Our Sense Organs – Nose, Tongue, And Skin

  • 3 months ago


00:00hi kids today we will learn more about our sense organs nose tongue and skin so
00:11let's get started let's start with our nose our nose has specialized cells that
00:21enables us to smell different things
00:27our nose also warms and moistens the air we breathe so that dry and cool air does
00:37not harm our internal organs there are tiny hair inside our nose that blocks
00:46any dust particles or any other foreign particles from entering our body often
00:55we sneeze and that sneezing is to expel out any foreign matter that anyway goes
01:03inside our nasal cavity with our breath now let's learn external parts of our
01:12nose this is called a bridge and this is the tip of the nose these are nostrils
01:23and this portion is called LA of the nose and this is called columella now
01:33let's learn internal parts of our nose nostrils these are the holes from where
01:42the air enters the nose olfactory area this is the area of nose that recognizes
01:51smell olfactory bulb it carries the signal from the smell receptor cells to
02:01the brain the inner lining of our nose or the nostrils is lined with fine hairs
02:10these fine hairs act as a strainer and do not let the dust particles enter our
02:18body along with the air we breathe the nerve endings on the nasal membranes
02:24helps us to smell when there is something in front of the nose that has
02:30some kind of smell nerve endings gather this information and sent it as signals
02:36to the brain and the brain then tells us what kind of smell it is when we are
02:45suffering from cold and cough we are not able to smell this is because the nerve
02:51endings get blocked now let's learn how you should take care of your nose when
03:00the nose is blocked use nasal drops to clear the blockage of the nose and never
03:07blow your nose too hard always use a handkerchief when sneezing or blowing
03:13your nose so we have learned about our nose now we will learn about our tongue
03:23tongue is a muscular structure that is attached to the floor of our mouth and
03:30it plays a very important role it moves food in our mouth and helps in
03:38or chewing of food its upper surface is covered with taste buds that enables us
03:49to taste different things the tongue always remains moist with saliva and is
03:57a natural teeth cleaner tongue also plays a vital role in producing speech
04:04we cannot speak without our tongue our tongue is richly supplied with nerves
04:13and blood vessels nerves carries the messages from the taste buds to the
04:20brain our tongue saves us from eating anything that's not good for us like if
04:28something is rotten or bitter our tongue warns us and we do not eat it different
04:36parts of our tongue are more sensitive to different tastes kids the way we
04:44brush our teeth regularly we should also clean our tongue using a tongue cleaner
04:49in the morning when we brush our teeth so kids we have learned about our nose
04:57and tongue now we will learn about another sense organ which is our skin
05:03our skin is another sense organ that makes us feel anything hot cold rough or
05:12smooth the skin is the largest organ of the body with a total area of about 20
05:21feet our skin has multiple layers epidermis dermis and subcutaneous epidermis it is the
05:34topmost or the outermost layer of the skin it acts as our waterproof barrier
05:41and also creates different skin tones dermis the second layer is dermis it contains tough
05:55connective tissue hair follicles and sweat glands the deeper layer is subcutaneous also
06:06known as hypodermis it is mainly made up of fat and connective tissue our skin plays some very
06:15important functions first of all it is organ of protection our skin protects our internal organs
06:25from physical impacts as it acts as a cushion for our delicate internal organs skin acts as
06:35a waterproof cover of our body it protects us from infections as it does not let germs enter
06:45our body it also regulates the temperature of our body the blood vessels in the skin constrict in
06:55very cold conditions to retain heat in the body also less or no sweat is produced in cold weather
07:04conditions so that no heat is lost from the body blood vessels dilate or expand in hot weather
07:15conditions to allow more and more heat to escape from the body and too much sweat is released
07:23through sweat glands in hot weather conditions to let more heat escape from the body our skin
07:33also synthesizes vitamin D from sunlight our skin has nerve cells all over it because of which we
07:45experience different sensations like warmth cold touch pain and these sensations are passed to the
07:54brain through nerve cells and we keep ourselves protected so kids today we learned about our
08:03sense organs now you may go ahead and take a quiz to learn more bye-bye