Charlies Angels - Three For The Money Season 4 Episode 22

  • 3 months ago


00:00once upon a time there were three little girls who went to the police academy one
00:06in Los Angeles one in San Francisco the other in Boston and they were each
00:16assigned very hazardous duties but I took them away from all that and now
00:24they work for me my name is Charlie
01:24forever the bottom line is how much have I made for you you've done very well
01:30Harley thank you now you have a United States senator after you the people I
01:36answer to don't like that I'm sure the senator will have a price everyone has a
01:42price including you how perceptive of you you sell us out you get dead very
01:49quickly as a freelance employee of your organization there might be profit in my
01:56selling out but I'm aware of the consequences of such a move you're a man
02:01who understands his place in the scheme of things Harley you need money laundered
02:05I take it into Mexico for you and I have provided that service for our mutual
02:09profit with every penny accounted for cut this guy sneaking around out back
02:17the Lloyd what are you doing I'm here for the $65,000 that you stole from me
02:27that's what I'm doing here gentlemen this is mr. Lloyd we were together in
02:30that land venture I told you about you picked me clean my garage everything I
02:35own it's all gone you stole it Lloyd I lost a great deal of my personal funds
02:39in that venture myself did you you cheated me you cheated me and I'm gonna
02:45make a big loud stink about that you see I know that some US senators
02:49investigating you I think I'll go talk to him mr. Gable will you be good enough
02:53to show mr. Lloyd how extraordinarily foolish a move like that will be now get
02:56him out of here some sucker you burned on a short con Harley well one likes to
03:09keep one's hand in what you do outside of our deal is your business indeed it
03:13is maybe there's something you should know to put your mind at ease I am
03:17setting up a con to finance the buying of the senator you're saying you can buy
03:21senator Langston what am I known for this is a money and the ability to get
03:26it beautiful women and the ability to get them now I've got a shot at a US
03:29senator I owe it to my reputation to give it a try
03:33meanwhile back to business when do I leave for Mexico
03:49professor John McKendrick and mrs. Patterson are here Charlie good as
03:54Tiffany arrived yet no not yet but she should be here momentarily mr. Lloyd our
03:59other client is instructing Tiffany in the tricks of his trade fine now Bosley
04:04you have mr. Dexter's dossier there we're about to con mr. Dexter just as he
04:09conned our three clients Tiffany you know I I still think that I ought to do
04:14it Mike you can't get crawling under cars with that on mrs. Patterson this is
04:18Tiffany Wells how do you do she'll be posing as senator Langston's political
04:26aid well as soon as I peel off these overalls I will excuse me a minute
04:32don't worry mr. Patterson I've made arrangements with the senators people
04:36I'm mr. Dexter is in for quite a surprise now mrs. Patterson you lost
04:41exactly $100,000 is that correct yes that was nearly all my husband left me
04:47when he died unlike some politicians he was never a rich man
04:51professor McKendrick how much did you lose 75,000 I am a most learned fool and
04:58a very silly woman with mr. Lloyd 65 that comes to nearly a quarter of a
05:04million dollars mine was supposed to be a matching investment in oil rich lands
05:09there's more oil in my garage so Charlie their quarter of a million became mr.
05:15Harley Dexter's quarter of a million not very nice but very neat Chris did
05:20you find a matching Rolls-Royce for mr. Dexter Abercrombie and son on Wilshire
05:25good that sets up our Rolls-Royce calm Charlie I have quite a rap sheet here on
05:31mr. Harley Dexter appears that he's working with the Eastern syndicate he's
05:36a man of two passions swindling is one I'll give you the traditional three
05:42guesses as to the other Charlie do you suppose that Tiffany Kelly or myself
05:47would qualify for mr. Dexter's other passion my dears why ever do you think
05:51we're in this business well how do I look mrs. Patterson am I politically
05:57volunteerish enough my dear you are perfect forgive me but I don't quite
06:04understand any of this well professor McKendrick we're trying to get your
06:07money back for you and we're dealing with a devious man so we will have to
06:11deal in devious ways you will be part of it now ladies and gentlemen we're
06:15setting up three cons Kelly will go to Mexico with a professor and interest mr.
06:20Dexter in some fabulous Mayan art meanwhile Chris will pick up a Rolls-Royce
06:26and and mr. Lloyd and Tiffany will be at a fundraising affair for senator
06:30Langston it's gonna be sort of a four-pronged attack and believe me we're
06:33looking forward to it three cons for the master con man angels remember Dexter is
06:39amoral he doesn't know right and wrong exist this man can kill I mean it so
06:45watch yourselves
06:52see senator Langston yeah he's cruising around hey that was some speech I thought
06:58he was gonna point right at you when he attacked organized wolves and sheep's
07:02clothing luckily he hasn't mentioned me by name I better get to him before he
07:06does be sure you do
07:23hello hi kind of lonely standing over here just catching my breath I'm Tiffany
07:30Wells one of the senator's aides I'm Fred Dawkins no you're not I'm not
07:35you're Harley Dexter oh well don't you think you can get into trouble talking
07:40to me senator asked me to oh come on you're kidding I'm not kidding
07:44despite what he says about you publicly the senator finds you rather dynamic I
07:49would love to be convinced of that how about later over a bottle of wine
07:53sounds inviting it's meant to be here's my card meanwhile I did meanwhile
08:02whatever the senator says tonight he wants you to know privately that he
08:08could be open for campaign contribution oh oh I I see what you mean
08:18do you know part of being a good aid is knowing when to disappear
08:24I just want to say what a pleasure it is to meet you well you certainly have
08:29nerve coming here Dexter like it or not senator I am a member of your party not
08:34for long they don't let people vote in prison with all respect to your high
08:39office senator I'm in real estate I'm just a businessman and I sir am the
08:44tooth fairy that's not funny very funny man senator that's that's what the
08:49country needs humor
08:55how much is true one million dollars I read about what senator Langston had to
09:02say about you Dexter I'm handling it trust me I trust you as much as I can
09:08trust any other man with a hundred thousand dollar getaway fun tucked away
09:12in a safe how did you know about that I make it my business to know something I
09:18put aside for a rainy day don't rain much in Southern California I've never
09:23let you or your associates down to Sousa there's no need to threaten me just
09:28trying to keep you on your toes Dexter Dexter Professor McKendrick is here to
09:34see you excuse me
09:48very pretty both of us lost a great deal of money on that oil land in which we
09:55involve ourselves do you know my business still hasn't recovered from the
09:59blow I've stumbled across a way for us not only to recoup our losses but make a
10:05sizable profit as well what selling archaeology books I've recently returned
10:10from a dig in Mexico while there I was approached by a young lady who is the
10:15spokesperson for a group who I use her phrase have come into possession of a
10:20truckload of Mayan artifacts as grand as any you see here you mean she stole them
10:28I saw no need to press her for detail yeah that that is gauche isn't it go on
10:35the young lady is quite quite attractive though rather headstrong you mean she
10:40needs general persuasion and of course you are very good at persuasion as you
10:45said before we both lost on that deal at any rate as I said her companions are
10:51rough silent threatening types but I tell you they don't know what they have
10:56they only want a hundred thousand for the lot Harley what they have rivals
11:03anything yet discovered I give you my word my word they could be sold to
11:08collectors or museums for seven even eight hundred thousand dollars at the
11:12very least so why do you need me I can only raise twenty five thousand of the
11:17asking price also I have no means of transporting the artifacts into the
11:23United States what you're suggesting is illegal of course yes but I'm a
11:30desperate woman twenty five percent of what we realize would set me up for life
11:38your loss was greater than mine so I thought we might share similar sentiments
11:44I don't know I might I'd well I'd have to authenticate these art pieces before
11:48purchase of course I know a man in South America who could do it Alvarez oh I think
11:54I'd rather choose my own expert what about um what about the man who wrote this book
12:00Dr. Martin Augsburg he looks trustworthy don't you think says he lives in Mexico City um
12:08him if you insist uh just give me a few days in Mexico to uh attend to some business of my own
12:15and that'll also give my associates here time to assemble my share of the money then come to my
12:20house in Mexico okay here's the address and I'll arrange for Dr. Augsburg to meet us there
12:28thank you Harvey thank you professor
12:53hey margaritas your professor's here okay Augsburg should be here any minute what about the money
13:00well it got laundered pretty good all nice old untraceable bills packed in the rolls
13:05uh-huh and uh who has the connections to do that you do keep that in mind now did you get a
13:11telephone call from Los Angeles oh yeah that uh Tiffany Wells she works for Langston all right
13:16been with him about a year okay here's her card send a dozen roses to that address no no no daisies
13:26fresh original dripping in innocence I'll get that senator off my back send her the daisies and
13:32I'll give you a note to have her at the house the day we get back now what about the 75,000 I need
13:36for my deal with the professor oh they're still working on that but uh you'll have it by the end
13:41of the week there's another car funny-looking guy talking to professor McKendrick it's Augsburg
13:52oh if this works and it will you know what that means Gibble power I mean I've owned a lot of
13:58things in my life but the idea of actually possessing a U.S. senator now that I find intriguing
14:08well as long as it doesn't mess up our associates back home huh okay come on show them in and then
14:13go buy the truck oh and Gibble yeah we're in a foreign country don't steal a truck buy one
14:32professor McKendrick Dr. Augsburg welcome would you care for a margarita don't mind if I do
14:41Mr. Dexter this is Mayan culture in its finest hour invaluable
14:47you're holding that upside down oh oh yes yes what's this junk made of plaster of Paris Marwa's
15:06but we agreed we'd make the exchange at the end of the week look I just told your horses
15:10my friends and I are getting a mite nervous we've been sitting on this stuff nearly two weeks
15:15already Bruno over there says he got somebody else who might be interested so I but I won't
15:19have the money until the end of the week now whose problem is that mine are yours excuse me
15:31well Mr. Dexter you have a gold mine here do you think they're worth uh seven eight hundred thousand
15:40uh I think that is a conservative estimate
15:47she wants the deal today I can have my money ready in two hours is two hours agreeable
15:55two hours about all the time you're gonna get wait a minute my share is still in LA
16:00oh but I thought but without the entire hundred thousand what what do we do now all right all
16:07right maybe there is a way
16:13I uh I might be able to put my hands on the cash
16:16good I knew if anybody could come through it'd be Harley Dexter
16:23how do you know who I am you got quite a reputation even around these parts a real
16:29wheeler dealer uh say uh do you think you might have a job in that organization of yours
16:37I'm a lady who'll do what she has to to turn a bug but uh working with those cowboys it's a pants
16:46you got some rough edges don't you I'm just me
16:49so what do you think I'm thinking it doesn't come free what does
16:56it's possible we can work something out depending on what you're willing to do for me
17:02yeah you mean uh right here now of course not
17:08hey now I ain't been turned down too often neither have I it's just that the professor
17:15put me in a small bind with this two-hour limit I mean it's it's nothing I can't handle
17:20but I think I'm gonna have to teach her a lesson and I'm gonna need you to help me
17:23sounds to me like you're going to double cross that poor little lady
17:27yeah that sounds that way doesn't it
17:47I just heard on the radio you've had it buddy Langston had a press conference
17:51he's going after your tail I'm taking care of that with daisies you're taking care of it
17:57forget it it's being taken care of did Dr. Augsburg leave yeah he left wait a second
18:02you can't do that that's D'Souza's money I'm borrowing 75 000 I replace it with the cash I've
18:07raised in LA D'Souza's not gonna like it then let's not tell him and save all that displeasure
18:12did you get the truck yeah it's out back all right put this away and do try to be careful
18:20you're the one that better be careful I know what I'm doing
18:23I'm on a streak and when you're on a streak you ride with it right
18:35okay uh do you have your share yes right here you'll understand if I insist on seeing it
18:41now listen I don't have time to play games we're dealing with some very rough people and
18:49they're smart they may try and cross us that had occurred to me what do you suggest okay
18:57we go to the rendezvous separately you and your car me in the truck you make sure they've got the
19:02goods and it isn't a trap then you signal me uh I drive up and we make the exchange I don't know
19:08what if there is trouble kibble and I will be covering you from a safe distance away I mean
19:13you won't see us but we'll be there but I have three times as much to lose as you do
19:18this way we can protect this investment
19:24all this intrigue is beyond me I'm afraid let's get it over with as quickly as possible whatever
19:30you say professor
19:46it's all here it's gonna be sad times when the lady professor gets to the other rendezvous and
19:52finds out she's all by her lonesome I can handle her I'll tell her we were ambushed on the way and
19:57the art was stolen I'll even have a bump on my head to prove it when are you leaving for LA well
20:02as soon as I split with those two stooges over there you and I are gonna have a very interesting
20:08relationship yeah well uh I never done nothing uh real kinky
20:52what's the matter charlie called there's a problem it's rumored the dexter has a hundred
20:56thousand dollars cash stashed somewhere in case things get too hot then that'll have to be the
21:01money he gives tiffany yeah but the point is will he be secure enough at that point to risk it
21:07oh will he run I see what you mean
21:23they weren't there harley they weren't there and neither were you what happened all right
21:27calm down will you I find your actions highly suspicious there was nothing I could do what I
21:34thought they might try to cross us and they did only they were smarter than I thought tell me what
21:40happened we were following you as we planned well back but keeping you in sight they ambushed us
21:48after you passed gibble put up a fight he's in the hospital all I got was a bash on the head
21:55and the money what about the money it's gone and they still have the artifacts to sell to someone
22:02else don't look at me like that you're you're not the one who got beat up that money was everything I
22:12had everything you know I don't think we should do any more business together
22:22we just don't make a very lucky team I agree
22:25I'm sorry I got you involved oh that's all right professor I'm a forgiving man
22:48all arranged all arranged truckload of that art stuff will go across the border tonight I'll be
22:52in LA tomorrow rotten harley hey the professor should have known better than to try something
22:58crooked like that I never thought I'd see my 75,000 again well there you go I don't know how to thank
23:08you you put it over professor absolutely you know you could have been a terrific actor as a matter of
23:15fact in school I did perform with the Gilbert and Sullivan troupe no kidding so did I
23:21ah take one consideration with another with another a policeman's lot is not a happy one
23:30when constabulary duties to be done to be done a policeman's lot is not a happy one happy one
23:56you understand that Abercrombie's as a rule wouldn't handle such an item my father would
24:01murder me if he even knew I was discussing such a thing with a customer but you do have one yes
24:08a trade-in a rather well-known pop star owned it I don't for the moment recall his name uh
24:13the skinny one who wouldn't wear proper shirts
24:18you think we could see it yes out back
24:26I understand he used to break his guitars during his concerts
24:30he treated his automobile in the same disgusting manner it needs a new paint job
24:36upholstery use some stitching has got some minor metal work the real horror is under the bonnets
24:54how could anybody do that to a car to a rose no servicing at all that we could discover how much
25:02it is of course difficult to price a rolls-royce no matter its
25:06condition we would find this figure acceptable
25:17this would come out of dexter's pocket that's the plan
25:23okay it's a deal it's a lot of money for a used car madam this is not a used car this is a
25:30previously owned british motor vehicle
25:47hi well I love your used car it's not an exact duplicate of dexter's roll some of the upholstery
25:54and fittings we had to scrounge up yeah if they look too closely we're sunk before we get out of
25:58port well then we'll have to make sure they're too busy to notice why is dexter coming home three
26:03days early he must have heard about the injunction senator langster slapped on all his financial
26:08transactions cash flow interrupt is too bad where is he now uh north of san diego by now
26:14okay you better get this hunk of junk on the road drive carefully
26:20beautiful car would be nice if it ran oh you are so hard to please
26:44can we appeal how long will it take
26:48I don't have a week how can he get away with this how can he tie up my money like this
26:54all right all right all right look look there's something else I have a truck arriving at the
26:58warehouse today I want it and its contents guarded right stay on top of that appeal will you
27:04I'll be in touch what now I don't have to deliver this user's money for three days
27:10if I have to I can use the mine stuff as collateral what about your getaway fund
27:15I'm not touching I um I thought you were working on Langston I am I am where's your faith
27:22it ain't in daisies I'll tell you that
27:42hi hi what's the trouble I don't know it just died
27:51you got good taste in cars yeah you too I was driving to Los Angeles to go to my 10th high
27:56school class reunion I wanted to show them that the girl voted least likely to succeed
28:01did anyway now what am I gonna do hey take it easy look I'll tell you what I'll um I'll give
28:07you a lift into LA and then I'll have my own personal mechanic take a look at it and fix
28:11it up as good as new really sure I got a phone in the car he could send the tow truck immediately
28:43I really don't know how to thank you hey it's no trouble
28:47you've been so kind already I I really hate to impose why what what is it why
28:55I haven't eaten since breakfast do you think I could stop and get a bite to eat
28:58I give up stop at that um that that little place in redondo beach
29:12oh thank you
29:28so I got a terrific idea why don't you be my house guest while you're in LA
29:40oh I couldn't you've already done so much for me nonsense come on come on what do you say
30:43uh-oh whatever my car had it must have been catchy I don't believe it
31:06I uh I don't know what's wrong with it
31:10all right tell malikian to send another tow truck come on sweetheart we'll take a cab
31:19don't let this car out of your sight
31:35tell the cab to wait dexter doesn't seem to have his car
31:44chris I'm sorry look why don't you take your bag upstairs uh this will only take a minute sure
31:58what are you doing here delivery isn't for three days we got a tip senator langston knows about the
32:04mexican run he's after the rolls that's impossible we want that money back now not in three days
32:10now wait wait I gotta think this through like take that money out of the rolls now dexter
32:19I have to make a phone call
32:34it's for you take a message the guy said he's gonna talk to you first with some guy named dexter
33:04gibble here yeah dexter what's happening get the money out of the car
33:20so dexter there's mechanics all over this joint if I take the money out now they'll see it
33:28get them out
33:34I can't do it fast I'll mess up the car
33:50so just do it
34:10we can go get the cards that malakian's garage you're going to the garage great
34:16I can check on my car and we'll follow your cab sure why not come on
34:43is this my car no it's mine come on
35:03yeah what are you doing it's gone the money's all gone but it's impossible it wasn't out of
35:10my sight long enough idiot you've got the wrong car that's why rose outside this one's hers
35:15mine we finished repairing your car mr dexter so we started on this one and then this maniac pulls
35:21out again you want me to call the cops no no that's all right it's uh it's all a mistake excuse
35:27me mr decisively like a word with you where is the money and the other rolls it's okay
35:40gibble get it but there's um there's something I have to tell you it's uh
35:4575,000 short but I can make it up by the regular delivery date
35:50I'm dexter I tried to tell you listen to me I have close to a million dollars worth of Mayan
35:56art treasure sitting in my warehouse right now and to show my good faith I'll uh I'll let you
36:00hold on to them until I can repay the money come on what do you say I could take the 75,000 from
36:07your rainy day fund my in our treasures how can I refuse you I just love to watch you work
36:17harley harley
36:21thank you excuse me
36:25harley what about my car what about my beautiful car don't worry about it I'll have it fixed
36:30in time for my class reunion tonight tonight yeah
36:37you know there just might be another solution
36:54there thank you now my car is legally yours your car is legally mine
37:01same car same value no harm done right right look uh why don't you go upstairs and
37:08put that away somewhere and then uh we can have a drink together okay okay
37:36well there you are
37:42chris will be around with the rolls in just a couple of minutes thanks mr bosley no but I still
37:48don't understand I mean why didn't we just take the money that we found hidden in dexter's rolls
37:52when we had the chance because it wasn't his it belonged to his associates and we do not want them
37:59after us well it all worked out beautifully look you know I can sell that rolls at dexter's for
38:0670,000 easy and we take away the five that we paid for chris's clunker and I still get my 65,000
38:14thanks again two down one to go
38:38hi hi I really don't know how to thank you we'll find a way
38:52hi here I am where to park my bag
39:01well well what have we here the upstairs mate I uh I didn't expect you so soon um I didn't expect
39:10her at all if you're looking for the stables they're out back hi wait a minute whoa whoa whoa
39:17whoa wait whoa whoa uh look it's it's just a minor misunderstanding yes I think we both
39:23misunderstood please wait in the study okay give me a chance to explain I mean after all I've done
39:29for you okay come on what are you doing here just what did she mean by that stables crack she's
39:44upset well so on my part listen if I'd have known you were running some kind of commune here
39:48I'd have stayed back in Mexico goodbye excuse me hey what's that all about don't ask okay
40:01all right I I gave de Souza the money out of the rolls he went to the
40:04warehouse to check out that art stuff make sure it covers the 75,000 that you're short
40:09um what's going on here
40:16I don't know
40:21well hello thank you for the daisies they were beautiful
40:26I uh came in through the back I don't think we should be seen together just yet excuse me a second
40:31Tiffany Wells is in there well you said you wanted to see her as soon as we got back
40:42that rose of yours better be in good condition it is it is good because
40:46I'm going to drive it out of here real fast wait wait wait where are you going
40:54busy day
41:01somehow I don't get the impression you're glad to see me
41:07senator Langston has caused me a great deal of trouble in the last few days
41:12I'm sorry forget it except for the investigation I've managed to survive
41:16now what are you doing here I am soliciting campaign contributions
41:23for a man who's out to get me I told you that was just a cover wait a minute wait you mean
41:27I pay him he finds me innocent I don't believe it you heard what he said about me but he has to
41:32have a tough public stance surely a man of your intelligence can understand why look it's been a
41:38long day suppose uh you tell me he has to establish his credibility so that if he does find you
41:48innocent everybody will believe him plus now you do have to pay him off because if you don't he
41:54will send you to prison kind of ups the price don't you think something wrong I never cease to
42:01be amazed by the duplicity in all of us everybody's on the tape Mr. Dexter haven't you figured that out
42:06yet the only difference between you and them is that they're mostly amateurs
42:14how much oh a hundred thousand and do it that's uh hardly an amateur figure and when
42:19no no no no let me guess you want it now
42:27well I haven't got it we know all about your getaway fund oh no no I need that
42:33what for by the end of the week the charges will be dropped injunction will be lifted too
42:40what does he likes to know about the Mexican run what he knows he'll forget so you're in the clear
42:44besides a man like you must have lots of deals in the works
42:48you can replace that hundred thousand easy hey listen you're right it's been a ridiculous week
42:54but as I said I've survived
43:29have another drink oh I think I'll have to take a rain check
43:35after all the sooner I get this to the senator the sooner he's on your side yeah
43:42but I wouldn't worry I think we'll be seeing each other again
44:04smile gibble the fix is in I told you I'd do it and I did it I did it
44:09yeah hello this is D'Souza your Mayan art treasures are plaster of Paris Dexter
44:17they're worthless more than that they're even authenticated worthless
44:22what they can't be I want to see you now
44:29time for a long vacation I'll pack you bring the getaway money
44:34it's gone
44:41I used it to bribe Langston
44:51there we go one hundred thousand dollars well thank you Mr. Bosley but what about Dexter
45:00well since Senator Langston's subcommittee has expanded its investigation to include
45:05all of Dexter's friends Mr. Dexter has been in hiding at a small hotel downtown
45:11Gibble's already in custody well I sold a car great that's fabulous 69,991 dollars and 52 cents
45:22great wait a minute wait a minute hold it hold it that is eight dollars and 48 cents short
45:34I can live with it no no no wait a sec Bosley's right we set out to collect the full amount
45:42our job is not finished you're right
45:55how can the investigation still be on he must have gotten the bribe
45:59well what about the the art treasures were they fake all along
46:04well find out what am I paying you for I will pay you as soon as I sell my rose
46:12what do you mean it's a piece of junk it's worth 70,000 dollars
46:16I don't have any money I had to pay for my hotel room with a credit card
46:23what you can't turn state's evidence you're my attorney wait hello
46:34who is it room service
46:41thank you yeah over here is fine
46:47uh what do I owe you eight dollars and 48 cents
46:54that's all right keep it for the tip no no they as included in the charge for the meal one dollar
47:01and 52 cents thank you yeah
47:15I want to thank you Dexter I just got promoted
47:18got a call from back east I'm now in charge of west coast operations
47:23oh that's uh that's nice that's that's really nice uh you want a cup of coffee
47:32how about half a sandwich
47:44take him
47:48how about a napkin
47:52it's okay it's okay it's all a dream
48:03going down