dance some more?
00:30:09Some more?
00:30:12So, what do we do now?
00:30:16I don't know.
00:30:19We hold hands and kiss and stuff.
00:30:25So are you going to kiss me?
00:30:32I think it gets better with practice.
00:30:36No, it's just...
00:30:39I thought you were important too.
00:30:45So the first time you kissed me, you said it would get better with practice.
00:30:49No, no, no. I said the more we practice, the better we'll get.
00:30:53Come on, it's funny.
00:30:55So something I wanted to ask you, how does it feel running your own business?
00:30:59It alternates between gratifying and very scary. It goes between the two.
00:31:06Well, you've been running it for a couple of years now. You must be doing pretty well.
00:31:09It took a while to make it profitable.
00:31:13You know, I've always dreamed of owning my own place.
00:31:15You mentioned that at the party.
00:31:17What kind?
00:31:18Italian. My grandma used to make these amazing raviolis and breads and these homemade cannolis.
00:31:23Have you ever had a homemade cannoli right out of the oven?
00:31:27It's like nothing you've ever tasted before. I want to share that with people.
00:31:32Will you cook for me sometime?
00:31:34Whenever you want.
00:31:35When we're in the same city.
00:31:48Well, thank you for a wonderful evening.
00:31:50Yeah, we'll have to do it again sometime for real.
00:31:53It's a date.
00:31:57We've been talking all night.
00:31:58Well, I guess we should...
00:32:01I better get going.
00:32:03I gotta work tomorrow.
00:32:04Yeah, me too.
00:32:06Guess I'll go get some sleep.
00:32:08Yes, that's a good idea.
00:32:10Night, Kate.
00:32:11Night, Jamie.
00:32:26That was fast.
00:32:27Sorry. One more thing.
00:32:30I was thinking maybe I would like to hear a little more about this job.
00:32:36Can't hurt to hear what they have to say, right?
00:32:38I can't.
00:32:40Okay, then.
00:32:42Good night.
00:32:43Good night.
00:32:49I can still see you.
00:32:55Night, Kate.
00:32:56Good night.
00:33:01Good night.
00:33:13So when Louis saw me sitting with Brad, he said, and I swear, this is actually what he said,
00:33:18Is that your brother? I almost died.
00:33:22That's so funny.
00:33:23Funny? I was mortified and then Brad gave me this look like, what's he talking about?
00:33:26And I just sit there through the entire movie trying to figure out how I was going to explain it.
00:33:32Hello, Kate. Not trying to be needy here, but I'm kind of sensing you're not actually listening.
00:33:38I managed to get dumped by two guys in one night and you can't even look up long enough
00:33:42to hear about my tragically hilarious escapades?
00:33:48Who are you texting?
00:33:51I'm sorry. I've been talking to Jamie a lot.
00:33:55Like a lot, a lot.
00:33:57What does that mean?
00:33:58Basically, we talked all night last night.
00:34:04Okay, but now we're talking about you and I'm putting my phone away.
00:34:07Actually, suddenly I'd love to hear more about what's going on with you.
00:34:13Okay, so.
00:34:19Kate, Vicki, have either of you seen that ring from Mr. Frank's?
00:34:23It should be over there on the display table.
00:34:28Where's Vicki?
00:34:29Dentist. She should be back in about an hour.
00:34:31You should grab that ring. Mr. Frank's is going to be here any minute.
00:34:34Thank you so much. Let us know how it goes.
00:34:39Well, it's not like you to be texting at work.
00:34:43It's nothing.
00:34:46Oh, is that a big night?
00:34:50Well, you've been yawning all morning and we're packed, so I know you're not bored.
00:34:55I was up late.
00:34:59On a phone call.
00:35:00And who were you talking to this time?
00:35:02No one.
00:35:03Kate Sterling, were you up all night on the phone with a boy?
00:35:06That is none of your business.
00:35:07No, you have been acting weird for too long. Tell me who you were talking to.
00:35:12I'm going to get it out of you. I got all day.
00:35:16Cyn, what are you doing here?
00:35:19I was just in the neighborhood. I thought I'd come by.
00:35:24Look at you.
00:35:25I know.
00:35:26Cut me loose.
00:35:27I'm massive.
00:35:28No, you look amazing.
00:35:30So, how much longer?
00:35:32Two weeks.
00:35:33That is so soon.
00:35:35Yeah, she is a rock star. I'm freaking out.
00:35:39He's amazing. He was practicing putting a diaper on a cantaloupe the other day.
00:35:44Well, I'm not going to wait until there's a baby in front of me to learn.
00:35:47You're going to make a great dad.
00:35:49If I don't die of anxiety before that.
00:35:51Shouldn't you be the one with the anxiety?
00:35:53You'd think.
00:35:56I can't wait to meet the new baby. You're going to have to come by here all the time.
00:36:00Isn't that going to be a bit distracting?
00:36:02Are you kidding? A new family member?
00:36:04I know Vicky said that she would babysit any time. I would also like to offer that.
00:36:11This store is really something special.
00:36:13I don't think Anthony is clipped with his co-workers like he has here.
00:36:16Well, it's all thanks to Kate.
00:36:19The feeling is mutual. I don't know what we'd do without you or Vicky.
00:36:24But I have some stuff to take care of in the back, so...
00:36:27Hang on. You're not getting out of our conversation that easy.
00:36:31What conversation?
00:36:32Oh, Kate was just up all night on the phone with some guy.
00:36:36It was not all night.
00:36:38Really? Is he cute?
00:36:40Yeah, what's his name?
00:36:42His name is Jamie.
00:36:44Oh, wait. This is that guy?
00:36:46Yes, it's that guy.
00:36:48Okay, wait, wait. Who's that guy?
00:36:50Well, that guy is her first boyfriend.
00:36:53That is so sweet. I haven't seen him in 19 years.
00:36:57And he just came by to catch up?
00:36:59Well, he actually came into town for work, but then we ended up hitting it off.
00:37:04Wait, wait. He came for work? You didn't say it was for work.
00:37:08Okay, you promise you won't freak out?
00:37:12He works as a hiring consultant for Shoreline Jewelers.
00:37:17Is that bad?
00:37:19Shoreline Jewelers is the worst. What did he want?
00:37:23It doesn't even matter because I said no.
00:37:25So they made you an offer then?
00:37:26No, not officially.
00:37:28They're opening up a new custom orders division and they wanted me to run it.
00:37:32And you said no.
00:37:34I'm going to.
00:37:36You should at least hear them out.
00:37:38What? You think so?
00:37:41Babe, it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing.
00:37:45How would Kate not being here be a good thing?
00:37:49I would still own Tokens of Love. I just wouldn't be around for the day-to-day stuff.
00:37:53Yeah, see?
00:37:54Yeah, see?
00:37:57Would it really be so bad if someone had to take over as the manager?
00:38:03Well, when you put it that way.
00:38:07At the very least, I'd like to know what they're up to, just in case we run into competition.
00:38:11Okay, but just promise me that you're not going to get sucked into...
00:38:17You'll never guess where I am right now.
00:38:19You know, a phone call or...
00:38:20Turn around.
00:38:26What are you doing here?
00:38:28Well, I told Shoreline that you're actually really interested in taking the job.
00:38:33They really want you to come on board.
00:38:35They want you to come back to Chicago to have a little chat with corporate.
00:38:38You flew all the way here just to tell me that?
00:38:41I could have done it over the phone, but I convinced them that the personal touch was better, and I wanted to see you.
00:38:48How long are you here for?
00:38:49A couple days.
00:38:52Uh, sorry. This is Anthony and his wife Cynthia.
00:38:56Oh, Kate's esteemed employees.
00:38:58Just him.
00:38:59Oh, well, that's amazing. You can come here and hang out while he's working?
00:39:02Yeah, Kate's always had an open door policy when it comes to families.
00:39:05Yes, we're all very close here. We're a small operation, but we really feel that a personal touch makes all the difference.
00:39:13Well, I expect nothing less. Kate talks about you guys all the time.
00:39:19So, if you're free tonight, can I take you out for dinner?
00:39:22Yeah, of course.
00:39:23Okay, how about I pick you up around seven?
00:39:25That's perfect.
00:39:26Okay, I got some stuff I gotta prep, then. I'll let you get back to it.
00:39:29Great to meet you guys.
00:39:33I can see why you wanted to hear him out.
00:39:43Hey, come on in.
00:39:45Wow, you look beautiful.
00:39:47Oh, well, thank you. You don't look so bad yourself.
00:39:53Yeah, it's pretty good.
00:39:54I clean up nice, don't I?
00:39:55So, do you need a refresher of local restaurants, or...?
00:40:00I have a plan.
00:40:02Yep. Shall we?
00:40:04We shall.
00:40:26I think this place is closed.
00:40:28Hey, I told you I have a plan, okay? Just trust me.
00:40:36Did you rent out a whole restaurant?
00:40:38Close. Right this way, milady.
00:40:47Alright, you are gonna need one of these.
00:40:52Which one?
00:40:53This one.
00:40:54Thank you.
00:40:55That's special for you.
00:41:00Are we cooking our own dinner?
00:41:03Told you I'd make you some of my food, didn't I?
00:41:05How did you do all of this?
00:41:07This is my cousin's place. He owed me a favor.
00:41:09Now, you wanna learn how to make ravioli?
00:41:13I do.
00:41:19We start with this.
00:41:22Now you wanna make a little well here, like that.
00:41:25How does that look to you?
00:41:27I mean, that looks perfect.
00:41:28Okay, see this right here?
00:41:30Take a close look.
00:41:31See this little piece right here?
00:41:33That's what you wanna do.
00:41:34Really? Okay.
00:41:35That's the tactic.
00:41:36Okay, so you just kinda go like that, huh?
00:41:41I won't do anything anymore.
00:41:44Oh, like that?
00:41:52Let's get cleaned up.
00:41:55Little thing called nini.
00:41:57I'm gonna make it into a special shape.
00:41:59It's a heart.
00:42:00Oh, that's sweet.
00:42:03Okay, do a flow. Don't overthink it.
00:42:04Okay, okay.
00:42:05There you go.
00:42:06How do you know when it's perfect?
00:42:09Thinning it out.
00:42:11To make the perfect ravioli.
00:42:13All right.
00:42:14Right there.
00:42:15Right here?
00:42:16Yeah, right there.
00:42:17All right.
00:42:19Take that.
00:42:22A thing of beauty.
00:42:24Yes, it is.
00:42:27It's better than mine.
00:42:29Work of art.
00:42:39That's so good.
00:42:40It's really good.
00:42:41Good, right?
00:42:44Told you.
00:42:45That was the best meal I have ever had.
00:42:48It was half you.
00:42:49No, that's giving me way too much credit.
00:42:51No, no, I'm serious.
00:42:52I make this all the time.
00:42:53That was the best it's ever been.
00:42:54You added something a little special.
00:42:56Well, thank you.
00:42:59This was the best date I've ever been on.
00:43:02I'm not supposed to say that, am I?
00:43:03I'm supposed to play it cool.
00:43:04Oh, come on, now.
00:43:06I've never been a fan of the ladies who play it cool.
00:43:10I've never been a fan of the ladies who play it cool.
00:43:12I've never been a fan of the ladies who play it cool.
00:43:24You got some flour on your face still.
00:43:26Oh, where is it?
00:43:27Here, you get it.
00:43:28No, I don't mind.
00:43:44I just remembered I have to fly home tomorrow.
00:43:47It's unfair, you know?
00:43:48I want to do this every night.
00:43:49I mean, don't get me wrong, I have to.
00:43:52I love our phone calls.
00:43:54Well, maybe we could if I take the job in Chicago.
00:43:59What about your shop?
00:44:00Well, I'd still own Tokens of Love.
00:44:02Anthony would just manage the day-to-day stuff.
00:44:04He would love that.
00:44:07Wouldn't you miss it?
00:44:12I think I need to be open to new possibilities.
00:44:15I mean, I love having my store,
00:44:18but getting to work with designers all over the world
00:44:22that's a huge opportunity.
00:44:28I think I'm ready for the next step.
00:44:30Well, then we should get you a ticket to Chicago.
00:44:35I think we should.
00:44:57Oh, hey.
00:45:00Oh, you've been busy.
00:45:02It's nothing crazy.
00:45:03I've just been brainstorming a few ideas.
00:45:05Well, we have time.
00:45:06We haven't even set a date yet.
00:45:08Which is perfect, because then there is no pressure.
00:45:14I'll see you later.
00:45:29I bought you something.
00:45:30What is it?
00:45:31The greatest ravioli you've ever tasted in your life.
00:45:34Ooh, looks delicious. Where'd you get it?
00:45:37I made it.
00:45:39No, seriously. I'm serious.
00:45:41You don't cook.
00:45:42Well, it was kind of a special occasion.
00:45:44I was on a date.
00:45:46You cooked for a date?
00:45:47He taught me.
00:45:48He's a chef.
00:45:51Wait, Jamie?
00:45:54I thought he left town.
00:45:55He did, and then he came back.
00:45:59Officially, Shoreline Jewelers asked him to come back to wine and dine me a bit more in hopes that I'll go work for them.
00:46:06And unofficially?
00:46:09Is this actually turning into something?
00:46:12I think so.
00:46:15We've only been on two dates, and he lives hundreds of miles away, but there's just something about him that feels so right.
00:46:24Him living in Chicago wouldn't be a problem if you moved there too.
00:46:28You know I would miss you so much.
00:46:30If I moved to Chicago, it would be for the job. It wouldn't be for Jamie.
00:46:40The idea of living in the same city is appealing.
00:46:45I went to Mom's yesterday. You know how she never throws anything away?
00:46:55I found this.
00:47:00I can't believe she kept this.
00:47:04Look how happy we were.
00:47:06I thought you'd like that.
00:47:07I keep getting this feeling that maybe this is why none of my past relationships have ever worked out.
00:47:15Maybe it was supposed to be Jamie all along.
00:47:21Does that sound crazy?
00:47:25It's definitely not crazy.
00:47:38Hey there.
00:47:40So did you get the ticketing info I sent you?
00:47:42I did. It looks like you have everything all planned out.
00:47:45Everything but the entertainment.
00:47:48The entertainment.
00:47:49What do you think about karaoke?
00:47:52Absolutely under no circumstances.
00:47:55Okay, good. I thought you'd say that.
00:47:57So I got us tickets to this art museum. There's a metalwork exhibit I thought you'd really appreciate.
00:48:03That sounds fantastic.
00:48:04So how are you feeling about the trip?
00:48:06I'm excited.
00:48:08Yeah. I can't wait to see you.
00:48:11And the job?
00:48:13I'm excited about that too.
00:48:14So this is for real? You're not just pretending to be excited about the job so you can spend time with me?
00:48:19That'd be so terrible.
00:48:21Don't get me wrong. I'm flattered. I just want to make sure that you moving here is a real possibility before I get my hopes up.
00:48:28To be honest, I'm not sure I'm ready for this.
00:48:30I just want to make sure that you moving here is a real possibility before I get my hopes up.
00:48:33To be honest, I'm not 100% sold on the job. I still have a lot of questions, but I really am going to consider it.
00:48:42Glad to hear it.
00:48:44What is that look?
00:48:47What look?
00:48:48You still don't believe me, do you?
00:48:49Of course I believe you.
00:48:50I'm serious. I'm really considering it.
00:48:53And I think that's great.
00:48:55You're smiling.
00:48:56Because I'm happy.
00:48:57You are so annoying.
00:48:58Oh, come on. Me? Annoying?
00:49:00I do find you annoying. Yes. I have to go.
00:49:03Oh, come on. You're going to call me annoying then hang up?
00:49:07Now is that the type of insensitive and hurtful behavior I can expect when you move here?
00:49:12If you move here?
00:49:13I guess you're just going to have to learn to live with it.
00:49:15I think I'll manage somehow.
00:49:17I think you will too.
00:49:19Well, I can't wait to show you around Chicago. I think you're going to love it.
00:49:22I can't wait either.
00:49:24Okay, I really do have to go.
00:49:26All right. Well, I will see you soon.
00:50:04No luck?
00:50:06You know, at first I thought, well, he just doesn't know what kind of ring his girlfriend likes.
00:50:10I got out half the case for him to look at.
00:50:12Turns out the issue is he's seeing two women at the same time and he's not sure which one he wants to propose to.
00:50:22Yeah. Oh, but looks like my day just got a bit better.
00:50:25Did you bring us breakfast?
00:50:26It's only the best for my esteemed employees.
00:50:29You're a saint.
00:50:30Where's Vicky?
00:50:31Oh, she's in the back doing inventory.
00:50:35Our fearless leader is here with reinforcements.
00:50:41You didn't have to do that.
00:50:42What's that?
00:50:44I started working on some sketches, like you said.
00:50:46That's amazing.
00:50:48There are just some rough ideas, but maybe you could tell me if I'm on the right track?
00:50:51I would love to. Is it okay if I do this in a little bit?
00:50:54Sure. No problem.
00:50:56There's something I'd like to talk to the two of you about.
00:51:00It's not a big deal.
00:51:04Next week I'm going to go to Chicago to see the Shoreline Jewelers headquarters.
00:51:09What, as a spy?
00:51:11As a guest.
00:51:14I decided I'm just going to hear their offer.
00:51:17I thought you were turning them down.
00:51:18Well, I still might. I just, I thought it can't hurt to hear them out.
00:51:22You serious?
00:51:24I know. I know you guys are worried, but I promise I'm not going to make any decisions without talking to the both of you first.
00:51:29I thought you started this place so you wouldn't have to work at a big company.
00:51:33You were the one who talked about how awful Shoreline Jewelers is.
00:51:38We made fun of them.
00:51:40I just, I want to keep an open mind.
00:51:43Well, fine.
00:51:48You know what? I'm going to take an early lunch because I'm not really in the mood for bagels.
00:51:59I'm sorry.
00:52:00Yeah, calm down.
00:52:10Your sketches.
00:52:11You don't have to look at them today if you're too busy.
00:52:14No, I really want to. Can you leave this with me and I'll take a look in a little bit and let you know what I think.
00:52:23Well, I should probably get back to inventory.
00:52:59So, everything okay at the hotel?
00:53:01Yeah, the hotel is great. Thank you.
00:53:04Glad you could sneak away for lunch.
00:53:06Well, you were in for a treat because I'm taking you to my favorite lunch spot.
00:53:09Oh, sounds good.
00:53:10So, burgers.
00:53:12I thought you were all about gourmet.
00:53:15Sure, but good food is good food.
00:53:17And trust me, this is the best burger you will ever taste.
00:53:21The best burger?
00:53:23Like the best ravioli and the best cannoli?
00:53:29Well, they are the best.
00:53:31Just teasing.
00:53:34So, are you excited to see headquarters?
00:53:36I am. It's just, I'm so excited.
00:53:39I am. It's just an office building, right?
00:53:41Actually, it's really big. There's a gym and a cafeteria right in the building.
00:53:45Oh, wow. I wish we had a parking lot at my store.
00:53:48And you know what? The cafeteria isn't bad. On Wednesdays, they serve the best tacos.
00:53:53Well, if they're the best, that's great because then you could come have lunch with me.
00:53:58On Wednesdays, definitely.
00:54:02Do you think I'm going to get my own office or am I going to be stuck in a cubicle?
00:54:06Someone as important as you? Definitely an office.
00:54:09Oh, here it comes.
00:54:11Oh, wow.
00:54:13Thank you.
00:54:18Okay, come on. Have a bite.
00:54:29That is definitely the best burger I have ever tasted.
00:54:32I know, right?
00:54:33How do they do that?
00:54:34I have no idea.
00:54:35I've been coming here for three years. They won't give me their secret.
00:54:37I tried to reproduce it at home, but no luck, which means there's only one explanation.
00:54:41What's that?
00:54:42Magic. The chef's a wizard.
00:54:44That must be.
00:54:48Okay, so chalk one up for Chicago. Best burger in the world.
00:54:50Best burger. I'm not sure that that's the criteria I'm looking at, but it's a good start.
00:54:56Okay, fair enough. So is there something swinging one way or the other?
00:54:59There is someone that I would be excited to get to spend some more time with.
00:55:04Who is he? Is it a guy?
00:55:06Yeah, Doug. I met him, you know, on the plane ride over here.
00:55:09Doug, huh?
00:55:11No, you.
00:55:14Okay, we have the burger. We have the tacos. There's an incredible job opportunity. You're here.
00:55:22What am I missing?
00:55:23What am I missing? What is there that Chicago has to offer me? And not the touristy stuff.
00:55:28I'm talking about the real deal. What would your perfect day look like?
00:55:32Am I not enough?
00:55:35I told you, you're very high up on the list.
00:55:38Okay, so the perfect day?
00:55:41Okay, I would start by taking you to this little coffee shop that I go to. They have the best latte. Really good lattes.
00:55:47And then I would go for a walk along the water if the weather's nice.
00:55:54And then grab the paper and do the crossword.
00:55:56Crossword? Oh, so are you a bit of a word nerd?
00:56:00Well, there's a lot about me you don't know yet.
00:56:02Oh, okay.
00:56:03But after that, we'd go to the farmer's market near my place, grab a few things, and I'd improvise us a little dinner based on what they had.
00:56:08That sounds pretty great, actually.
00:56:10And then if it's Sunday, we'll watch the Bears game.
00:56:13I will never be a Bears fan.
00:56:16We'll get you there.
00:56:19Go Vikings!
00:56:23Well, I'd wish you luck, but I don't think you need it.
00:56:27You're not coming in?
00:56:28Hey, I got you here. My job is done.
00:56:31And I gotta meet a client in about an hour or so.
00:56:34So I'll be with you in spirit.
00:56:37Call me when you're done.
00:56:38I will.
00:56:40You don't actually think she's going to take the job, do you?
00:56:43Of course she's going to take the job.
00:56:44She's going to abandon us and work her way up to CEO and wear pantsuits and buy a yacht.
00:56:52I actually want to know what you think.
00:56:57I don't know. She's Kate.
00:56:59You know, she visited my mother in the summer.
00:57:01She's a great mom.
00:57:02She's a great mom.
00:57:03She's a great mom.
00:57:04She's a great mom.
00:57:05She's a great mom.
00:57:06I don't know. She's Kate.
00:57:07You know, she visited my mother in the hospital.
00:57:11She baked my wife cupcakes for her birthday.
00:57:14So she's going to stay?
00:57:15She also started her own business single-handedly.
00:57:18I mean, she's hardworking. She's ambitious.
00:57:20There's no denying that.
00:57:24So she's going to leave?
00:57:25Well, she's going to have a big decision on her hands either way.
00:57:37Excuse me.
00:57:39Hey there. Can I help you find something?
00:57:41Yeah, I'm looking for Patricia Long.
00:57:43Patty's office is just down there.
00:57:45Although, she could be anywhere.
00:57:48Oh, I think she's expecting me.
00:57:50Waiter, are you here about that custom design project?
00:57:53Yeah. Yeah, that's right. I'm Kate Sterling.
00:57:55Great to meet you. I'm Dan.
00:57:57You must have really impressed the higher-ups.
00:57:59Everyone's really excited about it.
00:58:02Oh, yeah. Everyone's been talking about it.
00:58:04No pressure, though.
00:58:06This seems like a great place to work.
00:58:08You like it here?
00:58:09I love it.
00:58:10Listen, don't get me wrong.
00:58:12It's fast-paced. You have to work hard to try and keep up.
00:58:15Don't expect to go home at five, but you stick it out, put in the time.
00:58:19There's a lot of potential here.
00:58:21That's good to know. Thank you.
00:58:23Actually, if you have some free time later,
00:58:26I'd love to get your thoughts on a new ring line I'm sketching.
00:58:29Yeah, of course.
00:58:30Oh, she just walked through the door.
00:58:33Give her a minute to breathe.
00:58:34Sorry, Patty.
00:58:35Kate, I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.
00:58:37No, of course not.
00:58:38I hope Dan wasn't scaring you off.
00:58:40No, he was not.
00:58:41I was just welcoming her to the family.
00:58:43Great. Well, I'm glad to hear that.
00:58:45Maybe later this afternoon you two could chat again?
00:58:47I would love that.
00:58:48I'd be happy to.
00:58:50So, Kate, we can chat in my office.
00:58:52Come on.
00:58:54I hope he didn't come on too strong.
00:58:56No, not at all.
00:58:58Dan is very, very passionate about his job.
00:59:02Everyone hear us.
00:59:03Yeah, I'm starting to get that impression.
00:59:05That's one reason I think you'll fit right in.
00:59:08Oh, thank you. I hope so.
00:59:10Based on what Jamie has told us about you,
00:59:13I have no doubts.
00:59:15This is me.
00:59:16Okay, I don't know why,
00:59:17I have this weird feeling that she's going to leave.
00:59:19Yeah, me too.
00:59:21What are we going to do if she takes the job?
00:59:23Well, we're going to stick around here
00:59:25and keep this place going as best as we can.
00:59:27It won't be the same.
00:59:28Nah, we're pretty capable people, right?
00:59:30I mean, I'm probably the best salesman in the known universe
00:59:32and you have your talents.
00:59:37That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.
00:59:40You know, I think that you're an extremely talented,
00:59:45promising, capable young salesperson, right?
00:59:50Which is why it wounds me so deeply
00:59:52that you would just cast that all aside to become a designer.
00:59:56Well, you're just going to have to deal with me being a double threat.
01:00:07Okay, okay, okay.
01:00:09I'm coming right now.
01:00:10I'm coming right now.
01:00:12Cynthia just went into labor.
01:00:14You're having a baby!
01:00:15I'm having a baby!
01:00:17You're having a baby!
01:00:20You're having a baby!
01:00:21I gotta go!
01:00:26That's what we're doing.
01:00:31I forgot my phone! I forgot my phone!
01:00:34Oh, you forgot your phone!
01:00:35I need my phone!
01:00:36You need a phone?
01:00:37Thank you!
01:00:46So, Kate, I just want you to understand
01:00:50that I did not ask you here to sell you on Shoreline Jewelers.
01:00:55I brought you here so that you could see the place,
01:00:57get a feel for it, and decide for yourself if this is right for you.
01:01:02That sounds great.
01:01:04Trust me, everyone here wants you to be completely comfortable.
01:01:08So, ask me anything.
01:01:15How big is this place?
01:01:17Do you mean square footage?
01:01:18No, how many employees do you have?
01:01:21500 or so in total.
01:01:24But not everyone works here at headquarters.
01:01:26Why don't we take a walk around?
01:01:28I can show you more of the place and introduce you to some people.
01:01:32That sounds great.
01:01:33Alright, great.
01:01:37Do you know everyone?
01:01:38We work in teams every day, so no one gets lost in the crowd.
01:01:42Is it always this busy?
01:01:44We work hard.
01:01:45But we have our fair share of birthdays and weekend get-togethers.
01:01:50Working super hard.
01:01:53Would I have to work in one of those cubicles?
01:01:55You would have your own office.
01:01:57But you would spend a good deal of time out meeting with clients.
01:02:00You could make your own hours, for the most part.
01:02:03And have ten or so designers working under you.
01:02:09It really is a big opportunity.
01:02:13It's you.
01:02:14Hey, good to meet you.
01:02:18So, Kate, I'm sorry.
01:02:24Those meatballs were a bit saucy.
01:02:26It wasn't my best work.
01:02:27They were delicious.
01:02:28No, I...
01:02:29The polenta was amazing as well.
01:02:31I am actually pretty proud of the polenta.
01:02:33It was good.
01:02:34We've got to get serious for a minute.
01:02:36You haven't talked about the job all night.
01:02:38You've been quiet about it.
01:02:39How'd it go?
01:02:40It was good.
01:02:41It was good.
01:02:43For the most part, yeah.
01:02:45I would get my own office.
01:02:46Oh, that's cool.
01:02:48I have my own office now, but somehow there it feels more important.
01:02:53Okay, so you've got some pros.
01:02:54What are the cons?
01:02:56It's big.
01:02:57It's really big.
01:03:00I'm sure.
01:03:01There's no way I would be able to learn everyone's name.
01:03:04It'd be a transition.
01:03:06It's so fast-paced and busy.
01:03:10Tokens of love.
01:03:11It's hard, but we're nowhere near that level of intensity.
01:03:15Oh, that's not necessarily a bad thing.
01:03:17Sometimes a fast-paced environment can be good.
01:03:19That's true.
01:03:20But I miss those moments in between customers with Anthony and Vicki.
01:03:26I sort of feel like I'm losing part of my family.
01:03:30You wouldn't be losing them, but you wouldn't be able to see them as much.
01:03:33It would be tough to move.
01:03:34I've lived there my whole life.
01:03:36My family is there.
01:03:37My friends are there.
01:03:38Okay, so try not to think of it like you're losing a family.
01:03:44Try to think of it like you're gaining a work family.
01:03:47And you can keep in touch with all the people you care about.
01:03:51Everyone was really nice.
01:03:54And they were completely sold on me from the minute I walked in.
01:03:57I'm assuming that was your doing.
01:03:59My doing?
01:04:03I run a small jewelry store hundreds of miles away.
01:04:06No one would have known about me if it wasn't for you.
01:04:09So that's what you think.
01:04:10It's okay. I'm not insecure about it, but it's true, isn't it?
01:04:13Kate, Shoreline Jewelers gave me a list of people to scout out, and your name was on it.
01:04:18I didn't even know you owned a jewelry shop until I saw that.
01:04:21Yeah, it's not like I just saw your name and stopped looking.
01:04:24No, I'm good at my job.
01:04:25I did my research, and you are legitimately the best person for that job.
01:04:30Thank you.
01:04:32Kate, I'm not trying to get you to take this job just so you can come here and spend more time with me.
01:04:38You know, that'd be amazing.
01:04:39I mean, don't get me wrong.
01:04:40It's a nice perk.
01:04:43More than anything, I really think that this is the best move for you, for your career.
01:04:50It's an amazing opportunity.
01:04:52You are so talented, and I really think you need to share that with the world.
01:04:59I appreciate that.
01:05:01I do.
01:05:04I just, I keep thinking about what I'd be losing if I didn't have you.
01:05:08Thinking about what I'd be losing.
01:05:11Anthony and Cynthia having their baby, and Vicky starting out designing, and Judy.
01:05:18I want to be around when she starts her family.
01:05:21Yeah, well, that's a challenge.
01:05:24But I'm also starting to see what I would be missing if I don't take the job.
01:05:30Who's that?
01:05:33I'm glad I made the list.
01:05:35You are the list.
01:05:41I don't want to leave tomorrow.
01:05:46To be honest, I don't want you to leave either.
01:05:50I'll miss you.
01:05:53I'm going to miss you too.
01:05:57You think I should take the job?
01:05:59You think I should take the job?
01:06:01I do.
01:06:03What's most important is what you think.
01:06:05Every time I think about moving here, I get excited.
01:06:09It's new people, new possibilities.
01:06:12I really think I would regret it if I didn't give it a shot.
01:06:17So what are you trying to say?
01:06:20You promise you're going to show me around and help me get a place?
01:06:26Because if I come here, I'm going to need a friend.
01:06:28Hey, I'll be whatever you want.
01:06:30I need to talk to Anthony and Vicky first because I promised I wouldn't make any decisions without talking to them.
01:06:36But I think I'm going to do it.
01:06:39I think I'm going to see how I like working for a big corporation.
01:06:42Well, that's exciting.
01:06:45I can't believe I'm going to do it.
01:06:59Hi, how was your trip?
01:07:01It was good, actually.
01:07:03Where's Anthony?
01:07:05He didn't tell you?
01:07:07Tell me what?
01:07:09Cynthia went into labor yesterday afternoon.
01:07:11Oh, my God.
01:07:13I know, you should have seen him. He was so excited.
01:07:15He forgot his phone. He had to come back running for it. It was very funny.
01:07:17Has she had the baby?
01:07:19He's going to call us when he has more news.
01:07:21Oh, it's so exciting, right?
01:07:23Oh, I forgot.
01:07:24These came for you.
01:07:31They're from Jamie.
01:07:33For real?
01:07:35They're huge.
01:07:37So, that's still going strong.
01:07:39Yeah, it is.
01:07:41Cynthia had the baby.
01:07:44It's a boy.
01:07:45Oh, my God.
01:07:47Can you just picture baby Anthony running around?
01:07:49We're going to have to get a little suit made and turn him into a baby.
01:07:51We're going to have to get a little suit made and turn him into a junior sales associate.
01:07:53Are they ready for visitors yet?
01:07:55Anthony's going to stop by this afternoon. We can ask him then.
01:08:14Thank you.
01:08:16How are they doing? How's Cynthia?
01:08:18Oh, they're great. They're great. They're just resting.
01:08:19Can we see pictures?
01:08:21Yes. Yes.
01:08:23This is Philip Prentiss.
01:08:27Oh, look at that. He's adorable.
01:08:30Look at those little chubby cheeks.
01:08:32And that hair.
01:08:34He looks just like you.
01:08:36I keep seeing Cynthia in that smile.
01:08:39Yeah, and your cute pudgy cheeks.
01:08:43Shouldn't you be getting back to them?
01:08:45Yeah, I left my wallet in the break room.
01:08:47Well, we could have brought that to you.
01:08:49You know, I think Cynthia was looking for a reason to get me out of the room.
01:08:52I haven't let go of her hand in six hours. She needed a break.
01:08:56Well, now that I have the two of you here, there is something I'd like to talk to you about.
01:09:02That doesn't sound good.
01:09:05I've decided to accept the job with Shoreline Jewelers.
01:09:09We kind of thought you were going to.
01:09:11But that's not all.
01:09:12I'm going to need a new manager here, Anthony.
01:09:16You want me to manage Tokens of Love?
01:09:19Of course. Who else?
01:09:21And I'm going to be busy in Chicago, so we're going to need a new designer here.
01:09:25Vicki, I looked at your sketches. They're amazing. I think you're ready.
01:09:29Are you serious?
01:09:31I know it's going to be a challenge, but I think this could be really good for all of us.
01:09:35Well, uh, I guess if you're leaving me in charge,
01:09:40I guess if you're leaving me in charge, it can't be so bad.
01:09:44We're going to miss you around here, though.
01:09:46I'm going to be back so often, you're not even going to know I'm gone.
01:09:49And you really like my designs?
01:09:51I do. They're amazing. Some of those, I wish I designed myself.
01:09:54I can't believe this. I'm going to be a designer.
01:09:57Oh, and, uh, well, I guess I'd like to hear it from you.
01:10:00What does that make me? I guess I am the boss?
01:10:05Wow. Yeah, that's good.
01:10:07Go, be with your family.
01:10:09Yes, yes.
01:10:15Hey, how'd you like the flowers?
01:10:18They're beautiful. Thank you.
01:10:20And everything go okay, breaking the news to everybody?
01:10:23Yeah, I think with the baby being born and the idea of the new jobs, everyone was just really happy.
01:10:29Hey, say congrats to Anthony for me.
01:10:31I will.
01:10:33So when are you heading out?
01:10:34I'm going to talk to Patricia in a few minutes, so we'll see, maybe in a couple weeks?
01:10:38Doesn't feel real yet.
01:10:40I know, I can't quite believe it.
01:10:42Have I told you yet how happy I am?
01:10:44Maybe once or twice, but you can tell me again.
01:10:47I'm very, very happy.
01:10:49Me too. Oh, that's Patricia calling. I gotta go.
01:10:52Okay, okay, let me know how it goes.
01:10:54I will.
01:10:55Talk soon.
01:10:59Hi, Kate. I am so glad that you're accepting the job.
01:11:02Yeah, I'm really excited.
01:11:04It's true. You absolutely made the right decision.
01:11:07And we want you to get started right away.
01:11:09That sounds great. What are the next steps?
01:11:11Well, there's going to be a lot of paperwork involved, so I'm going to have someone send that over to you right now.
01:11:17I know we still need to work out the terms for buying Tokens of Love.
01:11:21And we also need to get a contract for you to sign with us.
01:11:24Wait, I'm sorry, what do you mean?
01:11:26Buying Tokens of Love?
01:11:29I'm sorry, I thought someone talked to you about that.
01:11:31No, they didn't. This is the first I'm hearing about this.
01:11:34Corporate would like to buy Tokens of Love and turn it into a Shoreline Jewelers branch.
01:11:40It's a fabulous location.
01:11:42No, I had no idea about this.
01:11:44I thought Jamie was supposed to talk to you about it.
01:11:47Maybe we thought our wires crossed.
01:11:49I'm really sorry, Kate, but you'd have to pass off management anyway,
01:11:54and you wouldn't be able to have a stake in two competing businesses.
01:11:57What about my employees?
01:11:58Well, they're welcome to apply with us.
01:12:01With their experience and your recommendation, I'm sure they'd have a shot at getting hired.
01:12:05I don't know.
01:12:07Well, Kate, I...
01:12:09I'm sorry, I don't think I can do this.
01:12:12Kate, I admire what a loyal employer you are, but this is business.
01:12:17Your employees will get new jobs.
01:12:19Do you really want to throw away this opportunity?
01:12:22What about what you want?
01:12:23I'm sorry, Patricia, I have to say no.
01:12:26Are you sure?
01:12:28Yes, I'm sure.
01:12:30That's disappointing. Let me know if you change your mind.
01:12:33I won't, but thank you.
01:12:35Alright. Take good care of yourself.
01:12:54Hey, how'd it go?
01:12:56When were you going to tell me?
01:13:00When were you going to tell me they wanted to buy Tokens of Love? After I signed the contract?
01:13:03Kate, I have no idea what you're talking about.
01:13:05Really? Because I just spoke to Patricia. She told me you were the one who was supposed to tell me.
01:13:09Oh, no, no, no, wait. She's wrong.
01:13:11I know you were excited for me to move to Chicago,
01:13:13but if you think tricking me into selling my business was the way to go about it,
01:13:16then you don't know me at all. So just have a nice life.
01:13:19Kate, wait.
01:13:23I'm sorry.
01:13:54What are you guys doing here?
01:13:57We thought you might need some reinforcements.
01:14:11You're not going to talk to him?
01:14:14He lied to me.
01:14:16Are you sure?
01:14:18He was the one who was supposed to tell me about Tokens of Love. He didn't. I'm over him.
01:14:21I'm with you. Other fish in the sea.
01:14:24Yeah, but you said you loved him.
01:14:26Well, I was wrong.
01:14:28Great attitude. I got three guys I could set you up with right now.
01:14:31Kate isn't ready to date again.
01:14:33Maybe I am.
01:14:35No, there's no way. At least give yourself time to grieve the relationship.
01:14:38I don't need to. He lied to me. It's over.
01:14:41Well, maybe he did it because he wanted to be with you.
01:14:44Yeah, that doesn't make it okay.
01:14:46No, of course not. But it shows how much he cared about you.
01:14:49Did he, though?
01:14:51Come on, Kate. You know he did.
01:14:53He didn't care about me. He cared about his commission.
01:14:56He was going to let my whole business go under. What about Anthony and Vicky?
01:15:00Fair point.
01:15:01Thank you.
01:15:02You know what you need?
01:15:04For the last time, I am not joining a dating app.
01:15:07Actually, I was going to say, you need to get out of town. Clear your head.
01:15:10That is a great idea.
01:15:12I can't. I'm not just going to go on vacation right now.
01:15:15Well, nothing to involve. Just a weekend.
01:15:17It could be relaxing.
01:15:18Why do I have the feeling you guys have already planned this out?
01:15:21Just hear us out.
01:15:23It's a good idea.
01:15:25Look, Mom set me up for a couple nights at this cute B&B she wants me to check out for the wedding.
01:15:29I'm so swamped with everything right now. I don't think I could relax, even if I tried.
01:15:33You think I could?
01:15:35I think you need to get out of this apartment.
01:15:37Yes. Just take the trip.
01:15:39You'll feel better.
01:15:41You have to take it. So you can tell me if I should get married there or not.
01:15:44Don't think of it as a vacation. I'm hiring you to do recon.
01:15:47You really don't want to go?
01:15:52Thank you.
01:15:54Anytime. You know that.
01:15:56I don't know what I would do without you two.
01:15:58Well, lucky for you, you'll never have to find out.
01:16:02And we can revisit signing up for a dating app when you get back.
01:16:10Kate, I'm glad I caught you.
01:16:12Patricia, I'm surprised to hear from you.
01:16:15I want to apologize for the misunderstanding and re-offer you the job without buying Tokens of Love.
01:16:24It was a mistake on my part. I thought I had emailed Jamie, asking him to give you a heads up.
01:16:29But of course I found it in my drafts folder.
01:16:31Kate, you did what you had to do to protect your employees.
01:16:34That's exactly the kind of person we want here at Shoreline Jewelers.
01:16:39Can I have a few days to think about it?
01:16:41You take all the time you need.
01:16:43Okay. Talk soon.
01:17:02Hi, how can I help you?
01:17:04Hi, I'm checking in. The name is Kate Sterling.
01:17:07Welcome. We've got your room all set up.
01:17:10Oh, great. Thank you.
01:17:12Oh, and your sister arranged a special dinner for you this evening.
01:17:17It'll be out on the patio at seven.
01:17:32Thank you.
01:17:41I should have known Judy was up to something.
01:17:44Kate, can I explain?
01:17:48I had no idea what they were planning.
01:17:50I know.
01:17:52I talked to Patricia. She told me everything.
01:17:55I'm sorry I didn't believe you.
01:17:57Can I please sit down? Because these plates are really hot.
01:18:00Yes, come.
01:18:10So Patricia called you?
01:18:12Yeah. She re-offered me the job and told me that I could keep Tokens of Love.
01:18:19Well, that's great. You said yes, right?
01:18:24I didn't.
01:18:30I'm really glad that you didn't lie to me, but that job, it's not for me.
01:18:35I mean, you were so excited. It was such a great opportunity.
01:18:38I just, I love my store.
01:18:41It's what I've always dreamed of, and I'm not just going to give that up, even though I know what that means for us.
01:18:47What does that mean for us?
01:18:49We live in different cities.
01:18:52I really care about you, but I don't think I can do the whole long distance thing.
01:19:00About that.
01:19:03I'm a sellout, Kate.
01:19:05No, you're not.
01:19:07Yeah, I am. I mean, I do all this fantasizing about living the chef life, but I do absolutely nothing about it.
01:19:14So what are you going to do?
01:19:15Well, I've already done something. Quit my job.
01:19:18Are you serious?
01:19:20Yeah. Two days ago.
01:19:23I didn't ask you to do that.
01:19:26I didn't do it for you, but I did do it because of you.
01:19:31I mean, you inspired me. Look at you. You work so hard to own your own business, to pursue your dream, and now it's my turn.
01:19:40I've already started scouting out locations, and I understand if you don't want to give this another shot, Kate, but if you do, I'm going to open in Minneapolis.
01:19:49You're going to open up a restaurant here?
01:19:51Yeah. It's my hometown. It's where I grew up.
01:19:53And if you do want to give me another chance, I figure you don't have to come to me. I'll come to you.
01:20:03Okay, don't look so surprised. I always said that I needed something that was worth it, that was going to get me to pull the plug and move on to the next step.
01:20:14Well, it's you. You're worth it, Kate.
01:20:18I love you. I have since eighth grade, and I don't even care if you don't love me.
01:20:23Well, it's you. You're worth it, Kate.
01:20:27I love you. I have since eighth grade, and I don't even care if the business fails. I'll move here for you.
01:20:50So wait, you're really moving here?
01:20:52What's that, Connie?
01:21:00I am. And hey, I got a, I had this idea. If people propose at my restaurant using one of your rings, I'll give them a discount.
01:21:11So this is a business transaction?
01:21:14It's a pitch.
01:21:16Okay. It sounds good.
01:21:38You're so cute.
01:21:41You're so cute.
01:21:44You look amazing.
01:21:46So do you.
01:21:48Another vintage buy?
01:21:50You know it. I'm so glad you guys could all be here to help support Jamie.
01:21:55Hey, great place.
01:21:57Hey, thanks. Hey, you know, you were right. The personal touch does make all the difference.
01:22:01Well, I'd expect nothing less.
01:22:03Hey, okay, so this place has been a dream of mine ever since I was a kid. I can't believe it's finally coming true.
01:22:13So I want to thank you all for coming, but most of all, I want to thank my wonderful girlfriend, Kate.
01:22:19Without her, none of this would have happened.
01:22:24Well, there's one thing I want to say before we eat.
01:22:33I love you.
01:22:38Kate, I have loved you since I was 13 years old. There's nobody I would rather spend the rest of my life with.
01:22:48Will you marry me?
