Charlies Angels S05E03

  • 3 months ago
00:00Once upon a time, there were three beautiful girls.
00:05Two of them graduated from the police academy.
00:10The other graduated from a top school for models.
00:15And they each reaped the rewards of their exciting careers.
00:20But I took them away from all that, and now they work for me.
00:25My name is Charlie.
01:26The passengers for this flight may now board flight 116 and gate 4.
01:32Flight 116 now boarding and gate 4.
01:35Mr. Rowan, please call the flight attendant.
01:45The passengers for this flight may now board flight 116 and gate 4.
01:53I'm Joey.
01:55I'm Kelly.
01:57Should we go?
01:58I'll go around.
01:59Angel's meet your driver, Kono.
02:02Good to see you.
02:03How are you?
02:06I like you.
02:17You sure we're right about this, Pa?
02:20That girl killed your mother.
02:23She's dead, and she's gone from us.
02:27And she's gonna pay.
02:29Here you are, girls.
02:48You're home away from home.
02:51It has its own beach.
02:59I may never go home.
03:19This is beautiful.
03:20Do you always live like this?
03:22No, but I think it's time we started.
03:24Wait till you see the inside.
03:29Oh, by the way, those cars are registered in our names
03:31and in the agency name.
03:34Bosch, you think of everything.
03:35I try.
03:36God knows I try.
03:40An office never looks so good.
03:49Oh, fantastic.
03:50This is fabulous.
03:54Look at that view.
03:56Well, like you said, I may never go home.
04:00I think I could get used to it, too.
04:02Oh, don't you get too used to it.
04:04We will be going home sooner or later.
04:07Yeah, Spaz, he always keeps us in touch with reality.
04:09You mean he keeps an eye on the Bucks, huh?
04:11Like a hawk.
04:13It's easy to see that none of you know anything
04:15about the loneliness of command.
04:17Speaking of Bucks, Spaz, did you spend any on champagne?
04:21You know, to toast the new office.
04:24Not in the budget.
04:26Well, forget it.
04:27I'll spring for it.
04:28I saw a market on the way up.
04:30Bosch, where are the keys?
04:31Down on the table, just in the entry.
04:34Hurry back, will you?
04:35We'll have a little splash of the bubbly around the pool.
04:39Thank you.
05:09Oh, my God.
05:40Oh, my God.
06:01Listen, I'm kind of new here,
06:02so maybe I don't know all the customs.
06:04But that's a lousy way to drive a truck.
06:06That's true.
06:07But I was very anxious to speak with you, Miss Monroe.
06:11You know my name?
06:13Oh, I know a lot about you, Miss Monroe.
06:18Have we met?
06:20We've never met.
06:23But we have something in common.
06:26My name is Tom Granger.
06:29You killed my wife.
06:44Get out!
06:52Get out!
07:08Get out!
07:16Get her!
07:22You're coming with us, Miss Monroe.
07:28Who are you?
07:29What do you want?
07:31I told you, I'm Tom Granger.
07:33These are my children.
07:37And we want you, Miss Monroe.
07:40We want you.
08:07Get out!
08:37Get out!
09:07Get out!
09:38Get out!
09:39Get out!
09:40Get out!
09:41Get out!
09:42Get out!
09:43Get out!
09:44Get out!
09:45Get out!
09:46Get out!
09:47Get out!
09:48Get out!
09:49Get out!
09:50Get out!
09:51Get out!
09:52Get out!
09:53Get out!
09:54Get out!
09:55Get out!
09:56Get out!
09:57Get out!
09:58Get out!
09:59Get out!
10:00Get out!
10:01Get out!
10:02Get out!
10:03Get out!
10:04Get out!
10:05Get out!
10:06Get out!
10:07Get out!
10:08Get out!
10:09Get out!
10:10Get out!
10:11Get out!
10:12Get out!
10:13Get out!
10:14Get out!
10:15Get out!
10:16Get out!
10:17Get out!
10:18Get out!
10:19Get out!
10:20Get out!
10:21Get out!
10:22Get out!
10:23Get out!
10:24Get out!
10:25Get out!
10:26Get out!
10:27Get out!
10:28Get out!
10:29Get out!
10:30Get out!
10:31Get out!
10:32Get out!
10:33Get out!
10:34Get out!
10:41Is this the Townsend agency?
10:43Uh, well, yes, yes it is.
10:45I think we should talk.
10:47Well, fine.
10:48Why don't you come in, please?
10:53Miss Garrett?
10:54Miss Rogers?
10:55Yeah, that's right.
10:57I got your names from my friends at the police department.
11:00How can we, uh, help you, Miss, uh...
11:03Willard, Eleanor Willard.
11:04I was hoping that I could help you.
11:06Help us?
11:07In what way?
11:09You have a friend.
11:10Miss Monroe?
11:12Yeah, what about her?
11:13I believe she's in danger.
11:19Well, uh, won't you sit down, Miss Willard, and, uh, tell us what you mean?
11:23No, thank you.
11:24But I think we should take a drive to Miss Monroe's car.
11:27I can explain along the way.
11:29Well, could you be a little more specific?
11:31No, uh, not yet.
11:34Could we please go?
11:36I don't think we have much time.
12:02Miss Willard, you said you drove by here, you saw Chris's car,
12:06and you... you sensed something was wrong?
12:11But you never actually saw Chris?
12:13No, no.
12:14You never saw anyone else?
12:16Uh, no, but I'm certain someone has been here.
12:20Because, well, something angry and very violent happened.
12:26Well, I know you think that I'm acting rather strangely,
12:30but I don't mind.
12:31It happens all the time.
12:33But no matter what you think of me, don't let it spoil your judgment.
12:38Listen, I'm gonna check the car.
12:41Look, Miss Willard, uh, may we assume that in the past
12:46you have had similar interactions with other people?
12:51Well, all of my life, I'm a registered psychic.
12:55And these intuitions have been accurate?
12:58Well, I have worked with the Honolulu police occasionally.
13:01Oh, so that's how you traced
13:03Miss Monroe's driver's registration to our office.
13:07Yes, they told me you just arrived.
13:09I'm gonna help Kelly.
13:12Uh, there's something up here I'd like to show you.
13:15What is it?
13:18I believe that there was someone else here
13:22in another vehicle.
13:24You see, those tire tracks, they look fresh.
13:31It's a truck.
13:35I don't think it's a truck.
13:37I don't think it's a truck.
13:39I don't think it's a truck.
13:41I don't think it's a truck.
13:43I don't think it's a truck.
13:47As a matter of fact, the tread is wide and deep.
13:51Yes, it could be a truck.
13:53Boz, we could get the Honolulu police lab
13:56to do a plaster cast of the tracks.
13:58Yeah, might help.
14:01It's moving.
14:05The truck is moving now.
14:08Moving where?
14:10I don't know.
14:12But Miss Monroe is in the truck
14:14and she's in danger.
14:39Gonna get us something to eat?
14:41Yeah, well, I gotta use the ladies' room.
14:44Ted, you watch her good.
14:47And keep her quiet.
14:50Mr. Granger, you said I killed your wife.
14:53When was this? Where?
14:55You're saying you don't...
14:57you don't even remember.
14:59Look, I'm saying I don't understand any of this.
15:02Any of it.
15:03You gotta tell me what's going on.
15:05Well, you think back.
15:07You think back to three years ago in San Francisco.
15:11You think about that.
15:13Maybe it'll come to you.
15:20Three years ago in San Francisco, I was a police officer.
15:24Then maybe you do remember arresting my mother.
15:29I arrested a lot of people.
15:31Oh, I see.
15:33She was just another name and another face to forget.
15:38What did your mother look like?
15:40What was she arrested for? What was the charge?
15:43Well, the charge that you put on the arrest report
15:47was that she was a prostitute.
15:53That's what you said.
15:57What did the court say?
15:59The court?
16:01She never got to court.
16:05She killed herself in her cell that night.
16:09Killed herself?
16:11We didn't even find out what happened until last year,
16:14and then we started putting the pieces together
16:17and finding out what happened and your part in it,
16:22and then we came looking for you.
16:28This doesn't make any sense.
16:30First you tell me that I killed her,
16:32and then you tell me that she killed herself.
16:34Well, you might as well have killed her.
16:36You arrested her and you said those things about her.
16:39You gave her no choice.
16:42Just don't say any more until my father comes back.
16:45You just wait until my father gets back.
16:47Just be quiet.
17:06Right now we're dusting Chris's car for fingerprints, Charlie,
17:10and taking a plaster cast of the tire tracks.
17:13Did you check out this woman, Eleanor Willard?
17:16Yes, and she seems to be legit.
17:18The Honolulu police have consulted her on two occasions.
17:22Did she help them?
17:24Well, they said that there was no way
17:26to properly evaluate her contribution.
17:28And how do you evaluate her contribution, Bosley?
17:31I don't know, Charlie. I just don't know.
17:34But I'll stay in touch.
17:37What's our next move, Bos?
17:39Well, until the lab men come up with something,
17:42Miss Willard is our one link to Chris.
17:51Could you take me to Miss Monroe's home?
17:53Her home?
17:55I want to see where she lives.
17:57Well, at the moment all her luggage is back at the office.
18:00But I'd like to see some of her personal things.
18:08Now, let's get something very clear.
18:10I can't help you unless you trust me.
18:14All right, we'll take you there.
18:27What do you think you're doing?
18:29What do you think you're doing?
18:32She's gonna eat.
18:34No, she don't.
18:36Why waste food on a dead person?
18:39Dead person.
19:24How can I make you trust me?
19:26Miss Willard, try to understand.
19:28We appreciate everything you're doing.
19:30It's just that in our profession, we only know how to deal in facts.
19:35In your approach, it's very difficult for us.
19:39Well, Miss Garrett, it's very difficult for me, too.
19:43I like to keep very much to myself.
19:45I think the world is a very difficult and violent place.
19:48Well, then why are you doing this?
19:50Why are you helping us?
19:54If I can, I must.
19:58I'm sure you'd do the same thing if you were in my position.
20:14Miss Woollard.
20:18This is very important.
20:21Hansel and Gretel?
20:22This is very important to Miss Monroe.
20:25Is that true?
20:28Her mother gave it to her.
20:29She considers it a good luck charm.
20:32She takes it with her wherever she goes.
20:35What does that mean? How can that help?
20:39Well, I don't know.
20:42We'll see.
20:46But we can go now.
20:47Go where?
20:49Well, I'm not sure. We'll just drive.
21:26Miss Monroe?
21:30Three years ago in San Francisco, I worked vice for two weeks.
21:34Our team picked up several women in the Fillmore district,
21:37and I remember signing the arrest report then.
21:40Fillmore district. That's right.
21:42We got the information on that.
21:45But, Mr. Granger, look, I don't remember your wife.
21:47And you've got to understand,
21:48these women were booked under suspicion of prostitution.
21:51It was up to a court to decide.
21:53I knew it.
21:54You're running true to form, aren't you?
21:56You're putting the blame on somebody else.
21:59You, with your nice clothes.
22:01You're running true to form.
22:02Money in the bank.
22:04You don't care who you hurt.
22:06As long as you get what you want.
22:09You seem to know me very well.
22:11Yes, I do.
22:13I was coming looking for you.
22:18Stroke of luck.
22:20I found out that you were coming here.
22:24If this all happened three years ago,
22:26what took you so long to figure it out?
22:33That's no concern of mine.
22:42Wait a minute.
22:43A few minutes ago, you said I was a dead person.
22:45If you're going to kill me,
22:46you could at least fill in the details.
22:48I mean, if you live in Hawaii,
22:49why was your wife running around the streets in San Francisco?
22:52Look, I told you!
22:54It's none of your concern!
22:57It's none of your business!
22:59You stop talking!
23:24I'm sorry.
23:43Your friend is still moving in the truck.
23:48There seems to be a light ahead of her.
23:52A light?
23:53Yes, it's very large and very bright.
23:57The sun!
23:59That could be.
24:01All right, we'll head west.
24:23Stop the truck!
24:53Get out of there!
25:23Get out of there!
25:54She's over here!
26:08Hold it!
26:11You're going to die, Ms. Monroe.
26:13But I'll choose the time.
26:15Not you.
26:16Put her in the truck.
27:43Suddenly, Gretel stood up.
27:45Oh, Hansel, she said.
27:47It's getting so dark.
27:49I do not see our father and mother.
27:52Now we are really lost.
27:54Do not be afraid, Gretel.
27:56I scattered breadcrumbs along our path.
27:59Wait until the moon comes out,
28:01and I'll find my way home.
28:03Do not be afraid, Gretel.
28:05I scattered breadcrumbs along our path.
29:23I want to tell you something.
29:25I'm listening.
29:28My father is not a bad man.
29:33He sure does a good impersonation of one.
29:39He just hurts inside.
29:42He's been hurting for a long time.
29:45But you have to understand that he is not a bad man.
29:50When did your mother leave you?
29:54She did leave you, didn't she?
30:01Was your father mean to her?
30:05Did he chase her away?
30:07My father loved my mother.
30:11And he loved me.
30:14Did he chase her away?
30:16My father loved my mother.
30:22How often did he beat her, Ted?
30:26Only when she hurt him.
30:31He would hit all of us sometimes.
30:33That didn't mean that he didn't love us.
30:38He didn't want her to go. He loved her.
30:44Sometimes that isn't enough.
30:49When you were in San Francisco, why did you do that to my mother?
30:53Why did you say those things about her?
30:56Ted, listen to me.
30:58Whatever your mother was, whatever she became,
31:02didn't have anything to do with you or your father or your sister or me.
31:07People have to make their own choices.
31:11You have to make a choice.
31:15What do you mean?
31:17Your father said I was a dead person. Are you going to be part of that?
31:23I know he said that, but he didn't mean it.
31:29Probably he'll just think about it for a while, but he'll change his mind.
31:35He wouldn't do that.
31:41He's just confused.
31:45Like me.
31:47No, I don't think he's anything like you.
32:11I love you.
32:13Well, something's changed.
32:39What do you mean?
32:40I'm not sure.
32:41It's got something to do with this book and this picture, but we're getting closer.
32:51You mean this road is getting us closer?
32:54This is the only road in the area that heads west.
32:56Well, then what is it?
32:59What's changed?
33:00I think I see the breadcrumbs.
33:07I see a white line.
33:15What do you mean a white line?
33:16Well, I see a white line.
33:19What is the line?
33:20It's from Miss Monroe.
33:21What does it mean?
33:22It may mean her life.
33:23We're almost there.
33:39Now, where would that be, Mr. Grainger?
34:01End of the line, Miss Monroe.
34:02End of the line.
35:05Come on, get in here.
35:12Charlene, you and Ted start ordering the place now.
35:16Yeah, well, if there's going to be a discussion, I want to hear it.
35:20I got to have some private time with Miss Monroe.
35:23The chore's got to be done.
35:24Nothing will change that.
35:25Get at it.
35:26You heard me, boy?
35:27Now, what was you, what were you saying to my boy in the truck?
35:51Nothing you'd understand, Mr. Grainger.
35:56You were trying to turn my boy against me, weren't you?
36:02Well, you didn't figure I'd be throwing any roses your way, did you?
36:07Oh, boy.
36:09You're something.
36:11You are really something, Miss Monroe.
36:15First, you get my wife killed, and then you try to turn my son, my only son, against me.
36:24Stop it!
36:27I told your son, and I'll tell you, your wife died out of her choice, not mine.
36:34And if you're looking for somebody to blame, you can blame yourself.
36:37That woman, she ran out on me, on us.
36:39Yeah, well, most women who get beaten do.
36:42You better be quiet.
36:44I'm telling you, you better be quiet.
36:47Oh, you can shoot me with that gun, Mr. Grainger, but before you do, you're going to know that
36:51I think you are a self-pitying coward and a liar.
36:54Be quiet!
36:55I tell you, be quiet!
36:58You lie to yourself, you lie to your kids.
37:00Your kids live in terror of you.
37:02They live in terror of you, and your wife probably lived in terror of you, and I have
37:06lived in terror of you all day.
37:08And in short, Mr. Grainger, you can go straight to hell.
37:17You can go straight to hell.
37:47It's really odd, you know?
38:06What do you mean?
38:07I mean, a few days ago, I was alone, and then all of a sudden, we're here together, and
38:15now I'm, I'm being torn up inside about a girl I hardly even know.
38:20Well, you can get to like Chris very quickly.
38:24I remember I did.
38:27If anything happens to her...
38:30Look, nothing's happened.
38:33We've got to believe that, okay?
38:35Hey, thanks.
38:36For what?
38:37For caring.
38:39So have you.
38:45What's wrong?
38:52It just slowed down.
39:06What is it, Eleanor?
39:07Slow down, please.
39:13Eleanor, are you okay?
39:16Your... your friend has been here.
39:20How do you know?
39:22I just know.
39:25Well, when? How long ago?
39:29Just recently.
39:32And... and there was more violence.
39:35Are you saying she was hurt?
39:38I don't know.
39:42Kelly, boss, look!
40:00Looks like Chris's purse.
40:07Oh, no!
40:25Boss, what's that?
40:28It's the line.
40:30The white line I saw.
40:33What does it mean?
40:35It means we're getting closer. Just... just follow it.
40:37I... I... I was very good to my wife, Mary.
40:54I... well, even sometimes she'd get discouraged
40:59and she needed persuading.
41:05But, uh, I was fair. Fair.
41:13Sometimes Mary'd get mad and, uh, well, she'd run out on us.
41:25Me and the kids.
41:29But she'd always... she'd always come back.
41:37Except... except the last time, when you didn't give her a chance to.
41:47I'm sorry. I... I didn't know.
41:53No, no, no. Don't say you're sorry to me.
41:58Oh, no. You already told me what you think of me.
42:03You don't like me.
42:05But that...
42:06It doesn't matter. I mean, it doesn't change anything.
42:09You are still responsible.
42:27Hey, come back! Come back!
42:33Drop that thing and help me! Come on! Come on, you idiot!
42:39Get her!
42:50Get her!
42:51Find her!
42:53Get her!
42:55Get her!
42:57Get her!
42:59Get her!
43:02Get her!
43:33Now what? Straight or to the left?
43:37Where, Eleanor? Which direction?
43:39Well, I don't know, but... but she's close. She's very, very close.
43:44Bas, let's split up.
43:45You and Julie take the car straight, circle the area.
43:48Eleanor and I will go left and meet you coming round.
43:51All right, but be careful.
43:52All right.
44:02There. There she is.
44:33Jump on it!
44:40Come on in here!
44:42Come back!
45:03Hold it!
45:06I don't know who you are, but you've got about two seconds to drop that gun.
45:11And one of them's already gone.
45:25Turn around.
45:32Are you all right?
45:33Oh, Kelly.
45:36Oh, Kelly.
45:40I'm okay.
45:42The one in the truck, help me. Will you see if he's all right?
46:03Who are you?
46:05I'm a friend.
46:13I know.
46:32I know.
46:50Well, I can see that this is going to be a big problem.
46:52A problem? What do you mean?
46:54All this indecision.
46:56Should we spend the day at the beach or at the pool?
46:59That kind of problem I can live with.
47:02Well, hello.
47:05Eleanor, what a nice surprise.
47:07I hope you don't mind my dropping by like this.
47:10Mind? Are you kidding?
47:11You're our very first visitor, and I couldn't think of anyone more welcome.
47:15Neither could I.
47:16Well, I'm so grateful to all of you that I just wanted to stop by and tell you that.
47:20Grateful to us? I think you have that backwards.
47:23You saved my life.
47:24Well, in a way, all four of you saved my life, too.
47:27I don't think I follow you.
47:29But I've always kept pretty much to myself, and I've told myself that I like it that way.
47:34But the truth is that everybody needs friends and people they can be close to.
47:41Well, I hope you know you'll always be our friend.
47:44I think we should all drink to that.
47:46I think so.
47:49Oh, Eleanor, you know what?
47:51Oh, Eleanor, you know what?
47:53We do need a tour guide.
47:55Tour guide?
47:57You were looking at four very touristy types.
48:00And, uh, since you know the island, right?
48:03Yes, I do.
48:05And you are our guide.
48:07Oh, that's going to please me.
48:10The most important thing is, uh, where is the best place to shop?
48:15Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
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