Charlies Angels S02E24

  • 3 months ago
00:00Once upon a time, there were three little girls who went to the police academy.
00:06Two in Los Angeles.
00:13The other in San Francisco.
00:16And they were each assigned very hazardous duties.
00:23But I took them away from all that.
00:25And now they work for me.
00:27My name is Charlie.
01:00And I'm going to do it again.
01:24Left, 28.
01:26Right, 47.
01:28Left, 19.
01:30I have it.
01:39Let me get it.
01:41Don't be silly, my sweet.
01:43Why bother with pretense when everyone around us knows exactly what you are?
01:47But I love you.
01:51Of course you do, my pet.
01:54And cows have wings.
01:58I love you.
02:28I love you.
02:58I love you.
03:28I love you.
03:59What's the matter with you tonight?
04:02I'm bored.
04:04Desperately bored.
04:08Look, it's something I've done.
04:12What you do, darling, you do well enough.
04:15But then so do so many others.
04:18I'm afraid it's time for one of us to run along.
04:22And since I live here...
04:24Now, wait a minute.
04:26It's not that easy.
04:28What about my boat?
04:30Your boat?
04:32I'm going to lose it if you don't give me that loan.
04:35I mean, you promised.
04:38Did I?
04:41Did I?
04:43Well, I say so many things when I'm feeling blue and in need.
04:48Well, I say so many things when I'm feeling blue and in need of company.
04:55Look, you can't do this to me.
04:57You promised.
04:59I'm not one of your two-bit studs.
05:03That's exactly what you are.
05:05And if you think you're going to get more than nickels and dimes out of me...
05:09Danny, put that toy away.
05:12Everyone knows you carry it because you're a poor little bunny who's scared of the big bad world.
05:17You're not man enough to use it.
05:21You're wrong.
05:48Sea Wave's been my home ever since it was built.
05:52I started as a secretary.
05:54Worked my way up to manager.
05:56A little late in life to be starting on my career, perhaps.
05:59I think it's lovely.
06:00Thank you, dear.
06:01You're welcome.
06:02I've enjoyed every minute of it, until now.
06:06This wasn't the first time you'd been robbed, was it?
06:10There's been a series of jewel robberies in the marina area in the last two years.
06:14This is the third time the Sea Wave has been victimized.
06:17But it's the first time anyone's been killed.
06:19All the work of the same person?
06:23Similar M.O.s in each case, Chris.
06:26But a killing doesn't fit the pattern.
06:28But caught with his hand in the cookie jar, the burglar might have panicked.
06:32That's the way the police see it.
06:34The Sea Wave's a residential hotel, isn't it?
06:37Yes, that's right.
06:38We have several wealthy permanent tenants.
06:41We've even installed private safes in each suite for their valuables.
06:44Do you know how the burglar opens the safes?
06:47Well, nobody knows.
06:49There's no sign of forced entry.
06:51And the manufacturer claims they're uncrackable.
06:54We've tried changing the combinations on every safe after each robbery.
06:58And it doesn't slow down the burglar one bit.
07:01There aren't any clues at all?
07:03Well, he was seen running out the fire exit door shortly after the shot was heard.
07:08But not well enough to get a description.
07:10Sounds like he did panic.
07:13Oh, please, will you help me?
07:15The other tenants are threatening to leave.
07:18A scandal like this could close down the Sea Wave.
07:21It's my home.
07:23I wouldn't know what to do if that happened.
07:28Does your hotel have any vacancies, Catherine?
07:31Well, yes, we do.
07:33You're about to have some pretty big trouble.
07:36You're about to have some very lovely new guests.
08:08The police think I did it.
08:10Oh, they don't know you as I do.
08:13You wouldn't hurt anyone.
08:18I just rob people.
08:21Well, every boy must have his career.
08:26You're not sorry, are you, that I put my talents to such profitable use?
08:30Oh, Teddy, how could I be?
08:32You're such a good son.
08:34You look after your mother very well.
08:47You realize you may be in some danger.
08:50The murderer knows you saw him.
08:53Well, I can't just run away, Mother.
08:55The police would find that highly suspicious.
08:59But I can go get the mail.
09:14Here you are, Mr. Beckman.
09:24Miss Devereaux?
09:26Kelly Devereaux, from New Orleans.
09:28Well, welcome to the Sea Wave Hotel.
09:30You're most kind.
09:32Our manager will show you to your room in just a moment.
09:35Thank you very much.
10:03Mr. Boltzley?
10:08Thank you for coming.
10:10Oh, at your service, Miss Bjornbark.
10:13Thank you.
10:15That's Annika Bjornbark, the famous Swedish actress.
10:19I don't believe I've ever heard of her.
10:23Uh, would you like to meet her?
10:28I don't believe I've ever heard of her.
10:31Uh, would you show me to my room, please?
10:34This way.
10:36Thank you.
10:38You will get a good price for me.
10:40That should not be too difficult.
10:42Thank you.
10:44This way.
10:48The clientele here is not what it used to be.
10:58Oh, it's great back there.
11:01The burglar can't be one of our guests.
11:04Well, maybe not, but whoever it is seems to know who might make likely victims.
11:08So that means there's somebody around here keeping an eye on things.
11:11It's so cold-blooded.
11:13Yes, it is.
11:15Do you remember seeing anyone with Julie Redmond who wasn't a guest here?
11:19Yes. There was that sailing instructor, I think he calls himself.
11:23What's his name?
11:25I don't know. I don't think he could be the burglar.
11:28Well, wouldn't hurt to check him out.
11:31Is there anything else I can do?
11:33Yeah, as a matter of fact, there is.
11:35Now, the police think that the burglar picked the lock on Mrs. Redmond's apartment, don't they?
11:39Yes. The window in her bedroom was open, but her apartment's on an upper floor.
11:44What about the roof?
11:46Well, there's just one door to the roof, and I have the key right here in the office.
11:50Could I borrow it?
11:52Could I borrow it?
11:54I'd like to take a look around up there after everything's quieted down this evening.
11:58Thank you very much.
12:00I can't get 14 down.
12:02See you later.
12:04You will be careful, won't you?
12:06Oh, yes, ma'am.
12:08I got a guardian angel keeps an eye on me.
12:23Come on.
12:41He ought to be right over in the Redmond apartment now.
12:43Yeah, I'll take care of it.
12:52Thank you.
13:22Thank you.
13:52Thank you.
14:22Thank you.
15:27Hello there.
15:29Excuse me for dropping in so late.
15:31I'm with the Marina Botanical Society, and I couldn't help but be attracted by your honeysuckle.
15:36Could you help me with my rope here, please?
15:38Yeah, could you just give me a hand with my...
15:40Thank you. I really do appreciate it.
15:42And what lovely nasturtiums. You must be very proud of them.
15:45Excuse me. I'm so sorry.
15:47I'm really very sorry for bothering you, and I won't...
15:50I won't intrude on you again. You just have a lovely night.
15:58Tomorrow, either that honeysuckle goes, or I do.
16:11I mean, it's just crazy.
16:13Five years without an injury, all of a sudden a murder, then an attempted murder.
16:17One right after the other.
16:19Yes, and don't forget the attempted decapitation of yours truly.
16:23Charlie, did you read the police report on the Redmond case?
16:26Yes, I did.
16:28Well, you remember when she was found, she was wearing an expensive diamond bracelet?
16:32Why did the burglar bother to clean out the safe and then leave the bracelet?
16:35Well, he probably knew that shot had been heard.
16:38Maybe he didn't have time.
16:40To pull a bracelet off her wrist?
16:43Now listen, there's something else.
16:45A security guard saw him escaping out a fire door,
16:48but if he'd used a rope to climb down from the roof,
16:51he'd have had to abandon it still tied there.
16:53The police looked. No rope.
16:55What's your theory, Sabrina?
16:57I think there were two people in the apartment besides the victim.
17:00And the burglar went back the way he arrived, up the rope.
17:03Which means somebody else went out the fire door.
17:06It's the only thing that makes sense.
17:08Well, that would explain the thief's M.O. changing so suddenly.
17:12Sure, it's mystery man number two who's so deadly.
17:15Yeah, but what does that do to our plan for catching the thief?
17:19Never fear, Bosley. I'll bet Sabrina's thinking the same thing I am.
17:23Right, Charlie. If you're thinking that the burglar saw the killer,
17:27and the killer knows that.
17:30That's right.
17:31That's why he tried to kill you. He thought you were the cat burglar.
17:34Sure looks that way.
17:35So, nothing's really changed, angels.
17:38To catch the murderer, we must still trap the thief.
17:41But there's one problem.
17:43What's that, Charlie?
17:45Do I dunk or not?
17:47I beg your pardon?
17:48I've just been served tea by my new English maid.
17:52Now, will she think I'm too vulgar if I dunk my crumpet in the tea?
17:56Only if you leave it there, Charlie.
17:59Goodbye, angels.
18:01Goodbye, Charlie.
18:12Goodbye, Charlie.
18:25I checked on this sailor, Denny Railsback.
18:27He's been in town about six months,
18:29lives on a boat that's mortgaged up to its gunnels.
18:33Oh, hey, be careful, gentlemen.
18:36Charlie would hang us both from the nearest yardarm
18:39if it happened to his jay collection.
18:41You're right. Now, listen.
18:42After we make a grand entrance in there, I'm gonna mingle a little bit.
18:45Oh, good. See if anybody shows any interest.
18:47Right. Then I'll check on some sailing lessons.
18:49Oh, yes.
18:50Thank you.
19:07Now, if you will just wait here, Miss Bjornbar,
19:10I shall see that your cases are securely tucked away in the safe.
19:14Thank you.
19:15You're most welcome.
19:20Thank you.
19:29Bertie, Bertie.
19:34I just love Todd Yate.
19:37I beg your pardon?
19:39My late husband's Yate collection.
19:42Do you mean Jade, my dear?
19:44Oh, yeah, yeah, Yate.
19:46It's all I have to remind me of him.
19:49Oh, my dear.
19:50Come on over here and sit down and tell me all about it.
19:53I'm Mrs. Macklin. I'm a resident here, too.
19:56Oh, I'm very happy to meet you.
19:59There, there. Oh.
20:02We were once so rich and happy.
20:04Ralph sell the tennis shoes all over.
20:07Now Ralph is gone, only to Yate and I remain.
20:11He was the fourth.
20:12The fourth what?
20:16But the only one I love.
20:19I heard someone say that Mr. Bosley is an auctioneer.
20:23I am so poor now.
20:25Until I find my fit husband, what do I do?
20:29Oh, I don't know.
20:30It's a problem I've never faced.
20:33I must sell my Yate.
20:36Mr. Bosley is the best.
20:38He gave a good price for me, yeah.
20:41Is the collection very valuable?
20:44Oh, yeah, yeah. Many hundreds of thousands.
20:50I just love that Yate.
20:53I don't blame you.
21:01Miss Devereaux?
21:04I'm Ted Macklin, the Sea Wave Hotel's personal welcome wagon.
21:07May I sit down?
21:08All right.
21:11Are you here to give me free coupons to local stores or restaurants?
21:17No, but I would be pleased to take you for an early dinner,
21:21and a walk along the beach while the California sun is still high.
21:25Well, I...
21:26Please, please, I know what it's like being alone in a new city.
21:31Here comes my mother. She can vouch for me.
21:36I'd like you to meet Miss, Miss Devereaux.
21:41How do you do?
21:42Nice to know you.
21:43I'm sorry to interrupt,
21:45but would you think it too Freudian of me if I tried to steal my son away?
21:51Why, no, not at all.
21:54I was going to spend the next hour being so clever and charming you'd agree to have dinner with me.
21:58Can we pretend I was, and you will?
22:02Let's pretend.
22:04About seven?
22:05If you make it six, we could go for a swim.
22:07See the sights, and then have dinner.
22:11All right.
22:28Hello, hello.
22:30Mr. Danny Ray is back.
22:35I am Annika Bjornbar.
22:37I have come for the sailing lesson.
22:40I charge by the hour.
22:42Oh, that is no problem.
22:49Okay, then, when do you want to start?
22:54Sure, fine.
23:03I think I want to go home now.
23:22I think I want to go home now.
23:28The county beach is a couple of blocks down.
23:31Have you lived at the sea wave long?
23:34Five years.
23:35We moved in after my father died.
23:37Mother took it pretty hard.
23:39I didn't want to leave her alone.
23:40I see.
23:41That was very thoughtful of you.
23:43It's a good arrangement.
23:44We get along fine.
23:47She respects my privacy, and I respect hers.
23:50I see.
24:00Something is wrong?
24:02Uh, no.
24:03No, no, no.
24:04I guess I'm a little beat myself, that's all.
24:12Tell me, what do you do for a living?
24:14As little as possible.
24:16No, no, actually, I own a fairly large commodities brokerage.
24:20Well, now, I am impressed.
24:23Oh, well, my work has its ups and downs.
24:27But enough about me and my family.
24:29What about you and yours?
24:31Well, the Devereaux's have lived in New Orleans for generations.
24:35And I thought it was just about time one of us got out and saw something of the world.
24:40Good for you.
24:42My mom and daddy were not pleased.
24:44You see, they want me married off and settled like all the other Devereaux women before me.
24:49I know what you mean.
24:50Old money, old traditions.
24:52It's the same in my family.
24:54It's difficult being independent sometimes.
24:56Yes, it is.
25:20Well, I guess we should be getting back now.
25:23It's getting late.
25:49Now, I know we should be getting back.
26:19You certainly have quick reflexes.
26:40So do you, for a delicate southern belle.
26:50Okay, fine.
27:05Thanks very much.
27:07Well, the car was stolen from a parking garage up the street.
27:11You think they were after you, Kelly?
27:13Well, I don't see how.
27:14Where's the motive?
27:16That leaves Macklin.
27:21And who would be the target of the killer?
27:25A cat burglar.
27:28But why would he need to steal?
27:30The Macklins are loaded with money.
27:32Oh, no.
27:33Charlie did some checking.
27:34And the Macklin Commodity Brokerage went bankrupt two years ago.
27:38Oh, well.
27:40And right about then, the burglary started.
27:43Oh, it fits.
27:45Why is it every time I start to like a guy?
27:49You know what else fits?
27:51Denny the sailor man.
27:53When he took a look at Macklin, he almost fainted.
27:55And he couldn't get rid of me fast enough.
27:57Well, the man obviously has no taste.
28:02And he had time to steal a car and get to the beach.
28:05Okay, then we have two strong suspects.
28:10Now all we need is the proof.
28:12Well, let's get some.
28:15All right.
28:19So, he missed.
28:21But he'll try again.
28:23I agree, but there are two reasons why I can't leave right now.
28:28That jade could set us up in style.
28:30Time enough to get established somewhere else.
28:33And the other reason?
28:38There's some mystery about her.
28:40I don't know, I can't explain it, but I've got to find out.
28:43You are a very weird boy.
28:47I say, you know me too well.
28:49Come on, you're going to be late.
28:53I'll take this down.
28:55Teddy, take care.
29:10Come on.
29:40Come on.
30:11Come on.
30:20She has her own key to the ladies' room?
30:40Come on.
31:10Come on.
31:40Come on.
32:10Come on.
32:18So she pays the gas station owner $50 a month and uses the station as a changing room.
32:23No questions asked.
32:25She then goes to Swan Security Systems, where she is employed under her maiden name of Cooper.
32:30And she has access to the safe combinations?
32:32Yeah, not only that.
32:34When C-Wave wants to change the combinations after each burglary,
32:38she is the one that's responsible.
32:42Well, didn't Catherine Cahoon ever see her?
32:44Apparently not.
32:45See, the actual work was done by a salesperson and the technicians.
32:49I'm telling you, with a mother like that,
32:52Macklin could be the most inept burglar in history and he'd still wind up with a fortune.
33:07I've made some inquiries.
33:09The devils are listed in who's who.
33:12But no darling daughter, Kelly.
33:15I've been found out.
33:17So who are you, really?
33:20Here you go.
33:22Kelly King.
33:25The Chardonnay Museum, New Orleans.
33:28Ah, you're a buyer.
33:32Well, we were privately informed that Miss Bion Bar wanted to sell her husband's collection.
33:37Well, I couldn't tell anyone the truth.
33:39I get it.
33:40You and that auctioneer character are putting one over on the Swedish starlet.
33:44Keeping the price low, then he gets a cut of the difference?
33:47Well, this is a wealthy area.
33:50Be one or two who might bid, but they'll have to drop out.
33:53Annika will be making lots of money and we'll have the jade collection for a fraction of its real worth.
33:59That's pretty tricky.
34:01Thank you.
34:03Tomorrow morning, armed guards will pick up the jade from her safe.
34:06Everybody will be happy.
34:10But you won't be bidding will you, Dad?
34:12Well, I'd truly like to mess up your little scheme, but no.
34:15No, I won't bid against you.
34:19You've got me into your spell.
34:23Besides, I don't bid for things I want.
34:33Well, it is time.
34:35Okay, now remember the plan, Bosley.
34:37Oh, it's very simple.
34:38Kelly is the high bidder at $150,000.
34:42Now, watch the old silver tongue swing into action.
34:46Old silver tongue?
34:49Ladies and gentlemen, the bidding is now open.
34:52The bidding is open.
34:53What am I bid?
34:55I do have an opening bid of $50,000.
34:57Thank you.
34:58I have $50,000.
34:59Do I hear $60,000?
35:00Oh, the very pretty lady bid $60,000.
35:03Thank you.
35:05I have $70,000.
35:06This bid is $70,000.
35:07Do I hear $80,000?
35:08Do I hear?
35:09That's a sneaky $80,000.
35:11I do have $80,000.
35:13I have $80,000.
35:14Do I hear $90,000?
35:15$90,000 for this priceless collection.
35:19Thank you very much.
35:22Oh, we are rolling now.
35:24I have $100,000.
35:25Do I hear $110,000?
35:26Do I hear $110,000 as bid?
35:28I have a bid of $120,000.
35:30I have $120,000.
35:31$120,000 is the bid.
35:32Do I hear $130,000?
35:33Do I hear $130,000?
35:38Too rich for the shy guy.
35:39All right.
35:40I have $130,000.
35:41Do I hear $130,000?
35:42I have $130,000.
35:47$140,000 once.
35:48$140,000 twice.
35:51Thank you very much.
35:52$150,000 once.
35:56I have $160,000.
35:57Do I hear $170,000?
35:59Do I hear $170,000?
36:01Oh, dear.
36:02That's Samantha McKendrick.
36:04She owns half of Beverly Hills.
36:06Do I hear $170,000?
36:09Always had a nose for bargains.
36:11Oh, Charlie, you kill us.
36:16I have $200,000.
36:19Thank you very much.
36:20I have $210,000.
36:22I have $210,000.
36:25I have $220,000.
36:31$300,000 once, twice, sold.
36:32Oh, no.
36:34I'm telling ya, at this rate I'll be selling pencils by tomorrow.
36:46I'm telling you, at this rate, I'll be selling pencils by tomorrow.
37:04With your auctioning ability, Boz, you'll be rich in a week.
37:07I don't know what came over me.
37:09It was like a dream.
37:10Well, don't worry, Boz.
37:12We're gonna get the jade back.
37:14I hope.
37:15All right.
37:16Okay, look.
37:17It's about time we get into position.
37:19Now, Kelly made sure that Macklin knows the jade leaves the safe tomorrow.
37:23That means he has to make his move tonight.
37:25Oh, Bozley.
37:29Left, nine, right, 52, left, mother, mother, I have it.
37:41No, don't work too late.
37:45Right, I'll be careful.
39:58Be careful with those, please.
40:16Dad left me in charge of the brokerage when he died five years ago, but
40:26well I couldn't make a go of it and when it went under, mother got a job at Swan
40:32Security. I don't know the idea just came so naturally and it was my idea not hers.
40:38I didn't talk you out of it. Swan Security installs safes and buildings
40:42all over the marina, so I just spaced my robberies out, setting each one up very
40:47carefully. Mother got me the combinations. It was so easy. Until you chose the
40:56wrong apartment. Oh that's for sure, Julie Redmond's. I was in the bedroom and I
41:02just opened the safe when I heard them come in. Julie and this guy, they quarreled.
41:08He must have been crazy to shoot somebody like that. What happened then?
41:13He came in the bedroom and I was on my way up the rope and I saw his face. And
41:18he saw yours? Yeah, what was I supposed to do? Go to the cops and explain that
41:24well I just happened to be climbing by. You know that might have aroused their
41:30suspicions. They would have locked me up so fast I wouldn't have known what had
41:33happened. They would have charged me with murder too. Oh well, so much for old
41:43wealth. And old traditions. What will happen to Teddy now? Well you're an
41:52accomplice too, Mrs. Macklin. I don't care about myself, but I do care about my son.
42:01Well Mrs. Macklin, we can we can try to work something out with the DA. What?
42:07A possible reduced sentence for you and a possible suspended sentence for your mom
42:13considering her age. No offense. In return for what? Help us catch the murderer.
42:22With pleasure, but what jury would believe my testimony? Well we have
42:28something else in mind.
42:47Hello. What are you doing here? I came to see you. More sailing lessons? Oh you make
42:57fun of me because I don't have my sea legs yet. I don't see anything wrong with
43:02them. Thank you. I am so lonely now that my husband Ralph is gone. Yeah? Would you
43:16have lunch with me? Well I don't know I was thinking of taking the afternoon off
43:21working my way up the coast to Frisco or something. Oh please, I've been thinking
43:26about what you asked about her lawn for this beautiful boat. Yeah? We could talk
43:34about it in my room over lunch. Okay, I guess Frisco can wait.
43:45How come you live here at the Sea Wave? Oh I like it. Don't you think it's nice? Oh sure
43:57it's nice. Why don't you call to room service? I will change.
44:05You come back with my kid. You, it is you. Watch him I'll go get the police. No don't don't, no no hold a second I gotta think this through. What the police? No no, no police. I don't understand. Do you remember that woman that was killed here a couple weeks ago? Julie Redmond?
44:35He did it, I saw him. That's right, I did it. Get away from that window. I'm sorry you had to give our little secret away Chuck. Cause now I gotta take you both out. But you first. You know I had nightmares about you hanging outside that window like a big black spider. But no more, no more.
45:05You got it all on tape in the room next door, blanks and all.
45:35Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh
46:05Uh oh.
46:13Uh oh.
46:19Uh oh.
46:35Uh oh.
46:57What took you so long?
47:05I'm sorry.
47:15Yes, thank you very much. Yes, goodbye.
47:19Well, Mrs. Macklin, the police have agreed to escort you to the station in an unmarked car.
47:23Oh, thank you for that, my dear.
47:26Our neighbors will know soon enough what we have done.
47:29But if they were to see me in custody...
47:31That's all right. We understand.
47:38Can I ask you one question?
47:42What's your real name?
47:44Garrett. Kelly Garrett.
47:47I'm sorry that things worked out the way they did, Kelly.
47:51So am I.
47:53My son has always had bad luck with women.
47:58I can't tell you how happy I am.
48:00You've all done a wonderful job.
48:03Well, thank you very much.
48:10Hello? Bosley?
48:18I have a truck outside.
48:20I've come for my jade.