• last year
Sponge Bob S02E11b Gary Takes A Bath


00:00Gary! Looks like it's that time of week again! Bath time!
00:08Come on, let's go get the water started.
00:13You're gonna have to get in that tub, Gary.
00:17Now Gary, we can do this the hard way or the easy way.
00:22Or the medium way.
00:24Or the semi-medium easy hard way.
00:26Or the sort-of-hard-with-a-touch-of-awkward-easy-difficult-challenging way.
00:32So that's how you wanna play it, huh?
00:36Gary! Check out this new toy!
00:45New Boomerang Pet Ball. Really works.
00:50Gary! There's a bomb strapped to my chest!
01:00It's gonna explode in three seconds unless you take a bath!
01:11I am now going to assault your mind with subliminal messages.
01:24Sorry you had to see that.
01:27Hello! Fancy French restaurant?
01:30I've got a naughty snail here who won't take a bath.
01:35What? Could you say that again?
01:38Slow down. It's like you're speaking some other language.
01:43Hey, Gar, how about some leapfrog?
01:48Okay, your turn.
01:58Hey, Gar, how about some leapfrog?
02:03I've got a crisp dollar bill for the next fella to take a bath in this house!
02:30That didn't work either, huh?
02:32Gary! Gary! Gary! Look what I found!
02:36It's an old pirate treasure map revealing the location of buried pirate treasure in this very house!
02:44Come on, boy, let's go get that treasure!
02:48Okay, Gary, now 40 paces to the left.
02:521, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27...
03:07The treasure must be in here!
03:10Wow, Gary, look! A pirate treasure chest!
03:15Why, no, Gary, this isn't the bathtub.
03:19It's treasure!
03:21Look, doubloons!
03:24Don't drop them!
03:26Look at this broach!
03:29I don't know what a snail would want with a broach!
03:32Now, why don't you just get in the tub?
03:37Get in the tub!
03:40Get in the tub!
03:42Get in the tub!
03:43In the tub!
03:45In the tub!
03:51Now, Gary, are you gonna get in this tub or am I gonna have to...
04:05Gary, could you... Gary, no!
04:16All right, Gary, you have duped and or frustrated me for the last time.
04:21So, if I can't get you to come to the bath, I'll just have to bring the bath to you.
04:35Psst, Gary!
04:40Bath delivery!
04:46Come back, Gary! I have something to share with you!
05:00This is more like it!
05:04What are you waiting for, Gary?
05:14Oh, stuck in a tree?
05:19It's time to clean up your act, Gary.
05:26Oh, no! I bathed Gary too hard and removed his skin!
05:45Oh, Gary, did I hurt you?
05:48No, Gary, don't worry about it.
05:51He removed his skin!
05:53My, my, my, my, my!
06:02Bring that ladder back this instant!
06:06I am really not amused, mister!
06:08You are going to take a bath and you are going to get clean right now!
06:13I am so the boss of you!
06:17You may be a free country, but you live in my house under my rules!
06:23Don't use that tone of voice with me!
06:25You will do what I say, when I say!
06:29What are you doing?
06:31I am talking to you, mister!
06:35Do not go near that mud puddle!
06:37Gary the snail, do you hear me?
06:39I am giving you three seconds to get away from that mud puddle!
06:46Two and a half!
06:48Don't make me say three!
06:58I am a dirty boy!
07:04Yeah, yeah, Gary!
