• 5 months ago
Episode name - Seven Years Later

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00:20Take this to your mother.
00:22He's in the other room!
00:36I got it!
00:42It is wonderful.
00:43Good boy, Hans.
00:45Now, go check your traps for rabbits.
01:02What took you so long?
01:04You were supposed to be back from Kattegat two days ago.
01:08How about welcome home, Aki?
01:10Thank the gods you're still alive.
01:12You didn't drown in a storm.
01:13Did you at least get everything for the wedding?
01:15Everything, just like you asked.
01:18Even some sweets for the children.
01:21Take these to the kitchen.
01:23There is much cooking to be done.
01:25Come, no time to waste.
01:31How was Kattegat?
01:35Full of boats.
01:37If we had a hundred swords, we could have treaded them all.
01:40We will soon.
01:43Any news about my brother?
01:45Or Harald?
01:47Some say they've seen them in distant lands.
01:49Africa, Greece.
01:51There are rumors that they fight for the emperor of Constantinople.
01:55They're gone, but not forgotten, Freddy's.
01:58Remember these heroes.
02:01Thank you for always asking for me, Aki.
02:04Of course.
02:56Move forward!
03:07Your Highness, King Rumel has joined the battle.
03:16Hold the line!
03:35Emperor! Emperor!
03:39Get the emperor back!
03:45Protect the emperor!
04:04Get him back!
04:16Back! Get him back!
04:18Get the emperor to safety!
04:25Get him to safety!
04:29You brought me here to witness victory.
04:33And I'd barely escape with my life.
04:39If not for my Varangian guard,
04:42the Saracens' weak aim to conquer
04:45would have brought the Byzantine Empire to its knees.
04:49Despite what you witnessed, my emperor,
04:52the siege is working.
04:55They are becoming more desperate by the day.
04:57The battlefield is littered with our dead.
05:00And while your army remains here,
05:03the center of my empire, Constantinople,
05:06lies undefended and at the mercy of our enemies in the east.
05:10If we leave Sicily now, the emir will be emboldened,
05:14and the Saracens will use this victory
05:16to spread their hatred of our god.
05:19They will consolidate their holdings
05:21and not only threaten Constantinople,
05:23but Jerusalem.
05:27Prepare your men.
05:29We will return home in the morning.
05:37Emperor, if I may.
05:41General Maniakes is not incorrect.
05:45His siege has taken a toll on the enemy.
05:48And though I do not share his passion for a religious war,
05:52I agree.
05:54I believe there is another solution.
05:56Yes, my men have already begun a new plan.
05:58With respect, General,
06:00I'm not talking about your men or your plan.
06:05I'm saying it is time to let my warriors
06:08deliver you, Syracuse.
06:11Your warriors?
06:13Your 700 Varangians?
06:15You think they can take that fortress?
06:19You think they can take that fortress?
06:22They are nothing but a mongrel mix
06:24of lost Vikings and mercenaries.
06:27Vikings are never lost.
06:31And we will take that fortress.
06:50We can keep it.
06:53Yes, you can make some money out of it.
07:01Gold is everywhere.
07:04We wouldn't be able to see you
07:06if it wasn't for you.
07:08We pay!
07:31I cannot decide which is worse,
07:33the smell of pig guts or the stink of the sulfur.
07:40Smell this beneath your nose, it will help.
07:43A little.
07:55Is that what you're looking for inside the castle?
07:59It's called the library.
08:01It contains writings from ancient Greece and Egypt.
08:05Treasures from Africa.
08:07And maps
08:10of places few people have ever seen.
08:13It's beautiful.
08:19We have enough.
08:31I have informed the Emperor.
08:34We'll be taking the fortress tomorrow night.
08:36And you misspoke.
08:39So be it done.
09:05I can get you through the barricade wall.
09:08The castle is another matter.
09:19Now we go up.
09:34Hey, the noise.
09:36The Saracens will know we're tunneling.
09:38Good. I want them down.
09:45Easy. Hold.
09:47Good, good, good.
09:50We are under the wall.
09:53When the time comes, make it loud.
09:57This way.
09:59To where?
10:01I'll get you in a second.
10:04You didn't ask.
10:31Just in time.
10:33I brought you some help.
10:40The future king of Norway, huh?
10:43As soon as we take this castle.
10:49Is there really as much treasure inside as you say?
10:52More, my friend.
10:54Enough to fund all our dreams.
10:56If you don't blow yourselves up first,
10:59My God.
11:01Are we going to light all of this and get out of here safely?
11:07We aren't.
11:09They are.
11:13Trust him.
11:30I'm in no trouble, friend.
11:33I'm just a peaceful trapper.
11:36What are you doing here?
11:39I'm looking for Jomsborg.
11:42Then why did you come by way of the forest?
11:45I don't own a boat.
11:47Just my legs.
11:49He is alone.
11:52What is in Jomsborg?
11:55He is alone.
11:58What is in your bag?
12:00Just my supplies.
12:06Contents are fragile.
12:17What is going on?
12:20He says he is looking for Jomsborg.
12:23And there's evil in this bag.
12:26No evil.
12:28I only said it must be handled with care.
12:31I'm happy to show you.
12:37You're a healer.
12:39Among other things.
12:44What is this?
12:48It reduces swelling.
12:51Where is it from?
12:55It's a land far east and south.
12:58You've been there?
12:59Yes, I've been to many places.
13:04Are you a pagan or a Christian?
13:09I am neither.
13:11But I'm not here to harm you.
13:13My name is Stig.
13:16Where did you learn to fight like that?
13:18I wasn't fighting. I was defending.
13:21Show me.
13:23Now? Here?
13:43You are welcome to stay in Jomsborg.
13:46But everyone works for their king.
13:48I will.
13:50Thank you.
13:53Harald! Come!
14:11Acquiring the blessing of the Pope is not only a religious duty.
14:15It is a political necessity.
14:17England will be gifted the southern states of Denmark.
14:20And in return you will build 200 churches.
14:23200 churches.
14:25For land that I could clearly take.
14:27Yes, but His Holiness will bestow upon our people his infinite blessings.
14:32And you cannot put a price upon that.
14:34And yet he has.
14:36And a high one.
14:38When we meet, I will tell her.
14:40Unfortunately, that is not possible, Your Highness.
14:44I will be speaking to the Pope through his emissary, the Cardinal.
14:48I am the King of Denmark, Norway and England.
14:54And he is the supremely powerful Pope.
14:57Ambassador of God to all Christians on earth.
15:02His Holiness will see you now.
15:15Yes, yes, yes.
15:17Yes, this is a matter for discussion.
15:19Some consulting. Yes, sir.
15:30Connoret de Deus, corolla gloria et quaestitutia.
15:44His Holiness welcomes this dear son in Christ.
15:58And he appreciates the reparation you've made to the church.
16:02To compensate for the centuries of pillaging and desecration that your people have inflicted on its sacred sites.
16:10To fully attain that atonement, however, the Holy Father has increased his request to 300 churches.
16:21Yes, and that he may feel assured that the agreement is binding.
16:25You will also provide him with the name of your successor.
16:29An heir.
16:31No. I have not chosen one.
16:35Well, then that is not satisfactory.
16:38Or necessary. You cannot tell me how to rule my empire.
16:42Quid maliesta?
16:44Nihilis vos sanctitas.
16:46You are absurd, and the Holy Father, your Highness, I think perhaps...
16:56Your Holiness, I am Cnut the Great, King of England.
17:00Ruler of the Northern Empire.
17:02Stop. This is not allowed.
17:04And I have traveled many miles to demonstrate to you my loyalty.
17:08And to discuss issues face to face.
17:10We cannot understand you.
17:12Then I will ask Godwin to translate for me.
17:14Godwin, tell the Pope that we come here with respect.
17:18What is happening?
17:20You have offended His Holiness and the church.
17:23The meeting is ended. There is no agreement.
17:35Thank you for seeing me, Your Eminence.
17:39Your King is a savage.
17:42While I admit that he is direct,
17:44the past seven years have also proven him to be a devoted servant to the church.
17:48Well, that's not what I've witnessed today.
17:51It's bad enough that to advance the Christianization of these people,
17:55we have agreed to saint one of them.
17:58The raider.
18:00But to have your King attempt to speak to the Holy Father as an equal
18:04shows how little respect he has for the sanctity of our institutions.
18:10I'm here to hopefully alter that opinion.
18:20Well, I'm afraid once my mind is made up, I'm not easily swayed.
18:26England is a wealthy country.
18:29And I believe that you are a man capable of finding the path to forgiveness.
18:47You are a man capable of finding the path to forgiveness.
18:52Thank you.
19:05You found work quickly.
19:08Your healer is busy with wedding preparations.
19:12Have you always been a traveler?
19:15Once I was a farmer.
19:17What made you change?
19:19When I was away herding sheep, my wife and my daughter were killed by raiders.
19:24I'm so sorry to hear that.
19:31So what has brought you to Jomsborg?
19:33My grandfather was a Jomsborgian.
19:35I was born in Jomsborg.
19:38So what has brought you to Jomsborg?
19:40My grandfather was a Jomsborgian before he moved to Rus.
19:43When I was a child, he would tell me the most exciting stories about his time here.
19:47The battles, the friendships, the feasts.
19:50Did you learn how to defend from him?
19:52No. Like my medicines, I picked it up in India.
20:00I want you to teach my son, Harald.
20:04The training takes time.
20:07And are you in a hurry to leave?
20:20Now, the ancient Greeks believed that if they stress,
20:23Lakshmita, the gods, live beneath that mountain.
20:26And every time he worked his forage, that's when the ground shook and sparks flew.
20:33The Saracens proved that Edna was not the home of the gods.
20:37The fire that poured out came from deep down inside the earth.
20:43Do you ever get tired of knowledge?
20:48No, science is pure.
20:50I am, for more.
20:55What I desire most is inside that citadel.
21:00To me, knowledge is more valuable than gold.
21:06When we set out for Constantinople seven years ago,
21:10I promised I would return to Norway and take back what is mine.
21:17This victory will guarantee that I have treasures enough to do that.
21:24And then what?
21:26Then what?
21:29What do you mean?
21:31I know you, my friend.
21:34Your ambition runs as deep as the sea.
21:39Will that be enough to satisfy you?
21:44I know what I want.
21:48And I'm almost there.
21:51I fear that you have placed too much faith in Harald.
21:54I will not argue that he is a gifted warrior, but he is not one of us.
21:59He fights for glory, like all Vikings.
22:02And you do not?
22:04I fight for the glory of the Byzantine Empire, nothing else.
22:12Your loyalty and courage is without question.
22:16But your hatred of the Saracen religion has blinded you.
22:20From the moment you arrived in Sicily, the emir has been more inventive.
22:26It is time to let someone else challenge him.
22:30You are risking much if he fails.
22:33I am the emperor of the greatest empire on earth.
22:37I got here by risking much on men who are willing to risk more.
23:01I Christianized my people.
23:04Forced them to give up their gods and traditions.
23:09Now I must kneel and kiss the ring of a man who will not even meet me face to face.
23:15What is to keep me from leaving this city today?
23:18We benefit enormously from the support of the church.
23:21It is the support of hypocrites.
23:24Should the pope wish to, he could have you excommunicated.
23:30And England would be alone in all of Europe.
23:32They judge me because I have killed to be king, but they forget.
23:36They all have blood on their hands.
23:40My lord, I have spoken with the cardinal and we have come to an understanding.
23:44How much will this understanding cost me?
23:48Three hundred Salidi.
23:50I do not like it.
23:51It is not who I am.
23:53I agree, your highness, but it is what is needed for England.
24:06Do it.
24:08Yeah, do it.
24:13I was there this morning.
24:15I saw how the cardinal treated Canute.
24:18They are simply not accustomed to men of your husband's background, milady.
24:22But fortunately, it has been resolved.
24:24You are naive if you think your bribe will encourage them to alter their perception.
24:29It will only harden it.
24:31If we are to truly change their opinions, I feel we must try a different tack.
24:37I am afraid it is too late for that, your highness.
24:40And I have dealt with the problem.
25:07I am afraid it is too late for that, your highness.
25:37I am afraid it is too late for that.
26:07Come on, boys!
26:23Join us!
26:25Yes, have something to eat.
26:26I'll have some wine.
26:29Thank you.
26:30Thank you.
26:40You look so beautiful, Grafna.
26:49I'm so happy for you.
26:50Thank you, princess.
26:54Do you know what the most powerful weapon in the world is?
26:58Is it not our new sword?
27:00It is our mind.
27:25I see you have already started my son's training.
27:29He is a bright boy.
27:34He speaks not of his father, however.
27:39He never knew him.
27:41Is he dead?
27:46Not that I know of.
27:48His father and I parted ways before he knew I was a child.
27:52He was a good man.
28:10This place is not what I expected.
28:14It is violent and joyous.
28:16You have picked a good day to arrive.
28:19You mean it is not like this every day?
28:28It is a struggle.
28:30So evidence of that in the woods.
28:33We are the last holdout of believers in the old gods.
28:37All the lands to the north and south are ruled by Christians.
28:41And their god commands them to destroy us and our faith.
28:46So we must be vigilant for attacks.
28:49I agree you're surrounded, but it's a difficult journey to get here, Phrasen.
28:54It has not stopped them before.
28:56So I must keep us ready.
28:59I think it's for me.
29:01Oh, thank you so much.
29:07I've never seen a leader who is so loved by her people.
29:10I don't consider myself a very typical leader.
29:15You're most certainly not typical, Phraenes.
29:28It feels like...
29:41It's been a long, wonderful day.
29:50I must let you rest.
29:52Or you can rest with me.
29:58Good night.
31:59You never were good at waiting, were you?
32:04It won't be long.
32:28You can go.
32:51Warranquillet Malik El Roum.
32:54Yes, Your Eminence.
32:55his bodyguards.
33:02Why have they chosen our highest ground in which to attack?
33:06Perhaps it is to catch us by surprise.
33:10But our counter-tunnel is finished,
33:13and we will show them the foolishness of their decision.
33:17We will show them the foolishness of their decision.
33:47Hello, Barangians!
34:01Have I always brought you victory?
34:07Have I ever failed you?
34:16Go! Before they light it! Hurry, Kassan!
34:38Then you must trust me!
34:40You must follow me!
34:42When your eyes tell you not to!
34:45You must have faith!
34:49And if you do, I promise you glory like you have never known!
35:04Where's Kassan?
35:07He was sealing off the tunnel.
35:45I told you, the Sarasans will collapse their tunnel.
35:50We go!
35:54The Barangians are excellent bodyguards, Emperor,
35:58but they are not...
36:19Where are they going?
37:06What are you waiting for?
37:08Follow your men!
37:09Follow the Barangians!
37:50Your Eminence, we must get you back to the castle where you will be safe.
38:29Kill them all!
38:42Let's go!
38:46The castle! Yes!