Aspiring British playwright "Jemima Kirke" and her husband work through inklings of a stale marriage HD ( Drama )

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Aspiring British playwright "Jemima Kirke" and her husband work through inklings of a stale marriage HD ( Drama )
00:00:00Oh, well. Never mind.
00:00:08Never mind. We can't go in now.
00:00:10Well, how do you know?
00:00:11You what?
00:00:12How do you know?
00:00:13Well, where are you going? Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:00:15No, no, no. Come on.
00:00:16No, it's such bullshit that you can die from this.
00:00:18It's actually very good for your skin.
00:00:20Shit from up my nose.
00:00:23It really bothers you, does it?
00:00:26Just a bit of fun on your face.
00:00:28Would you like that?
00:00:29Go on, drink it.
00:00:30Would you like that?
00:00:31Come on.
00:00:37Yeah, all right, go on then.
00:00:39If you can't jump in the sea, then we're going to go for a quick run.
00:00:42Wait a minute.
00:00:43Come in there now.
00:00:46Come on, sweetheart.
00:00:47I'm coming.
00:00:48You can do it. You can do it.
00:00:51All right, I've got it.
00:00:53Take it easy.
00:00:54I've got it. It's all right.
00:00:56You won't fall. Look at me.
00:00:57I've got it.
00:00:58Oh, come on, Oliver.
00:00:59All right.
00:01:00What are you doing?
00:01:01I just slipped.
00:01:06Oh, isn't it beautiful up here?
00:01:22I love living here.
00:01:26It's just, it's perfect for me.
00:01:31I love getting up in the morning and being able to just come out here,
00:01:35see this, go back home, keep writing.
00:01:39It's like, it's the dream.
00:01:43I mean, I know that living here is not full of opportunity,
00:01:46but in terms of being an artist and in terms of atmosphere
00:01:50and in terms of inspiration, this, there's nowhere else.
00:01:55New York, L.A., whatever, these big cities, that's, of course, London.
00:02:00These are the places where, you know,
00:02:02if you really want to get your career off the ground,
00:02:04but I'm not quite there yet.
00:02:07Lots of people work at Cardiff as well.
00:02:10You could commute to Cardiff from here.
00:02:13You could still have all of this.
00:02:21It's brilliant for kids here.
00:02:23That's my only gripe with it.
00:02:25If I could change it, it would just be a few less families here, less kids.
00:02:32You know, it is getting a bit crowded.
00:03:43Oh, oh, are you kidding me?
00:03:46Why are you...
00:03:48Oh, God, just do it normally.
00:03:52No, it's just...
00:03:54No, no, no, no, no.
00:03:56Do not. Do not.
00:03:57No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:04:02I don't like it.
00:04:05Can you just cut me?
00:04:10Mm-hm, that's nice.
00:04:12Mm-hm, mm-hm.
00:04:19You told my mother to fuck off last night.
00:04:26All I told her was that we needed to establish some boundaries.
00:04:29That's all I said.
00:04:31Yeah, but you're late, though.
00:04:32What's the hold-up, or...?
00:04:34Janet, hi. Sorry, it's...
00:04:36Yeah, we go.
00:04:37Hi, it's Gillian.
00:04:39Did you break down? Are you on the way?
00:04:41No, we're not late. I'm sorry, we're not coming.
00:04:43Did he not tell you?
00:04:44When? God, I was...
00:04:46Can you stop calling my husband at this time of night?
00:04:49No, I know we're not at dinner.
00:04:51I know we're not at dinner. I know it's not that late.
00:04:54But it's my husband, and at some point you need to understand
00:04:58that I'm the woman in his life,
00:05:00and that sometimes I want to stay home with my grown husband...
00:05:04Are you just giving me the phone back now?
00:05:06No, no, no, no, no. No, you're not going to speak to your son.
00:05:09This is a sick, sick relationship.
00:05:13You're going to have to sort that out.
00:05:15There's a shitstorm coming of your making, of all day yesterday.
00:05:18You were a bit, let's be honest, you started off,
00:05:21and it might have been a bit of me, but you were a bit touchier.
00:05:25Wasn't it, with all the bin stuff?
00:05:27Do you know how easy it would have been for you to just say,
00:05:33Thanks, Gillian, that was so nice of you to let me sleep in
00:05:36and to take out the trash for me.
00:05:38I mean, wow, wow.
00:05:40Next time, you sleep in, Gillian, you sleep in,
00:05:44and I'll do the... I'll do everything else.
00:05:47Oh, no, don't pull that card on me now.
00:05:49I have to work at night. Yeah.
00:05:51I'm really sorry, that's what I have to do.
00:05:53Yeah, on the nights that you do have work,
00:05:55but you didn't have work last night.
00:05:57If you're up all night...
00:06:00Don't even. I didn't even. It was a...
00:06:03It was going to be a fucking slap in the head.
00:06:06We both should be doing a bigger job right now.
00:06:08Job? I think I'm the one with a job, though, aren't I?
00:06:11I'm the one who goes out and earns money.
00:06:14Yes, you get paid, you get paid your...
00:06:16Whatever it is.
00:06:18100 quid, I don't know.
00:06:20150. 150. Minimum.
00:06:22What am I paying for? The food, the roof over our head?
00:06:24Not the roof over our head, are you?
00:06:26Well, no. Well, bills.
00:06:28I'm paying for the bills.
00:06:30But actually, you know what, I kind of am paying for the roof over our head.
00:06:33It's my mum.
00:06:35It's not your mum.
00:06:37It's my mum.
00:06:39It is a bit weird that we live in a roof that your mum has paid for.
00:06:44You know what, why don't we just go and do our work that your mum gave us?
00:06:49OK, so I would like, first of all, everyone offstage.
00:06:52Offstage, cos I want to start from the top.
00:06:55That way. Which way? That way. That way.
00:06:57Yeah. Who put the fucking flowers there?
00:07:00In this place ran Cassius Dagger through,
00:07:02see what a rent the envious Casca made.
00:07:04And Tanya, go.
00:07:05Love is merely a madness.
00:07:07Craig, don't stop.
00:07:09Don't stop. Don't stop.
00:07:11Do you want me to stop? Just listen. No, I want you guys to keep going.
00:07:13Just listen to me. Just do it. Just do it. Trust me, I know what I'm doing.
00:07:16And I tell you, deserves as well a dark house and a whip as madmen.
00:07:18Judas, the well-beloved brutus, stabbed.
00:07:20And as he plucked his cursed steel away,
00:07:22Mark held the blood of Caesar,
00:07:24fallen it as rushing out of doors.
00:07:26What are you doing there? What are you reading?
00:07:28Julia Caesar, but this is utterly pointless,
00:07:30cos you can't hear us all at the same time, can you?
00:07:32No, but that's the point. I don't want to hear you all at the same time.
00:07:35I want to hear the ambience of the sound.
00:07:37It's a warm-up for me. It's a warm-up for me, OK?
00:07:40You should have warmed up before you came to rehearsals,
00:07:42just like we did. Are you telling me what I should have done?
00:07:44What's with everyone being so fucking aggressive this morning?
00:07:47I don't understand what happened to everyone this morning.
00:07:50I was fine!
00:07:52You know what? If you don't want to listen to me,
00:07:54then don't. Do what you think it should be and I'll watch.
00:07:58From women's eyes, this doctrine I derive
00:08:02to sparkle still the right Promethean fire.
00:08:09Hi, I'm Rachel. Oh, my God.
00:08:12Sorry, I don't have... We don't have the space for another actor.
00:08:15No, that's Rachel. It's not another actor, it's Rachel, isn't it?
00:08:18It's not one of those... Come you, carry on.
00:08:21Come you!
00:08:23Go on, do it, do it, do it.
00:08:26How are you? I'm good, how are you?
00:08:29Really good. Sorry, I thought that you were an actor
00:08:33because you were on the stage. I was like, ugh.
00:08:36Oh, sorry, we go back... We do.
00:08:39..and we used to do this Shakespeare thing at school.
00:08:42Do you remember when we had to pair up and do the speech? Of course!
00:08:45And I just thought it would be a funny thing, so I just got up there.
00:08:49And it's quite scary when you have all the lights on you and stuff.
00:08:52Yeah, well, that's why you have to be trained as an actor.
00:08:55Guys, I'm really sorry. I know.
00:08:58This one, I did not foresee this.
00:09:01And, yeah, I'm sure you're really good.
00:09:04From women's eyes, this doctrine I derive
00:09:08to sparkle still the great Promethean fire.
00:09:12Wow. Are we not doing that one, though?
00:09:15We're not doing that one. I'm sorry, guys, I'm so sorry.
00:09:19The paid ones, they're, like, stood there, like, reading it.
00:09:23She didn't even have a book and she knew it all.
00:09:25Oh, stop that now. What?
00:09:27Why don't we just go and call up Rachel now
00:09:29and we go and take a picture of her and blow it up really big
00:09:32and then we'll print, like, 5,000 of them
00:09:34and we'll just have Rachel be the poster
00:09:37and then we just put Shakespeare over it
00:09:39and it's just Rachel being like...
00:09:41You know, and then underneath, we'll just put in a tiny, tiny, tiny bit.
00:09:45Just give me a little corner that says,
00:09:47by Gillian, by Gillian blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
00:09:50and just, like, fuck my last name, fuck it.
00:09:52Just let it fall off the end. I think she'll look great.
00:09:55I was trying to help then. Just send them tickets for your thing.
00:09:58You're probably dropping bombs yesterday, weren't you?
00:10:01Everything's going all right. Let's have a chat with my dad.
00:10:04He's cool, cos he is. You have a go at my mam with the stabby.
00:10:08Gillian, did you meet Rachel?
00:10:11Can I adopt you? Would you like to?
00:10:15Have you met her?
00:10:19Yeah, she's, um...
00:10:23Ollie, I'm dying!
00:10:25You've done something really important and special and meaningful.
00:10:28Any mother-in-law would be proud of you.
00:10:37Is she OK? I don't know if she is OK.
00:10:40If you won't help me...
00:10:45I'll save you, Gillian.
00:10:47She's killing herself.
00:10:49Oh, no, she's dying.
00:10:52I loved you.
00:10:54All I did was love you.
00:10:57Her guts are on the floor. Let's put them back in.
00:11:00Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry.
00:11:02I was not expecting that.
00:11:04I was just being stupid.
00:11:07Bit of a drama queen, aren't you?
00:11:09She does, doesn't she? She loves it, doesn't she?
00:11:11Yeah, she does, she loves it. Well, she's done all of this, mind.
00:11:14Yeah, she did all of that.
00:11:16Hello, how are you?
00:11:18Honours, Father.
00:11:20Are you around tonight to come round for dinner?
00:11:22David, are we around tonight?
00:11:24Can we go to Clare and Dick's with her and the rest of the family?
00:11:27Oh! We're doing ribs.
00:11:29Oh! Ribs!
00:11:31Oh, ribs! Sorry! Thank you very much.
00:11:33Are you coming, Ollie Pop? Oh!
00:11:35Oh, yeah, I'm going, yeah.
00:11:37Oh, good, good, good. Thank God for that.
00:11:39And then making me not go to that meal?
00:11:41You were here, stop being...
00:11:43Are you... Are you making you not go to that meal?
00:11:46You've got to sell some tickets. You!
00:11:48You said sorry to me. I did.
00:11:50You said sorry, and then it was so nice that we decided to stay in
00:11:53and we stayed... You did... You offered to stay in, making you go.
00:11:56Suddenly it's... We're right back here, aren't we?
00:11:59We're right back. Lots of people know, eh?
00:12:01Can you stop? Can you stop?
00:12:04Stop this, OK?
00:12:06It is not cool that you make this whole thing about motherfucking Rachel.
00:12:18This is Shakespeare Extravaganza, sir.
00:12:21What do you mean, off?
00:12:23We've had some serious health and safety issues at the theatre today.
00:12:26The theatre's closed. I'm up to my fucking eyeballs in it, mate.
00:12:30OK, before you say the theatre's...
00:12:32Before you all get all up, you know, the theatre's closed,
00:12:35how long's it going to take to fix it?
00:12:39Two weeks.
00:12:41Two, three weeks, minimum.
00:12:43Three weeks, but we've got a show in four days, mate, so what?
00:12:46But you can't...
00:12:50I'm not putting the lives of the public at risk.
00:12:52I am sorry, but this is it.
00:12:54We're just going to jump in the van now and...
00:12:57I'm up to my ankles in shit.
00:12:59Oh, my God. I can't.
00:13:01Of course you can't. I can't get there. You've got to drive me down there.
00:13:04I don't realise what time it is. I have a meeting.
00:13:06Gillian's going to drive me down there now in the van.
00:13:08I'll speak to you in a minute, OK?
00:13:10OK, on the way, on the way, on the way.
00:13:12OK, I'm going. Bye.
00:13:14Come on. I'm not driving you down there now.
00:13:16I actually do have a meeting.
00:13:18Schedule it again. Change it. I've been preparing for this.
00:13:20I've already redrafted the play for this very meeting.
00:13:22I have to go.
00:13:24There's sewage seeping all through the place.
00:13:26Seepage were the words he said. Yes.
00:13:28And it's going to be everywhere, so we can't really...
00:13:30I'm going. You can't just go like that.
00:13:32Where do you think you're going? Come on.
00:13:36How am I going to get down there now?
00:13:40You're going to leave me here like this?
00:13:42How am I going to get to my...?
00:13:44Sorry? Are you seriously just going to leave me here now?
00:13:46You're going to go and just leave now? Yeah.
00:13:48You're just going to drive away now? Yeah.
00:13:50But I love you. What? You've got to be...
00:14:22I've been walking like...
00:14:24And you've just been...
00:14:28Hi. Hiya.
00:14:30Hiya. Hi. Hi.
00:14:32Look, I'm... So funny.
00:14:34I just want to say straight away,
00:14:36I'm so sorry
00:14:38that we couldn't make it last night. I'm so sorry.
00:14:40Not cool.
00:14:42I knew it was going to be not cool,
00:14:44but as well...
00:14:46Someone cooks chops and chops
00:14:48and marinades and...
00:14:50Mmm. Six hours.
00:14:52Delicious, sticky barbecue sauce.
00:14:54Oh. I'm joking!
00:14:56I don't give a fuck.
00:14:58I'm joking. Oh, really?
00:15:00Do you believe me? I totally did.
00:15:02Believe you as well, yeah. Oh, wow.
00:15:04Whoo! OK. So we're OK?
00:15:06Yeah, that's... I'm fine. OK, we can forget.
00:15:08I mean, we missed you.
00:15:10And Gillian. I did a little
00:15:12thing for her. Oh, did you?
00:15:14It's too keen, isn't it?
00:15:16No, it's just kind of, you know...
00:15:18It's fine. It's fine.
00:15:20She's, like, hard not to crack, isn't she?
00:15:22Well, no.
00:15:24You came into a slightly tense
00:15:26environment. I know you're kind of a bit
00:15:28worried about it, but, Gillian, we were talking about you.
00:15:30You were fantastic when you were on the stage.
00:15:32Yeah. You were in a bunch of professional actors
00:15:34and you just kind of
00:15:36entered and
00:15:38naturally have a feel for the language.
00:15:40Stop it. Yeah. It's just, like, Gillian's
00:15:42even mentioned about you maybe kind of
00:15:44on a poster or something, if we could...
00:15:46OK, you're taking the mic now.
00:15:48I wish I was, but I'm not. Seriously.
00:15:50That was all her. I've always thought about it.
00:15:52We were talking about it. From women's eyes,
00:15:54this doctrine I derive.
00:15:56To sparkle
00:15:58still, the right
00:16:00Promethean fire.
00:16:02Hark! What is that I hear?
00:16:04Gillian's men are slain?
00:16:06I must go
00:16:08in the middle of the night and
00:16:10seek for Oliver's comfort.
00:16:12Look, um, I'm really
00:16:14sorry, but I've got to go.
00:16:16Oh, yeah. I'm sorry. I'm not going to always do this to you.
00:16:18I'm sorry. But I've got to get to the
00:16:20pavilion. I'll walk with you. Are you sure? Yeah.
00:16:22I don't want to force you to go. No, no, no. I was going that way.
00:16:24Yeah? Yeah, yeah.
00:16:26Hello, you've got through to
00:16:28Oliver's phone. Please
00:16:30leave a message after the tone.
00:16:34Ollie. It's Gillian.
00:16:36I got here.
00:16:38I got here in one piece
00:16:40and, um,
00:16:42listen, I'm sorry
00:16:44for the way everything
00:16:46just went down. I was just
00:16:48nervous about this morning and I should have been more
00:16:52I wish I could get you on the phone.
00:16:54I was thinking about, uh,
00:16:56about the show
00:16:58and I thought maybe what if we,
00:17:00uh, just change the venue or
00:17:02like push it back. I mean, these kinds
00:17:04of things happen. I mean, it's
00:17:06not the be all end all.
00:17:10anyway, let me know what you think
00:17:12and, uh,
00:17:14uh, I love you
00:17:16and call me later.
00:17:18Okay, bye.
00:17:28Can I show you something?
00:17:30Yeah. I'm starting to cry.
00:17:32You have as well. I have.
00:17:34It doesn't, it's something...
00:17:36Did you just sniff your armpit?
00:17:38Did you just kind of...
00:17:40But you know, don't you find it sort of sexy?
00:17:58No. No, you
00:18:00don't have to do that. Why?
00:18:02What? I don't... It's alright. You don't have to come
00:18:04back up here. It's...
00:18:06It's alright. It doesn't work for me.
00:18:10Yeah. I'm not, I don't...
00:18:12It's not you. I just, you know I just don't
00:18:14anyone, not with anyone.
00:18:16I just don't.
00:18:26Oh, there he is.
00:18:28Don't come in.
00:18:30Don't come in. You're not coming in.
00:18:32The whole thing's backed up.
00:18:34Yeah, but it's going to be alright. We've got four days, so that's
00:18:36going to be plenty of time. It's not going to be alright for weeks.
00:18:38Can I have a look? No, no, no. You don't want to see.
00:18:40I don't want to... Look, look.
00:18:42Just cancel it. You're going to have to do your Shakespeare
00:18:44somewhere else. It's off. It's off.
00:18:46It's not my problem. This just seems like
00:18:48such a shame, really, because you put so much work
00:18:50into this. Let's think of the things you do have.
00:18:52You have a great
00:18:54show. You have...
00:18:56Yeah. A...
00:18:58talented director.
00:19:00You have people that are coming.
00:19:02All you're missing is a venue.
00:19:04Yeah, we haven't got that anymore, have we? That's what we've
00:19:06not got, is that. Well, why don't I call my dad
00:19:08and see if we can get, like,
00:19:10some sort of temporary
00:19:12structure or some sort of, I don't
00:19:14know, marquee or
00:19:20Marquee would work, wouldn't it?
00:19:24This is it. Oh, my
00:19:26God. My Woman Cave.
00:19:28Wow. It's
00:19:30incredible, isn't it? God, it's amazing.
00:19:32It's amazing. It gives me vertigo
00:19:34just looking at it.
00:19:36I mean, we can have about five minutes here.
00:19:38Oh, thanks. Yeah, I'd love that.
00:19:40Oh, my God.
00:19:42I know. It's amazing.
00:19:44Oh, my God. The sound is so good.
00:19:46I know.
00:19:50I mean, you'd have to be a trained
00:19:52singer to make that
00:19:54sound good, but...
00:19:56It's fun, isn't it?
00:20:02No, but just hold on.
00:20:12Don't touch that.
00:20:14No, I wasn't, actually.
00:20:16It's sort of grease-proof.
00:20:18If you're worried about how far back
00:20:20it goes, it goes back
00:20:22a fuck of a long way. Right.
00:20:24So, their apartment, I think, is going to be on
00:20:26this side, and then to the left of it is going
00:20:28to be, you know, everything else happens
00:20:30outside the apartment, but you always see the apartment.
00:20:32And then, I was thinking,
00:20:34when they're watching that play,
00:20:36you know, I think it's going to be something big,
00:20:38like Hamilton. They're sitting on the chairs, and they're sitting
00:20:40side-by-side, and the audience is the audience,
00:20:42you know. Who do you fancy?
00:20:44And it's really small,
00:20:46right, which is nice in contrast to how big
00:20:48the room is. And then he's like, well,
00:20:50I'm not going to answer that. That's a trick question. And then she's like,
00:20:52just tell me who you fancy. I don't think you want to fuck
00:20:54them or anything, but who do you fancy?
00:20:58I've read you a letter.
00:21:00You know, I don't do it good, because I'm not an actor,
00:21:02but I don't want to go through it.
00:21:04He's like, shut the fuck up, Raquel,
00:21:06you know, because he loves her.
00:21:08And I love saying fuck in
00:21:10this room, in particular, because it feels like such a...
00:21:12Oh. With this sort of...
00:21:14The acoustics in here, I think,
00:21:16will be really... If you can get
00:21:18fuck into it, then that will sell tickets.
00:21:20As many fucks on the page
00:21:22as you can. Yeah. A couple of cunts.
00:21:24I can do that. That's thumbs on seats.
00:21:26Yeah. Because, you know, you're a female writer, so people
00:21:28want... You know, they don't want to come in and watch
00:21:30something about a 50s housewife, you know.
00:21:32No. They want to come in and they want to see some fucking,
00:21:34some rimming and some, like, fisting and...
00:21:36Yeah. Whatever you've got. I want to
00:21:38eat your body. I want to eat you.
00:21:40You know, like, you know when you love someone so much
00:21:42that you just want to
00:21:44consume them? Mmm. You wish you could
00:21:46put that person inside you.
00:21:48Do you want to go to lunch?
00:21:52You hungry? Mmm. Oh, so,
00:21:54OK, yeah, I'm starving, actually.
00:21:56I would like... I... Yeah.
00:21:58I'm buying. Thank you.
00:22:12Oh, it's Gerald. It's Gerald.
00:22:16Hi, Gerald.
00:22:18It's Rachel.
00:22:20Thanks for calling me back. Rachel.
00:22:22Dick's daughter.
00:22:26Dick? Yes.
00:22:28Yes, his daughter. Hi.
00:22:30Some friends of mine, lovely people,
00:22:32they've put together this Shakespeare
00:22:34festival. They're really into plays
00:22:36and actors and things
00:22:38and, unfortunately, the pavilion
00:22:40that they were going to host it at has
00:22:42fallen through.
00:22:48No, no,
00:22:50I don't think that would...
00:22:54Thank you. That's so...
00:22:56Thank you, Gerald. That's so kind.
00:22:58Yeah, I'm on Facebook.
00:23:02OK. Bye now.
00:23:04Bye. Yeah, bye. Will do.
00:23:06Yeah, bye. Bye-bye-bye. Bye.
00:23:10Just done? Done.
00:23:12We've got a marquee. We have a marquee.
00:23:14We've got a marquee. We've got a marquee.
00:23:16We've got a marquee!
00:23:26We've got a marquee.
00:23:28We've got a marquee.
00:23:30Are you serious?
00:23:32I mean, one call.
00:23:36To the marquee. To the marquee.
00:23:38To the marquee. We've got a marquee.
00:23:40You've got a marquee.
00:23:42I've got half a marquee with you.
00:23:44I've got half a marquee with you, mate.
00:23:48Oh, my God.
00:24:02That is so slow.
00:24:04I can't believe it.
00:24:06OK, down and one.
00:24:14Oh, she's fun.
00:24:16It wakes me up for some reason.
00:24:17No, it burns really good right here.
00:24:19Here, I'm kind of a big fish in a small pond,
00:24:22but I like being a big fish.
00:24:23Yeah, who doesn't?
00:24:24Who would want to be a small fish?
00:24:26I'm sort of a big fish in a small pond too,
00:24:28in the sense that amongst my friends,
00:24:31I'm like the loudest, funniest one.
00:24:34Yeah, it's so funny, we've got so much in common.
00:24:39I've had several really terrible experiences with men,
00:24:42and that's what I liked about your play,
00:24:44is you just captured the complete pointlessness of men.
00:24:52Right, I see you as a bright light.
00:24:56And I mean, you know, there's a point in your life
00:24:58where you have to say, I'm great, I'm fantastic,
00:25:01I'm the light, I am the light.
00:25:05I say to myself all the time, I'm a fantastic woman.
00:25:10I look in the mirror and I think, yeah,
00:25:13you don't need anyone.
00:25:15And who needs a relationship
00:25:18when they keep fucking you up?
00:25:21Do you know what, I just feel like
00:25:22you're like all the way over there.
00:25:25And I'm sort of shouting, and there's just space here,
00:25:28and I mean.
00:25:29I know.
00:25:30Do you know what I mean?
00:25:31The thing is, I should have sat there in the beginning,
00:25:33but I actually have to go now.
00:25:36Because I feel like I've had one too many already,
00:25:39and I should get going.
00:25:41You know, it's just.
00:25:42That's a shame, I just feel like we've got much more
00:25:44to talk about the play.
00:25:48Do you know what I mean?
00:25:50I agree, actually.
00:25:51I don't even know what I was thinking.
00:25:53I mean, what are your priorities, right?
00:25:57Are you asking me?
00:25:59I want to get into the core of you.
00:26:01You've got so much going for you, you're photogenic.
00:26:04I don't want to be like sleazy about that,
00:26:06but the thing is that sells, you know,
00:26:07you can do a lot of press.
00:26:09Oh my God.
00:26:10So we're going to put you on the poster.
00:26:12What do you mean, I'm not on the poster?
00:26:14Of course you are.
00:26:14Shut up.
00:26:15I mean, I would actually like to keep my face out of it
00:26:17as much as possible.
00:26:18No, no.
00:26:20No, okay, no.
00:26:21I'm going to put a no on that.
00:26:24You are the play.
00:26:26I'm the play?
00:26:27You are the play.
00:26:28Well, I just sort of thought the play was the play.
00:26:32I mean, I just think like, a couple more of these.
00:26:37The play's on.
00:26:40What do you mean the play's on?
00:26:46Oh my God.
00:26:47Yes, play's on.
00:26:49Let's get pen and paper.
00:26:51No, let's get, let's fucking carve it in my arms.
00:26:54Let's get another drink.
00:26:55I would love another one, thank you.
00:26:58Same again?
00:26:59Or two.
00:27:00Okay, okay, okay, okay.
00:27:01Two and a shot.
00:27:02Absolutely fine.
00:27:03Two and a shot.
00:27:04Let's drink.
00:27:05Yeah, okay.
00:27:39Come on, come on, come on.
00:27:54She left me for another woman.
00:27:56I'm a laughingstock.
00:27:58She doesn't like you.
00:27:59She doesn't get the essence of me.
00:28:01You know what I mean?
00:28:02Even my kids think I'm an idiot.
00:28:04Who cares about it?
00:28:05Who cares, really?
00:28:06But I still love her.
00:28:07I love her so much.
00:28:09Oh, poor... Oh, my God.
00:28:14Such boobers, Hannah.
00:28:16It's like the only woman I've ever really been with.
00:28:24Hello? Oliver?
00:28:27Yeah. Hello, are you all right?
00:28:28Yeah, I'm good. I'm good.
00:28:30What are you... What are you doing?
00:28:32Oh, wait a minute, I can't...
00:28:34It's quite loud here, wait a minute.
00:28:36Hiya, are you all right?
00:28:39Yeah, it's all good, yeah, just having a couple of people,
00:28:42nothing, just listening to stuff, you all right?
00:28:44Oh, that sounds fun, that sounds so...
00:28:46I'm still in Cardiff.
00:28:48It went so well.
00:28:50So well. Good, good.
00:28:52Ollie, are you there? Yeah, yeah.
00:28:54Yeah, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here, I'm here.
00:28:57I said, are my plays going to get produced?
00:28:59That's great stuff, that's good.
00:29:01So, when are you coming home?
00:29:04Well, OK, so here's the thing, I've had a couple drinks.
00:29:07Not many, not like a...
00:29:09Just like one or two, but I don't want to drive,
00:29:12because I think that would be irresponsible.
00:29:14I thought you were at a meeting.
00:29:17I thought you were at a meeting. You're right, I know.
00:29:19I was, I was, but we had these drinks to celebrate.
00:29:22We had the drinks to celebrate, because, you know...
00:29:24So are you going to get back then?
00:29:26Do you want me... Do you want me to come home?
00:29:28Yeah, of course I do.
00:29:30Do you? Yeah, of course I do.
00:29:33I want to come home.
00:29:34Well, yeah, where else are you going to go if you don't come home?
00:29:37All right? Oh, I love you.
00:29:39Yeah, yeah. OK.
00:29:41Yeah, it's good, yeah, it's good, yeah.
00:29:43OK. All right, then.
00:29:45Well, I was hoping... I'll just get in a taxi soon a bit.
00:29:48Yeah, I'll jump in a cab. Mm-hm.
00:29:49I'll see you when you get back here, yeah?
00:29:51Ta. Um, OK, now, hey, hey, hey, Ollie, Ollie, Ollie.
00:30:01Oh, wow.
00:30:02We're going there, aren't we?
00:30:11Do you want to come to my place?
00:30:25When I made Jill, like...
00:30:27I mean, I made the girl that he needs.
00:30:30Like, sort of this nice, normal girl.
00:30:32You look amazing in that.
00:30:35It is.
00:31:07Kiss me.
00:31:09Just kiss you?
00:31:10No, I'm just... No, I'm not...
00:31:12Can you kiss me? I'm not, I'm not...
00:31:16No, no, no.
00:31:17SHE LAUGHS
00:31:20Oh, my God.
00:31:23What... More kissing, is it?
00:31:54DRUMS PLAY
00:32:00Oh, my God, babe, where have you been?
00:32:02Are you all right?
00:32:08Where have you been?
00:32:10Huh? What?
00:32:11I'm out.
00:32:12Huh? I'm out.
00:32:13Out. That's what I'm going to get. Out.
00:32:16Oh, come on, did you not...?
00:32:18I love you.
00:32:19I love you.
00:32:20I love you.
00:32:21I love you.
00:32:22I love you.
00:32:23I love you.
00:32:24I love you.
00:32:25I love you.
00:32:26I love you.
00:32:27I love you.
00:32:28Oh, did you not...?
00:32:29I love you.
00:32:30Just come here.
00:32:32Just shut up.
00:32:33Shut up and just don't get up.
00:32:47Do you promise you'll never leave me?
00:32:58You all right, babe?
00:33:04I'm good. I feel good.
00:33:08You sure?
00:33:24Do you have any garlic?
00:33:25Um, no, I didn't.
00:33:27Sorry, I didn't know if you needed any.
00:33:29Be a garlic-less pasta sauce.
00:33:32All right.
00:33:40Garlic will make a difference anyway, really.
00:33:41It won't, you know what?
00:33:42It'll be fine.
00:33:46It will.
00:33:47It will.
00:33:48Let's not pretend, all right?
00:33:51I like it anyway.
00:34:04How was that?
00:34:06It's all right.
00:34:07It's all right.
00:34:08It's all right.
00:34:09It's a bit sweet.
00:34:10It's not the best, not...
00:34:12But no, it was good.
00:34:13It was good.
00:34:14It was a good night.
00:34:15I'm glad that I went.
00:34:16I'm glad that I stayed late, not that late, obviously.
00:34:19I could have done without that.
00:34:20about that, but it was good for the job.
00:34:25It was good for the relationship, you know?
00:34:27You want to stay in their consciousness, you know?
00:34:30So you want them to be thinking about you the next day,
00:34:32like, oh yeah, I love that girl.
00:34:33And she was liking your play as well, liking your play.
00:34:36You should love my play, of course she loves my play.
00:34:38That is what's so validating, is just to have someone,
00:34:41you know, who's not my family member,
00:34:42not someone who loves me, you know,
00:34:44think that what I'm making is brilliant, you know?
00:34:49It was funny because she is so fucking smart.
00:34:51She's so on it, especially with this kind of stuff.
00:34:54And like, we really, like, we really understand,
00:34:55like, she likes the same plays.
00:34:57It was just like, boom, boom, boom, boom.
00:34:59And do you know that, this was, I mean, whatever,
00:35:04like, I kissed her.
00:35:05I mean, she kissed me, but yeah, we kissed.
00:35:09Like, what?
00:35:10Like, I just, it's so,
00:35:15so not me.
00:35:18I kissed a girl.
00:35:22I, like, snogged, like, properly, like, oh my God,
00:35:26like, what am I doing?
00:35:28I must be so drunk.
00:35:30Like, wow, is it just in your thirties
00:35:32that you start, like, being like, whatever,
00:35:33I'm just gonna kiss some girl now.
00:35:35Totally kissed her.
00:35:37Just, I guess I should have done it in high school,
00:35:41got it out of my system.
00:35:43I'm kind of, so did I.
00:35:47Shut up, what are you, don't even, don't even.
00:35:51But you got, I got kissed by someone as well.
00:36:03What, it's not, that's not the same, is it, though?
00:36:08No, it's not exactly the same, but it's similar.
00:36:13It's not, I don't think it's the same at all.
00:36:15Other people can kiss girls as well, not just you, maybe.
00:36:19Of course they can kiss,
00:36:20of course other people can kiss girls.
00:36:22Maybe other girls wanna kiss me.
00:36:24Maybe somebody kissed me last night.
00:36:26I'm sure other people want to kiss you.
00:36:28I wanna kiss you all the fucking time.
00:36:30I know somebody else wanted to kiss me
00:36:31because I kissed someone else last night.
00:36:41Bit of fun.
00:36:54Who did you kiss?
00:37:00I don't wanna know.
00:37:01I don't wanna know who you kissed.
00:37:02You do know.
00:37:03I don't wanna know who you kissed.
00:37:06Actually, just don't even fucking tell me who you kissed.
00:37:08Okay, I won't then, I won't.
00:37:10Do not even try.
00:37:11Whatever you did is not the same as what I did.
00:37:16No, I was not all night.
00:37:46Oh shit.
00:37:48I forgot the spaghetti.
00:37:49Do you know what?
00:37:50I cannot believe what is going on.
00:37:53It's a bit dry.
00:37:55That was always gonna happen with that heat on it.
00:37:58Oh, I knew it.
00:37:59I knew Rachel liked you.
00:38:01I knew she liked you.
00:38:01Yeah, but it's not.
00:38:03I knew it.
00:38:04I knew she had a crush on you.
00:38:05I called it.
00:38:06Yeah, she hasn't called.
00:38:07It was.
00:38:08♪ What's in your line of sight? ♪
00:38:11♪ Did you sleep well last night? ♪
00:38:15♪ Are you doing all right? ♪
00:38:21♪ Hope you're doing all right. ♪
00:38:27♪ If you think I don't think of you. ♪
00:38:30♪ Hope you know that could never be true. ♪
00:38:32Hi guys.
00:38:42Oh my God.
00:38:44It's good, isn't it?
00:38:50Don't let it stop you.
00:38:51If you're in the middle of it,
00:38:52don't let it stop you though,
00:38:52because we've got to...
00:38:54I'll leave you to it.
00:38:55Oh, okay.
00:38:58Bye guys.
00:39:03Thank you for both turning up.
00:39:05We've got a problem with the actors.
00:39:07What's wrong?
00:39:08The actors are saying that they don't think
00:39:09you're really into this.
00:39:10But that's not the point.
00:39:11It doesn't matter what I want and don't want.
00:39:13We're here to do a job, aren't we, Jeff?
00:39:15Am I not there and present every fucking day?
00:39:17Am I not?
00:39:18I'm sorry, what more do you want?
00:39:19You want me to love it?
00:39:20Let's do your play.
00:39:21I'm just telling you what the actors have said.
00:39:22Let's do your play.
00:39:23What do you mean, let's do my play?
00:39:25What about your mum?
00:39:26Oh, forget about my mother.
00:39:28My mother'll just sit there and be happy with anything
00:39:30because there's...
00:39:31No, she won't be happy.
00:39:32There's a tent and there'll be a play
00:39:33and my mother'll be happy.
00:39:34If we do yours, I'll be happy.
00:39:38It's ready.
00:39:39Let's just do it.
00:39:41Come on, guys.
00:39:42Okay, let me ask them.
00:39:43Let me just show them.
00:39:44I wanna hear their thoughts.
00:39:46I just, and I wanna see who would...
00:39:48Just give me a second.
00:39:52You guys okay?
00:39:54Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're fine.
00:40:05I just came down here with him, brother.
00:40:08We were caught in.
00:40:12Oh, it was years ago.
00:40:16Things aren't going the best, really.
00:40:19What, with you and Judith?
00:40:26I've done some things wrong.
00:40:29Why do you...
00:40:31Come on.
00:40:36kissed Rachel.
00:40:41You've just kissed her?
00:40:43Just kissed her.
00:40:45She kissed me back.
00:40:47There's nothing wrong with kissing somebody else,
00:40:49you know what I mean?
00:40:51Isn't there?
00:40:53She's a lovely girl.
00:40:54She is, yeah.
00:40:55And I...
00:40:58Even an old twat like me, Roy,
00:40:59can realise that she's a very, very,
00:41:01very attractive girl, so...
00:41:03All right.
00:41:04I wouldn't blame you.
00:41:07For a minute.
00:41:07It's a bit more complicated.
00:41:10It's a bit more complicated than that.
00:41:11What, you mean?
00:41:13No, not me doing anything,
00:41:18She kissed a lady as well, though.
00:41:19I kissed a woman and she kissed a woman.
00:41:29Oh, God.
00:41:31I put her down as a bloody, you know,
00:41:34as a...
00:41:37One of them.
00:41:39Women, you know.
00:41:40Lesbian, Dad, you can say it.
00:41:41All right, all right.
00:41:42It's all right.
00:41:43A fucking lesbian.
00:41:44Yeah, you can just say lesbian
00:41:46without the fucking...
00:41:47It's all right.
00:41:49I don't think she is one.
00:41:50No, I don't think she is either.
00:41:52It's just...
00:41:53It's just one of those, you know...
00:41:56One of those...
00:41:57She did say she was drunk.
00:42:00Well, there you are.
00:42:01I mean, that's it, isn't it?
00:42:02You know, it's as simple as that.
00:42:05You know.
00:42:06I just love her, Dad.
00:42:08I know that.
00:42:09I just love her.
00:42:09I can't...
00:42:10I mean, she's a good kid, you know.
00:42:12She's stepped by you like glue, really.
00:42:15She deserves a medal for putting up with you.
00:42:18No, she does.
00:42:19She does.
00:42:20Great pep talk, Dad.
00:42:22She deserves a medal for putting up with me.
00:42:25It's a beer talk, isn't it?
00:42:28She has to stick around, though, hasn't she?
00:42:30I mean, maybe if you had a job,
00:42:33a proper, proper job, right?
00:42:35Well, I have got a job.
00:42:37DJing is a proper job, is it?
00:42:39Well, yeah.
00:42:41How much do you make on that?
00:42:43150 quid a week?
00:42:45A night.
00:42:46150 quid a night.
00:42:47A night.
00:42:47How many nights a week?
00:42:48One night a week.
00:42:49One night a week.
00:42:50150 quid a week.
00:42:51All right.
00:42:52150 quid a week.
00:42:54That's what it's about.
00:42:56What I suggest you do now is you go out, right?
00:42:59You go all the way, all right?
00:43:01We'll stop, okay?
00:43:03You'll pick up a meal,
00:43:04take it away, an Indian or a Chinese.
00:43:06She likes Chinese, doesn't she?
00:43:07Yeah, she does.
00:43:08All right, Chinese, okay?
00:43:09Yeah, yeah.
00:43:09Flowers, right?
00:43:11Yeah, the full shebang.
00:43:12Women love that, you know?
00:43:15They do.
00:43:16And then sort it out, you know?
00:43:18Just sort it out.
00:43:20All right.
00:43:30I just like, I'm young.
00:43:34Just because you kissed a girl,
00:43:37doesn't mean you don't love your husband.
00:43:45I love my husband.
00:43:47That doesn't mean that I don't like to have sex as well
00:43:49with girls.
00:43:51That's what people do
00:43:53as a rite of passage, isn't it?
00:44:00He loves girls too.
00:44:01He loves a girl named Rachel.
00:44:03I'm not a convention.
00:44:07We're not the conventional sort.
00:44:20Matt, wow, hi.
00:44:22Ginny, you look fit.
00:44:24What are you doing here?
00:44:28Olly's not here.
00:44:29I'm not here for Olly.
00:44:31I'm here for you.
00:44:32Why have you got me flowers?
00:44:34Because, just listen,
00:44:35I just want to talk to you, if that's all right.
00:44:37Yeah, okay.
00:44:38You know, I went to London and I went to get away
00:44:41because you're with my mate and that's not right,
00:44:44that I should have the thoughts that I have,
00:44:45but I have them and I've decided...
00:44:47Come on, it's okay.
00:44:49Just come in, come in a sec.
00:44:51I would like that very much.
00:44:53What are you talking about?
00:44:55The right thing to do is to be with you.
00:44:58Now, I know that maybe you think,
00:44:59oh, you like writers and you like writing
00:45:01and maybe you think, oh, I can't be that sort of guy,
00:45:04but I can be.
00:45:05I wrote you a poem.
00:45:07Can I read it to you?
00:45:08Oh yeah, please, I'd love to hear your poem.
00:45:11I've never written before, I've done this for you.
00:45:14It's called Jillian.
00:45:16I think of you night and day
00:45:20and how you'd be the greatest lay.
00:45:22I think of us together at last.
00:45:24I think of banging you out on the grass.
00:45:28To kiss your neck would be my task,
00:45:31but in the end, I'd want your arse.
00:45:34There is no one finer from here to North Carolina
00:45:38and if you don't mind, I'd like to kiss your vagina.
00:45:42Oh my God, yeah.
00:45:43Oh, wow, that was so good.
00:45:50If she's in there with you, right,
00:45:51I'm coming in now, I'm just telling you now, right?
00:45:54Shh, things are fucking up.
00:45:55I don't know what's going.
00:46:03All right, mate?
00:46:05All right.
00:46:06You know it's not been right between you two.
00:46:09And you know it's always been right between us.
00:46:12You need someone your own size.
00:46:14And she's my fit.
00:46:16In many ways, I've done you a favor.
00:46:19You need to just stop.
00:46:20Just go.
00:46:22I'll be waiting.
00:46:23I don't think.
00:46:24I know.
00:46:25What are you?
00:46:28What are you doing?
00:46:32You fell in love with someone.
00:46:34Oh God.
00:46:35In love with someone.
00:46:36Oh, in love with someone.
00:46:38Of course I'm not.
00:46:39I don't believe it for a second.
00:46:40I think you're just saying that.
00:46:42And I think you've fallen in love with her
00:46:43and I think you kissing her is worse
00:46:44than any fucking dick I could take out my pussy right now.
00:46:47What the fuck did you do?
00:46:48I'm in love with you.
00:46:49I'm like some connection.
00:46:50I don't believe you for a second that you're in love with me.
00:46:52I can see you connecting just now.
00:46:54You've had a woman and a man.
00:46:55I've just had one kiss.
00:46:57What are we even doing?
00:47:00I don't know.
00:47:00I'm not doing anything.
00:47:01You're the one doing everything.
00:47:02That's the thing.
00:47:04That's the thing, is you think that,
00:47:05is you think you're not doing anything.
00:47:09Get out.
00:47:11Come on, grow up.
00:47:12Why don't you get out?
00:47:14Come on, grow up.
00:47:15Why am I grow up?
00:47:16Grow up.
00:47:17Get out.
00:47:18Get out.
00:47:19We're not doing well.
00:47:20Get out.
00:47:21No, no.
00:47:22You get out.
00:47:25Get out of my mother's house.
00:47:28How's that?
00:47:29Oh yeah, it's your mother's house.
00:47:30You get out.
00:47:31Yeah, whose house is that?
00:47:32It's my mummy's house.
00:47:33Yeah, oh, don't bring my mother into it, man.
00:47:36Disgusting, kicking a woman out of her own fucking house.
00:47:39Oh, fuck off.
00:47:58♪ You are in my dreams so easy and free ♪
00:48:09♪ Stay here with me ♪
00:48:13All right, I'm gonna do a really,
00:48:14I'm gonna surprise you now, okay, you ready?
00:48:17I'm ready.
00:48:18Oh my God, you're so good.
00:48:20Left-handed, right.
00:48:22That's a bit, I'm gonna do your face when you do it.
00:48:26♪ Let the burden fall out ♪
00:48:33♪ I don't know what to do ♪
00:48:38Right, you ready?
00:48:39I'm gonna float it in, right?
00:48:43Oh, sorry, babe, I didn't mean to.
00:48:45Oh, that one hurt.
00:48:46All on me, that was all on me.
00:48:47It was my throat, so come here, come here, look at that.
00:48:50More, my fuck, more.
00:49:04Oh, yes, did you see the way you did that?
00:49:07Straight up like that, boom!
00:49:08You like when I go like that, frisbee!
00:49:10You look gorgeous.
00:49:29You having a think?
00:49:35Are you having a think?
00:49:40Is it gonna take a while?
00:49:46Can you have a think in the car?
00:49:47It's just, I forgot to T-vote WWE Smackdown
00:49:51and it's on in 23 minutes.
00:49:53Hey, um,
00:50:00Do you like the beach?
00:50:01Yeah, I love it.
00:50:03You know how parents say that they take like a shell
00:50:05and they put it to your ear and they go,
00:50:07you know, that's the ocean?
00:50:10Like, my dad did that, he said,
00:50:11he said, this is the sea.
00:50:13And then you listen and it's like,
00:50:16and it sounds like the sea.
00:50:18But actually it's not.
00:50:20What is it?
00:50:21It's just the way that the shell is structured.
00:50:25And then you look like a fucking idiot
00:50:27when you finally tell someone,
00:50:29is it, is it the sea?
00:50:30And they're like, no, it's not.
00:50:32And I know he wasn't lying,
00:50:34he was just trying to make it nice.
00:50:36But it actually did end up being a lie
00:50:37because then you believe it
00:50:38and then you look like a fucking idiot.
00:50:42It's horrible, isn't it?
00:50:45Yeah, yeah.
00:50:47I mean, it sounds like it was quite a long time ago though,
00:50:50so probably best not to think about it anymore.
00:50:56Do you ever think about what love is?
00:51:02Actual love?
00:51:03Yeah, what is it?
00:51:04What do people mean?
00:51:06Because it's this myth, isn't it?
00:51:08It's just a concept.
00:51:10No, love is a thing.
00:51:12What is it?
00:51:13It's a chemical reaction in the body.
00:51:15I look at you and I love you.
00:51:17And what that means is, I see you,
00:51:20I feel you and I love you.
00:51:22And I love you.
00:51:23And what that means is, I see you,
00:51:25the image goes through my eyes,
00:51:27to my brain, down to my heart and into my knob
00:51:31and I get a boner.
00:51:33And that means I love you.
00:51:34And you reciprocate it.
00:51:36You look at me and you see me through your eyes
00:51:40and it goes through your head, through your heart
00:51:42and you get a wide-on.
00:51:44And if I have a boner and you have a wide-on, that's love.
00:51:48If I have a boner and you don't have a wide-on,
00:51:50that's unrequited.
00:51:53And vice versa.
00:51:55And when we kiss, that's soulmate for that moment.
00:52:01I think you're right.
00:52:03I am right.
00:52:04I think you're right.
00:52:05That's it though.
00:52:06It's just simple.
00:52:06It's just simple.
00:52:07It's just, people have been writing
00:52:10what they've been writing,
00:52:11creating what they've been creating,
00:52:12the message they've been making
00:52:13and the sort of, the people they've been murdering for this
00:52:16all because they're fucking horny.
00:52:20I think you're right.
00:52:21I'm completely right.
00:52:23I've proved it many times.
00:52:27So you love me?
00:52:28Right now, I love the shit out of you.
00:52:31Do you want to love me in the van?
00:52:33I want to love you till you're dead.
00:52:34Ah, okay.
00:52:35In the car.
00:52:37Take me to the van.
00:52:40One sec.
00:52:41Let me out of these sticks of this junk.
00:52:44You lie down.
00:52:46I down.
00:52:47I'm just going to climb.
00:52:49Fucking hell.
00:52:50Oh God.
00:52:51Thank you for everything.
00:52:54Thank you for endless disease.
00:52:56Thank you for everything.
00:52:59That's it.
00:53:02So this is the,
00:53:05So this is it.
00:53:05This is the tent.
00:53:06This is all yours.
00:53:08It's mine and Oliver's.
00:53:09People, I guess is what it is.
00:53:12There you go.
00:53:13Good morning.
00:53:14You got this for me?
00:53:15Well, yeah.
00:53:16I know you like it, so.
00:53:17All right, mate?
00:53:19All right.
00:53:21You only got one.
00:53:22I didn't know he was coming.
00:53:23That's all right, mate.
00:53:24Coffee's bad for you.
00:53:26So how is this feeling for you now?
00:53:28Is this all looking right?
00:53:30Oh, wow.
00:53:32Did you do this?
00:53:33I'm trying to set it all up.
00:53:34Did you put up that fabric?
00:53:36Yeah, I put it over the thing.
00:53:37That's great.
00:53:39It's small.
00:53:40Cause the ratio of the stage to the tent
00:53:41is a little bit weak.
00:53:43Small and weak.
00:53:45You can put stuff up to break up the white a little bit.
00:53:48I hate the twigs.
00:53:49I really hate the twigs.
00:53:51Do whatever you want.
00:53:53Well, I'll give them a try.
00:53:54I will give them a try.
00:53:56I'll be getting something else done, maybe.
00:53:57I think you're right about the furliage, actually.
00:54:01Can I?
00:54:03And you want these?
00:54:04Yeah, we can put those wherever you want.
00:54:06Okay, cause...
00:54:07Okay, yeah.
00:54:08Can I have a word?
00:54:09Good energy.
00:54:10Yeah, sorry.
00:54:11I've just got to go and have a...
00:54:12It'll just be a minute, babe.
00:54:14I'll just be a second now.
00:54:16Be nice.
00:54:18The life table.
00:54:19The what?
00:54:20Scores have changed.
00:54:20Me, criss-cross.
00:54:22You, blank.
00:54:23Jeff, spots.
00:54:25Jeff, standard, as usual.
00:54:27Girlfriends, me, way more.
00:54:29Wives, yes, you've had one, but I fucked her.
00:54:32One-nighters, loads more.
00:54:34Cool jobs, me, way more.
00:54:37Cool jobs?
00:54:38Yeah, mate, I'm a personal trainer.
00:54:40Are you?
00:54:41Yes, mate.
00:54:42Are you actually a personal trainer?
00:54:43Yes, mate.
00:54:45I work with women.
00:54:46I make their butts bigger.
00:54:47I'm a DJ.
00:54:48You're a wedding DJ.
00:54:50Not quite the same.
00:54:51No, I don't do weddings.
00:54:52I've had the time of my life again.
00:54:53All right.
00:54:54I've got a residency.
00:54:55You're like an uncle.
00:54:56But a DJ.
00:54:57You're a resident uncle.
00:54:58I do birthday parties,
00:55:00and I do any celebration you want, really.
00:55:02I can go around.
00:55:03I do all of the stuff.
00:55:04Moving on.
00:55:06Look, I gave you that.
00:55:08Friends, even.
00:55:08Fashion, no competition.
00:55:10Threesomes, no competition.
00:55:13Although, look.
00:55:13There was that one time you told me about,
00:55:15but I'm sure that was a mistake.
00:55:16True love.
00:55:19True love.
00:55:19Look now.
00:55:20How were you dumb?
00:55:21I should be up the top of that.
00:55:22You can't just be doing that like that.
00:55:23And true love.
00:55:24Just all of a sudden.
00:55:25Jeff's the same as me as true love.
00:55:28What did Rihanna say?
00:55:29All's fair in love and war.
00:55:31Oh, look, look.
00:55:32Okay, okay, okay.
00:55:33All's fair and all that now,
00:55:34but come on now.
00:55:35You've had a bit of a laugh now, right?
00:55:37You've done that now.
00:55:39I've done that a few times.
00:55:41What do mates do?
00:55:42They step aside when a mate finds love.
00:55:45Exactly, mate.
00:55:47And I let love bloom.
00:55:48So as a mate, you should step aside out of your.
00:55:50What, you too?
00:55:51Do you mind?
00:55:52Just trying to work over here.
00:55:54Just keep me down a bit.
00:55:55Do you need help moving anything?
00:55:56I can move the whole thing if you need it.
00:55:58We don't need the whole thing moving.
00:55:59We just need that moving.
00:56:00We just.
00:56:01How much stuff do you need moved?
00:56:03I can move stuff as well.
00:56:04I'm just trying to focus.
00:56:05It's hard to focus.
00:56:08It's okay.
00:56:10It's a bit childish, isn't it?
00:56:12A bit childish doing that like that.
00:56:14It's easy with that.
00:56:16Yep, like that.
00:56:18Urgh, argh, urgh.
00:56:21Urgh, urgh.
00:56:39Yeah, watch that!
00:56:42What are you doing there?
00:57:01Foot draw?
00:57:03What does a draw mean?
00:57:04Is there a pothole?
00:57:06That's good.
00:57:07I love the tent.
00:57:08I really love it.
00:57:09It'll break up the weight.
00:57:11Why have you brought a frisbee?
00:57:12I thought we were working out.
00:57:13Okay, catch it.
00:57:14Just keep your eye on it and then you definitely will catch it.
00:57:15Throw it.
00:57:16Oh, I'm sorry.
00:57:17I'm sorry.
00:57:18I'm so sorry.
00:57:21What are you doing?
00:57:23Not right here.
00:57:24I just wanted to play frisbee.
00:57:36I just wanted to play frisbee.
00:57:37Just get on my back.
00:57:38That's all I wanted.
00:57:39Just get on my back.
00:57:41Because we're doing a workout.
00:57:42I wanted to show you something.
00:57:44Now what?
00:57:45Well if you're not going to do it properly, forget it.
00:57:49I am.
00:57:50I'm doing what you told me to.
00:57:52You're being heavier on purpose.
00:57:53Where's the frisbee going then?
00:57:55Fuck the frisbee.
00:57:57We've got to get back.
00:57:58We've got a set up at the barbecue.
00:58:01We hardly played.
00:58:02Let's say goodbye to you and me
00:58:09No one will know where we've gone
00:58:16Oliver. Yeah?
00:58:19It's OK. It's going to be OK.
00:58:23It's all going to be fine. Yeah.
00:58:25And I'm sorry for... Oh, yeah, no, I was...
00:58:28No, there's nothing to be sorry about.
00:58:30Oh, no, I feel really awful about it.
00:58:32Don't feel awful about it. I mean, I didn't feel awful...
00:58:36..kissing you.
00:58:38It was nice.
00:58:41It just... It was a happy moment.
00:58:43It was just a happy moment. Just a happy moment and...
00:58:55I have to get her back.
00:59:00What if we go to the barbecue?
00:59:03Whose barbecue?
00:59:05Oh, Matt's. Up in a barbecue at his parents' house.
00:59:08And if we turn up together then, go in there fairly strong,
00:59:13and then you get straight in, in between... Right.
00:59:16..Matt and Gillian, and just take him away. Oh, I see.
00:59:19Just get him away, cos he'll be really into the way you look and stuff.
00:59:24If you can just then keep Matt away,
00:59:26it would just really let me...
00:59:30..get... I see what you're saying.
00:59:33All right. Yeah? Deal. Deal.
00:59:41You really want her back, don't you?
00:59:44I don't know what to do without her.
00:59:48Oi, you're not vegetarian, are you? What?
00:59:51You're not vegetarian, are you? No. Thank God for that.
00:59:54It is very picnicky.
00:59:56Heads up. Oh, shit.
01:00:03In scene two, you know, she already feels like their marriage is falling apart,
01:00:07and she says, you know, who do you fancy in here?
01:00:09Cos that is a trick question. Yeah.
01:00:11If you ask someone who you're with if they fancy...
01:00:14who they fancy, what do you think they mean?
01:00:16They mean... Hang on.
01:00:18If you ask me who do I fancy... Yeah.
01:00:21You. Thank you.
01:00:24I was just on the phone to one of my actors.
01:00:26She's a fucking nightmare.
01:00:28She's trying to infuse her own meanings into my writing.
01:00:33All I want her to do is simply say the line, you know?
01:00:38Like, I don't actually need her to do, like, pregnant pauses.
01:00:42Oh, yeah.
01:00:43So, anyway, I just told her that.
01:00:45Please, just say the lines.
01:00:48And, um...
01:00:50What's she say?
01:00:51She said, uh...
01:00:54She said, sure.
01:00:55But, listen, I just don't have a good relationship with these actors.
01:00:58They hate me.
01:00:59They think I'm like some sort of controlling bitch,
01:01:02but I am, cos it's my play.
01:01:03Yeah, you're the boss.
01:01:05I'm just going to spread this blanket out.
01:01:08OK. Yeah.
01:01:10It's a nice blanket.
01:01:12Yeah, it's a solid blanket.
01:01:17Do you want to come on the blanket with me?
01:01:20Well, I mean, I'm still cooking, so...
01:01:23They're soft.
01:01:26Do you want to come lie down on it with me?
01:01:28I can't take my eyes off this.
01:01:30You overcook these, you're ruined.
01:01:33But I wanted to celebrate.
01:01:38What do you mean?
01:01:40Well, I want to have a celebratory shag.
01:01:44In your mum's garden.
01:01:46Mum's garden.
01:01:50What are you celebrating?
01:01:52My play being produced, finally.
01:01:55Yeah, in a tent for, like, 40 people.
01:02:01It's good, it's good.
01:02:08Some people never get that.
01:02:10Not even in a tent.
01:02:11That's true.
01:02:12Listen, I'd love to shag you, but Jeff is coming round
01:02:16and my mum could walk in and...
01:02:19What we have is, like, it's more than just sex.
01:02:22You can't just have sex all the time.
01:02:25I love sex. I'm all about sex.
01:02:27But the fact is, there is more to life.
01:02:31Like, sometimes I just want to know about you.
01:02:35The real you.
01:02:37Should I have bought some meat?
01:02:39No, I don't think so.
01:02:41I haven't bought anything.
01:02:43Don't worry about that.
01:02:45Guys, I'm not sure this is a good idea.
01:02:48It'll be fine.
01:02:49It's OK, we've got quite a robust plan.
01:02:52He specifically invited me, not you guys.
01:02:55You'll be fine.
01:02:56You'll be fine.
01:02:57You're going to have a lovely time.
01:02:59And I'm going to...
01:03:00Yeah, that'd be great.
01:03:02What a lovely house.
01:03:03Yeah, it's his parents, I was just honest.
01:03:08How are you?
01:03:09How are you?
01:03:10Got some people with me.
01:03:12More the merrier.
01:03:18Fuckin' hell, you look great.
01:03:20Hello, mate.
01:03:21You know Oliver.
01:03:23Hi, mate.
01:03:30Is it all right if I...?
01:03:32What a lovely barbecue.
01:03:35Bought some extra corn, just in case any more women were coming.
01:03:37So corn for the girls.
01:03:39Made for the boys.
01:03:40Oh, that's considerate.
01:03:42What are you doing here?
01:03:45Jeff asked me to come along.
01:03:50OK, but...
01:03:51But why did you come to the barbecue?
01:03:58He wanted to see you.
01:04:03It's quite hot with that band, isn't it?
01:04:05I like it.
01:04:10What about you, I mean...?
01:04:11God, well, I've been travelling a lot, actually, for work.
01:04:13Have you?
01:04:16Can I ask you something?
01:04:17Go on.
01:04:18I don't want to be rude, but could you open your coat a bit?
01:04:21Just a bit, so I could just see what's going on under there.
01:04:26Yeah, that's...
01:04:27That is tremendous.
01:04:29You see how I handled that?
01:04:31Very good.
01:04:34And it just goes away.
01:04:36I prefer that ping.
01:04:38Like that.
01:04:39That's just work, is it?
01:04:41What kind of work are you doing?
01:04:42What are you doing there?
01:04:43I'm working with bats.
01:04:44Oh, you're working with bats?
01:04:46Fuck me, well, that's great.
01:04:47I mean, you could...
01:04:49If you want.
01:04:50That is good.
01:04:51Do you know what?
01:04:52For someone your size and shape...
01:04:54..that is solid.
01:04:56How about a barbecue, whether we are down on the beach?
01:04:59You look really young.
01:05:02You look what you've done, don't you?
01:05:06I like the wrinkles.
01:05:08There are no wrinkles!
01:05:09OK, sorry, there are no wrinkles.
01:05:13If there were, I'd like them.
01:05:14I know you would.
01:05:16I started doing poetry now,
01:05:18so I'm not just, you know, a muscle man.
01:05:20I'm also an artist.
01:05:22Like, look at you, look at you.
01:05:24Look at you, look at you.
01:05:26Your eyes so brown.
01:05:28I'd really like to hear your sex sound.
01:05:31I'd like to lie down with you on your front
01:05:34or turn you over and ignore your...
01:05:37There's just lots of things I have,
01:05:39like, other ideas that I have.
01:05:40So good.
01:05:42Since when?
01:05:43Since ages.
01:05:44It's just, like, I'll look at something
01:05:46and if I'm inspired by it, I'll do a poem.
01:05:48Like, Jeffrey, Jeffrey, your timing's quite shit.
01:05:51Jeffrey, Jeffrey,
01:05:53could you get the fuck out of it?
01:05:55Jeffrey, Jeffrey, we've got a thing happening.
01:05:58Jeffrey, Jeffrey, your presence is crappening.
01:06:16What are you doing?
01:06:18What are you doing?
01:06:19What are you doing?
01:06:23trying to hold on to something.
01:06:27I don't work without you.
01:06:33Simple as that, I just don't...
01:06:35work without you.
01:06:42Don't call him.
01:06:45Could you take me back to your flat, please?
01:06:49Sort of all right here with Rachel, as it goes.
01:06:52Oh, yeah. Are we really getting on?
01:06:55We haven't...
01:06:57No, no, enjoy.
01:06:58You can't leave now.
01:07:01It's for the best, innit?
01:07:04It's all OK.
01:07:06Take care.
01:07:07You know, for someone so fit,
01:07:09she really, like, complicated.
01:07:12Well, because she looks like that, she can't be complicated.
01:07:15I just think, why bother? Like...
01:07:17Why bother with what?
01:07:18With what, just coming, taking her off me,
01:07:20breaking her heart, breaking my heart?
01:07:22Listen, if you want her back, you know,
01:07:24I wish you luck, mate.
01:07:26That's it, so I just have her back now?
01:07:28That's it, so you've moved on now?
01:07:30I'm saying you should fight for her,
01:07:32because she's, you know, a nightmare,
01:07:34and I want you to have that.
01:07:36So you want...
01:07:37You know what, I do want that,
01:07:38and I wouldn't make it a nightmare.
01:07:40What have I said mates are for?
01:07:41Mates are for stepping aside when...
01:07:43OK, thank you for stepping aside. is in the way.
01:07:58It's always, always going to be complicated,
01:08:01and you're never going to have a nine to five.
01:08:06He knew very well who I was when he married me.
01:08:13And he loved it.
01:08:21So we've accepted that there are complications
01:08:24with me constantly changing, being a fucking moody bitch.
01:08:31And he has to adjust to that, and I have to adjust to him.
01:08:34And he worships me.
01:08:37I mean, he did.
01:08:40He used to.
01:08:42Just not at the moment.
01:08:55Is it cold, though?
01:08:57It is cold, it's OK.
01:09:02You've got your place.
01:09:04You've got your place.
01:09:06You've got your place.
01:09:08You've got your place, finally, Jillian.
01:09:14And you're miserable.
01:09:16The fuck?
01:09:18Am I going to be the only one sitting at my fucking place?
01:09:24I want him to care about it, though, I really do want him to care.
01:09:27I care about him seeing it.
01:09:29I need him to see it, I want him to see it, I want...
01:09:32Say hello, we'll send this one to your mum.
01:09:35Bye, Janet.
01:09:37Ice cream, love.
01:09:41Shall we try the trick?
01:09:44The wind's going to take it.
01:09:47Motherfucker, it hurt myself.
01:09:49Did it hurt you?
01:09:50But you could have had it differently.
01:09:52He could have sat there with you, watching your play,
01:09:55with you, being so fucking proud of you.
01:10:03Oh, God, please show up, please show up, please show up.
01:10:24Dear Oliver, I'm not the perfect wife.
01:10:28That's for sure.
01:10:30And I realise you could leave at any point
01:10:33and make someone else wildly happy.
01:10:37But please, please stick around.
01:10:42I'm getting there.
01:10:44Love, Honey Pie.
01:10:47How are you going to pitch it?
01:10:51I'm just going to go in, I'm going to say,
01:10:53I think you need to come and see this.
01:10:59I'm going to give him another try.
01:11:01It's not going to work.
01:11:02Straight to voicemail?
01:11:04Right, like I said, I just called him and it went straight to voicemail.
01:11:07Oliver, it's Geoffrey.
01:11:09Call me.
01:11:10We're going to just have to presume that we're going ahead without him.
01:11:14So you've tried him, I've left him multiple text messages, I'm sure.
01:11:17Does he not care? That's what I don't understand.
01:11:20Does he not care?
01:11:21I'm sure he...
01:11:22You know what? Actually, I don't care.
01:11:24I don't care. No, I care about this.
01:11:26I don't care. If he makes it, he makes it.
01:11:31OK, you go and I'll park up.
01:11:35See you in a sec.
01:11:51What about him?
01:11:53I don't know.
01:12:02This time now.
01:12:03Come on.
01:12:05Come on then, this time now.
01:12:06Come on.
01:12:09Get this one.
01:12:10Get this one.
01:12:11This is going to be the one.
01:12:12Don't blink.
01:12:13Come on, let's get it in.
01:12:14Oh, right.
01:12:15You threw it, right?
01:12:16I'm going to catch it.
01:12:17I'm going to throw it around.
01:12:18I'm going to get it.
01:12:19I'm going to catch it.
01:12:23I'm going to get it.
01:13:23I'm sorry.
01:13:36Hello, are you Jerry?
01:13:37Please don't touch me.
01:13:38Can you just meet me to come with me now?
01:13:39Would you be willing to do that with me now?
01:13:41Take your hands off me.
01:13:42I don't want you touching me at all.
01:13:43Hi, Jerry.
01:13:45Sorry about him.
01:13:46Hi, I'm Rachel.
01:13:47You don't know me.
01:13:49You don't know my friend.
01:13:51I wondered if there's any way that we could show you this performance.
01:13:57I feel like I'm in a piece of theatre.
01:13:59Right now.
01:14:00Just a bit of a different way.
01:14:01I'm used to people just, you know, posting a script.
01:14:04No, obviously.
01:14:06I've heard a lot about you.
01:14:07You've got a very good reputation in the industry.
01:14:08Who told you that?
01:14:10I Googled it.
01:14:12You Googled me?
01:14:13Did you?
01:14:17It's quite an impressive thread.
01:14:19You are winning me over.
01:14:21Sort of mesmerising me into, like, going somewhere with you.
01:14:25Is he coming too?
01:14:27This way.
01:14:28This oaf.
01:14:33Excuse me.
01:14:37Actually, we're not quite ready yet.
01:14:38Almost, though.
01:14:39So, just wait over there a minute.
01:14:42Yeah, not ready.
01:14:43Not ready yet.
01:14:45You're early.
01:14:46Oh, hi, Geoff.
01:14:47We're going to just have to start without Ollie.
01:14:50All right, all right.
01:14:52Everyone, hi.
01:14:53Thanks for coming.
01:14:54Boy, what a show we've got for you tonight.
01:14:56This is actually written by a new writer, Gillian Walker.
01:15:00So, please, come in, take a seat and enjoy the show.
01:15:07You ready?
01:15:09I'll be right there.
01:15:33Not you.
01:15:34Not me.
01:15:35All right.
01:15:36I feel like I'm in prison.
01:15:38Yes, I know what you mean.
01:15:40Is that intended?
01:15:41Yeah, we wanted to have a kind of incarcerated beat in the narrative.
01:15:47Just on to that next.
01:15:48OK, I'm feeling a bit manhandled now.
01:15:51It's about oppression of women, right?
01:15:53Yeah, I'm getting it right.
01:15:55Cos I felt like he's my owner or my executioner.
01:15:58Watch your head. Get in.
01:16:02OK, everything is going to be absolutely fine.
01:16:10Who do you fancy?
01:16:11Who do I fancy?
01:16:13Get in here right now.
01:16:16If I wasn't around, who would you be eyeing up?
01:16:18That's a trick question. I'm not falling for that.
01:16:20Who do you fancy?
01:16:22Where are we now?
01:16:23Very nearly there.
01:16:25This is your new theatre space.
01:16:28Your new theatrical experience.
01:16:32Why are you so defensive?
01:16:33It's not like I'm saying pick someone and fuck them, is it?
01:16:36You're being silly, Gill, and I'm not playing your games.
01:16:39Who do you fancy?
01:16:40Cracking arse.
01:16:42My arse?
01:16:43Your arse is middle-aged, flabby and spotty.
01:16:47Oi, that's...
01:16:49Well, yeah, actually, that's fair enough.
01:16:52Literally, it was exhausting.
01:16:54Like all the things that are awesome in the world at one time.
01:16:58Forget about it.
01:16:59I mean, he was so embarrassed he didn't have a clue where to look.
01:17:03Look, if he wants to fuck around with Raquel,
01:17:05but John said she was OK.
01:17:08Tits, arse, fannies, cocks.
01:17:12Oh, my God, that sounds amazing!
01:17:15Oh, it was fab.
01:17:17Until he didn't get up with the kids in the morning.
01:17:20Oh, it was your turn!
01:17:22I was pounded last night.
01:17:25I'm still sore.
01:17:28Oh, I can feel your pain!
01:17:52Oh, I feel so lonely!
01:18:06Oh, I feel so lonely!
01:18:36Oh, I feel so lonely!
01:18:39Oh, I feel so lonely!
01:18:42Oh, I feel so lonely!
01:18:45Oh, I feel so lonely!
01:18:48Oh, I feel so lonely!
01:18:51Oh, I feel so lonely!
01:18:54Oh, I feel so lonely!
01:18:57Oh, I feel so lonely!
01:19:00Oh, I feel so lonely!
01:19:04I hold this letter in my hand
01:19:08A plea, a petition, a kind of prayer
01:19:12Hope it does as I have planned
01:19:16Losing her again is more than I can bear
01:19:21Kiss the cold white envelope
01:19:25Press my lips against her name
01:19:28Two hundred words we live in hope
01:19:33Sky hangs heavy with rain
01:19:38Love letter, love letter
01:19:46Go get her, go get her
01:19:51Love letter, love letter
01:20:00Go tell her, go tell her
01:20:06I love you.
01:20:08I never want to be without you again.
01:20:13Wicked wind whips up the hill
01:20:18Handful of hopeful words
01:20:21I love her and I always will
01:20:26Sky is ready to burst
01:20:29Said something I did not mean to say
01:20:33Said something I did not mean to say
