A woman is convicted of killing her friend and boyfriend in the heat of passion HD ( Crime, Drama, Thriller )

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A woman is convicted of killing her friend and boyfriend in the heat of passion HD ( Crime, Drama, Thriller )
00:00:00He's a nutritionist. Can you believe that? He eats like a rabbit.
00:00:16God, he is so hot. You jab his stomach and you break your finger.
00:00:21Please, more details.
00:00:23The thing is, he's shy. You know, when you talk, he actually listens.
00:00:29He's got a twin brother. What? You're bucked through spring.
00:00:33Whatever happened with that university professor, the one with the doctorate or something?
00:00:38What? He was nice.
00:00:42When he got excited, his plugs turned red. It was like going to bed with a traffic light.
00:01:02Oh, wow. God, you got more of these? It's become an obsession.
00:01:08You know, you're never going to go to any of these places.
00:01:12We all look at pictures of the things we want. They're just pictures.
00:01:17I went to the Antilles once. Windward Islands. I've seen your trip.
00:01:21I never wanted to leave. You get so lost there.
00:01:24Yeah, you got that look on your face.
00:01:28First love. Once you find your island, it's your island forever.
00:01:39Yeah, core reporters can dream too, you know.
00:01:56I didn't wear you out, did I?
00:01:58You? Occasionally.
00:02:00We'll have to send you to the gym.
00:02:02I go every day.
00:02:08You know, if I didn't have a roommate, I'd invite you to stay. Cut down on the travel time.
00:02:13You mean to the bedroom?
00:02:18There are other places, you know. Restaurants, parks, museums.
00:02:28I'd like to spend a day walking through the old ethnic neighborhoods.
00:02:32Walking into a different country. And you can't eat cheap.
00:02:52That's my roommate. Diane. She's like the sister I never had. And much cuter.
00:03:07Oh, come on. It's right over here. I swear to God, Bobby, these hot dogs are like a religious experience.
00:03:12Cassie, I told you I don't want to eat junk food.
00:03:14Ah, don't be so inflexible. I'm about to change your life.
00:03:21You okay?
00:03:22I'm fine.
00:03:24Let's go have some hot dogs.
00:03:31I know when quarterlies are due.
00:03:33No, I'm not giving you actuarial approval.
00:03:36Because if there was a collision between the physicians and underwriters, we're going to flag an audit.
00:03:41And we broker by articles on the same policies.
00:03:45Country club prison, Frank. Fresh air, exercise. Yeah.
00:03:56Hey, babe.
00:03:58What's this? Champagne? What's going on?
00:04:02You have a lot of catching up to do.
00:04:05What can I say? I just felt like a party.
00:04:08It isn't even Friday.
00:04:10Who cares?
00:04:16He hasn't called in days.
00:04:20I call and I get his machine. You know, if I'm getting dumped, a note would be nice.
00:04:24Flowers. Flowers would be nice.
00:04:28You've got guys lined up down the street.
00:04:30Yeah, sure.
00:04:32Hey, what's going on with you? I need details.
00:04:36Come on. I want to show you something.
00:04:46Close your eyes.
00:04:57Oh, wow.
00:04:59You wear this, bias cut black satin, stiletto heels.
00:05:03You'll be taking scalps. It's called the willow chain.
00:05:07God, it has a name?
00:05:09One of a kind, yes.
00:05:11Willow for sadness. Weeping willow.
00:05:14Chain for bondage. That's how some people see love.
00:05:17See, the gold is the branch of the willow tree.
00:05:20Diamonds are the leaves hanging down, catching the sunlight.
00:05:23Where'd you get this?
00:05:24An old boyfriend.
00:05:25Oh, the one we don't talk about.
00:05:26The same.
00:05:27Are you still seeing him?
00:05:30People disappoint one another.
00:05:32It's hard to avoid, hard to make right.
00:05:36You like it. It's yours.
00:05:38Get out! You can't give this away.
00:05:40My God, it must have cost a fortune.
00:05:42It's all based.
00:05:46It's so beautiful.
00:05:49I love you.
00:05:51I know.
00:06:02I love you.
00:06:33Ah, thank you.
00:06:44Second floor?
00:06:46Yeah, I know, so I called him. I said, there's no way.
00:07:07What do we got?
00:07:08Double homicide.
00:07:10Victims, Diane Summers, Bobby Rose.
00:07:15Suspect's backing up, breaks a heel.
00:07:18Whacks her head on the door.
00:07:20A lot of cash.
00:07:21A lot of cash.
00:07:22A lot of cash.
00:07:23A lot of cash.
00:07:24A lot of cash.
00:07:25A lot of cash.
00:07:26A lot of cash.
00:07:27A lot of cash.
00:07:28A lot of cash.
00:07:29A lot of cash.
00:07:30A lot of cash.
00:07:31A lot of cash, about half a million.
00:07:33Seems she didn't take any.
00:07:35She drops her gun on the way out.
00:07:37She makes it as far as the outside hall.
00:07:39Neighbors sees her, calls 911.
00:07:41Cops find her semi-conscious on the floor.
00:07:45He takes one of the pump, dies instantly.
00:07:48The girl?
00:07:49She gets four.
00:08:01She gets four.
00:08:32See, I got you on the speed dial, but you never returned my calls.
00:08:35Well, I'm rude, Jay.
00:08:37So you think she didn't?
00:08:39You think Menick's interested?
00:08:41Oh, maybe.
00:08:42Too neat, isn't it?
00:08:44Who's the ADA?
00:08:45Raleigh Wicker.
00:08:46Yeah, it's a slam dunk, murder one.
00:08:48You didn't hear?
00:08:49Yeah, Raleigh's gonna be our next DA.
00:08:51He's grooming her for the needle.
00:09:02Diane Summers and Bobby Rose were two young people in the prime of their lives.
00:09:06We bring before this court a brutal double murder, Your Honor.
00:09:10The State asks for remand.
00:09:13The defendant is the third victim of this crime, Your Honor.
00:09:16Zero priors.
00:09:17She is a member of a distinctly black community.
00:09:20She's a black woman.
00:09:22She's a black woman.
00:09:23She's a black woman.
00:09:24She's a black woman.
00:09:25She's a black woman.
00:09:26She's a black woman.
00:09:27She's a black woman.
00:09:28She's a black woman.
00:09:29She's a black woman.
00:09:30She is a member of a distinguished professional society and requires medical supervision.
00:09:35We therefore ask for surrender of passport and bail to be set at the court's discretion.
00:09:47The arraignment judge said bail at two million dollars with surrender of passport.
00:09:54You just covered a two million dollar bond?
00:09:56It's tax deductible if you do a David Copperfield.
00:10:02So, what do you know about L.G. Minick?
00:10:04I read the papers.
00:10:06Don't believe half of it.
00:10:08Look, it's too late to go to the office. We'll go to the apartment.
00:10:53Cassie Stewart, L.G. Minick.
00:10:56Mrs. Stewart.
00:10:59How are you feeling?
00:11:01I'm okay.
00:11:03It's after five. Would anyone like a drink?
00:11:07Please sit.
00:11:10You're very careful in your appearance.
00:11:12Well, you have to be.
00:11:14And your business mistakes are costly.
00:11:16You dress well above your pay grade. That's smart.
00:11:19You know my pay grade?
00:11:21I know everything about you.
00:11:22I hire people for that purpose.
00:11:28By the way, do you know what Jerry Platt is doing here?
00:11:30Obviously, he's no lion of the law.
00:11:33His job is to deny anything you might repeat of what I've said, should you choose to do so.
00:11:39Now, first of all, I don't do pro bono work pro bono.
00:11:42I make my money in corporate law.
00:11:45I take on these high profile criminal cases such as yours to keep my name in the papers.
00:11:51I'm using you.
00:11:53Is that acceptable?
00:11:56Now, when my client's life is at stake, I'm not going into court, I'm going into war.
00:12:02And everyone who works for me understands that.
00:12:05You've been charged with capital murder.
00:12:08There's no exculpatory evidence in your defense.
00:12:11You were arrested on the premises, gun in hand, powder residue on your skin.
00:12:17We're not off to a very good start.
00:12:19Now, there's one thing I must make perfectly clear above all else.
00:12:22You must trust me with everything, most especially the truth.
00:12:27You must trust me more than a surgeon with a scalpel.
00:12:31That's the deal.
00:12:34I understand.
00:12:36Now, I know right now you're living in extremis, it's very hard.
00:12:40But you carry yourself well, you have poise and self-confidence.
00:12:44We're going to take that into court.
00:12:46I'm not as strong as you think I am.
00:12:49You don't know how strong you are.
00:12:52We are going to win.
00:12:54Even if you acted in the heat of the moment.
00:12:56Raleigh Wicker has accused you of premeditation.
00:12:59I am going to destroy his case.
00:13:02You are not going to plead to a lesser offense.
00:13:04And you will never see the inside of a jail.
00:13:07Now, I have a great many more questions, but they can wait until morning.
00:13:12We need to get you settled in.
00:13:14Would you like a hotel suite or an apartment?
00:13:17I want to go home.
00:13:18Um, Ms. Stewart, it's a crime scene. I don't think it's been released.
00:13:22It's my home.
00:13:24Get it released.
00:13:45I'll go with you.
00:13:47I'll go in with you.
00:13:49Oh, no, I'm fine.
00:13:51I can't believe L.G. Manick is defending me.
00:13:56Are you kidding? He skipped his vacation to take this case.
00:13:59He was afraid Dershowitz would grab it.
00:14:01Well, I'm glad I met you first.
00:14:03Well, so were we.
00:14:05Look, if you need anything, you call me. 24-7.
00:14:11Good night.
00:14:13You too. Good night.
00:14:16Good night.
00:14:21Keep an eye on it.
00:14:41Ms. Stewart, I'm Detective Rudy Schatz. May I come in for a second?
00:14:44I'm not going to talk to you.
00:14:46You don't need to say a word.
00:14:55I understand you're represented by counsel. I don't expect you to answer any questions.
00:15:00So you're here because...
00:15:02Um, I love old movies.
00:15:05I go to these art houses, watch all the old black and whites.
00:15:08I can't wait to hear where this is going.
00:15:10You're in the insurance business. You're an actuary.
00:15:12My favorite insurance movie was Double Indemnity.
00:15:15Edward G. Robinson tells his boss he knows the actuary tables
00:15:19and not one person has ever committed suicide jumping off the back of a train...
00:15:23Going 15 miles an hour.
00:15:28I'm kind of in the same business.
00:15:30And I can tell you that first time murderers leave everything but a trail of breadcrumbs.
00:15:35But how often are they so inept that they knock themselves out on a door?
00:15:39I know, I'm in the enemy camp, but...
00:15:43Smart people keep their options open.
00:15:46In case you want to talk to me.
00:15:51My attorney has people watching out front.
00:15:54They try their best to blend.
00:15:56How'd you know?
00:15:58You have rust on your hands.
00:16:04I came in by chance.
00:16:06I came in by the fire escape and I'll see myself out the same way.
00:16:11You know, it was...
00:16:13It was nice to have met you.
00:16:16Dumb thing to say.
00:16:18Good day, Mr.
00:16:27Cassie! Cassie!
00:16:29Cassie, did you kill Bobby and Diane?
00:16:31Stay with me.
00:16:33Cassie! Cassie!
00:16:35Are you going to testify?
00:16:45Cassie! Cassie! How are you feeling?
00:16:47Cassie, do you have any comments to make?
00:16:49Anything at all?
00:16:51That was the scene today at the courthouse,
00:16:53immediately following the first hearing for Cassie Stewart.
00:16:56The trial promises to have all the elements of a torrid romance mystery.
00:17:00Well, there it is.
00:17:02Innocence under attack by the system.
00:17:05Almost looks like rape.
00:17:07Tell me prospective jurors aren't going to see that.
00:17:10It was a set-up.
00:17:12We started it.
00:17:14That's why I was in the right place when you fell.
00:17:17I know you could have re-injured your head.
00:17:20If you had, I would have sued them for millions on your behalf.
00:17:26Can we do it again?
00:17:29We'll see what Hobbs can cook up.
00:17:31Right now I want you to relax and talk to me about what you can remember from that day.
00:17:41We were having problems at work that day.
00:17:46Problems. I thought those were problems.
00:17:50Anyway, in the middle of the day I came back to get something off of my hard drive.
00:17:56And as I went down the hallway,
00:18:05I saw Bobby first.
00:18:10Lying there.
00:18:12Just out of the shower, I guess.
00:18:16Then, Diane.
00:18:23And I thought two things.
00:18:27Why are they dead?
00:18:29Then, I thought, why are they together?
00:18:35They never knew each other. I mean, they never told me.
00:18:43You were seeing Bobby Rose.
00:18:45Did Diane ever poach like that before?
00:18:50No. She was like my sister. She was my best friend.
00:18:55Do you remember anything else from that moment you saw them?
00:19:01You don't remember picking up a gun?
00:19:03I knew she kept one. I hate guns. I would never touch it.
00:19:08Did the doctor say any more of the short-term memory might be recoverable?
00:19:12They don't know.
00:19:13I don't think I remember anything. That's when I hit my head.
00:19:16Okay. She didn't speak to the police?
00:19:18Not a word.
00:19:20How long had you known Bobby Rose?
00:19:24We just met. But we connected right away.
00:19:28Did you go out to restaurants, theater, movies?
00:19:32No. We stayed at our apartments.
00:19:36Did anyone ever see you with Bobby Rose? A friend? Acquaintance? Stop to say hello?
00:19:40Were you ever in a bar together? Or even a newsstand?
00:19:48Prosecution has no witness?
00:19:50No one on the list.
00:19:52So as far as they can prove, you never knew Bobby Rose?
00:19:59No money was taken.
00:20:02Where's the motive?
00:20:10The state will be seeking charges of first-degree murder.
00:20:14Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your time.
00:20:21Well, after hearing the prosecution's opening statement, we have a mystery.
00:20:27Why is Roland Wicker himself trying this case?
00:20:32As he describes the events of the day, it's open and shut, a done deal, a slam dunk.
00:20:38Even a third-year law student could win it.
00:20:42Don't be fooled. He has no idea what happened that day.
00:20:48He has no witness. There is no purpose or motive to the crime as he'll describe it.
00:20:53He's stumbling around in the dark, telling you the light is blinding.
00:20:58He has a theory.
00:21:00So does the defense.
00:21:03And if our theory is still standing at the end of the day, it will prove beyond a reasonable doubt
00:21:09that Cassie Stewart ever harmed a soul.
00:21:15The victim was killed with her own gun.
00:21:18Capital murder. Man won tops.
00:21:22Raleigh has to make his bones.
00:21:26Tell her.
00:21:27Well, the joke going around downtown is they want to make Death Row look more like America.
00:21:33Gallows humor. I'll make them choke on it.
00:21:37Cassie, you're an actuary. Your world is analytical.
00:21:41A trial is theater.
00:21:44Two people performing for a small audience of twelve.
00:21:49I've given this a lot of thought.
00:21:53Simple, really. The prosecutor's going to argue there were three people in that room.
00:21:56We have to argue there were four.
00:22:04Where's the murderer?
00:22:07Right there.
00:22:09No, that's Cassie Stewart. You don't know she's the murderer.
00:22:13The jury hasn't spoken yet.
00:22:16That's our position, based on the evidence.
00:22:19No, detective, that's your theory. I have a theory, too.
00:22:23Would you like to share that with us?
00:22:25Well, yes, I would.
00:22:27I'm sorry, Your Honor, but who's the witness?
00:22:35He's still there.
00:22:41Cassie enters the room, sees the victim's bodies.
00:22:45He comes up behind her, reaches around, and slams her head against the edge of the door.
00:22:53She's got powder soot on her hand.
00:22:55Oh, well, there goes my theory.
00:22:59Powder soot. That's the stuff that blows back off the gun.
00:23:06Detective, if I put a gun in your hand and pushed your finger against the trigger,
00:23:11you'd have that stuff all over your skin, too, wouldn't you?
00:23:15Okay. One more thing.
00:23:17Is it your theory that my client killed the victims out of jealousy
00:23:23or to rob them of some $500,000?
00:23:27Could be both.
00:23:30For the purpose of a trial where a young woman's life is at stake,
00:23:33could you pull one of them out of the air?
00:23:37No? No idea? Robbery?
00:23:41No, the money's still there.
00:23:43What do you think? Jealousy?
00:23:45Could be.
00:23:47Could be.
00:23:49Detective, do you have any evidence that Cassie Stewart even knew Bobby Rose?
00:23:57No. You have no motive.
00:24:02Court will adjourn until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
00:24:16Re-examine every piece of evidence. Every piece.
00:24:20Give me motive, Rudy.
00:24:28You're good.
00:24:30Just legal judo. They throw their weight at you, you knock them on their ass.
00:24:36God, the first time I ever saw this room I was so sick I could hardly stand up.
00:24:41Now it feels like a sanctuary.
00:24:43I'm glad.
00:24:45Well, it's really beautiful.
00:24:49I love the way the moss hangs around the oak like a shroud.
00:24:54You did this?
00:24:56Well, I started studying design when I was five.
00:25:00My father was a tradesman. In his business circle, everyone worked on trust.
00:25:05When I was eight, I learned everyone needs a lawyer.
00:25:08You know, becoming an actuary is as hard as passing the bar.
00:25:13What drew you to that line of work?
00:25:15I've always been fascinated by how things can go wrong.
00:25:19In grad school, I liked chaos theory.
00:25:22Nothing can bring order to the world, but being an actuary and an odds maker,
00:25:27at least you're not afraid to cite the worst case.
00:25:31I'm aware that we can lose.
00:25:36I'm not an odds maker, Cassie. I'm a winner.
00:25:40And if I don't like the odds, I remake the game.
00:25:42And if I'm behind in the game, I reinvent it.
00:25:45Don't lose your courage, Cassie.
00:25:48And don't ever lose your trust in me.
00:25:51I'll never lose my faith in you.
00:25:53It's hard for me to trust people.
00:25:56They're there one moment, and then they're gone.
00:25:59And they leave you with riddles.
00:26:13I don't mind yuppies.
00:26:15What I mind is a yuppie standing there, holding up the whole cappuccino line,
00:26:18while he's reading his emails on his Black Bear.
00:26:21What are you doing on a cappuccino line?
00:26:23I was getting a regular coffee.
00:26:27Your prosecutor's getting his ass whipped.
00:26:29He's got two motives. He's arguing with himself.
00:26:33What's this?
00:26:34Victim's boyfriends.
00:26:36She got around.
00:26:38Make sure every one of these Romeos has an ironclad alibi.
00:26:43What is it, Schatz?
00:26:45I just went through Cassie Stewart's safe deposit box.
00:26:49Detective Schatz, the police searched the safe deposit box in the name of Cassandra Stewart.
00:26:55Please tell the court, was this necklace among the contents of the box?
00:27:05I forgot about that.
00:27:07Yes, sir. That was the necklace.
00:27:08Would you read the initials engraved on the inside, please?
00:27:19The initials of the victim.
00:27:21Your Honor, the defense will stipulate that the necklace did belong to the victim, Diane Summers.
00:27:30No further questions, Your Honor.
00:27:32What about this necklace?
00:27:35Diane gave it to me the night before she died.
00:27:38I really loved it.
00:27:40Now it seems it was a consolation prize or an apology for taking Bobby.
00:27:46Or a goodbye present.
00:27:48I put it in a safety deposit box.
00:27:51It's not a safe deposit box.
00:27:53It's a safe deposit box.
00:27:55It's not a safe deposit box.
00:27:57It's a safe deposit box.
00:27:58A safe deposit box.
00:28:00I put it in a safety deposit box the next morning.
00:28:03What's it worth?
00:28:05Not much. The stones were pasted.
00:28:07Well, if the jury is lead to believe you stole it, they might believe worse of you.
00:28:11I didn't steal it. She said it was a gift from an old boyfriend.
00:28:14She didn't want it anyway.
00:28:16I believe you. But you're the only one that can testify to that.
00:28:19And Raleigh would love to get you on the stand.
00:28:22I'll testify.
00:28:24Then he would do cross.
00:28:25A trial is like theatre, often cheap theatre.
00:28:28And he would use you like a piñata in front of that jury.
00:28:31I won't allow it. Let him jingle his trophy.
00:28:36Look, you've been shuttling back and forth every night.
00:28:40I've got five bedrooms here. You're more than welcome to stay.
00:28:43Don't do it, darling. Set the spider to the fly.
00:28:46Sorry to not call ahead.
00:28:48I have some papers that need your sig. Hello, Jerry.
00:28:51Hello, Mrs. Bennet. He's could have been messenger to the office.
00:28:53Oh, that's no fun.
00:28:56Cassie Stewart, this is...
00:28:58I'm Christine Menick, dear. I'm my husband's wife.
00:29:02How do you do?
00:29:03He just hates it when I let myself in.
00:29:08Whatever happened to your vacation?
00:29:10I thought you'd be in Italy by now,
00:29:12sipping an assisi rosso on the Piazza Venezia.
00:29:15Had to cancel.
00:29:16She looks like a very good reason indeed.
00:29:19Oh, no, I'm... Be confident, my dear.
00:29:21Georgie's secret is that he always knows more than everybody else.
00:29:26Thank you, darling.
00:29:29Bye-bye, Jerry.
00:29:37Excuse me.
00:29:43I didn't know he was married.
00:29:45He doesn't advertise.
00:29:47They couldn't agree on a settlement, so she keeps him on a very short leash.
00:29:51It's tough on a man like L.G.
00:29:53You know, she really didn't need a signature.
00:29:56She was just coming around to check you out.
00:30:10That was awkward.
00:30:12No, I apologize.
00:30:15Do you have doubts about me?
00:30:19I believe you when you say you can't remember. It's good enough for me.
00:30:22You could never hurt Diane, ever.
00:30:25I didn't know Bobby very well. I wouldn't have fought for him.
00:30:31I have a theory.
00:30:33Please. About the necklace.
00:30:34Why make something so beautiful and put it in paste?
00:30:37Why not use real diamonds?
00:30:38Travel money? Yeah.
00:30:40Half a million dollars.
00:30:41I mean, could that be the value of the original stones?
00:30:44All right, but why put them in paste?
00:30:45Why not just sell it and leave town?
00:30:47This is the only boyfriend that Diane never talked about. Why?
00:30:50She's scared.
00:30:52And maybe he's obsessed with her. Maybe he's a gangster.
00:30:55He buys her half a million dollars' worth of jewelry he means to keep her.
00:30:59If she's ever gonna make a run for it, she's gonna need some cash on hand,
00:31:02not a fancy necklace.
00:31:03And she puts it in paste because she's still seeing him.
00:31:06And he wants to see his diamonds around her neck.
00:31:09Well, that's an interesting theory.
00:31:11You should write detective novels.
00:31:13How would I use that in court?
00:31:16Well, you're the lawyer.
00:31:20I'd need an expert witness.
00:31:22What? What? What are you gonna do?
00:31:25Raleigh took a shot at us, and now it's our turn.
00:31:31Now, Mr. Orrick, those aren't real diamonds.
00:31:35No, they're paste.
00:31:37Now, these artificial stones, so-called paste,
00:31:40are they the original stones in the necklace?
00:31:42No. I removed several at your request
00:31:45and found a thin residue of glue below this setting.
00:31:48It would make no sense to put artificial stones in a piece this fine.
00:31:51It isn't just jewelry. This is a work of art.
00:31:54A work of art, an expression of devotion.
00:31:58Could you give us a rough estimate of their value?
00:32:01$450,000, $500,000.
00:32:04Or roughly the same amount of cash found in the victim's suitcase.
00:32:08Your Honor. Your Honor, court reporter and a nutritionist,
00:32:11someone had to pay for this high-end vacation.
00:32:14Objection, Your Honor. Conjecture.
00:32:15Maybe he didn't know he was paying...
00:32:17Your Honor. ...until he walked in on it.
00:32:20That's enough. Sustained.
00:32:23No further questions.
00:32:26You're witness.
00:32:36You're the man. You were amazing.
00:32:39I think Raleigh just lost his jury.
00:32:41Oh, cheers.
00:32:47Somebody made the necklace.
00:32:48Jerry's making calls. We'll locate him.
00:32:50I have another theory.
00:32:53Shoot. He's dead.
00:32:55Just say for the moment that the motive is jealousy.
00:32:57The same man who killed Diane gave her the necklace.
00:32:59He can't leave the jeweler alive.
00:33:01Oh, great. So how do we find a dead jeweler?
00:33:03That's the only kind I can find.
00:33:05I'm an actuary, and there are all kinds of tables for death
00:33:08according to profession.
00:33:09You start with age.
00:33:11Probably took an experienced hand to make this kind of piece.
00:33:13You figure in time period.
00:33:14You know, I'd start with the date of the murder.
00:33:16Assume it's spontaneous, a crime of passion.
00:33:18And then you narrow down the location
00:33:20until there are fewer and fewer people to call and say,
00:33:22do you do custom design?
00:33:23If he had a life insurance policy, he can be found.
00:33:25You find the jeweler, you search his records.
00:33:27You find the boyfriend, you find the killer.
00:33:29How long would all this take?
00:33:31About a week. It won't work.
00:33:32Why not?
00:33:34I'll have you acquitted in three days.
00:33:38How would you like to work for me?
00:33:39You're going to have Jerry's job.
00:33:49All right, sir.
00:33:50We'll cover it.
00:33:51We'll get on with it.
00:33:52We'll get on with it.
00:33:53We'll get on with it.
00:34:08We'll get on with it.
00:34:09We'll get on with it.
00:34:29Raleigh, it's Rudy Schatz.
00:34:32I got something for you.
00:34:38from prints we received by messenger
00:34:39from an anonymous source.
00:34:42Let the record show, Your Honor,
00:34:44that the two individuals identified in these photos
00:34:47are Cassandra Stewart and the victim, Bobby Rose.
00:35:01What? I'm supposed to believe
00:35:03that someone took pictures of us in the park
00:35:04and then anonymously dropped them off at the police station
00:35:07just in time for the prosecution to wrap up their case?
00:35:10What, that doesn't smell to you?
00:35:12Like a dead mackerel.
00:35:13I was always bugging Bobby to go to the park,
00:35:15but he was distant that day.
00:35:17Like, he brought me there to say goodbye.
00:35:20Or to be photographed with him.
00:35:22Well, somebody could have been following him.
00:35:24He was in and out of that apartment building.
00:35:25I mean, Bobby and Diane were manipulative, yes,
00:35:28but I don't...
00:35:29I can't believe that they would purposely put me in jeopardy.
00:35:33But they did.
00:35:37Jealousy was a motive.
00:35:40Cassie Stewart killed her friend and her lover
00:35:42because they betrayed her.
00:35:45She probably would have stolen the money had not chance,
00:35:48in this case, a broken heel, intervened.
00:35:51But that doesn't concern us.
00:35:54What does concern us, ladies and gentlemen,
00:35:57is how she killed in cold blood
00:36:01out of hatred and envy.
00:36:05I thank you for your time.
00:36:15Let me testify.
00:36:17I have no new evidence to alter the fact
00:36:18that we've rested our case.
00:36:20We'll invent something, L.G.
00:36:21We'll score points in direct.
00:36:23Thank you, Jerry.
00:36:24Now, I intend to win this case in closing arguments.
00:36:29Well, the prosecution has a photograph.
00:36:33Cassandra Stewart kissing Bobby Rose.
00:36:37Therefore, she killed him.
00:36:39Now, he's asking you to make this leap
00:36:41because his evidence doesn't support his allegation.
00:36:45Now, I'm gonna tell you what this is all about.
00:36:48You're going to tell me what this is all about.
00:36:51You're going to tell me what this is all about.
00:36:54You're going to tell me what this is all about.
00:36:57You're not supposed to read the papers or watch television,
00:37:00or you know that this prosecution is about politics.
00:37:05It's about making Death Row look more like America.
00:37:16In light of last-minute evidence not substantially refuted
00:37:19in the closing arguments by famed criminal defense attorney
00:37:22L.G. Mennick, who claimed the trial was a cynical attempt
00:37:25to make Death Row look more like America,
00:37:27a phrase once used by Attorney General Janet Reno.
00:37:31And now for the most recent results of our poll
00:37:33as to the innocence or guilt of Cassie Stewart.
00:37:3685% of those polled believe that Cassie Stewart is guilty,
00:37:40while only 15% believe her to be innocent.
00:37:43Clearly, this is an overwhelming indictment of guilt
00:37:45from our audience.
00:37:47And now to the latest on what's causing the above-average
00:37:49temperatures in our forecast,
00:37:51we turn things over to our meteorologist,
00:37:53who will give you a quick look at what the forecast looks like
00:37:56and what can you miss about it.
00:37:58Thanks to that, listen, I'm not going to get out of here
00:38:01when you're done talking.
00:38:03So I'm coming in, and I'm just going to walk back to town.
00:38:06I'm going to take a look at a large mass...
00:38:11And it's going to look like this...
00:38:23It's going to look like this...
00:38:35You saw her picture.
00:38:40First love.
00:38:42Once you find your island, that's your island forever.
00:38:59Miss Stewart!
00:39:11Mr. Minick, are you in communication with your client?
00:39:14Uh, yes, we were, Your Honor.
00:39:16We sent a car for her.
00:39:20The verdict will be rendered in absentia.
00:39:26All right, everybody, listen up!
00:39:28Find Cassandra Stewart!
00:39:30If she's on the move, then you bring her in!
00:39:35Where would she go?
00:39:37Parents are dead.
00:39:39Maternal grandmother who raised her is dead.
00:39:41She has no other relatives.
00:39:43Tapped her employer's phone. She hasn't contacted them.
00:39:45How many cops have her picture?
00:39:47123 precincts.
00:39:49Patrol, transit, traffic, task force.
00:39:54There's no place she can hide.
00:40:22I'm sorry.
00:40:24I'm sorry.
00:40:52I'm sorry.
00:40:54I'm sorry about bail.
00:40:56Forget about it. Where are you?
00:41:00Are you still my lawyer?
00:41:02I'll always be your lawyer.
00:41:04Cassie, I beg you, please come in.
00:41:07I'll win this. I'll win it on appeal.
00:41:09This just makes it more difficult.
00:41:11Let me get back to you. Please.
00:41:24By now she could be in Montana.
00:41:26Or Marrakesh.
00:41:28Thanks for your help.
00:41:30We have her passport.
00:41:32You can get a passport for 100 bucks.
00:41:41It's Cassie Stewart.
00:41:43Miss Stewart? Where are you?
00:41:45Remember you told me to keep my options open?
00:41:49Did you look for the jeweler who made the necklace?
00:41:51I don't actually know we're looking for you.
00:41:53I think that whoever gave Diane the necklace,
00:41:55an old boyfriend, killed her.
00:41:57You find the jeweler, you find the old boyfriend,
00:42:00you find the killer.
00:42:08And there you go. Come right here.
00:42:28Enter it like that.
00:44:02The number you have called is no longer in service.
00:47:10Oh, gee.
00:47:16What makes you so innocuous, Jerry?
00:47:19Those veins.
00:47:21Every day you look forward to hanging by your fingernails
00:47:23and hoping that I'm in good humor.
00:47:27What does it feel like to hold your temper every day, huh?
00:47:33Well, I would answer that a necessary part of ambition is self-control.
00:47:37You endure my abuse because you've stuck around too long.
00:47:41You have too much invested to start over in someone's mail room.
00:47:50Oh, God.
00:48:10I found the jewelry store.
00:48:12No, I found the design. It was in the basement of the store.
00:48:14I found the design for Diane's necklace.
00:48:17The willow chain?
00:48:23The place was burned down. The jeweler's dead.
00:48:25Okay. Okay.
00:48:28Give me the location.
00:48:31Where are you now, Cassie?
00:48:34Check it out. I'll call you back.
00:48:45It's called the willow chain.
00:48:49It's called the willow chain.
00:48:52God, it has a name?
00:48:54One of a kind, yes.
00:48:57Oh, my God.
00:49:01I didn't know that Diane's necklace had a name.
00:49:04What the hell are you talking about?
00:49:06The necklace. The one we saw in court.
00:49:09You called it the willow chain.
00:49:12No, I didn't.
00:49:13Yeah, just now, Cassie.
00:49:17Yeah? So?
00:49:21She never mentioned it. I just didn't know it had a name.
00:49:25Yeah, she told me.
00:49:27Oh, well, that's good.
00:49:29Otherwise, it would come as quite a shock to her to hear you mention the name willow chain.
00:50:00Sorry, do you want some water?
00:50:20Miss Stewart.
00:50:21L.G. Menick knew Diane Summers.
00:50:24And you know this?
00:50:26Depositions. Three days worth.
00:50:28Menick was chief counsel on a civil case.
00:50:30Diane Summers was the stenographer. I have her notes.
00:50:33Yeah, but that doesn't mean he knew her.
00:50:35He knew her.
00:50:36The necklace, um, it was one of a kind. A work of art.
00:50:39It had a name. Four people knew this name.
00:50:41The person who designed it and gave it to her. The jeweler who made it.
00:50:44Diane and...
00:50:45And Diane told me the night that she gave it to me.
00:50:47Diane and the jeweler are dead. That leaves two.
00:50:51You and...
00:50:58You can substantiate this how?
00:51:00He dropped the name on the phone by mistake. I think he was drunk.
00:51:04And I found the jeweler.
00:51:07Katie, hold the light.
00:51:16It's right where she said it was.
00:51:19Somebody tried to kill her.
00:51:29Oh, my God.
00:51:43Look, do you think she could have given you the name for the necklace?
00:51:46I mean, it's her word against his.
00:51:47Yeah, well, I mean, I checked the civil suit.
00:51:50Hey, Dave. The usual?
00:51:51Make it two.
00:51:53You know, man, why do we always have to come here?
00:51:55It relaxes me. Especially after work.
00:51:57Well, I'm sure the girls will be thrilled to know that they're a sedative.
00:52:02So Diane was at a bunch of depositions.
00:52:04Doesn't mean the lawyers are gonna notice her.
00:52:06Oh, come on. Not notice her?
00:52:08Why have access to everything the DA's got on you?
00:52:12The photographs.
00:52:13No return address.
00:52:14Were you there? Do you believe me?
00:52:16I believe you're at the store and that somebody shot at you.
00:52:20But I need more. Do you have anything else for me?
00:52:22Yes. I have an original drawing.
00:52:24The design of the necklace. The one that Menick gave the jeweler.
00:52:27But the jeweler died when the place was firebombed. I found it in the basement.
00:52:30Oh, hold on, hold on. So you're saying that Menick made this drawing?
00:52:33He's an artist. He studied design. I mean, I've seen his work.
00:52:36A man worth millions. And if he's designed a very expensive gift for his mistress...
00:52:41You know, I'd say take precautions.
00:52:43Patsy, we can't do this much longer. I mean...
00:52:48Maybe you should come in and give me the drawing.
00:52:50And if his prints are on it, and with Diane's initials on the necklace...
00:52:53You have a great shot at an appeal.
00:52:56No, you're right. He would take precautions.
00:53:12Shut the damn door.
00:53:19Did you give a .45 slug to the lab taken from an arson scene?
00:53:24What case is that?
00:53:26Summer's Rose.
00:53:27Didn't we have a verdict in that? Did I miss something?
00:53:31You guys went behind my back. Now I got brass up my ass.
00:53:37Have you been in contact with Cassie Stewart?
00:53:39I tried to interview her at her apartment after the arraignment, but she wouldn't talk.
00:53:43Yeah, well, it looks like she's talking now.
00:53:46Why isn't any of this in your reports?
00:53:48We ran out of toner.
00:53:50Do you know how many people are looking for this girl?
00:53:52We don't know where she is, but I'm trying to gain her confidence so she'll come in.
00:53:58Somebody else is after her.
00:53:59And you know this how?
00:54:00Because we usually ID ourselves before we start shooting.
00:54:03Lieutenant, they came that close to putting a bullet in her head.
00:54:06The .45 down in the lab.
00:54:07All right, look.
00:54:10This was my call, so let me go down and talk to Raleigh Wicker.
00:54:13You're gonna go talk to Raleigh? He'll have you up on charges.
00:54:16Yeah, probably.
00:54:17Your connection.
00:54:18Yeah, I know. Look, the connection's personal.
00:54:20I just didn't want to bring in the cavalry.
00:54:22Or you didn't want internal affairs to have you badge and gun for a month.
00:54:26I was the principal on the case.
00:54:28Evidence has to be checked out, even after the fact, Raleigh.
00:54:30And Rudy Schatz isn't running for office.
00:54:34If it even looks as though I convicted the wrong person,
00:54:37I can go back to Springfield, Ohio and hang up a shingle.
00:54:41I know that, Raleigh.
00:54:42Go with your lead, Detective.
00:54:44Don't report to anyone higher than me.
00:54:47They'll stop you.
00:54:52No loose ends, Rudy.
00:54:53Wrap it up by the book.
00:55:38Are you tracing this call?
00:55:40No, no trace.
00:55:41But you have my cell phone number.
00:55:42You could trace it if you need to locate me.
00:55:44Yes, if you're on the phone.
00:55:47I have to go see Mennick. I need to speak to him.
00:55:49You want to go see...
00:55:51Listen, Cassie...
00:55:52I need him to incriminate himself. I'm the only one that can do it.
00:55:55And if I don't, he's going to get away with it.
00:55:58I'm not going to try to escape.
00:56:00Will you help me?
00:56:03You want backup?
00:56:04Four more plainclothes and some squad guys.
00:56:09You guys are the lone wolves.
00:56:11Everybody on the force is looking for this girl,
00:56:13but she tells you where she's going to be and when.
00:56:15Yeah, that's pretty much it.
00:56:16And she's going to see her lawyer. Just like that.
00:56:19What? She couldn't call him on the phone?
00:56:21Most people, they call their lawyers on the phone.
00:56:23I know I do.
00:56:24You know, if I'm wrong, we waste a few hours.
00:56:26But if I'm right, we make an arrest.
00:56:28I don't want to be made a fool of again.
00:56:29You know, she asked me if we could trace her cell phone.
00:56:31We're set up for that. McCarthy can handle it.
00:56:33And you want the SWAT?
00:56:34You know, the guys in the black PJs, they shoot real good.
00:56:36You know what, boss?
00:56:38Raleigh gave us the green light.
00:56:41That's the only reason we're talking.
00:57:09That's a new look for you.
00:57:12I'm sorry.
00:57:14It's all right.
00:57:22Make me a drink?
00:57:23Of course.
00:57:26You took a chance coming here.
00:57:28You wouldn't believe the places I've been hiding.
00:57:31You know, I've had a lot of time to think.
00:57:34And I've come to realize, it's not that you can't trust people.
00:57:38It's that you can't choose the people you have to trust.
00:57:42Do you remember one evening you told me
00:57:44that it was your greatest ambition to win a case so brilliantly
00:57:47that you could never tell anyone what you did?
00:57:50Never put it in a memoir or a book.
00:57:52It would be like a rare coin.
00:57:54You could never show another soul.
00:57:57I remember.
00:57:58You would get the pretty young defendant acquitted.
00:58:01Even at your own jeopardy.
00:58:04You aren't wearing a wire.
00:58:23That reminded me of some dates in high school.
00:58:28You met Diane at depositions.
00:58:31She was the court stenographer.
00:58:33She was starting to do to you what Bobby was starting to do to me.
00:58:38But it wasn't until I saw what was left of the jewelry store
00:58:41that I realized you were telling the truth.
00:58:44You would do anything to win.
00:58:46Not just be clever in court, but can you do it?
00:58:50Can you pull off your most brilliant coup?
00:58:54Watch me.
00:58:57When you didn't show up for the verdict,
00:58:59I thought, that's the smartest girl I ever met.
00:59:02It's exactly what I would have done.
00:59:04I trust you because I have to.
00:59:06You're my best chance.
00:59:07Yes, I am.
00:59:08No one can defend you better than me.
00:59:12Cassie, can I trust you?
00:59:16I thought you'd ask me that.
00:59:20I brought you a peace offering.
00:59:28She said the willow was for sadness,
00:59:30the chain for bondage.
00:59:33But I've never seen peace so beautiful.
00:59:37Do you think you must learn to trust before you can learn to love?
00:59:40I'm afraid so.
00:59:44Love has nothing to do with trust or any other virtue.
00:59:50It hits you like a hot bullet through carved ice.
00:59:56Imagine at my age learning,
00:59:59in the wildest season of your youth,
01:00:02you were never really alive.
01:00:04Not like this.
01:00:07I make my living with words,
01:00:08but there is no way to express myself to thank her.
01:00:16So I made this.
01:00:20We're going to spend a month in Europe
01:00:23where a mature man and a much younger woman
01:00:25aren't looked at judgmentally.
01:00:29A month alone with her was all I could think about.
01:00:33Then that day I called to confirm the reservation
01:00:36and she canceled it.
01:00:38Cashed her ticket.
01:00:42She didn't answer her phone.
01:00:43I went over to her apartment.
01:00:46There they were.
01:00:50I must have frightened her.
01:00:51She tried to get the gun I'd given her for protection.
01:00:55I took it away from her.
01:00:56I told her everything could be just as we planned.
01:00:59But she said no.
01:01:02She was going away with...
01:01:06this boy.
01:01:09The rest was just a nightmare.
01:01:12The whole time she was screaming,
01:01:14calling me every vile name.
01:01:19Until I saw the life go out of her.
01:01:22Until I saw the life go out of her.
01:01:29Then I heard the front door open.
01:01:30I knew it was you.
01:01:33I hid in the bathroom.
01:01:34I tried to figure a way out.
01:01:37And when you came down the hall and saw the bodies,
01:01:41I just panicked.
01:01:42I came up behind you.
01:01:43I knocked you out.
01:01:45That's when I got the idea
01:01:48to manipulate the situation to save myself.
01:02:04It wasn't until I was back in my library
01:02:07that I realized what I'd done.
01:02:10Back in my library that I realized what I'd done.
01:02:16Safe with my bourbon.
01:02:19With no reason on earth to be alive.
01:02:25Until you.
01:02:28Your rare coin.
01:02:31Diane used you, and she shouldn't have.
01:02:35But couldn't you just let them go?
01:02:37And know that those who made a fool of me
01:02:39were indulging every dream, every passion
01:02:41in a world made perfect by my absence?
01:02:44Do you believe I could survive that?
01:02:49It was a slip of the tongue, wasn't it?
01:02:53In our conversation, I meant to say the necklace.
01:02:57I said the willow chain.
01:03:00There was something else.
01:03:03May I?
01:03:16You've got it.
01:03:18That's where it came from.
01:03:31Think he's just gonna let her walk out?
01:03:34Nope. Not on her own.
01:03:38What do you think she's doing up there?
01:03:41I have no idea.
01:03:44I wouldn't trust him.
01:03:46Someday when this is all over, may I wear the necklace?
01:03:52It'll be my gift to you.
01:03:54With real stones.
01:04:08I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
01:04:11I tried to atone.
01:04:15So how do we do this?
01:04:18I'll take it from here. I'll make the calls.
01:04:19I want to establish that your surrender was voluntary.
01:04:23Now I'm going to start working on your repeal.
01:04:27The night that you invited me to sleepover,
01:04:29were you making a pass?
01:04:32I might have been laying the groundwork.
01:04:34What terrible timing Christine had.
01:04:37That's her trump card.
01:04:41This is the best time.
01:04:43No cameras, no reporters.
01:04:46I'll call Raleigh and tell them to expect you.
01:04:51Protection will be provided by these men.
01:05:02Follow us in the SUV.
01:05:38Okay, we're moving. We're heading west.
01:05:41Copy that.
01:05:44That's wonderful. Now they lost containment.
01:05:47Nine-One, are you calling for additional backup?
01:05:50No, we're the only wolves. We don't need more backup.
01:05:54We haven't been introduced. I'm Walter Hobbs.
01:06:01Okay, they're stopping.
01:06:07Hold on, the picture's a little blurry.
01:06:09Okay, we're moving.
01:06:11That's wonderful.
01:06:13Now they lost containment.
01:06:15Okay, we're moving.
01:06:17That's wonderful.
01:06:19Okay, we're moving.
01:06:21Hold on, they're picking up Jerry Plett.
01:06:24That's Jerry Plett.
01:06:26They're picking up Jerry Plett.
01:06:41Okay, we're on again. We're going north on Lafayette.
01:06:45Copy that.
01:06:48You going to the apartment?
01:06:56It's the other way.
01:07:00Why am I here?
01:07:02Let me out.
01:07:04Jerry, we're not stopping here. Put on your seatbelt.
01:07:09He's not going to answer.
01:07:13He's got caller ID. He knows it's you.
01:07:16I don't have to be here.
01:07:18Dammit, I'm number two on this team.
01:07:28You know, it all goes back to that damn necklace.
01:07:31The one that he gave the dead girl.
01:07:33Guys like that, they're rich, they're smart, but they fall for some broad.
01:07:38They go simple on you like that.
01:07:41Had to give it a name, didn't he?
01:07:43Just had to give it a name.
01:07:44People hear that name, they become liabilities.
01:07:49Didn't have to be this way.
01:07:51No, that's nothing. I've already forgotten it.
01:07:53I know, Jer, I know, but the boss wants insurance, and we're insurance.
01:07:58You're a low rank goon, Jerry.
01:08:00Let me out of this freaking car!
01:08:03Where do you think they're going?
01:08:05Hopefully downtown to surrender.
01:08:11We have company.
01:08:14So you are the one who took the photos of Bobby and I in the park.
01:08:18I had a guy do it.
01:08:20Boss was about to go on a cruise with that girl.
01:08:22Getting a little nervous, asked me to put a couple of guys on her.
01:08:25Saw the guys sniffing around the apartment, we just figured he was seeing you.
01:08:29So did I.
01:08:31Changed partners on you, huh?
01:08:33You must have just about given the boss a heart attack when you walked into that room.
01:08:37Did pretty good for an amateur, though.
01:08:40She said something. Funny.
01:08:43At the end.
01:08:45Hurry up.
01:08:47He couldn't figure that.
01:08:49That's when you started up with all that actuary crap.
01:08:52He knew he was going to have to throw you over.
01:08:54We're going to get too close.
01:08:56Where are we going?
01:08:58Boardwalk. Thought we'd play some blackjacks.
01:09:00Son of a bitch.
01:09:02You think this is funny?
01:09:04Calm down.
01:09:06No, I can bring every one of you bastards down.
01:09:10Shut up, Jerry.
01:09:12I can't breathe.
01:09:14No, you won't die right away.
01:09:16You've still got a few minutes to live.
01:09:22They're not getting a signal from her cell phone.
01:09:25Come on, Kathy, turn on your cell phone.
01:09:28Maybe she can't.
01:09:30Maybe we should take them.
01:09:33They're still headed downtown, all right?
01:09:35I mean, we're looking for Wicker.
01:09:37To see if they made arrangements to surrender.
01:09:40Cross them at the tunnel.
01:09:42I'll phone the tow truck for backup, just in case.
01:09:52Rudy, this ain't the way downtown.
01:09:54I know, I know.
01:10:29Where are they going?
01:10:37These guys aren't messing around, huh?
01:10:50I got them.
01:11:02No, no, no, the limo, the limo!
01:11:07They're trying to fool us.
01:11:21Oh God, why are they stopping here?
01:11:29We can pick her up.
01:11:31Last time we talked, she asked me if we could locate her if her cell phone was on.
01:11:36Then tell them to check it again.
01:11:38I think we should take her.
01:11:40I think we should wait.
01:11:45That's gotta hurt.
01:12:00You all right?
01:12:07That's her.
01:12:09That's her.
01:12:11McCarthy, we got a signal.
01:12:13Start the trace.
01:12:19And we need a ride.
01:12:21Listen to me.
01:12:23She's not on GPS and she's almost out of range.
01:12:29We'll switch to the next tower.
01:12:31We can't.
01:12:33We can't.
01:12:34We'll switch to the next tower.
01:12:36We can't just jump to another tower without authorization or a court order.
01:12:39It will take time.
01:12:41We don't have time.
01:12:43Give me the bag, please.
01:12:55Tell it to the FCC.
01:12:57It's a violation of the Communications Assistance Law Enforcement Act.
01:13:00It's a privacy issue.
01:13:02Come on, now.
01:13:04We can't let her get killed to protect her privacy.
01:13:08That's cute.
01:13:16Damn it.
01:13:18Listen to me, McCarthy.
01:13:20Just switch to the nearest...
01:13:22We lost the signal.
01:13:26That's just great.
01:13:28Damn it!
01:13:37Shatz was our only chance.
01:13:39We can't help you, Jerry.
01:13:46I had the ambition.
01:13:48Didn't have the talent.
01:13:50So I attached myself to a monster.
01:13:53It's Jerry Platt. It's Jerry Platt.
01:13:55He's giving us a signal.
01:13:57McCarthy, get a trace and we can't lose it this time.
01:13:59Copy that.
01:14:05GPS, five by five.
01:14:07Attaboy, Jerry.
01:14:10I'm so sorry, Cassie.
01:14:31Ms. Stewart?
01:14:33Ms. Stewart?
01:15:03Kneel down.
01:15:29Cassie, don't!
01:15:30Cassie, don't!
01:15:32Cassie, drop the gun. Drop it.
01:15:34We need him alive.
01:15:40Keep your options open.
01:15:42Drop the gun.
01:15:46That a girl.
01:15:48Drop it.
01:15:50Good girl. Come here.
01:16:00It's okay.
01:16:31I appreciate the mountain coming to Mohammed.
01:16:35I think we can do this here as well as downtown.
01:16:41No, thank you.
01:16:45I, uh, I risked your life.
01:16:49Almost got you killed.
01:16:51I'm sorry, Cassie.
01:16:53Rudy, you were the only one that believed in me.
01:16:56I'm sorry.
01:16:57Rudy, you were the only one that believed me.
01:17:09So apparently, this necklace of Diane Summers has a name.
01:17:14Well, I wouldn't know anything about that.
01:17:16My client never mentioned it.
01:17:25Hello, Cassie.
01:17:29I believe it's called the Willow Chain.
01:17:32Well, as I said, uh, she never mentioned it.
01:17:36She found evidence in the jewelry store you had Hobbs' firebomb.
01:17:40And what would that be?
01:17:42A drawing of the necklace.
01:17:44Really? I doubt you'll find my fingerprints on it.
01:17:47No, but we have.
01:17:52Yours are on record.
01:17:54And they're a match.
01:17:58Diane once told me when you find your island, it's your island forever.
01:18:13She meant Bobby.
01:18:15He went out of her life and came back and it was as if they never lost a day.
01:18:20One bullet for Bobby, four for Diane.
01:18:23Do you remember what she said while you were killing her?
01:18:25Hurry up.
01:18:27Bobby was dead and she didn't want to live another moment.
01:18:29Not in the same world as you.
01:18:32For all of her faults, she was someone who fell in love once.
01:18:36And forever.
01:18:40May I speak with Miss Stewart alone?
01:18:49Miss Stewart, your conviction will be vacated with our deepest regret and apologies.
01:19:09You traced a copy of my drawing. You manufactured evidence.
01:19:13You burned it.
01:19:15I've had an opportunity to know you, Cassie. To learn about you.
01:19:20You're not like me. You're not anything like me.
01:19:23You'll never stand up in court and take the oath and perjure yourself.
01:19:27You won't do that.
01:19:34Watch me.
01:19:50Walter Hobbs is cooperating.
01:19:51So will my trial be the cable epic that put you in Dominic's office?
01:19:55It might.
01:19:57Bigger than O.J. Simpson.
01:20:00But then he walked.
01:20:02Ah, Raleigh.
01:20:04What kind of chance you think I got?
01:20:08Well, Georgie.
01:20:10You're rich.
01:20:12You're white.
01:20:14And you did it.
01:20:16You figure it out.
01:20:17You did it.
01:20:19You figure it out.
01:20:47You did it.
01:20:49You did it.
